When Shelley discovers her husbands secret, she reveals some of her own. Her wrath reveals new desires.
Note to reader: This story contains content with a nonconsent/reluctance theme. A wife discovers her husband's gay submissive encounter and cuckolds him for payback. If you choose to read on, please enjoy.
Shelley arrived home at 8.45. I had cleaned up but was completely unable to sleep. Whatever was in that drink had me wired, but it was beginning to wear off and fatigue was catching up to me.
"Hey Honey." I said happily.
"Hey Steve." She hugged me long and hard.
"Rough Night?"
"Oh yeah, car accident. Killed mom, dad and two siblings. The third child is a 10-year-old girl. She's unconscious in ICU and not sure she's gonna make it. And if she does..."
"Any other family?"
"The mom's sister and her husband were there... But enough about work. I never ate so I am starved. What have we got?" She said releasing the hug.
"I'd offer to make you breakfast but I know you don't like that at the end of a shift. John bought pizza last night and we have left overs. Will that work? It's Mario's"
"That will definitely work. Let me get out of these clothes." She said sounding relieved.
I warmed her some pizza and poured her the special drink John prepared to make her tell the truth. When she returned, she was wearing grey sweats and a cowboy's shirt.
"You look like hell Steve. Did you guys party all night?" She asked smiling.
I thought of a good response. "A little too much, but I just don't sleep well without you next to me." I gave her a kiss. "Try this concoction John came up with. It goes good with Pizza and it's got a kick."
She looked at it skeptically and took a sip. "Not bad." She took a bigger drink. "Thank you honey. This is sweet of you to wait on me."
I had a secret hope the sweetness and the drink would combine for an act of appreciation later. I let her eat and watch TV in peace. She downed the first glass quickly and I refilled her glass. She drank three glasses with her pizza. "This stuff is good. Did you get the recipe?"
"No, he seemed very protective of it." I poured the rest of the pitcher in her glass and waited about thirty minutes.
"How are you feeling sweetie?"
She tried to stand up and sat back down. "It does have a kick to it. Whoa."
"Do you feel foggy." I asked making sure it was working.
"Yeah, I do. It's like my mind's numb. Kinda groggy but energized at the same time."
"Ok Honey, I need to tell you something, so listen to me for a minute and I don't want you to say anything until I finish. Ok?" I said seriously.
"OK?" She answered looking concerned.
"Good, thank you. John is part of a covert government agency and we are proving to be good friends. He needs to make sure we are 100% on the up and up. As part of that he put me through a lie detector session last night. It was just a list of standard questions that make sure we are not spy's or doing something illegal that could be used to black mail us against him. He needs to run you through the same test. It was harmless and won't take long."
I looked at her seriously. "Honey, he really does important work. He is incredibly lonely since his wife died and he is trying to get back to having some kind of life outside of his service to the county."
That seemed to have hit home as I saw her expression soften.
"OK when and where?"
"He has a polygraph set up in his house and he is available this morning. It will take about an hour."
She thought for a moment. "OK, I'm wide awake anyway."
"Great, I'll text him and let him know you're coming over."
She went to the bathroom and I sent the text.
Me: She's on board. She had 3 1/2 glasses with the Pizza.
John: Excellent. I am ready.
John: Did you greet her with your hard-on this morning?
I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I felt compelled to answer him. That drink seemed to take all my will to resist him. I wondered what he might do with Shelley. But he made it clear he did not want to make anyone "cheat" on their spouse. My helping him get some release was not cheating on Shelley.
Me: She had a rough night, so I did not.
John: You're such a good guy. Hang tight, she may change her tune after drinking the lemonade. Still got the boner?
I did not answer though I really felt compelled to. Shelley came out and I let her know he was ready. I kissed her goodbye trying to hide my hard-on.
"Since I didn't sleep well, I'll wait for you in bed." I said yawning.
A few minutes later he texted again.
John: You didn't need to answer, I knew you would still have it. Try to lay off that video Buddy.
I was angry that he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking and feeling. I went to bed and took my laptop. I watched that gorgeous young lady devour the hard-on while the voice tells her how much she wants cock in her mouth.
My cock was rock hard again. I was ready to jack off again, when the thought of Shelley's return gave me the strength to resist the urge. How would I explain not being able to get it up? I turned off the computer and went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my cock. I had not slept all night and I was grateful for that fact. Otherwise I would never have been able to get to sleep.
I woke to the feel of Shelley's naked body snuggling up to me and her gentle kisses on my neck. I was laying on my back. Her hand slid into my underwear and gripped my hard-on.
"Do you have something for me big guy." She whispered pulling my boner out of my underwear. Next, she rolled herself on top of me and kissed my neck, with her breasts pressed against my chest. Her knees were pulled up beside my ribs and she quickly guided my cock into her wet pussy.
I was not yet fully awake, and Shelley had me inside of her riding my cock like a pogo stick.
"Your dick is so hard Steven." She sighed. "Oh, that's it baby. Pound my with that big stiff dick."
She was rolling her body forward and back slamming my cock into her making slapping sound with each thrust.
"Oh, baby I need this so bad!" She grunted.
I laid there pushing my cock high as she plunged herself wildly onto me.
"Feels so good Baby. Oh yes, I'm gonna cum Steven. Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooooohhhhhhhh Yes! Yes! Yes!
I felt myself giving way to my fourth orgasm in a few hours. Shelley had not been this enthusiastic in a while. I could feel her hot cum lubing my cock as she fucked me hard and pushed me over the edge.
"Oh yeah, cum inside me!" she commanded as I released a depleted load having drained my balls three times last evening.
She kissed me deeply as her orgasm peaked and rode me slow and steady until her breathing returned to normal. Then she slid off and stretched out next to me with her head on my shoulder and knee pulled up across my thighs.
She took a heavy deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Mmmm. Now that's how to end the day."
I smiled, thinking 11:00AM is the end of the day? We dosed off in each other's arms. I awoke about 4:30 and laid there wondering how it went with John. Apparently OK based on the pleasant awakening she gave me.
