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Rachael is down on her luck after losing her job, her boyfriend, and all her stuff due to a little misunderstanding. And then it starts raining. A girl will do almost anything under those circumstances, even if it means finding out she isn't the person she thinks she is. This is a book by Rachael Ross
July was a good month for me, the best yet by far. It was hot outside and I turned dark all over, coffee colored, with just a bit of cream and a lot of sugar. My hair was longer than it had been in a long time, since I'd been a child really, and it was a thick black mass falling over my shoulders. I had muscles under my skin, hard and lean muscles that worked effortlessly as I ran with my mates. I had small scratches, the occasional scrape and bruise, but largely I was as comfortable naked and outdoors as I'd ever been clothed in my old apartment. I spent most of my time outside and careless of everything but the fun I could have with my mates and our Master on those occasions when he would walk the fields with us.

Usually though it was just us dogs, running loose and chasing rabbits, or wrestling around in the warm sunshine. I was completely comfortable being naked by then, as I said, and I hadn't even thought about myself in such terms for a month or more. I never spoke except as a dog and I'd grown accustomed to it, not feeling the loneliness that I'd suffered during the first few weeks. It had been hard at first, the lack of communication with another person, much harder than you might appreciate. It made for a strange sense of isolation, although I was never truly alone. My three companions were with me always, but I hadn't learned their tongue yet, so it was difficult. But by the time July began to heat up I'd long since forgotten any suffering I'd had.

"Heeeey ... Nice dog ... Here boy..."

"Careful, dude. That's a big dog, man!"

"He's cool ... Come on boy. Come here..."

I could hear voices, two boys it sounded like, which was strangely out of place. I was lying in the tall grass with Barley and Bandy, all three of us relaxing and I guessed that whoever those guys were they'd spotted Bush, who always enjoyed flushing the bushes. We were on the edge of our Master's property, and it was fenced, but only with a single strand of wire. He kept only a few animals, a horse that he rode occasionally, and some chickens, so there was no real need of fences.

Bush was barking then, loud and not so much angry as annoyed. He knew that no one should be out there and it confused him a little, I think. Bandy and Barley were already up, having lifted their heads as soon as we'd heard the voices and I was getting up too, because Bandy especially could be a little too aggressive.

"Whoa! Oh shit, man ... There's three of 'em!"

"I told you, dude. This guy's got some mean dogs!"

"Let's get out of here!"

They were nervous now and a little frightened, confronted with three huge dogs. Bush, the smallest, was probably a hundred and fifty pounds of muscle, and as I found out from Master shortly after arriving, they were all bred from a Mastiff father and a mother who was half St Bernard and half something else, Great Dane maybe, which gave them their size and handsome features. They had great personality too, gentle and caring, but of course they didn't show that to anyone but our Master, and to me.

"Don't..." I said, and my voice cracked a little since I hadn't tried to speak, let alone yell in some time. "Don't run."

I was walking quickly and growling at Bandy and Barley to stay close, but I doubted they'd listen to me. Bandy was the leader and I knew he'd do whatever he wanted to, and if the boys tried to run that would only excite him more. But he cocked his head to look at me when he'd heard me speaking human, which I suppose reminded him that I was something more than just his bitch. Dogs tend to think a little different than people do and sometimes that's good, other times confusing, even to me. Whatever Bandy was thinking, he at least decided to stay close to me, and so Barley did the same. Bush was still a ways off, barking loudly and his ears were flat, head down and teeth bared.

The two boys, who were Native Americans and maybe 15 or 16 years old, had stopped moving and now they stood there nervously, watching me and the other two dogs as we waded through the high grass. I guess it must have been something strange for them, seeing a girl like me, naked and walking around like a petite Mother Nature or something, maybe one of those nymphs that used to live in Greece and turn people into trees.

That thought made me smile and it was just luck, but my reaction helped the boys relax a little maybe. They had long black hair and handsome features, dressed in jeans and t-shirts. They still glanced nervously at Bush, but mostly followed me with their brown eyes wide open.

"Who are you?" one of them asked when I was maybe a dozen feet away. He tried to look at my face, but mostly he was looking at my breasts and lower, down at my clean shaven sex which was swollen and dripping dog sperm, since I'd mated with Barley not half an hour before.

