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Just a warning in advance that there is no direct sexual contact in this chapter. It is just the intro and build up. The next chapter is very nearly ready and is much more eventful
After what seemed like an eternity of trying to get the dang thing inflated, Emma propped the blow-up pillow behind her head. Finally, she was able to relax and allow the welcoming sensations of her surroundings to pierce her consciousness.

The journey had taken almost fourteen hours the day before and by the time they’d gotten to the holiday home it was well past midnight and they were all completely exhausted. As she had pulled up to the secluded driveway Emma was just thankful that she had not fallen asleep at the wheel, she didn’t have the luxury of dozing in and out of consciousness like her two teenaged kids Billy and Amy had for most of the journey.

But now, after sleeping in late, they were here, and she was grateful. The late summer sun beat down on her exposed skin and the warm feeling along with the lapping sound of the waves was already lulling her into a content doziness. She smiled to herself. Along the shoreline in the frothy shallows, she could see Billy in the water with his goggles on, diving under the waves as they hit him as his older sister watched him laughing at his antics. Both clearly enjoying themselves. They hadn’t been on the beach for ten minutes before Billy couldn’t sit still any longer, wanting to get into the water and Amy rolled her eyes and followed.

She was glad they were having fun; it had been so long since it felt like either had smiled, let alone had a good time. It had been two years since her husband David had passed and since that time it seemed like they had all lived in a cloud somewhat. It had been hard for her of course but what had made it so much worse was watching her kids close within themselves in grief. It had only seemed like recently that they had started breaking out of their funk. This holiday, the first holiday that they had been on since David’s death, she hoped would be healing somewhat. Bringing them all some kind of peace and closure that would enable them to start moving on with their lives.

She watched them play around some more before leaning over and pulling a book out of her bag. It was a tattered murder mystery novel that looked as though it was from the 70s that she had found on the bookcase of the house that morning. Opening it she scanned through the pages trying to get a gauge on whether it was worth starting or not when suddenly she felt the temperature drop and a looming shadow appeared over her, casting her in it.

Shielding her eyes with her hand, Emma looked up to see the dark figure standing in the way of the sun. It took her eyes a second to adjust and she wished that she knew where she’d placed her sunglasses. It was a feminine figure, a slim woman wearing navy blue bikini with white polka dots over which she wore a cream-colored beach shawl, and a pair of very expensive looking brown-black sunglasses covering her eyes. As her eyes got used to the new lighting Emma was taken aback and couldn’t help but think that the woman looked stunning. She was like something out of a clothing catalogue with her long luscious brown hair, tight and toned body, and perfect bronze tan. She wasn’t sure how old the woman was, her body could have been that of someone in their mid-twenties however there was a poise and authority about her that made her seem much older.

The woman stood there looking down at her with a beaming smile that showed her perfect teeth. There was another moment of silence as she waited for the woman to speak as with each passing second Emma felt more and more exposed in the woman’s presence.

“Are you...” Emma started...

“Oh, I’m sorry” the woman said. The words tumbling out of her as if she were embarrassed. “Apologies. I was staring, wasn’t I? I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Do forgive me.” She continued, lifting her hand to her head as if she had just remembered something silly.

“It’s okay” Emma said with a smile. She felt flustered by the intrusion, but she didn’t want to appear unwelcoming and so tried her best to come across as friendly and calm. The woman seemed charming, but Emma couldn’t help but feel slightly in intimidated by her stunnig looks and what she thought sounded like a pretty upper-class English accent. Emma couldn’t place it, but the woman gave off an exotic and rarefied feel. She looked like she maybe was perhaps partially Asian, but she also had the air of someone who would feel comfortable and at home in any room in any country. Like she had never had to worry about a thing in the world, at least, not really worry.

“Where are my manners?” The woman asked aloud to herself. “Patricia” she said and reached out her hand.

Taken aback by the sudden encroachment of the woman’s hand and strange interaction it took Emma a second to register that the woman was introducing herself. She looked down at the outstretched hand and then back to that still smiling face before her mind could process what was being asked of her.

“Emma” she said back and reached up to meet her hand.

“Emma? What a delightful name” Patricia said, as if she had just heard the name for the first time.

“Do you mind if I sit with you for a bit Emma?” She asked “I am sorry to ask. It’s just I’m in the area on vacation and although it was meant to be me and … well it was a vacation for two. Instead, I’ve been by myself for almost a week now and I find myself going a bit stir crazy for company at the point.”

Emma couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the spill of information and the woman’s plight. What had seemed like a slightly intimidating situation for her moments ago had suddenly turned into on it's head and she felt like she had something to offer the poor woman.

“Yes, of course” Emma said with a smile, finding herself changing her own accent ever so slightly to one that sounded just a bit more refined.

She didn’t want to put the woman off she realized. It had been so long since anything exciting had happened to her or since she had happily engaged in a conversation with someone new that this type of random encounter felt exactly like what she needed in her life. She glanced down to the shore where Billy was still messing about in the surf as his sister stared at her phone.

