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More of the building of the relationship between us.
I awoke to find myself alone in Elise's bed. I got up and found a note on her pillow.

'I left you to recover.

There is food in the kitchen.

I'm in the office.



A heart was drawn around the words of the note.

I took a quick shower and I pulled on my t-shirt and jeans and walked barefoot to her kitchen. I found some fresh donuts and a pot of coffee on the warmer of her stove. This was enough to get me going. I went for my boots and put them on in the kitchen. I put the note in my back pocket. I left her apartment and went down the stairs to her office.

I found Elise at her desk with a laptop going through last night's business receipts and logging them on a spreadsheet.

"Give me a couple of minutes, Ger, because if you kiss me I won't get this done."

"Not a problem, Elise. Take all the time you need."

I sat against the wall and watched her concentrate on the paperwork. About ten minutes later she hit save on the spreadsheet and put the paperwork into a folder and then into a filing cabinet.

"OK, done and needing a kiss to stop me seeing numbers."

She came from behind the desk and molded herself against me and crushed her mouth to mine.

At that moment the door opened and Sean stopped in his tracks.

"Sorry, Elise. I didn't know you were still doing the dirty with the dude."

Elise broke the kiss and turned to Sean.

"One, I am not doing the dirty and two, whatever happened to knocking first? What is so important that you want to fuck up the few minutes of peace and quiet I get doing the bloody books?"

Sean looked sheepish and said," Your favorite person is at the bar. I thought you should know."

Elise looked up at the CCTV monitors above her desk and frowned.

"I'm sorry, Sean. I apologize for being a bitch."

"No worries, Elise. Can I watch?"

"What? Oh! Sorry, yes you can."

Sean grinned, "Ger, you're gonna love this! Best entertainment of the day is coming up."



"Fuck off now and tell him I'll be there in five minutes. No coffee. Got that?"

"Yessum." He closed the door.

"Where were we? I remember."

Elise wrapped herself around me and kissed me even harder than before. Her body against mine was arousing me and I knew she felt my swelling dick against her. She broke the kiss and said,

"Later. Go into the bar and make like you are working with Sean. I need to deal with this prick once and for all."

She gave me a brief kiss to send me on my way. I left the office and joined Sean in the middle of the bar.

"Ger, if you don't mind just hang up the glasses above you. Will not make him suspicious of what is going to hit him."

I glanced at the rep who must be from Diageo. He was about forty and overweight wearing an off the peg gray suit. He had a briefcase on the bar and it was open.

Elise came out of the office and stopped on her side of the bar opposite him.

"Good morning, Elise. How are you doing?"

"You can stop right there calling me Elise. I am Ms Hayes to you. I was doing fine, in fact I had never felt as good as I did this morning for some reason. That was until I learned you were here despite my express wishes that you do not set foot in my bar. Listen to those last two words again. My Bar!

My dad built this bar up by himself and he kept your kind out of it. He saw too many bars lose their individuality and independence when you corporate shits pushed yourselves through their doors and, to put it very politely, fucked them over.

I do not want your branded crap splattered over my bar. I do not need anyone telling me how many cases and kegs I need to shift. I certainly do not want your in-house design crews fucking my bar up. Do I make myself clear?"

"El….Ms Hayes, we can give you the kind of support that would expand your customer base. You don't need to be as hostile as we can….."

Elise cut him off,

"I am going to say this once and once only. Get the fuck out of my bar and stay out of it."

She turned to Sean and me,

"You two get paid to work so get fucking working instead of spectating."

She left the bar and went into her office slamming the door.

The Diageo guy looked at us as if somebody has burst his balloon. He closed the briefcase and left the bar, shoulders slumped.

Elise must have been watching the cctv monitors and came out of the office a few moments after he left laughing.

"Too much?"

"Perfect, boss. He left with his tail between his legs. I don't think he will be back."

I was astonished at Elise's interaction with the rep and made a note to not piss her off.

