Greg has had enough and has finally put his foot down and disciplines his step daughter who makes some pretty outlandish accusations about him. Why would she say that?and Greg wonders if he should be worried.
My name is Greg, I’m 32 my wife is Brenda who is a little older at 37 and I have one step daughter, Gabby, an unruly teenager who she had young and thinks she’s hot shit and can do whatever she wants, shes the girl who got a train ran on her on the football field, she’s an absolute embarrassment next to my families other offspring and I’m just glad we’re not blood related so I can blame it on her bad genes . This is about how our pretty normal family changed one year when i decided to put my foot down with our promiscuous little slutty daughter. The last thing i wanted was a knocked up teenager to take care of and another bastard ki d for the next 18 years. I run a strictly male dominated traditional household where my wife serves me and listens to only me and is a stay at home mom. Once her slutty kid is finally out of my house, my duties are over with, the little cock tease is out and can go get knocked up on her own dime with the low life’s she dates that are all way older than her. Then I can get back to freely banging my wife where I please and watch her serve and clean naked. I swear I count the days down like it’s liberation.
Don’t get me wrong, I once had some affection for the kid. I mean, I’ve raised her since she was a tiny thing that couldn’t even talk yet. She’s biracial, so she had olive skin, big green hazel eyes and lots of dirty blonde curls and the cutest full little ruby lips that she’d pout with when she was a toddler. She was a cute kid. I looked at her as a burden then too though. when Brenda finally agreed to go on a date with me, I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. Sure, she was one of the only gals in our job site, I was a mechanic at a dealership and she was the desk girl, but she was still drop dead gorgeous. The moment she told me she had a kid on our date, I immediately knew why she finally buckled to go on a date with me after asking for several months. She took me for a schmuck. Her loser baby daddy probably finally kicked rocks and she was looking for the next Instadaddy. The next 35 minutes of our date went as kind of a blur, I agreed with everything she said, said some charming shit, but in my mind I was bending her over creaming deep inside her milf pussy and holding her down as her stupid baby was crying on the monitor and telling her she better not try to get up if she knew what was good for her. Honestly, maybe her having a baby was kinda hot, but still, def not something I could afford. I had plans to move up to management, but I didn’t know when I could and having the instant stress of caring for a kid was not on my to do list. So I knew immediately I’d hit it and quit it.
But Brenda had other plans, that pussy was so tight and juicy and it had me in a vice. She rode my cock like her rent depended on it, her body was banging and her tits were perfect, just a handful with the cutest pink nipples that stood erect like pencil erasers and bounced as she moaned and milked me. I knew after that that I was gonna be a step dad whether I liked it or not.
A couple years passed and it went pretty smoothly, we were the perfect couple and I tolerated the little brat well. Though we had our monents, It honestly wasn’t that bad, Brenda took on most of the child rearing and her dead beat baby dad ended up getting on child support so it helped care for her needs. I’d gotten the promotion I wanted and with her ever increasing mom guilt of being away from the baby who would start preschool next year, we decided it was best for her to stay home and take advantage of Gabbys last year as a toddler before she was an official school kid. I assured her the whole time it was fine, but inside it was really stressing me out. But the first day I came home to a sparkling clean house, a hot meal and my wife kissing me hot and steamyat the door, then leading me to the dinner table and giving me the hottest blow job she’d ever given me from under the table, all as the baby sat across from
Us in her high chair, giggling because she thought mommy was being silly crawling under the table, I knew I’d find a way to make it work. She quite literally was fucking me like her rent depended on it and I loved it.
So fast forward to now. How did we end up like this? Brenda crying in the kitchen while her kid just stormed in in the tightest booty shirts and crop top and flipping her off, telling her to go fuck herself. I immediately started unbuckling my belt and stomping towards her room with Brenda begging me not to. I could hear a door slam in the distance and I knew it was Brenda running to our room crying, she didn’t want me beating her daughters perfect round little ass cheeks, but knew better than to try and stop me, enough was enough. I stormed into her room by kicking the door open since she locked it. She started yelling at me to get the fuck out, I wasn’t her dad and couldn’t touch her. That just made me angrier and I slammed her skinny little body against the bunkbed pole with her perky c cup tits smashed up against the frame and began unbuttoning her shorts to slide them and her panties down to give her a whooping that she wouldn’t forget. “You’re in MY house! My rules and you don’t EVER talk to my wife like that!”. You can be a little whore all over town for all I care, but when you’re in MY house, you will obey!”.
