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To you, Kind Readers, here is an edited, expanded and revised version of this story. As you will see, ther eis more to come!
Part of this story is true, but the sex scenes are fiction. The names have been changed.

Part One

The first time I saw Courtney she was walking up to my car in mid summer. She politely asked me which direction I was headed and when I told her she asked for a ride. Since her destination was not far from mine, I agreed. I admit I was a bit hesitant because she appeared so young, but I saw no harm in giving a kid a lift so off we went. She was not going far so we had little chance to talk, but she did tell me that she was sixteen and working part time cleaning houses. I thought nothing of it as many teenagers take part time jobs in the summer.

Courtney was cute, with very dark, curly red hair..almost brown (unless one looked close). A lightly freckled face and a nice, although a tiny bit chubby body. Like many teens these days her clothes were very baggy, but when she moved one could see she had nice curves.

I dropped her where she wanted to go and, throughout the next two or so years, she showed up a number of times asking for rides and, when stuck for a place to go, she occasionally stayed in my guest room. Then one evening just about two years since I first met her, she showed up at my door once again. She looked a bit ragged and (truth to tell) she looked as though she had been living in the clothes she was wearing for several days. She had, however, lost all her 'baby fat' and was now trim and even more shapely. She asked if I would drive her to a nearby town to stay with some of her friends, but, since I had had several beers, I saddly had to decline. Earlier in life, I had gotten arrested and convicted for DUI and I was not about to let it happen again. I told Courtney that she was welcome to spend the night in my guest room and I would take her where she wished to go the next morning. She seemed reluctant, but eventually agreed.

We sat together on the sofa, talked and watched TV for a couple of hours. As had become a bit of a custom for the two of us, we laughed, joked and lightly flirted the whole time. So when she politely asked if I minded if she took a shower, I jokingly asked if she wanted to share one with me.

To my utter shock she smiled and said, "sure. Why not?" On impulse I took her sweet face in my hands and kissed her full on the mouth. She responded by slipping her tongue between my lips and teasing my mouth. I gave her the same and we kissed for what seemed like an eternity...hands exploring each other and lips locked together as if the world would come to an end if we stopped. Here I was, almost fifty years old kissing an eighteen year old girl. I didn't know if this was a dream come true or merely a dream!

After several mintues of tongue lashing each other (and a sharp, self applied pinch to the ass to insure that I was truly awake), I took Courtney by the hand and led her upstairs to my bedroom. She seemed a bit hesitant and stopped me in the hall just outside, but after a few more kisses she opened up a bit and asked, "just what are we doing?"

I responded, "what do you want to do?"

She bit her lip, pouted for a moment and said "I want to make love with you. I think that much should be obvious. I'm here and I'm horny and I've been dreaming about this for quite a while, but now I'm kinda scared".

I asked, "what are you scared of, Court?" She responded that she had never actually made love before, but she had heard from other girls that the first time hurt. She told me that she had made out and had engaged in some moderate petting, but nothing more. She said that I was the first man she had ever known, regardless of age, who had treated her like a lady and not like a mere child or a sexual plaything. She was fond of that. She told me that she was curious about adult sexual relations and as time had progressed, she had found herself fascinated with me. To tell the truth, those revelations scared me a bit as well. I decided to go back to the shower idea. (she was lovely, but she had spent several days without a shower and I was certain it would refresh us both).

"What do you say we get that shower, Court", I said.

She looked at her feet and softly replied, "OK".

I led Courtney to the bathroom, found her a big fluffly towel and started the shower for us. She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and said, "I'm really embarassed to undress in front of much as I want you, this is tough for me".

"I feel the same way. Courtney. I am over twice your age and what we are doing is just short of being illegal."

" I don't care about that", she said. "I'm eighteen and I want to do this with you. I'm just scared that you will be unhappy about the way I look or that I will do something wrong and you won't like me anymore."

"Not any chance of that, Court. I've always thought you were beautiful and there is no way that you will do anything wrong. I've been around this block before and I can help you learn if that's what you want to do."