"Dare," I said slowly and my tongue felt thick in my mouth. "I'm Dare. You, uh ... You should leave."

"Yeah. Come on, dude!" The other one liked looking at my pussy too, but he was watching Bush closely. "Let's get out of here."

His friend was ignoring him though. "Dare? What kind of name is that?" the boy asked, smiling just a little and Bush took a step closer so that he stopped smiling. "You live around here?"

"Over there." I didn't point or anything. "You better go, okay? We don't like you. You're not supposed to be here."

I hadn't really meant to say we didn't like them, but we didn't really. They were strangers and they smelled funny. I could sense them on the wind now that I was closer. I'd found that my hearing and sense of smell were improving, or maybe not really getting better, just less cluttered maybe so they were working as good as a girl's could. I didn't like the smell of those two boys, not because it was a bad smell, it wasn't, but it was a different smell. One that didn't belong.

"Yeah, we know," the other guy was saying, tugging his friend's sleeve until they were both leaving finally with long backward looks over their shoulder at us.

I walked over to Bush, who was satisfied and happy with himself for running the trespassers off. I sat down next to him, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him down with a laugh. He was so big he could have refused me, but they rarely did. I was pretty strong anyway though, so it would have been a good wrestle.

The other two dogs sat down and watched as I urged Bush to mount me. I'd become so horny suddenly, it was strange. Being seen by those two boys, speaking with them, even to tell them to leave, had been exciting. My heart had been pumping hard and I'd gotten a good shot of adrenaline confronting strangers and wondering if there might be a fight, but reasonably certain there wouldn't be. It was more an instinctive thing, I think, the way confrontation excites any good dog. And it made me horny as hell too.

"Uhhh ... Mmmm..." I moaned, wiggling my ass and pushing back as Bush pushed his extended cock into my sex easily. He went all the way in, although his penis was still growing so that with each thrust he reached deeper and deeper until he was nudging my cervix with the oddly pointed tip. That was always good, but a little uncomfortable too, like a mixed blessing of pleasure and pain. It was unavoidable though, because I was so small compared to the others, and I'd long since learned that the discomfort was okay because it was going to be washed away in a moment or two.

I came a lot when we mated, especially outside where I could dig my fingers into the rich brown earth and rest my head on cool soft grass. I could smell the dogs, especially Bush who was holding me tight, his rough paws along my waist and hips as he hunched over me. He liked to fuck me for a few minutes and then slip off, leaving me with a teasing empty feeling while he sniffed and took a lick of my quivering cunt, pulled loose and dripping. Then he'd mount me again, fucking me hard until he pulled out again. It could be agonizingly good like that, but frustrating too, and especially if I was in the middle of an orgasm. He could make me cry sometimes when he suddenly stopped fucking me.

"Ah! Ahhmmmmm..." And then I'd gasp and sigh and lose myself in his thick hard cock when he mounted me again. Only when I felt the knot banging against my sex, or sometimes slipping inside me only to be rudely yanked back out a second later, only then did I know Bush was going all the way. He'd reach the point when the knot was too large to pull out, the muscle continuing to swell so that it just seemed to inflate inside my vagina, that was good for me. And once we were locked, he'd fuck me hard and fast with short, rapid strokes that always left me breathless and shaking beneath him.

When he came I always came too, it was inevitable. My womb, now flooded with hot dog sperm, would quiver and the spasms would start, like little earthquakes inside me, radiating out until my whole body was on fire. I had the best cums when that happened. Like all my other orgasms were just for practice and when we were cumming together, that was the real deal.

We stayed out until after sunset, sleeping mostly, me curled up with Barley who had been nice enough to give me a thorough cleaning after Bush had finished with me. It was easy enough going back home, even in the dark of a night barely tempered with a crescent moon and a billion stars. My feet knew the way and so did my mates and we ran home as we'd awoken rather hungry.

In our room we found food waiting for us and it was good, still warm and rich and meaty. Breakfast was always rather bland, just dog food from the bag and some of that other kind, like raw hamburger. It wasn't bad, but never as good as dinner which was usually a stew of beef, or sometimes chicken or pork, always cooked and I don't think that was especially for my benefit. I think Master liked cooking a real meal for us and had been doing it since long before I'd arrived. He watched us eat sometimes, sitting in his chair and nodding, enjoying his kids as he called us on occasion.