My mind was a bit clearer after some sleep. It felt like the effects of his concoction were wearing off. Shelley slept contently, completely oblivious to my encounter with John last night. Encounter was a nice way to describe sucking my neighbors cock until he came in my mouth twice. Visions of the beautiful woman in the video flashed in my mind as memories of his hot stiff cock filling my mouth replayed as well.
I was racked with guilt but couldn't stop thinking about him. That drink... And I gave it to Shelley. What was I thinking?
She began to stir, and I ran into the bathroom. I took another shower trying to wash off the guilt. When I finished, she was sitting on the bed with her back to me.
"Hey sweetie, you're awake. Did you sleep well?" I asked cheerily.
She didn't answer, but slowly turned around. She was holding her lavender panties now crusted with my cum. My face went red hot and screamed panic and guilt.
"What is this Steven?" The only time she called me Steven was sex or the road to the doghouse.
I tried to come up with a story. But the drink, seemed to still have me in a fog.
"That drink he gave me, for the lie detector had Viagra in it. When we were done, I..."
"You know you have to tell the truth, right?" She said looking at me sternly.
My heart raced. I struggled for words.
"Oh my God Steven, what did you do?" She said desperately.
"He made me do it. That drink is used to interrogate terrorists. It makes you obey. He made me watch a video..."
"What video?"
I looked like a child caught smoking dad's cigarettes. I didn't answer.
"Show me the video."
"I don't have..."
"Right now, Steven."
"I don't..."
"Tell you what. I'm gonna call John and have him come over and talk."
"Don't please!" I pleaded.
"Show me the video and tell me everything Steven or you're gonna be sleeping at Johns tonight and..."
"Please Shelley, he made me..."
"Made you what?"
"I came in your panties watching porn."
She laughed, giving me hope this could work out. Then she looked me in the eyes and commanded "Show me the video Steven."
I got my computer and brought it up. She watched with a confused look on her face. "She reminds me of you." I said pathetically.
"And this made you put on my panties?" She asked disgusted.
"No, he did..."
The video narration continued "...It's what you were meant to be. You love wearing women's panties and being a cock sucking sissy. You love sucking cock sweetie. You are a girl and you love having a cock in your mouth. It's just the way it is, and you love being a cock sucking sissy. You're especially glad that I understand..."
"Oh my God, you sucked his cock. No wonder he was so full of himself this morning." Her face lit up with understanding.
"No, I, I, a."
"You can't lie after drinking his concoction Steven so don't even fucking try. You're the cock sucking sissy aren't you!" She yelled.
"I tried but that drink..." Shelley was texting angrily. "I'm so sorry sweetie, it was the drugs in his drink."
Without saying a word, Shelley went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I sat on the bed wrapped in a towel trying to think what to do. I thought about trying to talk to her as she showered but decided to wait. After thirty excruciating minutes she came out wearing a silk robe, her hair was wet she still looked really pissed off, cell phone in hand.
It occurred to me, twenty-four hours ago, her wet hair, silk robe, exposed legs, would have seemed incredibly sexy. Now, I've destroyed everything.
"You remember Terry Wilcox the LPN that left about three years ago?" She asked seemingly out of the blue.
"Yes." I answered, wondering of all things, she chose this as the conversation starter.
"Well, I became good friends with his wife Tonya back when you and I had the rough patch."
"OK." I was confused.
"It turned out he was a cocksucker too." She said coldly.
I cringed at the sting of her words. My beautiful wife labeled me a cocksucker. I wanted to talk but couldn't think of a thing to say to lessen the sting for Shelley.
"So, she found her a lover with a big cock like John's and twice a week he would fuck her in front of Terry and let Terry suck her pussy clean afterward." She had walked to the underwear drawer. She pulled out a pair of Red Panties and a matching cami. "If you would like to stay married, Stevie, put these on."
"Shelley, please it was the drugs..."
"Now, Stevie!" She threw them at me. "Or pack your bags and get the fuck out."
I quietly slipped them on, thinking she must of talked to John about this. John was the only other person to call me Stevie and Shelley never had before.
"You and Terry have a lot in common. He used to wear her negligées when he watched her get fucked." She smiled angrily and positioned a chair at the foot of the bed. "Sit Stevie."
I did as she ordered, feeling sick as it sunk in what was going to happen.
"You know Terry and Tonya are still together..."
"Well, hello Stevie, don't you look pretty." Said John's voice from the bedroom doorway. "Miss Shelley, you look stunning darlin'. What a pleasant surprise it was to get your call. I am very excited to be of service and thank you Stevie for sharing you beautiful wife with me."
His arrogance and sarcasm made me sick to my stomach. John kicked off his flip flops and stepped next to me. Can you please unleash the beast Stevie? He thrust his pelvis at me, and I could feel my cock stirring in the silk panties. I pulled the string on his gym shorts and slid them down as Shelley stepped up next to John and removed his shirt.
She leaned in and kissed him as the T-shirt slipped off his head. He stepped out of his shorts as his semi hard cock waved side to side in front of my face. Shelley moaned as her hand ran across his chest and down his belly. She stood off to his right touching him with both hands as his pelvis faced me taunting me with his ten-inch man-cock.
John moaned pulling the belt tie on Shelley's robe as her hand stroked his cock inches from my face. He slid the robe off her shoulders, and it dropped. She pulled her left arm through the sleeve of the robe and stroked his cock with her right. They kissed long and hard. When she released his cock, it thumped my forehead.
Then she held out her hand with the robe hanging from it. "Can you help me out of this Stevie." She said before thrusting her tongue back in John's mouth. I pulled the robe off her arm and let it fall. John turned toward Shelly and gripped her ass with both hands and pulled her firmly against him. His boner pressed between them as they kissed passionately.
I was disgusted with myself as I sat with a hard-on and watched my neighbor ravage my wife. And, to add insult to injury, I was wearing her lingerie.
"Damn, Stevie, your wife is hot buddy." Said John as Shelley kissed his neck and slid her hand down between them to stroke his cock.
He kissed her neck and Shelley began to taunt me. "I almost forgot what a real cock feels like. Holy shit this thing is huge. Promise me you'll go slow John; I think this is gonna hurt."
"I promise Mrs. Vincent, I will take it slow until you beg for it fast." He looked at me as he said it, his hands kneading my wife's beautiful ass.
