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Girl leaves Children's Home for University
Bright Sparks Prodigy - Hannah’s New Life

by Vanessa Evans

Part 1

So here I am having just started a very different chapter of my life. For the past 4+ years I was a resident at the Bright Sparks Children’s Home (see an earlier story of that name) and I had an amazing time there.

It was quite a shock to me when I had to go into care, but Dennis, the manager, and Mandy, his assistant and girlfriend, quickly made me feel comfortable and I soon forgot, well almost, the trauma that had put me there. Dennis and Mandy, and the other residents, educated me in a lot of the skills that I would need in life as well as encouraging me to do well at school, so much so that I left school with excellent grades and a place at at a good university on the south coast.

I reached the old age of 18 before I left school and, as you are probably aware, the state dictates that upon attaining the age of 18 you are no longer the responsibility of the state and you have to leave the children’s home.

As I was going to be homeless for around 4+ months, Dennis very kindly let me stay in the care home’s attached manager’s apartment that he shares with Mandy. Okay, I had to earn my keep by helping with the mountain of work that is involved with running a children’s home, but that was no different to before because all the children there ‘muck in’ and do the work as part of Dennis’ preparing us for life after the home.

What’s more, Dennis paid me for helping out so I had some pocket money for when I moved to the university.

In those 4+ months I also enjoyed the continuing education that Dennis and Mandy gave me to prepare me for the big world, but now that I was 18 that education included the pleasures that an 18 year old girl can have with parts of her body that she isn’t fully aware of when she is younger.

After 4+ years of getting used to the caring nature of the way that Dennis and Mandy run the children’s home, I was very comfortable being around them and as Mandy was usually naked in their flat, it seemed only natural that I joined her.

Maybe this is a good time to describe myself, I’m Hannah and I have been called ‘skinny’ many times (Dennis’ healthy eating regime), although I do have a shapely body but my tits are only a 32A. I have also been described as being beautiful although I think that I am only average. I do have long blonde hair that my girl friends and I used to spend many hours brushing.

One of Mandy’s 18+ tips for my future life was to shave my whole genitalia area every day and I quickly discovered that I preferred to be ‘bald down there’. It seems to make me more sensitive and I feel happier being that way.

Oh, I know that you male readers will be wondering about my nipples and inner labia so I am telling you that my inner labia are virtually non-existent just like my clit hood. Dennis called it an ‘innie’ pussy except for my not so little clit that enjoys its freedom all the time, especially as Mandy also introduced to the pleasures of not wearing knickers or a bra. My nipples are far from non-existent, sat on small, dark brown areolae and when they are hard, they stick out nearly a centimetre.

Both Dennis and Mandy told me that because of my small tits and my innie I could easily be mistaken for a girl 6 or 7 years younger that me. I wasn’t so sure about that because I’d never heard of a girl that age with a little finger tip sized clit sticking out all the time.

It is common practise for the regular visiting doctor to give all girls in children’s homes the contraceptive implant in their arms, not that the residents were engaging in regular sexual activity, Dennis has very strict about that, but Dennis and the doctor, being realistic, wanted to make sure that there were no unplanned pregnancies.

Although Dennis, and Mandy, used to brush the hair of all resident girls, him brushing my hair in his flat with both of us naked, seemed natural and I quickly lost any embarrassment that I initially had.

In fact I quickly realised that I got aroused whenever him and Mandy pampered my body. Yes, Mandy is not the jealous type and she helped Dennis educate me in the pleasures that a girl’s body can give her. I was so happy that I had finally reached 18.

So, when I tearfully moved out of Bright Sparks Children’s Home I was really looking forward to my ‘new’ life which Dennis and Mandy had prepared me for.

As a day out for some of the other Bright Sparks residents, Dennis hired a minibus and drove us down to the south coast for the day. After dropping me off at my new home to settle in, they went and found a nice beach for the rest of the day.

My university accommodation is in a huge block of flats, each flat having 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, one for the guys and one for the girls. It’s one of the older blocks that was built before someone decided that it would be a good idea to have a bathroom in each of the flatmates rooms.

This never bothered me because I was used to sharing a bathroom in the children’s home.

One thing that I wasn’t happy about was that another, newer block of student flats was built very close to my block of flats so I had no view over pleasant gardens or even the sea, just the more modern block of flats.

I don’t know if it was deliberate or just pure coincidence, but all my other flatmates were also from children’s homes around the country and I quickly got to know, and like, Millie, Olivia, Logan and Ethan.

We all went to the freshers parties together and had a great time during freshers week. The 5 of us also got to know each other and became good friends.

One of the many topics of conversation between us 3 girls was, unsurprisingly, clothes. Also unsurprisingly, this wasn’t a subject that bothered Logan and Ethan much, but Millie and Olivia were like me, fed-up with the hand-me-downs that we all had, so us 3 girls decided to go and spend some of our subsistence allowance on new clothes.

All 3 of us had got used to, and actually preferred, the hand-me-down skirts and dresses to trousers of any de***********ion, the skirts and dresses always being shorter than what most other girls wore so it was no real surprise that in each shop we ended up in the section that had many such skirts and dresses.

Millie is probably a bit more outgoing than Olivia and me, and she is also probably a bit more daring than Olivia and me so I wasn’t really surprised when she challenged us all to buy the shortest skirts and dresses that we could find.

“But we might accidentally flash our knickers,” Olivia said, “because we’ll probably be concentrating on our uni lessons and not remember to sit crossed legs or remember to put something on our laps.”

“That’s if we’re wearing any knickers.” I replied.

