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Bertie finds Dotty has a girlfriend and decides to show her the error of her ways
It's 1930 Maidenhead England.

Bertie meets Dotty on the London train...

It was jolly hot. It was during the summer holidays. Bertie had risen early to escape from his mother’s clutches and was waiting for the 9.15 to Paddington when he espied Dotty Collingwood waiting for this same train.

“Good golly, it’s Dotty is it not, why you’re quite grown up,” he proffered, “Out unchaperoned, how adventurous.”

“Bertie it is nineteen thirty not the dark ages,” she reminded him, “Still at Eton I see,” she ventured noting his tie.

“No, Oxford,” he admitted. “Going to London?”

“Yes that is why I am joining the London train,” she said taking him for an idiot when it stopped at several stations including Acton Main Line.

The train arrived and he joined her in a compartment to her obvious annoyance.

“Oh go away Bertie, It pointless chatting me up I’m a lesbian,” she said.

“Oh, I thought you and old Arby Arbuthnot were an item?” he ventured.

“Well we were,” she said awkwardly, “But I don’t fancy him, or any other man for that matter.”

“Lesbo eh, we had a couple at the club a few weeks ago,” he admitted.

“What?” she demanded.

“At the club, couple of gels, stark naked don’t cha know, kissing each other, lips everything, ninety nine,” he explained, “That’s kissing each other’s pussies head to toe.”

“I am not stupid,” Dotty replied, “I’m just shocked that you should, you know.”

“Go to clubs, yes, mother does everything possible to stop me hence my early escape,” he admitted.

“No, sex clubs, good lord, I thought you were a man’s man,” she said, “You know.”

“Good god no, no,” Bertie insisted, “No pretty wench every time.”

“Yet you don’t have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“No, mother wouldn’t approve,” he admitted, “She hated it when Aunt Agatha left her money to me and not her and Pops, said she didn’t want Pops losing it all on a race horse.”

“So you pay for sex?” Dotty asked.

“Sort of,” Bertie admitted.

“God,” Dotty exclaimed, “With moment?” she asked.

“Women, girls, not girls girls,” Bertie explained, “My age girls, not.”

“I get the picture,” Dotty agreed, “Good god, I wish I’d known, I’d have caught a different train.”

“Don’t worry old thing, I’m not about to ravish you,” Bertie exclaimed, “Willing gels only.”

“Really?” Dotty queried, “Willing? I doubt it, some poor girl from the slums no doubt with no other source of income.”

“Well they look happy enough,” Bertie reassured her, “Especially the lesbos, One minute they were fucking each other and the next Bongo Tuffley and Chalky Withers had one spit roast while Manky Mannering and Clive, what's his name ? had the other fore and aft.”

“Fore and aft?” she enquired..

“Vagina and anus, to put it crudely,” Bertie explained.

“God, I wouldn’t do that for a million pounds,” Dotty protested.

“They make quite a bit but not millions,” Bertie admitted, “Some pay a fortune for virgins but I don’t see the point, obviously it hurts the poor girl and where’s the fun in that?”

“Yes, er no, er,” Dottie said, “Look Bertie, look Arby and I, well, we got drunk and.”

“And what?” Bertie asked.

“It was horrible Bertie, It hurt like hell,” She admitted, “I am never going to let a man do that to me ever again.”

“But Dotty, you are missing out on so much fun you silly goose,” Bertie exclaimed.

“You are missing out on the fun, I am missing out on discomfort, and that’s fine by me!” Dotty replied.

“Well that’s a shame Dotty,” Bertie sympathized.

“Shame for you,” Dotty agreed.

“Look contrary to popular belief every young lady is not at risk of being ravished when left alone in a railway compartment with a gentleman,” Bertie insisted, “Anyway you’re a chum, not some random wench to us as cum dump.”

“Oh charming, cum dump,” Dotty replied, “Is that how you see me?”

“No, Of course not.” Bertie replied.

“So I’m unattractive, a chum like any other chum,” Dotty protested.

“No you are a reasonably attractive gel,” Bertie said honestly, “I reckon if you had a tight corset, black stockings and suspenders, uplift bra, oh and stiletto's and a black choker with a pearl motif I reckon I’d paid a tenner to pork you.”

“Pork me, pork me, dear god,” Dotty demanded, “I’d have to dress like a whore to rouse your passions would I?”

“No more that I would have to put on a skirt to appeal to you now please put an end to this,” Bertie requested, “You like ladies, I like ladies, so provided we don’t chase the same ladies I don’t see a problem.”

