It's summer 1936 at Clegthorpes Champion Mill in Yorkshire England
Ada’s new job
Ada had only started as Mr Clegthorpe’s secretary on Friday. Before that she worked in Shrimptons on the sweet counter mainly, and then for Allenby’s in Sebastopol road as a telephonist for a bit.
“Miss Arleigh, a word in your shell like if you please,” Mr Clegthorpe asked mid way through Tuesday morning, as Ada struggled to remember what Mr Clegthorpe asked her to type in the letters he dictated..
“Mr Clegthorpe?” she replied.
“A little bird says you were not entirely truthful when you applied for t’ job,” he said slipping back into Yorkshire dialect.
“Am I not giving satisfaction sir?” she asked hopefully
“Satisfaction, satisfaction, this letter, half of it is twaddle and the rest is bollocks,” he said waving a badly typed carbon copy at her. “Bugger me what must Keedles think if we can’t even spell their name right, It’s got a bloody K not a bloody T to start.”
“Sorry Mr Clegthorpe, it won’t happen again,” Ada apologised.
“Too bloody right it won’t, you’re bloody useless, collect the things and get out you’re fired,” he snapped.
Ada nodded sadly.
“Nowt to say for the sen?” he asked, “Can’t type to save thee life, can’t take dictation, thee’s never been to Bradford Technical College in the life let alone graduated with a certificate in secretarial services has thee?”
“No,” she admitted sadly.
“So what was thee playing at?” he asked, “Surely you didn’t expect to get away with it?”
“It were me Dad’s idea, we needs the money since our Albert were laid off when Foundry shut down, Dad’s on short time,” Ada explained.
“But you can’t do the job you daft bint, what did you think me Secretary did,” he asked, “Shorthand - Typist , that’s what advert said.”
Ada thought a moment, .“Dad said I’d do alright, he said to drop me knickers and bend over the desk if there were any trouble.”
“What so as I could smack thee ass?” he asked.
“No do me,” she said hopefully, “Dad said you only employed Celia Jarvis because of her big tits.”
“Big tits and shorthand and a hundred words a minute typing,” he said, “Bit of how’s thee father is quite pleasant but I need’s someone who can do the bloody job.”
“Sorry,” Ada said sadly.
“Anyroad, why didn’t thee follow thee Dad’s advice?” he asked.
“What?” Ada queried.
“Bend over the desk and drop thee knickers?” he asked.
“Bit late now thee’s sacked me,” Ada replied.
“I suppose,” he agreed, “Mind you if thees any good there might be a job in hospitatlty for thee.”
“You just want thee wicked way wi me,” Ada replied.
“You bloody suggested it," Clegtorpe replied, “I never thought much of Celia’s knockers, great wobbly sweaty lumps, mind you her shorthand were spot on,” he said, “Nice firm ass and pointy little tits, now that gets me heart pumping.”
“Oh,” she replied.
”I bet thee has daydreams about an overweight balding bloke of getting on for forty wi a big fat wallet poking his dong up inside thee don’t thee?”
“Um,” she said.
“Bloody nightmares more like,” Clegthorpe laughed.
“It would be like doing me Dad,” Ada admitted.
“Exactly,” Clegthorpe admitted, “And like me screwing me daughter, she’s about your age and body.”
“Me Dad’s taller,” Ada admitted.
“You want to do it then lass?”
“No Mr Clegthorpe, I don’t.” Ada admitted.
“I’ll tell thee Dad as you wouldn’t drop thee knickers, say as you was sacked a cause of it,” Clegthorpe warned.
“You wouldn’t,” Ada came back, “Would you?”
“Obviously not if thee was to come and sit on me dick and bounce about for a bit,” Clegthorpe offered.
“Do I keep me job?” Ada asked.
“Don’t be daft but it’s worth ten bob,” Clegthorpe offered.
“I suppose,” Ada agreed.
“Drop thee knickers then and bend over desk,” Clegthorpe offered, he waved a fiver under her nose, “Don’t suppose thee has any change?”
“No,” Ada admitted.
“Knickers down then lass,” he said.
“Hadn’t tha best bolt the door?” Ada suggested.
“Oh no might miss summat urgent,” Clegthorpe warned, “Knickers!”
Ada pulled up her skirt and gripped th waist band of her old white cotton knickers.
“Bloody ‘ell is they hand me downs from thee Grand mother’s mother," Clegthorpe asked.