"Damn John, I need this inside of me." She panted and spun him with his back to the bed. "Sit for just a moment."
She turned toward me and positioned herself against the right side of my chair. Then she swung her right leg over the top of my chair back resting her right thigh on my shoulder, positioning her spread pussy inches from my face.
"Touch my pussy Stevie and see how wet a real cock makes me. I could smell her wet musky scent before I ever touched her. I brought my left hand up and touched her wet lips. She was soaked. Get your sissy slut tongue in there and get me ready for him.
She shoved my face into her spread pussy, and I did as commanded. I lapped at her with my salivating tongue. My face became covered with a mix of her juices and my saliva as she ground herself against me. Then she pulled back and took a seat next to John.
"Now let's see the cock sucking sissy at work Stevie. Lube him up for me, you pretty little bitch." She said resentfully.
John stepped up with his ten-inch hard-on glaring at me, inches away. I mindlessly took it in my mouth, thankful to have his warm stiffness back inside of me. I began to suck him hard bobbing my head, hoping if maybe I could make him cum, I would not need to continue this humiliation.
"Look at you Stevie. You really are a cocksucker." She said almost in disbelief. "Tell him what's really in that drink of yours John."
I stopped and tried to pull off, but he pushed the back of my head forcing him back in and I continued.
"You don't stop until your told Stevie." Barked Shelley. "Tell him John."
"Red Bull, a dash of lime juice, tequila and Benadryl liquid."
It hit me suddenly, that foggy feeling was the Benadryl. I have allergies in the spring and fall and sometimes that is the only thing that works.
"That's right Stevie, the panty wearing cocksucker is all you. There is no Viagra or special government truth serum. It's just your slutty little girl mind coming out of the closet. Now let's put your world class cock to good use John." Said Shelley as she climbed onto the bed on all fours.
She had her knees wide and ass pointed right at me. I was in shock, seeing my wife in a porn star pose with her exposed wet pussy and full ass on display, begging for someone else's cock. I could even see her exposed asshole, a sight I had only glimpsed with the exception of that awful night that almost ruined our marriage.
John climbed on the bed behind her and knee walked into position between her legs. He wasted no time pushing his hard-thick cock head against her spread labia.
"Oh, John It's like a hot poker. Damn it's warm."
From my angle, I could see his muscular ass and oversized balls. He was tall so I could see her pussy below his nuts as he pressed against her. A sick and twisted part of me wanted to climb on the bed next to them and get a close up look at him fucking my wife.
His ass clinched and he pushed himself slowly into her. "Oh, shit John, it's so big." her voice suddenly got higher. "Oh! go slow, go, sl, ow." He pressed slowly in further and further backing slightly out to let her stretch and then back in a little deeper.
As he pushed all the way in she released a shuttering exhale. "Ooohhh, ooohhhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, John!" She took a deep breath. "Thank you, John, for being gentle with that monster."
"Oh Fuck, Stevie, your wife is so tight." He sighed and began to pump her.
"Yes John, fuck me with that big fucking cock. OOOOHHHH! Yes!" She shouted.
He began to pound her harder taking her out to the tip and jamming all ten inches back in, slapping their thighs together. He had his elbows wide squeezing her hips and pulling her against him as he thrust his hot cock deep in her.
"Oh, John I'm gonna cum all, all, ready!" She let out a long and shuttering squeal that nearly made me cum in my panties. "Ho, ooohhhh, ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jjjjjjjjjjjjjooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn.
He continued to pound her relentlessly as her orgasm seemed to last forever with a series of squeals and grunts like I had never heard from Shelley. As they began to subside, he never slowed down.
"Oh God, John, y, you're a ma, machine." She grunted.
"Thanks to Stevie, sucking me dry twice last night, I feel like I can go all day," he said panting.
"Than, k you St, Stevie! Oh fuuuucckkk! John!" She screeched.
I was overwhelmed at the sight of my wife in the throes of ecstasy like I had never seen. I audibly groaned as I could sense Shelley building toward a second orgasm.
"Easy Stevie, don't cu, cum in y, your panties again." Grunted John panting from his relentless hammering of my wife with his monster cock.
"Oh, fuck Jooooooooohn! Oh Fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh Fuck! Cumming... Oooooohhhhhh Ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk." She screamed, echoing through the house.
I could feel pre-cum rolling down my shaft and saw a fifty-cent piece sized wet spot on my panties.
I watched his balls slamming against Shelley and retracting when he pulled out. It was hard to imagine pumping his hips a full eight inches with each stroke and maintaining the pace for as long as he had. His cock glistened as it pulled out. My mind pictured laying on my back, sliding my head under them and licking his cock as he fucked Shelley.
I slunk lower in my seat giving me a view of her pussy lips gripping his cock as he pulled out and disappearing as he shoved back in. Her tits were rocking wildly vibrating from the impact of his thrusts.
Her head raised up looking toward the ceiling as she wailed, with pleasure. "Oh John, fuck, me, hard. Ah, ah, yes! Ah, ah, yes! Ah, ah, yes! Ah, ah, yes! Ah, ah, yes!"
She collapsed her head down on the bed as her orgasm subsided. John finally began to slow his pace, exhausted. A moment later Shelley pulled off and rolled him onto his back. Then she jumped on top of him like a horse with her hands on his chest.
Shelley rubbed her pussy up and down the length of his boner. "My turn to drive John. I'm gonna fuck you until you cum inside me, as long as it takes."
I stared in amazement at the sight of my wife's stretched ass hole as she slid her wet pussy up and down the length of his stiff dick, saddling his boner. John gripped her ass spreading her wider.
Next, she reached behind and guided his cock into her gaping pussy. I watched the monster cock disappear into her, pulling her labia in as she pushed him in. She slowly rose up pulling out to his tip. His cock had a slight curve and a raised ridge on his shaft from balls to head, her pussy conformed to the shape of his shaft as she rode the length of his rod.
My eyes were drawn to her tight little asshole puckering as she pushed him in and stretching as she slid him out. His right testicle hung lower than his left and I couldn't help thinking of tonguing him as she rode his pole. I imagined climbing onto the bed and sliding my boner into her sphincter, as the monster cock filled her cunt. My cock throbbed oozing pre cum and I marveled at his stamina.
