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This isn't just a regular summer's day...
My name is Nate, and I have written the story “The Next Step for Jessica and I”, which admittedly, it should have read, “The Next Step for Me and Jessica”… anyway, these are two different stories, but they do involve the same characters, as I have a thing for those two names, heh. But straight to the point, here I go…

I wake up to my alarm and hastily slap the “snooze” button –once again, not realizing that it’s broken from all the days during the school year I had pounded it to grab that extra 5 minutes of precious sleep. I roll out of bed, turn my computer on, and slumber into the kitchen. I glance at the clock right above the microwave, and read its digital layout as 6:21.
“Aww shit,” I groan.
The background is filled with the ratta tat tat of keys combined with mouse clicks here and there. My dad is surfing the net, posting on useless forums, tired from the night before. My mom is watching the news, and apparently, there was another one of those ass clowns that got arrested for molestation. Whoopdy doo.
I finish making my coffee, and my parents leave for work. I get the next 12 hours to myself, but it’s full of boredom, and making my eyes worse by sitting on my ass and playing video games. I get back into my hovel of a room, and I check to see who’s on AIM. Hrm. Jesse is on…
Jesse has been my best friend for the last 3 years since I have moved here. In 8th grade, I had been fat, nerdy, and pretty much a loner, spending his time in the library doing homework and zoning out. All of the bigger girls in my grade were out being ditzy, chatting, and bragging about how all the “bros” look “so hot”. I often envied that, as I had moved from a city that was saturated with Asians –it might be stereotypical, but all they really do is homework, school, video games, repeat. Now I, myself, am half Japanese, but I do not have a place over here in the “City of the Dirt” people, I’d much rather spend my time learning about things that I DON’T know, but that was just me. I was alone, I had no friends, I had no life, and it was bugging the crap out of me, since I had every one of those and more over where I lived before. But then one day, another girl had appeared in the library, she was white, had short hair, and she was slender. I didn’t pay attention to her, mostly because she would never speak to me, and because she was white (I was a bit of a racist then, but that was just because of my surroundings growing up).
Throughout the days, I’d come in during lunch, since I had stopped eating with normal people –I really didn’t fit in. I’d sign into the library, and get my homework done. Then, one day that girl asked me to sit down with her and her little friend. We got to talking, and I had learned her name –Jessica.
I didn’t think much of it, but we were just friends. Ever so often, I’d find her funny, and often cute. Within a week or two I had found out that we had some classes together, and I’d check up on her work occasionally, just to make sure that she wasn’t going to fail and become so ditzy like those other girls. Then, one day, it changed a little bit. She had asked me if I was going to the last dance of the year, my obvious reaction would have been no, but she had replied with “well, who else would I go with, then?” I was dragged along, and I really did end up liking it.
It was during that summer that I had undergone a major transformation in my appearance. I started working out, eating right, and talking to Jessica more. She too transformed, she had gotten taller, and she had grown out a bit, since she started eating meat (she was a vegetarian before, but she got over it after a few months). Then, she had started talking about relationships… with her boyfriend. I was upset, so I pretty much stopped looking at her physical aspects, and didn’t pay as much attention to her prior to me find out her little secret.
Two years had passed, and things had changed just a bit. I was more muscular, I had friends, I’ve had a girlfriend or two, and I had started pleasuring myself late at night when everyone was asleep –but don’t blame me, I’m just a hormonal teenager… Jessica had broken up with her boyfriend (and I was the one punished with phone calls of her crying, often for hours on end), and she had gone “goth”. Personally, I didn’t agree with it, but, it was her decision. My grades have never been better, but hers had slipped up a bit. I was becoming more popular amongst the crowd that had once ridiculed me beforehand, while she had become more isolated within her little group of friends. She started to call less, and I started to care less, as I had a life –but I didn’t totally stop caring about her. Ever so often, I’d give her a call and ask her how she was doing, or I’d text her during class about how the sub is acting like a total psycho, and she’d text back or call back. We were growing a little more distant as time had passed.