"OK, fun is over. Sean, the books are leveled . When the crew comes in tonight tell them it was just over a thousand in tips so that will make them happy. I am going to the bank with the deposits. ‘Johnny Cash’ here will ride shotgun with me and I'll be back before six. OK?"

"No worries, Elise. Cindy will be here soon so we can cope no probs."

"Ger, you can be a gentleman and escort me to the bank."

"My pleasure."

Elise ducked into the office and came out a few minutes later wearing a shirt and jeans with a Minnie Mouse backpack on. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Minnie Mouse?

"Minnie Mouse."

The trip to the bank was uneventful with Elise holding my hand with both of hers as we walked.

"I want to do something but not a boring something." Said Elise, "Any ideas?"

I looked at the sky and it was cloudless.

"I might have one. How are you with heights?"

"Heights? I think I'm ok with them. What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see but we need to go to my place first for the car as it is out past the edge of town."

"Well let's go then. What am I letting myself in for?"

"Wait and see. It will definitely not be boring."

I hailed a cab and on the journey to my house Elise had her head on my shoulder with my arm around hers.

At my house I opened up the garage and we entered from there.

"I need to change," I said. "Make yourself at home."

I dashed upstairs and changed quickly swapping my boots for trainers and pulled on a fresh t shirt.. Back downstairs I found Elise looking at a photo.

"Your parents?"

The photo showed a middle aged couple with a younger me between them, sitting on rocks at a beach smiling.

"Yes, that was one of the last times we were all together."

"I'm sorry, Ger. They look like nice folk, your mom was beautiful."

I took the photo from Elise and looked at it before I put it back on the shelf.

"She was." I said quietly. "OK, let's go before it is too late."

Back in the garage I put a large kit bag in the trunk of the Mustang.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Just a little something we need for a not boring something."

A gentle kiss on her lips and we drove out of the garage.

I headed to the outskirts of town and took a dirt road I knew well. We pulled up at a little airstrip that had a few single engined planes on it and a Cessna 182 parked next to a hanger. Getting out of the car Elise was looking puzzled.

"We're going flying? I know I said a not boring something but flying?"

"Kind of flying in a way," I replied, "You'll see."

I got the kit bag out of the trunk and slung it over my shoulder. Taking Elise's hand we headed into the hanger where a few folk were around a table. A guy raised his head and came over to us.

"Long time no see, Ger."

"Hi Graham, it has been. Meet Elise, she wanted to do something that was not boring."

"Well she is in the right place for that. Hi, Elise. You are going to love this."

"Graham, have you got coveralls that would fit her?"

"No problem, she looks to be the same height as Marissa. Five six, five seven?"

"Five seven," Elise said looking at me. "What's going on?

"Not much, we are going to throw ourselves out of a perfectly good airplane and hope we reach the ground safely."

"WHAT? Oh no, when I said not boring I did not mean life threatening. I'm too young to die!"

Graham laughed and said to Elise. "You are not going to die. You are going to be in safe hands as long as you listen to Ger. He has done this loads of times."

"He might have but flying coach is my experience with planes, not jumping out of them."

"The first time is the best time, you'll see. Here you go, put these on." He handed her a set of bright blue coveralls.

"Don't worry, I'll be there too."

Elise looked at me, her eyes wide.

"Ger, I'm scared. Promise me I'll be ok."

I took her in my arms and hugged her.

"You are going to be fine. It is perfectly safe. You will laugh about it when we get back on the ground."

She stepped into the coveralls and I zipped her up giving her a kiss when the tab reached her neck.

"It is a good idea to plait your hair otherwise I won't see where we are going!"

As she was plaiting her hair I took my jump suit out of the kit bag and squirmed into it. They are meant to be quite close fitting. I left my foot covers off as we had to walk to the plane and didn’t need them for this. I donned my tandem rig with a bigger canopy that would allow more air time and a tandem emergency canopy.