She looked at me in a most disarming way. Then a bit of a twinkle came into her sweet eyes as she spoke. "Would you like to undress me?" she asked timidly. "Court, I would be honored" I replied.

I really didn't know where to start with a girl so young and so inexperienced (it having been nearly thirty years since I had been with a virgin) so I reached tentatively for the hem of her T-shirt. I gently pulled it over her shoulders to reveal a white bra that barely contained her young, soft looking tits. They were not huge by any standard, (and you all know what they say about 'more than a mouthful' anyway) but they were full. Even encased in her bra, her nipples were prominant. Her skin was pale and seemed almost transparent. It was obvious that she didn't get much sun, yet I had never seen a girl like her before, and have not seen one since. Her entire body was trembling as I reached behind her back and unfastened her bra and gently pulled it away from her breasts. They bounced lightly as the fabric of her bra was removed then stood up smartly on Courtney's chest. I must have let out a gasp because Courtney smiled shyly, stepped back a tiny bit, took my face into her hands and said, "you like?" She then took a full step back into the center of the bathroom, struck up a saucy pose and grinned widely. Her pretty breasts bouncing lightly once again as she did.

"They're....YOU'RE lovely". I replied. "May I...?" I asked reaching tentatively toward her. "Please" she said closing her eyes and extending her arms toward me.

I gently touched and cupped each full breast in both of my hands. Her response was instantaneous. She gasped for a breath and her breasts trembled under my gentle touch. I felt her nipples respond at once, growing firm and turning more dark in her new found excitement.

"I've never had them touched before. At least, not bare", she said. "In fact, you are the first guy to ever see them. Do you really think they're nice?"

"They're perfect, Courtney" I told her. It was true. As I said earlier, they were not huge, but perfectly rounded, soft yet firm and creamy colored topped with flawlessly rounded nipples. I felt as if I could die a happy man if my last act was to hold and caress these beautiful orbs. But since I had no plans to die right then, I lowered my face to her young chest and lovingly took her left nipple gently between my lips and started to lightly suck on it. I thought her knees were going to fail her as she slumped in my arms and pressed her breast more deeply into my mouth. I opened my mouth wider in an effort to get her entire tit into it, but try as I might, I couldn't get more than about half the glorious thing in.

Courtney was moaning softly as she turned slightly and pressed her right breast into my mouth for the same treatment her other breast had gotten. Not being one to dissappoint, I took the offered thing of beauty between my lips and proceded to love it like I had the other. Courtney's hands were in my hair as I took turns fondling and kissing her lovely tits. After a few wonderful minutes I felt a tug on my T shirt as Courtney began to pull it over my chest. I stopped long enough to raise my arms and allow her to remove the shirt, then stood in front of her and took her once again into my arms. The feel of her firm mounds on my bare skin was electric and I felt a new, more powerful stirring in my jeans. She must have felt it as well for she shied away at first then moaned and pressed fully against me.

We had both kicked off our shoes before heading upstairs, so Courtney now stood before me in her jeans and socks. I slowly dropped to my knees in front of her and unfastened and unzipped her jeans and gently slid them down her young legs. I had never seen Courtney's legs before as she always wore jeans or sweats (three sizes to big as is the fashion with young people these days for some unknown reason) and I was pleasantly surprised at how shapely her legs were. Her thighs were pale from lack of sun, but that didn't detract from their beauty. As I lowered her jeans past her knees, I noticed the tiny pale blue thong she was wearing and I nearly lost my breath. Auburn curls were visible around the tiny triangle that barely covered her mound. Before getting her to step out of her jeans, I leaned closer and caught her warm spicy scent. I just couldn't resist a quick kiss on the front of her thong. She jerked in surprise at the touch of my lips on her tiny garment and I heard a little hiss come from her mouth. I looked up to see her smiling down curiously at me. "Why did you do that?", she asked. "Because I wanted to", I replied. She sighed softly and closed her eyes for just a moment. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me with what can only be described as love. It was the most wonderful sight I had ever seen.

