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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapter 5

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental

A BLAST OF country western music startled him back to consciousness. What? It was morning? How was that possible? He was still snuggled in against Ann, still inside her. And he really, really needed to pee. He pulled away, which provoked a little shriek.

“Need to pee.”

“Me too.” She went sprinting off through the side door, into her own bathroom. What if they only had one room? There was always the sink by the closet, which he went for anyway because he was not going to make it as far as the toilet.

“Sorry about that.” She ran back in at almost the same speed she had left, and got back on her side. “Let’s try this again.”


“Give me a nice back rub.”

“You are one crazy bitch.” Okay, no way to brush his teeth. Just swish out his mouth at least. Put the rubber back on? It was smelly, slick with her juices, but what the heck. Just going to get that way again. He lay down beside and pushed back in. No need for pretense.

“Rub. I want a rub.”

Okay. What the hell. She was a lot skinnier than Jane. Hard to find any flesh to rub on that bony back. And she was dozing off. What? She was going to take a nice little nap now, after she’d blasted him out of bed in the middle of the night? Fuck her, fuck the bitch. And he did, harder and harder as she snored away. Finally he turned her over on her belly so he could get more leverage.

“What happened to my rub?”

“You fell asleep. Again.”

“That’s what I wanted. I wanted you to fuck me while I was sleeping.”

“I was fucking you while you were sleeping.”

“Oh. I don’t remember.”

“Women.” God, they were all alike.

“Okay, just get it over with. We need to get to breakfast.”

What? As if it was his idea in the first place? “What do you want?”

“I want you to not care what I want. I want you to use me for your pleasure while I lie here helpless.”

“Really? Like this?” He moved his knees to pin down her legs, grabbed her wrists behind her back with one hand, her hair with the other.

“You’re pulling my hair.”

“This better?” He freed her hair and used that hand to swat her ass instead. She gasped, and started to spasm around him, milking him. He gave her a few more hair tugs and butt slaps just for safety’s sake. “Enough?”

“Bastard.” She squirmed away from him and went sprinting back into her own room. Leaving the side door open. He trailed after her. She was sitting on the toilet, sobbing.

“I’m sorry,” he ventured.

“No you’re not. You were enjoying every second of it. You were enjoying hurting me.”

“Only because you asked for it. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“You didn’t have to be so fucking enthusiastic about it. Promise me you won’t ever do that again?”

“Unless you ask me to.”

“Even then. I never knew you had such a nasty side. Do you ever do that to your wife?”

“Jane is not into that kind of thing.”

“Oh. We should get to breakfast.” With that she closed her eyes, visible strain on her face, rocking a bit. He beat a hasty retreat.

A few minutes later they were downstairs at the breakfast, at a table off in the corner.

“So tell me true, how many girls have you ever spent the night with?”

“Four, including you.”

“Four. Okay your wife would be one. That student who seduced you?”

“Good guess.”

“The college girl who turned into a slut?”

“Yep. Although never in college. Out in Berkeley. The summer after I graduated she went out to stay with her sister. I went out there for a few weeks. There were five ladies staying in the house and I was the only guy. I remember the mother of one of the other girls came to visit and she was looking at me like I was ultimate hippie.”

“You? I’m finding this hard to visualize.”

“Well the girl friend thought this was the perfect opportunity to loosen me up. She bought me a pair of blue jeans; she made me grow a mustache. It was like hippie makeover time.”

“Guess it didn’t stick.”

“My whole generation went from hippie to yuppie. We took a trip down to Big Sur with the sister and her friends, and you would have said, yep, those are hippies all right. What about you?”

“Me? Never into the hippie thing. That was before my time.”

“No. How many guys have you spent the night with?”

“Two. Including you. I guess we should get going.” They gathered up the bag with clothes for the lake and headed outside.

“So tell me, why did you get married?” Ann asked that as they got into the car.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. Why did I get married? Why did I start going to church again?” Brad gave a sigh. “I know my second girl friend, the crazy student, was more or less living with me. We would go to her apartment for a fuck and then dinner, and then back to the hotel to spend the night. And she was trying to turn it into a marriage, cooking for me, wearing a nightgown. Even talking about a baby. It was scaring me.”

“Is that why you broke up with her?”

“I didn’t. But it did contribute to the breakup. She was pushing too fast. Then there was this other girl. One I knew from high school. She’d been the steady for one of my best friends, but that sort of faded when they went off to college. We would go out over the summers all during college and the summer after.”

“Even though you had this serious girl friend?”

