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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapter 10

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental

THEY DID THAT, with Brad swimming mostly sidestroke like he did with his wife. A couple was on the walkway, passing them, hand in hand, beer cans in the other.

“That them?”

“Think so. Seemed like nice kids.”

“You don’t know anything about them. Really. I can’t imagine getting married that young.”

“Why not? You could have married Evan right out of high school.”

“No one gets married that young. Unless they’re pregnant.”

“Maybe it’s different around here. Or wherever they come from.”

“Maybe.” It was time to turn around. “Tony was used to taking it up the ass. I licked him there and it was like no big surprise. Think he’s gay?”

“Maybe she was doing him with a strap-on?”

“That young? In high school? Where would they even get the idea?”

“There was stuff about it in Playboy. Questions to the adviser. I remember some woman writing in about how her husband couldn’t get it up past a certain size dildo in his ass and I was thinking what the hell are they talking about.”

“What are they going to be like at our age, if they’re already doing this shit now?”

“Tony will be bald with a scraggly beard and beer belly. Alice will have put on some weight from her three pregnancies. They’ll have a little ranch house and a pickup truck with a gun rack. And a big dog.”

“Oh my God.” Ann was giggling. “I can see it. I can see it.” She stopped. “It’s not really all that funny, is it?”

“Not really. They really thought we were movie stars?”

“You could be.”

“You too.”

“Really. You’ve never told me you thought I was pretty.”

“What? I’m supposed to come up to you at work and say ‘Ann, you know I think you’re a knockout and that fact that you were a cheerleader just makes you all the more attractive?’ What would you have done if I had ever said that?”

“I would have gone to management.”


“Were you actually thinking that?”

“I’m a guy. What do you want? It’s the way we’re wired. I never thought I would actually do something about it.”

No more conversation until they arrived back at their rock. The kids had left two of the beers behind, along with a scribbled note – thanks for everything. Alice. And her email address.

“Oh, look at that. I guess they liked us.”

“Guess so. You want it?”

“No way.”

Brad took it, crumpled it to throw away, then stuffed it in with the remaining rubbers. “Back to the airport?”

“It’s only quarter after. We have time.”

“Time for what?”

“Time for you to make love to me properly. In the right hole. Which you have not done all week.” That provoked a sigh. “At least start out that way?”


“And you could tell me you love me.” Another sigh. “What?”

“I’m going to tell you now. And later when we’re in the car. Not while we’re having sex.”


“Ann, I love you. Not just like a sister or a daughter. As a lover. I don’t know what’s going to happen, when we get back to our other loves, but I have enjoyed this week with you as much as any time with any woman. Maybe more.”

“Thank you. It’s not that I didn’t know that. But it’s good to hear it. You’ve known I was in love with you for a long time.”

“Of course.”

“And never done anything about it.”

“Why do you think you’re here with me this week?”

“You planned this?”

That provoked yet another sigh. “I put things in place. Made it possible. Really, I was just hoping to see you naked. Not that I thought you would do that.”

Brad stubbed his toe on the way out of the water. He limped over to the rock and lay on his back, looking very unready.

“Oh dear. All this romantic talk doesn’t seem to be doing you much good.”

“Sweet and gentle doesn’t do it for me. Sorry.”

He closed his eyes. Ann sat down on his face, the same way she had for Tony. But he urged her forward a bit so instead of a nose up her pussy she was getting it a bit further back.

“You are such a pervert. I must admit I am truly shocked.”

“But you still love me?”

“Yes. Do you do all this nasty stuff with Jane?”

“I’ve been corrupting the poor woman for almost twenty years now.”

“Really.” Ann leaned forward to take a lick at a stubbornly unresponsive penis. Then to nibble at his balls. Then to trace the orbit of his sphincter muscles. “Like that? What if I did this?” She started to work her tongue within that ring, teasing it to one side or the other.

“Not too much.”

“You don’t like it too much? Really?”

“I like it a lot. But if you do it too much I won’t have anything left to do your pussy.”

“Oh.” Ann started to slide her butt along his belly.


“Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Fuck Jane and her fucking rubbers.” This one was dayglo green. “These have to be the least romantic rubbers ever made.”

“I think maybe that was the idea.”