I zone back in, and it’s now 7:20. The computer screen has gone into the screensaver, displaying all of my nerd humor. It immediately goes back into desktop.
“Watz up!”
I type away, the rattling of the keyboard is drowned out by the metal playing on my computer,
“Nm, just sitting around”
“Oh, thatz cool… btw, what r u up to 2day?”
“Nothing, I might catch a movie later on, why?”
“im bored as fuck, can I tag along? lol”
“Sure, what’s on?”
“idk, let me check”
About 3 minutes passes, then the minimized tray flashes orange,
“um, lets just find out what we want 2 watch when we get there”
“Fine by me”
“hey, nate, can I come over? My parents are gone, and ive got not company lol”
Heh, I haven’t seen her in a while, I think,
“Be my guest, haha”
Jessica lives about 15 minutes away, so she can walk. I throw on a pair of socks and put my deodorant on. The door bell rings. I open up, and Jessica is standing there in a black T shirt, some tight black pants, chains everywhere, and black eye shadow. But what really stood out was her red hair… she was a brunette before.
“Hey Jess, since when were you a redhead?” I chuckle.
“Since Sunday, d’ya like it?”
“Sure, Teh Sex.” I smile, trying to hide my nerd sense of humor, but she smiles anyway.
“Boy, you’ve been busy, haven’t you?” I catch her eyeing my arm still on her door.
“15 inches, last time I checked.”
“You have the nerve to check?”
“Yes, what of it?”
“Heh”, she shrugs.
“Well shit, why are you here so early? You do realize the movies don’t open until like ten, right?” I question.
“I told you, stupid, I was lonely!” she stomps on the doorstep, playfully, “Well, tough guy, can I come in?”
“Sure, just take your damn shoes off!”
I let her in, and she takes her shoes off by the door when I made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, grabbed an egg, and some umeboshi (a pickled plum), then I got some rice from the cooker. She sat down at the breakfast nook, and just watched me with her hands clasped, leaning over. I cracked the raw egg in the rice, and threw the umeboshi in there.
“Eww, that looks so gross, at least cook the egg!”
I glance at her, snapped the chopsticks, and started eating, just staring at her with a grin on my face.
“Stop, Nate, I’m going to puke, haha.”
I sit down next to her on the breakfast nook, and started shoveling my food down like a caveman. The bowl was close to my face, and all I saw was the level of rice going down.
“I love how you’re so talkative,” said Jessie.
I take the bowl away from my face,
“I love how you’re so white, Jessie,” I respond.
“Shut up!”
I put the bowl back up, and start shoveling the food down again.
“Well, anyway, what’s u-“
“Eating. Why, what’s up with you now?” I respond, cutting her off.
“You’re an asshole Nate!” she smiles, “Well, I painted my nails last night,” she says, putting her fingers up to my face.
“Yeah, cute, black.”
“No shit!” she says, giggling, “Painted my toes too!” I look down, and find that she isn’t wearing any socks.
“How cute…?” I respond, finishing up my food.
She wiggles her toes, and lets out a girlish laugh.
I sit down on the couch, and put my legs up on the coffee table, she comes along, and props herself down next to me, putting her feet up too.
“So, when are we going?” she says.
“We’ve got about 4 hours until we can go, Jess.”
She frowns; meanwhile, I try and wipe the sleep out of my eye. I turn on the TV, get up, throw a DVD in the player, and sit back down. As it starts, Jessica starts to lean on me. I look at her strangely, but she just replies with “I’m tired, man, come on.” Ok, then, that’s fine with me. About an hour passes, and then I notice that she’s fully asleep on my shoulder. I slowly get up, and cradle her in my arms, and then I pick her up. She immediately wakes from her slumber and wants me to put her down, so I do. She comes up to me and asks me to sit down. I go over to the couch, sit down, and watched as she sat down next to me.
She puts her hands on my lap, and says,
“Nate, I’ve got something to tell you. I really like you…”
“What makes you say that?” I question.
“Well, you’ve just always been there for me, even after that breakup I went through. Besides, I don’t trust anyone more than you.”
