Rachael is down on her luck after losing her job, her boyfriend, and all her stuff due to a little misunderstanding. And then it starts raining. A girl will do almost anything under those circumstances, even if it means finding out she isn't the person she thinks she is. This is a book by Rachael Ross
I woke up slowly, my mind refusing to give up whatever dreams I'd been having, and my body resisting the desire to move. I was laying on the mattress and blankets, between two of the dogs. I was hugging Bush while Bandy was against my back and Barley slept between my legs. It was warm and soft and I kept my eyes closed, just listening to my mates sleep, smelling them so close to me. It was nice, really nice.
I'd fucked all three of them the night before. It had taken some 15 minutes or so before Bandy's knot had shrunk enough so that he could pull out, and that had been nice too, the waiting. My vagina had clasped the knot eagerly and I'd lain there, regaining my senses slowly while our Master had watched. As soon as Bandy pulled out with a heavy wash of sperm and fuck juice, which was a new and completely different sort of aching pleasure, Bush had mounted me, finding my stretched and well lubricated cunt easily. And after he'd added his copious load of dog semen to Bandy's, it was another relaxing wait before Barley finally took his long awaited turn.
"Un-fucking-believable..." the man had said while he watched the dogs taking me. He actually said that quite a lot, like he really couldn't believe what he was seeing and it did sort of embarrass me a little, but mostly I was sorta busy.
"Where's all that cock going, bitch?" he'd asked me at one point, after Bush had locked up with me and I was just coming down from what seemed like my hundredth orgasm of the night.
"I don't know..." I sighed and then giggled a little. "I guess I stretch."
He laughed at that, rubbing his penis slowly. "I guess you do stretch. Like you were made for big ol' dog cock. Damn! Never saw anything like it!"
Only after the dogs had finished and Barley had pulled free of me did our Master kneel behind me and push his cock inside my sore and tender hole, but truthfully, I barely felt him at all. He was of average size, I supposed, for a human, perhaps even a little bigger than average, but the dogs had been huge, especially once I'd taken their swollen knots. He fucked me rapidly for a minute, maybe two before he came inside me.
One of the dogs, Bush, I think, licked our Master's penis clean and then went to work on me, lapping at my sex and digging his gentle tongue into my hole as the juices leaked out of me. It was rather like a sexy massage of some strange sort, soothing and bringing me small orgasms that rocked my exhausted body until I was finally able to crawl to our bed and fall asleep. It had been intense and weird, like the one time I'd tried ecstasy at a club in Olympia, and found myself floating from guy to guy on the dance floor. Except I hadn't been thoroughly fucked that night, just fondled and kissed and brought to orgasm repeatedly without understanding how or why.
So I was waking slowly, clutching my mates and smiling despite my soreness. I felt as if I'd been kicked between my legs, sort of, but there was something else there too, a fiery pleasantness that I couldn't deny. The cramp-like ache was annoying, but proof that I'd lost my virginity finally, which was a strange way of thinking about it, but that was how it seemed. Until I'd taken Bandy, I thought, I'd been a virgin. No man had ever fucked me so deeply or so hard, and I doubted any man could. When our Master had fucked me, I hadn't even noticed really. I'd been so loose and wet with dog sperm and the spend of my orgasms, it was more like he was fingering me than fucking me.
And Master ... That was new term and I wasn't sure why I was thinking of him that way, except that it seemed most correct somehow. Had he suggested it? I tried to remember if he'd spoken to me while we'd coupled, or afterwards perhaps, and I couldn't. I'd been so tired, so dazed by my overwhelmed senses. He might have spoken with me for an hour for all I knew, but I doubted it. All I could remember was that little bit about taking big dog cock, and that seemed like a dream. And besides, what would a man have to say to a bitch? Probably nothing except 'Good doggy' I thought with a smile as I lay there.
Part of me wanted to get up, the part of me that was still a girl, which was probably most of me. It had been a life changing experience, but not completely, and I felt the usual desire to pee, wash my face and brush my teeth, and have a cup of coffee, in that order. I was used to that and old habits are hard to break. I was sure our Master, the man, I corrected myself, not really wanting to continue with that mindset; I was sure he'd had his fun and this morning he'd be letting me go, or at least welcoming me into his home as a girl.
