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Shy girl falls in love with an ex rugby player and together they discover that she loves embarrassment and humiliation.
I am a Humiliation Slut

by Vanessa Evans

First of all, let me say that I am a shy sort of girl who fell in love with a man who turned out to be something unlike any of my daydreams.

Everything went great for the first couple of months of our relationship but things started to change. Only in small ways to start off with, things like,

“Please don’t wear any underwear under that nice summer dress when we go out tonight, a bra or knickers would spoil the line.”

“Please leave the top two buttons of your blouse unfastened so that I can see your bare tits.”

Things that any girl would happily do for the man that she loves.

Then things progressed to things like him pulling my top off my tits when we were walking down the street with people coming the other way, or asking me to sit with me knees wide apart in the pub, knowing full well that people would see my pussy up my skirt, yes, by then he had talked me into never wearing knickers or a bra, not that I needed a bra for support. My little tits stand proud with no sag.

Of course I got terribly embarrassed when he did these things to me, but I loved him and would do anything to please him. The embarrassment turned into humiliation when my boyfriend started talking to the people who were staring at my exposed pussy or tits, and doubly humiliating when he involved me in the conversations.

The weird thing was that after he’d done those things I found myself looking forward to the next time which I just knew wouldn’t be long in coming. Not only that, I found that I got aroused when I thought about them.

Maybe I should describe myself and Joe. My name is Samantha and I’m 22. I have a boring job in a supermarket and have a 32A 28 30 figure. I’m 5 foot 4 inches tall and my hair is light brown and shoulder length. I consider myself to be no more than average looking.

Joe, on the other hand, is 5 years older than me and is 6 foot 3 inches tall, well built but not fat, very handsome and has a very well paid job in a bank.

We met when he came into the supermarket and he asked me out for a drink that same day. Two months later I moved into his apartment and we have been inseparable since then, apart from work that is.

When I moved into his apartment a lot of my old and dowdy clothes, and all my underwear went to the charity shop and Joe bought me a whole new wardrobe. All the dresses and skirts that he bought me are ultra short and my nervousness and embarrassment had me pulling at the hems every time that we went out for many months.

Despite my protest, some of the clothes that Joe bought me were opaque, even quite see-through. I’d be embarrassed wearing them but I knew that I would wear them for Joe because I was deeply in love with him.

Joe is not the stay at home type of guy and I quickly met his friends most of whom are rugby players. Joe used to be one once, but an injury stopped all that so now he is just a big supporter of the team who takes his girlfriend to all the matches.

Whenever we were out with his mates, Joe would embarrass me by asking his mates if they liked seeing my tits through my opaque tops, or if they liked seeing my bald pussy up my short skirts.

Yes, my pussy is bald, Joe had paid for me to have laser treatment for me to get rid of every trace of hair below my heck. It took ages for the guy to zap every hair on my body and it was humiliating when he did all around my pussy and my anus.

When I cane out of the treatment room Joe was waiting for me and he asked me how it had gone.

“Tell you later.” I replied.

Joe took me for a Chinese lunch and as we walked down the street I felt different. The gentle breeze was tickling my very bald pussy even more than when I’d had bits of hair down there. That didn’t make any sense to me and I thought that it must be phycological.

In the restaurant Joe again asked me how the treatment had gone.

“Well, as I’m sure you cam imagine, having to be totally naked in front of a man was embarrassing enough, but he was pulling my skin all over the place and holding that wand thing on me, all over my body, and I mean ALL over my body. That really was embarrassing. That embarrassment turned into humiliation when he got me to spread my legs wide and then I had to get on my hands and knees so he could zap my pussy and butt area from behind.

His spare hand was pulling my flesh all over the place, and I’ll confess that it made me all wet and I had an orgasm.”

“You orgasmed in front of the laser technician Sam. Wow, how did that feel?”

“Actually Joe, not only was it horribly humiliating, no girl likes cumming in front of strangers, but the weird thing was that I was sort of enjoying it. I had been wet right from when I had to take my dress off but him doing those things to me, and me cumming left me very humiliated and very horny as hell.”

“Wow, this is an eye-opener Sam. I knew that you enjoyed flashing your tits and pussy to my mates but I now know that you get turned on by other men groping you.”

“I do not enjoy you making me flash my tits and pussy to your mates, and I can’t help it if strangers groping me turn me on.”

“But you’ve just admitted that those things do turn you on Sam.”

“Okay, I admit that but they also embarrass the hell out of me and when guys, other than you, put their hands on me in places that only you should touch, it humiliates me; and I’m sure that it would be worse if you were there watching them do it.”

“So Sam, if I were to make you get naked right here in this restaurant, fuck you and then get other guys to fuck you on this table, you’d enjoy it?”

“Joe, how can you even think of doing that, but yes, I guess it would arouse me, but the humiliation would be horrendous, I’d never be able to show my face anywhere near this place.”

“So we could explore possibilities in other locations.”

“Are you serious Joe, are you trying to kill me with humiliation?”

“Tell me that you wouldn’t get a massive high from doing something like that Sam?”

I thought for a few seconds then replied,

“Okay, I’m sure that I would, but …… are you really serious Joe?”

“Would it make you super horny Sam?”

“Yes, I’m sure that it would but I can’t, you can’t …… “

“Then we need to start planning some adventures.”

“Joe, what are you trying to do to me, turn me into a humiliation slut?”

“I think that you would like that Sam, you’ve all but just admitted it.”

“Please don’t Joe, the humiliation will kill me.”

“No it won’t Sam, it will give you tons of pleasure.”

“That’s no good to me if I end up in some loony bin.”

”That would never happen Sam, I’d keep you locked up at home and just let you out so that you could fuck strangers on tables or in the street.”

“Joe, stop it. You wouldn’t do that to me would you?”

“Of course not, I love you too much, but that doesn’t stop me from helping you get what you want.”

“Which is?”

“To be humiliated in public.”

“Oh Joe, that just isn’t true, it would be horrible.”

“No it wouldn’t, your world wouldn’t end, you’d just get super horny, and think of our lovemaking sessions afterwards, or would you prefer me to fuck you in public with lots of people watching? Talking of which, let’s get the bill and get out of here, I want to fuck you in the car park with lots of people watching.”

“What am I going to do with you Joe?”

“Nothing lover, it’s me that’s going to do things to you.”

“Oh Joe, hurry up and pay the bill.”

Out in the car park Joe was pulling my dress up before we even got to the car and he’d got it off me before we got there. I was expecting him to open the doors and we’d fuck on the back seat, but no, he bent me over the front of the car and fucked me from behind. My face was sideways on the cold metal and I could see people walking by.

Most either looked disgusted or smiled as they kept walking, but a group of guys around my age, stopped and watched Joe fuck me until I orgasmed.

