See Ch.1 for details but if you are here then you have probably read it already!
She gave a little moan in her sleep and gave a sharp intake of breath. She settled again and breathed quietly. A short while later her hands gripped my wrists hard as she tossed her head. Her body went rigid and she gave a strangled cry followed by 'No! No! Please tell me no!'
I felt hot tears land on my chest and deeply worried, I gently shook her.
"Elise. Elise!"
She woke up with a start crying her eyes out.
"Elise, what is it. What's happening?"
She twisted her body to lie face down on me and held onto my shoulders as she sobbed. My arms went around and held her, stroking her hair.
"It was horrible. I had a horrible dream that seemed so real. Oh Ger! I'm scared."
"Elise, it was a dream. Dreams are not real. Some are pleasant and others are nightmares. Nobody really knows why we have both but they happen. You want to talk about it?"
Her sobs slowed and she wiped her eyes and sniffled.
"I was in the bar with Sean and it was before we opened. We were restocking when there was a knock at the door.
Sean said somebody is keen today.
I said leave it, they can come back later when we open.
Whoever it was knocked harder.
I'm going to tell them to have a walk around the block said Sean.
Sean went to the door and opened it. I could see the uniform and knew it was Eddy from the shape.
Hi Eddy, what can we do for you?
Can I come in, Elise?
You need to ask?
He took his hat off and fidgeted with it.
There's no easy way to tell you this, Elise. Ger was heading back from the airport and was in a collision with a semi. It appears the driver had a heart attack and his rig veered over the road and hit Ger's car.
I felt the blood drain from my face instantly.
He's OK isn't he? Tell me he's OK, Eddy. Please!
I'm sorry, Elise. They had to cut him out of the wreck. He's in the ER right now. I'm so sorry.
That is when I screamed out in my dream and you woke me.
It was so real. I'm still shaking from it. Ger, I thought that I was going to lose you in my dream."
"It was a horrible dream, Elise, just that. I'm right here with you and we are both OK. Just a horrible dream."
"What if it isn't? What if it is a premonition?"
"Elise, it is just a bad dream. It will fade in time."
"Ger it felt real. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. You are everything to me, everything."
"As you are to me, Elise. Now try and forget about it. Have something to eat and take your mind off it. You'll feel better."
I hugged her and got up from underneath her to get the coolbox.
Returning, I opened it to see what we had left, not much by the look of it until I saw a separator under the Quiche, chicken fricassee and two more bagels we still had. I took the food out and lifted the separator to find a note written on top of one of the containers. 'Hungry work, boating!' The 'boating' was underscored a few times and there was an 'S' under that. Trust Shirley to think ahead! I lifted a lid to find a meat stew with green beans and potatoes. A label on the other container said 'five minutes in the microwave'. Next to them was some bacon and eggs, breakfast taken care of too.
"Do you want to dine in style?"
"What do you mean?"
"Hot food at a table?
"Here silly! Give me a minute."
I went into the cabin with the stew from the cool box and put one in the built-in microwave and set the timer.
Back up again to collect the mugs and wine.
"Would you like to join me below?
Quick as a flash, Elise said, "I think we have done enough joining below already!"
"Down below before I make you walk the plank!"
Elise had brightened up a bit and went into the cabin.
“Wow! It’s a hotel suite! Its even got a real bedroom!”
I poured more wine and got cutlery from a drawer below the microwave and placed it on the table.
"A real home from home isn't it?"
"A bit on the small side, yes, but there are people with much bigger boats that live in them. Hooked up to electricity, water and sewage in some of the docks"
“Small side? You must be joking!”
The microwave dinged and I took out the container and peeled off the lid, putting it in front of Elise.
"That smells fabulous, what about you?"
"It can only hold one at a time." I said putting mine in and setting the timer.
"Mmmm! That's not beef, what is it?"
"Lamb. Makes for better stews,"
"So juicy! You would never know it was cooked in a microwave."
"It is just finished off in the microwave as it was not quite fully cooked. Shirley is a great cook and prepares a lot of food for boaters."