I got the buddy rig out of the bag and onto Elise making sure it was adjusted properly. She looked at me and I could see she was nervous. Who wouldn't be doing this for the first time?

"You will be fine. Nothing is going to happen to you apart from a sensational experience that only happens once."

"You are sure, Ger? I'm not a chicken but I am nervous as hell."

"I promised I would never hurt you and I promise you will be ok."

We were interrupted by the whine of one of the 182s engines turning over and then firing. The pilot evened it out before firing the second engine, a burst of smoke erupted from the exhaust as the engine caught. He ran them up and the 182 rocked a little on its brakes. He dropped the revs and cycled the flaps, rudder and ailerons checking each function.

Graham handed Elise a light helmet and goggles. I put the helmet on her head and locked the chin strap. I left the goggles up as I put on my own. My altimeter checked out ok and I zeroed it for the location. My drogue was tucked into my thigh pocket and after an inspection by Graham he gave thumbs up. I checked his rig and patted his helmet which had a mounted camcorder.

Another skydiver, Tony, joined us and was checked out ok.

We walked out to the plane with Graham first, myself, Elise and the last guy Tony. First in last out.

Tony slid the door shut and tapped the pilot on the shoulder.

The engines revved and the plane bumped its way to the strip. I looked out and saw the windsock hanging limply, perfect conditions.

I sat With Elise between my thighs and I coupled her harness to me tugging each linkage.

I leant into her head and said, "Here comes the boring bit."

"Boring? I'm nearly peeing my panties now."

I hugged her to me and she gripped my arms tightly.

While on the ground Graham had explained what she needed to do. I went over it again with her as the plane taxied to the end of the runway. The plane turned and with the brakes on the pilot ran up the engines making it shake.

Elise gripped my arms even tighter when he released the brakes and the plane rolled down the runway.

It is nearly impossible to speak above the engine noise on take off so I hugged her and kissed her neck. The Cessna rumbled down the grass strip gaining speed quickly. The noise changed as the plane left the ground and started to climb slowly, taking wide circles and gaining height.

Elise relaxed a bit and it was easier to talk to her with the loss of ground noise.

"It takes a while to get to the height. We are going to ten thousand feet so you can get another ten seconds free fall before we deploy the chute."

"Ger, I don't want to be a splodge on the ground. Promise me."

"You won't be, I promise."

The plane reached altitude and Tony opened the door and threw out a wind streamer. As the plane circled he watched its descent. He turned and gave a thumbs up. He tapped the pilot and the plane went around once more. He opened the door and crouched in it. The engines throttled back and he leapt out. The engines revved up again and the plane circled again to regain altitude.

I shuffled us to the door and held the sides with my feet on the step frame ready to kick off. Elise had her arms folded and her knees tucked up as per the instructions we had given her. I knew her eyes would be closed as she hunched her head into her shoulders. I put my mouth to her ear.

"Open your eyes and relax your shoulders."

The engines throttled back once again and I pushed us out into the air with Graham hard on my heels. Elise gave a scream and I stabilized us and once stable tapped her shoulder and she spread herself out under me. I pulled the drogue out of my thigh pocket and it wavered in the slipstream above us. Graham was circling round us with the camcorder on his helmet running. He came in close to capture Elise's face and pulled back out recording us.

About 12 seconds had passed and we were at terminal velocity. I watched the display of my altimeter and on four thousand feet pulled on my ripcord.

The bright yellow chute instantly billowed out below the drogue above us and when it caught we jerked in the air making Elise squeal in fright. I checked the deployment and found no issues. I looked towards the ground as I grabbed the toggles and made a slight correction that swung us out under the canopy. I spoke into her ear.

"You are now a skydiver. The next bit is where you can have some fun. Reach up and get the toggles, just hold them and I'll tell you what to do."

I put my hands on the secondaries.

"Gently pull the left one."

She did and we swung in a slow circle.

"Now ease it up and do the same with the right one."