As I was getting my wits about me again, I realised that I had, and still was, actually enjoying the experience. In fact, when I stood up I didn’t rush to put my dress back on. Instead I turned to the guys, did a little curtsy, then got into the car, still totally naked.

As I watched those guys walk away I thought,

“What the hell has got in to you Samantha?”

During the relatively silent journey home I decided that Joe knew more about me than I did. I had enjoyed the experience, and I did want more.

I still hadn’t put my dress on by the time we got home and I waited until Joe had opened the front door before I got out of the car and ran to the door. Once inside we didn’t make it further than the hallway as Joe lifted me up and fucked me hard against the wall.


I suppose that that was the start of my road to becoming a total humiliation slut. Joe and I spent many hours thinking of places and people where Joe could embarrass, degrade and humiliate me. Every time that we tried to think of situations we wouldn’t get far because we’d lose track and end up fucking like there was no tomorrow.


The next place that I got terribly embarrassed and humiliated was in a pub in town. It was a Friday evening and I’d been working mornings. When I got there I discovered that a lot of Joe’s male work colleagues were there. It was bad enough being the only girl there with 8 guys, but Joe had me sit where most of the guys could see up my short skirt. It was a good job that he didn’t tell me to open my legs or lean back, they could only see my bald pubis.

I’m getting used to that because it happens most times that we go out with his rugby mates, but things got rapidly worse when it became obvious that Joe had been talking to his colleagues about me getting lasered and then fucked over the front of his car with people watching.

Joe had told them that I had orgasmed when the guy had been zapping hairs around my butt hole and pussy.

“Show the guys how turned-on all this talking about your pussy is making you Sam.”

“What!? No Joe.”

With that, most of the guys there started chanting that they wanted to see my pussy. My face was turning bright red even at the thought, but the chanting didn’t stop and Joe gave me that pleading look of love which always makes me submit to whatever he wants.

With my face getting redder by the second I slowly opened my knees and leant back on the seat. I just knew that the guys could see my spread and wet pussy, right down to my perineum and maybe even my anus.

“Fuck girl,” one of the guys said, “you’re dripping.”

There were a few more similar comments before another of the guys said,

“Come on Joe, give Samantha her present, get her to christen it.”

I went to close my knees but Joe grabbed my knee and stopped me.

“I didn’t buy it for her, for you guys to watch her use it.”

“Go on Joe.” Another of the guys said.

After 3 more guys said words to the same effect, Joe reached into his briefcase and brought out this long package. Giving it to me he said,

“I was going to surprise you later but I’m sure that you will enjoy using it here.”

As I started opening the package my face almost went purple. My surprise gift was a 10 inch long, very life-like dildo.

“Oh my gawd Joe,” I said, “you can’t really expect me to use this here?”

“Use it, use it, use it,” the chants started and, although I knew that it would be very humiliating I presented the like-like tip of the cock to my vaginal entrance.

“Oh my gawd, that felt good.” I thought.

“Push it in, push it in.” The chants started.

“Please Joe, don’t make me do this, the humiliation will kill me.”

“It’s okay Sam, you’ll enjoy it.” Joe replied as the chants kept coming.

I knew that Joe was right, I would enjoy it, but ……

I slowly eased the dildo inside me and Inch my inch it disappeared inside me. I felt it hit my cervix then somehow it found somewhere else to go until it had just about disappeared.

“Oh my gawd,” one of the guys said, “that’s amazing, you are amazing.”

“Yes she is isn’t she.” Joe added. “Move your hand Sam, let the guys and the cameras see what you’ve done to yourself.”

I did, and I just knew that if I stayed like that for much longer I’d have an orgasm.

The thing was, I’m sure that Joe knew that as well and he leant over from my side and kissed me. Not a quickie, a slow, passionate, tongue wrestling one, all with my pussy still on show with the dildo just sticking out of it.

I broke the kiss and whispered,

“You bastard, I’m gonna cum.”

Joe pulled back and all 8 of the guys, and maybe some of the other customers too, watched as I went over the edge, my body shaking and me biting my lip so as to not attract any more attention.

Whilst I was up there I didn’t give a damn who was looking, but as soon as I started to come down from my high my face started burning.

My right hand went to my pussy and I started easing the dildo out of me. The thing was, pulling it out gave me little after-shock orgasms. I should have just quickly pulled it out but I didn’t. My body was telling my right hand to do it slowly so that I had more of the little orgasms.

As the tip finally emerged I went to close my legs but Joe grabbed one of my knees and said,

“Hold the dildo up so that the photographs will show what you had inside you.”

I was angry at Joe for making me do what I had done I was also very embarrassed and humiliated for having done such an intimate and obscene act in public, but at the same time, I was loving every second of it and that was evident by the amount of my juices that were seeping out of me.

I held the dildo just above my slit, the tip over my bunched up skirt and over my top to my ribs.

After goodness knows how many photographs were taken I couldn’t stand the humiliation any longer and I gave Joe the dildo, closed my legs and pulled my skirt as far down as it would go.

I sat quietly for ages, fuming at what Joe had talked me into doing, and thinking just how horny it had made me. I couldn’t wait to get Joe home.

Finally, the gathering ended and we all left, Joe asking all the guys to send him the photos that they had taken.

We didn’t make it to the bedroom of the apartment because I jumped up on him as soon as we got through the door.

In the afterglow of an amazing love-making session we just lay there with Joe scrolling through the photos that his colleagues had taken.

“Please don’t show any of those to you rugby mates Joe.” I almost begged, but I just knew that he would, and part of me wanted him to. I wanted to see their faces when they looked at them and when they next saw me.


The next time that I was seriously humiliated was when we went to the seaside one time. It was a nice, warm day and we decided to go onto the beach to do a couple of hours sunbathing. I had nothing on under my sundress and hadn’t taken a bikini with me to change into.

Joe led me to the end of the beach near the rocks then managed to talk me into taking my dress off and sunbathing naked.

I was laying there, eyes closed and enjoying the warm sun bathing my whole front when a shadow came over my face. Opening my eyes I looked up and saw 4 policemen looking down on me.

“Excuse me young lady, I’m going to have to ask you to cover yourself, this isn’t a nudist beach.” One of the policemen said.

Then Joe finished me off by saying,

“I told you that you should have kept your bikini on.”

Then turning to the policeman he continued,

“I’m sorry about this officer, I’ll make sure that she covers up immediately and make sure that she stays covered.”

By that time my hands and arms were covering my pussy and my little tits and my face was as hot as the sun.

“I’ll let you off with a warning this time because you did at least come to the end of the beach where here are no children, but don’t do it again young lady.”

“Yes officer.” I said.

“I’ll make sure that she doesn’t officer.” Joe added.

By then I was sort of relaxing a bit and I looked around at the other policemen and saw that they were all staring at me and grinning.