“I suppose not,” Dotty agreed, “So presumably as long as I remain fully dressed I am quite safe.

“Quite safe, from me at least,” Bertie agreed.

Poor Dotty was quite non plussed, she thought Bertie was one of those homosexuals one read about in the London Evening Standard and News of the World being grossly indecent what ever that meant but he was actually interested in girls albeit not in a healthy manner.

Bertie enjoyed a day watching trains at Paddington station and then ventured to his club where he compared notes of which locomotive he had seen and which girls were rostered to provide entertainment.

He didn’t really enjoy his evening, the problem was every girl seemed to look like Dotty, Monica in particular was quite upset as Bertie exclaimed “Oh Dotty I love you,” as he ejaculated inside her, as she wrongly believed Bertie had feelings for her.

It was another week before Bertie saw Dotty again, she was sending a telegram from the post office as Bertie passed by. He waited for her.

“Did you find any bargains?” he asked.

“One does not seek bargains in Haute Couture Bertie it’s about style,” Dotty explained.

“Oh, right, to be honest I can’t tell the difference,” Bertie replied, “Rather see a gel in the buff or some nice undies.”

“Well you won’t be seeing me in my undies or the buff Bertie Banstead,” she snapped.

“Quite, I didn’t mean to infer I wished to see you dishabille,” he qualified.

“Good because I like ladies Bertie, so stop trying to chat me up,” Dotty insisted.

“But you’re a chum Dotty, a good egg, I don’t want to pork you, good god you’re like a sister to me.” Bertie insisted.

“Well then in that case,” Dotty admitted, “Perhaps you could take some heat off me by pretending to be my boyfriend, Mother doesn’t understand that I like sex with ladies and not gentlemen.”

“Dear god I say I don’t fancy you and you want to get engaged are you mad?” he asked

“Quite mad Bertie,” Dotty replied, “Well, will you or shall I be forced to tell you mother about you and your visits to the brothel?”

“It’s a Gentleman’s club, all perfectly respectable,” Bertie replied defensively, “But I would get my mother off my back as well, so why not!”

“Excellent, you may pick me up at eight thirty on Saturday I have two tickets for the hunt ball.” Dotty ordered.

“Yes, why not!” Bertie agreed. He felt sorry for Dotty, obviously Arby had treated her abysmally and put her off men possibly for life.

Bertie was preoccupied with the Dotty problem, Mother had forbidden him from owning a car so he arranged to borrow Manky Mannering’s Frazer Nash for the evening and also arrange to “Borrow" Pongo Allenby’s Barn

Acquiring suitable attire was more difficult but by Saturday all was ready


Dotty looked like a west end tart in Bertie’s opinion as he collected her from her parents home, “I didn’t think you had a car?” she exclaimed.

“It’s Mankys, Manky Mannering,” he explained.

“Oh well lets hope it doesn’t rain,” Dotty exclaimed as she failed to notice the rain hood.

Bertie drove carefully, “Is this the right way?” Dotty asked.

“Ah short cut,” Bertie explained as he headed for Pongo’s Barn. The roadside gate was open as was the Barn Door. Bertie drove straight in.

“What are you doing!” Dottie protested as Bertie leaped from the car and slammed the barn door shut behind them.

The car lights glowed eerily in the darkness, “Bertie!” Dotty protested as Bertie lit the first of two Tilly kerosene oil lamps, “What the hell are you doing!”

“Sometimes one has to be cruel to be kind Dotty, this preoccupation with women is not healthy, not healthy at all,” Bertie explained.

“Don’t be an Ass Bertie,” Dotty protested and she tried to open the heavy wooden door, the heavy beam holding it hid in the shadows and the door did not budge.

Berie had prepared well, he grabbed Dotty’s wrists and pulled them around behind her before looping a rope tightly around them and then silenced her with a rubber ball pierced with many holes held by a strap which he fastened around her neck.

Dotty struggled but Bertie easily raised her flimsy dress and undid her brazier and pulled down her pants, leggings and flat shoes. He threw them aside and pulled Dotty to her feet and sat her on a rug which he had draped over some straw bales in advance.

To Dotty’s surprise Bertie next produced sheer black stockings which he began to roll up her legs. Dotty shuddered, she felt unwanted stirrings in her loins and breasts. He made her stand and turned her so he could pull a black corset tightly around her and then slid a suspender belt around her to hold the stockings. A pair of stylish black high heeled shoes completed his preparations.

That done Bertie removed his trousers and neatly folded them. Underpants and Jacket followed and finally with a very promising erection Bertie advanced towards Dotty.