“Please sit” Emma said, patting Billy’s towel that lay next to her.

Patricia slung the macrame beach bag off her shoulder and it hit the sand next to them with a slight thud that caused their eyes to meet, Patricia lifting an eyebrow knowingly as they did. She then turned round and sat next to Emma, whom she turned to and smiled as she took off her shawl before laying back on her elbows.

Emma couldn’t help but look at the woman’s tanned body as it lay out in front of her and compare it to her own. She had never been one to find women attractive in any overtly sexual way, but she knew a ten when she saw one and this woman looked like a movie star. She couldn’t help but feel slightly inadequate in comparison. Not that she was out of shape at all, she did yoga religiously and she ate healthily. It was more that she felt she looked all of her thirty-eight years with her breasts and buttocks just not being as air-defying as they were though-out her teens and twenties. She was a mother now, and she was proud of her body, but now seeing herself in her yellow two piece in comparison to this gorgeous woman made her feel slightly self-conscious. She was both jealous and somehow excited by the woman.

“I know it’s sad” Patricia said to her after a fleeting moment of slight awkwardness. “Trawling the beach for friends with a bag full of wine”.

She mock pouted at Emma, causing her to laugh.

“Stop.” She said, “It’s actually quite nice to talk to someone who’s not a teenager.”

Patricia pulled her sunglasses down the ridge of her nose and peered over.

“Which one is yours?” She asked.

“Two actually. Green bikini and light blue Speedos” Emma replied as Billy took a tumble off his body board.

“Oh my”. Patricia replied, placing her sunglasses back over her eyes. “You do have your hands full”. She said with a smile.

“No, not really” Emma replied, sounding more wistful than she’d meant to as she couldn’t help but think about what they had been through over the past two years flash through her mind. “Billy’s a good kid. He listens and doesn’t get into much trouble for a boy his age, and Amy is very caring. I’m lucky, they get on so well, really. I’ve heard stories from some of the other mothers whose teenagers are in constant conflict. Thankfully they look out for one another.”

“Well congratulations for raising the only two teenagers in the world who listen to their mother” Patricia said with a sharp smile. “I feel like we should drink to that” she continued as she pulled a bottle of white wine out of her bag.

For a brief second Emma thought about being sensible and refusing the offer, after all she had driven to the beach. But she was enjoying the completely spontaneity of what was happening, and she felt herself being willed to just along with whatever this lively and beautiful woman was suggesting to her.

“Why not?” Emma replied, almost surprising herself with how easily it came out.

“That’s the spirit, darling.” Patricia cheerily replied as she handed Emma a plastic wine glass that she had fished out of her bag.

“Dad not around?” Patricia asked almost off-handedly as she struggled with the cork on the bottle with the corkscrew that she had retrieved from her bag.

Emma didn’t quite know how to respond; it seemed far too early in meeting this woman to give her the heavy truth that her, Amy and Billy had lived with for so long. And yet, she didn’t want to lie outwardly. There was something about Patricia that she liked, and she was curious as to see how far this interaction could go and what it could lead to.

“No, it’s just the three of us.” Emma said vaguely. Hoping that Patricia might understand her implicit pleading to not probe any further into the subject.

To her credit, Patricia seemed to get it, instead turning her attention to the wine bottle in her hand that popped open after much strain.

“I never seem to get any better at that. It’s the one thing that having a man around the house would be good for.” she said with a mischievous grin as she poured wine into Emma’s glass.

“You should teach them that trick” she continued, nodding with her head towards the two siblings as she poured her own.

“I’m not sure that teaching my teenaged kids how to open wine bottles is that high up on the good parenting advice list” Emma said with a giggle, finding herself relaxing into the moment.

Patricia looked up at her with a look smile that indicated Emma took to mean that she was impressed by the joke, and it gave her a flow of warm, satisfying energy throughout her body. She wasn’t sure why, but she realized that she wanted to impress this woman.

“So, what shall we ‘Cheers’ to?” Emma said as she sat up with her legs crossed, matching Patricia’s stance.

“Well to single mothers of course.” Patricia replied gleefully.

“To single mothers!” They said in unison, as both bikini clad women raised a glass, looked each other straight in the eye and knocking them together.

“Do you have any of your own?” Emma asked, taking another sip.

“Well…” Patricia said with a sly grin, drawing out her answer. “Not exactly. No”

It was a cryptic reply that Emma didn’t know how to respond to, but she didn’t want to push the topic any further. She wanted to give the woman the same courtesy she had been shown when asked about her husband and so she let it go.

Instead, she allowed herself to enjoy and wallow in the moment. The sun was beating down on them and the taste of wine on her tongue, she had good company and the time to enjoy it. The vacation really couldn’t have started any better, she thought. Yes, it was strange to be approached randomly on a beach, but she couldn’t help but feel that this new person could become a much-needed friend, even if for a short time.

The two women fell into fast conversation as they sipped their wine. Emma felt like she had known the woman for years and she felt the need to impress this lady, to show her how fun she was.