“So what if we do ‘accidentally flash our knickers, or our bare pussies,” Millie replied, “we want to get noticed by the guys right?”

Olivia and I agreed, then Millie continued,

“As well as short skirts we could also let our little girls free. None of us have tits that need any support so why not use our tits to tease the guys as well?”

Again, Olivia and I agreed so Millie continued,

“Why don’t we all leave our knickers and bras in these changing rooms and go braless and knickerless from now on?”

The 3 of us were in the same happy mood that we’d been in since shortly after we started to get to know each other so again we agreed, and as we took our chosen clothes to the till to pay there were 3 bras and 1 pair of granny style knickers left in the changing rooms. Millie already being knickerless like me.

The 3 of us were in an even happier and adventurous mood as we continued our shopping and when we went for what to us was a treat, a McDonald’s lunch, we developed a little game that we all wanted to play. We decided to keep a score of the ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ or accidents, actual or deliberate, that we had each day, and award ourselves points. One point for a guy seeing 1 bare nipple, 1 point for a guy seeing a bare butt, 2 points for a guy seeing both nipples at the same time and 5 points for a guy seeing a bare pussy. If multiple guys were to see the same ‘accident’ then the score would be multiplied by the number of guys who saw our girly parts.

“So to win every day I could streak the uni campus every day?” Millie asked.

“You could,” Olivia replied, “but how many times do you think that you could get away with doing that?”

“Good point Olivia.” Millie relied.

“Isn’t the whole point that these ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ or ‘accidents’ should be what their name implies?” I said, “if we just go around pulling our skirts up or our tops down we’ll soon get the campus security knocking on our doors and we don’t want that do we? No, all our flashing has to appear to be either a genuine wardrobe malfunction or an accident, that way we can claim that it wasn’t deliberate and we won’t get asked to leave the uni.”

“Well in principle I agree with you Hannah,” Olivia said, “but there’s going to be times when one, or all of us, just get naked when there’s other people around. Maybe it’s to do some sunbathing in the park or at a party.”

“I guess that none of us get any points if we’re all naked. Hey, if the weather is still good this weekend shall we go and check-out the local park, see if there’s anywhere where we can get some sun on our girly parts?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Olivia said.

“So how many points do we get for being naked in a guy’s room?” Millie asked.

“None,” I replied, “but if you were to get caught naked, by a different guy, going to the communal bathroom then you will get 3 points, assuming that you don’t try to cover -up.”

“So how many points do I get if the same guy sees my goodies twice in one day?” Olivia asked.

“You only get points for the first time.” Millie replied and we all agreed.

“How about we get points if we expose another of us 3,” I suggested, “say 3 points if I unfasten Millie’s skirt and it drops to the floor leaving her bottomless?”

“This is getting more fun by the minute.” Olivia said, “what if Millie and I strip you totally naked somewhere quite public Hannah and then run off with your clothes?”

“Wow! Now that’s an idea.” I replied, “but who would get the points. You 2 or me?”

“Who cares about the points, let’s just take it in turns to be stripped.” Olivia said. “If the lucky ‘victim’ gets caught she can blame the other 2 who will be nowhere to be found then it’s not her fault for being naked in public.”

The 3 of us gave each other high fives and said that we were in.

We all went silent for a couple of minutes and I was sure that Olivia and Millie were doing the same as me, trying to think of ways that we could have an ‘accident’ or which of us was going to get stripped by the other 2 first.

Just as we were about to leave, Millie said,

“Shame I haven’t got any of our new clothes on, if I had, I could bend over to pick up my shopping bags and flash my bare butt to those guys over there.”

“I’ve already got my score up to 5 by spreading my knees. At least 1 of those guys looked under the table and saw my pussy.” I added.

“Shit,” Millie replied, “why didn’t I think of that?”

We left McDonald’s and went to do a bit more shopping and after being in one shop we all left wearing some of our new, much shorter, skirts or dresses that we’d bought earlier and we all quickly discovered the sensual feeling of knowing that our bare pussies and butts were millimetres away from being on display in public.

We also had some ‘accidents’ when we discovered how easy it is to display our butts and pussies when some guys following us up the escalators wearing such short skirts. I think that all 3 of us were feeling really horny by the time we left the shopping centre to return to our flat. We’d also scored quite a few points.

Back at the flat, Ethan and Logan couldn’t stop staring at us and telling us that our new outfits looked great.

I was the first to flop down on one of the sofas. I wasn’t thinking about flashing Logan who was stood just in front of me, and I wasn’t thinking about my new, very short skirt but Logan said,

“Blood hell Hannah, you’re not wearing any knickers.”

I didn’t close my knees and replied,

“Yeah, I haven’t worn any knickers since I got here. Uni is the time when people our age are supposed to experiment and try new things isn’t it?”

“Yeah, so Hannah,” Logan replied, “is it going to be short skirts and no knickers from now on, and does that apply to bras as well? I can see that your headlights are on full beam.”

I giggled a little then replied,

“Not complaining are you Logan, I didn’t think that you were the woke or prudish type.”

“I’m not, definitely not, you can wear, or not, anything that you want Hannah and I will not judge you or complain. Hell, you can turn into a nudist and I wouldn’t complain and I’m sure that Ethan won’t either.”

“What’s that Logan?” Ethan said, “did I hear my name?”

“Yeah,” Logan replied, “just telling Hannah that neither of us would complain if Hannah were to be naked in the flat.”

“Hell no, it would be great to have a naked girl flatmate, or better still, 3 naked girl flatmates.”