I gave her lower leg a little upward tug to indicate that she should raise her foot out of her jeans. As she did so I quickly slipped off her sock then proceeded to do the same with her other foot. I tossed her jeans and socks on top of our two T shirts on the floor and returned my gaze to the thinly covered patch of heaven before my eyes. As I had finished pulling her jeans off, Courtney's hands had crept down to cover the front of her thong.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"Just a bit embarrased" she replied."I don't shave 'down there' ".

"Good", I said with a smile. "A girl is supposed to have hair there. I think it's even sexier than being shaved".

"Really?" she said.

"Really!" I responded and quickly hooked my fingers in the tiny straps on the sides of her thong and pulled it swiftly off her shapely legs. She let out a little squeal and her hands again flew down to cover herself. I gently took each of her wrists in my hands and pulled them to her sides, gave a quick kiss into her thick auburn bush and then stood once again in front of her. Without a word her soft, tiny hands went to my belt, fastener and zipper in quick order and I felt my jeans sliding down. I could feel Courtney's hand shaking as she touched my ankle the same way I had touched hers indicating that I should step out of my pants. I did as she silently requested and one by one felt my own socks being removed. I looked down at the lovely young woman on her knees before me and couldn't resist a smile. I felt one tiny, trembling hand come to the front of my boxers as Courtney touched my cock for the first time through my clothes. The sensation was exquisite. I was in paradise.

She looked up at me and said, "am I doing this right? I really don't know what to do".

"Let's get our shower first and then we'll go through everything you want to learn. We'll take our time and do what ever you wish just as gently as we can" I said. She smiled and practically janked my boxers to the floor, my just above average cock jumping out to greet her. She reached and touched it gently as I lowered my hands to help her back to her feet. She was still trembling as I held her close once again, her firm breasts pressed against my chest and my stiffening cock pushing against her soft belly.

With the two of us now totally naked, I opened the shower door and led Courtney inside. The water cascading over her lovely body was intoxicating. I have always personnally thought that the one and only thing more lovely than a beautiful naked girl was a WET beautiful naked girl. I took a wash cloth and soaped it up, working up a good lather then proceeded to wash the young girl from top to toe. I paid special attention to her beautiful breasts and lush pussy, but tried not to be too eager. I wanted to excite, not scare her by being too aggressive. Finishing by gently shampooing her curly auburn hair, I stood her full in the stream and rinsed her completely.

She looked at me shyly and said, "Thank you. That is the first time I have been given a bath since I was a child. And I never thought there could be a man so thoughtful as to wash my hair for me. That was really sweet".

I thought to myself, "Compared to me you ARE a child and how can I be doing what I'm doing and thinking what I'm thinking". She silenced that thought by taking the cloth from me and repeating the process I had just performed for her. When she got to my cock and balls, I noticed she washed a bit slower than the rest of my body. I also noticed that she had foregone the washcloth and was using her bare hands instead. I nearly came from the sensation, but managed to get my self under control in time. Fortunately, she decided I was clean enough and stood once again in front of me. Dripping wet with the shower spraying over us, we embraced again. The effect was incredible. I had to let her go after a quick kiss in order to keep the building urge in my balls from making too many choices for me.

We stepped from the shower stall and I turned off the spray then took the towel I had gotten for Courtney and gently dried her body. I found another towel and wrapped it around her wet hair. She took my towel from the rack and quickly dried me off. I have thinning hair so it wasn't necessary to do more than a few quick rubs with the towel to get it reasonably dry. She then asked if I minded if she did a bit of primping before we moved on.

I told her, "you are drop dead gorgeous just the way you are".

She replied, "this is going to be special for me and I want everything to be special for you, too".

