The day had been gloomy, mediocre sunlight poking through the half filled clouds for most of the afternoon, reaching a balmy 80 degrees by evening. Natural fragrance of pine and honeysuckle flowed on what little breeze there was as the couple were leaving for a week. Excited for their time, nervous that it'd been awhile away from home, and consistent sexual tension lightly bouncing between the two. They'd made plans for a week's stay at a small resort off the Arkansas/Tennessee border.
Heading out on the highway in a rental car they had delivered that morning, they have light chatter in-between music playing in the background, the anticipation building the further they stretch the distance from home.
Halfway through, each mile makes the other squirm in their seats, minimal adjustments, and cues that proved they needed to stop at the next rest stop or gas station they came across.
You suggested that they might want to change into more comfortable clothing for travel in the humidity, having a few sets for each already picked out sitting in a bag in the backseat for ‘just in case’ occasions, along with preferred light snacks, drinks and entertainment. “You should try that purple one,” you comment as we're going over the list of items.
They notice a sign that says rest/truck stop, motel and gas station next 5 miles. “We'll take a break there, possibly grab some dinner, if they have anything,” you state as you take my hand in for a kiss. “Sounds great, we can change, and I'm looking forward to eating, as usual.” my half giggle, half laugh bouncing around the vehicle.
Goofing off with each other the rest of the way and enjoying the drive, they pull into the combined parking lot with spare spaces between big rigs. Assuming the drivers were either sleeping or out walking off their driving time, they locked up the rental, and headed inside the rest stop bathroom/showers with the change of clothes.
Full stomachs, showered and changed outfits, and bladders relieved, they start heading back to the vehicle. The only thing that was missing was needing some release of the prior sexual tension.
You decide to tease my ass as we walk back to the vehicle, which was slightly peeking out of the metallic purple skirt, moving closer to my ear and whispering, “A little something before we leave?” Catching a glimmer in my eye in response, purring back to you, “What do you have in mind?” You glance down pointedly at my top, metallic purple micro bikini under a short sleeve, upside down teardrop cut out, half shirt, “I want to see your tits hanging out of the micro. Hopefully see where it'll go from there.” you encourage with a wink and shoulder squeeze.
Watching me cautiously scan around at the rigs near the rental, noticing they looked unoccupied or asleep with their curtains closed. After receiving a small smile and nod in consent from me, you grin and start stroking yourself through your pants from inside your pocket. Slowly, with a slight blush turning my cheeks, I teasingly uncover my breasts from the micro with a moan of pleasure as they scrape against my pierced nipples, flipping the tips up and down a little, getting them hard before turning around and walking towards the door of the vehicle.
Suddenly rushing to my door with a thrust of your hips into my ass cheeks, you pin me against the glass and your body, grinding your cock, letting me know how turned on you've become. “Suck me,” is your simple command. Turned on more now, yet still cautiously questions, “But what if the driver's see us?” Breathless anticipation still heard in my voice as I began riding a sexual high with my nipples pressed against the glass, your body and cock grinding on me, and wanting to taste your juices from your hard shaft, pushing back a little with my ass.
Prepared with a persuasive answer, you counter my embarrassment, and tempt me to throw caution to the wind, “They probably can't see from sitting that high into the rental anyways, it's alright babe, you're getting me really stiff right now thinking about your mouth on me.” You quickly open my door and motion for me to climb in, closing it behind me after getting into a comfortable position, then scrambling into your seat after your door is opened by me.
“Oh fuck, yesss…,” you hiss as my mouth moves down your length after getting settled and being unsheathed, “That's right babe, swallow my cock, lick my tip like a good girl, keep your eyes closed for me…” you instruct me further, “Collect that precum in your mouth, ohh yeah, prove how much of a good girl you want to be, go deep on that big cock, suck out my precum, show me what you got in that sexy mouth,” you take a look at the mouth full of precum and spit collected, “Yes that's right, oh good girl, so dirty for liking that as much as you do, now drool on your tits, yes that's a good wife, fuck that's hot…”
Noticing the rig parked next to them you catch a glimpse of a man making masturbation movements, slightly throwing your concentration, then you take a moment to ponder what you should do with the next motion from the man, a finger rotating in a ‘keep going’ signal, and a single point in the opposite direction of you, forcing you to notice a few others enjoying your wife sucking you off. ‘Might as well’, you're already turned on and you know your wife is dripping from sucking you and they're not asking for anything more than a private showing really.
Decision made, you continue instructing me, “Put my cock back in your sexy mouth, oh fuck, yeah like that, slowly ooh, fuck, take my big cock all the way down your throat,” you take a moment to notice their movements have become slightly faster, knowing my tits and hips grind with the motions, speaking a bit louder you comment, “hmmm love how your training is going for the length of time spent sucking my cock…,” you pause as you feel me slurping and popping your cock in and out of my mouth as my answer.
Having observed one driver spill his load after the last statement and wet noises you continue, “Hmmm fucking hot, good girl keep sucking, that's a dirty wife I have, getting wet from sucking me huh? Ooh there's my answer. Hmm that's right suck harder, mm yesss fuck….,”my right hand joins my mouth, slightly gripping as it glides along your length, slick with spit and precum. Another load from a driver hits below the passenger window behind me, surprising you and the guy, at the intensity of the cumshot through his window of the rig.
‘One more to go, this will get him,’ “Show me those sticky wet tits, oh yes, pinch your nipples, so naughty, yes wiggle that ass like you want my cock in there too.” The last driver had heard enough and exploded somewhat noisily. More than thankful that both windows were mostly closed and nothing got inside the vehicle, you give a ‘we’re good’ sign. The driver's, signaling they enjoyed the show and wanting to thank the couple, tossed out wads of paper. ‘Um…thanks guys, not sure how I'm gonna explain this in the first place, now I've gotta clean up?’ you think for a split second.
At that moment was when you felt me get more turned on, “Oh fuck I love it when you moan on my cock,” aware that you could either cum from the recent experience and possibly get me off or promise for later for them both somewhere else, and wanting the latter, you quickly come up with an idea. “Hmmm. Babe, now open your eyes, such a beautiful and sexy wife I have, yes especially her face smeared with my precum. We'll finish this session later, I want to cum in your pussy, and we can't comfortably do that here.” Kissing my forehead you further instruct, “Straighten up a little, reach for our entertainment bag in the backseat, take your matching purple plug out, and stuff your ass with it during the ride.”
A little dazed, very horny, and pleased with myself sound comes out of my throat in agreement. While putting yourself back into your pants, you finish explaining, “I'll be right back, while you're doing that, I'm double checking we're road ready.” You make sure to help with my clothes being properly on, with a few nipple tweaks to keep up the foreplay, before exiting the vehicle. Without showing traces or clues, you swiftly, although somewhat grudgingly, pick up the wadded papers, acknowledging the fact they're a little damp in a few spots and wanting to keep a distance from it, you toss them into the entertainment bag for a later discussion. Climbing back into the driver's seat you finish buckling up before asking me, “Are we ready to continue on the road now?” A little hoarse from sucking, replying nonetheless excitedly, “Yes please, very ready, all buckled up.” You start the vehicle and ask the question before pulling out onto the highway, “Did you do it?”