“Did I hear that right?” Millie said as she came back from her room, “you guys want us 3 girls to be naked in the flat?”

“We can all dream.” Ethan said.

“Well, that might just happen sometime.” Millie replied as she too flopped down on the sofa next to me, she too not crossing her legs.”

“Bloody hell,” Ethan said, “two knickerless girls. I can see that this next year is going to be very educational.”

“Three knickerless girls.” Millie replied, “we’ve all decided stop wearing underwear. That’s not a problem for either of you is it?”

“Not at all ladies,” Ethan replied, “what you wear or don’t wear is entirely up to you, there are no fashion police here, but I know that both Logan and I appreciate the sight of beautiful, naked girls.”

“Well we’re not stripping off for you guys right now, but you never know. All 3 of us know that it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men, you all like seeing us naked and we like being seen naked don’t we?” Millie asked Olivia and me.

“Yeah, I like men seeing me naked, it makes me all tingly and horny.” Olivia said.

“Me too, I swear that one day soon I’m going to cum just because men are looking at my naked body.” I added, “when I see them looking I just want to spread my legs and let them get the best possible view.”

“Bloody hell girls,” Logan said, “have I died and gone to heaven?”

“So when are Logan and I going to see one of you totally naked?” Ethan asked.

I saw Millie looking at Olivia and they both had a mischievous grin on their faces.

“NO NO.” I said, pretending to not like the idea.

But it was too late. Millie and Olivia pounced on me and before I knew it both my top and skirt were on the floor and I was totally naked, laying on the sofa in front of Logan and Ethan.

“Very nice.” Ethan said, “No, don’t try to cover up Hannah, let us enjoy the moment.”

So I didn’t, I didn’t even close my legs, one of my feet was on the floor so everyone could see my shiny wet pussy.

“Yes,” Logan said, “that’s quite an impressive body that you’ve got there Hannah.”

“Well I’m happy that you like it guys, can I put my clothes back on now?”

“No.” Millie said, “I think that you should stay like that until tomorrow.”

For some strange reason, all the 4 others agreed, nodding their head as I looked at each of them.

“Okay, I will, no one will ever call me a prude.”

“But they might call you an exhibitionist Hannah.” Logan replied.

“I can live with that.” I replied.

I stayed naked for the rest of the day and Logan and Ethan couldn’t stop looking at me. I had the tingling feeling in my pussy all the time and I felt really good. I didn’t tell any of them that I’d got used to spending many hours naked in Dennis’ flat with him and Mandy there.

As Millie and I were getting some food ready, Millie told me that she was jealous of me.

“Why don’t you just strip off then, I’m sure that Logan and Ethan won’t mind.” I said.

“No, I haven’t got the bottle to just strip off.” Millie replied.

I let it ride for a few minutes then just as Millie was bending over to put something in the oven, I grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up. As Millie stood up I kept going and up went her dress, right over her head leaving her as naked as I was.

“Hey, no fair.” Millie said, “it’s your turn to be naked Hannah.”

“Who says that only one of us can be naked?” I replied.

“No one,” Logan replied as he walked into the kitchen area, “it’s good to see you naked as well Millie. You know that it’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men.”

“I know,” I replied, “I like being naked with you and Ethan around.”

“Turning you on is it Hannah?”

“Yeah, but don’t get any ideas Logan.”

“I’m not, but we can all dream.” Logan replied.

As we were all eating Ethan asked Olivia if she was going to join Millie and me, but she declined, saying that she didn’t want to overload Logan’s and Ethan’s brains with too many images of naked girls. No one complained because, by then, we all knew that the 2 guys would get to see us 3 girls naked many times over the next year.

That night I discovered that my suspicions about the newer block of student flats that were only a few metres from my window were right. As I walked around my room I caught a glimpse of a guy in one on the rooms opposite looking my way.

At first I just ignored him and got on with what I was doing, but when he was still watching me after a good 5 minutes I decided to put on a bit of a show for him. Fortunately, my bed was visible to him so I switched the ceiling light on and also a table lamp that I had that was designed to spotlight the writing area of my desk. I turned that to face my bed the lay spread eagle on my bed and started playing with my tits and pussy.

The guy was still watching after I’d orgasmed and come down from my high.

I went to sleep, on top of my bed with the lights still on, reflecting on my happy day.


It was our first day of lessons but it started in an unusual way. As I mentioned earlier, there are 2 communal bathrooms in our flat, a girls and a boys, and as Olivia and I were in the showers we heard Logan loudly cursing and swearing.

Then I heard a conversation between Millie and Logan.

“Bloody showers have stopped working.” Logan said.

“Report it to Maintenance, their number in on that sheet that we were given.” Millie replied.

“I will, but it will probably take weeks for them to even come and look at it never mind fix the dam thing.”

“Well, I don’t want smelly flatmates so I guess that we’ll all have to share the girls bathroom. I’m sure that Hannah and Olivia won’t mind, after all, it’s okay for you to see us girls naked and we get the added bonus of seeing you 2 guys naked as well, come on.”

The next thing that knew was that Millie and Logan were walking into the girls bathroom.

Being seen showering by guys was nothing new to me and I guess that it wasn’t new to Olivia and neither of us batted an eyelid as both Logan and Millie started stripping and joining Olivia and me.

“A bit crowded in here.” Olivia said, “Something is poking into my butt. I’ll get out and leave you 3 to it.”

I giggled a little as I looked down and saw Logan’s hard cock pointing towards the ceiling.

“Nice cock Logan.” I said, then Millie agreed with me but she added,

“Shame that none of us have the time to give you any relief Logan. I guess that you’ll just have to take care of it yourself.”

