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Surprises and sadness as more develops
I woke to the smell of bacon frying. Elise had obviously found the necessities to make breakfast and was standing at the galley wearing the sweat shirt and flipping the bacon. I could see she had already made scrambled eggs.

"Are you going to just lie there or put the knives and forks out?"

I got up and stuffed the bed linen into a locker. I put the cutlery on the table just in time as she brought the plates over to it. She pulled me to her and gave me a huge sloppy kiss then slid up her side and I sat on mine.

"I couldn't find coffee so water will have to do for now. I left you the other bagel, I was starving when I got up."

We ate breakfast and cleared everything away and went up to the deck.

"I suppose we have to leave now and get back to the real world again but not without a last swim."

She pulled off the sweat shirt and stretched her arms above her head arching her back causing her hair to fall away from her shoulders. With the morning sun her body looked like a bronze art deco statue, her physique would have had one of those sculptors drooling at the mouth. She looked amazing, every bit of her slim body was perfect.

"What are you staring at? You have seen me naked before, nothing new here."

"No, nothing new, just perfect."

"Well, Ms 'Perfect' here is getting into the water and you can tell your cock to go back to sleep as my pussy says she needs a rest!"

She dived over the side and swam leisurely away from the boat. She turned face the boat.

"Need an invitation?"

I dived over the side and the cool water returned my erecting dick to normal. I caught up with her and we swam a slow circle around the boat before heading for the ladder. I climbed aboard and held out my hand to help her out of the water. No tricks this time as she squeezed out most of the water from her hair.

By now the sun was warming so I put the rug on the cabin roof and spread a towel on it with a cushion at the controls end.

"You can sun yourself until we get close to the dock and then you can make yourself respectable."

"I'm very respectable if you don't mind! Very respectable indeed. Come here, you."

She wrapped her arms around me and tilted her head, her lips pouting for a kiss.

I kissed her slowly and squeezed her ass cheeks.

"Down boy, down! I know what you are trying but it can wait. Now go do the boaty things and take me home."

I let her go and she laid down belly up and arms spread. I pulled my shorts on and pulled up the stern anchor. Starting the engines I let the boat inch forwards as I pulled up the slack forming on the bow anchor until I felt it come free. It was onboard in a few seconds.

I notched up the throttles a bit and headed out to the safe wake distance. A bit more throttle and I turned the boat to head for the dock area. I pushed them up to cruising speed feeling the boat surge.

Looking at Elise lying there and admiring her body made me happy to know that we belonged to each other.

The boat made the return to the dock area all too quickly and at about five hundred yards out I gave Elise a call. She turned her head to look at me.


"Time to get dressed I reckon."

"Do I have to? I'm comfortable here and comfortable being naked."

"I would be OK with that but I doubt the local law enforcement would be"

"You could bring me a file in jail and we could escape in your Mustang."

She got up and slipped her thong on, turning her ass to me she bent down and seductively pulled up her shorts wriggling her ass into them before covering her breasts with the sport top.

"Come here and drive while I get everything ready to go."

I throttled back until the boat was crawling slowly forwards. Elise took the wheel and I told her to head to the berth we left from. I put on my shirt and shoes and then dropped the fenders over the port side. I returned to stand behind Elise with my arms around her as we approached the dock.

"Just stay there, I can reach from here."

I let her get to within thirty feet and I put the Volvos in reverse and swung the wheel hard to port. The boat swung round and I centered the wheel and we were parallel to the dock about ten feet out.

Ralph had seen us coming and was standing with a mooring line coiled in his hand. I cut the engines and he threw the rope to me in the cockpit. Catching it, I pulled hard and the boat slowly came in side on and the fenders bumped the dock side. I moved to the stern and tied off the line. Up to the bow and Ralph just tossed the coil to me. I drew the slack and tied off on a cleat.

I helped Elise up to the side and Ralph steadied her as she stepped onto the dock.

I took the keys out and then lifted the cooler box up Ralph took this and I stepped ashore with a bundle of laundry. We started off down the dock to shore.

"You want to see the antics of those Sunday sailors trying to berth, it's embarrassing just to watch them. You have a good time?"

"It was so peaceful up there and beautiful." Said Elise.

"It is, most of the bozos we get here just cruise up the middle of the lake and back again without appreciating the beauty of it. Glad you did." Said Ralph.

"What about you, Ger. Everything was OK?"

"Perfect Ralph. Please apologize to Shirley that we never got around to the fricassee. Everything else was fantastic."

"I will. You want me to take that?" He nodded to the bundle.

"No problem, I'll do it at home."

"As long as you are sure then. Are you heading off then?"

"Some of us have to work," Said Elise. "Not all of us have the luxury of days off."

"Damn right there, Elise. OK. Next time Ger, don't leave it so long though. Shirley would be glad to see you. Take care now."

He headed to the bait shop with the cooler in tow and we headed to the car.

I put the laundry in the trunk and we set off.

Back at Elise's bar she made me a coffee then went up to change. She came back down wearing jeans and a blue plaid shirt tied around her midriff and sat on the stool next to me with her hand on my thigh.

"Ger, stay for a bit before you have to get ready for tomorrow. I am going to have that talk with Sean when he comes in soon. He is always in before he should be so he will be here before twelve."

"Not a problem as it only takes me fifteen minutes to pack. I have it down to a fine art."

