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Jim has a delightful commute. Exponential growth has begun. 14 new recruits, 4 new buns in ovens, and 2 cherries popped.
Due to the time difference and his wife's work schedule, early mornings were the only time they could talk during the trip. He was dreading it. He hated lying to his wife and could hardly bear hiding anything from her, even Christmas presents. She was his other half, his soulmate. And she was two months pregnant with their first child. He half expected himself to blurt it all out. Maybe the only thing that stopped him was that he didn't know how. He couldn't explain it, even to himself. It didn't make any sense. What had even happened to him and those women?

She answered his video call and immediately asked how he was feeling, having heard from Steve that he left the restaurant feeling sick. That gave him cover for his pale, haggard face, wracked with guilt and worry.

"Jim, you really should see a doctor about this. People don't get sick anymore, remember? It might be something serious."

"You're right honey. I'm feeling a lot better though. I think it might be an allergy to something I ate. I'll call the places I ate at yesterday and get lists of ingredients for what I ordered."

"Ok, sounds good. You and your adventurous eating," she said, laughing, loving to tease him about it. "What was it this time? Snake spleens? Live wriggling octopus tentacles? Fermented dinosaur turds? I know you can find crazy stuff to eat in China, but that doesn't mean you have to try it all!"

The rest of the call was brief and somehow normal. He didn't tell her. He just couldn't. He wondered if he could go on forever, every day, feeling this awful need to confess, and just never do it. Either way, could his life ever be the same?

As he was getting ready to leave for work, Jim realized he didn't get his room key back from Leizu. He headed down to the lobby intending to ask for a new key card, and of course for the old key card's access to his room to be removed. Not that she had any reason to come back, since he knew she now had what she wanted from him in her womb. However, when he got to the lobby it was crowded with a long line at the desk, so he decided to just do it when he got back to the hotel in the afternoon.

Looking down and trying his best to avoid eye contact with anyone, he started across the lobby toward the exit. He was intercepted by the tall swimmer from last night. She said "Hi Jim, I'm Xiu, remember me? I wanted to introduce you to some friends." Automatic politeness overrode his intention to avoid eye contact and he found himself shaking hands with two gorgeous women. They were both sophisticated looking, their hair and makeup expertly done, their clothes tailored and tasteful, and their slender bodies exceptionally feminine. Each one gasped, turned red, and went wide-eyed when they made eye contact.

"Fei Fei is a dear friend of my family," Xiu said, "She's an angel investor in Beijing, lots of fascinating companies in media and tech. She's a genius, and she knows the most amazing, brilliant, powerful people. Fei Fei darling, now do you forgive me? Do you understand why I needed you to fly down here overnight?"

The powerful, gorgeous woman nodded, giggling like a schoolgirl as she stared with lust at Jim. His brain was having trouble adjusting to the situation as those waves of desire that had driven him crazy last night began to return. He was so confused, his head full of so many questions, along with thoughts of undressing this woman, finding her wet pussy, filling it with his seed. It wasn't over? Xiu wanted him to meet more? Why did she care after she already had what she wanted from him in her womb? And, why an angel investor? He wasn't some tech startup guy, just a simple accountant. No, he realized. It's her DNA. She doesn't think I need an angel investor, she thinks this angel investor has amazing DNA. She thinks she can breed me like a damn horse.

"Qiao here owns a chain of high-end fitness and health centers catering to elite athletes. She knows a lot of really amazing people too. Olympians and such. And I think some of her people might have some ideas to maximize your performance for any athletic endurance endeavors you find yourself attempting this week."

Endurance? What? Oh… Shit. They clearly had much bigger plans for him. Suddenly the memory of all those questions last night before leaving his room came back to him. They were already planning this, even then. He looked around the lobby and finally realized it wasn't just a normal crowd. There were several other groups of gorgeous women waiting their turn to be introduced.

He said, "really nice to meet you both, but I have to run," and left the two gorgeous, powerful women he'd just met staring wide-eyed after him as Xiu leaned in close to whisper to them. He tried to skirt around the crowd to get out without meeting anyone else, but was again intercepted by another group of four incredibly beautiful women, this time led by Yuming. Her sweet smile took his breath away, making vivid images of last night flash through his mind. When she introduced him, his automatic politeness kicked in again and he found himself making eye contact with each of her three slender, gorgeous friends. He saw them each flush and their eyes widen as they made eye contact, and he knew he had three more thralls.