“Oh my gawd,” I said when they were out of hearing range, “where did they come from, and why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”

“Because I knew that you’d enjoy the experience Sam, and I was right wasn’t I?”

“No, it was horrible.”

Joe reached over, brushed my hand aside, ran his fingers along my slit and said,

“The evidence says otherwise young lady, how do you plead now?”

“Guilty your honour.”

“I think that you’d better put your dress on Sam, those coppers came from on the rocks, probably looking for something or someone, there may be more of them coming.”

I did put my dress on and we left to go to the amusement arcades and then get some fish and chips.

As we walked up the beach I confessed that those coppers catching me and staring at me had made me quite horny.

“Maybe we can find a quiet alleyway where I can give you some relief Sam.”

“I hope so.”

We didn’t find anywhere and my arousal gradually faded.


The piece de resistance of Joe humiliating me came one time when we decided to go to Amsterdam for a few days. We’d done some of the tourist sites and decided to get a drink in a little bar that we saw down a quiet little street.

Little did we know what was going on in that bar until we went in.

I gasped when I saw that there was some sort of sex show going on. A girl around my age was naked, her hands were tied behind her back, she had a blindfold on and she was giving what looked like a customer, a blowjob.

“Oh my gawd,” I said, “we’ve got to go somewhere else Joe.”

“No, no Sam, let’s stay and watch for a while, things could get interesting.”

“That isn’t interesting enough for you Joe.” I replied as he led me over to the bar.

As Joe was getting us some drinks I saw that he was talking to the barman, more than just ordering the drinks. When he turned back to me I asked him what was going on.

“Nothing sweetheart, just sit on this stool and enjoy the show.”

I sat on the high stool, not bothering about the fact that my bald slit was visible to other customers in the bar as it was unlikely that they’d even look my way. II watched and saw another woman, who was wearing some sort of leather corset, go over to the girl giving the blowjob, give the girl a hard slap on her bare butt, then pick up what looked like a leash hanging from a collar round the girl’s neck. She pulled up on the leash forcing the naked girl to abandon the blowjob and get to her feet.

Corset woman then pulled the girl across the room then pressed on her shoulders forcing her onto her knees. She was right in front of another man who was getting his cock out. When it was out he pulled the naked girl’s head down until her mouth found his cock.

Five minutes later the same thing happened and naked girls was forced to suck a third cock - that we’d seen.

This blowjob went on longer and it was obvious that the man had cum in her throat.

Meanwhile, corset woman was organising some of the men and when the last blowjob was finished naked girl was taken to the middle of the room where the organised men started tying ropes around naked girl’s chest forcing her tits to compress into cones, and one of naked girl’s ankles was tied and hauled into the air until it was nearly at 90 degrees to the floor. The rope went through a ring on the ceiling and has then tied-off so that she couldn’t move.

The poor girl’s pussy was totals spread and exposed to one side of the room, including Joe and me.

“Oh my gawd,” I said, “the poor girl is dripping, should we try and stop this?”

“Hell no,” Joe replied, “that girl is loving every second of this.”

As Joe was saying that, his right hand went to the hem of my very short skirt, under it and his fingers slid along my very wet slit.

“Just as I suspected Sam, you’re loving watching this as well. Don’t deny it Sam.”

“Okay, okay, I am.”

“Don’t move an inch Sam, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

“Where are you going Joe?”

Joe didn’t answer me but I watched him as he walked over to corset woman and spoke to her. I couldn’t hear what was said but I saw corset woman look over to me.

I was getting nervous but at the same time my whole body was tingling and I was sure that my juices were running down my legs and dripping onto the floor.

“What was that about Joe?” I asked when he came back and stood next to me.

“Nothing to worry about my love.” Joe replied as one of his hands were round me and up under my top where his thumb and a finger tweaked my nipple then slowly rubbed it.

“Careful Joe, you’ll make me cum.”

But Joe didn’t reply and we both watched as 2 men came from the audience, one started fucking naked girl whilst the other mauled her tits.

The naked girl was obviously loving what was happening to her as she verbally let everyone know as she pleaded for the man fucking her to do it harder.

Naked girl’s torso had gone to parallel to the floor when her ankle was hauled up and the man mauling her tits got his cock out and started fucking her mouth.

Naked girl quickly orgasmed, closely followed by the 2 men who were replaced by 2 more.

Whilst this was going on, I could feel Joe’s fingers at my waist fumbling with something but my brain was occupied by the scene in front of me to realise what Joe was doing.

When the third pair of men took over the gang-bang corset woman came over to Joe and I and said,

“Hi there honey, you like what you see?”

“Yes we do,” Joe replied, “my girlfriend has always dreamt about doing something like this.”

My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide. I was too shocked to say anything.

“She does really, she’s just a bit shy, she just need a bit of gentle persuasion, she’s a humiliation slut at heart aren’t you honey?”

I didn’t answer because I was too scared about what might happen, but at the same time my clit was throbbing something rotten as it desperately wanted some attention.

Corset woman smiled and reached for one of my hands and Joe reached for the other. As they gently pulled me off the stool my feet found the floor, closely followed by my skirt, Joe’s fiddling behind my back must have unfastened my skirt, leaving me bottomless. Joe’s hands went to the hem of my top and before it could register in my brain I was naked in that bar.

I was in a sort of unbelieving trance as corset woman led me to the middle of the room where 2 men lifted me onto a table and tied my wrists and ankles to the four corners. On of the men then put a blindfold on me.

I was shocked and terrified and couldn’t believe that this was happening to me; but at the same time my whole body was tingling and my nipples and clit were throbbing. I was cursing Joe but at the same time I was very grateful to him.

Nothing happened for ages as I could hear naked girl whimpering, moaning and sometimes screaming. I felt sorry for her but at the same time part of me wanted to be her.

Then it happened, I felt multiple hands caressing my body and in particular, my tits and pussy. The humiliation would have been horrendous if my eyes hadn’t been covered. I tried to just enjoy what was happening to me but I couldn’t get away from the fact that I was naked, tied to a table and stranger’s hands were groping my body. All in a public bar.

Fingers started invading my pussy which was easy for them, mu pussy was leaking like a tap.

I tried to imaging that I was on my own bed and that it was Joe doing those things to me, but that was impossible. It was strangers and in a public location.

Fingers were changed then removed before my blindfold was removed and my worst nightmare became reality. I could see around 8 people of all ages and both sexes standing around me. I could see that it was a man’s hand playing with my right tit and a woman’s playing with my left one.

Looking down between the hands I could see that my bald and wet pubis was shining in the bright lights. Then I saw this gigantic penis shaped dildo being held between my legs


I shouted, but I watched as the huge tip descended on my pussy.

I gasped when the tip touched me but whoever was holding it just kept slowly pushing.