I finished my coffee and stood up. I leant down and took Elise's face in my hands and kissed her. She put her fingers in my pockets and pulled me to her.

We were still kissing when the door opened and Sean came in.

He looked at and said, "I'll take a walk around the block and you can finish what you're doing, hopefully."

Elise broke the kiss and let go of me. "You'll do nothing of the sort, I want to see you in my office now."

Sean's smile evaporated and he followed her into the office and the door was closed. None of my business as to what Elise did in her bar.

About ten minutes later Sean emerged beaming followed by Elise and they came up to me.

Sean said, "I don't know what you have done to her but keep doing it anyway!"

"It has nothing to do with Ger, I have been thinking about this for a while. Now is as good a time as any to do it."

"My Sheila's going to be over the moon."

"Sheila? I thought your girlfriend was called Cathy? This Sheila is a new one?" Asked Elise.

"You Yanks need a world education. 'Sheila' is a term for a woman or a girlfriend in Oz."

"Less of the 'Yanks' or it really will be third assistant toilet cleaner and not bar manager! Anyway, don't let it go to your head. I'll tell the crew tonight when they come in, I don't think it will be much of a surprise to them."

I stuck my hand out to Sean, "Congratulations, Sean. From what Elise said yesterday you deserve it. Congratulations again."

Sean pumped my hand with both of his. "Thanks a bundle, Ger! Wow!" He hugged Elise.

"Down boy, down. Bar manager, not boss hugger!"

"Sorry, Elise."

"Come here." She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. You start tonight as I need it off. Don't screw it up."

"I won't, promise."

"OK, go do some work then."

Sean went away happy with a spring in his step whistling 'Waltzing Matilda'!

I said, "That went well then."

"It did and when I told him what he would be getting paid his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I pay well above minimum and the tip divisions make sure everybody has a good wage. That is why I have very little turn over with staff. Some bars pay only minimum and some even keep the tips. The folk that run bars like that disgust me. They have a high staff turnover and no wonder."

"Well now that you have got that done you want to go shopping?"

"Shopping? What do you mean? I have all I need here."

"Not what I have in mind."



"It is all yours Ger is taking me shopping."

"Good luck with that, mate."

"Where are we going?"

"Would you believe the mall?"

"Urgh! I hate the mall."

"Well we can get what we need there no problem. Come on, it'll be fun."

"So would pushing red hot needles under your nails!"

"It's not that bad. It is the best place for what I need to get you."

"I'll kick and scream all the way around it."

"If you do, you won't get any ice cream then."

"'pose so." Elise made a childish pout.

We set off and made it to the mall. Inside I had to consult the layout map until I found the store I needed. We went up a floor hand in hand, Elise ignoring the clothes stores and brand outlets. I found the store I was looking for, it was an upmarket electronics place and we went in.

Elise's eyes brightened at the displays of sound systems but I was not looking for

that. I had a more specific item in mind.

A sales person approached us with an eager look. "Can I help you folks?"

"You can, I want a Motorola StarTac."

You would think that Christmas had come early for him.

"Right this way, sir."

He led us to a display of cell phones in a locked glass cabinet.

"The Motorola StarTac is the most advanced cell phone on the market today……"

I interrupted him, "I don't need the speil as I already have one. I would like another for this young lady here and linked to my account."

"Certainly, sir. I'll get you one from the stock."

He went back shop and Elise said, "What are you doing? These things are over a thousand bucks!"

"Well, how else are we going to keep in touch when I am not here?"

"Ger, you cannot be serious!"

"Elise, I want you to be able to call me whenever and land lines won't hack if I am not in a hotel. Don't worry about it."

The sales guy returned with a small box and opened it to reveal the compact cell phone.

"Can you link this phone to my AT&T account for billing?"

"No problem, sir. Give me a couple of minutes to do it."

He took the phone behind the counter and started on the computer.

"Sir, I need your account number with AT&T."

I rattled it off and he busied himself with the phone and computer.

"Ger, Oh my God! They are so expensive!"

"Elise, to me you are worth more than money. If I had no money and only you, I would still be the happiest man alive."

The sales rep returned and said," The phone is linked to your AT&T account and all billing will go direct to it. Can I ask how you are paying?"

"Is Amex OK?"

"It is indeed, sir."

I pulled my wallet out and handed him my Amex card. I felt sorry for him as he looked at it in shock.

"Just wait a minute, sir, and I will process the payment for you."

He took the card to an obvious manager who looked at it and looked at us. I gave him a look that meant, 'yes it is and I can afford it'. He nodded to the assistant and he put the purchase through. I put my card back in my wallet and asked him for the phone. He handed it over and I inserted three numbers. My cell, my home and the bar's number. I gave it to Elise and she stared at it. I tòok the packaging and charger that the rep had put in a carrier and thanked him.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you very much."

He would get a good sales bonus for the phone as the markup was about ten percent.

We left the store with Elise still looking at the phone.

"Put it in your pocket, it will survive."

She did and took my hand with both of hers as we navigated the mall.

At the car, Elise put her arms around me and said,

"That was crazy! You are going to have to show me how to make it work."

"They are simple, just like your office phone. You dial a number and whoever it is answers or it goes to an answer machine. Nothing complicated about it. You can send messages with it too. Just like typing an email but to a phone number. I do not carry mine when I am not working as my company knows time off is time off. If it is serious, my answering service picks it up and forwards it to my other phone. I value my time off and now I value it even more because of you."