She slid her hands to his shoulders and leaned down kissing him. My eyes could not break away from the sight of that huge cock disappearing completely into her.
Next, she took him all the way in, arched her back and began to grind herself against him working his cock while keeping him inside her. She continued to kiss him then bury her face in his neck with a high-pitched squeal of pleasure. She alternated between kissing him hard and squeals of pleasure as a third orgasm built.
Then she buried her face in his neck. "Oh John, I love your cock. I love your cock. "Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh God I love your cock!" She hugged him tight with her face buried in her neck repeating. "I love your cock! I love your cock!"
His hands squeezed her ass firmly and help her grind against him. Her asshole stretched tight as a drum with his grip on her cheeks.
She climaxed with a series of squeals into his neck. "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh!, "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh!, "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh!, "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh!" Her hips and thighs trembled as she came with his hard-hot cock buried inside her. I wanted to cum so bad, my balls hurt.
Then, she sat straight up gently rocking her hips for a few minutes, savoring his boner. I watched as she slowly raised up exposing more and more of his ten-inch pole. Until it slid out and thumped down on his belly.
What happened next for some reason shocked me to the core. I am not sure why after what I had already watched, but it did none the less.
She began to rub herself against the length of his cock again. "You have a stubborn beast here John. I need you to cum for me John." She reached under and gripped him. "I need you to cum inside me John."
She knee walked her body a little further up his torso and dropped down on her left elbow placing her tits about neck level. Her right hand held his cock and pressed the tip against her. She began rubbing it against her in tiny circles.
"Damn, Shelley." he groaned.
"You feel that, Oh! (She squeaked.) against my clit John?"
"Yeeesssss!" He panted. "Holy shit Shelley, that, ah, feels ah, so fucking good"
She was moving faster and faster, sloshing her juices against his cock head. She trembled. "Oh God that feels good John. You're so warm and hard against me!" She shouted.
"Oh, shit Shelley, ah, ah. I'm gonna cum." He gasped.
"I'm cumming for you John! "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh! Tell me when to put it in me John! "Hoooooooaaaaaahhhhhh!"
She raised up and shoved him in to the hilt and road him like a bucking bronco.
"Oh, John, cum in me, cum in me. I feel it! Oh ffffffuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk!"
I could see his cum coating his shaft as she slid him in and out. After a long moment of riding his shrinking hard-on, she climbed off and fell on her back next to him. Her gaping pussy had his cum clinging to her labia. They panted together; his semi hard cock glistened on his belly.
"Wow, John I almost forgot what a real cock felt like. Can we do this again next week?" She looked at me and shook her head at the sight of my boner tenting my panties.
"Uh Huh, definitely. Can we do this every week?" He asked still panting.
"Definitely. Excellent Idea John. Don't you agree cock sucker?" She looked at me disdainfully. I just looked at the floor. "We're in agreement then. Now time for your part Stevie."
Shelley stood up and placed her leg over my shoulder again. "Clean-up time Stevie."
I found myself inches from her gapping pussy. The opening was at least an inch in diameter after his cock stretched her open. Her lips were oozing his thick cum. I was humiliated and ashamed, but I wanted to taste him on her. I trembled as I extended my tongue to lick his spunk off her pussy lips.
"Good boy Stevie. Lick me clean, you little cum sucker." She sighed.
The taste of her tangy sweet pussy and his creamy cum only made me harder. I licked and sucked her distended labia, licking from her taint to her clit and then sucking her labia one at time. Then I extended my tongue into her gaping hole.
"That's it, get up in there and get it all you little bitch." Her hand gripped my head and shoved my face against her. "Hungry little cum sucker, aren't you?" I kept my tongue in motion as she held me there. Then she released me and stepped back. "Are you ready John?"
She pulled my hair tilting my head back. "Open wide Stevie." She commanded. "Time to do what you do best."
John stepped between my legs and presented his half hard cock glistening with the cocktail of their juices. I leaned forward as Shelley released me and took him in my open mouth. I pushed him all the way to his balls and sucked him in pulling out to the tip.
Shelley dropped down to a squatting position next to my chair. "Look at him john." She stretched the panties tight around my boner causing me to moan with my mouth full of cock.
"His little clitty is screaming." Mocked John.
Shelley began to rub her palm against my cockhead through the silk panties. I wiggled and groaned feeling like I would cum instantly.
Shelley seamed to light up when she heard that term. "You want me to rub that little clitty for you Stevie?" I moaned again. "I think she might cum in her panties John."
"You'll have to lick your panties clean again Stevie." Said John resting a hand on the back of my head.
That pushed me over the edge, and I jerked and spasmed as I released into my panties. Shelley's palm kept rubbing until my orgasm passed. When John pulled out and Shelley continued rubbing me slowly.
"Stand up Stevie Honey and I'll help you out of these wet panties." She said sweetly.
I did as commanded and from her squatted position she pulled them down to my ankles and I stepped out. My five-inch boner began to quickly soften after more orgasms than I could recall in the past twenty four hours.
She stood up, turned the panties inside out and shoved them in my mouth. "There you go cum sucker, another snack for you."
I stood there completely humiliated. Cami top on panties in my mouth sucking my cum off of them as John got dressed.
"Stevie's appetite seems endless John. Feel free to feed her as much as you like. But just make sure you save enough for me next Sunday. Ok?"
He gave her a deep slow tongue kiss. "Absolutely Mrs. Vincent. I would never leave a gorgeous lady like you wanting for anything. I am available any time you might need me, for anything you might desire. If I am available, I will assist you 24/7. I can't tell you how long it's been since... Thank you so much." He kissed her again.
"Ok Stevie, go start the shower Sweetie. You're gonna wash me and I really think you need to shave those legs. Don't you agree John?"
He looked at me sympathetically. "You're the boss Mrs. Vincent. If I were him, I would do whatever it took to keep you happy. Same time next week?"
"Let me check work schedules. I hope we can start a little earlier next time." She looked at me. "I said start the shower Stevie. Move that pretty little ass. I'll be there in a minute. Use your own razor, I don't want mine clogged up." She said dismissively.