She tugged a little too hard on the right and she yelped as we swung further out under the canopy in the opposite direction. I brought us under control and told her to try again. This time she got it right and we swung in a lazy circle.

I checked my altimeter and decided we had enough height for something else.

"Pull both equally at the same time and see what happens."

She gingerly pulled them and we stopped going forwards, losing height faster.

Elise yelped and let go of the toggles and the chute resumed a slower descent.

"OK, I'll take over now."

I corrected our course and headed for the landing marker. I circled it and on the approach said to Elise, "Arms and knees."

She did as she was told and I glided us in pulling hard on the toggles to land us. I got my feet on the ground and brought us to a short stepping halt with the chute dropping gently behind us.

"Well, here you are safe and sound as promised. What do you think of it?"

As I was speaking I unbuckled Elise.

"Think? I can't think! When you pushed us out I thought I was going to die! Falling through the air seeing the ground get closer I was sure we would hit it. When the chute opened I was so glad it did. It was fun and scary making it turn and when we reached the ground I thought it was coming up so fast and would hurt but it was like stepping off a bench. You know I said I was nearly peeing myself before we got in the plane? I had an orgasm when the chute opened. Oh god. It was incredible! I want to do it again!"

"Quite a few women do when doing it for the first time. What you're feeling now is the adrenalin rush. In a little while you will come down from it and feel something is missing. It happens to everybody.

Lots of people will never do it again but a few take the sport up and get addicted to it."

Elise wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard.

"I want you, I need you. Get me to your house now."

I laughed and said, “Patience, you sex maniac!”

I gathered up my chute and we walked to the hanger with Elise bubbling away with excitement. Getting there I took the harness off Elise and then my rig off and put it in the queue for repacking. I would pick it up later in the week and pack some chutes myself in return.

Graham came up to us and said to Elise.

"Want to see yourself in action?"

Going over to the flat screen Graham pressed replay on the camcorder and the view on the big screen was us from above dropping from the plane. The camera tracked us and showed us spread-eagled in the air. As Graham moved in on us I could see Elise's eyes were wide open behind the goggles and her mouth clamped shut. Graham had circled around us and filmed from as many angles as he could. When Elise saw an upwards view of us she gasped.

"How did you manage that?"

"Underneath you and on my back. Easy when you know how."

The camera caught us deploying and we disappeared from view

Graham stopped the camcorder.

"Did you enjoy that then? Definitely not boring is it?"

"Certainly not. It was like nothing ever. I want to do that again, soon!"

"I'll make you a copy and you can take it with you. I need that coverall back though."

Elise stripped it off and handed it to Graham

"Thank you so much!"

"Any time, Elise, any time."

"Can we go to your place now?"

"As soon as I pay the jump fee we can go."

"I need to pee, where are the toilets?"

"Over by the packing tables."

I paid the fee and waited for her to return. When she got back we said our farewells. I picked my kit bag and Elise took my hand and we went back to the car. After putting the bag in the trunk Elise pushed me against the car and pressed her groin against me as she kissed me. I felt her pushing something into my hand and she backed away grinning. I looked and saw a small pair of black panties and they felt damp.

"That's not pee. That is what it did to me. You can keep them as a souvenir. Now take me to your home or I will rape you here and now."

I put her panties to my nose and smelt her pussy juice.

"Get in the car!"

I got us back to the house in record time. Elise tore at the buttons of my jeans as soon as we were in the door. I pulled her t-shirt over her head as I kicked off my trainers. Her boots soon accompanied them followed by our jeans.

My dick was rigid and Elise grabbed it and dragged me to my bedroom. She backed onto the bed and pulled me on top of her. She spread her legs and raised her knees reaching for my shaft and guiding it into her soaking pussy, as soon as I was inside her she locked her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She thrust her pelvis up against me and forced her tongue into my mouth. It was pure animal lust that was driving her.