"Well, how about we go eat and then to my house to pack and then to your apartment and I can get a taxi in the morning to the airport?"

"That sounds great. Where to eat?"

"What would you like?"

"I have no idea."

"Thai, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Korean, Nepalese, Mongolian, Sea food, steaks, burgers, hotdogs. Whatever you would like. Choose."

"Mmmmh, Korean, no, too much garlic. Erm, Thai, it is delicate and full of flavor. Yes, Thai!"

We drove to a Thai restaurant that was rated as good by food critics and settled at a table.

A server approached us,

"Good afternoon folks. Can I get you any drinks before you order?"

"I'll have a Virgin Mary, Elise?"

"Mango juice, please."

"On second thoughts make that two mango juices, please "

"No problem, two mango juices it is."

He left to go to the bar as we looked at the menu.

Elise spoke, "Dumplings. Chicken satay, Jasmine rice and Crispy beef. That would do for me."

The waiter returned with the mango juice which had a slice of mango on the edge of the glasses and mint leaves on the surface of the juice.

"Have you folks decided yet or would you like more time?"

I answered, "We are fine to go. Dumplings, chicken satays, Jasmine rice and crispy beef for two."

He repeated the order and I confirmed it. Thanking us he headed off to the kitchen.

"Ger, you need to show me how to use this." She said taking the cell phone out of her pocket.

I took the phone and flipped it open, the battery showed a half charge.

"OK, You open the phone and press the power button to switch it on. It will start up and then be ready to use. If you want to call someone just type in their number and press the green button. If you already have it; press the up or down button on the side of the phone and then the middle one to *********** the number and press send. To end a call, press end, the red one or close the phone’ To answer a call just open the phone. That is the basics, the rest is in the manual.”

“Does it work inside a building?”

“It does as long as you have a signal. You can see the strength of the signal here. The more bars, the stronger the signal. If you don’t have a signal it will tell you ‘No Service’. When we get back you will need to charge the phone fully, They have a partial charge when you buy them.”

“It is so small, I thought they were bigger.”

“”You can lose it in your purse if you have too much junk in it!”

“I don’t use a purse. They’re for soccer moms.”

It was not long before the server arrived with the starters and we started to eat. The quality of the food was good with the dumplings being a mixture of steamed and fried with a soy and wasabi dip and the satays were excellent. The mango juice was not from a carton, it was the real deal and complimented the food.

The server cleared the starter plates and we had a few minutes pause before he brought the steaming Jasmine rice and the Crispy beef which was still sizzling in their earthenware bowls.

“Careful of the bowls folks, they are just off the stove and are really hot.”

I thanked him and he left.

“Smells fantastic.”

Said Elise heaping rice onto her plate. She went to lift the Crispy beef bowl to bring it nearer her plate and yelped.

”That’s fucking hot!”

“You were warned! Safer to take your plate to the bowl and spoon it onto the rice.”

The main course was excellent with delicate flavors permeating the food. It was not long before it was all consumed with Elise having a healthy amount of it.

“I know that you are not much of a coffee drinker, you need to try a Thai coffee.” I signaled the server and he came over.

“What can I do for you folks?”

“Could we have two iced coffees please?”

“You can. Do you mind waiting a while as it is made fresh?”

“Not a problem.”

He cleared the mains crockery and cutlery and went to the kitchen.

“What is so special about an iced coffee? It is just coffee, ice, cream and sugar.”

“Wait and see. You are in for a treat. That iced coffee you described is nothing like Thai iced coffee.”

“OK, we’ll see. Ger?”


“I am going to miss you so much. I am used to you being with me, holding me, sleeping with me and making love to me. I love waking up to find you next to me or making breakfast. It is not going to be the same without you. If you dare say that absence makes the heart grow fonder I’ll kick you under the table!”

“You are not alone with that but we still have to work and the times we are with each other will be more precious. Ouch! What was that for?”

“That was for you saying that in a different way! Sorry.”

“You will be, you little imp!”

Less of the little! I’m five-seven bare footed. You might be six feet something but I am not little. I am just the right height for you.”

“You are the perfect height, even if you were five-four you still would be.”

Elise laughed and mimed looking up, craning her neck and shading her eyes.

The server arrived with the coffees in jars that had wide straws stuck in them.

“Here you are folks, two Thai coffees, enjoy.”

I thanked him as Elise picked up hers and sucked some up the straw. Her face went quizzical.

“I can taste something in this, I have tasted it before but have no idea what it is. It is sweet but not too sweet and the coffee is not like Starbucks or anything like that. What is it?”

“I should hope it is not like Starbucks! It is Thai coffee ground with cardamom pods, they filter it in a bag adding almond essence and condensed milk. It is thick to prevent the ice from melting too fast.”

“Cardamom, I knew I had tasted that before. It was in Indian food. It is really nice.”

I tasted mine and it was the perfect balance between the sweetness and the strong coffee mixture.

“You can get this everywhere in Thailand but not always as good as this as sometimes it is made from pre-prepared coffee powder. This is the real thing.”

Elise was sucking the dregs out from the ice cubes and making that vacuuming sound as she finished it.

“Sorry, it was just so good, I didn’t want to miss any.”

I finished mine and put the jar down. “Ready to go now?