I was almost screaming. The dildo stopped and whilst I was trying to recover, from somewhere I heard Joe’s voice saying,

“Keep going, she can take a lot more.”

“You bastard, why are you doing this to me Joe.” I thought, “I love you Joe, make them do more.”

And they did. The hands kept assaulting my nipples and the dildo continued it’s invasion.

“Oh fuck, you’re going to kill me.” I quietly said as it felt like the dildo was in me right up to my lungs.

The dildo stopped moving and my brain was flooded with all sorts of mixed thoughts, some fearful, some horror, some of thanks and some of pleasure.

Then a totally different feeling his me. The dildo wasn’t going any deeper but it was moving inside me. For a split second I imagined that a door on it had opened and little creatures had escaped to eat my insides but as the movement felt like something was going round and round, and vibration, I realised that that dildo was a vibrator as well.

Within seconds I was cumming like never before. If I hadn’t of been tied down I’m sure that my whole body would have vibrated off that table. I was sure that my loud screaming and obscenities could be heard a mile away.

The vibrator had stopped but as soon as I started to return to normal, no, I could never be normal again, not after what was happening to me, it was switched on and it started all over again.

Up I went again, not even thinking about all the strangers around me. If I had been able to think about them I would have died of shame and humiliation. I was way beyond embarrassment.

As my second high started to fade, the vibrator was switched on for a third time, but when I reached my third high I must have blacked out.

The next thing that I knew was that I was till naked and tied to the table, there were still lots of strangers looking down on me, but my pussy was empty. I suddenly thought about how open it must be, how some of those people must be able to see inside me right up to my cervix and that it would take weeks for my pussy to return to normal.

I vaguely heard Joe say,

“She’s back, she’s okay, keep going.”

I sort of braced myself for that dildo to ruin my pussy all over again but it didn’t happen. The target had changed to my clit and I was both pleased and displeased that my clitoris is bigger than average and my hood is the opposite.

It was so easy for the attackers to put something that was vibrating, on my clit. I opened my eyes expecting to see the vibrating tip of that monster dildo on my clit, but it was something that Joe had promised to buy me but hadn’t got around to, it was a magic wand and it was just as good, if not better, than I imagined.

I relaxed for a couple of seconds hoping that my vagina’s destruction had ended.

But I hadn’t bargained on the assault on my clit lasting so long. Up I went and over the edge, again and again. My pleas for the assault to stop because my clit was too sensitive were ignored and whoever it was who was holding the wand must have made me cum at least half a dozen times before it finally stopped.

When my body was finally left alone I just lay there. What seemed like hours passed as I started to recover. At one point I smiled to myself as I realised that there was no need for Joe to stop when I reached that sensitivity barrier.

Then the embarrassment, the humiliation and the euphoria started to return. My brain was totally confused.

I turned my head and saw 2 notable things, firstly, the naked girl was now hanging upside down and her butt was getting whipped, and secondly, Joe was standing beside me and was holding my hand.

I looked up to his smiling face and when our eyes met he asked,

“How are you feeling Sam.”

“I’m not feeling anything, I’m dead.”

Joe smiled so I continued,

“I’m totally drained and my pussy is destroyed. It will be weeks, if ever, until you fuck me and your cock will feel the sides of it. As for the rest of my pussy and my tits, I think that they’ll be sore for a month. And that’s not to mention the embarrassment and the humiliation that I’m still feeling, can you release me, help me get dressed and get the hell out of this place.”

When I was on my unsteady feet, corset woman came over and firstly spoke to Joe,

“Thank you, you were right, your girlfriend is a humiliation slut.”

Then she turned to me and said,

“Next time you enjoy what that girl is enjoying, yeah?”

I grabbed Joe’s hand and pulled him towards the door.

Once we were a good 20 metres down the road I stopped, leant against the wall. Joe looked down at me as I said,

“How the fuck could you do that to me Joe? That was the most humiliating thing that I have ever experienced. It was horrendous. Get me back to the hotel and into a hot bath before all the adrenaline wears off, then fuck me like there’s no tomorrow. That’s if my cunt can feel your cock.”

“It will Sam, it will.”

We did make it back to the hotel where Joe stripped me and put me in a hot bath. He let me soak and relax until the water cooled down then he dried me and carried me to the bed.

We did feel Joe’s cock fucking me.


The next, most humiliation but awesome event took place a couple of days after the one above. My pussy had, thankfully, returned to normal and all the minor bruising had gone. We were wandering around the streets of Amsterdam in the evening and we came across what looked like a club of some sorts, The thing was, outside the door was a poster advertising an ‘Amateur’s Sex Show Night’ with a date of that day.

We stopped and looked at some of the photos that were on the wall and came to the conclusion that it was indeed an opportunity for amateurs to put on their own little sex show.

Joe made no effort to move on so I finally said,

“You’re not thinking of entering are you Joe?”

But my pussy was already telling me that it wanted to enter.

“No, no, I know how humiliating it would be for me to fuck you in public. There may be hundred of men in there. You wouldn’t want me to carry the naked you to every table and hold your legs open for everyone to see that gorgeous pussy of yours would you?”

“The humiliation would kill me Joe.”

“Like it did the other night?”

“Let’s go in Joe.”

We did and quickly discovered that the front was deceiving because inside there was a huge room with a stage. The room was badly lit but the stage had lots of spotlights on it, lighting up a naked couple. The girl was bent over a sort of padded trestle with her wrists and ankles tied to the legs. The guy whilst holding the hair on her head and pulling it back a little.

“Oh my gawd,” I said, “they are fucking, and look around, there must me 50 people watching.”

“Including you Sam, doesn’t it make you feel horny?”

“Well yes, but I, we, couldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because it would be so embarrassing and humiliating, they’d all see my face.”

“And a lot more of you Sam but you’ll never see any of them again. Tell me that you don’t want to enter.”

Just then a topless girl came up to us and asked,

“Are you wanting to enter, it doesn’t cost anything and you’ll get free drinks afterwards.”

I looked at Joe’s face and he was silent for a good minute as he looked at me.

My brain was saying,

“Don’t you dare let him enter.”

My pussy was saying,

“Come on Joe, stop messing, tell the girl that we are in.”

Joe was still silent when my pussy won the internal battle and I replied to the girl,

“Yes please, how long will we have to wait?”

“Probably about 30 or 40 minutes, there’s 2 more couple waiting before you, follow me and I’ll get you a drink.”

We did and as we sat watching the show it was obvious that the performers were all amateurs. One couple just dropped to the floor, not even getting naked, and fucked missionary style.

“That wasn’t very exciting.” I said, “what are you going to do to me Joe?”

“Not sure yet, have you seen all that equipment at the back of the stage? Do you that they will let us use some of it?”

“I don’t see why not, but will we have the time?”

