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An intense Mortal Kombat duel turns into an extreme wager.
You Bet Your Ass

It's Your Ass: Don't bet something you aren't willing to give up.

The low spring sun streamed through the large arched window as Jenna flung herself across the plush sofa. The sunny beams warmed the red tints in her straight, honey-blonde locks cascading down her toned back. Her small, taut body sunk comfortably into the firm cushions, her pink lips pursed in anticipation at the prospect of the battle to ensue.

The TV flickered to life, and the Mortal Kombat 11 title screen appeared before them, illuminating Jenna's sharp, competitive gaze.

"Alright, you ready for yet another ass-whoopin'?" she taunted, clutching the PlayStation controller.

Matt walked in with two cold sodas and plopped down beside her. Even seated, his toned arms bulged under his white t-shirt, his lean body stretched out in a graceful sprawl.

He casually slung an arm across the back of the sofa, matching Jenna's satisfied grin.

"You're so confident," he drawled sarcastically. "But it's not over 'til the—"

"Fat lady sings?" Jenna inserted with an eye-roll. "Really, Matt, that's so original."

He grinned. "Hey, it works, doesn't it? I can't help it if your victories have become so predictable."

They shook hands, a playful promise sparking between them. The loser had to give the winner a massage, and Jenna couldn't deny the pleasant tension building in her core – she relished the chance to wipe that smug expression off Matt's face.

She quickly kicked his ass in the first match, surprising no one more than Matt.

Jenna's blue eyes gleamed with victory as they clashed again, but shock lit through her as Matt got the better of her in their second match, and her expression shifted into a fierce determination.

As they hit their eighth match, Jenna had seven victories to Matt's one, and an air of gloating filled the room.

Frustrated with his consistently narrow losses, Matt decided to up the stakes and let his competitive nature take over.

"Let's make this a little more interesting. First to eight matches wins. But let's raise the stakes, shall we?" Matt said, crushing his soda can.

"You've lost seven already. What makes you think you have any shot?" Jenna asked him incredulously.

Matt smiled. "Then you should be fine with it since you're sure to win."

"It's your funeral." Jenna snickered.

"If I come back and win, I get to fuck you in the ass." Matt had a broad, devil's grin spread across his face.

Jenna was taken aback when her best friend made a shocking proposal. "What?" she exclaimed incredulously, shooting him a disbelieving glare. "You can't be serious. Why would I ever agree to that? And what would I even get out of it?" Jenna rolled her eyes in frustration.

Matt debated if his cheekiness had gone too far. "What's the problem? Unless you're afraid I'll beat you," he challenged Jenna, knowing it would instigate her competitive nature.

He knew her well, having grown up alongside her as best friends. They'd shared everything, from the jungle gym to embarrassing secrets to their love lives - except, that is, for the fact that Matt had fantasized about this exact thing many times over the years.

"Quite a bold request, considering how far behind you are," Jenna replied with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk. "But if that's what you want, then fine. Just know that my virgin butt is safe and sound." She laughed and added, "Trust me, you won't be getting your hands on my ass anytime soon."

Matt's grin grew wider, his eyes gleaming with excitement and mischief. Jenna couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation and anxiety in her chest. The thought of Matt taking her in such a taboo way was both thrilling and terrifying.

Despite spending so much time with him, this could completely change their dynamic. Her heart raced as she considered the consequences of such a wager. She knew Matt would never force her into anything she didn't want, but the prospect of surrendering herself to him in such a profoundly personal way was daunting.

Matt leaned towards Jenna and looked into her eyes. He sensed Jenna was hesitant about something, so he broke the ice. "I know you're probably wondering why I went the way I did. Well, I have to confess that I've had a thing for your booty for a while," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Besides, what's a little butt sex between friends?" He intentionally wanted to make her feel uneasy and throw her off balance so he could have a chance.

Jenna's eyes blazed with a newfound fire, "You don't stand a chance, so I'm not worried. And since you decided to take it that far, knowing I have a boyfriend, if, no, when I win, you are my bitch for a week. You have to wait on me hand and foot and be at my beck and call." She continued, savoring the thought of having Matt under her control for seven days.

Matt raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her proposition. "I see. You drive a hard bargain, but I think I can handle that," he replied with a wicked grin. Jenna couldn't help but feel the excitement in her chest as she imagined Matt at her every command, catering to her every whim.

She knew it was just a game to pass the time, but there was no denying the allure of such an arrangement. It added to her competitive fire and her desire to win every time. Now, she had a reason that she had to win. She had agreed to it, but she couldn't imagine having to pay up. Her boyfriend had tried to get her to let him stick it in her butt before, and she was adamantly against it, telling him there was no way. She couldn't imagine allowing Matt to do the same, even if it was a playful bet between friends.

Jenna felt a shiver of excitement and nervousness ripple through her body as she imagined the potential consequences of their wager. The thought of Matt being completely submissive, to have him obey her every command, made her heart race and her palms grow sweaty.

If there was one thing Jenna enjoyed almost as much as gaming, it was winning. "Let's get to it then. I just need one more win, and I have a slave for a week," Jenna chuckled.

"You have no idea how much I'm gonna enjoy that big booty of yours, Jen. Seven in a row, here I come." Matt picked up the controller and was ready for the next match. He knew he had to win seven in a row without losing one himself. It was a nearly impossible task, but the reward would be wonderful.

Jenna took a deep breath, preparing for the next round and what it could mean for her and Matt. Their relationship had long been filled with competition and camaraderie, but they added a new layer this time.

Matt's fingers deftly moved over the controller as they started the game, his eyes dancing between the screen and Jenna's face. It was a sight to behold how she chewed her bottom lip in concentration, her long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders.

That petite, toned figure was the embodiment of strength and beauty. The fierce determination that shone in her blue eyes was enough to make him falter. Only one win for her meant losing a chance to claim a prize he'd lusted after for years. It was his only chance, and he wouldn't let it slip through his fingers.

