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*All characters are at least 18 years old. Contains minor inflation and ovipositor moments.*
Noelle awoke with a snort.

It took a few moments to adjust to the waking world, and she found that the world looked a lot-more lopsided than normal. Squeezing the sleep from her eyes, she squinted at her room, seeing it from a ninety-degree angle. Her head was lying on something soft and warm. She moved her hand to check it, feeling bare skin under her head. A knee… no, a thigh…!

“Hi.” Amy leaned over so Noelle could see her face, carrying a worried smile. “Are you okay?”

A part of her wanted to keep lying on those soft, soft thighs, but she forced herself to sit up. Her insides complained of a painless discomfort, like a muscle that had been warmed up but not used. She inspected herself for signs of damage. Her belly, despite having just been stretched to an absurd size, was intact, as though nothing had happened. Her skin was dry; the tentacle slime had left no trace, vanishing just like the Beginner’s Mate’s had. She was naked, aside from her shirt, but a blanket had been drawn over her, affording her a pittance of decency.

“I guess I’m okay.” Noelle concluded slowly. Her mind needed some time to boot, like a computer filled with too much porn. Something small began to simmer in the back of her head, a nagging feeling. She turned to Amy, who seemed relieved that Noelle was unharmed. “What about you? Are you okay?” A thought sparked into her brain like a firework. “Did… she…?"

Amy shook her head. "I woke up while you were... while she was..." Amy tried to gesture in place of words, but abandoned the attempt, flushing instead. "I’m sorry. I got scared and pretended to be asleep until she left."

Noelle breathed deeply, letting her head fall back against her chest of drawers. “No, that’s… probably for the best.”

Amy’s mouth opened and closed multiple times, her face changing to multiple expressions. Noelle had to look away, which caused Amy to stiffen. After an awkward moment of hesitation, Amy scooted herself closer until their legs were touching, gingerly putting a hand on Noelle’s shoulder. "How... are you feeling? After… that woman…”

"I feel… God, I don't know.” Noelle fell mute, staring up at the ceiling.

The encounter with Helja and her ridiculous number of tentacles... it was, without a doubt, the most powerful, orgasmic sensation she’d ever experienced. The pleasure she felt had been infinite, indescribable... and yet...

"I don't have the words." Noelle shrugged.

"It… sounded intense." Amy squeezed her shoulder in an attempt to comfort. “Was it…” A small blush painted Amy’s cheeks, “…good?”

Noelle glanced at Amy, seeing only worry in her expression. “Yeah… I think it was amazing.” The review glowed, but her tone was flat. Something bubbled in the centre of her gut, gnawing at her just like her guilt, that prevented her from enjoying Helja’s dalliance.

She remembered Helja’s smugness, her commanding presence, her tone of superiority. And it made her grit her teeth. Now she knew what the feeling in her gut was. It was the same feeling when she swam in a competition, and watching someone else achieve first place.

Noelle always wanted to win.

And this time, it felt like she’d lost.

They sat in silence for a moment, processing the night’s events. Noelle noticed that Amy was fidgeting with her hair, twirling it around her finger. Her brain flagged this as important, urging her to investigate. When considering what Amy might be bothered about, Noelle’s memory took that moment as it’s cue to replay the dirty dance they’d performed. Noelle suddenly froze; they hadn’t just run past every single base, but nuked the playing field from orbit. A sense of shame washed over her.

“So…?” Noelle began, wondering if she should be delicate, or brutally honest. “You’re… noooot… maaaaad…?” She tried, squeezing out each word like the last dregs of a toothpaste bottle.

Amy’s eyes flickered about, her forehead creasing in confusion. “Mad? At… you?”

“For…” Noelle indicated them both, her hand bouncing back and forth like a trampoline.

Amy sat up, her eyes widening. “Oh! No! No, of course not!” She gave Noelle a heart-fluttering smile. “I never thought- I’ve always, well, you, um…”

Noelle huffed with annoyance. “Look, I get it. The slime made you do it.” She glared down at her crotch. “I didn’t mean to get you all excited. I didn’t know, but that’s not an excuse.” She lightly thumped the back of her head on the chest of drawers. "Stupid, stupid..."

Amy grabbed her head to stop the self flagellation. "No! No, of course not." She smiled warmly at Noelle. "I wanted it."

Noelle pulled herself away. "You only wanted it because the slime made you want it."