There was no limit as to how many feelings I felt. I had never really had a girlfriend before, so I didn’t know if what I feel right now would be normal, and I sure as hell didn’t want to reject her because I know that she’s emotionally sensitive, and to be honest, I really didn’t feel like I needed to reject her. She was pretty cute, but I guess it was just a physical attraction, I mean; my feelings for her were aged.
“Well, Jess, I just want you to know that at a time and point, I did like you, but I don’t know what to say right now.”
“But do you still like me?” she questioned with a shaky voice.
“I can’t say that I don’t like you, but we’re best friends,” I answered, “besides, you know that I’ve never been in a relationship before.”
“That’s a bullshit answer! Either you like me or you don’t.” she was upset, and now I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
I didn’t know how to respond, I needed a minute.
“Well… I-“ I started to answer, but I was slapped across the face.
“You bastard! I wanted you to say yes!” she shouted, “after how much I’ve trusted you, after all those signs, you know. I faked all of that crying after my boyfriend, hell, I didn’t even go out with him, I just paid him off to say he went out with me!”
“Why would you do such a thing?” I replied.
“Because I actually had feelings for you!”
“I’m sorry, but I had no idea…”
“How fucking stupid are you?!” she shouted at me even louder, but this time, she had tears rolling down her cheeks, her makeup was running.
“I’m sorry, Jess, but,” I couldn’t finish my sentence because I felt so bad. I felt so stupid.
“You know what, I’m going.” She said, with disgust.
“No, wait!” I said, but she kept walking.
I ran up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She turned around and slapped me across the face, but this time, it was on the other cheek. Then the weirdest thing happened –she immediately came up and kissed me. Her face was pressed up against mine so hard, I thought that she wanted to head butt me. She opened her mouth and slipped her tongue in mine, she was exploring my mouth with her tongue, palpating my tongue with hers. I felt her take my lip, and nibble on it –her braces just added to the effect. Her hands were sensually moving towards the middle of my lower back… then, without warning, stopped. She stopped kissing me. She stopped nibbling on my lip. She stopped moving her hands.
She grabbed my hand, and made me follow her back into my room. She sat on my bed, so I just assumed that I should sit beside her. I was wrong. SLAP! I sat up.
“Listen, you do any stupid shit, and I’m going to slap you silly. Got it?”
I nod.
“Great, now you can make up for that little shit you made back there.”
I blankly stare at her.
“Get on your knees.” She demands.
I do so, but as soon as I do, she sticks her foot in my face.
“Lick it. Now.”
It doesn’t smell rank, but it smells like lotion. It was rather pleasing, but I took to long.
I clasp it with both of my hands, and lick the heel. It was so soft, it felt like silk in my mouth. I kiss it, and rub my face on it… then she started to breath hard.
“Take my pants off,” she said, speaking to me as if I were a dog, “now, hurry up!”
I get up, lift her T shirt up, and spot that perfect belly button, her skin was so pale and white, it was surreal, but somehow, it was appealing to me. I stopped dicking around and undid the button on her pants. I zipped the zipper down slowly, and started to pull her pants off. Her panties were silk, and it was laced at the top, I stared between her legs for a second or two, but I was punished for taking too long. I took her pants off, and she spread her legs a bit.
“Finish your job, Nate.”
I got back on my knees, grabbed her foot, and started back on it. I slowly licked the arch, feeling her squirm and moan and writhe in the bed. Then I got to her toes.
“Keep going, suck them.”
I put the big toe in my mouth, and gently suck it, massaging it with my tongue. I nibbled on it, and then I moved down to the 2nd and 3rd toes. I treat her like a queen. She was breathing heavily, and then she sat up, but instead of striking me, she started petting my head.
“That’s a good boy…” she said.
I do this for the next two or three minutes, and then I move on to the other foot. Another set of those cute toes. I just couldn’t stop myself, I suckled them, I massaged them, and I cherished them.
“Come here, baby.” She said sensually.
I do what she says.