“No,” Ada said, “From stockwells.”
Ada bent over the desk taking her weight on her elbows. Clegthorpe gently felt Ada’s buttocks, lovely and firm he thought as he explored between her legs.
“By eck thee cunt’s so dry tha could use it for blotting paper,” he complained.
“Sorry,” Ada replied.
“Not to worry lass, I reckon thee needs a warm up,” Clegthorpe suggested. He slipped a hand under Ada’s blouse and cupped her breast and pulling her closer kissed her left ear.
“Ooooh Mr Clegthorpe,” Ada cooed and she shuddered involuntarily. her left teat was hardening already.
“Tha’s a very pretty young lass, I want’s to hear thee wail like a she cat when tha’ comes,” he advised, “Give us the tip when thee’s ready and I'll whack me tadger up thee like.”
“Oh Mr Clegthorpe thee says the sweetest things,” Ada admitted. His finger was slipping inside her now, and not just one finger but several.
“Come for me me angel, come for Daddy,” he whispered, “Can I call thee Dolly after me daughter.”
“No you bloody can’t, Angel you can call me Angel,” Ada suggested, “And I’ll call you Albert after Albie Mottram centre forward of t’Rovers.”
“Aye champion player is Albie,” Clegthorpe admitted, “Thee ready for me to stick it up thee?”
“As I’ll ever be,” Ada agreed.
Clegthorpe dropped his trousers and came close, he aimed his tool at Ada’s cunt and pushed and missed, four times it took before he were right in.
“Ow’s that?” he asked.
“Ow should I know I never done it afore,” Ada replied.
“Do it hurt, I don’t want thee hurt,” he asked.
“Not really, sort of feels funny,” she said.
“Nice funny or hurt funny?” he asked as he were concerned.
“Nice funny,” Ada admitted.
“That’s good ‘cause this is best shag I had in ages, thee should dressed in silk and satin,” he told her, “Tell thee what, We’ll go down |Marks and Spencer after and get thee some silk knickers, or better still silk stockings and suspenders and no knickers.”
“You dirty old sod,” Ada protested, and as Clegthorpe started to cum she asked “What’s happening?”
“Just shot me load up thee lass, by heck I needed that, tha’s champion shag tha’ knows,” he blurted out.
“Let us keep thee Fiver or I tell thee wife,” Ada suggested.
“Tell away,” Clegthorpe suggested, “We any luck shee’l bugger off and leave I and thee to share t’bed of a night,no shut thee trap and milk last bit of cum out me tool.”
“How do I do that?” Ada asked.
“Squeeze thee cunt muscles or just wiggle about a bit,” Clegthorpe suggested but it was already too late, he was finished and drained, “Don’t bother its done."
“The needs to keep some rag in thee desk for wiping me cock after us does it young Ada,” Clegthorpe suggested.
“I thought as I had the sack?” Ada replied.
“Yer bloody useless as a secretary but a passable shag,” Clegthorpe admitted as he wiped his cock on a handkerchief, “Ow do yer fancy being me personal tart?”
“I don’t,” Ada said, “Is it the same money?”
“Aye, and I’ll buy thee some fancy gear to parade round in,” he offered.
“And will thee send me to College to learn typing and that?” Ada asked.
“Will I buggery, thee’s thick as two short planks. no offence like,” Clegthorpe replied, “But thee does shag nicely.”
“Then forget it,” Ada replied.
“All right, all right, thee can go to college, but thinkon thee don’t shag nobody else right? “ Clegthorpe insisted, “I’ll get thee a chastity belt, one wi a great knob on to stick up thee cunt to keep thee on’t edge all’ t time.”
“Don’t be bloody daft,” Ada replied.
“All right, just watch whose cock thee has up thee self,” Clegthorpe insisted, he would bide his time she would be wearing a chastity belt wi thingies up her cunt and ass soon enough, in fact just the thought was making him hard again.
“Ada, hop on desk facing me I want to fuck thee again,” he ordered.
“Say please,” Ada replied.
“Please be buggered, get on’t desk afore thee gets back of me hand across thee chops,”
Ada knew better than to argue, this time she was facing him, she had to shut her eyes to imagine it was Albie Motram up her not Mr Clegthorpe. It was easier when he kissed her lips, his tongue in her mouth and his dick up inside her vagina made her feel so wanted, it was like Mr Clegthorpe loved her and for nearly forty eight seconds Ada was in heaven.