Jenna had always been more competitive, even as a child. They pushed each other in games and life, and the very essence of their friendship was one long series of friendly challenges.

They'd been like this for as long as they can remember, ever since they became best friends in grade school when Matt moved into the neighborhood. Their shared love for video games, especially competitive ones, had kickstarted their journey from kids to adults. And somehow, they had never considered anything more than friendship in that journey. If Matt won, that would all change.

Winning would allow him to push the boundaries of their friendship and indulge in his long-hidden fantasies.

Jenna's heart hammered as she glanced at Matt, their typical easy banter setting her on edge. She knew they were just playing a game, but the wager felt like something more. It was almost like an electric current pulsing through the room, crackling with tension.

Jenna took a deep breath and forced herself to focus on the game.

She didn't want Matt to know how much his proposition had thrown her. Mortal Kombat was a fighting game in which strategy, skill, and execution were crucial.

She danced around Matt's moves, patiently waiting for the moment to launch a brutal combo that left him stunned and open for a finishing blow. Jenna smirked but was hit with Scorpion's signature spear attack, sending her character into a fiery abyss with a satisfying scream.

"One down, six to go," Matt taunted.

Jenna scowled, trying to hide her frustration. She had been so close to winning, yet Matt had managed to snatch victory from her grasp at the last possible second.

"Fine, you got your little victory," she said, sounding nonchalant. "But I won't let you win again."

Matt just chuckled and shook his head. "We'll see about that. You may have won seven, but I've got six in a row locked down."

The excitement in his voice startled Jenna, and she refocused her attention on the game. She gritted her teeth and decided to pull out all the stops, launching into a fierce and unpredictable chain of combos. The room was filled with the chaotic noises of punches, kicks, and yells as both players immersed themselves in the game.

Jenna's heart pounded. Sweat beaded on her brow as she squeezed the controller, eyes darting between Matt and the screen.

Their characters' tense standoffs were punctuated by brutal combo attacks and special moves. The familiar thrill of battle coursed through Jenna's veins, but the stakes had never been so high.

Matt squared his shoulders, buckling down for the challenge. Every previous loss only fueled his drive to win, his competitiveness taking over. As he strategized, he thought about the prize that lay within reach.

Jenna gritted her teeth and focused on the game. She couldn't let Matt win again. She was too close to victory and could not back down now. With renewed determination, Jenna launched into her next match. Her fingers danced across the controller, executing complicated sequences of button presses and directional inputs. Each move was precise and deadly, fueled by her competitive spirit and desire to claim victory.

But Matt was no slouch. Despite his earlier losses, he had regained his momentum. His fingers moved in a blur as he executed devastating combinations that sent Jenna's character flying across the screen.

It was frustrating and annoying how easily he seemed to counter her moves.

Their characters danced across the screen, a deadly dance between two skilled opponents. Sweat beaded on Jenna's brow as she strained to keep up with Matt's relentless assault.

Her fingers danced across the controller, every movement filled with tense urgency. The thrill of combat surged through her veins as she focused on the screen, her consciousness consumed by the life-like depiction of two warriors locked in a deadly struggle for dominance.

The living room transformed into a vibrant battlefield, illuminated by the warm glow of the television and punctuated by the frenetic sounds of punches, kicks, and screams.

The energy pulsing through the room made the air crackle with electricity and anticipation. Jenna and Matt pushed beyond their limits with each exchange, striving to outmaneuver one another. At that moment, nothing mattered but this intense bout – not the weight of the consequences or the possibility of losing. The problem was that Jenna couldn't push back the thoughts of what losing would mean for her.

Jenna was sweating now, and Matt managed to run off three more in a row and close the gap. She was still ahead seven to five, but that was too close for comfort. She started getting a little nervous. She couldn't let him win. Her mind raced with furious thoughts. Why had she agreed to his stupid proposal anyway? No, she wasn't going to lose. Her virgin ass was going to stay that way.

"Would you look at that? Still cocky?" Matt laughed at his pun. "What a sweet, sweet ass."

"Shut up. You got lucky. I still only need one more. You are going down," Jenna said in a deep and gritty voice. She tightened her grip on the controller and readied herself for the next match.

Matt just smirked and leaned back, crossing his arms. "Bring it on, princess. I like it when you're riled up."

Jenna couldn't help but feel angry and humiliated at his words. Damn it, she thought. He was getting in her head. She needed to focus; this match was crucial. If she could win one more match, she would claim this victory - and her dignity would remain intact.

She clenched her jaw and tapped the final button: fight!

Their characters leaped into action, and Matt struck with the deadliest moves he could muster. Jenna's fingers moved as swiftly as possible to counter, but panic set in. The screen blurred before her as Matt's character lunged forward, their fists flying. Exchanges of blows echoed around the room, the atmosphere thickening under desperation.

As the battle raged on, Jenna continued to struggle against Matt's seemingly unbreakable offense until, at last, she succumbed. Matt had finally tied it, winning two more matches, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jenna's shoulders slumped forward, losing her patience. She had just been up seven to one, and now it was tied. She wished she'd never agreed to such a bet. She never thought he'd get this close. Now, it was sudden death.

Jenna could feel the sweat trickling down her forehead and back. Her heart was hammering erratically. That last match had been humiliating: She had been cornered into a wall and pummeled mercilessly by Matt. The controller felt slippery in her grasp, and she knew it was a sign of her nervousness getting the better of her.

But she couldn't back down now. She just had to win one more game. She was determined, focusing on every move, executing them precisely as she pressed the buttons and manipulated the joystick with expertise.

Jenna fought valiantly, her eyes locked onto the screen, her breath shallow and quick. Meanwhile, the energy in the room grew frenetic and charged. The air buzzed as if anticipating a powerful explosion.