But time passed and I finally had to get up. I'd been waiting for the door to open and the man to arrive, but he hadn't. I'd heard no sound but the breathing of the dogs and some birds whistling happily in the bright spring morning. There was none of the usual traffic outside, or the television from the apartment next door, or heavy footsteps of people on their way to work that I was used to. I was fifty miles from all of that and I sort of missed it, but I kind of didn't too. I wondered what my ex-boyfriend was doing and whether he was waking up alone or if he'd replaced me already. I stroked the dogs, smiling as I realized I missed my ex much less than I missed his kitchen radio.
I used the bath area to urinate and then washed myself quickly, since the water was rather cold. I washed my body, rubbing myself vigorously and making loud complaining noises that woke the dogs. They lifted their heads and looked at me lazily. I used a bar of soap I found, a half-cake of Ivory, I thought from the smell of it. I was glad for that since I wasn't sure I wanted to use the dog soap, only because I wasn't sure how strong it might be and I'd learned to avoid strong soaps in the past. Ivory was mild however and I washed myself quickly, all but my vagina, which I had to take my time with, exploring my sex carefully.
It was pink and tender, and my labia were still swollen and somewhat distended, pulled out a little so they looked strange. Inside too I was red and a little swollen maybe, although it was hard to tell. But as I pushed two fingers inside me I didn't feel anything really bad, just that I was a bit more sensitive. I was also still wet with juices, sticky and squishy. I pushed the end of the hose inside me, just a little and let the cold water flood my sex like some sort of super-sized douche, shivering as I sat on the tiles, but wanting to be as clean as possible too.
I was almost finished when the door opened and the man entered. He was carrying a towel, I was glad to see, and I wondered if I dared speak with him. He had told me not to speak unless he gave me permission, but this was a new day, I thought, and he was bringing me a towel. That meant something. He wouldn't bring a dog a towel would he? But of course a real bitch wouldn't take a bath on her own either. I decided I wasn't a dog, not any more, and surely he had to realize that this strange game couldn't go on.
Just as I was taking the towel gratefully, however, he began speaking to me, solving my little dilemma. "That was quite a night for you," he smiled. "How did you like it?"
"I liked it," I said slowly, nodding my head and drying my body briskly, enjoying the rough terry cloth as it warmed my skin. "I need some things though. I mean, if I'm going to stay here." I was sort of hoping he'd correct me and tell me I wasn't really staying in that room all the time, but he didn't.
"I suppose you do." He pushed me back down, as I'd risen to my feet. Not in a mean way, but insistent, like I was forgetting my place, and I was soon kneeling as he took the towel back.
I gave him a little list of what I wanted and he was nodding and agreeing to most of it. "No coffee, I'm afraid. It's not really good for dogs," he chuckled. "And hot water, hmmm ... I'll see what I can do. The tank for this faucet is outside, so the sun heats it up during the day. Might be best if you bathed after supper every night, but I think you'll get used to cold in the morning. It isn't that bad, is it?"
"It's pretty cold," I laughed a little, but it wasn't that bad I guessed. "Um, is there a bathroom I can use? I mean, when I have to go ... you know ... number two?" I asked, feeling a little embarrassed that I had to bring that up.
"Hmm ... number two, eh?" he raised an eyebrow. "There's ten acres right outside that door. A smart bitch like you oughta be able to figure it out," he laughed and scratched my head a little. "Just watch the boys, they'll teach you just fine."
That wasn't exactly the answer I wanted to hear, but it was the only one I was getting apparently. He left me shortly after that and I had little else to do but climb back into bed and curl up with the dogs. It was warm and comfortable, but I wasn't going back to sleep, and I wasn't used to having so much time alone with my thoughts. It was almost uncomfortable and I sort of wondered at myself, thinking maybe I'd never really tried to think before. I mean, I'd grown up with television and radio and the internet and a hundred other devices to occupy my mind, just so I wouldn't have to think ... But that seemed too deep for me and I was afraid to think about it too much.
The man came back a short while later, carrying two big bowels with our breakfast, and a third dish which he filled with water. The dogs were up immediately and I realized I was hungry as well. So I followed along, on my hands and knees for our Master's benefit, although it was rather uncomfortable crawling on the hard wooden floor all the time.
