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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon.
Business Trip Chapter 2

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental

“WHERE SHOULD WE go for dinner?”

“I don’t know. Can I turn down the air conditioning?” Ann had turned it to max when they got in the car but now he was starting to shiver. “I usually just go down the restaurant in the hotel and get some spare ribs. It’s one of those meals better eaten by yourself. You know? Messy.”

“Oh.” Ann was cold too but the stupid dress was still sticky, clinging to her. Brad had brought along his jogging shorts and a tee shirt to ride home in. Of course. He did this all the time. He had it down to a routine.

“There’s a Cajun place next to the hotel. We could walk over. That way I can have a beer or two.”

Or three, or four. Brad was drinking too much. At least they were too late for the happy hour at the hotel. Hopefully.

“You have to be able to walk back. Remember that time you got the triple just before we walked over to the Mexican place? Staggered is more like it.”

“Okay, okay. Two beers. Mother.” On that note they pulled into the hotel parking lot. “I need to change first. Rinse off. Call my wife.”

“Me too. Call my mother.”

“What are you going to tell her?”

“What are you going to tell your wife? Leave your door open. I’ll come over when I’m ready.”

What was she talking about? He wasn’t going to leave his hotel door propped open while he showered. But when they got upstairs, she was going into the room next to him. With one of those inside doors between them.

“I thought you were down the hall.”

“It was too noisy. Too near the elevator.”

Oh. How convenient. Okay, he unlocked the side door and used his calling card to call home.

“Hi.” It was Jane. “How are you? Did you go to the lake?”


“What about poor Ann? You just left her stranded?”

Brad took a deep breath. “She came along.”

“Oh.” A long pause, a very long pause. “We went to the lake too. Brad, something happened at the lake. Something terrible.”

“The kids?” He had a sudden bout of terror.

“They’re fine. I don’t know how to tell you this.” Another pause. “The kids had taken the sailboat out. They were way down at the end of the lake and the wind had stopped. I was sitting on the dock talking to Mary but after a while we both had to pee. So we went up to the bathhouse. And then.”

A pause, muffled tears. “And then?”

She was whispering now, so softly it was hard to understand her. “So Mary said let’s go back to my cabin. We can keep an eye on the lake from there. I thought we would just sit outside but we went in. She took off her bathing suit, but I didn’t think anything of it. I thought she was just going to change. But then.” Another pause. “Then she kissed me. French kissed me. It took me totally by surprise. I had never been kissed that way by a woman. And then she pulled down my top and kissed my breasts. And then she pulled down my bottom.”

Brad couldn’t believe how hard he was, listening to his wife’s story. “And?”

“You know what it’s like when we watch those movies? It was like that. The first touch of her tongue and I started coming. I could have pulled her head away but I didn’t. Not for a while. And then.”

“Then what?”

“I pulled her to her feet and knelt down and kissed her in return. Now I know why you like doing it. Brad, I’m so sorry. I know I broke the rules.”

“No you didn’t. If you have a cock in your pussy, that’s breaking the rules.”

“So you’re not mad at me? I guess I won’t be mad at you for taking Ann to the lake. You were like, both naked?”

“Yep.” And I jerked off while I watched her getting her pussy licked.

“Oh well. Just don’t fuck her. Promise me that.”

“I promise. Look, Ann is like a sister to me. A daughter. She just wanted to go sunbathing.”

“In the nude? That doesn’t sound like Ann.”

“Turns out she goes to Sandy Hook all the time.”

“Really? I didn’t like it at all the one time we were there. It was like, cliquey. Like we were outsiders.”

“What can I tell you. She’s a Jersey girl.” Speaking of which, the Jersey girl had come in through the side door, dressed in a little halter top and a tiny jeans skirt. Was she wearing anything under either of them? “Got to go. Ann’s ready for dinner and I haven’t changed yet.”

“Love you. Thanks for understanding. It won’t happen again.”

“Love you.” He hung up the phone. “You look like you’re dressed for success.” At least she was wearing sandals, not heels, the toes open to reveal perfectly painted nails.

“I’m dressed for the climate.” Somehow Ann managed to be prim in that little fuck me outfit.

“Like All The King’s Men?” That was enough to make her blush. She’d read that book too. Legs open to catch the hood vent and no panties because of the climate. Something like that. A phrase that stuck with you. Something she’d been thinking about on the drive over to the lake. Maybe he had too. Like a sister. Like a fucking, no make that non fucking daughter. She’d heard that through the door and slipped off the panties and kicked them over onto the bed. Well, close to it. Now she was tempted to go back and retrieve them.