Matt returned her competitive spirit in force, and his character quickly closed in on Jenna's. His hazel-green eyes darted between Jenna and the screen as his confident grin deepened. His fingers dexterously moved across the controller, each one a precise and lethal input; he advanced on Jenna's weakened defenses.

The sun-filled room seemed to dim and grow distant the longer the match stretched.

Jenna sensed her energy waning, but she refused to concede. She blocked and parried, deflecting Matt's relentless attacks, but it was increasingly challenging to dodge his carefully laid traps. Their combos clashed in explosive bursts of color and sound effects, heightening their tension. Sweat dripped from Jenna's brow as she persevered, her heart thumping heavily against her chest.

Jenna had never been one to back down from a challenge. She didn't want to have to try and talk her way out of their bet. It was all fun and games until someone ended up with a dick in the ass. She had never considered having anal sex before, and frankly, it scared her a little.

The prize that awaited her upon her victory seemed more elusive with every passing moment. Time seemed to tick by slower and slower, each second stretching into a lifetime before them–an eternity of mental chess between two young rivals locked in a test of skill and strategy.

Matt was relentless, and Jenna was too rattled to maintain her composure. Her hands trembled beneath the controller, and each pulse of anticipation coursing through her veins created an audible thrum in her ears.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck," Jenna spat, perspiration forming along her brow and trickling down the sides of her face. Her chest rose and fell in a ragged rhythm, yet beneath the anxiety, a bubbling flame of anger began to burn deep within her core.

Matt threw his head back and let out a loud whoop of triumph, punching the air with his fists. "Holy shit! I can't believe I actually did it!" He exulted. Matt's eyes gleamed in triumph. He had waited for this moment for a long time. He had fantasized about her in ways that no friend should. And now he could claim what he thought he could only ever dream about.

Jenna stared at the screen in shock, unable to believe she had lost. She couldn't deny the surge of disappointment that washed over her, but she couldn't help but feel her stomach knot up as she considered the consequences of her loss. Matt had won, fair and square. It was time for her to pay up.

Jenna drew a long, stabilizing breath and met Matt's eye. Somehow, his trademark humor seemed to fade as they both braced for the inevitable shift in their relationship. Something primal fluttered within Jenna, a mix of fear and excitement that she couldn't quite place. They had been carefree best friends only minutes ago, casually competing against one another. Now, the stakes were higher than ever. She glanced away before Matt could detect the mixed emotions within her.

"Alright, fine. I lost." She sighed, attempting to downplay her discomfort while still hiding her trembling hands from view. Jenna hesitated, trying to find a way out of the tight spot she'd found herself in without making things awkward between them. "I, uh, never really thought you'd win, to be honest. I guess I'll just have to hold up my end of the bargain." She chuckled, hoping Matt wouldn't sense her genuine emotions.

Matt was ecstatic, and his victory gave him newfound confidence.

Jenna, on the other hand, felt her stomach twist in knots as the implications of her loss settled in.

"Alright, Jenna, time to pay up," Matt said with a wink, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, do you wanna do it now, or would you rather set a date for the invasion of Jenna's butt?" Matt's grin widened maliciously.

Jenna squirmed but managed a half-hearted glare. "Just because you won this stupid bet doesn't mean anything. You act like it will just be some walk in the park. I explicitly denied Jack twice," she replied, referencing her boyfriend.

Matt rolled his eyes at yet another mention of Jack. "Oh, and are you two so close, but were you so willing to make this bet with me?" Matt chuckled, rising from the couch, his athletic frame stretching lazily. "Anyway, I know you're not really into it, and that's fine, but I'm still looking forward to claiming my prize." Matt nudged Jenna playfully, reminding her of her commitment.

Jenna fought the urge to roll her eyes again but couldn't help glaring at him just a little. "You know exactly how I feel about that. I've never even considered trying anal with anyone because it just doesn't appeal to me," she admitted. "But, I'm the dumbass who agreed to the stupid fucking bet."

Matt raised an eyebrow, his expression playful but firm. "I mean, a bet is a bet, right?"

Jenna sighed, exasperated but resolute in her decision to uphold the agreement. She knew she couldn't back down now. It was a bet; she had always been a woman of her word. She couldn't fathom being labeled a sore loser or someone who reneged on their promises. Her competitive streak and determination to uphold her end of the wager had brought her to this point, and there was no turning back now.

"Fine," Jenna said softly, reluctance evident in her voice. "But just this once, no one else can ever know about it. If you tell anyone, I'll say you're lying." Her voice was barely audible, but her words cut through the air like a blade. Even in her moment of defeat, she clung to her stubborn pride and sense of dignity. Matt simply nodded, understanding that Jenna wanted to keep their agreement discreet to avoid potential embarrassment and complicated questions.

Jenna forced a smile as she stood up, her legs trembling slightly. "But just to be clear, we're only doing this because I lost the bet."

"Wait, so we're doing this now?" Matt's eyes narrowed with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "I mean, I wasn't expecting it right away."

Jenna hesitated, feeling her cheeks burn. "Fucking hell, I want it to be over with. I don't need this hanging over my head for any amount of time. So are you going to collect it or not?" Jenna's voice was edged with a mix of determination and apprehension.

Matt took a step back, digesting her words. He couldn't believe he had won the bet or that this moment was finally at hand. The thrill of victory coursed through his veins, muddying his thoughts with the sudden desire to claim his prize. "You know what, no. I can't do this. It's just a stupid bet. Forget it." He threw himself back down on the couch.

Jenna looked at her best friend with relief in her eyes. She contemplated his hesitation and gritted her teeth. There was obviously a reason he had proposed something so intimate, and she refused to go back on her word. The winner had to be paid, and she was determined to see it through, no matter how uncomfortable she felt.

Jenna hesitated for a moment before turning to leave the room. She couldn't believe what she was about to do, but she had given her word. She knew that Matt wouldn't let her forget it. "Come on, let's get it over with already."