Amy shook her head. "That’s not true either..." Noelle glanced up at Amy, whose cheeks were redder than they’d been during sex. "I’ve been meaning to, for a while, well… I wanted… to ask you out..."

Noelle blinked stupidly. “Me?” She blurted out. “Why?”

“What do you mean, ‘why’?” Amy scowled. “You’re gorgeous, you’re…” Amy broke off, her blush strengthening and she began playing with her hair. "My, uh, catering studies take me to different events all over the city. I first saw you at a swimming competition a few months ago." Amy closed her eyes, sighing. "You were beautiful. I couldn’t help watching you every time you swam." She looked at Noelle with a bashful smile. "I almost failed the study because of it."

Noelle gawked like a woodland creature discovering the purpose of tarmac.

"Every time I brought you something to eat, I was going to ask you out." Amy smiled sheepishly. "But I could never work up the courage."

"Oh." Noelle said. All of her previous interactions with Amy flitted through her mind, and now she could see all the very clear and obvious hints. That was one mystery cleared up. She mentally kicked herself for not noticing earlier. "So, when we were..." She gestured vaguely at them both.

Amy nodded. "It was faster than I expected, but I did want it. Even before I touched it." She looked down abashedly, then her eyes widened. "Oh!"

Noelle followed her gaze. The blanket was tented over her crotch. "What!" She removed the blanket, revealing her green tentacle sticking out from her lower lips, standing at attention like an eager private. "How are you still horny after all that?" She chided, giving it a light smack.

They both stared at it for a moment. "I suppose it wasn’t... involved." Amy suggested. “Maybe it felt left out?"

"Figures." Noelle sighed, tossing the blanket back over herself and wondering not for the first time how her life had taken such a strange turn. If there was one silver lining from Helja’s ‘demonstration’, it had shown her that she could still have normal sex despite the green intruder.

"Do you want me to take care of it?"

"Mmm." Noelle grunted half listening, then blinked. "What?"

Amy nodded at the blanket, blushing. Her hands were already under the blanket, resting on Noelle’s thigh.

Noelle’s heart did a double take. It took her a few moments to properly process the offer. "Do you...?"

"I want to." Amy said simply. "Do you?"

Noelle looked down at herself, weighing her thoughts and feelings. Was this still okay? Helja had given her a lot to think about in such a short space of time. These tentacles were strange and otherworldly. Was humanity ever meant to control them? They could be dangerous, leading to catastrophic consequences if mishandled. Would it be better if she hid it away and never spoke about it for the rest of her life? Would she be safer that way? Would Amy? Or…

She was thinking too much. It was a simple choice. Did she want it, yes or no?

Noelle looked at Amy and nodded once.

Amy smiled, reaching under the blanket and taking hold of the tentacle. Noelle’s breath caught, and she groaned peaceably as Amy began to stroke. The sensation was exquisite, the feel of Amy’s hand on her tentacle was light years beyond anything Noelle could do to herself.

Amy leant her head against Noelle’s shoulder, pressing against her. Noelle could feel an odd warmth from her, something more than body heat. It was... nice. Really nice.

They stayed like that for a few minutes while Amy gave her a resoundingly sensual handjob. After the explosive, hardcore action that Helja had provided, Amy’s touch was light and relaxing, like a warm bowl of soup on a cold day. Noelle relaxed into it, like soaking in a bath, luxuriating in the loving care of Amy’s fingers.

"Ooh, that’s gooood..." Noelle murmured, dozing slightly. "That feels amazing, Amy~."

Amy kissed her lightly on the cheek; Noelle looked at her, surprised. Amy was flushed with colour, wearing a loving, glowing smile that kicked Noelle’s heart with how adorable it was. She leaned forward and they shared a proper, tender kiss.

"Oh... Amy..." Noelle felt something settle deep within her, a heavy, hot emotion, like just-cooling steel, fresh from the furnace. Amy drew her hand out of the blanket, first sniffing, then tasting, the tentacle slime that covered it. She glanced at Noelle, then her smile grew coy. She bent over Noelle’s legs, pulling the blanket over her head.

Noelle jumped. "Oh! Amy!" Then, she melted, like ice cream on a hot stove. "Oh~, Amy~."