“Jesus.” Ann slid the stupid thing into her pussy. Okay, she’d done it. “Why won’t you tell me you love me while we’re fucking?”

“When we were breaking up my second girl friend, the crazy student, was complaining that I only ever said I loved her after we had just had sex. So I don’t do that any longer.”

“This was over twenty years ago?”


“Dear heart, for a genius you do some really dumb things.”


“This is not working.” Ann gave her own sigh, lifted up, and slid forward so that the dayglo monstrosity went in a little further back. “Better?”

“I’m sorry.”

“So why do you like this better?”

“It’s tighter. Hotter. I love feeling the rings of muscle sliding down me. And then ...” Brad grabbed her butt, pushed her down while he pushed up. “Feel that?”

“What was that?”

“In past the end of your rectum. The inner portal. I can feel that sliding up and down the tip, just like when I first go in. How does it feel for you?”

“Interesting. Very interesting.” They stopped talking for a while. “Okay, maybe it wasn’t romantic but it was really nice.”

“Ready to go home?”

“Never. But I guess we have to.”

They rinsed off and went up to the car. They were already sweaty by the time they were trying to put their clothes on. Ann sat down in the passenger seat with a beer can in each hand. “Want one?”

“Not while I’m driving.”

It was twenty minutes to the airport, barely time for the air conditioning to kick in. Then a walk outside over hot tarmac from the rental car return to the terminal. That was far enough for Brad to drain his beer and sweat it all off. Check-in only took about five minutes. It was only four when they got to the boarding area.

“What now?” Ann asked. At least it was cool, although only by comparison. She wasn’t wearing much, a little sundress and some underwear that was really annoying her. But under that she was drenched with sweat. She could feel it trickling down her torso on each side, down her thighs. Brad looked just as uncomfortable. It was one thing to be that hot naked at the lake. Another to be miserable in sweat soaked clothing.

“I usually get some food. And a beer.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Maybe you’ve had enough beer?”

“Not by a long shot.”

“Hey Brad.” It was one of the stewardesses greeting him as they went in.

“Hi Candy. You doing the Houston flight?”

“Sure thing. Who’s your lovely companion?”

“Ann.” She held out a hand. “I’ve gone to Atlanta many times with Brad but this is my first time to Austin.”

“He dragged you over to the lake?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“We were over there this afternoon. Usually Brad comes by and says hello.” Oh. So Brad and Candy had hung out together at the lake? That put a different twist on it.

“I guess we were busy this time. Swimming and whatever.” Ann was relishing the way Candy was rolling her eyes at the whatever. Maybe she wanted some whatever with Brad over at the lake.

“I’d like to get my husband up here some time and try out a little whatever,” Candy said. “Every time I’m over there I keep thinking how much more fun it would be. Oh well. I’ll be back home tonight. He always looks forward to the nights I come in from Austin.” Her check came. “Give me your tickets and your VIP cards. Let me see what I can do for you.”

“How did you meet Candy?” Ann asked that after she was out of earshot.

“I sometimes use my airport time to copy over music. From a rough copy to a fair copy. So I was doing that one time here and she sat down next to me and started a conversation.”

“Think she was hitting on you?”

“Could be. But I’ve run into her over at the lake a few times and she never pushed it. So who knows?”

“You really do have a secret life going, don’t you?”

“Sort of. It’s not all that secret. Just out of bounds of what people would expect.”

“Maybe. Does Jane know about Candy?”

“Not about seeing her over at the lake. She does a Houston to Austin run in the morning. Then they go over to the lake for a while and do Austin to Houston in the afternoon. I mean, why not? If I run into them while I’m over there what’s wrong with that?”

“But you’re not telling your wife about it.”

“So what?”

“Somewhere I read that it’s cheating if you don’t want to tell your wife about it.”

“Dear heart, there’s cheating and there’s what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

“Here you go.” Candy was back. “You’re upgraded through to Newark. Together.”

“You are such a sweetheart. Can I kiss you?”

“Absolutely. As long as your friend here doesn’t mind.”

Brad didn’t wait for an answer. He stood up and gave Candy a kiss that was a bit deeper and longer lasting that maybe it should have been.

“Oh thanks. A little down payment on my whatever.”

“You are a really bad boy!” Ann was laughing at him as he sat back down. “What if she had slapped you instead?”

