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Please be patient with my English since i'm not a native.

If you are bothered by religious themes or a critical perspective on the Christian religion, don't read it. If not: Have fun!

Constructive criticism is welcome.
The Christian woman in the cabin – 3

The following hours Rachel reached the pinnacle of sex more and deeper than she ever had her whole life. Although she was in a constant ecstatic rush, she felt a calm in her mind making her able to observe and rationalize in a clarity she had never thought possible. It was like she finally had come into her own and with that there came control.

With almost animal-like passion she assaulted the biker guy all night long. She knew now that she was a phallus worshipper – not only for the biker-guy’s cock as nice it undoubtedly was – but rather of the proud firmness, the soft skin, the pulsating lust, the addictive aroma and scent, and above all for its ability to emanate pure lust. She knew already there were many other cocks she would give herself to.

She also knew now how much she loved her body. Though she always had known that she was pretty, she never had been in peace with her outward appearance. There always had been something that was not good enough. Now however as her body was able to let her experience lust and fulfillment beyond everything she had dared to long for, she adored everything of it. She adored her smooth skin that gave her the ability to feel the depths of passion, her luscious breasts that could both create and receive lust, her willing pussy that could both burn and enflame with a fire of overwhelming lust, her soft lips that could kiss and engulf sensuality and passion, her tongue that could touch, taste and torture, and first and foremost her eyes that could perceive and tell, freeze and melt, control and make lose control. While the guy had been going outside for a quick fag, Rachel lay on the large bed and touched herself all over her body. She felt a deep love for herself and with this peace of absolute self-acceptance she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, the first thing she noticed was being naked. She loved the smooth sensation of the linen on her skin. Slowly it dawned on her that she should have been at work by now. Had that dawning happened at any given time in her life, an instant flood of panic would have overwhelmed her. Now however everything seemed to be different. The first thought that came to her mind was: “Do I really need to go to work?” Quickly her mind rationalized her situation. Her divorce hadn’t left her a fortune, but it helped her to build up reserves which, increased by her competent work and bourgeois lifestyle, made it possible to live on them for quite a while. And then there were certain ideas how to make a lot more money. Smiling over the ideas she took her phone and called her boss. The conversation was short. The confused reaction to her curt job resignation she followed up with an even curter “Because I can, and I want to”. Then she bid a polite farewell and hang up with a satisfied smile. The biker guy – she still didn’t know his name – had already gone, probably to work. She lay on the bed stroking her body, enjoying the solitude, enjoying the overwhelming freedom of not having to do anything and of not being denied to do anything. A deep longing started to stir in her. She lay still and let it flow through her whole being. More and more the longing manifested itself sexually. Images of pleasurable fantasies built up in her mind. She stayed still, curious if her fantasies would take new forms in her newly found freedom. And they did. Smiling she observed what kind of excitement had been lain dormant in her depths and she wondered if there was even more to discover down there. An image of a black cock hanging over her stayed with her. Her smooth hand wandered over her full breasts down to her heating-up crotch. Her touching grew more intense, and a moan escaped her lips as she imagined her tongue reaching out to the adorable black cock. She could smell its sweaty lust. She touched it, she tasted it, her tongue little by little wandered up to its completely shaven root. Then she pulled back, and her lips engulfed the pulsating dark flesh, sending a sharp burning through her body, mainly down to her loins. God, it tasted so good. Its skin, its firmness, its pulsating felt so good. It felt so good to lie under it and to succumb to its worship. Oh God, how much she wanted to succumb to it, wanted to be a slave to this glorious piece of lust but be a master to its owner. Yes, she wanted to worship, yess, she longed to submit, even be a slave – but only to lust and its instruments – to people she wanted to be a master. She took the root of the big cock into one slim hand while the other one groped on the firm black ass to pull him closer. She made him slowly fuck her mouth, then faster hammer her gorge. She felt the lust creeping into every corner of her body, she adored it, she wanted to completely give herself to it. She felt herself closing in on her climax, then a small thought entered her mind: “This is sin.” “Yesss, thiss iss sinnnnn!!!” She screamed as a wonderful orgasm hit her while she fantasized the black cock spraying a huge amount of cum over her face.