As I entered the bathroom. I looked back to see her, naked before him with her arms around his neck kissing him slowly. His hands slid down her naked back caressing her beautiful ass. I heard her whisper to him.
"Thank you for showing me the truth about Steve. And thank you for that beautiful cock. I could get used to that..."
I started the shower and climbed in after removing the kami top.
The hot water was a relief. I leaned with both hands pressed to the wall letting the water run down my head and back. I was startled by the feel of Shelley's hand caressing my ass.
"Relax Sweetie, don't get your panties in a wad. It's just me" She stepped into the shower.
I stepped aside and let her get under the hot water, unable to think of anything to say.
"What an enlightening day. This explains a lot. I'm not sure where to begin." She handed me a wash cloth and bar of soap." I want you to wash me Sweetie. From head to toe."
I took them and lathered the wash cloth and dropped to my knees starting with her feet. She picked a foot up so I could wash the bottom.
"So, when did you suck your first cock Steven?" she asked sternly. I washed her foot, thinking about how to answer or even if I should answer.
She slapped my head. "I asked you a question Stevie!"
"John was the first and only. It was the dr..."
"Don't you even kid yourself cocksucker. That drink had nothing to do with it. He tried that bullshit on me and I laughed in his face. In fact, I put him on the lie detector, and he told me about it. He was telling the truth. It's a technique they use on prisoners. It works on about 25% of them and the percentage goes up if there's an element of trust with the subject.
Basically 25% of their prisoners feel enough guilt that if they are led to believe they have to tell the truth, they are happy for a reason to spill. There is nothing in the drink other than tequila that would have any effect on your brain. It in no way makes anyone do anything they aren't already predisposed to do."
I moved to the other foot, still speechless.
"John took about two minutes to conclude, I am an alpha personality and you are beyond beta, you're an omega, the far end of the spectrum. You're a natural submissive that needs to be told what to do. After seeing the real you today... You put male nurses back a hundred years Stevie.
But don't worry Sweetie, I'm ok with it. I have to say it turns me on to see you kneel before me and wash my feet. We are gonna have so much fun. Full confession, one of the main reasons I became friends with Tonya, was a secret fascination with her relationship with Terry. Now I get to experience it firsthand."
I began to wash my way up her leg.
"While we're revealing truth's today Stevie... I need to come clean on the anal sex incident we had early on. How do I say this?" She was silent for a minute. "I'll just share the story.
Remember how you used to subtly try to breach the subject? Well, I did hear and the year we were going to the work Halloween party as Michael Myer and Laurie Strode from Halloween, I decided to give you that fantasy.
We took our costumes to work and when my shift ended, I put on the patient gown and IV stand. I did several shots early to loosen myself up a bit, in case it hurt. You had to work over a bit. So, I had a few too many while waiting."
I recalled that night. I had to do a double and never made it to the party. I do recall she was completely lit and had to get a ride home from a volunteer. I began washing her other leg.
"I finally saw you in costume with Michael Myer's mask and jump suit, so I snuck up behind you and grabbed your ass. Then I whispered that I had a surprise for you, and I was going to fulfill your wildest fantasy. I told you to meet me in the 5th floor nap room in ten minutes. I even told you to lock the door when you come in."
My mind reeled at what she was telling me.
"I sat up a camera, applied a little lube to my asshole and waited in the nap room. You came in and locked the door and I put my plan into motion. I was on the bed on all fours, in the special hospital gown I made. (remember, I sewed the back so it would stay closed.) I sat there with my ass under gown pointing it toward you, looked back over my shoulder at you and said, "Michael, I think I have a way to channel all that pent-up rage.""
I began to wash her pussy. "Clean me good Stevie." She continued. "I had it all planned out and felt so clever with the lines I delivered. Then I said. "You have so much repressed sexual tension Michael. I have just the medicine for that, young man." I flipped the gown up revealing my naked ass and pussy and pushed them high in the air. "I want you to stick that stiff dick of yours in my wet pussy and get it nice and lubed and then I wanted you to fuck my virgin ass hard Mr. Myer."
I put my head on the bed giving you full access. Right on cue, you stepped up and gripped my ass. "That's it Michael, let me feel that cock in my wet little pussy." I said and wiggled my ass for you." I could feel the bed shift as you pulled your cock out and pressed it to my pussy. It was so warm, but so big. I panicked. "Steve?" I asked knowing it wasn't you."
Then I heard Charlie Summers' terrified voice. "It's me nurse Vincent. Remember, I told you I was coming as Mike Myer?" But he didn't move, and his hot thick cock pushed against me and I wanted more. He tried to speak. "I'm sorry Nurse Vin..." Before he could finish, I had pushed him halfway in and found myself rocking on his hot hard cock. It was so big Steven; I couldn't stop myself. I continued the fantasy pretending in my mind it was you so I could justify my actions."
I recalled Charlie Summers was a med student that did a three-month internship at the hospital. He was 6'2" with TV hair and an athlete's body.
"Caught up in the moment, I was rocking on him slapping my ass against his pelvis. "Oh God, Michael, so much rage!" I yelled. "I'm gonna cum already Michael!" He grunted as he started to shoot his hot cum in me. I've watched the video a hundred time since then. I remember every word he said.
"Nurse Vincent, I'm cumming." He grunted pounding me so hard, I just came and came, but he didn't stop. His cock stayed hard and he continued to fuck me hard and fast.
I was moaning and panting, and he knew I needed more. He teased me. "Do you want me to make you cum again Nurse Vincent?" I couldn't stop myself and blurted. "Yes, make me cum Michael."
"He taunted me. "Then I need you to call me Charlie, Nurse Vincent." When I didn't answer he pulled out. "Do you want me to stop?" I told him no and he put it back in me. "Beg me to make you cum Nurse Vincent." He said sliding his fat hard cock inside me."
I washed her ass, sliding the soapy wash cloth between her cheeks. As spent as I was, my cock was stirring again as she described her encounter with the hunky intern.
"I'm so sorry Steve but, I couldn't stop myself. I did as he asked and begged for it. "Please make me cum Charlie. I need you to fuck me again please!" He held my hips and made me take him slow."