“Fed and watered, yes.”

I signaled the server for the bill and he brought it over in a leather folder. I looked at it and paid cash leaving him a generous tip as the quality of the meal was excellent.

“Thank you very much, sir. I hope that you will come back again.”

“Without a doubt.” Said Elise and we headed off.

With her arm around me, Elise was pressed against my side. I put mine across her shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

“We need to go to my house and I can pack ready for tomorrow, sad as it is. At least it is not an early flight so we will have more time together.”

“Not enough as far as I am concerned but we will make the most of it. That I am sure of.”

She hugged me closer to indicate her intentions and grinned at me.

We took our time going to my house and left the car in the drive. I got the laundry out of the trunk and put it all in the washer dryer and switched it on.

“I’ll get my packing out of the way first and then we will have time for us.”

“OK, Makes sense.”

In my bedroom I got my battered Lufthansa aluminum case out of a closet and opened it on the floor. In went jeans, my coveralls, a pair of safety shoes, my Asics trainers, several pairs of socks, underwear, a couple of t-shirts, a couple of shirts, a light jacket and my travel toiletries in a pouch. I closed the lid and stood the case up.

“Wow! Super efficient and fast, I would be ages deciding what to take and change my mind a lot. It would not be packed as neat as that either.”

“I have done this so often it is automatic with me now. Just what I need and nothing more. If I ever forget something I can buy it wherever I go but hardly ever do.”

I packed my shoulder bag with my laptop, psu, phone charger, company documents folder, a legal pad and some pens.

“Ok, done and dusted. What do you suggest next?”

“I suggest you get naked and join me here.”

Elise was pulling off her jeans, the shirt had already gone. She held her arms out as I got rid of my clothes and I joined her on my bed.

“I want you and I want you to make me want you even more. Every time we make love it seems like I get more and more from it. I don’t know how you do it but that’s what happens to me. You made me cum as soon as you touched my nipples after massaging me, that has never happened before. I have never been that aroused and so close to orgasm without my pussy being involved. It was so different from any other orgasm.”

Elise was stroking my thigh and slowly edging her hand up to my swelling erection watching it jerk until it was fully hard. Her fingertips brushed my balls and my cock jerked in response. She pushed her hand between my thighs and pulled one leg aside to give her more access to my balls. She gently cradled them watching them move in my sack. She left my arms and moved down the bed to lie on my belly and watch what she was doing to my balls. She pulled gently on my sack trapping my balls with her thumb and forefinger as her middle finger probed the seam at the back of them. She slid it to my asshole and pressed against it as if she was tapping her fingers. My cock was leaking now and precum dribbled down my shaft to land on her thumb. She let go of my balls and encircled my shaft with her fingers and slowly slid them up smearing the precum on my shaft. More leaked out and welled in the ring around my cock created by her fingers.

“I thought my pussy got wet but so does your cock!”

She pulled my foreskin back and made the head of my shaft tilt slightly. Holding it back she leant forwards and took me in her mouth, licking around its head and sucking precum from my slit. The feeling was intense. I wanted her to take more of me in her mouth and suck my cock dry but she pulled her mouth up my shaft sucking hard and there was an audible pop as the head escaped her lips/ Elise giggled and covered the head again sucking harder and pulling it out of her mouth to give another popping sound.

“I could do this all day!”

“You could if you wanted a face full of cum, that would be the result!”

“Then I had better not waste it then,”

Holding my shaft she straddled me and lowered her hips making her outer pussy lips come in contact with the head of my dick. She slid it back and forwards along her pussy lips smearing my precum on them. She sank a little lower and the head of my cock penetrated her to find her wet as well. Letting go of my shaft she slowly covered its length as she sank to the base of it. My balls tightened to the feel of her pussy surrounding my cock.

“Elise, if you move now I will end up cumming so quickly.”

“I do not want that to happen. Just close your eyes.”

I closed my eyes and Elise leaned forwards and kissed them. She kissed my face and put her lips to mine and whispered.

“You are not cumming just now. You are going to lie inside of me and not cum.”

Her breasts pressed on my chest and she took my hands in hers resting her head in my neck and shoulder.

“You are not going to cum, not yet my love.”

The tenseness in my balls eased off and my hands roamed over her back from her shoulders down to her ass. I ran a finger from the nape of her neck slowly down to the division of her ass and continued until I felt her asshole, pressing on it making it tighten. Elise jerked and this ground her clit into the root of my cock.

“You have a thing for my asshole, don’t you?”

“I just think it is neat and cute.”

“I never thought my asshole would be described as ‘neat and cute’! It is just an asshole.”

“There is where you are wrong. It is not just any asshole, it is your asshole and it is neat and cute.”

“Well for now it stays neat and cute, who knows what the future might bring.” She giggled and said,” Neat and cute. Hmm.”

My cock was softening a bit and Elise noticed this and sat up.

“Seems all you were needing was a little rest and now it is play time.”

I felt her pussy muscles grip and release my shaft in a slow rhythm causing me to harden. She put her hands on my chest and slowly raised her hips until it was just the head of my cock inside her. She dropped down on it in one motion and slowly raised herself again. This had me rock hard again and the feel of parting her pussy walls as she dropped was incredible. Feeling the head of my dick push them aside was intense friction and as she kept this up my balls tightened again.

Elise, I am close to cumming in you.”