She rubs her hand against my balls, and gently squeezes them. I’m in heaven for a fraction of a second, but then she whispers “I’ll be back for more later...”
I was mad, but I didn’t show it.
She got up, grabbed a pair of gym shorts out of my dresser, and put them on. I followed her, not wanting what just happened to end. She put her shoes on and came back to me, “Don’t wait up now…”
I couldn’t take it any more. I grabbed her wrist, “Just exactly what the fuck are you doing?”
“Bitch, you’re going to pay for what you did,” I even surprised myself when I said those words.
Just then, I bear hugged her, picked her up and moved away from the door. We were in the living room when I had stopped moving. She wasn’t quite screaming, but she wasn’t quite silent through this whole ordeal. She was squirming around in my arms, but it wasn’t anything I could handle. I set her on the floor, but all she did was try and run away, however, I did spot a grin on her face. I caught her not even 3 feet away from where I set her down, and pulled the gym shorts down, all I could manage to say was, “I want my fucking gymshorts back!”
“Fine, take them, asshole!” she mumbled.
She tripped upon me taking her pants, and it was perfect timing for what I would do next. I put my forearm on the back of her neck and wormed my way up to her, and then I turned her over. I pinned both arms down with both of my hands. By now, I was pumped. I knew I was because Jessie couldn’t stop looking at the veins, which were wrapping around my forearms and neck like pulsating snakes. She finally looked at me dead in the eyes, and muttered, “Please…”
I ignored her plea, but let go of her wrists. As soon as I let them go, she put both of her hands around me and pulled me close to her mouth. She kissed me, almost with a passion, but with no tongue. I took the initiative this time. I shoved my tongue into hers, exploring her mouth, rediscovering her braces, rediscovering her tongue. She bit down. not with enough force to make me bleed, but noticeably hard. I pulled away, stared at her, and raised my hand. My father had told me to never hit girls, and so I didn’t, instead, I had just said, “You’ll get yours, Jessica.”
“Punish me” was all that came out of her mouth.
A strange force overcame me, and before I knew it, I had my hands on her breasts. They were so soft, but they weren’t pornstar big, just B cups… the kind that just fills your hand… I took my hand off her breast, and ripped her shirt open. I then saw two hills staring me right in the face. My right hand found a way under the bra, and I started to squeeze. I then pulled a breast out, and started sucking it, gently biting down, swirling my tongue around it, until I saw her hand slip down into the pair of black laced panties. Before it could reach the gold, I snatched it out and held it in front of her. “Ah ah ah, this is what you deserve, you little slut.”
I worked my way down her pale, silky smooth skin, tasting it, occasionally stopping for a gentle nibble or kiss. I stopped at her navel, which was just so adorable… I kissed it gently a few times, and then slipped my hands into the sides of her panties, then I started to pull down. Her chest rose, but all I did was work my way around to the back to catch a feel of her ass. As soon as I was done, I spread her legs.
I saw a large moist spot in the middle, and it was growing, and pulsing. I went as close as I could to it, then sniffed it. The scent was extraordinary, it was just pure olfactory bliss. I then licked her inner thigh, as close as I could get to her sweet spot without exactly touching it. Already, I could see it, hot, wet, and red around what looked to be the lips –but I had to hold back. I licked both of her inner thighs, then down her calf, and back to her feet.
I saw those little black beauties, and put 3 of them in my mouth. I closed my eyes, and just imagined myself sucking those delicate, perfumed toes. I would stop for an occasional nibble, or I would focus on just the big toe, but I must have spent about 5 minutes on each foot, because I had noticed her breathing had gotten heavier, “Nate, please…”
“Ok, bitch, you want it rough?!”