"This is Susu, and this is Chun-Hua, two dear friends from culinary school," Yuming said. "They are up-and-coming chefs at two of the top restaurants in the city. I know you have to be booked tonight girls, but please let me know if you can find a way to cook for Jim's party. If not, we have to figure something else out to get together soon, right?"

"Yes," breathed Susu, her eyes fixed on Jim and smoldering. "We absolutely must."

"Definitely," agreed Chun-Hua huskily. "We will make it happen. Tonight. Jim, you are in for a treat."

Jim couldn't speak from the wave of desire that hit him. He gulped, smiled eagerly and nodded, knowing it was true. Holy shit, what a treat it would be to take these two, to make them his, to explore and conquer their eager, sweet bodies. And sure, to try their cooking too. That crazy lust from last night was rushing back with a vengeance, crowding out the guilty thoughts that had so recently filled him.

"And this is my cousin Anna," Yuming continued. "She's a producer for a big music company. She works with girl bands, originally in Korea where she's from and now, after a merger, her company is here too, doing Chinese girl bands. Yes, I'm one quarter Korean," she added, seeing him glance at her.

Jim could hardly breathe looking at Anna. She was stunning. So much character with her crazy pink hair and her sparkling joyful eyes and sweet face. And what a gorgeous, slender body. Her body responded to his gaze like a caress, each part of her squirming as he slowly looked down and took in her beautiful curves. He wanted to undress her right now and find out if her pubes were dyed hot pink too. His eyes locked back on hers again and they were not just eye-fucking but eye-breeding each other.

He wanted to take her up to his room right then. Take all five of the girls he had just met. And Yuming too. Pregnant or not, he wanted her again too. He knew that he could. It was a short elevator ride away. They would be thrilled to go. He knew they were wet for him, all of them, right now. And fertile for him, right now. He had time. There was actually a lot of time before his first meeting. He had been leaving early to get situated before the meeting, but that wasn't really necessary. He was about to invite them up when he remembered he didn't have his room key back from Leizu. And there was still that long line at the front desk. Oh well. He knew he'd see them soon. Nothing could stop it.

By the time he extricated himself from Yuming's group, the other two groups were between him and the door and his lust-addled brain didn't have the energy to try to avoid them. Soon he felt connected to and was lusting after a total of five more gorgeous girls, all panting and staring at him, squirming with desire. Mei's two friends were Huifen, a ballerina, and Xiang, a doctor. Li introduced him to her flight attendant friend Guanyu, her yoga instructor Tung-Mei, and her tennis coach Zhu. Each was spectacular, gorgeous, incredibly alluring, wildly sexy, adorable, exactly his type. He knew they had been chosen to match all his preferences, and, he realized, maybe also in part because they were in a position to know a lot of other girls he might like. Thoughts of crowds of ballerinas, yoga girls, flight attendants, and girl bands filled his mind. Holy shit. This might be about to get way, way out of hand.

As he left the hotel, the ten girls he had just met stood watching him go with flushed faces and wide eyes, as they each listened to one of his girls from last night whispering to them. A few others in the hotel lobby wondered what the heck was happening and who this guy was. Jim was glad none of his co-workers were staying at the same hotel so he didn't have to worry about explaining his new apparent rock-star status to them.

Outside he started looking for a cab, then heard someone call his name from a nearby van. In the front seats he saw Leizu and Fen, two joggers from last night. "Need a ride?" Fen called. "We're heading your way." Leizu and Fen were both wearing matching soccer uniforms.

He wondered for a second how she knew where he was going, then remembered Leizu taking pictures of his planner last night. She had his whole schedule. There still wasn't a cab in sight.

So he called out, "sure," and started toward the van.

As he approached he heard another female voice with a Russian accent drift out from the back of the van saying, "Who is this loser? He better not be the surprise you promised. Why did you drag us here?"

Oh boy. More recruits. He was still so turned on from meeting the ten new girls in the lobby, but he got himself under control and forced himself not to look, instead looking at Fen in the front seat. "Never mind, I think I'd rather just get a cab."