She continued to thrust herself against me until she went totally rigid, her pussy clamping down on my dick with unbelievable strength. I felt her nectar squirt along my dick and coat my balls. I was sure that the neighbors would have heard her scream as she came. Her arms fell from my neck and her legs slid off me onto the bed as she gasped for air.

I looked into her eyes and they were fully dilated and her pupils were filled with gold flecks. I could see her gaining recognition and she stroked my face with her hands looking at me.

"Welcome back, Elise. How was it for you?"

"How was it? I'm still falling from the sky. You promised I would be safe and I am thanks to you. I haven't ripped your back again have I?"

"No, my back is fine but it felt more like you were going to rip my dick off when you came."

"My poor, Ger. I would never do that to you. Can you roll over please? I feel like I am glued to your sheets."

As I rolled over to her left side my semi-hard dick slipped out of her pussy. Elise straddled me after peeling herself from the saturated sheet.

"You are going to run out of bed linen at this rate, Ger, and maybe need a new mattress as well."

"Well worth it."

We lay there in the afterglow of our coupling just stroking each other’s bodies. Elise extricated herself and kneeled over me.

“I can’t get over coming in the air. Does that make us members of the Mile High Club?”

“Most likely. Beats some sordid, quick fuck in an airplane toilet, well for you anyway!”

She snorted a laugh and leant down to kiss me holding her hair back

Her lips were soft and tender as they met mine. I captured her nipples with my thumbs and forefingers and tweaked them gently as we kissed. Elise hummed satisfaction against my lips making them tingle.

Sitting up she flattened my hands on her breasts and moved my palms across her nipples. She left my hands there and took my hardening dick in her hand and stroked me to a full hard on. She turned around with her beautiful ass facing me and reaching between her thighs brought my dick to her pussy lips and stroked up and down soaking its head with her pussy juice. She rubbed her clit against it and then pushed it between her engorged lips.

Watching her do this was so horny. Her pussy ate my straining member hungrily and leaning forwards she slowly slid up and down it.

I could see the cute button of her asshole and her pussy lips rubbing on my shaft as she moved. This was making my balls boil. I was close to cumming and told her. Elise increased her movements and as I was about to spill my load she pulled my dick out of her pussy and held it as my load splashed against .her pussy lips and that cute button. I groaned with lust and my hips jerked as the last of my cum shot from its swollen head.

Elise dropped her ass onto my deflating dick and rubbed my cum over it and my thighs with her cheeks.

She leant forwards and peered at me under her arm and gave me an impish smile.

"Yes, I'm just a dirty, horny bitch." And burst out giggling.

She turned around and rubbed her mound against my dick and thighs. "Share!" Then collapsed on me in a fit of giggling. I pulled her up to kiss her and she responded in kind.

"What time is it?"

I picked up my watch,

"Four forty five. There is plenty of time before you need to be back. Come on, get your beautiful ass up and shower with me."

We got into the shower and lovingly washed each other. We stayed there hugging each other under the flow until we were cleansed. Wrapping Elise in a towel I knew that I would do anything to keep her. I was in love with her beyond any denial.

As she dried her hair I headed for the kitchen. I made open top sandwiches with salad and pastrami and tea for Elise.

She sat naked at my counter and devoured four of them. I looked at her in amazement. Where does she put it all? Not a spare ounce of body fat but an appetite of someone twice her weight.

She saw me looking and cleared her mouth.

"I have a high metabolic rate in case you are wondering. I can eat and as long as it is balanced I don't put on weight. Rather the opposite, if I don't eat enough I shed pounds so quickly that you would think I was bulimic."

Finishing her sandwich and draining the last of her tea, she said,

"It is back to the real world again for me. I need to be there as I have another band on tonight. I want you there with me as I am going to play boss lady and let my crew do all the work unless it gets totally hectic."

"That would be fine for me. I'll lay off the black to avoid ribbing."