"Here, you'll need to take these every morning." He was handing me a few pills, vitamins and dietary supplements. I swallowed them down after sipping water into my mouth from the bowl. "I'll bring the other stuff you need later, after I run into town." He glanced at Barley who was eating by himself while the other two dogs shared their breakfast. "Better get some before it's all gone," he chuckled and I nodded, scurrying over to push my face in the dish.
I didn't know what it was, but it was like chunks of moist sausage or something, mixed with hard crunchy bits that had a strange taste to it. It wasn't nearly as good as dinner had been, but I ate it anyway, filling my tummy rather quickly and leaving most of it for Barley. I drank deep from the bowl and grimaced a little at the aftertaste. I wondered what the stuff was that I'd eaten and it occurred to me that it was probably real dog food. Successful lawyer or not, it would be rather expensive feeding three huge dogs and me nothing but beef stew all the time. The idea of eating dog food made me a little queasy though and so I tried to pretend it was something else, veal maybe, since I didn't really like veal anyway.
After eating, the dogs went outside, but I just relaxed on the bed, touching my sex and wondering if it would ever go back to normal. It just felt puffy and strange. I slept for a little bit and woke up when Bush returned, sitting next to me and sniffing at my pussy, giving me small licks until I was moving to hug him. I was in that sort of half-asleep, half-awake place you get with little naps and it felt good, except Bush kept licking at my skin and it was ticklish.
I moved more, turning and curling my body, and Bush moved with me as well, although I kept my eyes closed and had no idea how we were facing really. I was hugging him though, and pressing my face against the warm softness of his tummy. He was lying down beside me and I'd crooked my bottom leg, the right one, so his chin rested on my thigh and his nose was close to my pussy. It was comfortable like that and I didn't mind the slow lazy licks he was giving my pussy. In fact, it was going from ticklish to nice rather quickly and I lifted my left leg slightly, bending my knee and resting my foot on the bed.
This was better as Bush had complete access to my sex and he licked my labia and across my clit as she began to swell. I moaned softly, shifting my hips against the little pangs of pleasure I was feeling and opened my eyes, surprised to find Bush's furry sheath against my face. I hadn't even noticed it until I saw it, almost crossing my eyes as I tried to focus on it. Then I could feel the heaviness inside, the dog's penis which was always firm, even when he wasn't aroused. I could smell the animal too, a pungent musky scent that I hadn't really noticed before.
I was enjoying Bush's attentions and I could feel the fluttering in my sex and deeper, in the pit of my stomach that told me I was feeling real good. So it was without any real thought or plan that I took my first tentative lick along Bush's penis. Along the short haired sheath that covered it, I should say. It tasted like nothing really, much like licking a sweater, I supposed, and he didn't seem to be shedding or anything, so I licked him some more, wondering if he'd enjoy it.
I guess he did, or perhaps he was enjoying the fact that I was getting more than a little excited myself. My pussy was beginning to moisten and I felt that warm glow beginning inside me. I moved my hips slightly, wanting the dog's long and sensitive tongue inside me, while I continued to lick and kiss his cock, finally tonguing the small opening at the tip. I was urging his penis, hidden inside, to come out for me and it soon did with Bush giving me a soft friendly growl from deep in his chest. An inch of red, glistening dog cock emerged and I licked it carefully, unsure how the animal would react, and quite unsure of what it would taste like, but it wasn't bad at all.
He was leaking precum and that was nearly tasteless really, maybe a hint of something sour, but not much at all. His cock was odd shaped and I enjoyed the way it felt under my tongue, tapered at an angle with a sharp, and well defined ridge around the end of it. I could see veins, very thin and close to surface, marbling his reddish flesh in blue and purple. It looked very pretty, I thought, and when I took the dog's cock fully in my mouth, wrapping my lips around the exposed shaft, it was pleasant for both of us. The shaft wasn't really wet at all, not like it looked, but I was working hard to fix that.
I washed Bush's cock with my tongue, even as I slid my lips back and forth along his ever growing length. The dog was getting longer and more aroused with every beat of his heart, and so was I. Bush never paused in his efforts to please me, digging his tongue finally between my swollen labes and into my hole. He found my juices running and that seemed to make him even happier, his cock swelling so quickly it filled my mouth completely before I even realized what was going on. It was like some sort of magic trick and I had to back off him quickly as the tip of Bush's penis tickled the back of my mouth, making me gag in reflex.
