High schoolers are on a bus to the beach for a school trip
“Please let me switch seats,” Penny begged her friend Tom for the hundredth time. He was supposed to be seated next to her boyfriend Aaron on the school trip. He didn’t really care to sit next to Aaron, but he also did not feel like doing Penny a favor. She was popular in their friend group and a girl anyone would want to date, and yet she chose an outsider like Aaron.
“What’s going on here?” Mr. Franklin was walking down the aisle of the bus, making sure everyone was in their assigned seat.
“Not my fault!” Tom held up his hands innocently.
“Miss Roper, please go back to your seat,” Mr. Franklin grumbled. She looked at Aaron for assistance but he just shrugged. When Mr. Franklin followed her gaze, he turned away and pretended not to be involved. Mr. Franklin grabbed Penny’s ear and dragged her back to her assigned seat. She scowled at both Tom and Aaron the entire way.
With nothing to do on the trip now that she was by herself, Penny slept for most of the ride. The girls in front of her heard her snoring and decided to record her to send to Aaron with the caption, “Are you sure you want to be with this slob?”
Aaron blushed when he saw the video. He tapped Tom on the shoulder. “What, man, what do you want?” Tom and Aaron were not friends so it was odd for them to interact.
“Penny is pretty popular, right?”
“Are you saying you went out with her without knowing that?” Tom was annoyed.
“Several girls have been trying to get me to break up with her since we went out. They say she’s no good for me.”
“They just want their chance with you,” Tom scoffed.
“Why would anyone be that desperate for someone like me? I already have a girlfriend. Shouldn’t they just look elsewhere?”
“Look in a mirror and then ask yourself that again,” Tom huffed before turning his head, trying to get some sleep before they arrived at the beach. In order to arrive before the morning was over, they had started driving when it was still dark out.
Aaron used his phone’s front camera to check his own appearance. He was the typical skinny boy with a fade haircut; the type that had only just discovered fashion and was experimenting. He had been approached by several girls since starting to care what he looked like and dress appropriately.
He was too shy to reciprocate at first, but when Penny had approached him, he felt he had to agree since everyone told him she was popular. He did not know if he liked her before, but since she was the only girl he had ever dated, he was extremely loyal, refusing to entertain several offers to date another girl on the side.
He was, however, aware that she was outspoken and downright embarrassing sometimes. Before they started going out, he had never been in trouble with a teacher. She had dragged him into some dispute every week since they begun dating. He felt bad leaving her to get in trouble with Mr. Franklin but he was relieved not to be involved like usual.
Finally the bus arrived at the beach where the school trip was to take place. Mr. Franklin took a moment to wake everyone and give instructions. They were supposed to check in at the hotel and change before going swimming. Girls and boys were warned not to go to each other’s rooms but that hardly deterred them.
While Aaron was unpacking, he got a text message from Penny asking him to meet her down at the beach. He made sure none of his roommates saw him slink out the door to the room. A moment later he was at the shore staring at Penny’s back as she watched the sun rising. She was wearing a blue bikini and a sun hat. She had slightly tan skin and long dark hair that was blowing in the warm breeze.
He smiled to himself with a proud feeling. Even with all the trouble she caused him, it was still exhilarating to have a cute girlfriend that everyone wanted. He snapped a picture of her just before she turned around. When she saw him she waved and ran over. “We are gonna be in so much trouble,” he groaned.
“Why? Just because we’re here first doesn’t mean we aren’t supposed to be here. Mr. Franklin said we could go anywhere along the coast. We just need to check in at noon and 6:00 so he knows not to send search and rescue after us.”
“Don’t teachers always supervise the students constantly on trips?” Aaron inquired.
“We’re in high school now,” Penny laughed. “We don’t need constant coddling. Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
Aaron smiled as he followed after her. Her eyes were fixed on the scenery of the ocean and the sun, but he was watching her. He did not really believe they would do more than holding hands on this trip, but he still had day dreamed that this might be their chance to get more intimate. The fact that they were going somewhere alone together right now, and she was wearing naught but two tiny pieces of cloth turned him on regardless.