Then he saw them. Citra's dark caramel legs, in his peripheral vision as the side door opened. She was right there, sitting in the seat by the side door, just a couple feet away from him. Oddly she was wearing a soccer uniform too. He groaned as incredible memories of last night flooded his mind. He was so keyed up. He wanted so badly to touch her again, even just a small stroke, just to see her respond. He fought to control himself, telling himself to just turn and walk away, but he couldn't resist at least looking at her first. He'd just look at Citra then say goodbye and rush to a public bathroom somewhere and masturbate, which would probably take about ten seconds. There was no way he could just go to work like this without some release.

He looked up at her gorgeous face. Oh shit. It wasn't Citra. It was like a slightly younger, more athletic version of her. The girl gasped, flushed, and stared at him.

The Russian voice spoke up from the other middle row seat on the far side of the van, "Setia, you know this guy?" Jim involuntarily glanced at the tall, gorgeous Russian and she gasped, her eyes going wide, her sassy, snobby party-girl face rapidly transitioning from a habitual expression of contempt to abject lust.

"What's going on?" asked an accented voice from the back. He glanced back there and instantly had two more thralls, both incredibly gorgeous and exotic, a lithe dark-skinned beauty from Malaysia and a willowy Vietnamese girl. Holy shit. He froze, his mind reeling. He could not be more turned on. There was so much gorgeous tight smooth skin in that car that he wanted to touch so badly. The four beautiful lithe hotties squirmed in their seats, panting and staring at him.

"Jim, what are you waiting for? Hop in, it's going to be the best commute ever," Leizu said, making Fen giggle.

Oh, why not. He climbed in and sat in the only available seat, in the back between the two exotic, lithe squirming bodies who immediately pressed against him while their friends in the middle row turned around, staring wide-eyed at him. The door of the darkly tinted van closed, and the girls immediately grew bolder, their fingers caressing his thighs, arms, and chest.

"It's a short drive, girls," said Leizu from the front. "Don't waste time." The virus sensed their urgency and rapidly increased everyone's desire.

Jim gave a token effort to keep them at bay, swatting away hands and dodging lips as his desire quickly grew, but he knew soon it would overwhelm him like last night. His hands were also outnumbered 4 to 1, so it wasn't long before his pants were undone and yanked down to mid-thigh. Then his underwear followed and soft fingers teased lightly along his hardening shaft while others flicked all around. Soon the Russian girl, who he had gathered was named Katerina, had kneeled down in front of him and and he felt himself sliding into her mouth, her tongue swirling wonderfully. The desire to breed with these beautiful strangers was growing alarmingly quickly. The girls on either side pulled his hands down and guided them into their soccer shorts. When his fingers found their heavenly wet folds, he lost all ability to resist, allowing the Malaysian girl to his left to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.

Responding to this first sign of full cooperation, Katerina quickly took her shorts and panties off, then turned around and sat on his lap facing away, trying to maneuver herself onto him in the small, crowded space. The others in the back adjusted their legs to give her room, Jim scooting forward as far as he could, and the Vietnamese girl to his right held his shaft in position as Katerina raised herself up over him, holding onto the middle row seats.

His tip brushed against her very wet entrance a few times and soon lodged inside. Then she slowly, deliciously pushed that first glorious inch onto him, shuddering in pleasure before raising back up slowly and pushing back down a little deeper. Seconds ago she had been a stranger. Now she was taking him inside her, so hot and so urgently in need of him. He reveled in the feeling of conquest and the incredible sensations as she pushed down again, finally taking him all the way into her delightful body as she moaned in bliss. She began to ride him slowly as he watched her perky ass rise up and down on him.

He marveled at her control and athleticism despite the awkward position, and he also marveled at how this position made her waist look so impossibly tiny compared to her hips. He needed to grab that waist and feel the gorgeous body that was riding him, so he reluctantly withdrew his hands from the wet folds of this neighbors. He held her tiny waist as she bounced on him, then reached around to run his hands all over her body, pushing her sports bra up to cup her small, perky breasts.

He wanted to savor this and make it last a little longer, but the virus had other plans. It knew time was limited so it increased their pleasure and desire to breed as quickly as it could.

Katerina's skin was so soft and warm, her body so firm and responsive. She arched her back, thrusting herself down on him harder and faster, moaning with pleasure as he slid in and out of her. Her movements were fluid and graceful, despite the awkward crouching position.

Her breath came in quick gasps, her lips parted, her eyes closed tightly as she focused on the sensations coursing through her body. Wave after wave of increasing pleasure crashed over him. He could feel the heat building, the tension growing with every thrust, and knew he would soon be putting a baby in this sexy stranger.