In the afterglow of her climax a growing sense of regret and guilt settled in her subconscious making her feel uneasy. She thought about how ridiculous it was to get turned on by the sheer fact of sin. She remembered how she had bowed to the Baphomet idol and felt sick. Lust had overcome her too hard. She vowed to newer bow before Satan again. She didn’t want to sin, nor turn away from God! Why should anyone turn away from God Almighty? Well, she didn’t want to go back to her boring life either… and maybe a bit masturbating and making herself feel good was a reasonable compromise to not torture her longing too much – after all she wasn’t to blame for her husband’s unfaithfulness and being single now. With that compromise in mind her complaining conscience went calm and the sense of guilt vanished. She got up from the bed strolling through the cabin. Extending over four rooms, a large bathroom and a nice kitchen, it was quite large, with a masculine and dark though admittedly tasteful interior design. It was also clean and tidy. Rachel instantly liked it while she wandered from room to room. She just had thought about what job the biker must have to afford this nice home when she stumbled over a fold in a carpet hitting a desk on the wall with her head. Surprisingly the wood of the desk gave way so the pain she felt was bearable. When she got up, she noticed why the desk wood hadn’t stopped her fall too hard. She must have hit some kind of secret mechanism that made a little door in the wall open. Astonished Rachel saw lots of bundles of cash stocked up in the little room behind. Full of curiosity she came closer to inspect what else was in the mysterious opening. What she found blew away her mind. Not only were there about five million dollars in cash, but also she discovered dozens of documents that showed business – wildly illegal business – the biker guy, seemingly going by the name of Kay Wencelaw, was into. Her discovery made her dizzy. She quickly put back what she had found, everything diligently to where it had been before, then she pushed at the desk wood again and was relieved when the opening in the wall closed itself again.

She went to the closest chair and sat down. What should she do? Tell the police? She didn’t like that idea. Taking the money and flee? No, that was utter nonsense, wrong and dangerous. Just going back to her apartment and act like nothing had happened? Somehow that option didn’t convince her either. It felt like going back to a prison which she definitely didn’t want to. She wanted to be free. Maybe just stay and see what would happen? Yes, she would take it step by step. And the first step of a free life was… of course to go shopping. She checked on her smartphone to find out that a bus to her place of residence stopped nearby in short walking distance. She only went there to get her car, pack some clothes and toiletries, then she drove to the small city located on the far side of the cabin because she didn’t want to meet someone she knew, mainly not someone from her church. She reveled in the freedom of anonymously strolling through the city, buying this and that. Passing a shop window, she couldn’t help but stop as her heart began to race strangely. Behind the window there were dozens of Satanic and sexual items. She was repelled… yet she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Maybe a sex toy would actually help. After a few moments of reluctance, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to go inside to just look around. She expected it to be dark inside with gothic, tattooed people hanging around however was a bit shocked when the shop assistant was a nice-looking girl that she rather would have imagined to meet at church. The young woman looked at her with an assuring smile. She probably was still in Highschool or had just entered college. She was way to innocent looking to be a shop assistant in a Satanic sex store, Rachel thought. Her arm even was adorned with a bracelet saying WWJD which, Rachel knew, meant “What would Jesus do?”. The girl noticed her confusion but simply smiled. “Can I help you?”, she asked cheerfully. Rachel had a hard time to shake off her confusion. “I don’t know for sure…”, she replied reluctantly. “I’ve been divorced some time ago and… I don’t know… but maybe…” The teenager came closer, took Rachels hand assuringly and helped her to put into words what she meant. “You need a way to relieve yourself, don’t you?” “Yes…”, was all Rachel could answer. “Come with me!”, the girl told her, touching her gently and leading her into a backroom, “I think we need some privacy to make you feel more comfortable to talk about what you need.” The girl’s gentle touch and demeanor calmed Rachel down, on the other hand she couldn’t help to realize how the atmosphere of the shop and all the dark and sexual items excited her. The young woman in front of her however seemed unfazed and with natural, beautiful movements she led her to a back room. It was just a usual office room furnished with some elegant shelves, a desk, a table and some nice and comfortable looking coaches to which Rachel was lead and made to sit down on one of them. “How come that a girl like you works in this place?”, she couldn’t hold back to blurt out. The beautiful teenager answered with a gentle laugh. “First things first: That “girl like me” is Salome.”, she introduced herself offering Rachel her right hand with a winning smile on her face. She took it and could not help but feel the smoothness of the fair skin touching her. “Sorry, it’s Rachel.” She smiled back. “Forgive me for being so blunt.” “Nono, I don’t mind honesty at all, on the contrary, I cherish it. So, it’s Rachel. Nice to meet you!”, Salome replied with an even bigger smile. “As for me: I’m a junior in the local college having to earn some money to support my college career. The payment here is quite good.” “Well, I understand… however… you seem to be Christian…” “Aah, my bracelet. Yes, you’re right, through my family I have been Christian all my life. I go to church and am involved in a Christian youth group. I like it a lot. However, I’m open minded, I don’t mind other religious point of views, so the Satanic stuff here doesn’t bother me.”, the girl opened up. Then, with a mischievous grin she added: “And as for the sex toys: Well,… I think there is enough freedom in Christianity to cherish some relieve of my burning longings if you understand what I mean.” Rachel laughed. “Oh yes, I think I do understand very well. And I agree!” The two beautiful women continued their light-hearted chat, the younger infecting the older one with her vivacious aura. Being blonde and blue-eyed Rachel always admired brunettes. The light brunette hair of Salome though and her shiningly blue-green eyes, in the middle of her cutely beautiful face were simply perfect in Rachel’s eyes. “You seem to be a bit tense, honey.”, the young woman said, thoughtfully looking at the woman in front of her. “Well, the last two days have been quite intense, to be honest.” “I see.”, came the empathic response as two gentle hands touched the muscles of Rachel’s neck. “Oh yes, it’s really bad. I think you could use a stress reliever massage.” Salome didn’t wait for an answer but sat behind her new acquaintance and started to stroke the beautiful back in front of her softly. She couldn’t hold back the compliments forming up in her mind, after all the older woman was absolutely stunning. Rachel just sat and enjoyed, feeling her tensions leave little by little. After a while she was relaxed enough to pull off her blouse to help Salome get easier access. “Jeeesuss, woow, Rachel, you not only have a stunningly beautiful face but also a body to die for.” “Says the absolutely perfect girl.”, came the blushing reply. “Me? Well… thank you, I guess…”, the young woman replied, suddenly a bit self-conscious. However, without any reluctance she started to touch Rachel’s flawless skin, caressing her shoulders down to her lower back and up again. Slowly the caressing developed into a light massage. The teenager obviously loved having her hands on the beautiful woman. She adored her flawless skin, her toned muscles, her perfect shape. Rachel just enjoyed the adoring touches. She was astonished how good a young woman, even a teenager, could be at this. When she felt the hands behind her opening her bra, it felt as the most natural thing to do. The hands wandered from her back to her stomach while she felt the girl’s body coming a lot closer to hers. She could hear the girl breathing softly when she leaned over her to reach for her firm belly. When the girl saw her bare breasts for the first time a moan escaped her lips, “Oh! My! God!! You are a pure Goddess!”, she exclaimed in a whisper. Rachel wallowed in the sensual sensation and adoration. She just wanted it to go on, so she slowly leaned back into the young body behind her feeling its young breasts. The hands went higher caressing the skin between the mounts of flesh then wandering back down and again up. “You seem to open up, honey.”, the girl moaned into her ears.