“Well we always had an understanding that we would date other people over the summer. So anyway, that same summer I wound up home again, and I looked this girl up. Well, she was pretty, but always a little chubby. Something had made her lose a lot of weight and all of a sudden she looked like a supermodel. So we started to do our drive in thing again and she was getting into it a lot more than she ever had before. Then she invited me over to dinner; to meet her parents. And her father is talking about how he needs someone to take over his oil heating business.”

“Oh no!”

“Well we both went back to school, far away from each other, and that was the end of that. She wound up marrying someone else the next summer. And so did I.”

“So why did you get married?”

“Why did you get engaged?”

“Oh, well, when we got out of college our parents sort of said we should at least get engaged if we wanted to keep having a relationship. So we did. I think the idea was that we would move in together, but that never happened.”

“It was sort of like that. Jane wasn’t willing to go further without being engaged. And I said no, if we were going to go that far we were going to get married. So we did.”

“Oh. So you never really tried just being engaged?”

“Not really. Only long enough to get the marriage stuff set up. She’s from the Guyland.”

“Long Guyland?”

“Yep. She was willing to start fucking once we were engaged, but I said no, let’s do it properly if we’ve waited this long.”

“Oh. You are a romantic, after all.”

“Why did you start fucking Evan?”

“Oh, it was in high school. It wasn’t cool to be a virgin, for a cheerleader. For a while I was sort of faking it that we were doing a lot more than we were, but then I stopped stopping him, if you know what I mean. Even so it took him a while to work up the nerve to do it. And then we decided we were in love, that it was okay because we were in love.”

“Oh. And were you? Are you?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. Tell me, is it better with me than it is with Jane?”

“It’s very good with you.”

“I’ll take that as a no. It’s a lot better with you than it is with Evan. A lot better with Sam and Marty than it is with Evan. God we just go through the motions and he manages to come and I pretend to come and what’s the fucking point of it?”

“You sound like my college girl friend.”

“She thought you were a lame lay?”

“Not exactly. But she didn’t have any points of comparison. That really bothered her.”

“So she started fucking around? Just to do comparison shopping? Okay, maybe that’s what’s happening. Maybe you’re just a convenient cock to try out.”

“That would be okay.”

“Bastard. Maybe you’re just getting your jollies out of me going into super slut mode.”

“Yep, that is definitely it.”

“Bullshit.” A pause. A sigh. “Do you think we can go back to being friends?”

“If that’s what you want to do.”

“Maybe. Not yet. Tonight, I want to pretend I’m an escort. You’ve hired me to do all the nasty things your wife won’t let you do. What’s so funny?”

“I’ve been working on Jane for a long time now. There isn’t much left.”

“I’m sure there’s something. Oh.” She patted his lap. “I can see you like the idea.”

“Stop it.” They were pulling into the parking lot for the office building.

* * * * *

ANN NEVER EVEN made it upstairs. Katie was there to swoop her up over to the coffee. “So tell me, tell me.”

“I spent the night with him. In his bed. With him cuddled up to my back.” Ann leaned forward to whisper. “With his cock up my ass.”

“What? No way!”

“Way. We fell asleep like that but I woke up twice and brought myself off and he just was snoring away. Well, not exactly snoring. Making little sleepy sounds.”

“Sounds very romantic, in a really perverted sort of way.”

“That it does.”

“You don’t look all that happy though.”

“No. I guess not. I asked him a stupid question.”


“Whether it was better with me than with his wife.”


“He said it was really good with me.”

“Well at least he’s honest. At least he’s a gentleman.”

“Maybe. I sort of goaded him into hurting me. And he did. With relish.”

“He did? What did he do?”

“Pulled my hair. Slapped my ass.”

“Oh. I like that. Don’t you?”

“That’s not the point. You know what else he told me? You’d be crazy to transfer here.”

“He said that? Austin is really nice.”

“And this project is in really deep yogurt.”

“He said that?”

“Well not exactly. You know how Brad is. He said he really didn’t know how deep the yogurt was.”


“And he thinks the company is falling apart. That there are going be more layoffs.”

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out. Harry and I have talked about it and we figure if it happens we’re better off looking for jobs here than in Atlanta. What about Brad?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I think he has, like, money. You know he bought a house when he started? As a junior programmer? Everyone thought he was crazy.”

“I guess it worked out for him.”

“Guess so.”

“Maybe it’s his wife who has the money?”

“Never thought about that. Well he’s making a lot now. Anyway, he thinks he has Atlanta under control but he’s not so sure about here.”

“What do you think?”