Jenna's tone was businesslike as she grabbed Matt's forearm and pulled him to his feet. Matt hesitated for a split second, surprise flickering in his hazel-green eyes. But he quickly regained his composure, following Jenna out of the sunlit living room and down the hallway to her bedroom.

The hallway was dimly lit with warm recessed lighting and barely-there hues of orange and yellow cast by a vintage stained-glass window at its end.

The atmosphere shifted to a more intimate and suspenseful one, and the scent of vanilla diffused from a reed diffuser, only adding to the tension that rose as they walked side by side.

Jenna's heart thundered in her chest. She led the way to her bedroom, her thoughts swirling like a hurricane through her mind. She couldn't believe she was doing this - having her best friend claim his prize just because she lost a video game bet.

Matt followed her silently into her bedroom, where she wasted no time. She undid her jeans, shoved her pants and panties down around her ankles, and bent over her bed, setting her hands down for support.

The sunlight from the open window cast a honeyed glow on her body, further highlighting her delicate curves and smooth skin.

Matt swallowed hard, his heart thumping in his chest. He watched the scene unfolding before him, feeling uncharacteristically nervous but excited. Jenna's buttocks were excellently presented, round and firm, with a slight hint of pinkness.

"Just get it over with," she repeated, trying to calm her racing mind. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she closed her eyes and tried to breathe.

She focused on the sound of Matt's breath, trying to steady her own. She could hear him moving around, sensed that he was behind her, and silently begged him to get it over with.

But Matt wasn't one to rush things. He could sense Jenna's anxiety, and while a part of him felt guilty for putting his best friend in this situation, he couldn't deny the feeling of excitement coursing through his veins. He hesitated momentarily, taking in the round swell of her cheeks, before slowly reaching out and resting his hand on one of them.

Jenna couldn't help but flinch at his touch, still nervous about the situation. However, she fought the urge to pull away, knowing full well that she had agreed to this. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in her throat and steady her breathing.

Matt gently massaged Jenna's butt cheek with his hand, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath his touch. He could sense her apprehension, but he wanted to make sure that this experience would be as comfortable and pleasurable as possible for her. He knew he had to proceed with caution and respect.

"Are you going to leave your shirt on?" Matt asked.

Jenna paused, considering it before speaking, "You don't need to see my tits to fuck my ass." Her voice was low and tense, and her words clipped as she struggled to control her emotions.

His hand trailed down between her legs, his fingers grazing the sensitive skin just above her thighs.

Jenna sucked in a breath, her heart hammering against her ribcage. She tried to remind herself that this was just part of their friendly wager, but as Matt gently teased the soft skin around her entrance, she couldn't help the flood of sensations that consumed her.

"Stop touching my pussy," Jenna demanded, "You get my ass, nothing more." She still couldn't bring herself to accept what was happening.

She couldn't believe she had lost the bet. Losing was part of any competition, but what she was about to do seemed too extreme, too personal.

But then again, Jenna thought to herself, this is what I agreed to–a price to pay for having the guts to bet my ass in a freaking video game match! She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Wasn't this just another experience in life that she should embrace?

Jenna took a deep breath and willed herself to relax. She wanted this encounter to be over with as soon as possible so she could move on from the discomfort of this whole ordeal.

Matt reluctantly withdrew his hand and took a step back. "Fine," he said curtly, trying to hide his disappointment. He wasn't used to being denied anything, especially regarding women, but Jenna was an exception. She was more than just a conquest or a prize to be won, but he'd wanted her this way for a long time, and now he was getting it.

Matt's fingers moved back up onto her ass, parting the cheeks with gentle pressure. Jennifer closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, bracing herself for the intrusion. She heard Matt fumbling with his pants and then heard him step closer.

"No fucking way in hell you plan on going in dry. Fuck that," Jennifer growled. She could feel her heart racing and her palms growing slick with sweat.

Matt sighed, but he knew she was right. It wasn't worth causing any further discomfort or awkwardness between them. He stepped around her and asked, "Then could you suck on it? Just for a second to get it wet enough?" He was hoping that Jennifer would agree.

Jennifer shook her head. "Goddamnit, no! I'm not giving you a blowjob. You're not going to embarrass me by making me go get lube or something, either. Just spit on it and get on with it." Jennifer's voice was clipped, her irritation growing with each passing moment. She didn't want to prolong this any more than necessary. It was uncomfortable enough as it was, and the thought of Matt's dick entering her ass made her stomach churn.

She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms as she heard the sound of spitting. She could feel Matt's hand returning to her ass, a warm, wet sensation spreading over her entrance.

"Relax," Matt said softly, his voice soothing. He knew how nervous Jennifer was, but he was determined to make this enjoyable for her. No matter how exhilarating it was for him, he didn't want their friendship tainted by this moment.

With a gentle touch, Matt's index finger slowly probed Jennifer's entrance, feeling the tightness of her muscles. He knew this was going to take some time. Jennifer took a deep breath and did her best to relax, trying to quell the flood of anxiety and uncertainty that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Just be gentle," Jennifer whispered softly, her voice shaking. She couldn't help but feel vulnerable in this position, bent over with her ass exposed for Matt's taking. The whole situation was surreal, and she felt utterly detached from the events unfolding around her.

It was a stupid bet, but the consequences felt much more significant. Jennifer's mind raced, trying to devise any excuse to back out of the bet, but nothing seemed adequate. She had made a promise and would keep it because she valued her integrity.

Matt could sense Jennifer's unease, and he tried to ease her concerns by being gentle and taking things slowly. He had never seen Jennifer in such a vulnerable state before, and he couldn't deny the strange mixture of emotions that flooded through him as he prepared to claim his prize.

Jennifer tensed as she felt the tip of Matt's finger slip inside of her. The sensation was unfamiliar and uncomfortable, but she didn't want to back down. She knew she had made a promise and refused to be labeled a liar or a quitter.