The blanket bobbed as Noelle revelled in Amy's enthusiastic blowjob. This was heaven, pure and simple. She’d never felt such peace and goodwill in all her life. Every hateful thought she’d ever had flew away like doves in the wind. Amy’s lips slipped up and down her shaft like soft silk, warm and wet. Every lewd slurp sent Noelle’s heart aflutter, and sent cascading pleasure down her adopted cock. Amy’s mouth brought her to a place of sexual zen, a higher form of intimacy she’d never experience.

The sensation grew taught, like the last pull on a shoelace. She put a hand on Amy’s head and the bobbing sped up and the slurping grew louder. Noelle’s peaceful meditation was interrupted by the hot cascade of orgasm, rippling from that most sacred of places inside her and streaming through the green hose. Noelle gasped and moaned as she shot her load inside Amy’s mouth. She removed her hand so that Amy could move, but she didn’t, lips locked to her cock until every last twitch and spasm had run its course. Noelle could feel Amy swallowing, and it was such an erotic notion that it caused her to shudder in devious delight.

Amy raised her head, coughing as she removed the blanket and sat up. She gave Noelle a gloriously content smile, a slight trail of cum dripping from the corner of her mouth. "Feel better?" She asked, knowing full well the effect she’d had.

"Holy shit..." Noelle breathed, coming down from her spiritual experience. "Amy, I think I love you."

They came together in a rough kiss, heavy with tongue and hot with breath. Tasting Amy and herself, Noelle felt a dirty thrill chase her goosebumps.

They parted, breathing heavily, a thin trail of saliva connecting their tongues. Amy’s face broke into a delirious grin, her cheeks blazing with lust. “Noelle? Can you do something for me?” Amy’s tone was almost sing-songy, and she shook slightly in anticipation of Noelle’s response. Noelle nodded dumbly.

Amy shifted towards the centre of the room, then turned to face Noelle. She spread her legs, and since she was wearing only her shirt, socks, and shoes, Amy’s bare pussy, smooth and wet, awaited her.

Amy gazed at Noelle with a dreamy smile. “I need you to eat me out.”

“Amy…” Noelle felt like she could cry, and slowly crawled across the floor towards her neighbour-slash-girlfriend.

“Eat me!” Amy panted. “Now!”

The aphrodisiacal slime must have some strong properties when swallowed, Noelle observed. She grinned so wide she thought she might break her face. “You get all assertive when you’re horny.”

Amy responded by dunking Noelle’s face into her crotch, burying Noelle’s nose deep into the folds of her pussy.

Amy’s snatch dripped with lust, a small pool forming on the carpet. The scent of Amy’s wetness overpowered Noelle, and she stuck out her tongue, dragging it along the two thoroughfares that overlooked Amy’s entrance. While not flavourful in any measure, the taste was tinged with excitement, like a forbidden alcohol.

Amy cried out, letting out a howl that made Noelle’s heart leap; the walls of their rooms were not all that soundproof. Noelle tried to extricate herself from between Amy’s thighs just long enough to remind her to tone down the volume, but Amy was having none of that.

“Mmm! Don’t you dare!” Amy arched her back, wrapping her legs around Noelle’s head, the dangling laces of her shoes tickling Noelle’s neck. Amy squeezed, pushing Noelle back into her den of delight. Getting another mouthful of muff, Noelle realised that if she couldn’t go back, she could only go forward.

Her tongue roved onward, an explorer spelunking into a treasure cave. She passed the outer lips to discover slick, inner folds that never seemed to stay still. She pressed upwards, seeking that most prized of pearls, but she had never explored with her tongue before, and her lack of experience impeded a swift find.

Not that Amy seemed to mind. She busied herself by rolling her head and squeaking out Noelle’s name. She cradled Noelle’s head with her soft, smooth thighs and shivered as Noelle continued her slippery onslaught.

Noelle’s tentacle was at full mast, wiggling around in a fruitful attempt to reach Amy. Alas, its relatively short length prevented any action on its part. It whapped eagerly onto the carpet, adding its own mess to the one caused by Amy.

“Yeeeeess! Ooooogghhh!” Amy continued to moan, throwing her head side to side. Noelle started to get a little worried; she was good at holding her breath, but not forever. She desperately licked about inside Amy, searching for that elusive orb. The folds of its cover finally relented to her digging, and that wonderful little dot was exposed to Noelle’s buds.

Amy convulsed in response, her bare ass raising off the ground and grinding her crotch into Noelle’s face. “There! Oh God, there!” Encouraged, Noelle rotated the tip of her tongue around the clit, being careful not to lose contact. She ignored Amy’s pleas to ‘go faster’, keeping her movement at the same, steady pace.