“Oh, I’ve seen him pull some rabbits out of his hat. The first project we worked on together they decided to vendor out the coding and the vendor couldn’t deliver and he pulled us out of that one. Then we went into production and it was only me and one other girl doing support with him as the manager and he pulled us out of that one. Then no one liked the application and we had to do a rewrite. We got enough money to do it as a security upgrade but not enough time and he pulled us out of that one. By coming back out of management and doing the work of three or four programmers. And look what he’s done for Atlanta. But this rabbit may already be dead. Know what I mean?”

“He likes danger?”

“So it would seem.”

“Well make yourself dangerous then. Push his limits.”

“Not sure I can do that. The guy is a total pervert.”

“Really?” Katie leaned in close the whisper. “The next time you use the strap-on on him, stick the thing in his mouth.”

“He’d probably like that. I suppose we should get to work. What are we doing this morning?”

“Inventory report.”

“Okay. Let’s take a crack at it.” They went upstairs. “You got those foils for me?”

“Sure thing.”

They went into a conference room, already full. Full of people waiting for her, Ann, the big time consultant. Maybe not as big time as Brad, but look at how they were staing at her in admiration. Or maybe they were just perving on her. If only they knew. She was wearing panties today. So far. They were talking, and she tapped her pointer to get them to shut up. “Good morning. Today we are going to talk about how to create a report using templates and macros. Some of you have already done this? Well we’ll go over it from scratch, for those of you who are new to it. Now, here is what the report looks like.” She put up the first foil. “Of course, the templates can’t generate the printer ready file, but they can generate any sort of text file, including a *********** file. So here is the underlying *********** file.”

She put up the second file. “Pretty hard to decipher, right? So to figure out where and how to break up things into templates and macros, we’ll start with the printed version and use that to identify what to do with the *********** file. So the first thing to do is to identify which parts of the report are static and which are dynamic. So what are the dynamic elements?”

“The date.” She circled that.

“The warehouse id.” Another circle.

“The line items.”

“Hold on to that one. Okay, we would find where the date and warehouse are in the *********** file, and we would replace them with variables. Dollar date dollar and dollar warehouse dollar. So the first report class would prepare those two variables and pass them to the first template. Now what about the line items? We need to loop through them, so to do that we are going to call a macro class, here.” She wrote that at the first line of the report. “Then that replaces all the literal lines. So the first template becomes very simple.”

She put up a foil showing that.

“Now the macro statement just gives the name of the next class, the one that is going to loop through the lines. So the template it’s going to use is the one for each line.” She circled that part of the *********** file. “And the entries there become variables that the macro class has to prepare. Simple?”

“Where does the data come from?”

The answer came from another one of the programmers. “You’d have data classes that do that. And a stream to do the iteration.”

“Another piece of your boyfriend’s magic?”

That drawled comment was enough to make her blush. She contented herself with a nod.

“Well honey, this is going to save us a whole bunch of time. Say, could we use this to put stuff out on the internet also?”

“You can use it for any type of text file.”

“Including html?”

“I guess.” Ann wasn’t quite sure what that was. “Maybe check that one with Brad. Any more questions?”

“What if we want to send it directly to the printer instead of going through ***********?”

“You’d use a template with the line feeds and other control characters.”

“What about a spreadsheet?”

“Export a sample of the spreadsheet to a comma separated variable file and use that as the base template.”

“We’re going to give it a whirl and see what happens.” They left the room.

“Okay what else am I doing here?” Ann was frustrated. She didn’t think she’d come out all this way just to keep Brad company. But finding stuff to do had been elusive. Brad seemed to be plenty busy but none of that was heading her way. “No one is coming to me for help.”

“It’s because you’re a pretty girl. A blonde at that. As far as they’re concerned Brad brought you here as eye candy. As his lady for the week.”

“Shit. And I’ve fallen right into that. I’m exactly what they think I am.”

“Your little show over at the Bayou didn’t help. People gossip, you know? No, not me.”

“Oh well.”

“Don’t worry, they saw a different side of you this morning. It took them a while to warm up to me. Especially since Harry was doing a little bragging.”


“Now we’re like a couple and it’s respectable. Sort of. Want to get some lunch?”

It was hardly lunch time, but what else was there to do?

“Hey Katie. What’s up?” It was Brad.

“We’re going to go over to Smokey Joe’s and get us some brisket. Want to tag along?”

“Sure. You driving?”


Off they went in Katie’s little car, with Brad with his knees up in the back seat. It was so early there wasn’t much of a line. They got their sandwiches and sat at one of the plank tables, Brad and Ann on one side, Katie across from them.