I reluctantly left the bathroom after showing her where she could find a blow dryer, brushes and combs and anything else she might want or need to get ready. I walked into the bedroom, sat naked on the edge of the bed and waited for her. All the time I waited I was thinking that there is an eighteen year old naked girl in my bathroom just twenty feet away and she is getting ready to come in here and get fucked for the first time in her life. I shuttered with the thought of simply fucking Courtney. In fact, I knew I could never do that. I cared too much about her to just use her. No...she had said she wanted to make love with me and that was just what we were going to do. Then I thought to myself, 'what on earth was I thinking? This was not at all like me. A girl so young, and a virgin as well?' For the first time I realized that that there was more than a swelling in my groin: there was a swelling in my heart as well

Part Two

It was only a few minutes but it felt like an eternity before I heard the bathroom door open and saw Courtney step into the bedroom. Her curly hair was dried and brushed to a sheen and she had the fluffy towel I had gotten for her wrapped around her waist leaving her pretty tits bare and standing proudly. Her smile was a bit shy and embarrassed, but enchanting as she crossed the room to where I waited naked on the bed. I caught a brief whiff of perfume and realized that she must have found an abandoned bottle from a former girlfriend in the medicine cabinet. She walked up to me and without a word took my head into her hands and placed one of her pretty tits into my mouth. I gently licked and sucked first one then the other nipple into attention then pulled her face down to mine so that I could share another deep kiss with her. I reached to Courtney's waist and slowly removed the towel wrapped around her. She shuttered a bit, most likely at the thought of being completely naked once again in front of me, but she sighed and sat beside me on the bed.

I placed my arm lovingly around her shoulders and asked "Court, are you really sure?" Her response surprised me.

She said, "You know me....always just myself. I have never pretended to be something I'm not. I wasn't sure if you even saw me as a girl, but from the moment I first saw you something stirred in me....something I've never felt before, and it just won't go away".

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

She said, "a warmth....a sort of heat...deep within me. I guess you are the first guy to make me horny. I just knew...that I wanted you to be my first".

"I'm pleased that you feel that way, Courtney", I said. I will be honored if that is what you truly want".

"It is", she replied.

We leaned into each other and kissed deeply once again. I cupped my left hand gently around Courtney's right breast and kneaded it slowly. A soft moan escaped her lips as she reached into my lap and gingerly and tentatively touched my quickly stiffening cock.

She looked plaintively into my eyes and asked in a whispered voice, "teach me how".

I told her, "Wrap you fingers around it and gently slide the skin up and down. That's what I like".

"OK", she said and did exactly as I directed. The sensation was unbelieveable as her small soft hand worked around my cock. I have been with many girls and women over my nearly fifty years, but not one had ever made me feel what I was feeling with Courtney. I knew in my heart that this was a truly special moment....not just because it was her first time, but because it was a life changing event for the two of us. I was not so stupid that I was thinking with the wrong head. It was much more than that. I was falling in love with the perfect girl. All I could think of at that moment was treating her gently and making this an experience that she would treasure for the rest of her life. For her part, I now knew that she was trusting me to give her something she had never had before and I wanted to please her to the utmost.

We sat for several minutes like caressing her breasts and her stroking my cock. Truth to tell, I could have spent my life sitting on the side of my bed with her just like that. Courtney had stroked me for a while and had looked into my eyes most all the time, but she happened to glance down into my lap and suddenly gasped. I looked down as well and noticed a bead of pre-cum at the end of my cock.

Courtney stared in wonder as she asked "did I make you do that? What is it anyway?".

I said, " most everyone calls it pre-cum and yes, Court, you made me do it. It happens when a man gets excited and he is ready to be with a girl. It means that the girl has stimulated him to a point where he is 'ready to go' so to speak. It's a man's way of helping a couple make love in a comfortable way".

"What does that mean?", she said. This is the point where I should have shut up and just kissed her, but she got me. I explained to her that both guy's and girl's bodies help provide lubrication for each other. She looked at me with a funny expression and said, "I want to learn about sex from you...and I want us to do everything we can with each other, but you don't have to give me a classroom lecture!" She quickly laughed, spread the pre-cum over the head of my cock and stroked me faster, letting it lubricate the skin of her hand as it glided up and down my shaft. Then, as if to let me know that she was only joking, she smiled at me. I returned the smile and thought to myself, she HAD said she wanted to learn. I wanted to teach her the facts. I guess I was too clinical, though, so I decided to be more up front with her and perhaps a bit more earthy in my descriptions.