"Then he slid a finger in my ass and said. "Oh, that's tight Nurse Vincent. Is that really a virgin ass?" I nodded and he pushed in a second finger as he fucked my pussy harder. "I hope you'll keep your promise Nurse Vincent." he said fucking me. "Are you going to let me take your virginity?"
She continued. "I don't know what happened, but I was delirious and said yes. He pulled out and pushed his cock against my ass and asked. "Are you ready Nurse Vincent?" I pushed myself onto his cock. He talked to me so calmly and politely. "I've never done this before Nurse Vincent, thank you for bringing my biggest fantasy to life. I've thought about you so many times. Damn, your ass is so tight and so fucking hot! Oh God, it feels so good and looks so sexy. Rub your clit for me Nurse Vincent." he commanded.
I touched myself and he fucked me slow trying not to cum too quick or hurt me. I've never been so out of control before or since... Well, until today anyway. The thought of the young movie star looking intern thinking of me as his biggest fantasy, just turned me on so much. Fingering myself and feeling his big hot cock filling my ass was like nothing I had ever felt. I tried to stop myself but it was so nasty and slutty, I couldn't do it."
I washed her back and worked my way higher. When I stood up my boner brushed her ass cheek and she slid her hand behind her and grabbed my hard-on.
"You little slut, your clitty is hard again. You wanna hear the rest?" She asked stroking me.
"Yes." I answered pathetically
She released my cock as I washed her shoulders. Then she turned and faced me. I stood there unable to look her in the eye.
"Did I tell you to stop Stevie?" She asked calmly.
We stood with my back to the shower as I began to wash her shoulders and neck, not making eye contact. She reached both arms around me and squirted some soap into her right hand. Then she gripped my cock and began to stroke me firmly with her soap covered hand.
I groaned and pressed my boner upward.
"It's hard to describe but my stretched ass filled with his smooth hot fat cock, sent a tickle through my clit with each stroke. I pressed my slutty little ass as high in the air as I could, knowing he was watching his big dick slide in and out of me. I felt nasty and liked it. I fingered myself like a little slut with my face smashed against the bed. He began to grunt and groan like an animal."
"Oh fuck, Nurse Vincent, I love that tight little asshole. You're gonna make me cum."
"I lost my mind, rubbing my clit like a maniac. "Fuck me Charlie!" I yelled. "Pound my ass... Oh, fuck! Make me cum with that big fucking cock in my ass...""
I Stood perfectly still pushing my cock in the air as her soapy hand mercilessly stoked me. I could picture the image of Charlie Summers' cock sliding in and out of my wife's beautiful ass while she begged for it and made me watch. My orgasm was inevitable, but I wanted to hold out at least until her story ended.
"He filled me completely and my orgasm rocked my body, as I fingered myself like a slut for him. My body shook as he squeezed my hips on the verge of his own orgasm. "Oh, fuck I'm cumming Nurse Vincent, Yeeessss...""
Shelley's hand combined with the image of him fucking my wife's ass, brought me to my sixth orgasm in twenty-four hours as she continued.
Shelly continued. "Oh God Charlie, fuck me!" I screamed. "Cum in my ass. Empty that fat dick in my ass."
My balls emptied as she stroked me relentlessly.
"We collapsed flat onto the bed and he slowly slid in and out of me. Then he whispered in my ear between kisses on the neck. "Nurse Vincent, that was the best sex of my life. I hope we can please do this again. I have four weeks left here in Dallas. Page me any time and I will be available. You are a dream come true and I want more."
That's when the guilt really hit me Steven. The drunken moment of weakness passed, and my heart sank. I rolled him off, got dressed and told him it was a mistake and could never happen again. I left the room and never spoke to him again. In hind sight, what a terrible waist. I bet he would have loved fucking me while you watched and rubbed your little clitty.
When I finally got to the point, I thought I could give you that fantasy fulfillment, I tried. But the guilt overwhelmed me, and I cried. Then I panicked and had to come up with an explanation for my behavior. So, I told you, you hurt me. The guilt was overwhelming. Not only did I cheat, but then made you feel awful for hurting me. I've carried that guilt like and anchor... Until today. Today it's all gone.
Not only did you suck John's cock, but you came in my panties while doing it. And then you sent me to him thinking he had some magic elixir, that could make me unable to say no to him. So now your repentance..." She smiled a disturbing smile and continued while she washed her hair. "As you know you will get to watch John fuck me once a week and perform clean up duty. But you will also be my little sissy bitch full time.
I can think of lots of fun things to do with you. To start, I want you to shave your legs. A panty wearing, cock sucking, sissy bitch needs to have clean shaven legs at all times. And do not use my razor please." She looked at me. "Don't think I haven't noticed when you used mine before."
I wondered how she ever noticed. I had used hers a few times in the shower on my face when I forgot mine. "Shelley, please, I'm sorry..."
"Shut the fuck up Stevie!" She screamed in an angry rage I had never seen. "I have every ground for divorcing your cock sucking ass. So, your choices are simple. Accept your new role or get the fuck out! Do you understand?" She glared at me angrily.
"Yes, I understand." I groveled as she stepped out of the shower.
"Good, now shave your legs, and I want them hairless and smooth as the skin on my tits. Got it?"
"Yes," I said compliantly.
"When I ask you a question or give you a command you will answer, yes Shelley. Understood?"
"Yes Shelley."
"Good, now don't come out until your legs are shaved. I will be giving them an inspection. When you're done, you will present yourself to me naked and I will check your work. OK?"
"Yes Shelley."
"Good girl Stevie. See you in a few. Can't wait to feel those legs sweetie."
As she dried off and walked out, of the bathroom, my mind and heart raced. I stood trembling, in shock and disbelief of the last 24 hours. It was like a sick and twisted nightmare. I could not see a way out of this. I loved Shelley and didn't want to leave her. But what kind of a twisted situation had I gotten myself into.
That was a sad truth, it really was what I had gotten myself into. My mind used the "truth serum" to justify watching the porn video and completely giving in to John. I loved the feel of his powerful cock in my mouth, watching him fuck my wife, the feel of Shelley's panties tickling my cock and ass.