Matt slowly pushed his finger deeper into Jennifer's ass, feeling the muscles contract around his finger. He could feel the heat from her body and sense her heart pounding.

"Please, Matt, just get it over with," Jennifer pleaded.

She couldn't bear the invasion of his finger any longer. It felt alien and intrusive, even if it was a necessary step to prep her for something much more significant.

Matt hesitated momentarily, his hazel eyes meeting Jennifer's blue ones. He saw the apprehension in her gaze and determination not to back down from their bet. With a nod, he removed his finger and positioned himself behind her.

Jennifer took a deep breath and braced herself as she felt the head of Matt's cock nudge at her opening.

She tensed, every muscle in her body coiled tight with nervous energy. She had never done anything like this before, and the feeling of absolute vulnerability was almost overwhelming.

Matt gently touched Jennifer's lower back, feeling the tremble that ran through her body. "Relax," he whispered again, his voice soothing. He didn't want to rush her, didn't want to push her too hard, or make her uncomfortable. This was about more than just an erotic conquest; it was about keeping one of their oldest friendships intact.

Matt moved his hips slowly, carefully pressing himself inside of Jennifer, trying to minimize the pain as he sank deeper into her untouched depths. Jennifer let out a whimper as she felt herself stretch around him, adjusting to his size. The pressure was new and foreign to her, causing her to tense up uncontrollably, but Matt continued at his gentle pace.

"Okay?" he asked once he was fully seated within her body.

Jennifer nodded stiffly in response, taking a moment to catch her breath. The sensation of Matt inside of her was unlike anything she had ever felt before. "It hurts." Jennifer barely managed to croak out as Matt slowly started to pull out, only to ease back in just as gradually.

He knew she needed time to adjust, and he had every intention of giving it to her, even if it killed him.

Her heart pounded in her ears as she tried to wrangle her rioting emotions. The initial shock and discomfort slowly increased. Her ass was burning, being stretched, nothing she had ever felt before.

Matt was all the way inside of her, not moving, "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered, trying to gauge her reaction.

"No, just give me a sec," Jennifer's voice came out hoarse and strained. She willed her body to relax, imagining Matt as her video game opponent to try and distract herself from the burning sensation that surrounded his cock.

Matt tried his best to stay still, although he felt Jennifer's body slightly tightening around him every time she breathed in. He glanced down at their intertwined bodies and groaned at the sight of his thick shaft invading Jennifer's small frame. Goddamn, she was tight.

He set his hand on her lower back before speaking again, "Try playing with your pussy." He felt her tense up again, "It'll help your muscles relax. Just try it."

Jennifer hesitated, but the idea was better than nothing, and she needed to find a way to get the pain to stop. She slowly reached down and began to rub her clit as Matt started to ease himself in and out of her ass in a slow, steady rhythm. The pain had subsided, replaced by a strange kind of pleasure, one that Jennifer had never experienced before. She let out a low moan, her hips moving instinctively with Matt's thrusts.

Her fingers were slick with wetness, and she found herself rocking back and forth, meeting each of Matt's thrusts with equal measure. The tension that had once filled her body was slowly dissipating, entirely replaced by a different kind of tension.

Matt's hand still rested on Jennifer's lower back, and he felt the shift in her movements as she began to move more freely. His hips moved faster now, the pace of their encounter escalating as the tension built between them. He could feel himself getting closer, knowing it wouldn't be long before he reached his peak.

His cock was throbbing, the veins pronounced as they pushed against Jennifer's tight ass. He reached down and grasped her hips, his fingers digging into her soft skin as he pumped his hips faster.

Jennifer's breath hitched as she felt Matt's grip tighten around her hips. She could feel him getting close and knew the end was near. She hadn't expected to enjoy this as much as she did, but the feeling of Matt's cock inside of her was indescribable.

She had never felt so full before, so wholly possessed.

Matt's hips slammed into hers, the sound of skin on skin filling the room. Jennifer's fingers moved faster over her clit, the pressure building deep within her belly.

"Goddammit, Jennifer, you feel incredible," Matt groaned, his voice strained with pleasure. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge with each thrust.

Jennifer's breath hitched as she felt herself teetering on the brink of release. She was so close, so unbelievably close.

"Wait, stop, don't cum in my ass, please," Jennifer begged.

Matt's grip tightened around her hips as he felt himself close to the brink. "Oh God, Jen, I'm almost there," he replied through gritted teeth. "Where do you want me to cum then?" His body tightened up.

"I don't know," her breath was ragged and heavy. "Just not in my ass."

Matt groaned, trying to hold back his release as he slowed his thrusts. "Okay, okay. I'll cum on your face then."

"Wait, no! Not on my face," Jennifer groaned, "Fine, fine. Just do it."

"Do it where?"

"You know where," Jennifer's frustration was palpable.

Matt smacked her round ass, "I want you to say it."

Jennifer was still panting, so close to her orgasm. "My ass, just fucking cum in my ass, you jackass." She felt shame wash over her as she uttered those words, but it was too late to take them back.

Matt didn't hesitate. He immediately went back to pumping into her tight ass, digging his nails into her round butt as his hips smacked into hers.

"Goddammit, Jennifer, your ass is amazing. I knew it would feel good but holy fuck," Matt grunted, sweat dripping down his forehead as he relentlessly drove into her.

Jennifer cried out, the feeling of fullness intense and overwhelming as Matt pushed deeper into her. But there was something else there, too, something that made her stomach flutter and her pussy clench in response to each thrust. It was a strange, new pleasure that she couldn't quite grasp. Even though her fingers were helping, strumming her clit again.

Matt's thrusts sent waves of pleasure and discomfort through her body, each one more intense than the last.