I decided to get a bit bolder and looked into her eyes as we next kissed. "Courtney, did you like it when I kissed your pussy hair?" She blushed at once but said she had. I told her, "I'd like to do that again, but this time, I want to REALLY kiss you down there".

"EWWW" she said.

I replied, "Why do you say that?".

"Because...girls smell nasty. I want to make you happy...not make you puke", she said.

I responded, "I assure you, Court, I am not going to puke. In fact, I think you smell wonderful. Remember, I had my face between your legs even before you had your shower. You smelled great then and I am sure you smell great now. Keep in mind that guys and girls interpret sights, smells and sounds differently. You think girls smell bad....I think you smell great. Just so you know, if you will let me, I plan to not only kiss your hair, but I want to kiss and lick you all over your pretty pussy.

"Are you sure you want to do that? You really like the way I smell?", she asked.

"Yes, sweetheart, I do", I said.

"But I don't understand why you would want to", Courtney exclaimed.

"Because", I responded, "if I do it right, it will make you feel wonderful, and that is what I want most of all".

I saw a tear form in the corner of Courtney's right eye as she smiled at me. "I just thought that guys wanted to get off with girls. Not make them feel good. I mean, the guys I've known always TOLD me that what they want is for me to be pleased, but I never believed them. Sure they would give me some attention, but they always seemed to want the same thing. Just get me to spread my legs. But I never did.".

I replied, "A good man that truly cares about the girl he's with does all he can to please HER before thinking about his own needs."

Now the tears were flowing freely from Courtney's sweet eyes. I reached up to her face with my fingers to brush the tears away, then thought better of it and lifted my lips to her cheeks and kissed the tears off her pretty face. Her smile was so disarming and the proximity of her naked body to mine was getting to be too much. I gently moved her onto the bed so that she would be comfortable, lay beside her and kissed her gently feeling her tongue slip between my lips in a delicious way. I looked into her eyes as she looked expectantly into mine and began to kiss my way down her lovely body. From our earlier explorations I knew that her neck and ears were very sensitive, so I concentrated on them first. The little nibbles and kisses earned me a soft moan then I slipped my tongue delicately into her ear and I was rewarded with her speaking my name in an even softer voice. I proceeded down her sweet body until I reached her wonderful firm tits. I gently gave each of them all the attention they deserved before moving lower. Courtney's body was shaking almost uncontrolably as I reached her navel. As I slipped my tongue into the tiny crater, I got bold and gently slid my hand between her slightly parted legs for the first time. She gasped loudly as my hand made contact with her virgin pussy, but at the same time her legs shot apart. I felt one of her hands lightly grip the top of mine as I slowly and gently carressed her. Her other hand encircled my cock. Almost too roughly she began to pull my foreskin up and back. The feeling was incredible.

I glanced back to Courtney's face, but her eyes were closed. She was pumping my cock like there was no tomorrow and I had found a very wet pussy with my fingers. I really wanted to just dive right in and eat her, but, beyond what I wanted or felt I needed, I had the desire deep in my heart to make this special for her as well as give her all the sensations I could. I wanted this girl to be truly pleased. I was beyond falling in love...I WAS in love.

I slid down the bed and gently placed my hands on Courtney's creamy thighs as I lowered my face to her thick bush. I know that animals can recognize each other by scent, but I never thought that humans could. I was proven wrong that night. While over the years I have been with more than my fair share of women, I do know that some girls smell nice while others (through no fault of their own) can smell unpleasant. This was not true with Courtney. I caught the same scent from Courtney's pussy that I had smelled earlier: warm and spicy. It was her unique smell and I will never forget it. I planted loving kisses on her mound before moving slowly to the soft folds of flesh concealed beneath her auburn curls. She moaned loudly as my lips made contact with her pussy lips for the first time. To my delight, she screamed my name as my tongue first touched her clit. Her sweet hips lifted completely off the bed and she orgasmed almost at once.