“Do you fancy being tied spread eagle to that big wheel and spun around Sam?”

“Yes, but you wouldn’t be able to fuck me if I was on that.”

“True, there’s some ropes hanging from the roof, how about I haul you up by your ankles?”

“Nice, but the same problem.”

“You really want me to fuck you on that stage don’t you Sam?”

“Yes, no, yes, but with all these people watching it will be so humiliating.”

“That’s what you want Sam, humiliation. Maybe I should spank you, let everyone see your red butt.”

I couldn’t argue with Joe, I did want to be humiliated in front of all those people.

“I know what I’m going to do Sam.”


“Wait and see.”

I didn’t have to wait long. The ‘act’ must have been coming to an end because the topless girl came back to us.

“Still up for putting on a show?”

Joe answered in the affirmative and the girl led us to a little room next to the stage.

“Nervous?” the girl asked.

I nodded my head but Joe shook his head sideways then turned to the girl and quietly asked her something. I couldn’t hear what because the audience suddenly started cheering very loudly.

The couple who had just ‘performed’ came into the room. They were both naked and had smiles on their faces.

“Okay,” topless girl said, “you’re on.”

Joe took my hand and led the VERY nervous, but VERY horny me up onto the stage. It was only a couple of steps but it felt like it took hours.

On the middle front of the stage Joe pulled me to him and started passionately kissing me. After about a minute he broke the kiss then lifted my top up and off leaving me topless with my back to the audience. Throwing my top towards the side, he then unfastened my skirt letting it drop to the floor revealing my bare butt to the audience.

He lifted me up, out of my puddled skirt then turned me so that I was facing the audience Then he told me to spread my feet and stick my hands in the air leaving my full frontal on display.

I could feel my nipples and clit throbbing, my pussy leaking something rotten, and my heart pounding.

Joe left me there for an eternity then he told me to turn, bend over and grab my ankles.

I did, knowing that my spread and very wet pussy was now on display for everyone to see. I was sure that one of the spotlights was directed right at my pussy.

Joe let me absorb the humiliation for a good few seconds then I got something that I wasn’t expecting,


I nearly fell forwards as I realised that Joe had swat my butt with something hard and I let out a scream.

I was going to ask Joe he thought he was doing but another swat landed on my other butt cheek.


Now Joe had playfully spanked me a few times but only with his hand, and never as hard as this. The thing was, okay it hurt like hell, but I also realised that an orgasm was building inside me. For a split second I tried to decide if was because of the situation I was in or the swats which kept coming.

After that split second I abandoned any decisions and concentrated on the swats and my imminent orgasm.

After 5 swats, Joe stopped and turned me sideways to the audience. There was a short pause during which I cursed Joe for stopping spanking me because I was so close to cumming, then I felt his cock ram hard into my pussy.

It only took 2 thrust to make me cum and then Joe surprised me again, with me still cumming, he straightened me up and lifted me off the ground with him still inside me.

Joe pulled my back to his front and held me with his cock still inside me and my feet dangling out of reach of the floor.

Then Joe surprised me yet again as he carried me off the stage and into the audience where he ‘presented’ me to table after table. At each table he said.

“Rub her clit.”

Most of the people who I was put in front of, did give my clit a quick rub. Some of them reached up and gave one of my tits a quick grope or a quick twist of a nipple.

As I said much earlier, Joe is much taller than me and he can easily hold me off the ground for hours but this was the first time that he’d done it with my back held to his front and with me impaled on his cock.

I certainly wasn’t complaining because those fingers made me cum again. Joe must have known that I was cumming but he still kept going from table to table making my orgasm last longer.

When he got to the end of the tables Joe lifted me off his cock, put me onto my feet, turned me around then put me over his shoulder. He held me in place by my leg that was nearest to his head, then pushed my other leg out so that my pussy was visible to everyone in front of him.

Then Joe carried me back to the stage, stopping at every table and turning so that the people could see my spread and very wet pussy.

Back on the stage, Joe put me down and I immediately dropped to me knees and took his hard cock into my mouth.

I frantically sucked his cock, taking it very deep into my mouth and throat, thankful that we’d experimented and I had overcome my gag reflex.

I could feel when Joe was about to cum and a second before I backed off so that his cum would paint my face, then my mouth engulfed his cock and sucked him dry.

As Joe’s cock started going soft I realised that the show was over and I got to my feet. The audience must have realised that it was over because the applause was deafening.

With Joe’s cum still on my face I did a curtsey then hand in hand, we left the stage.

“Wow,” topless girl said, “no one has ever done that before, it even got me wet and I’ve seen hundreds of couples fucking on that stage.”

“Thanks.” Joe said as topless girl handed us our clothes.

“You can come back next week if you like.” Topless girl said as she led the next couple out to the stage.

It was as we were getting dressed that the euphoria started to wain and the humiliation of what I, we, had just done, started to kick in.

“Oh my gawd Joe, that was mortifying but also totally awesome but let’s get out of here quick, I don’t want to see anyone from here ever again.

Thankfully, it was dark outside so no one could see my cum covered face as we rushed back to our hotel. Again, thankfully, there was no one in the lobby and we made it back to our room where we quickly got naked and into the shower where we fucked then washed.

“Did I hit your butt too hard Sam?” Joe asked when we made it to our bed.

“That depends on what you wanted the outcome to be Joe. If it was just playful spanking, then yes, if you wanted to make me cum, then no. I was soo close.”

“I’ll remember that for the next time Sam.”

“I’m not sure that I want there to be a next time Joe, okay, the adrenalin kept me going but when it started to wear off, oh my gawd, I’m surprised that the humiliation of what I had just done nearly killed me.”

“As I said Sam, I’ll remember that for the next time.”

I rolled myself on top of Joe and impaled myself on his cock.


Another time that Joe helped me with my addiction to humiliation was a few weeks after we got back from Amsterdam. We were at the rugby club for an 18th birthday party for one of the younger new members.

I was wearing just heels and my favourite very short dress and struggling a bit to not show my bare pussy when I was sitting. A group of us were sat round a table and we’d just finished our second round of drinks.

I volunteered to go for the next round of drinks and had just taken a couple of the drinks back to our table and had collected the second 2 drinks from the bar when I slipped a little and the 2 drinks went flying.

The whole room started cheering and when I picked myself up I was soo embarrassed, not only because I had dropped the drinks, but also because I’d flashed my bare butt and pussy to a group of guys and girls.

The cheering went on for a good minute then I realised that it had changed to chanting.

“Punish, punish, punish.”

With a red face I picked up 2 more drinks and carried them to the table.

“What’s with the chanting?” I asked Joe.

“We have a tradition here, anyone who drops a drink has to be punished.”

“What, it was an accident, the floor was slippery.”