Patricia on the other hand was revelling in the sheer thrill of what she had instore for this poor unsuspecting woman, and her offspring. It had been a long time since she had felt herself so enamoured with her targets but there was something about this family that cause her to feel more alive than she had in years. She was always very thorough in making her ***********ions. Despite her wealth and resources, she was only one woman after all and so there was a lot that could potentially go wrong so she had to be extremely considered and realistic in her choices. She usually targeted single mothers with only one child as it made it easier for her to control the situation and dynamic. But once she had discovered Emma, Amy and Billy, she had found herself becoming excited in a way that she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. They were perfect to her, so wholesome, naïve and in need of one another. She had discovered them in her usual way, using her fake profiles and account to trawl through social media in order find young families who would be going on vacation. She needed them away from their established routines and familiar areas, away from anyone else who might know them. Once she had made a ***********ion, she had enough time and resources at her disposal to take her time in becoming intimately familiar with the area, uncovering the attractions of the place and where a family might want to visit. She would also use her vast technical knowledge to break into phones, emails and social media accounts to find out exactly where the family would be staying, for how long and who else knew that they would be away and for how long. She was meticulous in her research and often spent months planning. She knew that she was extremely lucky to have been born so rich, beautiful and with such genius. Those were gifts that she knew that she took no part in bestowing to herself, although they each required their own maintenance. But she did take an immense amount of pride and pleasure in the extraordinary amount of work and attention to detail that she put into her work. She had fastidiously honed her skills over time, learning from previous mistakes and building upon her successes. She relished every step of the process, every facet of what she did. From the design and manufacturing of the tools that she used, through to planning and execution of taking a family. It allowed her to be the perfectionist that she was meant to be. It was also what allowed her to feel safe in doing what she was doing, something which she knew was very wrong and indeed very illegal, but these considerations never mattered to her; conscience wasn’t something that she had ever been burdened with. She just wanted to follow her own deep desire to explore the rawest sense of satisfaction; a domination so complete that it could invade the strongest of familial bonds and remake it in her own design.

And this family really excited her.

As the mother chatted to her, Patricia continued to glance down at the beach at the two teen siblings clad in their beachwear. Billy was diving under the waves and splashing about as his sister watched and laughed, things any innocent brother and sister would do together.

The girl looked quite a bit like her mother, with her tanned body and long, deep brown hair. She was slim, and her flat stomach accentuated her firm butt and perky breasts that were held tightly by her body-hugging green bikini. She looked like a sweet girl, one who cared for those others and her family. She had that girl-next-door look and she seemed oblivious to the ogling that she was getting from some of the men at the beach. It was also obvious that she cared for and even liked the company of her little brother which was rare to see in siblings of the opposite sex, particularly at the age that they were. She could tell that what had happened to their father had caused a deep bond to develop between them. He was dead she knew, and grief either unites families or tears them apart. For them it was clearly the former.

The boy, Billy, was slightly younger than his sister and stood about an inch shorter than her. He was a slim lad - the type that Patricia liked – and she couldn’t help but stare at his lithe, smooth body as he came up from the waves. She let her eyes wonder over him as he laughed, his wetly matted light brown hair covering his eyes. He didn’t have much muscle to speak of yet, but he was certainly developing. His wet trunks clung to his body, and she could see his blossoming package held firmly to one side. She felt nearly overcome with lust and the thought of what she wanted to do to do to them both.

As their mother chatted to her, she couldn’t help but lick her lips as a warm rush flushed through her underside as she watched as Billy wondered over to his sister to talk to her. Both teens were standing next to one another as the waves lapped against their legs, talking about something that she could not hear. It annoyed Patricia how completely oblivious they both seemed to the fact that they were practically naked right next to each other, with only little pieces of wet fabric preventing them from really seeing each other. She glanced at Emma’s body, lying beside her and imagined the fertile pussy that had given birth to the two. She almost felt bad for her, going without sex for so long since her husband died. Ignoring herself and own bodily desires, the very desires that had bought Amy and Billy into existence. She almost felt bad for her, almost. But instead, she mainly felt annoyed. It annoyed her that the woman sat here next to her, their mother, was so seemingly oblivious to her own sexual power and that of her offspring. It annoyed her how close they were to one another, and yet so far away. A woman and her two teenaged offspring; each of them with their bodies ripe and yearning. And yet, each night they were probably alone in their own rooms masturbating – craving sex and yet completely oblivious to each other’s writhing naked bodies mere feet away on the other side of the bedroom wall. She would change that, she knew. She was determined to. She would open their eyes and make them see what she wanted them to see, to see each other like she saw them. She would make them cross a line that they had never dreamt of crossing, and she would break and remould them and their relationships into the toys that they were to her.

She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she chatted with Emma. Under her sunglasses she would steal glances at the near naked woman and her two teens, imaging them all naked. She knew wouldn’t be long before her fantasies would become reality, but she delighted in the anticipation. Inside her bikini she was saturated with the thought of what came next.
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