“No, you are not!”

She sunk down on me and stopped moving again. “You are not going to cum until I want you too and when you do I’ll be cumming with you.”

Elise was taking me to the brink of cumming and then stopping. My balls felt swollen with cum and when she decides to let them empty her pussy will be totally filled with my cum. She took my hands and put them on her breasts. I slid them up her soft mounds and trapped her nipples in the vee of my thumb and forefinger squeezing them gently and making Elise moan with pleasure. Her nipples were hard with excitement and begged to be licked and sucked. This time I managed to get my mouth on them with no help needed from Elise and I sucked and licked them both.

I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as I sucked on her nipple and it was squeezing my whole shaft rapidly.

Elise crushed my head against her breasts and humped my cock rapidly. My balls were pulled up to the base of my cock and were going to empty into her very soon.

“Elise, I am going to cum!”

“Yes! Cum for me now cum in my pussy, let me feel you cumming!”

Her pussy clamped on me and she let out a small cry. The clamping of her pussy made me unload into her, it was a massive spurt after spurt leaving my cock and filling her pussy.

“Oh God! I feel you filling me up!”

She was shuddering as her orgasm spread from her pussy outwards.

“So much cum, I feel it filling me up!”

My dick gave a couple more weak jerks as my balls gave up the last of my load to Elise’s pussy.

She collapsed onto my chest heaving and shaking. I held her in my arms as her body slowly recovered from her orgasm. Cum was leaking past my shrinking member to coat my balls and soak the sheets.

She raised her head to look at me with her gold flecked eyes.

“That was so intense. I felt every spurt in my pussy. Argh! I’m getting cramps in my legs!”

She raised herself up slowly, my dick falling out of her followed by a huge amount of my cum that landed on my shrinking shaft and balls.

“Wow! That’s a lot. Kind of glad it’s not running down my ass!”

Elise collapsed on me giggling.

“Guess who is sleeping on the wet bit then?”

“OK, Smart ass. Into the shower with you.”

“Oooh! Who is getting bossy then? I agree with you though, my ass is quite smart looking!”

“If you do not want that smart ass to have hand prints on it, shower!”

“You wouldn’t, would you?”

“I’m seriously tempted but there is no way I would do that to you.”

Elise got up and headed into the bathroom and I tore the sheet off the bed and bundled it up for the laundry. Joining her in the bathroom she had let the shower warm up and we stepped into it together. She pulled my face to hers and held it, planting her lips on mine and forcing her tongue between mine. The warm water streamed over our heads and ran down our faces as we kissed. My hands went to her ass and pulled her to me as her arms went around my neck and the kiss became more heated between us. I came up for air and turned her body around and covered her breasts with my hands, tweaking her nipples making them erect again. Her arms went up to cradle my head and her beautiful breasts flattened on her rib cage with the effect of making her nipples stand out more. I slid one hand down to her little tuft above her clit and she pushed her ass against me. My fingers sought out her clit hidden in the folds and gently stroked it, Elise sighed.

“That’s nice, Ger. Not too hard as I am still feeling sensitive.”

I eased off the pressure a little and slid my fingers down to part her pussy lips. Water streamed over them washing her juices away with the remnants of my cum. I curled them into her and her hands pulled my head into her neck and she put her cheek against mine. I slowly stroked her opening with my fingers and more sighs came from Elise.

“That feels nice, Ger.”

“It’s meant to feel nice. I am going to return your favor to me and keep you wanting.”

“I am always wanting, wanting you like I have never wanted before.”

I alternated between her opening and clitoris easing off when she was pushing her ass into me harder. Just keeping her on edge until she wanted to come. She pulled my head tighter to hers as I played with her nipples at the same time, alternating between them and changing from her opening and her clit making the sensations more intense.

“Ger, make me cum please. I am getting too sensitive.”

I turned her around and got to my knees and engulfed her clit with my mouth. The water from the shower and that cascading from her body streamed over my head. Her hands flew to my head and pushed me against her moaning.

I flicked and sucked her clit until her legs shook and she called out.

“Oh god! I’m cumming, Ger!

Her legs shook uncontrollably and she pulled my head away.

“No more! Please!”

I wanted to keep making her cum but she could barely stand so I rose up and held her as her orgasm rushed through her. Eventually she stopped trembling and looked at me with a dazed expression.

“Now I know how you must have felt, so close to cumming and not. It made it so intense when I did cum. I’m sorry I did that to you.”

“Don’t be silly, I have never cum with a load like that. Yes, it is intense.”

I hugged and kissed her, holding her ass and pulling her into me to feel her mound and nipples against me.

“I think we need to finish up in here because I suspect that you will be hungry again.”

She smiled, “How did you know?”

I lathered her all over with the sponge and she did the same to me, paying close attention to cleaning my dick. We rinsed off and got out. I wrapped her in a towel and rubbed her body through it. She towel dried her hair and sat at the vanity. The hairdryer was already out from the last time so she started drying her hair. I would have stayed watching her but got dried, kissed the back of her neck and went in search of clothes. Jeans and a long sleeved Levi shirt with snaps instead of buttons sufficed. I remade the bed and Elise came through naked, sat on it and put her clothes on. Watching her wriggle her ass into her jeans was a delight.

“You’re obsessed with my ass, aren’t you? She said as she saw me watching her.

“Not just your ass but all of you.”