The pain was still there. But it was no longer the sharp, biting sensation that made her clench up initially. It was a dull ache that had settled deep within her, like the afterglow of a well-fought battle. It was strange but somehow not unpleasant.

"Fuck, Jen. You really are tight," Matt growled, his voice thick with lust and something else Jennifer couldn't quite identify.

She let out a gasp as he shifted his angle, hitting her g-spot with each brutal thrust of his hips. "Oh, fuck."

Jennifer's body tensed up, every muscle coiling tight as a wave of pleasure washed over her. Her ass clenched around Matt's cock, pulsing in time with her racing heart. She was so close, so incredibly close. She could feel the pressure building deep within her belly, the tension twisting and turning inside of her until she was on the brink of release.

"Cum for me, Jen. I want to feel your sexy ass milking me," Matt demanded, his voice hoarse with pleasure.

Jennifer couldn't hold back any longer. With a loud cry, she let go, her entire body shaking as she reached the peak of her pleasure. The waves of orgasm washed over her, leaving her feeling weak and boneless.

Matt's thrusts quickened as he felt Jennifer tighten around him, the friction of their movements pushing him closer and closer to the edge. He could feel her pleasure building, the quivering of her ass, and the breathy gasps as her orgasm rolled through her.

With one more hard thrust, he emptied himself deep inside Jennifer's ass, filling her up with his hot, sticky release. Jennifer whimpered as she felt him cum inside of her, the feeling both foreign and intense. She had never felt so wholly filled before, so deliciously dirty.

Matt slipped out of Jennifer, a mixture of sweat and cum dripping down her thighs. She collapsed on the bed, too exhausted to move.

Matt looked down at her, his expression mixed with disbelief and satisfaction. "Damn, Jennifer," he said softly, wiping his forehead with the back of his arm. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had never felt such a connection with anyone during sex before, not even with his previous lovers.

Jennifer didn't reply. Her mind was racing, trying to process what had just happened. She had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed, and so incredibly turned on in her entire life.

She could feel Matt's gaze on her, and she couldn't help but squirm under his intense scrutiny. She was acutely aware of the wetness between her legs, the ache in her ass, and the throbbing in her pussy. She had never been so aware of her own sexuality before, and it made her feel both empowered and scared at the same time.

"That fucking hurt," Jennifer whimpered.

Matt crouched down beside her, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you."

Jennifer waved him off. "I'm fine," she said, her voice tight with pain and embarrassment. "It's just my ass feels like it's on fire."

Matt winced in sympathy. "Yeah, I bet it does. I'm sorry. I never meant for it to hurt like that." Matt's voice was remorseful, and Jennifer couldn't help but sympathize with him. She knew he hadn't meant to hurt her, but the pain was still lingering, a constant reminder of their intimate encounter.

"It's fine," Jennifer said softly, her voice tinged with exhaustion. She sat on the bed slowly, wincing as her body protested the movement. "It feels weird." Her voice was still strained, but she couldn't deny the strange sense of satisfaction she felt knowing that she had gone through with it. She turned to look at Matt, who was still standing beside her bed, looking just as shell-shocked as she felt.

Matt raised an eyebrow. "What feels weird?" he asked.

Jennifer's voice was soft and hesitant, "The cum in my ass. It feels weird," she took a deep breath and groaned, "Fuck, it still hurts."

"Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?" Matt joked.

"Yeah, sure thing, Superman. I'm sure your lips are just what the doctor ordered," she couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to lighten the mood.

Matt grinned and moved in, walking towards Jennifer. "Okay, bend over."

"No, no, that's okay," Jennifer protested.

"Nope, get over here," Matt playfully smacked the side of Jennifer's round butt.

"Noooo... stop!" She leaned over the bed and grabbed her panties.

Matt quickly snatched her underwear from her hand before she realized what was happening. "Hey, give those back."

Jennifer reached out on her knees for her panties, and Matt took advantage, tossing them aside, grabbing her by her waist, and pinning her face down on her bed.

"Matt, what are you doing?" Jennifer asked.

"I told you, I'm going to kiss it and make it better."

Jennifer shook her head, "You wish." Despite the pain, she couldn't deny the warmth spreading through her body.

Matt pulled Jennifer's full ass cheeks apart with his hands, exposing the tiny asshole that he had just violated. It was little red and swollen, with a tiny droplet of cum running from it.

Matt couldn't resist the temptation, and he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly against Jennifer's asshole. She gasped in surprise and shock, struggling to free herself from his grip, but Matt was too strong.

"Matt, what the fuck are you doing?" Jennifer hissed, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never experienced anything like this before. It was both shocking and thrilling all at once. Her body tensed up as she felt Matt's soft tongue exploring every inch of her asshole, kissing and licking it as if it were a pussy.

The sensation was strange and alarming, but Jennifer responded to it.

"Goddamn, Matt," she whimpered, her body trembling with each flick of his tongue. "What the hell are you doing? That feels really good."

Matt didn't reply with words. Instead, he slipped one finger inside her ass, still coated with his cum. Jennifer's hips jerked involuntarily at the unexpected intrusion, but Matt held her down firmly, continuing to lick and kiss her asshole with abandon.

She could feel his tongue working its way inside of her, teasing and exploring her in a way that she had never experienced before. It was strange and a little uncomfortable, but there was no denying the wetness that was building between her legs once again.

Jennifer's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions - shock, discomfort, and a growing sense of arousal that she couldn't ignore.

Matt's finger moved in and out of her with ease, the initial pain replaced by a new kind of pleasure. He continued to lick and kiss her asshole, his talented tongue sending waves of heat coursing through her body.

Jennifer's breathing grew ragged as Matt inserted another finger, stretching her open wider. She reached down between her legs and pushed her finger into her dripping wet pussy, letting out a low moan as she felt Matt's tongue on her asshole and the sensation of her own fingers inside herself.