I forced a kiss out of her, squeezed one of her tits, and moved downwards. I ripped her panties off, and just stared. Her lips were inside of her (they call it a cameltoe on the internet), and it was as moist as you could imagine. I took a good look, and shoved her panties right in her mouth. “Bitch, hold onto that.” She just looked at me, accepting her own taste. She was lying down at the moment, when I had stood up, towering over her. I scooped my arms under her, and carried her over to my room. I was standing under my pull up bar, and then, I lifted her up, and she grabbed onto the bar, I positioned myself in between her legs, and started lapping away. I licked up and down her outer lips, French kissed her pussy, and licked this little hard thing at the very top of her slit. I sucked and swallowed everything that dripped into my mouth. The taste was fairly sweet backed up with a salty aftertaste. The only problem was that her opening was so tight, that I could barely get my tongue in, so I just started to focus on that little knob. I would gently suck it, but what finished things off was when I made my tongue as straight as it could go, and focused on it. Suddenly, she let go, and all of her weight was on my shoulders. I wasn’t ready for that, so I toppled on the bed, with me staring up, and Jessica facing my wall. It was at that moment that a whole flood of that warm liquid jettisoned into my mouth, not in one squirt, but in multiple ones –I drank it like a fine wine. “Who has control now, huh Nate?”
Jessica didn’t get up. She just sat there, with both of her hands on the wall, gasping for air. After about 3 minutes of being in submission, she started to move up and down, grinding against my face. “Don’t just fuck around, lick it!” she said. I licked, and licked, and licked, then I gently sucked, and finally, my mouth was filled with her fluids once more. She got up and off of me, and demanded that I lay down all the way. So I did; she sat opposing me. She raised her feet, and started stroking the bulge in my gym shorts. She sat up, pulled my gym shorts down, and was amazed at the size of my member. It was at least 6 inches long. She sat back, and then I wondered what she was going to do next. Her feet rose, and then she clasped my cock with her toes. The feeling was unimaginable. She started stroking, then she used her hand to pleasure herself, but she was worn down, every 10 or so seconds, shed shudder, and pause while her pussy contracted, and little squirts of her juice jutted out. Her feet were moving faster, and she pulled out of her own pussy and licked her fingers. My balls tightened. I closed my eyes, and in 4 or 5 squirts, I coated her little feet with my seed.
Got up and then stood on my bed. “You’re not done yet,” she sat back down, but this time, she was on all fours. This was my time to shine. I stood up as well, got on one knee, and started to insert myself into her. The head was a snug fit, but it went through with aid from her natural lubricant. I’ve never seen a girl so wet before –not even on the net. My bed was soaked in her fluids, with small splotches of mine. No matter, let’s do this thing. I then went in, inch by inch, I heard her let out a small scream. I was finally all there. She was so warm and tight, that I bet I could probably light a fire from all of the friction going on. I slowly came out, then in, then out…. This continued on until she started to get really hot, then wet. There was no more slapping of my ballsack against her ass, just juicy squishes. What happened next caught me by surprise. She begged me to pull out, she was “coming”, but all I did was scoff at her attempt, and she whimpered. I kept going, at a faster pace, the rhythmic motion started to make the bed shake. I grasped a pillow, and threw it at her. She took the pillow, and started to scream in it. In all of my life, I’ve never been more turned on. I went even faster, and more of her juices spilled out, encouraging me to keep going. Then all of a sudden, my motion blurred, and I closed my eyes once more, I spat my seed deep within her. I pulled out, and a combination of whatever was left of what she had and my cum was bubbling out of her pussy. “I’m going to take a shower, Jesse, want to come with?”
“Sure!” she grinned.
I grabbed a towel and two pairs of my boxers while she had the hot water going. I stepped in the bathroom and she was already in the shower. I got in, and she had started lathering up the soap. I guess that all of that bullshit conditioning during practice had paid off, because she was doing nothing but washing my arms, chest, and abs. As if a sign from above, she dropped the soap. “Um…..” she bent down to pick it up, while I playfully ran a finger up her slit. She almost yelped because she was so tender. “Nate, to be honest, that was my first time…”
“You mean, you didn’t do that with the other guy?”
“I told you he wasn’t for real.”
“Ah…….. so how’d you like it?”
“It was amazing, but we forgot a few things…” she just smiled, and her braces never looked so adorable on her.