“Well this ass is going to disappear if its owner does not get fed. What do you suggest?”

“I’m easy so you decide.”

”What time is it?”

“It is seven-fifteen.”

“How about Italian and then we go to my place afterwards?”

“Sounds good. I’ll call a taxi to pick us up.”

“OK, Tell him we are going to Mario’s, most drivers know where it is.”

I made the call.

“Five minutes.”

I readied my stuff at the door including a suit carrier. I was wearing black leather shoes so I would not have to remove anything from the suitcase.

A horn honked alerting us to the taxis' arrival. It was a short journey to the restaurant and we were fortunate that it did not appear to be too busy. I left my stuff at the cloakroom and we were shown to a quiet table.

The waitress left us with the menus after taking our drinks order.

"I would have anything here as I love pasta," Said Elise, "You need to try the goat cheese tart with sun dried tomatoes and basil. It is moreish! I'm having that and the salmon with farfalla."

"I'll take your word on the tart and have the linguini with spiced meatballs."

The waitress returned with our drinks and took our order.

Elise had chosen a carafe of house red, the kind of wine that is consumed every day in Italy by workers, truckers, travelers etc at roadside eateries and lunch places. It was light and refreshing, ideal for pasta.

The waitress brought the goat cheese tarts to the table. It was delicious and flavorsome. Elise was right, they were 'moreish'. Pasta is pasta no matter what the shape of it but the different shapes compliment what is served with it. Spaghetti would be the goto for meatballs but I much prefer linguini with them.

The main arrived and along with garlic toast, flaked parmigiana and black pepper and was really good.

All too soon the meal ended and time was moving on. Taxiing to the bar Elise was quiet as she held my hand in hers and rested her head on my shoulders. Our time together was ticking away and we both knew it. The days and nights we had together were intense and now we were faced with a temporary separation after them. It was knowing that she would be there on my return was the only good thing.

At the bar, Elise took me to the office acknowleging the waitresses on passing.

"Just leave your things here, we're going to the other side of the bar and be a couple having a drink. I'm not breaking my rule as I am not working and I need one."

We left the office and sat at a table as the bar was not too busy. One of the waitresses came over to us.

"Hey, Elise! What can I do for you ?"

"Hi Becky, two Patrons and two Budvars, please. Can you ask Sean to come over?"

"Sure thing, Elise."

Sean himself brought our drinks over and sat at the other side of the table.

"What's up, boss?"

"I just wanted to know how things are going. No problems?"

"None at all, Elise. Was busy earlier but has tapered off a bit. Felt a bit funny with you not here but this place runs like a Swiss watch anyway. I didn't say anything to the girls but I think they have guessed what is happening."

"No doubt they did. I'll make it official tomorrow as I need some time with Ger tonight."

"No worries. I'll close up tonight so you don't need to be here later."

"Sean, I had no intention of being here later." She laughed.

Sean got up, "Have fun then!"

Elise took a swig of beer and played with her bottle on the table.

"Ger, it's not going to be the same here when you are gone. I never felt this way with anyone before. I don't want to turn into some demanding, possessive bitch that has her hooks in you and won't let you out of her sight. You have to work, I know, and so do I but when you aren't working I want you to be with me. I know that sounds just like what I said but it isn't the same thing. You know what I mean?"

"I do, Elise. I feel the same. You have breathed life into what I was before meeting you and I know what that means to me."

"I'm not going to give my folks here any entertainment by kissing you. I'll save that for later, meanwhile let's have a drink or two or three."

I raised my bottle and she tapped hers to mine.




"Saude, it is Portuguese for health."

"Obviously I have a lot to find out about you. Portuguese? Where did you learn that?"

"Brazil. I was there for three weeks with the company."

"You go to Rio or Sao Paolo? That's my geography knowledge of Brazil in a nutshell, apart from knowing the Amazon is huge and they have massive carnivals."

"No, I was in Santa Catarina which is south of Sao Paolo state. Near Florianopolis, the capitol city which is on an island."

"Are Brazilian women like what they say they are, all tits, ass and bikinis?"

I laughed, "No, they are not all like that. I suppose that in Rio you would see that on the beach but folks are just like us only healthier looking."

"So you speak Portuguese then?"

"Not at all, just picked up a few words and phrases."

"Where else have you been?"

"Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Finland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, India, Puerto Rico. All with work."

"You are an international jet setter! I would love to go to Europe. All those places you see on tv. Lucky you!"

"Less of the lucky. It is airports, flights, hotels, work, airports and flights again. Might sound exotic and exciting but it gets really boring after a while, the traveling especially. It was worse before I got promoted, economy all the way but now it is business class and I don't feel washed out after traveling long haul."

"I don't even have a passport! I have been out of state about four times. The only thing different is the accents. I went to New York once and as soon as I got there I wanted to come home. Too many people and all in a hurry to get some place and the traffic. My god, it is insane!"

Our drinks had depleted and Elise signalled for more. This time it was the bubbly blonde that came over.

"Jackie, meet Ger. Ger, this Jackie."

Jackie blushed red and said "Hello."

"Hello, Jackie, we met briefly the other night. Pleased to meet you again now I know your name "

She twiddled with her tray, blushing even more.

"Nevermind, Jackie. There will be somebody for you, you just haven't met him yet. Could we have the same again, please?"

Jackie put the empties on the tray and headed for the bar.