"As far as I am concerned you could be naked but I wouldn’t want you torn to pieces by horny single females. I prefer you in one piece. Wear what you like."

"OK. Let's get you there."

Elise pulled her jeans on and then her t-shirt. She found one boot and was looking for the other, locating it on the other side of the breakfast counter. Blue jeans and a Talking Heads t-shirt did for me along with my trainers.

"Me's ready then." Said Elise

I picked my keys and we were soon rolling out my drive in the Mustang.

Elise had her head on my shoulder and her hair was streaming behind it as we reached the turnpike. Fifteen minutes later I pulled in to the bar lot and killed the engine.

We entered the bar and Elise greeted the 'lions' whose names were unbelievably, Bill and Ted. They politely said hi to me and we approached the bar where Sean was drinking coffee and the two female bartenders were leaning on the bar at the stage end. There were maybe about twenty patrons seated and the waitresses were at their stations.

"Welcome back to where the work gets done." Said Sean.

Elise looked at him and said, "I think it is about time I promoted you, Sean. I was thinking along the lines of junior toilet attendant."

"Hardy har har, boss. The extra cash will come in handy."

"OK, knock it off. Anything of concern?"

"Nope, unless you count the fact that we are all extremely pleased with last night’s bonus."

"OK, I'll be upstairs for a while. Call me if there are any problems."

"No probs, Elise. No probs at all. Y'all have a fun time now. Y'hear."

"Third assistant toilet attendant now."

I could see the blond barmaid look at me with Elise and she shrugged her shoulders in resignation knowing she could not compete.

"Ger, can you stay with me a while?"

"As long as you want."

She led me through her office and up to her apartment and into her kitchen.

"I need to change, these clothes have seen enough action for one day!"

In saying so, Elise stripped off in front of me.

"Did I hear you say that you have a reserve chute?"

"I have but it is for emergencies only."

"I think that my need for you can be classed as an emergency at this time."

I looked at her lithe body. "I think you might be right."

I was naked in seconds and standing behind her with my swelling dick pressing upwards against her ass crack, my hands on her breasts and my mouth lightly kissing the nape of her neck making her shiver.

"That feels nice, Ger, don't stop."

Her hands sought my hips and slid onto my butt cheeks. She pulled me tighter to her ass and parted her legs letting my hard shaft rest against her pussy lips. She closed her thighs on my shaft and started to slowly jerk me off with them. I could feel her pussy lips sliding on my throbbing cock as her juices lubricated it. My foreskin was being pulled back and forwards with her motions arousing me even more.

Elise leant forwards and put her hands on the island top and her head lower. She opened her thighs and I took my dick in my hand positioning between her wet pussy lips. I let it go and slowly filled her eager hole. She brought her hands together flat on the marble and rested her cheek on them.

Because of Elise's silence I figured she wanted gentle sex. I slowly pulled back and held the head of my dick at her inner lips. Slipping into her hole again I was parting her soft interior feeling every ridge and muscle rub against its swollen head.

"Yes, Ger. Nice and slow like that. Let me feel you open me up with every stroke. It feels delicious."

The sensation of her pussy and her words made it difficult not to thrust into her and I slowed my strokes down to make me last longer. I covered her breasts with my hands and as I drew out to the edge of her pussy lips, my hands dragged over her nipples until it was my finger tips that rested on them. I pushed back into her and pushed my hands forwards bending her nipples in the other direction.

Elise moaned with pleasure and wriggled her ass against me. I kept this up until a tingle in my balls told me I was about to cum. I took my hand and gently rubbed her clit hood with two fingers making her jerk and gasp. Along with my slow strokes and my rubbing of her clit she was close to cumming. I wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer so I pulled her clit hood back and put direct pressure on her nub.

Elise convulsed on my dick and I slid it in as far as it would go and came inside her with one spurt emptying what little cum I had left in me. She shook a little as the last tremor of her orgasm hit her. My dick admitted defeat and shrank, falling out of her. A thin rivulet of our combined cum slowly slid down the inside of her right thigh.

