Damian Moorer, a bi high school wrestler against all hesitations sends a picture of his penis to a girl in his grade.
Authors note;
This is my attempt at making a fiction story, I will be posting part 2 shortly after this one is posted. This first chapter has little to no sexual content. It’s purely back story. Let me know what I can work on please. Thanks! Enjoy!
This is my attempt at making a fiction story, I will be posting part 2 shortly after this one is posted. This first chapter has little to no sexual content. It’s purely back story. Let me know what I can work on please. Thanks! Enjoy!
It was a Saturday evening, Damian and his two best friends, Tyler and Marc, were drinking, having a great time laughing, playing video games, and talking about girls in their grade. All three were on the schools wrestling team. They were considered popular, top of the food chain, none of them fancied big parties as to maintain their scholarships. All three have a full ride to Ohio State.
Damian is the 180 starter, he’s an amazing wrestler who’s maintained a perfect record three years in a row. He’s a toned muscular guy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His fair skin makes his one tattoo of a lion on his left shoulder pop. Tyler and Marc were always together, and almost always with Damian. Tyler was in the 160 weight class and Marc was in the 170 weight class. They always spared at practice. Tyler was a taller skinnier guy, still strong and toned but not like the other two, he has sandy colored hair and blue eyes, infact all his body hair was sandy colored. Marc, full name, Miguel Salvidor Jose Cervantes, or Marc for short, was your classic Spaniard and a ladies man through and through. He was shorter, all muscle but did gymnastics up until 10 so he was an incredible acrobat, and matched with his strength, an imposing wrestler.
Tyler’s girlfriend was lead cheerleader for the school, also going to Ohio State. Her name is Lacey. Lacey had recently tried to hook up, Damian with her cheer friend Savanna. Savanna was an academic and collegiate titan. Top in her class and co-captain on the cheer squad, can’t have it all. Damian was shot down before he got the chance to ask her out on a date this weekend, so his friends came over to help ward off the sadness.
“Ahhhh my brother let me tell you, you don’t need Savaannnahhh.” Marc said her name mockily as he swigged the Hennessy they took from Tyler’s parents liquor cabinet.
“Yeah if you ask me she’s kinda… mid?” Tyler said more drunk than the rest of them. They all knew she wasn’t mid.
“But I don’t understand why she had to just embarrass me infront of the entire school like that at lunch. It takes like 2 seconds to pull me aside and be like hey, not interested please don’t ask me.” Damian said swigging the Henny.
“I can hook you up with one of my novias.” Marc said smiling.
“Spanish.” Damian and Tyler said together. They say this to Marc when he slips into Spanish mode when he’s too drunk.
“Ahhhhhh Spanish is the language of love chicos.” Marc says somewhat pomusly.
They all laugh at this and go about talking when Damian gets a text message from Savanna.
“Shut up… shut up!” He says looking at his phone, all the blood rushing to his chest making it feel like his heart was in his throat.
“Geez what!?” Tyler says cowering for a second.
“It’s her.” Damian shows the phone to them and they look at each other. “It says, Hey I’m sorry for what happened that was so wrong of me if it makes you feel better here’s this.” Damian looks at the both of them. “Here’s wha—“ he drops his phone.
“What did she send?” Marc says loudly grabbing the phone and looking at it.
“Ay dios mío…” he hands the phone to Tyler and he laughs once loudly and covers his mouth.
“Tits…” Damian says blankly.
“Send her something bro send her a picture of that big cock!” Tyler laughing slapping his knee. “Do it we all know it’s big bro we’ve seen it every day for the last decade.”
The trio sat in silence as they looked at the phone. And with that Damian gets his phone and walks to the bathroom and locks the door.
“Ay he’s doing it.” He hears Marc say on the other side of the door.
Damian starts massaging and stroking his cock. Being a wrestler with the other two they take daily showers after practice, a mandatory part of the sport, so they aren’t shy around each other, however them seeing him stroke himself to full length, not mandatory nor wanted. Damian had been out as bi for many years now. Even having an off and on friend with benefits with a football player Connor at there school. But he much prefers girls.
“Uhhh how’s it going?” He here’s Tyler whisper on the other side of the door.
Being at half chub he sighs, “Easier without you two talking and listening.”
“Would it?” Marc says as they walk away.
Damian spits on his half hard cock looking at the perfect b cup breasts on his phone screen and grunts and watches his cock grow in his hands.
Finally after a few more minutes of consentration and stroking his near 8 inch cock, finally it’s at full swing and he takes several photos in the mirror of him completely naked the flash covering his face but his tattoo very visible. He gets dressed and walks out.
“How’s it look boys?” He hands the phone to his drunk friends.
Marc swears in Spanish and crosses his legs. And walks away throwing disgusted looks at Damian. “I didn’t know you were gonna show me the elephant trunk.” He laughs and scoffs.
Tyler looks at him, “So was it like your diet or your work out program that made it so bi-“
“Come on men, yes or no?” Damain interupts him.
“Fuck it yeah I would send it.” Tyler says joking Marc on the couch.
Daminan looks at the phone reluctantly presses send. He joins his friends on the couch and looks at them. “Did I just fuck up.”
“Sì.” Marc says and then chuckles drinking a large amount of Hennessy.
“No don’t hog it.” Tyler says reaching.
They all rush back to the table and pick up the phone and look at the text Savanna sent. Simply. “Oh, holy fuck.”
They all celebrate and laugh and high five, hug, and shove each other.
“Estás en un gran hombre!” Marc shouts.
Tyler jokingly tries to kiss Damian but Damian face shoves him and they all laugh and finish off the bottle of Hennessy and fall asleep on the couches in Damian’s basement.
At about 3 in the morning the basement door opens, shuts, and then footsteps hurry down the steps. All three are woken up. Confused and slightly hung over. Standing at the base of the steps, Lacey in a messy bun, oversized wrestling shirt with Tyler’s last name on the back and sweatpants. Even in baggy sweatpants her ass is filled in great. “Babe? Am I dreaming?” Tyler says.
Damian half drunk checks his phone for the time and sees over 30 text notifications and 7 missed calls from teammates, classmates, and even Connor . All of a sudden Lacey pops him in the shoulder and yells “WE HAVE A PROBLEM NOW BRO.” Damian jumps at the punch and rubs his shoulder as sits down next to Tyler. And shows the student social media page for the school to them. Right there on the first block. “Lead wrestler Damian Moorers cock.” And the picture of him naked, hard, and clearly in view, lion tattoo.
Marc, Lacey, and Tyler look at him.
“Well that could be a problem.” Marc says monotonely.
“Problem?” Lacey shouts. “Look who’s tagged!” Under the photo, Marc’s full name, Tyler, and Lacey’s name. “That bitch tagged all three of us because we’re all so close, what if they pull our scholarships!”
“What the fuck did I do?” Marc says confused
“Marc… no.” Lacey turning to him and then back to Damian, who still hasn’t moved or said anything, he couldn’t he was petrified.
Then, as if Death himself walked through the door. Damian’s phone lights up from an incoming call with one word on it. “Coach.”
“Señor, ayúdanos..” Marc says.
“God can’t help him now.” Lacey, who is half Spanish, mutters.
Hope you all enjoyed the first part! There’s more to come after this, yes I know this chapter had little to know sexual things in it but honestly, I’m here for the creativity. Second one will!