As they reached the edge of the beach, Penny began to climb up on the rocks that marked the end. She nearly lost her footing a few times before finally deciding she needed to grab onto Aaron for support. She immediately noticed something about him when she took his hand. He was red in the face and looking down, trying not to meet her eyes. “Oh, did you think we were coming here to be alone?” she asked coyly.
“We aren’t?” he was disappointed.
“Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna do anything. Unless that was your plan from the start. Did you only agree to go out with me for my body?”
“No,” he sputtered. “Not just your body.”
“Oh, but it was a major factor, apparently.”
“Would you like it if I said I didn’t find you attractive,” Aaron tried to trick her.
“Clever boy,” she giggled. “Alright, I’ll give you a little reward.” She pulled him close and pressed their lips together. He nearly lost his footing on the rocks, but managed to regain his balance by grabbing her. Unfortunately that meant pressing their bodies together. There was no way she did not feel something hard pressing into her waist. However, she at least pretended not to notice.
The pair kept climbing, only stopping to look at the ocean or share more kisses. Finally they were at the peak of the rock cliff above the beach, staring down at the people gathering at the water’s edge. They could not tell if any of them were their classmates and they really did not care.
“You know, if I pushed you off, do you think you’d survive?” she asked something random.
“Are you thinking of pushing me off?” he asked nervously.
“If you ever cheat on me, I might,” she laughed. He tried to laugh too but found it difficult. Was she joking or trying to scare him? They were teenagers, and probably not going to date only each other in their lives ahead. Was she that serious already? Perhaps he should cut his losses before she became too crazy.
A different thought crossed Aaron’s mind after a moment. If she was going to be this clingy anyway, maybe he should get as much as he could before making his escape. She was startled when he took hold of her and began to kiss her again. This time he put his hand on her waist and tried to slip it into the hem of her bikini.
She pushed him away angrily. “Was what I said an invitation to assault me,” she was annoyed.
“How can it be assault if we’re dating?”
“We aren’t that serious yet,” she argued.
“You said you’d push me off a cliff,” he argued.
“I guess that did sound pretty serious, didn’t it? Fine, you can touch but my clothes stay on,” she gave him some leeway. He wasted no time pulling her to the ground and pushing his fingers into her crotch. Her bikini was pushed up inside her while he kissed her neck and eventually her chest.
She endured for as long as she could before his callous touch became too uncomfortable to bear. She kicked both her feet at the same time to jerk him off. She sat up with the intention of scolding him but froze when she saw someone standing nearby, watching them.
He took her silence to mean he could continue and tried pushing his hand back into her crotch. She slapped his wrist and turned his head. Against the sun they could barely see who the figure was, but it was obvious he was an adult man. He had a beard and was wearing shorts and sandals like any beachgoer would be.
“Don’t mind me,” he chuckled when he realized they were paying attention to him. Aaron’s face turned red again as he scampered to his feet. “We were just…”
“I could see what you were doing,” the man cut off any attempt to make excuses.
“We better get going.” Aaron stepped toward the rocks they had climbed up. He was holding Penny’s hand and pulling her. The man took one large step and grabbed her other hand, causing her to be pulled back and out of Aaron’s grip. “What gives!” he shouted while nearly stumbling off the rocks. When he found his footing and looked up he was faced with the bottom of a sandal. The man swiftly kicked him off the rocks, causing him to tumble down to the beach below.
Penny screamed but the man just laughed, keeping his grip on her wrist. “Well, what a pathetic boyfriend you have. Perhaps I should show you what a real man is like.”
“No-no thanks,” she stuttered in fear.
“It wasn’t a question.” He grabbed the center of her bikini top and tore it off. She tried to jerk free of him but he just pulled her closer, hurting her wrist. She clenched her thighs shut when he reached for her bottoms but he tore them off just as easily. Finally he twisted her arm until she was forced into a kneeling position. She was not surprised when she came face to face with the crotch of his shorts.