“Sorry, I still need to rinse off.” Brad stripped off the tee shirt and jogging shorts and tossed them over onto the air conditioner vent. No need for modesty at this point. She could hear the toilet flushing, the shower hissing for a couple minutes. He came back still wet, standing near the AC to air dry a bit as he dabbed at himself with a towel, which he left on the arm chair. He gave her another good view up his butt as he rummaged in a suitcase. “This okay?” He pulled out a knit shirt with a collar, one he’d worn many times. White briefs, a pair of those little deck shorts he seemed to care for, white running socks, and the slip on sneakers.

“Why don’t you wear sandals?”

“Don’t like them. Where’d my wallet go? Room key. Okay. You got your purse?”

“No. Hang on.” She went back into her room. There it was, lying on the bed, right above the panties. She gave a little sigh and left them sitting on the rug. As soon as she’d put them on they’d been itchy. Maybe not enough sunscreen in that area. Or too much of Stephie’s tongue.

“You find it?” He had poked his head into her room. God, had he seen the panties? Well, what the fuck did it matter? After this afternoon.

Even though the Cajun restaurant was right next to the hotel, there was a fence so you had to go out to the sidewalk. And on the sidewalk there was a little store, not much more than a concrete shack, with lurid neon lights in curtained windows.

“Adult Store?” Ann was trying to peer through a crack in the curtains.

“Yep. They rent movies.” Brad didn’t have to explain what kind of movie. “And they sell used ones really cheap. There’s a player with the TV in the hotel.”

“Yeah I noticed that. They have tapes down in the lobby.”

“Not this kind.”

“So you buy these tapes and bring yourself off and throw them out before you go home?”

“No, I take them with. Jane likes to watch them. More fun with a friend.”

“I can imagine. Well, I guess you already got your show for today. Adult toys?” She was looking at the lights in the other window. “What kind of toys?”

“Never looked.”

“Oh.” Ann started to open the door.

“You want to take stuff with you into the restaurant? We can stop on the way back.”

It was just as well they were on foot, because the lot around the restaurant was jammed, with a line of cars waiting for the valet parking. “Never saw them this busy. Maybe we should eat in the hotel after all.”

The door opened. There was loud music, laughter. “Let’s take a look at least.” Ann didn’t wait for Brad to act like a gentleman. She opened the door herself and went inside, letting him trail after her. The hostess was giving her a disapproving eye. Slut. She thinks I’m a slut. Maybe even a professional.

“Table for two?”

“It’ll be at least an hour, honey. Unless y’all want to sit at the bar.”

“We can get dinner there?”

“Y’all can get anything you want. Might be a little noisy though. Right next to the dance floor.”

“That’s fine. I’d like to do some dancing. What about you Brad?” He shook his head.

“Honey, don’t you worry. I’m sure you’ll find someone to dance with.” The hostess took two menus and led them off in the direction of the music. The bar had high stools, and there were tables right next to it. Tables that gave a perfect upskirt view. Oh well. She could feel eyes on her as she tried to get onto the stool with some dignity. Turn it into the bar then. But the stupid bar had a mirror finish on the front of it. And the skirt had stuck on the vinyl seat of the stool on the way up, slipping halfway up her butt. Oh well. She’d have to keep her legs crossed. Or not. Maybe she should give them a little show.

“You’re having dinner?” That was the bartender. “Drinks while you’re looking at the dinner menu?” He slid a drink menu Brad’s way.

“I’ll have a Lone Star.”

“In the bottle?”


“What about you, honey?”

“I’ll have a Zombie Revenge.” Not her usual white wine.

“Sure thing, honey.” The bartender handed Brad his beer, then fussed for a moment and produced a huge glass filled with green fluid.

“Ooh, this is really good. Want a sip?” She offered the straw to Brad. It was cold, sweet, and very potent. Enough in that glass to pickle a girl Ann’s size. But she was slurping away, already down to the crushed ice. “I am so thirsty.”

“Maybe you should get some water?” He didn’t want to be carrying her back to the hotel.


“Ready to order?” The bartender was back. Well, he’d been right there all the time, but busy with other customers.

“I’ll have the ribs. And another beer.” That provoked a glance, maybe a glare from Ann. Okay, he’d eat them in a refined manner. At least, he would try not to splatter her.

“I’ll have the shrimp salad. And another one of these.” She held up her empty glass.

“Sure thing, honey.” The bartender came right away with the drinks, a moment later with the salad. “The ribs are going to be another couple minutes.”

“Do you mind if I eat? I am so hungry.”

“Go ahead. So what did you tell your mother?”

“That we went for a nice swim.”

“That’s it?”