Even as I shaved my legs, my twisted mind imagined the feel of silk panties against my hairless legs. Then I imagined the feel of the panties against hairless balls and a freshly shaved ass. It took at least thirty minutes to shave my legs. The feel was amazing. The enhanced sensitivity of the skin was exhilarating. I stopped myself from shaving my cock, balls and ass, but as I felt my legs, I really, really wanted to feel that sensation.
When I returned to the bedroom, naked as ordered. I was shocked to see Shelley in her work clothes again. She walked up to me and squatted down, rubbing her hands up and down my shins and calves.
"Oh, yeah. Nice work Stevie honey, very smooth. So far so good." She moved up to my thighs and rubbed them all over. "Excellent Stevie. I just got called in for a twelve-hour shift. So, I'm gonna need you to do a few things while I'm away.
I was not sure how to respond so I just said, " Yes Shelley."
She immediately stepped in, kissed me, wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my naked ass. Then she slid a hand around and caressed my spent cock and balls. Her hands were warm and soft.
"I really liked the feel of you in panties Stevie. So... I threw away all of your underwear. But, you are not to wear any of my panties again, unless I tell you to. I want you to go shopping." She looked at her watch. "You better go right away. You'll need to go commando of course. You should buy..." she thought for a second. "I would say at least 14 pair of panties to make sure you're covered. Understood?"
"Yes Shelley."
"Good girl." she gave a quick playful squeeze to my balls and stepped back. I want to approve them of course, so as you try them on, I need you to send me a pic, front and back. I'll let you know if I approve."
She gave me a peck on the cheek and headed out.
It was 6:30 on Sunday. If I wanted to shop, I would need to hurry. I put on sweats and T and left.
I started at the mall and went to Macy's first. I was amazed at the ***********ion as I started to browse, it occurred to me. I can't try on underwear in the store, and certainly not ladies underwear. I suddenly felt self-conscious and perverted. I rounded up twenty pairs, size medium or best guess and bought them all.
I was shocked at the $233 tab. Not fruit of the looms for men, that's for sure.
I went to the restroom in the mall and put on a pair of Calvin Clein cotton brief panties with a wide elastic waist band. I did like the way they went high on my hips.
I took front and back selfies and sent them off to Shelley and she replied.
Shelley: Real panties only!
I had put on a pair of red uniquely trimmed lace hipsters that had a 2-1/2 inch see through lace band around the bottom and crotch. above the band of lace was a V shaped cotton panel that incorporated the waist band. I really hoped she liked them. When I saw the back I really wanted them. They road high on my hips and the lace band angled down and sunk into my ass crack exposing the lower half of my buns.
Shelley: Love em!
Next was a leopard pattern cotton panty with black lace side panels that carried down the sides of the back of the pantie narrowing and disappearing at the bottom of my ass cheeks.
Shelley: Yes!
And so, it went. As long as some bit of lace was present, they seemed acceptable to Shelley. Until I got the black lace peek a boo crotch less panties with my balls hanging out.
Shelley: Ooh No!
Shelley: On second thought get them for me.
I managed to get all 14 pair from the sampling of twenty and one pair for Shelley. I returned the extra 5 pair and went home.
Things were fairly quiet for couple days. I think everyone was satisfied and recovering from the weekend. Also, Shelley and I continued with extra shifts on different schedules.
On Wednesday morning I walked out heading for work when I saw John finishing his morning run. He waved and I reciprocated. Then he jogged over and stopped next to me. He was wearing spandex running shorts and a raiders T.
"How's it goin' Stevie, long time no see." He said panting.
"Fine, just heading in a little early. I was thinking I might surprise Shelley and meet her for breakfast before shift." While I spoke, he reached into his shorts and adjusted his cock, leaving and outline of it pointing to 10 o'clock through the spandex.
"Oh, that's better." He sighed. "The old fella gets a little bound up in these shorts."
I was in awe that completely flaccid and smashed in spandex, he was bigger than my full-on boner.
"So, you've got a little time before your shift?" He asked smiling.
"Yeah why?"
"Well you know, I just finished running and the endorphins are kickin' in. I was wondering if you might want to try a little breakfast sausage. I real cocksucker likes 'em hot and sweaty."
"That's kind of gross John, even coming from you." I said quickly.
"Is it Stevie, or does it get your little clitty going? A little extra saltiness for added flavor..."
"I gotta go John." I opened the car door.
"Ok, I'm gonna have a cup of coffee before I shower if you change your mind Stevie." He walked away. The shorts clung to his muscular thighs.
As I sat in the car reaching for the door, the image of his cock head outlined in the jogging shorts stayed with me. I closed the door and sat there collecting my thoughts. My cock was stirring in the leopard lace trimmed panties.
He stood in his door way looking back at me smiling and gave me the come here hand wave. I looked away into the rearview mirror and put my hand on the shifter. When I looked back, he was inside, and the door closed. I gripped the shifter and the thought of peeling back those shorts filled my thoughts. Instead of shifting into gear and driving to work, I found myself ringing the doorbell.
He opened the door. "Hey Stevie, glad you changed your mind. And happy to see medical professionals are still willing to make house calls. I got a bit of a swelling problem that's going to need some special attention nurse Stevie. Come on in and take a load off me, please."
I wanted to punch his arrogant lights out but when he sat down on the sofa and spread his legs, I was powerless to resist. The bulge of his cock was all I could see. My own cock stood at attention tenting out my scrub pants.
"Happy to see me I see. So, tell me Stevie. why are you here?"
"You know why John." I said looking at the floor.
"But I want to hear you say it Nurse Stevie." he said calmly. "It's a requirement for the job."
I stood there embarrassed and turned on at the same time. "I want to suck your sweaty cock."
"There's what I like to hear Stevie. First I want you to take off those scrub pants and show me that stiff little clitty." He smiled arrogantly.
Despite the humiliation, part of me was excited to show off my leopard lace panties.
I quickly kicked off my shoes untied the scrubs and pushed them to the floor. As I stood up and stepped out of the pants, he smiled from ear to ear.
"Now those are might perty, Stevie I've got to tell you."
I became a little more excited wondering if he might reciprocate in some way since he was making me strip down for him.
"Turn around sweetie and let me get the full view." I did, pressing my hips a little forward to stick my cock out further. "What a sweet little ass Nurse Stevie."