She turned her head away and refused to do what he wanted, but that earned her a slap to the cheek that stung worse than she could have imagined. Even when her parents slapped her they held back more than he did. She cautiously turned her head back but he had already lost his patience. He grabbed her mouth and pushed his fingers into the corners of her cheeks, pulling it open. A moment later her had tugged his shorts down and exposed his cock to her.
She knew she was going to get hit again but she could not open her mouth willingly. She just kept her lips as closed as possible. He kicked her in the stomach and then pried her mouth open with her fingers. A moment later she tasted salty sweat as his hard member touched her tongue.
When she tried to pull away, he moved one of his hands to the back of her head and pushed it forward. She felt sick as his whole cock slid into her mouth and touched the back of her throat. She tried not to close her mouth at all, but when he let go of her other cheek and pulled his finger out, it closed on its own. She winced and looked up at him miserably. He just continued to laugh while pushing her head down.
After holding her put with his cock deep in her mouth for a while, he finally relaxed his grip enough for her to pull away. She was about to spit his cock out when he shoved her back down, causing her to gag on it. “Don’t give up yet,” he mocked her. “This will be a good lesson you can use to keep your boyfriend happy… if he survived that fall.”
Penny screamed into his crotch, unable to control her anger. He took hold of two groups of her hair and yanked her off so she could finally speak. “Get off of me.” She tried to shove him. He slapped her so hard her vision went blank for a moment. She could feel her cheek swelling up but she could not even rest as his cock was back in her mouth a moment later.
This went on for minutes; all the while he was getting stiffer. She kept thinking he was going to let her spit him out, only to have her hair or ears pulled on and his cock imbedded in her throat again. Finally, she felt him cumming. Though she was appalled at having to swallow what he was squirting straight into her esophagus, she was relieved her torment would finally end.
When he pulled his cock out of her mouth, she gasped for air. She had mostly been able to catch a few breaths, until she began to gag on his cum. As soon as she had caught her breath, Penny wretched and vomited up a large glob of cum, right at his feet. He grabbed her cheek and pushed his thumb into her mouth. When it touched her uvula she tried to puke again, but he clamped his fingers over her lips, forcing her to swallow it back down.
When he was sure she would not spit up anymore, he pulled her face forward by her lips, making her waddle on her knees and scrape them on the hot rocks of the cliff. She fell on her stomach and face, and the rocks began to burn her sensitive skin, especially her exposed stiff nipples. When she screamed, he stepped on the back of her head, smashing it into the rocks and burning her cheeks and lips.
“Stop,” she wailed. “You’re going to break something.”
He replaced his foot with his hand and grabbed a fist full of her hair, lifting her up so just her breasts were touching the rocks. He examined the red makes where she had been burned and smirked. He took a flat rock and pushed it against her lips. She tried to resist but he eventually forced her to open her mouth and bite down on it. With one swift punch to the lower jaw, her teeth met and the rock cracked in half, luckily it was soft enough to break.
Penny was relieved at first but quickly noticed her mouth filling with warm liquid. One of her teeth had cracked and blood was pouring out. She opened her mouth so it could spill out and she wouldn’t have to swallow it. “Ooh, that looks fun. I wish I’d done that before fucking your face,” he cooed excitedly. She only blubbered in response.
He ignored whatever complaints she had and instead stepped over her so he was behind her. He lifted her round butt up off the rocks and pressed his, still wet from her saliva, cock against the opening of her cunt. She squealed and kicked, hurting her shins, but he remained determined to penetrate her. It was more difficult than he had assumed and the reason turned out to be her hymen having been still intact.
When the flesh finally gave way with a audible snap, she jolted, scraping her entire front against the hot rocks. “Whoops, I thought you were a slut, the way you were getting it on with that boy. I wanted to teach a dirty girl a good lesson, but I guess I messed up. Sorry about that.”
“Ease us et ee oo (please just let me go)” she could not speak with the blood in her mouth.
“Well now that I’ve done your mouth and your pussy, you kinda are a slut, so everything worked out in the end,” he refused her request cruelly. She tried to move but he gripped her butt and pulled it back against his waist, burying his cock inside her cunt. It hurt but it felt just as bad as everything else he had already subjected her to. She could not feel anything sexual about it, just pain.