I looked at Millie, then Olivia who was towelling herself, and I could just tell that all 3 of us were in teasing mode, and I wondered how long it would be before us 3 girls were fucking the 2 guys.

Millie and I continued showering with Logan watching us and feeling us as our hands ‘accidentally’ touched him. Both Millie and I made a big deal of soaping our tits and pussies, spreading our lips and moaning a little as we gave our clits a quick rub, or 2 or 3 or 4, and slipping a finger inside us, really tormenting Logan who definitely wasn’t concentrating on his shower.

Both Millie and I also made a big deal or drying ourselves, again with Logan watching us.

We both left the bathroom totally naked and carrying our clothes and towels. Ethan came out of his room in his boxers with a towel over his shoulder. As he stared at the 2 naked girls walking towards him, Millie said,

“Boys shower is broken, you’ll have to use the girls.”

“Okay.” Ethan said as Millie and I disappeared into our rooms.


My first lesson was a bit of a surprise. Instead of sitting in rows behind desks, all the chairs were in a circle so when I sat down I realised that all the students at the other side of the circle could see up my very short skirt and see my bald pubis and maybe the front of my slit.

To start with I put my books on my lap just like most of the other students but the professor told us that we wouldn’t be needing our books as the first lesson was all about getting to know each other.

Looking around I saw that all but one of the other girls there were sat with their legs crossed. That girl was sat like me, knees slightly apart and I could see the front of her white knickers.

I looked at the guys opposite and saw that a few of them were looking my way.

“That’s at least 20 points.” I thought, then I decided to listen to what the professor was saying.

We went around the room introducing ourselves and I loved it when all the guys, and the professor, were staring at me, especially as I hadn’t closed my knees and my thin tank top had 2 bulges high up on my chest.

By the end of the lesson I’d ‘earned’ a few more points and I was sure that some of the guys hadn’t heard some of what the professor and the other students was telling us. I also saw the professor staring at my bare legs a couple of times.

As we left the room some of the guys were hovering around me and the brave ones were trying to hit on me.

I met Millie in the canteen and we compared notes. Millie hadn’t been as lucky as me and she didn’t have as many points as me but had had the opportunity for a couple of guys to look down her baggy top causing her to get all wet.

My one lesson in the afternoon was less fruitful although the teaching assistant did stare at the little bumps on my chest and at my bare legs as he walked round the room. I tried to sit so that he could see my protrusion between my legs but I don’t know if I was successful.

Us 3 girls had arranged to meet outside the front of the main entrance to the university when our sessions were over. When I got there I couldn’t see Olivia or Millie anywhere so, with it being a warm day, I decided to sit on one of the higher steps that led up to the entrance. My skirt rode up as I sat down and it was bare skin that sat on the concrete with my knees together but my feet spread well apart on the step a couple lower.

I didn’t think about the show that I was putting on until I started to notice some guys stood at the bottom of the steps looking my way. When it clicked the tingling started and I felt my pussy get all damp.

“More points.” I thought as I watched the guys watching me.

Then I saw Olivia climbing up the steps towards me.

“You do know that you’re putting on a nice little show for those guys at the bottom of the steps don’t you Hannah?” Were Olivia’s first words.

“And hi to you too Olivia. I didn’t until a couple of minutes ago. Going to join me?”

And she did, her sitting exactly like I was.

We watched guys come and go at the bottom of the steps for a couple of minutes then we saw one guy get his phone and point it at us.

“Oh goody,” Olivia said, “photos to pass around to back-up their stories.”

“Give them something to wank over tonight.” I replied. “Do you think that we dare rub one out for them?”

“What, here, now? No, some miserable prat is bound to complain.” Olivia replied.

Just then Millie arrived and said,

“Afternoon ladies, I see that you are both having wardrobe malfunctions, can I join in?”

“Sure,” I replied, “I’m sure that the guys at the bottom of the steps won’t complain.”

As I checked on the guys at the bottom of the steps I saw a girl with them, and it was Laura, the girl who was flashing her white knickers in my first class. I told Millie and Olivia and Millie replied,

“Keep an eye on her, she may be one of us.”

“One of us? What do you mean Millie?”

“An exhibitionist, was she wearing a bra this morning Hannah?”

“I don’t know, her top was a bit on the thick side, but I’ll try to make friends with her and find out.”

“Good.” Millie said, “Hey, I’ve discovered that there’s going to be a party in the flat above us on Friday night.”

“Are we going to crash it?” Olivia asked.

“Do you want to Olivia?” I asked.

“Yeah, why not, we might be able to get some free booze and a bit of fun.” Olivia replied.

“You up for it Millie?” I asked.

“Of course.” Millie replied. “Hey, are we going to tease Logan and Ethan when we get back to the flat?”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well, when they both get back let’s play a game of Truth or Dare without the truths.”

“Cool,” I replied, “we can dare them to strip each of us in turn, but we have to pretend that we’re not happy about it and put up a bit of resistance.”

“Then what?” Olivia asked.

“We could dare them to eat us or blow them.” Millie suggested.

“Or we could dare one of them to shave our pussies,” I suggested, “I don’t know about you but I didn’t shave mine this morning.”

“Looks like we’re in for a fun evening ladies.” Olivia added.

“Hey,” I said, “I didn’t tell you, you know that ugly new building out the back?”

“Yes.” Olivia replied,

“Well people from some of the windows can see into my room.”

“Not fair.” Both Millie and Olivia replied, then Millie added, “can we swap rooms please Hannah?”