“Never the less Sam, you have to be punished.”

“No, that can’t be right, I’m not even a member here.”

“Sorry Sam, but I have to punish you right now.”


“HOW SHOULD I PUNISH SAM?” Joe shouted and was met with more chanting,

“Spank her, spank her, spank her.”

My face was starting to burn as I thought,

“Would Joe actually spank me here, in front of all these people? My dress is so short that people will see my butt.”

I was mortified, but at the same time I was starting to feel quite aroused.

“HOW SHOULD I SPANK HER.” Joe shouted.

“On the bare, on the bare, on the bare.” The chanting came.

Joe turned to me and just loud enough for me to hear he said,

“You’ll enjoy this.”

My jaw dropped as I felt Joe pulling down the zip on the back of my dress.

My face went even redder and I was shaking as my dress slowly descended to the floor leaving me naked on front of dozens of people that I knew. Every instinct told me to cover my nipples and pussy with my hands but my pussy was taking control of my brain. I let everyone in front of me see my tits and bald pussy.

Someone had cleared an area just in front of us and put just one chair in the middle of the space. Joe led me over to it and he sat down on the chair with me stood to his right.

“How many swats do you think I should give my cute little girlfriend?” Joe asked everyone.

Of course just about everyone had an opinion on that, even the girls. I could hear Lisa, a girl that know quite well, shout,


Another girl that I thought of as a friend, Ella, shouted,


My jaw dropped.

“No, I know you all, it would be so humiliating.” I replied, but I doubt that many people heard me.

“Okay, okay,” Joe said, “I’ve got the message, but I like Ella’s idea best, I spanked her in a bar in Amsterdam and she got so close so we should be able to manage it this time, don’t you think Sam?”

I was too mortified to answer, my right hand had moved to my mouth and I was biting the side of my index finger.

“Maybe you should stop after each 5 swats and let one of us guys finger her for a few seconds,” Ben, Ella’s boyfriend, suggested.

“Another good idea, is that what you and Ella do Ben?” Joe asked causing some laughter from the crowd.

“Come on Joe, stop pissing about and get on with it before my battery runs out.” Another familiar male voice said.

Joe pulled me down over his lap and I instantly felt his hard cock on my stomach through his jeans.

“Spread your legs wide Sam.” Joe said.

As I’ve already said, by then it was my pussy controlling my brain not the other way around, and I spread my legs as wide as I could, feeling my pussy lips spread open.

“Oh the humiliation,” I thought, “I can never look any of these people in the eye again. And that Ella, I thought that she was my friend, how could she suggest that.”

Joe caressed my bare butt for a few seconds then ran his fingers along my spread and very wet slit. Holding his hand up to show everyone his wet fingers, Joe said,

“Look at that guys, my gorgeous girlfriend is enjoying this.”

“I AM NOT.” I somehow managed to loudly say, but I knew that I was lying.


“Ouch, that hurt Joe.”

“It was supposed to Sam. Remember that video that we watched where the girl was counting the swats?”

“One, thank you Master.” I said.

“Blood hell, she really is a slut.” I heard a male voice say.


“Oooouch, two, thank you Master.”


“Oooouch, three, thank you Master. Not so hard please Joe.”


“Oooouch, four, thank you Master.”


“Oooouch, five, thank you Master.”

As I braced myself for the sixth swat I heard Joe say,

“Okay Ben, It was your idea, come and finger fuck her.”

“NOOOOOO.” I shouted, but I realised that I liked the idea of being fingered by one of Joe’s mates and in front of lots of them.

I gasped as I felt a finger, presumably Ben’s, touch my clit. Then I moaned as his fingers slid up and down my slit before they made me gasp as they invaded my vagina.

“Bloody hell mate, I should have had swimming lessons before going in there.” Ben said.

I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

“Okay mate,” Joe said, “don’t get greedy. Let me get on with the spanking.”

Joe gave me 5 more swats before he again stopped and said,

“Where’s the birthday boy?”

To lots of cheering Luke stepped forward and I felt his hot hand on my pussy.

Luke certainly wasn’t as experienced with girl’s pussies as Joe or even Ben but he did make me moan. Even an unwanted set of fingers was raising my arousal level.

Joe started spanking me again and after he gave another 5 swats I just knew that I was going to cum soon.

A third set of fingers groped and invaded my pussy and I didn’t even know who they belonged to.

Joe started giving me 5 more swats but he didn’t make it to the 3rd one. After the second one I said,

“OH FUCK, I’M CUUUUUMMMMMIIIING.” and a very intense orgasm hit me like a train.

Joe later told me that the room erupted in cheers but I never heard them as Joe just held on to me to stop me shaking my way onto the floor.

As I slowly recovered, the embarrassment, the humiliation, the mortification started to take over.

“Can we go home please Joe?” I asked as I got to my feet.

I heard an unknown male voice say,

“Can I kiss your red butt better please Sam?”

I ignored the request as Joe said,

“No chance Sam, you’re coming with me.”

Joe got to his feet and led me to the changing room where we fucked like rabbits in quite a few positions.

At one point, I was riding Joe’s cock reverse cowboy with me facing the door when it opened and a friend called Mick walked in.

“Oh shit,” Mick said when he saw us.”

“It’s okay mate, if you want a piss carry on, ignore us.”

Mick must have found it difficult to piss because he was still watching us as he stood at the urinal, but eventually he left when Joe sat up and I continued riding him with him caressing my tits.

Joe made me cum 2 more times before he shot his load deep inside me.

Finally, the urgency was gone and Joe said,

“You really enjoyed being punished didn’t you Sam?”

“No, it was soo embarrassing and humiliating. Jeez Joe, that was our friends watching us, how can I ever face them? We’ve got to go out of the Fire Exit and go home.”

“No chance Sam. Okay it was all those things for you but you can’t deny that you loved every second of it, The way we fucked, it was just as good as it was in Amsterdam.”

“Maybe my body loved it but my brain didn’t Joe. How can I face our friends?”

“Easy Sam, come on.”

Joe took my hand and led me to the door.

“No, no Joe, at least let me put my dress on.”

“It’s out there Sam, you’re going to have to go out there like that.”

Joe didn’t give me a choice as he almost dragged me back to the main room. Strangely, I didn’t try to hide my pussy or tits, even when the room broke into very loud cheering.

I could feel my face burning as Joe led me to our table where Ella handed me my dress which I quickly put on and sat down.

“Drink this Sam.” Ella said as she handed me a shot glass.

Shot in my stomach I shook my head and said to Ella,

“That was horrible, I’m never coming here again and why did you shout what you did? I thought that you were my friend.”

“Don’t be so melodramatic Sam, it was only a naked girl getting spanked and cumming, lots of us have done that.”

“But Joe stripped me and I’m not wearing any underwear.”