"Dare. Come here, girl."

I was licking the bowl clean, competing with Barley's much bigger and quicker tongue, both of us growling playfully when I heard my Master's voice. I turned to look at him, kneeling with my face wet and covered with gravy, and I was surprised to see someone else coming in behind him. Bandy and the others were surprised too and it took a minute before they'd stop barking and listen to our Master. They sat down, rather unhappily at the intrusion, and I felt a little strange myself.

I suppose it was embarrassment, since I was kneeling there naked except for my collar with the remains of my dinner all over my cheeks and chin, and even the tip of my nose. Master seeing me like that bothered me not at all, since I was his dog anyway, but someone else ... It brought some confusion to me, forgotten and unwelcome feelings that made me frown.

"Come here..." Master walked over, grabbing me by the collar and dragging me gently, but insistently to the hose so he could wash my face for me. That was vaguely humiliating too, but only because it felt like a punishment almost, as though I'd done something wrong and I didn't understand what it was. He washed my face quickly while the other man watched and I flushed slightly, keeping my eyes closed for the most part until Master dried my face with a towel.

"There, that's better." He let go of my collar and walked back towards the man, patting his thigh so I would follow. "She just had dinner..." Master was explaining to the man, who only laughed a little.

"Well, they scared the hell out of my boys this afternoon. Couldn't figure out what they were talking about. Naked girls and big dogs. Shit, ain't this something then." The man was smiling. He was big too, a large Indian man with long black hair dressed in jeans and a corduroy shirt. He had a big stomach and a friendly round face and I approached him, smelling him and the places he'd come from recently.

"Show her your hand," my Master suggested and the man was grinning as he looked from me to him and back, finally holding out his hand so I could sniff and then lick it.

"She's acting like a dog!" he laughed and stroked my head. "Prettiest damn dog I ever saw, but damn! How the hell..." The man was clearly amused and confused by what he was seeing, but he was accepting it too. "Redwing know about this?"

"He knows," my Master nodded. "Took some doing, but everything's legal. She's a bitch now, took to it like a fish to water too. Damndest thing I ever saw." There was a sense of pride in my Master's voice and I looked at him, smiling a little without really understanding any of it.

"Well, I guess this is something," the man was saying. "You should get Whitey out here to look at her. He knows about ... strange things." The man shrugged a little.

"Whitecloud? The medicine man?" My Master seemed to think that over.

"Yeah, some call him a medicine man. I'm Baptist myself." The Indian ran his hand along my back slowly. "Jesus, she's nice."

"Yeah, maybe I'll look him up. I wanted to get some piercing done too. I heard your tribe..." Master was watching, not saying anything to stop the man as he ran his big calloused hand over my butt and down so that his fingers were parting my labia.

"Oh yeah, Whitecloud's definitely the one to talk to about that. Our tribe used to do a lot of bone piercing, mostly for some of the old ceremonies, some rituals. Not so much anymore though. Kind of a lost art..."

I licked my lips and rocked my hips slightly as one of the man's thick fingers slipped inside me easily.

" ... She uh, don't mind if I, uh..." the man glanced at my Master, but his fingers were playing at my humid sex.

I wondered what was going on since it didn't really bother me to have this stranger touching me, but at the same time I didn't think he'd have touched a real bitch the same way either. I had no idea what my Master had told him before bringing him into my room, or how far he was willing to let the man go with his gentle explorations. I gave a little growl, just a reflex I think, as the man's chubby fingers split my labia and entered me slowly. He wiggled them around, like he'd lost something, and it didn't make me feel particularly good, just confused.

"She's just a dog," Master shrugged. "I've tried her a few times, but since the boys have had her, I doubt she even notices me." My Master was chuckling. "Got a hell of a tongue on her though, I'll tell you that much."

"Damn." The Indian pulled his hand away finally and brought his fingers to my face so I could lick them. "I thought I'd seen everything."

A few minutes later they left, closing the door behind them and I crawled onto the bed where Bandy and Bush joined me, pressing their soft warm bodies against mine. Barley slipped outside, feeling restless, I suppose, and I didn't worry about it as I lay there, trying to remember all the things I'd heard and felt, and then trying to understand what they meant.
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