A couple of minutes and it dinged to say mine was ready. I tore into it realizing I was really hungry. Before long we both had finished and I cleared away. Pouring more wine I asked Elise how she felt now.
"A lot better but still a bit shook up yet. I need to pee. Do I have to pee in the lake?"
"There is a toilet on the right at the bedroom.”
"I'll be back." She said trying to imitate Arnie.
I waited for her to return and went there myself. Looking in the mirror as I washed my hands I could see that I had caught a fair bit of sun on me.
"Wait here and I'll tidy up the deck. I put the empty containers in the trash and put the empty bottles in their spaces in the cool box. I took it back to the rear deck and plugged it in. The sun was making a beautiful sunset streaking the sky with color. I called Elise up to see it. She came up to my side and we put our arms around each other to watch it for a while. She shivered a little.
"Are you feeling cold?"
"Well I am standing here in a thong and a sports top, what do you think?"
"OK, problem solved."
I went into the cabin and got a sweatshirt that I had left before. I sniffed it to find that it had been washed recently. Shirley, always looking ahead.
Elise held her arms up as I pulled over her head and it swamped her. She rolled the sleeves up and looked around for her shorts. Pulling them on when she found them. I pulled my polo shirt on at the same time.
I went to the cockpit and switched on the bow and stern lights. Not really needed in the bay where we were but obligatory.
Back on the rear deck Elise was staring at the water reflecting the sunset with her arms around herself.
"A penny for them.
"You were in a world of your own there."
"Sorry, Ger. I was thinking about that dream. What if it came true?"
"Don't Elise. It was only a dream and if dreams came true then everybody would be rich and happy."
"I suppose you are right. Can we go inside? I'm still a bit cold."
"No problem, I'll get what's left of the wine."
I put the bottle on the table as she shuffled her ass along the bench seat. I closed the cabin door and turned on the AC to warm, it would soon be comfortable inside the cabin. As I sat across from her I took her hands in mine and her fingers agitated between mine. I looked at her face and she was looking at our hands.
"Elise, it is not going to happen, it was a dream, a bad one at that. If it puts your mind at rest, I'll use taxis."
Her fingers tightened on mine and she looked at me, her face losing some of the tension she felt.
"You promise me? You won't drive there, you'll take taxis?"
"I will if you stop dwelling on it. I promise you I will."
"Thank god! It is such a relief. Thank you, thank you!"
She got up to lean across to kiss me and banged her knees on the table making the glasses jump.
"Oh you mother fucking fuck fuck! That hurt!"
I struggled not to laugh.
"Don't you dare! Just don't! My fucking knees hurt like hell now!"
I got on my knees I kissed hers and gave them both a gentle rub.
"Better now?"
"A bit. I'm going to have bruises and need to wear leggings until they go away. Shit!"
"Some wine will make you feel better."
"Some? A lot would!"
"Well, we have a bottle and a half. If that is not enough we have this."
I opened a compartment above her head and pulled out a nearly full bottle of silver Patron.
Looking at Elise for an indication of approval I saw her eyes tear up.
“What is it, Elise?”
“That was my dad’s favorite drink. After closing he would sit at the bar with me and have just one shot. He would savor it and take his time drinking it as we talked about everything and anything under the sun. When I was old enough he would pour me one too. It just brings back memories of him.”
She sniffed and drank some wine.
“I won’t drink it out of these things.” She said waving the beer mug. “It needs more respect.”
I rummaged in another locker and found what I was looking for, two cut glass egg cups that would hold a shot easily. Why I did not have shot glasses I have no idea.
“What about these?”
She looked at them and smiled, “Better than this. Only after the wine is finished.”
I gave them a wash and put them next to the Patron on the galley top.
“Wine it is then.” I filled our glasses and opened the last bottle wondering why we were not drunk as hell.
I sat beside her and put my arm around her.
“How are the knees now?”
“Much better but still hurting a bit. Stupid table!”
“It takes getting used to being on a boat like this. You have to compensate for a lot of things but you have the basics and they suffice.”
“I think I prefer my apartment or your home and not have to compensate at all but if it is an occasional thing then it is bearable. Saying that, this is not really basic at all.”