After a complete 360, I moved to the couch and stood between his spread knees, never loosing focus on the eight-inch bulge in those shorts. I dropped to my knees while I shifted his legs to the side forcing them together. He smiled at me smugly as I gripped his shorts by the waist band on both hips and peeled them down slowly.
The spandex clung to his sweaty skin, as I rolled them down. When his pink plump cockhead came into view, I leaned in and kissed just below the cleft of his head and pressed my lips against him saddling his stiffening shaft. I opened my lips slightly and tickled the soft wrinkle of skin just below the rim of his head with my tongue. His cock stiffened quickly as I continued to tease him with my tongue taking in his salty manly taste.
I had his shorts down to his knees pushing them further down with my right hand between his knees and my left touching his belly. I ran my lips and tongue down his shaft to his balls and back again several times at a slow and steady pace. I couldn't reach his ankles so he bent his knees and raised his feet helping me slide the shorts off completely.
Next, I pulled back and spread his legs and waddled on my knees between them. His ten-inch stiff dick lay before me with his oversized sweaty balls calling for my tongue. I looked up at him smiling down at me and he spread his legs wider as he slid his ass to the very edge of the sofa.
I leaned in, tongue extended. and pressed against his ball sack pushing in between them with my flattened tongue. He sighed heavily sending a jolt through my balls knowing I was pleasuring his beautiful giant cock. My right hand gripped his thick hard pole and stroked his shaft as a I licked every inch of his balls, taking in the salty sweat.
I breathed in his scent with a long deep breath through the nose moaning audibly.
"You like that smell Stevie?" He asked breathing heavy.
"Yes John." I went back to licking his warm sweaty ball sack.
"You like the taste, like I said you would, don't you Stevie?
"Yes John." I gasped
I ran my nose and tongue between his balls and inner thigh drinking in his scent and flavor at the same time. Then I moved to the left side repeating the process. His long stiff cock felt so warm and powerful in my hand.
"Oh, damn Stevie that's incredible..." He said exhaling heavily
I licked the underside of his balls raising them with my tongue when suddenly my tongue tip contacted the stiff taint area below his nuts. It was like nothing I could have imagined. My left hand gently lifted his balls up and my tongue explored his stiff raise taint, I had to extend my tongue completely to reach the end of his hardened area. But I shoved my face against his cock lapping at the silky smooth skin covering his hot salty steel taint.
"Oh yes, I like your methods nurse Stevie. Your oral treatment plan is world class. Ooooohhhhhhhh yyyyyyeeeeeessssss." He exhaled long and deep.
After covering every bit, I licked my way slowly back to his balls lapping them again with my saliva drenched tongue.
Then I licked up the center of his satin steel shaft with my flattened tongue.
"Oh Steeevvvvvviiieee." His back arched with pleasure pushing his stiff salty shaft against my tongue.
My cock was rock hard at the feel of him surrendering his monster cock to my pleasures. I never wanted to stop worshiping his hard-hot pole.
When I reached the tip, I pressed firmly against that most sensitive spot of his cock with my tongue and wiggled my head.
"Oh, fuck Stevie!" His pitch raised as pressed himself against me.
I licked up and down his length several times licking every bit of salty musky skin on his gorgeous tool. I stopped every time and worked the magic spot with my tongue. Each time his back arched, and hips raised higher rising to meet my tongue. And each time the flavor of his precum sent a wave of stiffening pleasure through my throbbing dick.
"Oh, my ga, Stevie that's aaaaahhhhhhh!" He groaned.
I couldn't take it any longer and gripped his cock with my left hand, held it toward the ceiling and plunged it into my mouth. Saliva drenched his shaft as I pushed him to the back of my throat bobbing my head hard and fast.
"That's it Stevie! Fuuuuck! Don't st, stop Stevie." His head rolled back on the couch as I went full out to make him cum in my mouth.
"Shit Stevie... Cum with me Stevie! Cum in your panties for me."
My right hand moved instantly to rub the silky leopard material against my oozing cock. The taste of his pre-cum coated my tongue as I bobbed on his steel monster as fast as I could go.
I began to shake and whine as the power of his cock seemed to pass from my mouth to my cock.
"Fuck Stevie, I'm gonna, aaahhhhhh! Yes!" He grunted.
I widened my knees to help stabilize myself as my orgasm built. I groaned and squealed trying to maintain my focus on pleasing the cock as my own was ready to blow in my panties.
His hands gripped the back of my head as the first jet of his hot spunk flooded my mouth. The bitter sweet cream pumped shot after shot as I swallowed what I could until my own spunk burst into my panties.
I moaned a series of low guttural grunts as my body shook and unloaded in my leopard panties. Some of his white nectar escaped and ran down his shaft.
As his orgasm peaked, he loosened his grip on my head and I slowly milked him dry. When I finished, I slid off and lapped the escaped juice from his balls and shaft.
"Excellent treatment Nurse Stevie." he panted. Now sit up here and clean your panties for me."
I did as commanded and sat next to him. As I removed my drenched panties, I brought them back to my cock and cleaned my shaft with them and milked what I could from my cock.
"That's it Stevie, drain that clitty." He stood up to watch me as I licked them clean.
I wondered why I was so drawn to the taste of cum. I could not honestly say I loved the taste, but I was obsessed with having it in my mouth.
"I love the panties Stevie. For tomorrow I want you to find some lingerie just like the girl in the video, Ok?"
"Yes John." I replied between licks.
"Good, you better stop on your way home from work. It may take you a while to find and exact match. And I really want something just like them ok?"
"Yes John." I will.
"Good girl Stevie. Now, I have to get a shower, or I will be late to work. Can't wait to cum in your pretty mouth with the lingerie on you. If you do good Stevie, I'll give you a new video to watch. Same time tomorrow then?"
"Yes John."
He went up the stairs leaving me alone on the couch. With my panties cleaned up, but wet. I put my scrubs, back on commando. Then I ran home, cleaned up, put on some fresh panties and drove to work. On my way, I passed the Hustler store I had driven by a thousand time but never stopped. I decided I would go at lunch and look for the outfit there.
I could not believe I was excited thinking of shopping for lingerie to wear for John. My mind also raced wondering what the next video might be...