“No one is coming to me for help.” Ann muttered that in between bites of brisket. “They think I’m just a piece of fluff. Your squeeze for the week. What, you think it’s fucking funny?”

“In a sad sort of way. Unfortunate. Ann, you know I always have had the highest regard for you. You’ve been my right hand lady through a lot of shit.”

“So you didn’t bring me here just to lure me out to the lake? So you could see me naked?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Oh.” Katie jumped in. “You got a guilty thrill when you set this up?”

“Maybe. Okay, okay I won’t deny the thought crossed my mind. But I didn’t push it. I even tried to talk her out of it.”

“Yeah, right. And you call me a conniving little bitch. What about Ned? Did you set that up?”

“No. I swear it. Okay. Maybe I haven’t resisted very hard.”

“That would be putting it mildly, dear heart.”

“You see Ann, he’s had the hots for you all along. At some level, they all want to fuck anything that moves. Right Brad?” No answer. “Brad, darling, what color panties am I wearing?”


“See? And what if I were to come over to the lake with you so you could find out what’s underneath those panties?”

That was enough to make both Ann and Brad choke on their iced tea. “You’re serious?” Ann was giving her one of those looks that could kill. “We’re going to swim this afternoon. A long swim. Wouldn’t want you to drown, sweetie.”

“Oh I can handle it.”

“What about Harry? Oh. Speaking of the devil.” The man himself had slid in beside his girlfriend. “Katie is coming along with us this afternoon? Want to join us?”

“We’re swimming,” Katie added.

“Up and back,” Ann drawled. “At least, some of us are coming back.”

“I’m not much of a swimmer. See you all tonight over at the volleyball place. Don’t get yourselves too tuckered out.”

Ned slid in next to Brad. “Got one of those reports working. Thank you, Miss Ann. You done saved us a whole lot of trouble.”

“Oh, thank Brad. He’s the one who developed the stuff.”

“What about the data classes?”

“There’s some stuff now to generate the classes and the streams. Ann can show you how it works.”

“So you two going to go for a swim today? Looks like the weather’s holding up.”

“Me too,” Katie said.

“Really. Well if that don’t beat all. Well you three have a nice safe swim.”

Brad had to pry Ann away from Ned and Harry when it was time to go over to the lake. “Hey Ned, can I use your phone? I need to give my wife a call, let her know I won’t be calling later. I’ll use the calling card.”


But when the phone rang, there was only the answering machine. “Hi, just wanted to let you know we’re going to a volleyball place for dinner. So I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Nothing about the two lovely ladies who are going to the lake with you?” Ned could not resist that tease.

“She knows Ann went over with me.”


“And what?

“Hey guys, are we going to do this or what?” That was Katie. The three of them gathered up their stuff and went down into the lobby.

“That was better,” Ann said. “I almost feel useful now. So how are we going to work this? There’s no sense you paying for parking when Brad has a pass.”

“Harry’s place is on the way to the lake. How ‘bout you follow me there and I’ll change real quick. Then we can swim and you can take me back to the hotel while you change and then we’ll go on to the restaurant. Harry can take me home.”

So they followed Katie to an apartment complex. She ran inside and back out in a few minutes in shorts and a halter top, sneakers on her feet. She wormed her way into the back seat of the little car they had rented.

“Ever been there?” Ann asked.

“Nope. It’s like, notorious, but Harry is not into swimming. At all. I’ve sort of been wondering what it’s like. Guess this is my chance to find out.”

They turned and drove along the cliffs. “Oh, wow. I never realized the lake was so big. And clear. The lakes around Atlanta are all sort of muddy.”

Once again the parking lot was almost empty. Brad and Ann got out and started to strip off their clothes.

“You two are like, getting naked? Out here?”

“Less stuff to carry down. Less stuff to lose. Put your clothes in the trunk.”

They both had done that with their own clothes. Brad had completed his shoe changing ritual and the two of them were waiting for Katie to get out of the back seat and get a move on.

“Jesus. Sorry, I was envisioning myself naked in the water and that was fine. Taking off my clothes on a rock right next to the water and getting in right away. Not walking down naked. People really do that?” An older couple strolled by on the paved walkway. “Oh. My. God.”

“Come on Katie. Be a sport.”

“You can wear clothes down to the beach if you want to,” Brad said.

“Fuck it.” Katie got out of the car, heaved a great sigh, and stripped off her top. Then the bra. She walked back to the trunk and added them to the pile of clothing.

“You going down like that? In the shorts?” The tone in Ann’s voice was enough to let her best friend know she looked really stupid that way.