“No, but have you noticed how big the window in the girls bathroom is?”

“Bloody big, but the glass is frosted.” Olivia replied.

“True,” I replied, but it looks that room wasn’t a bathroom to start with. The window might open.”

“Hmm, I see where you’re going Hannah. I’ll check it out when we get back.”

“Shall we head off back to the flat,” Olivia said, “that group at the bottom of these steps is getting a bit big. It might attract the uni security.”

“The crowd might not be the only thing that’s getting bigger.” Millie added.

“Are cocks the only thing that you think of Millie?” I asked, “but you’re right Olivia, we should be moving, don’t want to attract security. “Shall we meet here every afternoon after lessons, we might get some regular voyeurs.”

“Good idea.” Millie replied, “and cocks aren’t the only thing that I think of, I managed to concentrate on my course for a couple of hours today.”

As we walked back to our flat we decided to scrap the points system and just enjoy our ‘accidents’ and wardrobe malfunctions. As we got close to the building Mille said,

“So ladies, are we going to strip each other this evening, give Logan and Ethan a show of girl parts?”

Before we could answer Millie, Logan appeared beside us and said,

“Show Logan and Ethan what?”

“Never mind Ethan,” I replied, “are you and Logan going out tonight?”

“Not planning on it, I should really start some of the reading that we’ve been given and I need to start looking for a job.”

“Shit, yes,” Millie said, “I should really start looking for a job otherwise I’m going to be broke in a couple of months.”

“You could get a job at a strip club, all of you.” Ethan replied, “you’ve all got the bodies for that job.”

“Thanks Ethan,” I replied, “I’m sure that I’d enjoy being a stripper but I was think of maybe an escort job, get pampered by some rich business men.”

“Find yourself a sugar daddy Hannah?”

“Maybe, I have a free afternoon tomorrow so I’ll make a few phone calls. If that fails we can all go looking for a strip club and see if they have any vacancies.”

“You could do that anyway Hannah. I’m sure that you’d enjoy the interview. Hey, have you girls been to the medical department yet, see about getting on the pill? I hear that the examinations are quite interesting?”

“They do a full gyno exam before giving you the pill do they?” Olivia asked.

“So I’ve heard,” Ethan replied, “and they let the medical students do it.”

“Now that sounds interesting, but I’ve got one of those implants in my arm so I don’t need the pill.” Olivia said,

“So have I.” Millie added.

“So have I.” added.

“Does that stop you pretending that you haven’t and getting examined by some cute, third year male medical student?” Ethan asked.

Us 3 girls looked at each other, grinned and we all replied,

“I’ll do it.”

I was still thinking about a cute medical student groping my little tits and probing around in my pussy when we got back to the flat. Logan was already there and when we walked in he was reading one of his course books.

“Put that away Logan,” Millie said, “we’re getting something to eat then we’re all going to play truth or dare, well my version of it.”

As we all mucked in and got the food ready, Ethan asked Millie what her version of truth or dare was.

“Well, forget the truths, we each take it in turns to dare one of the others and if they don’t to it they drop out of the game and miss out on the fun that is bound to take place.”

Everyone was listening to Millie and I saw that everyone was smiling. I looked forward to some serious fun.

We 3 girls sat on one sofa and the 2 guys sat on the opposite sofa. I just knew that the guys could see all 3 bald pussies and none of us seemed to care. Perhaps Millie and Olivia were enjoying the exposure as much as I was. Then we drew straws to see who gave who the first dare.

“I dare you to take your shirt off Ethan, I want to see your abs.” Olivia said.

That was a very easy one and Ethan quickly complied.

“My turn,” Ethan said, “Millie, I dare you to take your top off.

Millie did, and we all saw that her nipples looked rock hard in the front of her pert little tits.

“I think that I’m next,” Millie said, “now, who is going to loose what? …. I know, Logan, loose the top, I want to see your six-pack.”

As Logan was getting topless he said,

“I’m not sure that this is fair, there are 3 of you girls and only 2 of us guys, you’re ganging-up on Ethan and me.”

“Maybe,” I replied, but you 2 are wearing more than us so you’ll get us naked before we get both of you naked.”

No one seemed to want to work out the maths on that and the game moved on with Logan saying.

“I’ll prove you wrong guys, Hannah, I dare you to loose the skirt.”

“Thanks Logan,” I said in a disapproving tone as I stood and unfastened my skirt letting it drop to the floor. But in reality I was more than happy to be the first one bottomless.

“I can see that this game should be renamed ‘Strip Dares.’” Olivia said.

“Only until we are all naked, then who knows what the dares will be.” Millie replied, “I hope that no one chickens out and the game stops.”

“My turn,” I said, “Millie, I dare you to take Olivia’s top off and tweak her nipples.”

I’d sat down after loosing my skirt and both Olivia and Millie stood up and, as Millie turned to face Olivia I could see the grin on both their faces. Once her pert little tits were on display Millie went behind her and reach round to get hold of her nipples. As she did so she said,

“Wow Olivia, these are rock hard.”

Millie tweaked Olivia’s nipples and Olivia let out a little moan.

The game continued and yes, I was the first to be totally naked. No one chickened out and the dares progressed to kissing, tit groping, cock wanking, pussy fingering then blow jobs and it was Millie who broke that barrier by daring me to blow Logan for a full minute. He really felt, and sounded like he was going to cum, but he survived the minute. This disappointed me because I was looking forward to tasting his cum.

However, as the dares continued, all 3 of us girls got to blow both guys and they didn’t survive without giving Millie and me a mouthful of their cum which we showed everyone before we swallowed it.