It was a lot different than giving head to my boyfriend that was for sure. Well, maybe not that much different, I mean the principle was the same, but Bush's cock tasted and felt and looked so much different. Plus he was bigger, at least nine inches long and so thick in the middle that my mouth was stretched wide to accommodate him. And half of the dog's cock was all I could take, and even then I had to fight to resist the urge to cough and gag. I used my hand to stroke that part of his cock I couldn't take in my mouth, feeling him hot and heavy and wet as precum gave way to watery semen and it was running from the tip like a leaky faucet. I couldn't swallow all of it, although I tried my best, and finally gave up, not really minding the way it ran out of my mouth and down my neck and cheek anyway.
I was feeling good too. My body moving as Bush tongue fucked my hot sex, curling the tip of his tongue inside me so that every now and then it would find my g-spot, that secret little bundle of nerves that sent me like a rocket straight up to heaven. And when his tongue would complete its long deliberate circuit, he invariable finished across my clit, which was throbbing and fiery and growing almost too sensitive for the rough texture of the dog's tongue. It was intense, like nothing else in the world, and I was going to cum any second, in a delicious 69 with that huge dog beside me.
I could barely concentrate on what I was doing and when Bush finally did push me over the edge of reason, all I could do was suckle his long fat prick like a baby, moaning and writhing and hugging the animal so tightly I think it made him nervous, but perhaps the dogs were used to their strange new bitch already, because he didn't complain or try to move. He just kept tonguing me, which was maybe a thousand times better and worse too, because I just wasn't coming down. I was cumming over and over until I finally had to push him away and roll over, hugging my knees to my chest as I quivered uncontrollably. My whole body seemed entirely too sensitive and the slightest touch of Bush's tongue made me yelp and tense up.
But there was no stopping the animal either. Bush was excited now and as I lay curled up on my left side he found my exposed ass, his tongue suddenly digging into my tight virgin anus and as my body seemed to contract and expand with every orgasmic spasm, Bush's tongue slipped into my rectum. It was another new and wildly exciting sensation, the dog's tongue wriggling perhaps half an inch deep in my ass. It was good, bringing me another round of orgasms to steal my senses and leave me panting for more. I was torn between almost painful over-stimulation and the overpowering desire to continue that glorious experience. I felt like I was dying, and yet so alive that it seemed like I'd just been reborn.
I finally rolled onto my stomach, offering Bush what he needed and wanted. I was laughing, I think, giggling crazily and slapping my butt, urging the dog to mount me as I lifted my ass for him. Bush took little convincing after our long foreplay and I soon felt his paws around my waist, pulling at my hips as his cock thrust and then found my hungry sex. He pushed inside me all at once, making me gasp and arch my back as I came immediately, despite the pain of my bruised cunt being stretched once more.
The others must have heard us, or smelled us maybe, because a moment later Bandy and then Barley were pushing through the swinging door, barking excitedly as Bush growled and told them to wait for their turns. He was fucking the bitch now and not even big Bandy could make him stop. I just lay there, my knees bent and tucked under my tummy so my ass was elevated while Bush pumped me fast and furious. He'd been excited for awhile now, even before entering my cunt, and it wasn't long before the swell of his knot was pounding against my sex, demanding entry so as to trap the dog's sperm in my womb long enough to give me a litter of pups.
It was deja vu all over again as my pussy walls were stretched beyond reason to take the baseball sized muscle which would expand even more once it was in me. But that was becoming my favorite part, being locked tight with my mate while he short stroked my pussy, stabbing at the super-sensitive pillow of my cervix and bringing me the most intense orgasm of them all. There was no other thought in my head, none possible, except that I needed to be filled with hot thick dog cum. I wanted it desperately, to soak my womb in the stuff, to bathe in it as Bush ejaculated with a throaty growl of pleasure. I could feel his body on top of mine, hot and heaving and soft with fur. His breath was warm across my shoulders and neck, and his paws held me tight, the claws scratching me with pain I'd never feel. I was a bitch, totally and completely, a dog by any other name, and mated happily with the canine prick locked inside me.