After she came down she looked wild eyed at me and asked "What just happened? I thought I was gonna explode or something?".

"Court, have you never felt that before?".

"No", she said. I asked in an almost shy way.

"Have you never touched yourself?".

"No", she cried. "That's disgusting!".

"No, it isn't, Court. It's natural to be curious. But you're seriously telling me that you've never had an orgasm before?", I said.

Her eyes dropped and she said in an almost defeated voice, "Girls don't cum".

"Oh Court", I said, "yes they just did!".

Her eyes lit up once again and she said, "Did I? Is that what it was? That was fantastic. Can you make me do it again?"

"Sweet Courtney, I will do everything I can to make you cum as often as you want".

A puzzled look came across her face and she said something I would have never have imagined she would say. She looked down and asked me, "Can a girl cum when she's.......fucking?".

"Yes, Court, But I will never, EVER fuck you".

Her frown upset me a bit and she said, a bit under her breath, "But I thought that was what we were going to do...I mean.....".

"Courtney, if you remember, you said you wanted to make love with me and I want to make love with you. The first thing you must know is that there is a difference between making love and fucking. You can fuck anyone anytime. You make love with the person YOU love".

She gasped, "Are you saying.....oh my God!" Her eyes filled with tears again. I didn't keep her waiting. I just told her how I felt.

"Yes Court, I love you", I said. "I know it's wrong to be with someone as young as you".

" I told you before I don't care about that!", she exclaimed. " I love you too...I have from the first time we met. I don't know why and I don't care. I just know that you are the one I want to be with and I am done talking. Just tell me or show me what to do so that we can make love.

She and I had professed our feelings and so I decided to just be direct with her. Courtney, for all her youth and inexperience was still a smart girl and she knew what she wanted. I was just proud and happy that what she wanted was ME! I would not treat her as a child. She was a woman and I would treat her as one. As such, I decided to be right to the point."I love the way you stroke my cock. Do you like what I've done to you so far?".

"Oh my God yes" She exclaimed. "what can we do next?".

"This is all up to you, Court. If you liked the way I touched you with my mouth, I think you should know that I would like you to do the same".

Courtney looked a bit crestfallen as she said to me, "I saw a girl in a video once with a guys cock in her mouth. She didn't look too happy".

I was concerned with what Coutney had seen so I asked, "What was the guy doing?", I asked.

"He was holding her head really hard and it looked like he was shoving it down her throat" she said.

I thought to myself that this is what many porn videos show, but it is not the way REAL lovers act, so I told her, "Courtney", I said, "if you decide you want to give me oral sex the way I did for you, I would NEVER force you. It has to be something that YOU want to do".

"Does it feel as good to a guy as it just felt to me", she asked.

"It feels great, Court, but it's not the best feeling", I added with a bit of a sly smirk. She smiled and lay down next to me; her cute feet above my head, her face near my groin and her little hand still stroking my cock gently. I saw her pretty freckled face vanish beneath her auburn hair as she turned her face toward my hard cock. A moment later I felt her soft lips wrap around my cock in a loving kiss. She tried to take it all the way down in one swift thrust, but gagged and pulled her mouth off of me. I told her that she didn't have to swallow it, just suck as much as was comfortable for her. This is all about her, I reassured her. She smiled up at me with my cock in her hand. I had never felt so loved.

She took me in slowly and gently for some time before she stopped and looked up at me. "I'm ready", she said matter of factly.

"Big step, Court. Are you really sure?", I asked her.

"I've never been more sure of anything. Please....." she replied.

"OK Baby. Lay back and relax as much as you can. I'm going to be as gentle as possible. I want this to be good for you, but I have to be may hurt you a bit at first".

"I know", she said. "I've talked to other girls, but they all say that after the pain goes away, it's the most wonderful feeling ever."