For several minutes he slammed his hips against hers, trying to enjoy pounding her soft insides, but the blood and saliva in her cunt were drying in the sun, making everything sticky. If he wanted to keep fucking her, he needed to kneel down for leverage, but he did not want to scrape his knees. Eventually he just wrapped his arms around her stomach and stood up, pulling her into the air.
She was relieved to be off of the hot rocks and at first just dangled in his arms with her butt still against his waist and his cock still inside her cunt. When she recovered enough to move, she began to kick, trying to get him to set her down. “Knock it off,” he scolded her while walking over to the edge of the cliff. When she realized she was being dangled over the edge, she stopped flailing.
“That’s a good girl,” he cooed. “This will definitely be your last fuck ever, but we don’t want it to end too soon, do we?”
“Last!” she shrieked. “Why? What did I do to deserve this?”
“You can’t expect me to let any other man have you now that I know I was your first,” he laughed while lifting her off his cock slightly. She struggled to lean away from the cliff. Her bare back touched his chest and he slid her back down, causing her to moan even if she didn’t want to.
“Don’t drop me,” she whimpered.
“If you behave, I won’t let you go until I cum.”
“And after you cum?” she knew she would not like the answer but she had to ask.
“If you aim properly you might roll down the rocks like your boyfriend. If not, you’ll fall into the sea. I hope you’ll have the energy left to swim.”
“If you hope for that, you could just choose not to drop me,” she tried to bargain.
“That wouldn’t be any fun, would it?” he laughed. She didn’t answer and instead tried to keep calm. When he lifted her again she tried to lean back further. It wasn’t really helping but it was all she could do and it made her feel slightly safer.
As he had already cum once, it took the man a long time to get back up to fully erect. Penny felt an immediate difference when his cock began to shape her insides instead of bending along with her cunt. It hurt more and bothered her, but she dared not complain or squirm.
She felt a strong spurt of cum enter her cunt as he sped up. She felt he was holding her further over the edge, as if he planned to launch her off of it with his final thrust when he finished cumming inside her. Suddenly nearby voices caught both of them off guard.
“Is that Penny,” a female voice asked.
“Aaron wasn’t lying.”
“Are they having sex?”
“Why are they standing on the edge like that?”
“Maybe she likes it to be exciting and risky.”
It took Penny a moment to realize that her classmates had come looking for her. They had made their way up the cliff from the street behind the beach instead of the rocks so it had taken them a while. It sounded as if Aaron had managed to get to them for help after recovering from his fall. Tears sprung to her eyes as she realized he had survived.
“What are you so happy about?” The man holding her spun around. She saw her classmates’ faces all staring at her with different reactions. Some of the girls hid their eyes while most of the boys ogled with glee.
It was Tom who noticed the blood that had poured out of her mouth and dried on her stomach. “Are you alright, Penny,” he voiced his concerns.
“Wait, is she injured? Is he raping her?”
Penny struggled to nod but received a fist to her stomach as punishment. Everyone watching gasped or winced. Penny spat out a mouthful of saliva she had not wanted to swallow because it tasted of blood. It was red and sizzled when it splattered on the rocks. “Someone help her!” one of her friends screamed.
“Don’t you come any closer,” the man warned everyone while backing up to the cliff again. “One wrong step and we both go over.”
“Someone get Mr. Franklin!” Tom yelled.
A moment later the teacher was on the top of the cliff, staring at a sight he could not have fathomed. One of his students was getting fucked in a full nelson hold while bleeding from her mouth. It was obvious she was being assaulted but there was not really anything he could do.
“Why Penny,” one of her friends was sobbing. Mr. Franklin pondered the same question. Penny was arguably the hottest girl in the class and he himself had found himself fantasizing about her more than once, despite her being a student. Now she was getting raped by an adult anyway. Rather than wonder why it was her, he was wondering why it wasn’t him.