"You're so tight and wet," Matt groaned as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of Jennifer's ass. "Do you like it when I lick your ass like this? When I finger your tight little hole while you finger yourself?"

Jennifer couldn't form words. All she could do was moan and nod her head, biting her lower lip as she lost herself in the pleasure coursing through her body.

Matt could feel Jennifer's fingers against his through the thin membrane that separated her pussy and her ass. Her slick asshole swallowed up both his fingers as she pumped her pussy with her own fingers.

The slick, wet noises of their combined efforts filled the room, punctuated by Jennifer's soft moans and Matt's low groans.

Jennifer's voice was a husky whisper. "I want it again," she confessed, her fingers plunging in and out of her pussy in time with Matt's fingers in her ass.

"You want what again?" Matt said, his voice full of wonder and lust.

"Matt," Jennifer groaned. "Please, I need you inside me. I want to feel your cock stretching my ass again."

"I thought you didn't like it," Matt pulled his fingers out of her ass, and a thick river of cum poured out.

"Just do it. Please, fuck my ass! Take my dirty little cum filled asshole again!" Jennifer demanded, her voice full of need and desperation.

Matt didn't need any more convincing. He brought the head of his cock to Jennifer's swollen asshole, rubbing it around her rim, making her squirm with pleasure.

"Oh God, yes," Jennifer whimpered, pushing back against him. "Fuck my ass with your hard cock."

Matt let out a low growl as he pushed himself inside of Jennifer again, inch by excruciating inch.

Jennifer's entire body tensed up as she felt herself being stretched open once more, but she didn't protest. Instead, she pushed back against him, taking him deeper and deeper until he was buried to the hilt.

"Fuck, Jen," Matt groaned, gripping her ass cheeks tightly as he began to thrust in and out of her ass with slow, deliberate movements. "You feel so fucking tight and warm."

Jennifer could only whimper in response, her fingers digging into her pussy as she tried to adjust to the sensation of fullness that threatened to overwhelm her. "Fuck, it feels so much better with lube."

Matt squeezed her round ass, "Good thing I didn't cum on your face, huh?"

Jennifer snorted, "Yeah, thanks for that." She could feel herself getting used to the feeling of him inside her. It was no longer uncomfortable. "I love how your cum feels in my ass. I feel so dirty, like a whore," She egged him on. "Do it harder, Matt. Fuck my ass harder with your big, thick cock."

Matt groaned and obeyed, slamming into her as hard as he could. The feeling of her tight ass gripping his shaft sent waves of pleasure straight to his balls.

"Oh yeah, take it like a dirty little slut," Matt grunted, spanking her ass with each powerful thrust.

Jennifer let out a high-pitched moan, feeling the burn and pleasure in equal measure.

Matt's cock had stretched her out so much, and yet she still wanted more. She begged and pleaded for him to go harder, to take her like the dirty little slut she felt like. And Matt? He was more than happy to oblige.

With each hard thrust, Matt could feel Jennifer's wetness dripping down his balls. Jennifer screamed, her body shaking with pleasure as she hit her g-spot with her fingers while he pumped in and out of her ass. The feeling was overwhelming, and she could feel herself spiraling out of control.

Matt's grip on her hips tightened the skin of her ass pink from his rough spanks. She was dripping wet, and he could feel it running down his cock and onto his balls. He drove into her, harder and faster, unable to hold back as their moans filled the room.

"Fuck, Jen, I'm gonna cum," Matt growled, sweat running down his forehead as he felt his balls tighten up.

"No, not yet!" Jennifer howled, pressing her hips down against the mattress, trying to get him to stop before he exploded again.

She could feel the pressure building deep within her, the muscles in her pussy and ass clenching together as they tried to draw every last sensation from his long, thick, and pulsing cock. Matt groaned, pulling out nearly all the way before plunging back in harder than ever. Jennifer's gasp of pleasure was muffled by the sound of their heavy breathing, sweat dripping from their bodies onto the bed beneath them.

Matt slowly withdrew his cock from her ass, panting and shuddering, holding back his orgasm. "What?" He gasped. "What's wrong?"

Jennifer rolled onto her back, her face flushed with pleasure, sweat trickling down her forehead and onto the duvet. She let out a breathless giggle, "Nothing, I just wanted to feel you cum inside me properly." She grabbed her shirt and pulled it up over her head, revealing her small, perky a-cup breasts, feeling slightly self-conscious at their small size.

Still, the way Matt's eyes darkened at the sight of them gave her a boost of confidence.

"Don't be shy," Matt murmured, his voice husky with desire. He leaned down and captured one of her nipples with his mouth, sucking it gently at first before teasing it with his tongue, eliciting a gasp from Jennifer. "I love your small tits."

"Matt," she gasped, "I want you to fuck me like the dirty, horny, nasty whore I am."

Matt pulled away from her nipple and looked into her sparkling eyes. "What do you mean exactly?"

Jennifer's breath hitched as she felt Matt's hand slide down her body, stopping just above her mound. She was already so wet, the slickness coating her thighs and making her squirm with anticipation. "I want you to fuck me," she whispered, her voice soft but clear. "I want you to take me hard and fast like you own me."

Matt growled softly at her words, his fingers sliding through her folds and finding her clit. "You mean you want me to fuck your pussy? Is that what you're begging me for?"

Jennifer's breath caught in her throat as she felt Matt's fingers circling her sensitive clit. "Yes," she whispered, biting her lower lip. "I want you to own me, to make me scream with pleasure until I can't remember my own name."

Matt grinned wickedly, his fingers dipping inside her wet pussy. "Your wish is my command," he growled. He positioned himself between her legs, spreading them wide apart. He could see the glistening wetness of her pussy, begging for his attention. Matt groaned, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of her.

"Please," Jennifer whispered, her voice barely audible. "I need you inside me."

Matt didn't need any more encouragement. He thrust himself inside her in one smooth motion, and Jennifer let out a loud moan as she felt him fill her up completely. He felt so good inside her, stretching her out so perfectly.