Suddenly Rachel realized where this was heading. A voice inside of her whispered: “Don’t let this happen. Don’t succumb to the pleasure of the flesh.” Rachel however didn’t want to listen, on the contrary, she felt a rush of deep excitement when she decided to let go and not fight temptation. She reached out to the smooth young hand and lead it to her stiff nipples. The teenager moaned in passionate consent as she slowly massaged the erect little bumps in an act of reverend worship of their otherworldly beauty. Rachel however felt there was a sense of coming into her own flooding through her body and mind. She just lay there, deeply enjoying the worship and letting it happen that her old self-restraining identity bit by bit vanished away. Something new came into being, something that had started right then when she had started to touch herself the day before, when she had lingered on her balcony touching herself and allowing her body to feel pleasure. This new Rachel was a lot more confident and in peace then the old bourgeois Christian, this new Rachel wasn’t afraid, this new Rachel had a strong connection to something that was hidden deep inside of her. She felt how her reluctance was leaving her conscious and her body was free to indulge in the glorious moment of having worshipped her magnificent tits by a young, gorgeous woman. When the teenager slowly came closer to the bosom, she adored so much, to touch it with her sultry lips, she felt a deep connection with Salome, almost as if she was her daughter. The girl eagerly reveled in the divine skin under her lips trying to feel all of it.

Suddenly though with animal-like movements she erected herself, urgently pulled off her shirt, undid her bra, followed by her pens and panties until she was completely nude. Rachel took in the stunning beauty with adoration and joy. Salome was perfect, her breast by far not as big as hers but perfect youthful mounts you could hold in one hand, her skin was incredibly smooth, almost silky, her petite frame was toned but still soft, her hair was cutely flowing down over her shoulders, her best trait however was her beautiful face, with its fine, girlish features, a delicate nose, always smiling poultry lips and, most fascinating of all, those shining blue-green eyes. When Salome was done undressing, she was just about to go on to worship the gorgeous breasts, when she realized the older woman taking in her beauty. She stopped, smilingly looked her in the eyes and gave her the chance to fully appreciate her nude appearance. Not being able to see all of the Goddess-like woman before her, she got on her knees, reverently taking the rest of Rachel’s cloth off as if she was serving her. Rachel just let it happen. When both of them were nude, they just took more time to look and appreciate the others beauty. They had never known how perfect they were until this moment when they were there in front of each other, letting the other woman taking in their glorious beauty. They felt a mutual bond building up that transcended even their every fiber of their bodies and minds fulfilling sensual lust. They felt a spiritual connection emerge, felt how the great unknown in their utmost inner built a connection. After what seemed like an eternity Rachel wanted to tell the teenager to come closer, however before she even could utter the words, she realized Salome hat already received them and sensed her answer: “Yes, mother, I do. I will always do as you say.” She then came close, slowly leaned in until their lips connected slowly, gently in a thunderstorm of sensations.
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