I couldn’t help but force myself onto her, I kissed her, groped her, felt her, and then finally let go. Then without warning, she stuck her fingers in my mouth, of course I sucked on them, enjoying them like a delicate snack, and then she removed her fingers. She traced the cuts on my chest down to my abs with her nail, and it drove me nuts (no pun intended). She knelt down, and squeezed my balls with her other hand. I practically screamed. Then she put her mouth on my cock. She sucked on my head, ran up and down my shaft, swirled around the tip, and started over. I came in her mouth, and she opened it for me to see. And then she swallowed.
We got out of the shower, giggling, we dried each other off, and I put my boxers on, and she put my boxers on. “Fuck, I don’t have a bra.”
“Don’t let it get to you.” I said, nonchalantly.
“Whatever. Hey, I’m hungry!”
“Come on, don’t be stupid!”
“Ugh, fine…”
We went to the kitchen, and I looked around, but all I could manage to find that was ready to eat was a box of strawberries. “Mmm, I love strawberries!” she said.
I watched her grab one out of the box, close her eyes, place one on her tongue, and chewed. She groaned, and it made me cringe. “Do you want one?” she questioned.
“Ok, close your eyes!”
There was a bit of a pause, but slowly but surely, I got my strawberry. There was no telling where it’s been…
I opened my eyes, and already, there was a little wet spot in the crotch of my boxers. “You dirty little…”, she stuck her hand down there, and pulled two of her fingers out. She then spread them, amongst the black nail polish, there was a coating of her lubricant, and when she spread her fingers, there were two strings of it, I got up, and sucked those two fingers. She started to breathe heavy again…
I led her to my room again, and threw her on my bed. I don’t know why, but I have this fascination with her feet. Her little toes, just slightly plump, not too long, the nails were the perfect size, and the polish… I went to town on those little piggies while she pleasured herself.
I pulled her –my- boxers off, and saw that glistening snatch again. But that was getting boring, and somehow, I think she knew it too. We looked each other in the eye, and I think she picked up on what I was thinking. I waited for her response, “No! No way, Jose!”
I started to get excited again, “Fuck, do you think I care what you think?”
I flipped her over and she got on all fours. I found a puddle of our previous session, and rubbed it all over my member. It was still warm. I held her still, and found her other flower. She squirmed, but that didn’t stop me. I inserted the head of my soldier, and she whimpered. I got more of the puddle and put it on me. I went in ever so slowly, and she couldn’t help but yet out a yelp here or there. I slowly started pulling out when she interrupted me. “Pretend like you’re raping me…” I didn’t know how to take it…
I then got my hand and put it over her mouth. I slammed myself back into her, and she bit down on my fingers. I felt tears rolling down her cheeks, but then she started to relax. I pulled out, and then went in, each time faster than the last. Her ass was different from per pussy. Her ass had pressure all around, and it was moister than I had expected, I got my other hand that I was using for balance, and then inserted two fingers into her slit. I felt her body tremble, and her pussy started to pulsate again. I then felt my sack get tight, and I launched my cum deep in her ass. I pulled out of both of her holes, and took my hand away from her mouth, it was wet from the tears, but when Jesse had faced me, she was grinning.
She came up, and kissed me passionately, I returned the favor. Our tongues met, and there was a symphony of sensations between the both of us. She nibbled on my lip, and I licked her braces, she started licking my ear, and I started caressing her neck… but all of a sudden, she stopped. “What’s up, Jess?”
“What time is it?”
I glance over at the alarm clock, and then I look back at Jessica, “We’ve got 2 more hours until the mall opens.”
Jessica smiles, and then I get an idea…


2008-01-13 23:01:38
Do a part 2 with exact same peeps frm 1


2007-07-19 01:47:59
Keep writing


2007-07-19 00:43:00
Pretty good. But if he moved there in 8th grade and was there for 3 years, he'd be 17. And 6 inches isn't all that big for 17, I had a 6 incher at 14. But great stuff, keep writing.


2007-07-19 00:08:12
just FUCKIN amazing i love goth chicks write MORE now!!

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