Millie was the first to dare one of the guys to eat a pussy, mine, and she dared Ethan to do it for 5 minutes. Well it only took about half that time for him to make me cum and I was the first girl to cum in front of Logan and Ethan. Well that evening, who knows what Logan and Ethan had been up to before they came to university.

For my next turn I dared Logan to eat Millie’s pussy for 5 minutes and he made her cum.

Millie obviously didn’t want Olivia to miss out on having her pussy eaten, and she dared Ethan to eat Olivia’s pussy for 5 monutes resulting in the last of us 3 girls to cum in front of Logan and Ethan.

Then things took an unexpected turn when Logan said,

“Hannah, I dare you to cross your ankles ----- behind your head.”

“What!” Millie replied, “you can’t expect her to do that, Hannah isn’t a contortionist, and besides, it’s Olivia’s turn to dare someone.”

But I was already trying to do it. Many years ago, before I went into care, I went to gymnastic lessons and I’d discovered that I was very flexible, so I was game to try to see if I could do it.

And I did. It was a little hard and a little painful, but I did it. My calves were behind my shoulders and my ankles were crossed. As I was looking at my wet, bald pussy with my little clit pointing towards the ceiling, I thought how easy it would be to play with my pussy whilst I was like that, I’d be able to easily see what I was doing and how my clit and hole were responding. I made a mental note to do just that as soon as I could.

“Oh my gawd Hannah,” Logan said. “I really thought that I’d got you there. I love the way that your pussy is exposed, and that clit looks so chewable. Can either of you two do that?”

“Dare me!” Millie replied.

Millie tried her best. She could get her ankles above her head but she couldn’t get her shoulders up and over her calves.

“I dare you to try Olivia.” Millie said, still with her ankles above her head.

Olivia did try but she too could only go as far as Millie could.

I still had my shoulders over my calves and I watched the 2 guys looking down at the 3 pussies that were sticking up and fully exposed. I was also thinking that if I stayed like that for much longer with Logan and Ethan looking at my pussy, I might just cum for them - again. I could already feel the stirrings inside me.

“Can we take photos of your pussies?” Ethan asked.

“Only if you leave our faces out of the photos.” Olivia replied.

I looked at Millie and saw that she was smiling.

“I’m sure that you two are going to show those photos to all your mates,” I said, “maybe you could ask them to put a name to the pussy pics, see if they guess right.”

“Mint idea Hannah.” Logan said as the both took numerous photos of each pussy.

“Will either of you know which pussy is in which photo?” Millie asked.

“Yep,” Logan replied, “I’ve taken 5 of Hannah’s pussy then 5 of yours Millie, and finally 5 of yours Olivia.”

“What degree are you taking again Logan?” Millie asked.

“Mathematics.” Logan replied.

I saw Mille smile when I did.

Then Olivia said,

“I think that it’s my turn to dare someone, so Logan, I dare you to shave Hannah’s pussy.”

There was a deadly silence for a few seconds during which time my mind went back a couple of months when Dennis and Mandy shaved me. Okay, I’d shaved my pussy hundreds of times before but that was the first time that someone else did it and they easily made me cum. I had a vision of Logan and Ethan doing the same.

When my daydream ended I looked up and saw that Ethan and Logan were holding everything that they needed to do the deed.

“You’re going to have to get on the table.” Millie said.

So I released my legs and climbed onto the table, spreading my legs wide as I did so.

“Be careful guys,” I said, “if you accidentally cut me I’ll dare you to let me shave your cock and balls and you can just hope that I won’t have a similar accident.”

“I can’t see any hair that needs removing.” Logan said, “just a bit of stubble just above the front of her slit.”

“Shave all around her pussy and butt guys.” Olivia replied, “she’ll enjoy it.”

And I did enjoy it. What an amazing feeling being shaved by a couple of guys that I’d only known for a couple of weeks; and when they used their fingers to spread my lips so that they could shave inside my outer lips, not that I’ve ever found any hair there, they ‘accidentally’ rubbed against my clit and I went off like a rocket.

When I started to come down from my high I looked up and saw that both girls and both guys were staring down at me, all of them with big grins on their faces.

“Wow,” I finally said, “that was a powerful one, I thought that I was going to die.”

“There’s plenty more where that one came from Hannah.” Ethan said, “that’s if you want us to give you them.”

Before I could answer, Millie said,

“Finish shaving her guys and don’t forget round her asshole.”

The guys got me to turn onto my hands and spread knees for that last bit.

“You’re next Millie.” I thought, remembering that it was my turn to dare someone.

I did dare the guys to shave Millie and they did ‘accidentally’ play with her clit making her cum. Then guess what, Millie dared the guys to shave Olivia and they made her cum as well.

By the time all 3 of us girls had been shaved it was getting late and all of us had a lesson or lecture in the morning so Millie said.

“Well that was fun, we’ll have to play that game again sometime.”

The other 4 of us all replied with words meaning that we wanted to play again soon, me adding that we would see just how far we could go.

The 5 of us, all still very naked, went off to our rooms but as soon as I got into mine I decided that I needed a shower. I grabbed what I needed and went to the girl’s bathroom only to find that Logan was just getting into the shower.

I joined him and we fucked for the first time.

It wasn’t love, just lust, and we both knew it, friend with very nice benefits. Afterwards we finished showering, dried ourselves and went to our own beds.

As I was trying to get to sleep I toyed with my clit and wondered when I’d get to fuck Ethan. I was also looking out of my window having decided that I was never going to close my curtains, ans always have the lights on when I was in the room. I could see a couple of rooms had their lights on and their curtains open but I couldn’t tell if anyone was watching me play with my pussy in their darkened room. I decided to imagine that there was at least one guy doing just that.