He gripped her hips, guiding her movements as she rode him harder, faster. The van swerved around a corner, the tinted windows casting strange shadows across their bodies, the light making her flowing blond hair glow and sparkle in the air. It was magic, stunning, overwhelming. The incredible sights and sensations of her, the intensity of their breeding instincts, the beauty and urgency of it all, and the thrill of doing it in rush hour traffic.

His own movements became more urgent, more animalistic as he fought to control the building pressure within him. He could feel the head of his shaft pressing against her, begging for release, but he didn't want this to end. Not yet. He wanted to make her feel it, make her see stars.

Her body tensed and quivered as she neared the edge. He knew she was close, so close, and he couldn't help but speed up, thrust deeper, harder. Her moans filled the small space of the van, echoing off the walls and mixing with the sound of the engine.

The other three girls all had their shorts and panties off and their hands working their clits and breasts, writhing in their seats, their eyes locked on Jim's face as they saw his orgasm approaching. The girl to his left was softly chanting, "knock her up, knock her up."

Jim gripped Katerina's hips tightly as he reached the point of no return, her wet heat tightening around him. She moaned, arching her back as she felt his thighs tremble against hers. Then he erupted deep inside her wild, spasming, fertile body, his seed spurting into her womb as she convulsed around him, their combined cries echoing through the van.

The girls wasted no time. Katerina was off him in seconds and back in her seat, giggling with joy and thanking him over and over again for his seed. The Malaysian girl to his left quickly moved into the same position straddling Jim, facing forward.

Setia, the Indonesian girl, asked, "Can he really go again so soon?"

Leizu laughed from the driver's seat and said, "Honey, no problem. He knocked up eleven of us in a row last night without a break."

There was a chorus of gasps.



"No way!"

"Yeah, eleven, no breaks," confirmed Fen.

The overwhelming joy that came from the knowledge he had just knocked up Katerina was still spreading through him in waves of blissful satisfaction, even better than the orgasm itself. Meanwhile the adorable, tight, exotic Malaysian girl, whose name he still hadn't caught, positioned herself over his still-hard shaft, moaning as she lodged his tip in her entrance. The van suddenly lurched over a pothole, causing her to bounce up and then drive him right through her hymen in one deep stroke. Like with the others, the virus made her feel no pain.

She didn't seem hurt and didn't miss a beat, beginning to ride him slowly, enjoying the feel of him inside her, her hips gyrating and moving in perfect rhythm, using her athletic body to impale herself with full, deep strokes.

The van lurched again, and she threw her head back, moaning at the extra-deep thrust it caused. Then she began to speed up, trying to replicate that forceful thrust with her powerful body. He ran his hands over her smooth, warm, exotic dark skin and cupped her firm breasts, squeezing gently before pinching her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. The sensation was exquisite, sending waves of pleasure through their bodies as she continued to ride him harder and harder. And she was so freaking gorgeous, her tight dark skin smooth and stretched and shapely everywhere over perfectly toned muscles as she pounded onto him.

The virus again showed no mercy, driving their passion higher as quickly as possible toward its purpose.

Jim was amazed to feel his orgasm already approaching, together with an overwhelming desire to breed with this stranger whose name he hadn't caught and whose cherry he had just popped.

"I'm getting close," he said. "You're so fucking hot. What's your name?"

"Ameera," she said, giggling.

He gripped her hips, urging her to ride him harder, faster. The other girls watched intently, their faces flushed and their breath coming in ragged gasps as they pleasured themselves.

They held on tight as the van swerved around another corner. He was pressed deeply inside her, hovering right on the brink of orgasm. She felt him swell inside her and she cried out, "yes, he's going to do it, yes yes!"

The other girls cheered and clapped in excitement. They reached out to touch the breeding couple, to feel the energy between them, their fingers tracing over their skin in wonder.

Jim and Ameera came together in a rush. He felt his seed spurt deep inside her, filling her womb. Ameera convulsed around him, her sexy voice moaning out each wave of her intense orgasm. The other girls cried out in joy for her. He held her tight, pressing deeper into her as their orgasms continued, kissing passionately and squirming together then slowly transitioning to a tender kiss as the sexual pleasure was replaced by that even more intense joy and satisfaction of knowing their purpose was complete. She would now bear his child and she was overflowing with joy, gratitude, satisfaction. Another unbelievably perfect moment. He brushed away her happy tears and held her there for a minute as the joy filled them completely. He knew they had to hurry, but he couldn't let her go just yet. He wished he had had more time with her. What an amazing girl, so full of life and passion and energy. He finally let go and she climbed off.