She leaned her head against my shoulder. “I’m sorry for being silly earlier, it was just the reality of it that shook me so much.”
“I can imagine but don’t worry it is never going to happen now.”
Elise got up and sat across my thighs with her left arm around my neck and buried her face into it.
“I wish you didn’t have to go away this week. I wish you could stay with me.”
“I wish I could too but on Tuesday I need to fly to Canada as it is an important customer and I am needed there to liaise with them.”
“Can they not get somebody else to do it instead of you?”
“Unfortunately that is impossible, it has to be me.”
“Not fair taking you away from me when we have just found each other, Not fair at all.”
“It is only a week and we can call each other every day. You can tell me bar tales and I can tell you boring technical things.”
“Not a chance. I’ll be telling you other things and you will wish you hadn’t left!”
“A week is not long and I’ll be back before you know it”
“And I’ll be waiting for you. More wine please as I am feeling that I want to get a tiny bit drunk tonight.”
“Well, you are on top so I suggest you do the honors for us.”
“So I am! Hold this please.”
She held her mug out and I had to take my arm from around her to hold it. She got the bottle and filled the mugs. Looking at the remainder in the bottle she shook it.
“Just one more left and it is all gone.”
She put the bottle down and sat back on my thighs taking her mug and putting her arm back around my neck. My hand was on her ribs below her breast, holding her to me.
“I think I am going to make Sean a manager in the bar, he does the job already and I trust him. I always say he is a pain in the ass but without him I would be run off my feet. That would allow me to have nights off and know the bar is in good hands. I would still work most nights but be able to take one off when I want. It also means that you would not have to hang around waiting on me to shut up shop. We could have more time together when you are not away. I know you have to work most days and you do from home as well but that would be OK.”
“That is quite a bold move to make. Are you sure you want to spend less time there?
“I do if it is spent with you. I’ll talk to him tomorrow when we get back. That is enough work talk. More wine.”
It was a repeat of earlier and before she took her mug, Elise kissed me. I could do nothing but kiss her back as my hands were full. She smoothed her hand down my cheek.
“You need a shave! Feels like sandpaper and I’m not a block of wood.”
“I can take care of that before we go to bed so no problem there.”
“Good, my thighs are sensitive as you know and I don’t want a rash on them. Bad enough to have bruised knees.”
She rubbed over her knees, the bash from the table had left a red mark on them that would likely turn into bruises. I handed her the wine and we just sat together listening to the small waves lapping against the hull. Moonlight flooded through the windows of the starboard side of the cabin. We finished the wine in silence and Elise took the mugs and put them on the galley top.
“Can we go for a swim? I have always wanted to swim in the moonlight.”
I judged how I was feeling with the wine. I had a buzz going on but not enough to impair.
“I will warn you now, it will be a lot colder than today. Are you sure?”
“Yes, you can warm me up afterwards. Can we have just one shot on the deck? I want to look at the moon while drinking it.”
“I don’t think it will do too much damage, yes, OK.”
I filled the eggcups and we went onto the rear deck. Elise put her free arm around my waist and mine went around her shoulders. The moon was full and with the boat lights lit up the surface for as far as we could see. After a few moments, Elise lifted her tequila and quietly said,” To you Dad, I have found somebody that loves me as much as you did.” She clinked her egg cup against mine and downed the shot in one. I did the same and took hers from her and put them in the cabin.
When I was back out Elise was already peeling off her clothes. As I had less on than her we both ended up naked at the same time.
“On three,” Elise said as she prepared to dive over the side.
“OK, on three.”
Elise looked at me and said, ”Three!” and dived over the side almost soundlessly.
Yet another thing I should have expected but got caught out again! I dived over and the sudden shock of the cool water was sobering. I swam out to where she was and trod water with her.
“I can’t believe you fell for something like that again!”
She was laughing and I made a lunge for her but she was expecting it and easily evaded me.
“Come here and I’ll apologize to you.”
I swam the short distance and she put her arms around my back and kissed me as we trod water. I held her ass and pressed her against me feeling her nipples hardened by the water.