I woke up feeling happy and refreshed then, without putting any clothes on, I went to get some coffee and toast, only to find Millie in the kitchen, as naked as I was.

“That was fun last night.” Millie said.

“It certainly was.” I replied. “Confession time, Logan and I fucked in the shower last night.”

Millie started laughing then when she stopped laughing she said,

“I went to Ethan’s room and we fucked as well.”

“You naughty girl.” I jokingly replied, then added,

“I think that our next game of truth and dare, without the truths, will end up as a mini orgy.”

“I hope so.” Millie replied, “I like fucking.”

Thirty minutes later Millie and I left our flat heading for our lessons. Both of us were wearing very short skirts, loose fitting tops, shoes and no underwear.

We both only had lessons in the morning so we agreed to meet on the steps outside the main entrance at lunchtime.

I quickly got engrossed in my lesson and about half way through I noticed that the professor was looking at me a lot. I quickly realised that my legs weren’t crossed and my knees were well apart. I smiled to myself and didn’t close my knees. After that I kept having quick looks at the professor and was pleased to see that he was obviously enjoying the upskirt view.

I tried hard to concentrate on the lesson. Getting a good degree was my priority, although that was closely followed by having lots of ‘fun’.

A couple of the guys in my class tried to hit on me as we left the classroom. I was friendly towards the good looking guy but I refused his offer of a drink that night.

Millie was sat on the steps when I go there and I quickly saw that she was sat the way I had the last time that I sat there, and that she was attracting the attention of guys at the bottom as they passed.

“If we’d still been collecting points I’d have lost count by now,” was what Millie said when she saw me.

“Me too.” I replied as I sat next to her, exposing my pussy the same way that she was.

We talked about the fun that we’d had the previous evening, ignoring the guys that were staring at our pussies, for a good 15 minutes then we decided to go back to the flat, but the long way, going via the shopping centre.

As we walked I said that I didn’t have any money to buy anything.

“We can still try a few things on.” Millie replied, “and I need to buy some razor blades. They’re so expensive.”

“I know, do you use the pink ladies ones or the black men’s ones Millie?”

“The pink ladies ones, which do you use Hannah?”

“The black men’s ones. They’re just as good and they are so much cheaper. Dennis taught me that one years ago.”

“That Dennis and Mandy seem to have been okay for care home managers. Mine was okay, but not as good as yours seem to have been.”

“Yes, they were brilliant, they taught me a lot.”

We went into 3 fashion shops and tried clothes on without buying anything. In each shop we got naked in the changing rooms and didn’t bother closing the curtains. Being mid-week there were very few people in the shops and we didn’t get the chance to let anyone see our naked bodies.

As we were walking around we talked about how we could earn some money and I decided that as soon as I got back to the flat I’d phone a couple of the numbers that I’d seen on some of the notice boards at the uni. I told Millie that I wanted to try being an escort, see if I could get myself a sugar daddy.

Millie said that she didn’t really fancy that but she said that she was going to find out the names and locations of local strip clubs and phone them to see when she could go for an audition. I asked her if I could tag along because I wanted a backup plan if I wasn’t beautiful enough to be an escort.

“Bloody hell Hannah,” Millie said, “with that face and that body you could easily be a top model, you’re gorgeous Hannah.”

“No I’m not, but thanks. I think that you are the gorgeous one Millie.”

“No I’m not Hannah, I’m just boringly average.”

“I totally disagree with you Millie, but let’s not fight about it. Hey, maybe that’s a way that we could earn some money.”

“What are you on about Hannah, I’m not entering a beauty contest.”

“Neither am I, but how about mud wrestling, I’m sure that lots of guys would pay to watch us rolling around in some mud, naked of course.”

“I’m not doing that Hannah, but I like the idea of naked wrestling, maybe covered in oil or something.”

“It would have to be some sort of oil that tastes nice, I’m not eating your pussy if it’s covered in engine oil.”

“Yuk, that sounds horrible. So you’d eat my pussy if we fought and you won?”

“Hell yes, I’d make you cum with all the audience watching.”

“Hmm, that sounds delicious Millie, but there must be cleaner ways of making money. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy eating your pussy again Millie.”

“Yes, our little game of truth and dare was quite enjoyable wasn’t it?”

“It sure was. Let’s talk to the others and fix an evening for the next round.”

We went to our rooms when we got back and I pulled up the photo of the notice for the escort agency that I’d seen.

The woman that answered my call sounded older than me as she told me what was involved from my side of things, then she asked me to send her a photograph of myself. I agreed then stupidly asked if the photo had to be of me naked.

“Well we don’t usually get nude photos but if that’s what you want to send then I guess that it’s okay.” The woman (Sherry) replied,

“Maybe I’ll send you 2, clothed and naked.”

“Err, okay Hannah. When I get them I’ll show then to the boss and if he likes what he sees he’ll be in touch.”

“Oh, it’s a man who owns the agency?” I asked.

“Yes, Harry, he’s a nice guy. You can just send me a clothes photo if you like Hannah.”

“No, it’s okay, I’ll send both, after all, it’s okay for men to see girls naked.”

“Err, yes it is Hannah. I’ll tell Harry that you called and we’ll wait for you photographs. Bye.”

As soon as I tapped on the red button I realised that I was being stupid offering to send a nude photo of myself. They couldn’t possibly expect that, but hey, I said that I would so I will.