Elise pushed her upper body away from the marble and turned to me. I took her in my arms and kissed her softly she kissed back the same.

"Oh Ger, that was so beautiful. You do things to me I have never felt before. That was so tender. It felt as though it was exactly what I needed after the day I have had. I asked you for something not boring and you made me feel so many emotions and end up with the best one of all. I'll never forget this day as long as I live. Thank you."

Her kiss was the softest of all today but it felt the best of all.

We had a quick shower with Elise avoiding wetting her hair. She pulled on a dark blue thong and black leggings. I watched her put on a thin seamless bra that did little to minimise her nipples and a Souxie and the Banshees t-shirt. She looked along the clothes rack pulling various small skirts out before settling for a mid-thigh dark red plaid one.

Sitting at her vanity she quickly applied eye liner, mascara and violet sheened eye shadow followed by a deep plum colored lip gloss. On went ankle boots that had straps and buckles then her biker jacket.

Standing up, Elise gave me a twirl making her hair fly out. "Ooops! Forgot about that."

She took two purple hair bands and made a high bunch on each side of her head. Gone was the woman who minutes before stood naked in front of and in her place was a rebellious looking clone.

"Wow! You look like you are ready to go to a punk revival!"

"A girl has to have a lot of looks. OK, let's see the state of affairs downstairs but first hug and kisses here as there won't be any downstairs unless we are ducking into the office."

Her boots brought her height up a bit and as I held her in my arms it was easier to reach her mouth. A quick tongue fight and Elise pulled back to rub off some lip gloss from my mouth.

Leaving the office I saw that the bar had filled up quite a bit.

Sean came up to Elise and said, "Under control for now. You don't need to be behind the bar for a good bit. Soda and a Budvar?"

"Please Sean. I'll keep an eye on things and if I see you are getting swamped I'll be on it.”

Elise led the way to a stand up where she could keep an eye on the bar area.

"Cheers, Ger, and thanks for everything today. It seems surreal that I was falling to the ground with you. I want to do it again and again." She sipped her soda and I took a healthy pull on the beer.

"Tomorrow is Sunday and the bar is closed as I want my staff to have more than one day off. Any none, near death things we could do?"

"I have one idea just now but I am not sure if you would like it. Can you shoot?" Not pistols but shotguns, specifically clay pigeon shooting."

"I'm glad you said not guns. I have never fired one and have no intention of learning now. I can hit the ducks in the fairground with a BB gun but that is as much as I have had to do with guns. Clay pigeons, that's those saucer things that shatter if you hit them. I'm not sure as those guns look heavy."

"There are lightweight guns that use a smaller shell and they work the same way as 12 gauge do. They can hit the clays just the same. It was an idea but there are plenty of other things we could do. Off road buggies, kart racing, abseiling, boating on the lake?"

"I said no near death things! What do you mean boating on the lake?"

"I mean pack a picnic and cruise up the lake stopping wherever we want. Go swimming and lie in the sun. Eat when we want. Fish if that tickles your fancy."

Elise pondered a bit. "That sounds the safest of all. OK, boating it is then. I used to fish with my dad and we would keep one for a meal if we were lucky but it was being with him that was the best bit. No, I'm not getting emotional, just remembering."

"Boating it is then. I can get the use of a boat and just need to pay for fuel so it will be a cheap day out if we picnic or we can go to any of the shore restaurants."

"Picnicking as we can be alone without anybody."

"Can I use your phone in the office and I'll get the boat sorted out?"

"Not a problem, I'll wait here for you."

It only took a few minutes to sort out the boat and I went back to join Elise.

"It will be ready for us whenever we get there. Fully fueled and everything we need including some food and drink."

Saturday night turned out to be a good band, a couple of beers and a night spent with Elise snuggled into me in her bed. The two of us totally shagged out and just needed the comforting feeling of being together.
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