“Looks like your only hope is a pervert,” the man laughed in Penny’s ear. She looked up to see a bulge growing in Mr. Franklin’s shorts. She was appalled but also too exhausted to really care. “What do you want to do with that, little man? Want to come get a taste before it’s too late.”
“How dare you suggest that I…”
“Why not? If she’s going to die, don’t you want to have at least had some fun with her? Could you live with yourself if you passed up this chance?” Mr. Franklin gulped nervously. “Here, I’ll make it easy for you.” The man lifted Penny completely off his cock, he then slammed her back down, but this time her cunt remained unobstructed. A delayed yelp from Penny alerted everyone watching to the fact that the man was now impaling her asshole.
Her eyes rolled back and her head flopped awkwardly. The rest of the students all looked at Mr. Franklin, wondering if he was cruel enough to take the invitation. He put on a stern face and straightened his glasses before marching forward. Protests from the girls followed while some of the guys cheered him on, saying they’d take the chance to fuck Pretty Penny too.
The man watched cautiously as Mr. Franklin approached. When he was a mere 2 feet away, he lunged at the pair, trying to shove the man off the ledge while grabbing onto Penny to keep her back. The man barely budged. It was evident he was much stronger than scrawny Mr. Franklin. “That wasn’t very nice, pretending to accept my invitation, just to get close. Now she’s gonna suffer because of you.”
He grabbed Penny’s neck with both of his hands and pulled her off his cock. He held her above the edge of the cliff and then let go with one hand. She struggled to cling onto his remaining arm, scratching at it like a cat trying to scale a tree.
“Wait!” Mr. Franklin sputtered. “I'm sorry, please don’t blame her.”
“Okay.” The man pulled her back swiftly and set her on her feet. She fell to her knees immediately though.
“Okay?” Mr. Franklin repeated in disbelief. “That easily?”
“Well, you’ll have to earn my forgiveness.” The man pulled a knife out of his pocket. Mr. Franklin’s eyes widened in fear. “Take off your pants,” the man ordered.
“Excuse me?” Mr. Franklin was confused.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” The man slashed the knife across Penny’s back, making her scream. Mr. Franklin could not see the wound but the blood on the knife meant he had cut deeply. He quickly undid the tie to his shorts and pulled them down. The onlookers all jeered at him, calling him pathetic. “Sit down.” The man continued to bark orders.
Mr. Franklin took the time to lay his shorts flat so his exposed lower half would not be in contact with the hot rocks. As soon as he was situated, the man kicked Penny in the back, sending her forward onto Mr. Franklin’s lap. She screamed when the gravel in his sandals dug into the wound on her back. Mr. Franklin winced when her knee grazed his erect cock.
“Put it in,” the man demanded. Mr. Franklin clenched his eyes and shook his head.
“Thank you,” Penny whispered in his ear. The last part was cut off by a scream as the man slashed her back again, drawing a bleeding X in her tan flesh.
“Are we keeping secrets now?” the man spoke softly from behind. “Do you not want to have another man inside of you? That’s fine by me. This way I’ll be the only person you ever have sex with.”
Penny’s eyes widened. She did not know if he was insinuating she would live if she managed to have sex with someone other than him, but she had nothing to lose by trying. She immediately put her knees to the ground and hoisted her hips above the tip of Mr. Franklin’s cock.
Instead of waiting for her to push down on her own, the man stabbed her shoulder, causing her to slip and fall. Her knees were red and purple with tears and bruises. She fell so hard the lips of her cunt went to the base of Mr. Franklin’s cock. She yelped from both sources of pain.
The man pushed on the knife until she leaned forward. When her butt was fully exposed to him, he crouched down and shoved his cock back into her anus without warning. She screamed and bit Mr. Franklin’s shoulder. He patted the back of her head to comfort her.
The man grabbed a large rock from the ground and swung at Mr. Franklin’s hand. He instinctively moved it away, just in time to let the man smash the rock against Penny’s skull instead. She fell forward against Mr. Franklin’s chest and passed out. He could see blood soaking the hair on the back of her head. “Are you crazy!” he gasped.
“You shouldn’t have moved.” The man shrugged.