I looked through my limited wardrobe and decided on the dress that I liked the most then went and had a shower and washed my hair. I didn’t see any of the others there but I did open the bathroom window as wide as it would go and whilst I was in the shower I looked out to the other student block. I could see the windows of at least 10 flats and I wondered if there was anyone in them watching me.

As I washed my pussy I gave my clit a quick rub but decided to not distract myself from my immediate task.

As I walked back to my room Ethan arrived back just as I was opening my door. I said hello just before I went in and I heard Ethan say hello back but I thought that I heard another male voice greeting me as well.

I wondered if he’d brought a mate back. I smiled as I wondered if it was a study buddy or someone who he hoped to show us girls to.

Hair done, a little bit of make-up on, and I stepped into my chosen dress.

“Hmm, you look good Hannah.” I said to no one as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Picking up my phone I went to the communal room to ask someone to take some photographs of me. There was only 3 guys there, Logan and Ethan, and a guy that Ethan introduced as Oscar.

“Wow Hannah,” Logan said, “you look amazing, got a date?”

“No, I’m trying to get a job at an escort agency and they want some photographs of me, would one of you take some of me using my phone?”

All 3 volunteered but I passed my phone to Logan and he took 4 or 5 photos as they told me how to pose for them. As that was going on I thought about the nude photos. Logan and Ethan had seen me naked but Oscar hadn’t. I decided that Oscar was about to see me naked as well.

As I unbuttoned my dress I looked at Oscar and I could see the unbelieving expression on his face.

As my dress fell to the floor leaving me naked apart from my only pair of heels, I said,

“How do you think I should pose for the nude photo that the agency wants of me?”

“They want a nude photo of you Hannah,” Ethan said, “what sort of agency is it, I thought that you said it was an escort agency not a strippers agency?”

“It is, but I said that I’d send a nude photo as well.”

“Okay,” Ethan replied, “would you mind if Oscar and I took some photos of you as well?”

“Go for it,” I replied, “it’s okay for all of you to see me naked and a few photos will remind you of me. Now, how should I pose, standing or on my back with my legs spread?”

“How about we take photos of you in all sorts of poses then you can decide which one to send later. Err, a couple of you like you were the other night would be good as well, you know, when you had your ankles crossed above your head.” Ethan said.

“You just want some photos of my pussy don’t you, some spank bank material?” That’s okay, I don’t mind.”

Those 3 guys must each have taken around 20 photos of the naked me on each of their phones, and I did cross my ankles behind my head for them. All the time I was getting more and more aroused, and if they hadn’t of stopped when they did I would have cum for them in another couple of minutes.

I was feeling as horny as hell when I picked up my dress and phone and went back to my room. I should have waited until I had taken care of my need before I sent the photos, but in my horny state I sent 3 photos to the escort agency. The best one of me in the dress, the best one of me just standing there naked and smiling, and one of me on my back, legs and pussy spread wide with my right hand pinching my left nipple.

As soon as I’d sent the pictures I realised that I shouldn’t have sent that third one, but it was too late, it was probably in their inbox by then.

“What the hell,” I thought and my fingers got to work taking care of my need, “there will be other agencies if I’ve pissed them off.”

I needn’t have worried, no sooner than I was cumming down from my second high, my phone rang.

It was Sherry asking me when I could go for an interview and to discuss more details of my first assignment. I smiled to myself when she told me that both Harry and her had loved the 3 photos, especially the third one. We fixed up a time and place then hung-up.

I rushed out to the common area to tell the others my good news. Oscar had gone but all the others were there. Both girls were naked and Ethan and Olivia were preparing some food.

Logan and Millie tried to grill me got more details of my first assignment but I had nothing to tell them. Logan asked me which photos I’d sent the agency and when I showed them all 3 of them Logan said,

“You do know that they’ll expect you to fuck your date don’t you Hannah?”

“They show me a photo of the guy before I accept an assignment and if I don’t like the look of him I can turn down the assignment, and Sherry tells me that even if I go on the assignment, I don’t have to fuck the guy if I don’t want to, but if I do they have to transfer the money into my bank account before they fuck me.”

“How much?” Millie asked.

“£500 for oral and £1,000 for full sex.” I replied.

“Bloody hell, the benefits of being a woman.” Logan said.

“And all that cash is off the books,” I replied, “I get another £250 just for turning up.”

“What are you going to spend all that money on Hannah?” Mollie asked.

“Clothes, toys, laser hair removal, I haven’t thought about it much. Oh, before each assignment the agency sends me to a bespoke outfitter to get a new dress that they think is appropriate for the assignment, and they pay for it.”

“That agency must have a lot of rich guys on their books.” Logan said.

“I hope so,” I replied, “I want lots of assignment so that I get rich.”

When Olivia and Ethan came over I had to repeat some of the details again, and Olivia turned to Mollie and said,

“We are going to look for stripper jobs aren’t we?”

“You bet,” Mollie replied, “we’ll start looking soon.”

“We are gong to play Millie’s version of truth and dare again aren’t we?” Ethan asked. “With you 3 being naked all the time and talking about stripping I’m going to need to get some girl relief soon.”

“We certainly are.” I replied, “how about every Sunday evening?”

With smiles all round, we all agreed.

I heard sex noises coming from Ethan’s room that night and guessed that either Millie or Olivia were giving him some relief.

The rest of the week went reasonably quietly except that I did spot a couple of guys in windows opposite looking towards my room, me having ‘forgotten’ to wear clothes, turn the lights off and close the curtains open.

The guys may have photos of the naked me to wank over, but I had those guys watching me jilling off in my room.

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