Courtney lay back and spread her legs wide for me. She lifted her knees and I gave her one more lick on her pussy in order to get her as wet as possible. I truly wanted her to enjoy this. I positioned myself on my knees between her beautiful legs and placed the head of my cock against her pussy. I decided to tease her just a bit more in the hope that it would help her relax so I rubbed my cock up and down her slit a few times concentrating on her clit. She jerked a few times as a small orgasm hit her, then she looked at me with the most pleading look I have ever seen. I leaned down and kissed her softly and moved forward just the slightest bit. She gasped as the head of my cock slipped between her lips and then she seemed to relax a bit more. I looked into her eyes and saw the look of want in them, but I knew that this girl was a virgin and I loved her. I was not thinking of my own needs or desires at that moment....only of her.

I pushed forward slowly and gently and I felt the slippery tightness of Courtney's pussy snug up around me. Her eyes were open and wide and her mouth was wide open as well. It was if a silent moan was escaping her. I felt the muscles of her pussy tighten around me as I slid in deeper and just after the head was completely inside her, I encountered her hymen. This was important for both of us so I asked her, "Courtney, you can only do this once. Are you REALLY sure?" She answered me by driving her hips downward onto my cock. Tears fell from her eyes as the pain hit her. I lay still on top of her, taking my weight on my arms and knees. Still not moving, I kissed Courtney softly and lovingly and asked, "are you OK?".

She said, "Just lay still for a few minutes and I'll be fine. I love you".

"I love you, too Court".

I truly don't know how long I lay there with my hard cock inside my virgin lover, not daring to move a muscle for fear of hurting her worse than I already had by breaking her hymen. I just knew that I had to remain still until she signaled me to do otherwise. I loved Courtney and would do whatever she wanted....even if she told me to stop. After a while I felt Courtney's legs move up around my thighs. I looked down at her sweet face and saw the most wonderful smile I've ever seen. She kissed me deeply and said "My friends were right...this is the best feeling ever. But they will never know how wonderful it is to truly love the first guy you're with". I felt tears coming to my own eyes as I began to stroke her gently. I felt her young body responding as she raised her hips from the bed to meet my gentle thrusts. After just a few moments we were moving as if we had been doing this together for years. Our lips met for the hundredth time that day and suddenly Courtney's eyes shot open. I thought for a moment that I had hurt her somehow, but when her eyes rolled back and her breathing quickened, I knew she was close. So was I. Her silky pussy was like a velvet vise on my hard cock and I couldn't take much matter how much I loved her, Courtney was going to get a cumshot deep inside of her wonderful pussy..and damned soon!

I had been 'fixed' since the birth of my youngest some fourteen years before so I was not worried about her getting pregnant and she truly WAS a virgin and I knew I was clean so there was no thought of disease (even though we should have discussed this). Courtney didn't seem to care as she bucked wildly beneath me, moaning my name and holding me tight with her arms and legs. Letting all cares and worries go out the window, I held her tightly, locked my lips to hers and felt my balls explode inside of her. I vaguely saw her eyes shoot open as she came herself. Her mouth never left mine as we both orgasmed like never before.

As our lips slowly parted, hers broke into to the sweetest smile and from the far reaches of my own bliss I heard her soft voice saying "thank you".

"No," I replied. "Thank you. Courtney'.

"I love you" she said."I always will".

"I love you Courtney' I replied.

We snuggled into each others arms as I softened and slipped from her tight pussy and we fell asleep, content with what we had done and firmly in love.

We are still together and will be for life.


2007-12-26 03:51:50
That was great. Finally one of those stories that are well balanced. Not just some baning.
Keep it up, you are a hell of a writer.


2007-08-21 17:13:49
sweet, sexy and romantic. I enjoyed it LOTS!! Cheers. xx


2007-07-30 13:47:39
that was amazing wow i hope i find that


2007-07-20 01:12:21
That was a fantastic read. your a great writer.


2007-07-16 00:58:23
i suprised at how many people do not write more romantic "love" stories on this site...

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