“Relax Sam, lots of girls have been naked here, it’s okay, no one minds, and quite a few of us have cum in front of this lot. It’s just clean, harmless fun.”

“But it was humiliating.”

“So what, it was only for an hour or so, and don’t try to tell me that you didn’t enjoy it, I bet that if I put my hand between my legs your pussy will be leaking like a tap.”

“It was kinda fun.” I replied as Joe sat opposite me and handed me another drink.

I smiled at him whilst thinking,

“I can’t wait to get you home buster.”



Those times hat I’ve described have been my longest periods of humiliation but there have been dozens of shorter times.

Like the time that I was trying on a new dress in a popular fashion chain shop and I stuck my hand out from behind the curtain holding a dress and asked Joe to get me a size smaller.

Joe’s response was to grab my hand and almost pull the totally naked me into the main shop area and to the rack where we got the dress from.

“You get it.” Joe said.

I did and rushed back to the changing room noticing a couple of people staring at me.


Another time when we went hiking out in the countryside. We’d stopped for a snack and a drink at the side of the track near this big tree.

“I bet that you can’t climb that tree.” Joe said.

“Of course I can.”

“Prove it.”

“No, I’m wearing a skirt and no knickers.”

“So what, there’s no one around except me and I like looking at your pussy.”

I check that there was no one else around then started climbing. I got about 10 metres up then I looked down on Joe and said,

“Like the view?”

“Sure do, move your right foot onto that big branch.”

I did, knowing that Joe would get a much better view of my pussy.

“Hold it there Sam.” Joe said as he took a few photographs.

“Okay Sam, sorry, I was wrong, you can climb trees, you can come down now.”

I looked at the branches near my feet and thought,

“Shit, how did I get up here?”

I was still trying to work out how to get down when I heard voices and looked down. I saw five older teenage hikers who were all looking up at me, or should I say, my pussy.

“Is she stuck up there?” One of the youths asked.

“I’m sure that she’ll manage to get down, after all she got up there on her own.”

I looked down, half of me trying to work out a way down and the other half of me getting very embarrassed about all the phone cameras pointing up at me.

After a few minutes one of the youths said,

“Do you want a couple of us to go up there and help get her down?”

“Would you please,” Joe replied, “I’ve got this bad back and can’t do strenuous things like that.”

I heard all that and knew that Joe was lying just so that the youths could climb up below me, and get a better look up my dress. But I was stuck so I couldn’t turn down the offer.

Up 2 youths climbed, the highest one stopping with his head almost up my skirt.

“It’s okay lady, we’ll get you down.”

They started telling me where to move my feet and hands to, and it was working, except for 2 things. Firstly, one or the other always seemed to be in a position to see right up my dress, and secondly, my dress got caught on a bit of a branch.

As I tugged on my dress hoping to free it, Joe shouted,

“Just take it off Sam, one of the kind and helpful young men will be able to rescue it for you.”

“Yeah, we can do that for you luv.”

I looked down at Joe and saw the grin on his face, and at the 3 youths stood near him with their phones in their hands, and thought,

“Oh shit, more embarrassment and humiliation.”

I could feel my face burning as I lowered a foot, my dress staying where it was. As the 2 youth directed me down my dress slowly went higher and higher on my body.

“At least it’s a summer, strapless dress that should come off without any damage.” I thought as I became naked apart from my hiking boots.

Even in the bright sunlight I could see the flashes from the youths phones but I could do nothing about it.

I let out a long sigh of relief when my feet touched the ground, then immediately thought about covering my tits and pussy. But those youths had an uninterrupted view of my pussy and my little tits for ages so my hands stayed at my sides as I asked,

“Can one of you go back up and get my dress please?”

One of the youths started off up the tree again whilst the other 4’s eyes went from up the tree to my naked body and back again.

I was getting more and more embarrassed and humiliated with myself. I’d got myself into this situation and some kind, lecherous youths we helping me out.

Then I heard a loud rip followed by the youth up the tree saying,

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I thought that the dress would come free when I tugged on it at that angle.”

“How bad is it?” Joe asked.

“Bad,” the youth up the tree replied. “I’m so sorry, I should have it down in a minute.”

Nothing was said as everyone watched, well not all the time, a couple of the youth kept turning to look at me again.

I grabbed my dress from the youth as soon as it got within arms reach and I held it up.

“It’s a write-off Joe,” I said, “what am I going to do?”

The 5 youths made a hasty retreat, apologising as they left.

“What am I going to do Joe,” I repeated.

“Well, we are on our way back to the car and it’s only a couple of miles, I guess that you’ll have to walk back like that. I’ll carry your backpack.”

“But people will see me, and, and I’ll die from embarrassment. If anyone says anything the humiliation definitely will kill me.”

“Relax Sam, you’ll be fine, and I know that you’ll enjoy it, look at your nipples and I bet that you are dripping.”

My body was looking forward to it but my brain definitely wasn’t. Joe was right, I was getting even more horny than I had been when those youth had been looking up my dress.

“Come on, let’s get this over with, you never know, we might not see anyone on the trail or in the car park.” I replied.

Part of me was hoping not, but part of me was hoping that we would.

The first people to see us was an elderly couple walking the opposite way to us. Joe let me take the lead (so that he could watch my little bubble butt) and the couple were right in front of us after we’d turned a corner so I had no chance to try to hide or hide my pussy or tits. The old man had a smile on his face but the old woman started on a torrent of verbal abuse.

Joe closed in on my back and held my arms so that I couldn’t try to cover myself and he let the woman vent her anger then he said,

“You should know better at you ancient age madam. I feel sorry for your husband if you go off like that at the sight of a beautiful naked girl. You probably had a reasonable body when you were her age. It’s a shame that you let yourself go and you turned into a jealous, spiteful old cow.”

Even I was shocked at that last bit, Joe is usually so tolerant, but the old woman deserved it. I looked at the old man and he was still smiling. Joe continued but to me first.

“Turn round and bend over Sam, let the stupid cow see what am amazing pussy looks like. I bet that hers looks like a dried up prune.”

I was a bit more shocked. Joe had let go of my arms so I did turn around and bend over. What’s more, I instinctively spread my feet wide.

I looked back through my legs and saw that the woman’s face looked like it was about to explode but the old man was licking his lips.

Joe left me like that for a few seconds then pulled me up and lifted me in the air. I instinctively, I wrapped my legs round Joe’s waist and we walked on.

“Oh my gawd Joe.” I said when we were out of hearing range and Joe had lowered me to the ground. “I thought that I was going to die of humiliation to start off with but your verbal attack at that stupid cow really turned me on. Can we find somewhere where you can fuck me please?”

We did, and old derelict building in a field next to the track, and Joe fucked the brains out of me.