Amy’s rising begs transformed into a high-pitched squeak. Noelle felt the skin of Amy’s pussy grow slick and wet with orgasm. Feeling a tad coquettish, Noelle continued to apply flickering pressure to Amy’s port of call, driving her to a feverish orchestra of whines.

“No- don’t stop-p! Oh-ooooh! P-please- Ungh!” Amy rocked about, loosening her legs around Noelle’s neck. The tight clenching of her orgasm slackened, and she devolved into a puddle of quivering smiles and beleaguered breathing.

Satisfied with her performance, Noelle rose from between Amy’s legs, licking the muted flavour from her lips. She crawled over Amy’s prone body, looking down at the dozing girl with a slightly smug smile. “You good?”

“Fuck… me…” Amy slurred, blinking thoughts back into her head, like winding up a vintage car to get it to start.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“No…” Amy reached out and grabbed Noelle’s tentacle, which had been happily sliming Amy’s belly with a fresh coating of aphrodisiac. She tugged on it, pulling Noelle into a deep, heated, and sloppy kiss. As they parted, Noelle could see the lustiness continue to burn in Amy’s eyes. “Fuck me!”

Amy punctuated her demand by squeezing the tentacle, causing a gasp to tumble out of Noelle’s mouth. The green tentacle twitched and thrust itself unbidden in Amy’s grip, hard and thick and eager for penetration. Noelle’s brain was on the verge of frying, and she wondered if she might not be immune to her own horny slime.

“Yeah, yeah, of course, uh…” Noelle indicated the bed with her head, and Amy nodded in agreement. She helped Amy to her feet, and they shared another deep, tongue-roaming kiss, Amy giving the tentacle a salacious, off-hand tug that had Noelle squirming. Together they moved to the mattress, sitting and removing the rest of their clothes.

Noelle took the brief pause to properly appreciate the woman who was fully naked in her room. Amy’s figure was plump in the best places, especially her hips and rear, but she had supple arms and legs. Her shoulder-length hair was glossy from conditioner, and Amy often fidgeted with it by curling it past her ear. Her lips were serenely stowed into a loving smile as she turned to Noelle with blue, hungry eyes.

They shuffled until they were on the centre of the bed, facing each other, the little green tentacle wiggling between them like a very important third wheel. Noelle was used to treating people like unimportant afterthoughts, but now that Amy had become involved in her life, she began to hesitate. She’d never been in a relationship, and wasn’t exactly sure where to go with it. What lay beyond tonight, she couldn't say.

She tried anyway. “I know this might be a bit late, but… do you… want to go on a date? Or something?” Noelle asked, cringing a little at her awkwardness.

A shy blush came over Amy’s rosy cheeks, and she leaned forward, curling her fingers over Noelle’s shoulder. “What I want… is for you to knead me, pound me, cream me, and fill me up fuller than a fucking profiterole.”

Damn. Noelle had no response to that except to become hornier than she’d ever been. And as Amy pulled her down onto the bed sheets, she wondered what on earth a profiterole even was.


In comparison to earlier events of the night, their coupling might have been described as ‘gentle’. The two girls twined their limbs into exotic, roiling shapes as they made love in spades. Kisses and hands travelled all across their combined skin like randy tourists, no mound of flesh nor hidden crevice unexplored. For its part, the green tentacle had a whale of a time delving into Amy’s insides, and had deposited its load several times over the course of an hour. Each time, her belly would inflate with orbs, and they would pause to release them. Their value was of no concern to either party, and they ignored the cerulean balls when they spilled off the covers and onto the floor in a small, sea-coloured tide.

Only exhaustion drew their passionate sex to a sweaty, bed-soaked end. The tentacle had given all it could for the moment, and retreated back inside Noelle. Breathing in each other’s panting, they lay on the pillow facing each other, goofy smiles on their faces.

“Wow.” Amy said.

“Yeah.” Noelle responded.

And honestly, that was all that needed to be said.

Noelle felt something cool touch her hand. She grabbed it and lifted it above her face; it was one of Amy's blue orbs.

"What do you... want to do with them?" Amy asked, eyes drooping, half asleep.

Noelle yawned, staring at the glimmer of light shining through the orb. She remembered how Helja had eaten Noelle's green orbs and grown a green tentacle of her own. And Helja had many other tentacles...

She grinned, a devious idea beginning to form in her mind.
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