We broke the kiss and headed back to the boat. Her skin shimmered in the moonlight as she climbed up the ladder. I followed her and wrapped her in a towel.
“Shower, you first.”
I opened the cabin door and then the shower cubicle door. Switched on the water and the shower hummed as the pressure switch kicked in starting the pump and then the silent generator for the heating. I felt the water warm up and took her damp towel and let her into the shower.
“There is shampoo, body wash, toothpaste and a toothbrush in the caddy. Take as long as you want. The outer ring is temperature and the inner lever is the flow, you can adjust the head to what spray you want. Have fun.”
I closed the door on her and toweled most of the lake water off myself. I got a couple of fresh towels and put them on the hooks on the cabin door.
Elise came out a few minutes later and I wrapped a towel around her.
"Give me a minute."
As Elise toweled herself dry I threw a sheet over the bed and pillows from a locker came next, a light cover and the bed was made.
"I am impressed." She said. "You would make somebody a good wife!"
Sitting down she vigorously toweled her hair to dry it as much as possible.
"My turn for a shower then."
I got in the shower and scrubbed myself. Using the body wash I shaved without a mirror and rubbed my hand over my face and neck to check I had not missed anywhere. I came out of the shower and took the other towel from the cabin door and dried myself.
Elise was sitting up against the pillows with the eggcups in her hands.
"A nightcap. I think I need another one and besides that I want to feel a bit drunk tonight."
I got on the bed beside her and took one of the tequilas.
"What are we drinking too?"
"Nothing, just us."
"Here's to us then."
"Us always."
She replied and our glasses met. She took her time with the tequila, snuggled against me.
"You must think me a fool for getting worked up like that. I have never been that emotional since my Dad died. I have always managed to keep control. It was the same in my apartment, losing it when I knew that I loved you after only a few days of knowing you. I say knowing you as previously I only knew you as Julie's partner and nothing else. I thought you were a good man then and I know now that you are more than good. I appreciate everything you do for me and to me. It is as if you know me inside out. You always say the right things. You never do anything wrong to me and you don't interfere with my business life. You don't even say a word when I am cussing like some navvy. Why are there not more people like you in the world? It would be a better place."
"I am not anything special. My parents brought me up to respect women. My dad respected my mom and loved her too. I cannot remember them ever having arguments. They probably did but not in front of me. Treating a woman as if she is a piece of property to be owned and dominated is wrong.
I respected Julie and loved her but it is obvious now that she did not share the same beliefs although she must have done at the start otherwise we would not have been together that long. Sorry to bring her up. She is out of my life now and I am done with feeling anything for her.
No, I am not some knight in shining armor, I am just me."
"You're not just you, you are mine, mine forever."
Elise finished her tequila as did I and I set the eggcups down on the deck against the bulkhead.
"Ger, please make love to me. Make me lose that horrible dream. I want you to make me lose myself with you."
"Elise, making love to you is so easy to do because I love you."
The moonlight shone on her body making it glow. It could have been a trick of the light, I'm not sure but I could have sworn that that her eyes flashed gold.
I eased Elise down the bed so her head was supported by the pillow. I lay by her side resting on an elbow and with my free hand I stroked her moist hair away from her face. I traced my fingers down her jaw line until my thumb rested on her chin. I leant over with my mouth just above hers and gently pushed her chin down, opening her lips. I covered hers with mine and took my thumb off her chin to let my hand go to the side of her neck. My fingers curled behind her head and my thumb rested in front of her ear. Our tongues explored each others mouths as if for the first time meeting. She tasted of tequila and toothpaste, a strange combination but enjoyable.
My hand traveled to her shoulder and upper arm. I slid it over her soft skin with my thumb on the softer underside until I reached her hand. I smoothed my fingers over the back of hers until just the tips stayed in contact and let our fingers intertwine. They locked together and Elise tightened her grip on mine so as to not let me go.
Breaking the long kiss I covered her face in small kisses, not missing any part of it and making longer kisses on her eyelids. My mouth sought her neck and I kissed her from behind her ear to her collar bone. Her breathing was deep making her breasts rise and fall with her nipples extended from her areola. I longed to take them into my mouth but I still had the mounds of her breasts to cover.