I was nervous and excited as we approached the car park. There hadn’t been many cars there when we had parked there but as we turned the last corner I saw dozen of cars and dozens of people walking around. There was even an Ice cream van there.

“Oh my gawd Joe, can we find somewhere to hide until they’ve gone?”

“No Sam, come on, oh, stop, I’ve got an idea.”

Joe delved into his backpack and came out with the length of rope that he always carries in there when we go hiking – he used to be Boy Scout.

“What are you doing Joe?” I asked as he tied one end around my neck.

He didn’t reply and he then pulled his belt from the loops in his shorts and went behind me.

“You’re not going to whip me with that belt out here are you Joe?”

Again no answer as he proceeded to tie my wrists together behind my back. Again I asked,

“What the hell are you doing Joe?”

Again no answer but he started leading me by the other end of the rope towards the car park.

“You can’t be serious Joe, this is insane, stop and untie me.”

But Joe ignored my protests and kept walking.

“Joe, please, the humiliation will kill me if someone sees me.”

But Joe kept walking. I must have looked like a slave, a naked slave, being led to goodness knows where.

People started noticing and my face went bright red, but I also felt my nipples and clit start tingling.

People stopped and stared at us and I was sure that they thought I was stark raving mad.

“Please Joe.” I again said as we continued through the middle of the car park with more and more people watching.

As I said, there was an ice cream van there and Joe led me to it. OMG, I was mortified as we joined the short queue.

The guy in front of me didn’t notice me until he had got his ice creams and he nearly dropped them.

“One large cone please.” Joe said to the guy in the van who had real trouble concentrating on his job.

“What’s with the naked girl and the lease?” The man asked as he handed Joe the cone.

“Just taken her out for a stroll, she’s been in her cage for too long.” Joe replied causing me to be even more embarrassed and humiliated.”

“How much?” Joe asked.

“Forget it mate, it’s been well worth it.”

Joe led me to the middle of the car park and we stood there whilst we shared the ice cream, Joe having to feed me.

Then we continued through the car park and I was very relieved to see our car at the end of the car park. I cursed that we hadn’t parked at the other end where the trail started. Then I saw 2 cars parked next to ours and young people were getting out of them.

First one young man saw me and soon all the young men and the girls were staring at me. By then the tingling had got so strong that I wanted Joe to fuck me again but I knew that I’d have to wait until we got home.

But Joe had other ideas. He led me to the back of our car and bent me over the luggage compartment. I just knew what was coming.

“No Joe, not here, all those people are watching.” I said.

Joe may have fucked me no more than 15 minutes ago but he was going to fuck me again, with all those young people watching.

My whole front was red with embarrassment, shame and humiliation, but inside, part of me was loving every second of it. I spread my feet wide as I heard the zip on Joe’s shorts open.

My head was sideways on the metal and I could see 4 or 5 of the young people. One girl said,

“Oh my gawd, he’s going to fuck her.”

Another girl said,

“What a slut.”

And another girl said,

“She must be some sort of submissive slave.”

I let out a long AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH as Joe’s cock rammed into me. He knew that my pussy would be dripping and there would be very little resistance.

It seemed weird watching those unknown young people, only a couple of metres from me, them watching me getting fucked. Weird but also embarrassing, humiliating, and so erotic.

Every time Joe bottomed out I let out a grunt.

“She’s cumming,” one of the girls said, “look at her face.”

I guess that me almost screaming,

“I’m cuuuummmmingggggg,” gave the girl a clue as well.

But that girl was right. My orgasm was an intense one with my body shaking and jerking as Joe kept pounding into my hole.

On and on Joe went, me remembering that Joe had emptied his balls into me something like 15 minutes ago.

“Bloody hell, the slut is cumming again.” I heard a girl say.

And I was. It wasn’t quite as intense when it finally arrived but I was certainly enjoying it.

I orgasmed again before Joe did, both of us ignoring the young people watching us.

Orgasms over, Joe pulled me up then led me round to the passenger side of the car. But my humiliation wasn’t over. Joe left me standing there, facing the young people, as he went and got a towel out of the back of the car.

When he got back to me he held it up and said,

“For the seat, I can’t have you making a mess on it.”

One of the girls laughed as Joe opened the door, spread the towel then backed me into the car.

Part of me was really happy that my ordeal was over but another part of me had wanted it to go on for so much longer.

Just down the road Joe stopped the car, untied me and put my seat belt on, but I had to ride home naked apart from my hiking boots.

My euphoria had gone by the time we got home, and I don’t think that anyone looked into the car and saw the naked girl but I did run from the car to the apartment when we got there. I passed one guy from another apartment but I was still running so I don’t know how much he saw.

Once through the door Joe picked me up and fucked me against the wall, and that was before I took my hiking boots off.


One other mini humiliation story that is a bit odd. That’s because the humiliation didn’t hit me until I saw some of the party-goers days later. Let me explain.

We were at this party and it was going great, talking, dancing and drinking, but I was a little too enthusiastic about the last part and I got drunk.

In my very short party dress I must have been flashing my bare butt and pussy quite a bit but I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I was happy.

When the alcohol got too much for me, Joe took me to the sofa and I flopped down with my butt right on the front edge and my knees anything but closed.

Joe left me like that, knowing that if I’d been sober I wouldn’t have minded people seeing my bald pussy.

Anyway, about an hour later, so Joe tells me, I started to come round and I must have been feeling horny and thinking that I should get ready for bed.

In my drunken stupor I somehow managed to get my dress off before giving up and leaving my whole front exposed.

The guy who was sat next to me on the sofa later told Joe that I mumbled something about wanting Joe to fuck me but Joe wasn’t even there, he was talking to some friends in another room.

When Joe finally came to check on me he found me with me legs spread even further apart and my right hand frigging away. The main room light was on and lots of people were looking down at me – so Joe told me the next day.

Apparently, when Joe saw what I was doing he just stood and watched like the other people who were mostly our friends.

I’d never thought about if it was possible for a girl to have an orgasm whilst she is drunk, but apparently I did manage to bring myself off before passing out again with me mumbling my thanks to Joe.

Anyway, Joe didn’t see any point in taking me home right then so he left me, naked, half on and half off the sofa with my legs spread wide. Whilst he continued to talk to our friends.

When he finally did take me home he didn’t put my dress back on and he carried me over his shoulder out to the car. He hasn’t told me if anyone other that the party-goers saw me and I haven’t asked.

Joe didn’t tell me any of this until the following afternoon after my headache had gone.

I was dreading seeing anyone from the party again as I just knew that I’d get an attack of humiliation, and arousal.


Well, that was the most ‘interesting’ events that nearly caused me to die from the humiliation but there have been many more Maybe I should keep a diary of them and post it online sometime.

It’s so weird craving humiliation when it makes me feel so embarrassed and humiliated, but at the same time so aroused.
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