“Is she alive?”
“Even if she’s not, she’s still warm. If she gets too cold, we’ll yeet her into the ocean.” The man began to pump into her anus. Mr. Franklin wished what he had just seen would make him flaccid inside the unconscious girl, but it did not. The idea that Pretty Penny had willingly shoved her cunt down on his rod was too much for him to not remain excited. Wearily, he gripped both her shoulders and lifted her just enough that he could start bucking his hip.
More complaints from the students followed, but he easily drowned them out, closing his eyes and losing himself in the sensation of her soft and relaxed pussy. In his imagination, they were back in his classroom, sitting under his podium after he had successfully blackmailed her with bad grades. He knew she was not the type to be coerced, but seeing her get raped by this stranger had put new ideas into his head.
In fact, he wondered if he could possibly coerce her into sex again once this was all over. Perhaps this event would leave her vulnerable and willing. Maybe she would get addicted to sex and have no one to turn to but her fellow victim. He was a victim he told himself. He was only doing this at knife point.
It only became apparent that Penny was still alive when she began to move again. The man fucking her asshole was using the knife in her shoulder as a handle and the pain slowly woke her. When she opened her eyes and saw Mr. Franklin’s face in front of her, eyes clenched as he imagined them in a more romantic setting, she freaked out immediately. She tried to stand up only to be held in place by the cock in her asshole. When she looked back at the man and received a hard slap to the face, which caused her chipped tooth to start bleeding again, she finally remembered her whole situation.
She gripped Mr. Franklin’s shoulders and allowed her butt to be lifted and plopped back down on his lap as the man ravaged her anus. She was being stuffed from both sides and felt stretched and numb. However, the pain in her mouth and shoulder were far worse. She could hardly care about the dull rhythmic fucking she was receiving compared to her injuries.
Her head just sort of flopped against Mr. Franklin’s shoulder as she let them plow into her with non-verbal complaints. This indifference is why it caught her off guard when she felt Mr. Franklin tense up inside her. The warm feeling flooding her cunt was slightly soothing, but far from enough to make up for the pain in other parts of her body. The stranger sighed when he realized Mr. Franklin was no longer stiff enough to help him keep fucking Penny in tandem. He stood up and pulled her to her feet.
She winced as the teacher’s member slid out of her. She had been a virgin that morning but she felt like a slut for having her teacher inside of her. His cum was running down her legs and she wanted to grab anything to wipe it off but she was naked and the man was gripping her hair, preventing her from moving.
“Who’s next!” the man shouted at the on looking students. Some of them backed up, but after some chatter, a few stepped forward. The man pointed at two of them and waved them over. Before they had even stopped trotting, he threw Penny at them and grabbed the knife in her shoulder so it pulled out of her flesh, making her scream. “You two have a choice. If you think you can overpower me, feel free to be heroes, but then you’ll never have you chance with her.”
Both of them licked their lips nervously. They kept their backs to the rest of the students so it was not obvious what they were doing. They both took off their shorts at the same time and sat down with Penny in their laps, her butt nestled in one of them and her legs spread to the sides so the mouth of her pussy was touching the tip of the other’s already erect cock. Soon they had impaled her from both ends, eliciting whimpers from the poor girl, who was still not over the feeling of the knife leaving her shoulder.
Whether they were wary of hurting her, or they were just virgins themselves, the boys were entirely too slow for the man’s liking. Even if he was not the one fucking Penny, he did not want her to rest or enjoy it. He crouched down next to her and pressed the knife to her neck. “Hurry up, or I’ll just take her cold body back for myself,” he warned the boys. They both immediately began thrusting into her, jostling her body. The man let his knife cut her face, pretending it was an accident. Penny just moaned as her body was filled with two horny teenaged cocks.
Over the next 2 hours, Penny was treated like a spit roasted pig by the man and her classmates. Slowly he had let more boys approach and take their turn fucking poor Penny. Once he was confident everyone was more interested in getting their turn, he let them all approach. They probably could have overpowered him and taken the knife, but they just wanted to fuck their hot classmate.