She tried to say no but she just grunted and drooled, he poor nipples stood up like little bullets and the flickering lamp light showed Dotty’s vagina had begun to leak slightly.

“Bastard,” Dotty mouthed as Bertie eased his erection gently into her vagina.

“Bastard, Bastard, Bastard,” Dotty mouthed as Bertie began to hump her, not recklessly but firmly with measured strokes holding her by her shoulders as he did so. Wordlessly probing and entering further and further until the tip of his cock was right at the neck of her womb, and then he let fly.

Six days worth of pent up cock juice was forced deep into Dotty’s womb, Umpteen squillions of sperm seeking an egg to fertilize.

He was in no hurry and waited for every last drop to emerge before withdrawing from his friend.

“You see it can be good with a chap Dotty,” Bertie said, “Sorry about the subterfuge.” as he removed her gag.

“Subterfuge,” Dotty protested, “Subterfuge be damned you raped me, If I’m pregnant you will have to marry me you oaf and we’ll be late for the damn ball, untie me you idiot!”

Bertie untied Dotty’s hands, and loosened the corset. Dotty forced her breasts back into her bra and smoothed down her dress which had been around her neck. She wobbled uncertainly on the high heels, “Mama won’t let me wear heels, says they are for tarts,” she said, “How did you guess my size?”

Bertie didn’t have time to answer, “Get that door open or we will be ridiculously late and get your hands and face dirty, that way we can say you had to change a wheel.”

“Dotty?” Bertie queried.

“And put the lamps out we don’t want to burn the barn down do we?” Dotty ordered.

“No, I suppose not,” Bertie agreed.

The cars lights barely glowed as the lamps were extinguished, the battery was flat but the Frazer Nash had a Magneto so it started easily on the starting handle, Bertie carefully reversed out of the Barn and closed the heavy doors.

“What were you thinking?” Dotty asked as they got going, “You raped me, yet you had to dress me up first, it’s not as if you had some deep seated crush or anything.”

“Couldn't sit by and see you waste your life not having proper sex with a chap,” Bertie explained, “As a chum I had to step in and show you, do you see?

“That must be the weirdest explanation a rapist has ever come up with,” Dotty replied, “God you might have bloody asked.”

“You would have said no,” Bertie pointed out.

“Too bloody right I would,” Dotty snapped.

“So did I convince you?” Bertie enquired.

“About what, the delights of having your member forced inside me,” Dotty asked, “Or your muck shot in me, God Bertie I might be having a baby, If I do you’ll have to marry me.”

“Hold on old bean,” Bertie cautioned.

“It’s marriage or several years in prison for rape,” Dotty reminded him, “That’s if Daddy doesn’t cut off your bollocks with pruning shears.”

“Dotty,” Bertie protested, “You’re my chum not my girlfriend.”

“Well I’m glad you know the difference because I’m damned if I do,” Dotty replied, “Those London girls are paid to do things, you can’t treat your girlfriend or wife like you would a tart.

“No,” Bertie agreed, ”I suppose not.”

“Seduction Bertie, say sweet nothings, sweet kisses,” Dotty explained.

“Yes dear,” He answered.

“To tie me up and rape me is very very bad manners,” Dotty explained.

“Was it really horrible?” Bertie asked, “Only I wanted you to see how nice it can be when a chap gives one a good seeing to.”

“Better than when Arby forced himself on me,” Dotty replied, “Oh damn it Bertie when you squirted it was like we were one person.”

“Yes, it was rather,” Bertie replied.

“Tell you what, we’ll do it again on the way home and if its good it’s good and if it’s not I’ll dob you in to the Police,” Dotty insisted.

“You rotter, you liked it!” Bertie laughed.

“Maybe,” Dotty agreed, “How much did you say the gels at your club get paid?”

“Not sure old bean, would you like me to find out?” Bertie asked

“No, Bertie,” Dotty sighed, “What am I to tell Maureen, my girlfriend?”

“Perhaps I could pork her as well?” Bertie suggested.

“Oh great idea,” Dotty replied, “You really do know how to make a girl feel special,”

“I never know when you are being sarcastic,” Bertie sighed.

“I was being sarcastic Bertie,” Dotty explained, “I tend to forget how stupid you can be.”

“Don’t think I could cope with porking both of you,” Bertie confessed.

“Then it’s just as well you will never ever get the chance.” Dotty declared.

“Shame,” Bertie sighed.

Dotty went quiet as she thought of Maureen’s sweet kisses and experienced fingers followed by Bertie supplying a nice squirt of cock juice, maybe she was should have tried it before ruling it out.

To be continued?...
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