She was shaking and crying now, she was calling me daddy now, daddy please, daddy no, daddy I’m sorry, please don’t. She had her legs crossed and her skinny hand tugging at her shorts, making it harder to take them off. It was making me angrier and I pulled her hair back to make her look up at me with tear filled wide hazel eyes as I growled at her to behave, open her legs and take her punishment or it’s gonna be ten times worse. She was crying hard now and said something I couldn’t understand. I wedged my knee between her thighs and got her legs apart and quickly ripped her shorts and panties from her grip in one swoop and they dropped down to her ankles. She let out a scream and begged me not to hurt her.
“You want to act grown, you think cus the boys want to fuck your slutty ass that you can’t get a whooping on it?!” I screamed as I pulled her hair harder and grabbed one full, smooth globe ass cheek menacingly, my fingers and nails digging harshly into the creamy smooth skin. She let out a yelp and tried to twist away from me, but I had her gripped too hard. I looked at her cunt and saw that it was shaved smooth and she still had thick sealed vulva. Her mom also had a fat pussy lips like that, you had to pry them apart to get to the goodies inside, it made her pussy look younger and it made my cock instantly hard.
“Da-ddy… I’m… gonna tell if you don’t stop”. She cried through tears and struggling to get free.
Oh yeah? Tell what? That I’m DISCIPLINING my daughter?! Spanking you like I should have years ago? If it weren’t for your mom begging me to go easy on you because she felt bad that even your own real dad didn’t give a shit about you, I’d have had you over my knee and respecting authority a long time ago!
Now bend over, put your hands flat on the bed and TAKE THESE LICKS LIKE THE WOMAN YOU ACT LIKE YOU ARE!! I scream as I push her to the bed face first.
She crawls on to the bed and turns to me and backs up into the corner crying. At this point I’m just pissed, I’m ready to get this over with and just gonna grab her by her ankle, flip her over and give her her lashes as I hold her head down into the mattress. But then she says something that really pisses me off.
“No daddy, I’m gonna tell about how you touched me, how you made me put your thing in my mouth until you came and made me swallow it and you let uncle Robby and your friends do it too.”
“It’s… it’s why… it’s why you called me Gabby Gobbles!” She choked through sobs.
This little bitch really was sick. I didn’t even have a chub at this point, I was furious. How dare she make up such a sick story to threaten me with! Gabby Gobbles??!! That’s what we called her because she ate like she had a damn tapeworm as a kid, always eating and hungry. It was supposed to be cute. She’s insane to turn it into something like that.
In a rage, I grab her ankle and flip her over and drag her to me as she’s screaming. DADDY NO! Daddy PLEASE! Im sorry daddy, I won’t tell! IM SORRY DADDY! No!!!
I hold her down with one hand and raise my other arm up with the belt and come down harder than I’d even come down on her mother. A blood curdling howl was only half muffled as I followed it up with a torrent of at least 25 more lashes. She wasn’t even fighting towards the end, just sobbing into the mattress.
My arm is damn near throbbing by now, I get up and look at my handiwork. The blistering welts looked beautiful across her cinnamon colored ass cheeks, it was burning red and pink now with little droplets of blood forming and some smeared here and there. Her thighs were slightly parted and I swear I could see a gleam of something shiny coming from between her legs. I reach down between her thighs and run a finger between her chubby little bald snatch and my finger comes out sopping wet. She immediately reacts and yells, STOP IT DADDY! and forces her legs closed. I immediately regret it. Why the fuck did I do that? Shit! Think fast!
“Well well well, look what we have here.” I say as incredulously as I can with my heart racing.
“Now I see where your little fantasies are coming from. You WISH I’d feed you my spunk and fuck you, you little slut. Should I take a picture of you like this as evidence of the whore that you are? Since you’re threatening me? Look at how wet this little whores pussy is when she’s being punished, I can only imagine how wet it gets when it’s being stroked and she’s got a cock down her throat?! “
Shes whimpering softly into the mattress now and slowly pulls herself up, wincing in pain. She’s sitting on her scorched ass cheeks and let’s out a little cry of pain as she draws her knees up to cover her naked lower half.
She’s looking down and doing that annoying hyperventilating breathing thing where you try not to cry as you’re talking, and she softly says “Daddy, I-I prom- promise, I wo- won’t tell anyone, bu- but won’t y- you puh-please just tell me, just admit what you-you’ve done to muh-me. Ih-if you do and ju- just uh- apologize then I promise I’ll never ta-talk about it again, da- daddy please.” She pleads with tears in her eyes as she looks up at me.
Is it sad that I feel nothing for this girl? The closest thing I actually feel is probably hatred at this point. All I’ve ever done was take care of her and her mother. I never travelled like I wanted to, never got to live the lifestyle I wanted, i sacrificed so much for a brat that isn’t even mine. All to be repayed like this? Getting in trouble at school, failing classes, running with high school dropouts and disrespecting us left and right and embarrassing us. And now THREATENING my freedom with her lies?! Yep, I hate her. The fact that she’s using “daddy” to appeal to any soft spot she thinks I have for her just infuriates me.