Penny had remained in a state of pseudo consciousness, unable to really speak and with her head flopping around like she was asleep on her feet. Only when the boys got rough with her, or a particularly large cock stretched her gaping asshole, did she do more than whimper and moan.
When the last student was satisfied, or at least too spent to keep raping her, Penny lay in a heap with the sun scorching her naked body. Streaks of white slime covered practically every part of her. She could not even focus enough to look up when the source of her torment cast a shadow over her. He dragged the blade of his knife along her whole body, from her ankle to her neck. Even in the hot sun she shivered. He drew back to the joint of her left elbow and pressed the blade into her flesh.
She did not understand that he really meant to stab her until the knife actually broke the skin. It immediately slipped between the bones of her arm and forearm. When he twisted the blade, the two bones were driven apart and she shrieked as her ability to even move anything below her elbow was taken from her.
He laughed as he pulled her to her feet by her hair. She was used to the hot rocks on her skin but not on the soles of her feet. She struggled to move as he shoved her toward the cliff edge again. Because of his hold on her hair she could not look down properly, but she knew he was pushing her toward the edge above the water and not the sloped rocks she had climbed to get up the cliff. He did not appear to have any intention of stopping, so she dug her heels into the ground, cutting them on the rocks.
He leaned down and slashed one of the tendons in her heel. She screamed louder than she had ever before. She felt the muscle in her leg cramping and tried to keel over to grab it, but he just held her up by her hair. He pushed her fully over the edge and she had no strength to keep her feet on the rocks.
He then ran the knife along her forehead, leave a clean line at the base of her hair. It didn’t even hurt at first but slowly started to sting. She tried to kick enough to get her feet back on the ground but he just held her away from the rocks.
She could not see her own forehead, but she could feel and hear the tearing as she sank lower. It felt like her hair was being pulled out front to back but it was actually her entire scalp. “Please,” she sputtered through dry cracked lips.
“I never lied to you. I told you from the start this would be your last day,” he reminded her.
“What did I do to you? I don’t deserve this. Please, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll let you fuck me whenever you want for the rest of my life.”
“This is already the rest of your life.” He jerked his wrist, causing her scalp to peel faster. She was just about to start pleading again when she suddenly started to fall. She saw her hair still clenched in his fist as she sank from the edge. She had just enough time to feel the bloody mess that was the top of her head before she hit the water below.
As she expected, he had not dropped her with any chance of tumbling down the cliff like Aaron. She felt every joint in her body stress when she impacted the surface of the ocean. She could not tell if they had snapped. She felt water covering her face, keeping her from breathing. Instinctively she tried to correct her orientation and swim up. However, without the use of her left arm she could not do it. She just bobbed under the surface of the water.
Every open wound on her body stung; the slashed on her back, the scrapes on her knees, her missing scalp. Even the bruises on her stomach and face from being punched and slapped stung. The worst was obviously her ankle and her elbow.
She struggled for what felt like forever. Not once was she able to break the surface of the water and she remained unable to breathe. First her visions darkened, then white sparks flashed in her eyes as the blood vessels in her brain began to burst. After 5 minutes of struggling she started to sink. The aching of her body began to dull and she started to relax. The pain she had endured was finally over.
She could barely hold a thought but mostly regretted not somehow ending this two hours ago. Had she known she would die anyway, there was no reason to go out on his terms. She should have jumped, or tried to get the knife from him. She should have done anything other than letting her teacher and classmates use her body as a semen receptacle.
She was almost too exhausted to be furious at them. They may not have been able to rush him at first, but they definitely had the chance to stop him from throwing her off the cliff at the end. He wasn’t even near her when the last of the boys were raping her. They could have protected her when he came back.
Instead they laid there, enjoying their post orgasm bliss as their classmate’s life was in danger. More than anything she felt it wasn’t fair. The terrible man had made no attempt to hurt anyone but her. Her classmates, her rapists, got no punishment at all. Did they even feel bad? Would they even remember her as more than a cum receptacle, lying in the sun coated in their fluids, completely destroyed?