I said, "That was a bit harsh. The poor girl is embarrassed. She wasn't to know I was there to meet you."

"Jackie is very naive when it comes to men. She ends up with the type that just take advantage of her. I've told her not to throw herself at men but she ends up doing it anyway. She really is a nice girl and ends up getting hurt. It’s a real shame for her."

"You act like a cat with her kittens. Protecting them and scolding them too."

"Miaow!" She burst out laughing.

Becky brought our drinks over and said, "Jackie is a bit embarrassed about things. She is in the restroom crying her eyes out."

"Oh no! I need to go speak to her."

Elise left and went to the restroom and Becky said, "Poor kid, she just needs someone decent to take care of her." She headed off leaving me on my own.

It was about five minutes before Elise came back and sat down.

"I managed to stop the tears and let her know I wasn't being mean to her and was trying to give her some advice about men and to try and avoid getting hurt. She is OK now and I told her to take her time and freshen up. Hopefully she takes it in but I worry for her."

"Life is a learning experience and we have to take the knocks along with the good times. It can hurt really bad as I found out but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel or in my case an incandescent angel."

"So I'm a flaming angel now?" She grinned and grabbed her beer and held it up. "Bow down before me or feel my wrath!" She burst out laughing. "Do angels fuck? Surely they cannot go around all holy like without fucking!"

I had to laugh along with her at that.

"Well I am a fallen angel then as I like fucking and want to fuck you but first more tequila.

Elise signalled and Becky came over to the table.

"Becky, be an angel and bring us a couple more beers and double tequilas."

"Sure thing, Elise. Be right back."


"Why not? She drained her beer and then her tequila.

I followed suit and Jackie reappeared and set out the drinks taking the empties.

"Thanks for what you told me, Elise. I'll try to change."

"Just wait and it will happen before you realise. You will be happier when it does."

"OK." She walked away with a light step.

"Mother cat strikes again!"

"I have a soft spot for her, I can't help it."

"Caring about others matters."

"OK, enough of the agony aunt thing. It is us time and I want to make the most of it so get drinking!"

We chatted away with Elise leaning against me on the padded bench seat her head resting against me and her hand lightly on my thigh.

"OK, one more round and bedtime for us."

She signalled the bar and Sean made is way across.

"I gotta pee. Be right back."

Sean picked up the empties and said, "Same again?"

"Just make them singles." I handed him my credit card. "Clear the tab with this."

"She will not be happy."

"Elise does not need to know.”

"No worries Ger."

He was back with the drinks and I signed off the tab before Elise got back to the booth.

She slid in and took my hand in hers.

"You are going to have quite a collection!" She said pressing her thong into my hand. "I might run out of underwear at this rate!"

"Well, I much prefer you naked but nice underwear hides delights to come. I don't mean trashy hooker things but lingerie that compliments a woman's body."

"A connoisseur, are we?"

"No, but I know what I like and so far you have not disappointed."

"I'm flattered that I meet your requirements, sir." Elise smiled.

"Well, it is time for bed I think."

She finished her drinks and waited on me to do the same.

"Take me home, Ger."

She got up and staggered slightly.

"Ooops! Definitely bedtime."

Elise regained her composure and we went through the bar with her holding my hand.

"Night, Sean."

"Night boss."

We went through the office and I picked up my suit carrier.

Upstairs, Elise got the door to her apartment open on the second attempt at the keypad.

"Bloody thing!"

She pushed the door open and pulled me through the doorway.

I dropped the suit carrier as she threw herself into my arms.

"I'm feeling that tequila now, maybe not such a good idea having doubles. You want to make love to a very, very, slightly drunk fallen angel?"

"Thought you would never ask."

"First things first. Clothes off."

Elise pulled her shirt off and kicked off her ankle boots. Leaning against the hall wall she undid her jeans.

"Need help here, Ger."

I pulled her jeans over her hips and she steadied herself with her hands on my shoulders as I drew them off her legs.

My head level with her covered mound I planted a kiss on it before rising and kissing her lips. Her tongue probed my mouth hungrily as if seeking a second home. I held her tight to me, her wonderful body in my arms.

Elise broke away from me.

"Clothes! Get them off and take me to bed."

I dropped my clothes in her hall and lifting her in my arms took her to her bedroom. The lights came on at a warm glow and I laid her on the bed.

"Music, we need music. Something soft and gentle." Elise said.

I went over to her collection of LPs and CDs and looked amongst the titles. Mainly a mix of blues, blues rock and rock. She had a lot of Pink Floyd and Genesis albums, Floyd I liked but I was not too keen on Genesis. I spotted a CD that was not what I expected see based on the majority of genres, Annie Lennox's Diva. I put that into the player and set the volume.

Returning to the bed, the music started and Elise said, "Her voice is incredible, I listen to this and get shivers all over me. She makes sad songs sound so beautiful."

I took Elise in my arms and she turned her head to look at me.

"Just hold me Ger, I want to feel safe in your arms."

She turned around to snuggle herself against me and my arm went around her and my leg across hers. She took my hand in both of hers and pulled it to her breasts. My other arm was under her neck and I brought my forearm across to enclose her. Her breathing slowed to a steady pace as she drifted off to sleep

I held her thinking that she needed it and before long I drifted off to the sound of the music.