Fen passed back some wet wipes and the girls in the back quickly cleaned the blood from Ameera's cherry. They were prepared for everything.

Pham, the willowy Vietnamese girl, moved to straddle him and grabbed his prick, finding it still rock hard. "Oh my god, he really could do us all" she said.

"He's a freakin superhero!" said Ameera.

"Yeah he is," said Leizu, "but what's his superhero name?"

Fen chimed in from the front seat in an artificially high voice, "Fuckman, save us!" This produced a chorus of giggles.

Pham lowered herself down, her lips parting as his thickness pressed against her entrance. With a moan, she slowly impaled herself on him. Another incredible conquest, unique and special. It just never got old. He explored her delightful lithe body as she began to ride him sensuously, gripping her small breasts as she stretched and writhed on him, her nipples hard and erect. The van lurched forward, sending her deeper onto him, her breath catching in her throat as he filled her juicy exotic body.

She was speeding up. It would not take long this time. Jim's previous orgasm seemed to have only receded and was still lurking. The waves of pleasure were coming faster and faster as she rode him hard with her lithe, taut body, her perky, perfectly shaped ass slapping on his thighs with each deep thrust. She felt his grip on her hips tighten, urging her on, and she complied, meeting his thrusts with her own, her small body shuddering with the effort.

As he reached the brink of orgasm, Jim pulled her down hard onto him and grabbed her head, twisting her around toward him for a kiss. She squirmed and moaned into his mouth as she felt him swell inside her. Jim felt his release explode deep inside the girl and she cried out in happiness and gratitude, pressing down hard against him and shaking with pleasure. She moved back to her seat next to him quickly to make room for the last girl, but then grabbed his face and they kissed and stroked each other tenderly as they both felt that incredible joy and gratitude fill them.

"Almost there," Leizu called from the front.

So little time for Setia, the one he had been waiting for, the Indonesian girl. He needed her. She had hurried into position straddling his lap as he kissed Pham sharing that beautiful bliss. Setia lowered herself and he felt her heat engulf his tip, then he felt resistance. She pushed but nothing happened. She whined, and the other three girls jumped into action. Together they pushed her down, breaking her hymen and sending his shaft deep inside her extremely tight channel. The virus prevented any pain, and she immediately began riding him.

Her body was a delight. He stroked her everywhere, exploring her glorious caramel skin and wishing he had more time with her. She was lean but shapely, with soft curves where they were supposed to be and a firm, toned, ass that he loved watching bounce on him. Her breasts were small and perky, the nipples hard as pebbles. Her long, smooth legs flexed as she moved up and down, her hair falling over her face as she tossed her head in ecstasy. She wasn't Citra, she was her own unique and precious creature. A virgin, not experienced and sensual like Citra, uncertain in her movements, but so eager, so hot, so exotic.

The virus continued to drive them forward, the urgency of the situation adding to their passion and excitement. Jim felt his cock buried deep inside her, feeling every inch of her tightness, every ripple of muscle as she moved. The other three girls were still with them, their hands on her hips, guiding her movements, moaning in vicarious pleasure and anticipation.

The van turned around another corner, the weight of Setia's body pressing him into the seat, her pussy clenching down on him. He gripped her hips, feeling the heat of her skin as she leaned back, pressing against him and turning her head back to seek out his lips, cheek, then neck. Her breath was hot on his neck, and he could feel her body tensing, delightfully squirming on him as she kept him as deep as possible inside her, preparing for the release that was only moments away. She felt him swell inside her and knew he too was on the edge.

"Please," she whispered, "Hurry, I want your baby so bad!"

That was all it took. Within a few more thrusts he was erupting deep inside that tight toned spicy body. She cried out in joy, her body shuddering with her own orgasm, her inner muscles clenching around him, sending shockwaves of pleasure through him. The others cheered again, giddy and giggling, overwhelmed with joy for themselves and for each other.

Again Jim's orgasm felt incredibly intense, but again only a single small drop of semen came out. The virus had made all of them hyper fertile, so this was more than enough to do the job if it was perfectly placed like this right on her cervix. The virus had a lot more plans for Jim's limited supply of semen today. Even though it had greatly increased his production, it still might not be enough.