“Yep. Mostly we were talking about this wedding we’re doing Saturday. One of my cousins. I’m a bridesmaid. It’s up in Boston so we are having this kerfuffle whether Evan is coming with, where he’s sleeping if he does come. Oh, and my dress came, finally, and my mother was in a twit about how was she supposed to know if it fit or not. Oh, and now they want us up there by eleven even though the wedding isn’t until four. Something about a brunch and getting our hair done and practicing the dance. Shit if I’d known that I would have flown back to Boston and met them there.”


“Yeah this cousin is a dancer. So is her boyfriend. Most of the bridesmaids too. There was something about us being dressed as nymphs and we’re going to do some sort of dance thing throwing flower petals as they come down the aisle. So now I get to tell poor Evan he has to drag his butt up there by eleven. If he even wants to do it. I was supposed to call him but I didn’t. Maybe after dinner. How about you? How did your call home go?” She’d overheard enough to get the gist of it, but she wanted to know what he was going to say about it. “Did you tell her about our afternoon at the lake?”

“Some of it. Not about you and Stephie. And she told me she’d been doing the same thing at our lake.”

“What?” That was enough to make Ann stop chewing. So that was what the whole thing about cock in the pussy was about? “She told you that?”

“Yep. Apparently the kids were out in our little Sunfish. It’s a great way to get them in sight but out of earshot, you know? But they got down to the other end of the lake and the wind died so who knew when they were getting back. So she was talking to one of our friends and they wound up in the lady’s cabin and the lady more or less raped her. Not that she resisted. Not that she didn’t do the same thing in return. She was very embarrassed about it. Well I wasn’t in much of a position to get angry with her. Same the other way around. So we just sort of shrugged it off.”

“Think she’s going to do it again?”

“She said no, but I sort of gave her permission.”

“Oh.” And changed the rules for yourself? “What did she say to that?” No answer. Well, she knew damn well how that part of the discussion had gone. No, he wasn’t going to do anything with Ann. Like his sister, his daughter. She reached the ice a second time and waved her glass for more.

“Well you know,” she said in a voice that was becoming a little slurred, “Stephie is not my first by any means. I’ve had girlfriends since I was in college.” I must be really drunk if I’m telling him this. I should shut up. But she went on. “If you wanted to be a cheerleader there was a sorority that you belonged to, and it had things you had to do for hazing. That’s how I got started.” She paused again. “Can I ask you a very personal question?”

“You can ask. Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”

“You’ve been married how long?”

“Almost twenty years.”

“How often do you have sex? With your wife?”

“Every night we’re together. More than that if we have a chance, which isn’t so often with kids in the house.”

“Oh.” She picked up a napkin, dabbing away tears. “With Evan it was never that often, even when we were in college and could do it whenever we wanted to. Now that we’re both working it’s down to once a week. If I’m lucky. And we’re not even married yet.”

“Maybe if you were together every night, sleeping in the same bed ...”


“Ann, you could have any man you want.”

Except you. Bastard. Why was she even trying? She realized with a shock this was the first time she had admitted to herself that was what she was doing. They sat in glum silence as she finished her salad and Brad’s ribs arrived.

“Excuse me, buddy.” One of the guys who had been at the table next to them had come up to Brad. A black man, but obviously middle, even upper class. “Would it be okay if I invited your lovely lady for a dance?”

“She’s not my lady. At least not that way. We’re here on a business trip.”

“Well, I sort of figured that, but I just wanted to make sure. Didn’t want to make trouble. What about you, honey? You up for some dancin’?”

“Are a you good dancer?” She realized blushing what a stupid question that was.

“Oh, I’m good at a lot of things, honey. But dancin’ is in my blood.”

Ann looked him over. Not a young guy, not that good looking, but confident, very confident. Someone famous, she was sure of it, someone who could have any lady he wanted. And he wanted her. That was obvious. “Let’s do it then.” She slipped off the sandals and got off the bar stool, giving him a little flash in the process. When she got out into the dance floor she was out of control, using her cheerleader moves, then things that she had seen a pole dancer do in a movie. There might be younger ladies on the floor, maybe even prettier ones, but none could dance the way that she could. Then, right in the middle of a song, she stopped.

“What’s the matter, honey?”

“Got to pee! Where the fuck are the bathrooms?”

“That way.”

She went sprinting the direction he had pointed. No line, thank God, and an open stall, thank God, no panties to worry about. She barely got poised over the bowl before she lost control completely. A gush, and it was over.

She went back into the hall and the guy was out there, waiting for her. “You okay, honey?”

“Okay now. Sorry about that.”