“Okay, okay.” Katie pulled down the shorts, working them past her sneakers. Then the blue panties that had started all this. Hairy, she was quite hairy, brown curls matching her head hiding anything else. She was built a bit more heavily than Ann, bigger butt, boobs not quite as perky, her long hair flowing down to half hide them. Her belly was not ridged like Ann’s, not fat but smooth. Patches of white against dark brown skin betrayed the outlines of her bikini.

“Better put on some sunscreen,” Ann drawled. But instead of offering the bottle, she smeared it on her hands and started to apply it to the white areas herself, first on the top, then the bottom. Katie didn’t object, didn’t resist. She was too dumbfounded to protest.

“Here.” Ann handed over the bottle at last. “Oh, do you want me to get your back?”


Which ended with more sunscreen on Katie’s butt, and in between her cheeks. “Oh. My. God.” Brad was watching, with obvious enjoyment, enjoyment he was making no attempt to hide. Big, he was pretty big, on top of everything else.

“Put your purse in the trunk.” What? He was getting to see her naked and all he had to say for himself was that?

“Brad, you’re not being a gentleman.”

“Oh, sorry. Katie you are very lovely.” Which was an understatement. Every part of her was beautiful, face, breasts, belly, arms, hands, legs, her long flowing hair. She might have stepped out of a Pre-Raphaelite painting. With her pose, also. She had her legs pressed together so he was not seeing much more than he would have with the panties on.

Ann whispered something in Katie’s ear.

“Like this?” Katie put one foot up on the rear bumper, revealing her inner secrets. Of course, her lower lips were perfectly formed, not thin, sensuous like her lips. Behind that, a tiny little rosebud.

“Better.” Brad’s half erection was becoming a full one.

“Why don’t you fuck her right now? Get it over with.”

Katie stood transfixed as Ann grabbed Brad by the erection, pulled it towards its target. She was so hot, there was no hint of resistance. One thrust and she was coming, two, three. Two more and it was over.

“Sorry,” Brad muttered.

“What for? Come on, let’s go for that swim.”

So they went down to the water, Katie not only walking naked, but with her juices, Brad’s juices, dribbling down her thighs. When they started to swim, it was soon apparent that Brad wanted to go much faster than the ladies. So they agreed that they would let him go on ahead, turn around when he met them on the way back, and stop at the rock while he went on to the other end of the swim area; which meant they wound up on the rock before he got there.

“That was fun,” Katie said.

“Come here.” Ann pulled her closer and kissed her.

“Ann, I don’t do girls.” But it was to no avail as Ann began to kiss her breasts, then down her belly, pushing her on her back, pushing her legs aside. They were that way when Brad came out of the water.

“Again? What is it with you ladies?”

“Come on Brad. Fuck me. Fuck me just like this.” Ann wiggled her ass, spreading her legs a bit so the place he was supposed to fuck was fully revealed.

“No rubber.”

“No rubber? Jesus, you weren’t worried about that before. You fucked Katie without a fucking rubber”

“I forgot.”

“And now you remember? Jesus. Fucking, Christ.” Ann sat up. “Sorry Katie. Fuck you, Brad. Tell you what Katie, come up with us when we get back to the hotel and we’ll get Brad his fucking rubber and we can finish this up properly. Oh, never mind. Let’s get going.” Ann pulled on her shoes and started up the cliff side.

“What’s her problem? You know she raped me twice, once with your cock, once with her tongue.”


“Okay, I came both times. Came hard. But that doesn’t make it right. Not that I didn’t want you to do it. But not there, not like that.”

“What are you going to tell Harry?”

“Harry told me to get it out of my system. And I guess I did. What about you?”

“Maybe not quite.”


“Might take another treatment or two.”

“Really.” That provoked a smile. “Well maybe I should come upstairs after all then.”

They went up to the car. Katie gave Ann a little kiss. “I’m coming up with you.”

“Oh. Good.” That was enough to brighten Ann’s mood.

“Gate closing in five.” The attendant had come down to their car to warn them. He seemed totally oblivious to their nudity. They pulled on some clothes quickly and drove back to the hotel.

“What’s this obsession with rubbers?” Katie asked.

“It’s his fucking wife. He promised her he would use a rubber.”

“Oh. Well. Okay. Wait. That was her only restriction?”

“She told him to get it out of his system.”

“Oh. That’s what Harry told me. Well I guess we’ll have to work more on that?”

“Guess so.”

“Quickly though. Harry is going to be wondering what happened to us.”b
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