Overwhelmed with pleasure, joy, and satisfaction, Jim heard Leizu talking to the four new girls but didn't really process any of it.

"Girls, you were chosen first because we need your languages. You're now the only recruits who speak your native tongue, so focus on teams at the tournament from your home countries and let us handle recruiting for others. We already have Korean, Thai, and Japanese covered, and of course Mandarin and Cantonese. Still looking for someone who speaks Lao, Burmese, and Tibetan. Here's my contact info. Email me right away and I'll send you more info on the party tonight and other plans, along with details of Jim's preferences."

They hurriedly pulled their clothes back on. Ameera was putting the finishing touches on straightening Jim's tie as the van pulled up.

He looked out and realized they weren't at his company's branch office building downtown. They were in the fashion district, parked in front of the headquarters of a modeling agency.

"No," Jim said. "No way. Whatever you're planning, it's not happening. Take me to work. I need to get to work."

Leizu turned to him, smiling, from the driver's seat. "Sure, we'll get you there on time. We just have a quick stop here first. Your meeting isn't until 9:00 so you have a few minutes. Just a quick meet and greet, that's all."

Jim's still-hard cock lurched at the thought of meeting more models like those four goddesses he had knocked up last night. But he somehow steeled himself and insisted "No way. This needs to stop. This has gone way too far already. I won't look at anyone else. I'll get a cab, just let me out."

"One moment Jim," Leizu said. "Understand this. I know you're happily married. Nobody here wants to cause you any trouble. After this week, we all want you to go back to your quiet life with your perky, sweet little blond wife Catherine, in your cute little blue Victorian house on the corner with the overgrown rose bushes in front." Jim gaped at her accurate de***********ion of his wife and house. She locked eyes with him and paused for a moment as her words sank in. "We all want the same thing. You just need to play nice and enjoy your visit and it will all be over when you leave Saturday. None of us will ever bother you again. You have my word. This is only day two of the best week of your life. Just relax and let us take care of everything. Don't be shy. Quick meet and greet. Go."

He gulped, staring at her and thinking it through. There was no mistaking the implied threat. They knew where he lived. They could tell his wife. How would they prove it? For all he knew they had video of him already. They were planning ahead, always a step ahead of him. All that giggling and whispered planning. He looked around the van and saw two cameras. They were multiple moves ahead of him. In fact, it was checkmate.

He gave a deep sigh. He could see no way out except through. Through what? No, he knew exactly what. The question was how many. How many beautiful, fertile bodies writhing in ecstasy as he pumped them full of his seed. Eleven last night, already four this morning. Then there were the ten incredibly alluring new girls he had met in the hotel lobby, obviously picked out specially for his tastes. Vivid memories came rushing back of their flushed faces and wide eyes staring in lust at him the moment he shook each of their warm, trembling hands. He was sure it was all arranged for them to come to him soon, probably tonight, and however he might try to feebly resist, he knew in the end they would get their way. They would get his seed. And then there were however many models they wanted him to meet at this agency, and however many girls they'd recruit from that college soccer tournament.

He looked out and saw Citra, the incredibly sensuous Indonesian model from last night, walking toward the van to greet them, and his head was again filled with thoughts of her dark, smooth, tight body squirming and bucking upwards onto him. She had been so wildly responsive, so urgent for him, so driven to get his seed deep in her impossibly hot model body. But now that she had what she wanted from him in her womb, she wasn't done. Looking at her eyes as she approached the van, he could see the purpose there, the enthusiasm, fanaticism even. How many of her friends was she planning to introduce him to? Were any of them wildly sensual and responsive like her?

And after he inevitably knocked up all these new girls, how many of the new girls' own hottest acquaintances would they each want him to meet next? His accountant brain knew what this meant, with no limits on it anywhere in sight. It would be exponential growth. They knew what turned him on, down to the last detail, maybe better than he knew it himself. They were organized, taking notes, sharing ideas, planning ahead, conspiring, and united in the singular purpose of spreading his DNA as much as possible, by bringing him women who were as irresistible to him as possible. He was outmatched, outnumbered, outplayed, in way over his head, and it was only getting started.