Jennifer closed her eyes and let out a deep, satisfied sigh as she adjusted to the feeling of him moving inside her.

Matt pulled back slowly, his cock glistening with her arousal, before thrusting back into her with more force. Jennifer gasped, her fingers digging into the sheets as he set a punishing pace. Sweat dripped from his brow onto her heaving chest as he fucked her harder and harder.

"Harder, Matt," Jennifer begged, her voice hoarse with pleasure.

Matt didn't need any encouragement. He thrust harder and faster, his hips slapping against Jennifer's ass as he drove into her over and over again.

Jennifer's moans grew louder and more frantic, her body shaking with each powerful thrust. "Oh, God, yes," she cried out, her fingernails digging into Matt's back as he pinned her down on the bed. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her. "Fuck me harder, Matt. Don't hold back."

Matt couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jennifer, the sweet and innocent girl he had grown up with, was begging him to fuck her harder, to take her in the most primal and raw way possible. It was a side of her he had never seen, driving him wild with desire.

He thrust into her again and again, each movement sending a jolt of pleasure through both of them.

Jennifer's little breasts jiggled with the force of his thrusts, her nipples hard and pink. She reached up and grabbed them, pinching and tugging at them as Matt drove deeper and deeper inside her.

Matt could feel himself getting close, the pressure building up in his balls as he pumped in and out of her with reckless abandon.

"I'm close, Jen; where do you want me to cum?" he groaned, his voice hoarse with pleasure. "Do you want me to fill up your pussy with my cum, or do you want me to cum all over your face and tits?"

Jennifer gasped at his dirty words, feeling her pussy clench around his cock. "Matt, I don't care," she groaned. "My face. I want to feel your hot cum shooting all over my body, covering my face, my tits."

Matt grunted at her words, his thrusts growing more erratic as he felt his orgasm approaching.

Jennifer's fingers flew over her clit, rubbing furiously as she felt herself on the brink of release. She could feel Matt's hot gaze on her, watching as she pleasured herself. "You look so fucking sexy, cumming all over your hand like that." Matt's voice was hoarse with desire as he watched Jennifer's fingers flying over her clit. Her breath hitched as she felt herself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. She spread her legs wider, giving Matt a better view of her wet and pulsing pussy.

Matt pulled out and fisted his cock, using her cum for lubrication as he stroked himself to completion. Aiming over her body as he tensed up and groaned, his release splattered on her face and chest, covering her breasts and stomach in thick ropes of warm, sticky cum.

Jennifer let out a gasp as she felt the first few drops hit her face, followed by the rest of the load pummeling her tits. She closed her eyes and moaned, unable to believe what she had just done. It was filthy, dirty, and wrong - but she had never felt so empowered.

Matt collapsed next to her, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.

Jennifer lay there, covered in a mixture of their sweat and cum, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm. She couldn't believe what had just happened - she had never been so filthy, so raw, and so uninhibited before.

Jennifer reached up and ran her fingers through the sticky mess on her face, collecting a dollop of Matt's cum on her fingertips. She brought it to her mouth and sucked it off, savoring the taste of his salty essence.

Matt groaned at the sight of Jennifer licking his cum off her fingers, a shiver of pleasure coursing through his body at the thought of her dirty little mouth.

Jennifer smirked at him, feeling emboldened by her newfound sexual power. She had never been one to hold back, but she had never allowed herself to be so uninhibited before. It was liberating, and she couldn't wait to explore her new side with Matt.

"Double or nothing?" Matt chuckled.

"Double or nothing, huh?" Jennifer reached down and touched her tender butthole, wincing at the contact. "I think my poor little ass needs a few days to recover first," Jennifer responded with a playful tone, letting go of all the discomfort she felt before.

"Fair enough," Matt rolled onto his side and looked at Jennifer's sweaty, cum coated face.

"I'm not gonna lie. I didn't expect that. It hurt the first time, and I was really upset with myself, but after, oh my God, it was amazing," Jennifer let out a contented sigh, "I didn't think getting fucked in the ass could feel that good." She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Pretty sure I need to break up with my boyfriend now."

Matt raised an eyebrow at Jennifer's statement. "What? Why?"

Jennifer shrugged, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "Because I think your dick is better than his."

Matt chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Jen, you're wild. You know that?"

Jennifer giggled, feeling a surge of confidence. "Yeah, I do." She glanced down at the sticky mess on her stomach and frowned.

"Are you saying you want me to be your boyfriend or something?" Matt asked.

Jennifer scrunched up her face. "No, hell no. I just want to be able to fuck you whenever I want."

"I need a shower." Matt nodded his agreement, still reeling from the revelation about Jennifer's boyfriend. He was floored that she had just basically admitted to cheating on him with her best friend, and yet, he couldn't deny the way it made him feel. It was a primal sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had given her a sexual experience beyond what she had before with a mere mortal man.

They both stood up and stepped into the adjoining bathroom. The bathroom was spacious and modern, with a large black granite countertop housing two sinks and a giant mirror above them.

The room's far end contained a walk-in shower with multiple massage jets, while a separate bathtub carved from a single granite block stood in front of it.

Jennifer stepped into the walk-in shower, turned on the hot water, and let it cascade down her body. The heat enveloped her, soothing her muscles and washing away the sweat and cum that coated her skin. She reached for the body wash, lathering her hands to clean herself properly.

As the soapy bubbles slid down her body, she couldn't help but think about the unexpected turn of events in her relationship with Matt.

While they had often shared playful banter and had even discussed their sexual exploits with other partners, neither of them had ever taken it to this level before. The fact that Matt had just helped her explore a side of herself that she never knew existed and that she had enjoyed every damn minute of it was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.


(This story is based off one of my favorites on Literotica. A Friendly Bet by damonX)
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