Kissing from her shoulder my kisses traveled down the slope of her breast. I circled around her areola with more small kisses then I licked the soft flesh on the underside of her breast causing her to cry out. I repeated this on her other breast to leave her nipples straining for attention. I covered her areola and nipple with my open mouth, not touching them and sucked them into my mouth where my tongue made circles around them getting closer with each turn.
Elise was gasping and as soon as my tongue made contact with her nipple she gasped again only louder. I brought my lips around her areola and sucked gently. She pulled our entwined fingers to between her thighs and pressed my fingers against her hooded clit and started to rub it
My cock was rock hard and leaking with the precum dripping on her belly. She continued to rub her hood with my finger tips and moaned loudly.
Her hoarse and ragged voice broke the silence.
"Please Ger, put it in me now. I need to feel you inside of me. I want to feel the heat and hardness of you inside me. Put your cock in my pussy, please!"
I untangled my fingers from hers and positioned myself above her open thighs resting on my elbows. Elise guided the head of my shaft to her waiting pussy. As it touched her outer lips I could feel how wet she was. I lowered my hips and sunk into her, my dick pushing aside the walls of her pussy.
"Oh Ger! Yes!"
Her arms went around my neck and her legs around my waist giving me unobstructed access to her wet pussy. I moved inside her and she gasped in my ear, "That feels incredible. You are getting so deep inside me now. I love you, I love you, Ger!"
The sensation of her wet hole on my hard dick was intense as I moved slowly in and out of her feeling the walls of her pussy squeeze my shaft. I was not going to last long and I drove myself as deep as I could into her. Her moans and gasps increased and her excitement was making my balls tingle. I didn't want to cum and thought of anything but cumming but being inside this incredible woman was too much.
"Elise, I'm going to cum."
"Yes! Cum in me now, cum in me!"
I felt the surge from my balls and the first jet of cum shot into her.
Elise gasped and shuddered as her orgasm hit her. Her pussy became a vice. Her whole body went rigid and she cried out. More cum shot from me to flood inside her. I collapsed on top of her with my heart hammering at the force of my orgasm. Her legs slid from my waist and her arms fell from my neck. Her chest was heaving and she was gasping for air.
I eased myself off Elise and lay by her side as my heart lessened its pounding. I cradled her upper body to me and kissed her face which glistened with perspiration. Kissing her lips, her hand went to my neck and pulled me tighter to her and her tongue stabbed into my mouth seeking mine. She moaned against my lips and shuddered.
"Oh Ger! I'm still cumming. I'm tingling all over my body. Oh god! I love you so much!"
"I love you, Elise. I love you with all of my heart. You make me the happiest man on earth and always will."
"My mouth is so dry, can you get me some water please?"
I got up and filled a mug with water and handed it to her. She gulped it down and let out a breath.
"I needed that. Come here please."
I put the mug on the galley and lay beside her. She rolled on top of me with her legs between mine and her arms on my chest. I put my arms around hers and smoothed my hands over her back feeling her soft skin. Lowering her head she kissed me me on the lips and raised her head.
"I wanted you to make love to me. It could not have been any better than that. You took me there and I love you so much for that. I want it to be like that every time but I know it won't. This was so special. It has to have been every little part of today put together like a jigsaw and this was like the missing piece needed to complete the whole puzzle."
Elise tugged at the hairs on my chest looking at me. It was as if she was taking in every little detail of my face as her eyes roamed over it. They stopped moving and locked on mine, she lowered her head to lightly kiss my lips. My hands covered her ass cheeks and I pressed her mound to me.
"I don't think there is anything left in reserve now. You have had it all."
"I just want to fall asleep in your arms now. I'm totally worn out and have no energy left. Too tired to even eat. Just hold me tight all night."
With that she kissed me again and moved off me pulling my arm around her and held my hand. I kissed her shoulder as she pushed her ass into me. My leg went over hers and she sighed contently. I was asleep in seconds, totally spent with the days events.