“That’s okay. I was gettin’ tired of dancin’.” He took her arm and led her, not back to the dance floor, but the other direction down the hall. At the end, a door with a sign that said Private. No, it said Privacy. He tested the knob and it turned. But there was a couple inside. “We interruptin’?”


“Figured as much. You see, honey, they got tired of the bathroom stalls being tied up with people fuckin’. So they opened up these rooms.” It was just a big closet, no rug, no furniture except a couple little stools. But the walls, floor and ceiling were covered with mirrors. He turned her away from him and pushed her against a mirrored wall. “Now honey, let’s find out what you’ve got under that little skirt.”

“The usual stuff.” She felt his fingers probing one hole, then the other. God, she was wet. She could feel her arousal dripping down her thighs.

“Well, I don’t take that for granted. One time I brought this really hot chick back here, and she turned out to be a tranny.”

“What did you do?”

A little chortle. “I fucked her, and she, he, whatever fucked me. Turned out to be quite a night.”

“You liked it?”

“Yeah I liked it”

“You ever do it again, with a guy?”

“Not with a guy, but I got my little lady a big strap-on dildo.”

“You’re married?”

“Sure thing honey. I’m here on business too.” He was rubbing in between her legs now with something bigger than a finger. A lot bigger. Like one of those enormous cocks in the porn flicks. “How about you?”

“Engaged.” She reached back a hand to flash her ring. “Can I ask you a favor? Don’t fuck my pussy?” Where had that come from? Brad’s comment about what was cheating? Okay, she’d give him a nice blow job and they’d be done with it. If she could even get her mouth around that thing. No deep throat for sure. Deep-throating a larger and larger dildo had been part of her sorority initiation, but none of them had been near this size.

“Why sure honey, we’ll do it like the tranny then.”

“Oh my God!” Was that what Brad had meant? Had he left that loophole? The asshole loophole? It had never occurred to her that Brad could be devious, was even capable of deceit. That made him really, really scary.

She was dripping so much that the rubbing had lubed him up. He slipped right in, big as he was. “Oh my God!” Did it really feel that good, or was it just the thought of it, the eyes of the other couple on them, staring at them, the sight as she looked down at the mirrored floor of her pussy wide open as his finger explored it, and behind that his flesh merging into hers?

“You’ve done this before, honey.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“Never with something that big. Not for a long time. I was a cheerleader in high school and when I got to college I wanted to be one there. Really wanted to be one.”

“You sure got the moves for it, honey.”

“Yeah, but all the cheerleaders had to belong to this one sorority, and they had hazing. Really gross hazing. The older sisters would put on dildos and you had to do deep throat and anal. We were supposed to practice first on our own and if we couldn’t get it all the way up our butt or down our throat we were out. Then the next round there would be a sister at each end. Then they’d switch. With people watching, people cheering. They called it slut training.”

“Ah, my slutty little cheerleader.” The idea seemed to turn him on.

“It gets worse. After that I was one of the sisters. I was doing the same thing to the pledges. And I liked it. If the thing came out covered in shit I couldn’t wait to ram it down their throats.”

“Oh, nasty girl. Ever do it to your boyfriend?”


“Well honey, maybe that’s what he’s lookin’ for. Just sayin’. Maybe he’d come ‘round more often.”

“You were eavesdropping.” He hadn’t just been staring at the reflection of her pussy. He’d been listening in on their conversation.

“Honey, I’m a student of human nature. I could tell that you were a damsel in distress.” With that he stopped talking and started to fuck her even harder, pushing in with most of his considerable weight. It was all she could do to keep her nose from slamming into the mirror.

Quiet, she needed to be quiet, but he started to rub her clit and she burst into little muffled moans, coming and coming, her flesh in spasm, milking him. Finally, he pulled out and she could see his cream slithering out of her bottom. Along with something darker. Rubber, he should have used a rubber. What if she had picked up something nasty? Well, too late now.

“Want a taste, for old time’s sake?”

“No thanks.”

There was a sink on one wall, with some paper towels. He rinsed his prick off, wet one of the towels and handed it to her. “Good?”

“Very good. I really, really needed that.”

“Figured as much. Name’s Sam.”


“Here’s my card, in case you need somethin’. I’ll be here the rest of the week.”

“At the hotel?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You like to swim?”

“Honey, I’m good at a few things but swimmin’ ain’t one of them. Reckon we should get back before your business only buddy gets into a fidget. You know, I can’t believe he’s not hittin’ on you.”

“We travel together all the time. I used to work for him. I’m like a sister. A daughter.” Even after all this she was crying as she said it.

“Well, there’s such a thing as incest, you know. Just sayin’.”
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