And what would each girl do after she already introduced him to all of her hottest acquaintances? Would she stop there? No, of course not, he realized. She'd still have the same fanatical devotion to spreading his DNA that he was only now starting to fully appreciate. She'd keep going by becoming a hunter, searching everywhere for his absolute ideal partners beyond his wildest dreams, and then trick them or pay them or do whatever was necessary to get them to meet him. A week was more than enough time for it to get way out of hand. It was already way out of hand on Monday morning. How many could he possibly do before Saturday?

But it was only this one week. He had already cheated on his wife for the first time in his life on this trip, now with 15 women. It was an insane number already. An even bigger number wasn't really any different, was it? And they claimed that his wife would never know, and they would never bother him again. He wasn't sure he could trust them about that, but he was pretty sure what would happen if he didn't cooperate. The only way out was through.

Finally, he nodded and said, "Ok, I get it. You win. I'll play nice." The girls all grinned in triumph.

The door opened. As he got out, Citra took his hand, smiling happily at him. "Right this way, sweetheart," she said.

As they walked together holding hands, he looked down at the dark caramel skin of her arm and was overwhelmed with memories of her amazing responsiveness to his touch last night. Reaching over with his other hand, he experimentally, very lightly stroked her forearm with a fingertip, and watched in awe as she did it again, responding with an unbelievably sexy shiver at this tiny touch and pressing against him as they walked. Fucking incredible how much and how quickly they turned each other on. What a goddess. He knew she was already pregnant but he wanted to somehow knock her up a second time, right here, right now. Put twins in her, he thought. But as soon as that thought formed in his mind, he somehow knew it was already true. She was bearing his twins. The word came involuntarily out of his mouth as a question.

She nodded, her dark eyes sparkling, and stopped to give him a tender hug. "Yes, I think it's twins too. I mean, I know it is, somehow. Everything is perfect."

Far in the back of his lust-addled mind, tiny alarm bells were ringing, trying to get his attention. This was not normal. Well, duh, none of this was normal. But it just got even more not normal, in a new, alarming way. "Citra, isn't it weird that we know? I mean maybe somehow a woman could know, but how could I? Isn't there something wrong here?"

She stopped again, took his other hand and fixed him in her gaze. "No, Jim. Absolutely nothing in my world is wrong today. It is absolutely perfect. I have never felt anything more right. Neither have any of the other girls. I can guarantee you that. There has not been a single second of regret among any of us, except that it didn't happen sooner in our lives."

"Thank you," he said, completely believing her and feeling touched. "I feel exactly the same," he found himself saying, maybe just feeling the need to reciprocate her sentiment. But as he said it he realized maybe it was kind of true, or partly true. It was a difficult thing to admit to himself. Maybe he really wouldn't take back a second of it, except the initial fear.

Oh yeah, and one more thing, the overwhelming guilt and shame he felt when the women weren't around and he thought of his wife. Would he even be able to look her in the eye? He winced and immediately shut down this train of thought as too painful. Any thoughts about his wife or what would happen to his marriage after this trip just seemed to lead into a hopeless dark tunnel, and he just hadn't been willing to face them yet. He turned back to the puzzle at hand, missing the chance to realize that this particular train of thought about eye contact with his wife would have only two possible next stops, both inevitable, and that the second stop was an unthinkably miraculous outcome.

The virus saw this and contemplated whether and how to nudge him towards realizing this profound truth, since it seemed likely to make him feel better, and perhaps might make him even more cooperative with its plans. But then again, it would also take away the fear that Leizu had just used to get him to cooperate. And his resistance to even considering thoughts related to his wife was strong right now. He might have to learn the truth when he got home, instead of seeing it coming.

Jim gently tried again, "But doesn't it bother you a little that I know things I can't possibly know? Isn't that part a little suspicious? What is happening to us? What is doing this? What is this?"

"Jim, I will answer in one word, and I want you to really listen and think about the meaning of that one word."

"Ok, will do. What is it?"


Jim held his tongue a few seconds. He was not religious and he knew the first thoughts that came to mind might offend her. And he had just agreed to give this one word a chance. So, he did. She waited and watched him, patiently. Finally, he nodded slowly. It kind of fit, not as a scientific explanation he could accept but at least as a concept that helped him relate to and understand their feelings about it all. It felt miraculous to them. No, it really was miraculous to them. And when a miracle happens to you, it's not crazy to want to help others have a chance to find it too. He gave her a hug, saying, "Ok, that helps, I think I understand you better now. Thank you."

"I can't wait for you to meet, well, everyone," she said, flashing a radiant smile as she opened the door.
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