I awoke to the sensation of wetness surrounding my cock. I looked and Elise had all of my flaccid dick in her mouth. I instantly started to harden and she looked up at me. Taking it from her mouth she said,

"About time, I thought you would never wake up. I'm sorry for dropping off on you last night but with the tequila and beer it all caught up on me. I'm awake now and so are you so let's make amends for it."

She took me back into her mouth and brought me to full hardness with her tongue circling my head as she stroked my shaft and played with my balls.

She let go of my cock and it stood up from my balls, she got out from between my legs and stayed on her knees.

"I want you from behind. I want to feel you filling my pussy and your balls slap against me as you move."

I needed no further encouragement and got to my knees behind her. She lowered her upper body and raised her hips to make her pussy available for my swollen shaft to enter her. She parted her outer lips to reveal her inviting hole wet with desire. I guided myself into her and my cock was surrounded by her beautiful warm inner flesh. My hands went to her breasts and covered them pulling her back against me. I felt my length reach its limit as I sunk into her. Her nipples were hard and I toyed with them making Elise moan. I leant forwards and kissed her back making my dick draw back to her entrance. I straightened up and slowly filled her wet pussy again feeling its walls ripple against the head of my cock. I took it slow to build up the sensations that we were feeling with me feeling her pussy part for me and Elise feeling her pussy being parted and filled with my hardness.

"That feels so good Ger. I feel it inside me pushing me apart for you to fill me. So good!"

Elise lowered her shoulders to the bed and I put my hands on her hips to hold her against me. I pulled back to watch the head of my dick almost come out with her outer lips sliding up shaft and got a view of her tight asshole. I pushed back inside her pussy and increased my strokes. My balls were tightening and her muscles inside her were gripping and releasing my shaft continuously.

I sped up my thrusts and she cried out with pleasure.

"I'm going to cum, Ger! I feel myself nearly cumming! Make me cum!"

My rapid thrusts made my balls slap against her and I plunged my dick in as far as it could go into her pussy and arched back shooting my load into her. Elise's pussy clamped on me and she cried out, "Oh god! Yesssss! Yessss!"

Her whole body was rigid as she grasped the sheets, I was going to pull out of her totally spent but she felt me move.

"No Ger! Keep inside me for now."

I left my shaft in her but I could feel it slowly shrinking but it managed to stay just inside her.

All of a sudden Elise got up and put her hand to her pussy covering it. "Oh shit!" She rushed to the bathroom cursing.

A few minutes later she came out wearing panties.

I looked at her.

"My fucking period just started. I suppose that was a piece of luck that we managed to have that at all as I have been feeling it for the last couple of days. No more fun now."

"Elise, it is natural, don't worry about it."

I looked at my watch and Elise's face saddened.

"You have to go soon, don't you?"

"Sadly yes. I still have a few hours until my flight but will need to leave soon. I need to shower though."

"Me too but it won't be as much fun as before."

We got into the shower and Elise left her panties on the vanity stool. The warm water poured over us as we held each other tight, her head on my shoulder. We gently washed each other and as the water washed away the suds Elise pushed me back against the tiles and got on her knees.

"Just to remind you of what you will miss."

She took my dick into her mouth and I began to harden. Her mouth bobbed up and down my shaft as she sucked and tongued its head. I was hard in no time and with one hand stroking my cock with the other cradling my balls she sucked and licked me hard. Her actions soon had my balls tightening and the feeling I was going to cum intensified.

"Elise! I'm going to cum!"

Her head nodded on my cock and she stroked me faster. I put my hands on her head and gripped her hair as I came in her mouth. She kept her mouth on me and I could feel her swallowing my load. She sucked my dick as if to get every drop from it before taking her mouth away while still holding my shaft and balls. She kissed it’s head and got up to hug me, forcing her lips against mine. Her tongue roamed my mouth and her fingers dug into my back.

She backed off from me and I could see even with the water from the shower she was crying. I took her in my arms and kissed her face as she tried to stop the tears. A big sob came from her.

"I'm being silly now. I know it is only a week but I am going to miss you so much when you're gone."

"I'll miss you too Elise but at least we can talk everyday now." I gave her another kiss. "Need to get ready now, my love."

"You get dried and dressed while I sort out this traitor down here."

I got dried and retrieved my suit carrier from the hall and opened it. I had shorts, socks, an undershirt, shirt and tie in it along with my suit.

After dressing I put on my shoes and stuffed yesterday's clothes into the carrier.

Elise came out dried and with her panties on again.

"Wow! Who are you?"

Elise had never seen me dressed for business before so I looked totally different to her.

"Just the same man who loves you in a different wrapper.

"Not sure I like the look but it will have to do. Breakfast?"

"Sounds good to me."

Elise made coffee and put some waffles in the toaster.

"Not much else, the cupboards are bare. Better than nothing though."

We ate in silence and when I put my jacket on her face saddened.

"Wait until I put something on and I'll let you out."

She came back wearing that t-shirt dress again and took my hand as we went into her hallway. I slung my shoulder bag and picked up my case.

"If it is OK I'll leave the carrier here and get it when I return."

Elise nodded and we went downstairs to the bar entrance.

I put my case down and took her in my arms and kissed her longingly.

"Go Ger before I lose it."

I kissed her again and she opened the door. She stood there holding it as I went to the taxi I had ordered earlier. I got in the cab and as it drove off as the bar door closed.
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