“Listen here you little bitch, the only reason I tolerate you is because of your mom, I don’t give a FUCK if you tell anyone because there’s nothing to tell.” I snarl in her face.
I roughly grab her chin and look her dead in the eyes and growl “the sooner you get that through your whore brain, the sooner we can move one and hopefully, you’ll get the fuck out of my house and never come back”.
When I released my grip, I did it so hard that the back of her head hit the wall and I felt a bit bad about that, I didn’t mean to do that, but, hopefully it drove the message home. I see her cell phone on the desk and I grab and let her know she’s grounded from that as well and I walk out and slam the door shut and hear her crying still in the distance.
I opened the door to our bedroom and saw Brenda sitting in the side chair by the window, crying.
“You didn’t need to be so hard on her, daddy”. She said as she got up and walked past me, intending to go tend to her slutty little daughter with the steaming welted ass.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
“Don't you dare go over there, get on your knees and get my cock wet and hard then get in position” I demanded.
Her eyes were wide now, she knew what get into the position meant. I hadn’t fucked her like that in awhile because I’ve been going to soft on her. I’m pretty well endowed and Brenda has a pretty low cervix that I can easily reach in that position and I fuck her like a menace with no remorse in it. She says it feels like she’s being punched and it gives her cramps and it just hurts her, even when wet because she dries up as my cock punches her guts and she’s writhing in pain. She’s given up asking me to use lube because I refuse to lube up any pussy, if you’re not wet, that’s you’re own fault, I’ve honestly come to like it like that even though it hurts my cock a little afterawhile, I know it hurts her more and that’s what turns me on like the sadist that I am. I used to have to lay my belt down next to her face to remind her to keep still and stay in position, but now she just knows better. But my belt has some miles on it today, i pull her off my dick and she gets on the bed, her knees on the edge, face down on the mattress and her voluptuous ass raised high in the air just the way I like it. I rub her ass cheeks and admire the sexy curve in her back and the little puckered asshole staring up at me, surrounded by a dark pink lining. God she’s got an amazing ass and asshole. I lay the leather strap right next to her face as I spit on her asshole and push my thumb in. She winces from the pressure. I know she doesn’t need the strap anymore, I’ve got me a good girl now who will never try to run up from underneath me again, just took a few beatings to get there. But I wonder if she can smell her daughters sweat, blood and pussy musk on it. After all, I did run my fingers along it with her pussy juices still on them. The thought alone made my cock rock hard.
Im considering whether or not to do foreplay before I shove my 9” thick and throbbing cock in. I want to play with her pussy and make it wet, but I also want her to writhe and feel me in all my glory in this position because honestly, if Brenda had let me spank that brat years ago, we wouldn’t even be in this position, she brought this on herself really.
I spit on my hand and rub it on my cock and ram it all the way in to the hilt and Brenda lets out a cry of pain and her back immediately straightens out to try and accommodate the raging cock that just got shoved into her guts. I grab the belt and immediately dish out three hard lashes on her ass and rib cage. She cries out and gets back into her position. I fuck her mercilessly for about 20 minutes and she’s begging me to put it in her ass toward the end. My Brenda is sneaky, I used to punish her with ass fuckings, but it turns out, she loves them, she only pretended to dislike them in order to get them when she misbehaved. It was this style of doggy fucking that she hated and hurt her the most. In her ass, I couldn’t bottom out, but in her pussy, I fucked it up every time and I could tell the difference between her fake cries and real ones. No Brenda, there will be no ass fucking for you, my little ass slut. You will take this hard cock up your tight dry pussy and endure this cervix fucking like the fuck doll you are.
Her sigh of relief was almost audible as I pulled out and flipped her over and she opened her mouth to swallow all my spunk.
Once I unloaded everything into her that I had, I laid down on the bed and gave her permission to get up and go tend to her bitch daughter, but to hurry up because dinner isn’t going to cook itself. She slowly got up, clutching her stomach and wincing in pain. I gently caressed the lash marks across her back, I ended up having to give her a few more and they were sexy as hell against her pale skin and bruises from the other night when I got rough with her. She let out a gasp, but knew better than to shy away from me.
“My good girl needs reminders sometimes, it’s ok baby, daddy still loves you, you’ll do better next time, won’t you?”
“Yes daddy”. She says quietly with downcast wet eyes.
“I love you so much Brenda”. I say as I grab her petite delicate hand and kiss it.
“I love you too, baby” Brenda says with a broken voice and she means it with all her heart.