“No more upgrades, I guess.”

The food came, along with more beer. Ann was having the Southwest chicken salad, Brad the ribs. “We’re already falling into a rut,” she sighed. “It won’t be the same, if I do this another time.”

“No, it will be the same. I guess that’s why it won’t be. This project isn’t going to last much longer. Jane is after me to cut down on the road warrior thing.”

“Oh.” That was enough to put a pall on their conversation. They were just contemplating the dessert menu when the announcement came to board.

“Where the fuck are the bathrooms?” Ann was in a panic all of a sudden. All that beer. She wasn’t going to last until after takeoff.

“Right over there. Look, there’s not that much rush.”

“Yes there is. Be a doll and pay for me?”


With that she was scrambling to get out of the restaurant and into a stall before she left a little puddle. God, she hadn’t even thinking about needing to pee, and all of a sudden it was overwhelming. Painful, too. Had she damaged herself? Maybe getting fucked in her urethra wasn’t the best idea. Or sticking that girl’s nose into it. What if Alice had a cold? Damn, damn, she’d done a lot of reckless things. Stupid things. Some of them might be catching up to her. Or maybe it was just way too much beer.

“You okay?” Brad was waiting for her when she came back out.

“Think so.”

“Well, there’s a potty on the plane.”

There was a different line, or lack of one, for first class and a stewardess—not Candy—to help them with their carry on. “Want a drink?”

“Do we have time?”

“It’ll be twenty minutes.”

“Why not? I’ll have a whiskey sour.”

“And you, honey?”

“Rum and coke.”

“Sure thing. Want the can?”

“Why not?” Which did not seem very elegant, but the can came with two little bottles of rum.

“Oh my God.”

“I’m taking the limo home.” Brad was sipping at his whiskey sour.

“Evan is picking me up.” That was enough to make Ann drain her cup, restock it. “Oh my God. Let me out!” She didn’t even wait for Brad to get up, just lifted herself over him and rushed into the lavatory.

“Is she okay?” Candy had come by to see how they were doing.

“Too much lake.”

“Maybe she got dehydrated.”

“No, I don’t think that’s the problem.”

“That’s not your wife.”


“Didn’t think so. Back to the wife tonight?”


“I’m doing this run again next week.”

“Next week I’m home. Week after that Atlanta.”

“Oh.” Candy thought for moment. “Here’s my card. Let me know the next time you’re out this way.”

“Okay. Here’s mine.”

“Okay.” Her eyes widened a little as she read the details. “Is she a big shot too?”

“Not quite as big. The sorcerer’s apprentice.”

“Okay. Well I’ve got to get back to work.”

“What was that all about?” Ann had returned.

“I think Candy has decided I’m fair game.”

“And are you?”

“I don’t know.” The seatbelt light came on. The stewardess for first class picked up their drinks. Brad was regretting that he had not made another stop also.

“You’ve seen each other naked? At the lake?”

“Sat down with her and a couple other stewardesses and talked for a while.”

“Just talked?”

“Just talked. Maybe flirted some.”

“Flirted a lot.” That was their current lady. “You know, I just realized it was you. Never saw him with clothes on. Brad, right?”

“Oh. You’re Jill?”

“One and the same.”

The seat belt light went off. Brad got up to use the bathroom. “You want more of that rum and coke honey?”

“Maybe not. I need to be able to get off the plane in Houston, get on the next one.

“You work with Brad?”

“For a long time.”

“Went to the lake with him?”

“Yep. The lake makes things really strange.”

“It does.” That was from Brad, who had returned. “Three M has an office building right near there, and there’s a bunch that comes over and sits around naked talking shop. I guess that’s team building.”

“That’s what you and Katie and I were doing, team building,” Ann giggled.

The ‘fasten seat belt’ sign was coming on again. Jill was off clearing trays and making sure everyone was ready for arrival.

* * * * *

INSTEAD OF GOING to the gate for the next flight, Brad headed the other direction, to the shops and food stands.

“Looking for dessert?”

“Maybe. Airport toys first.”

“Oh. Haven’t you run out of ideas?”

“Jane has an emergency supply if I don’t come up with something. Maybe in here.” It was a hole in the wall that said simply Texas. Texas tee shirts. Baseball caps. Pins. Ash trays in the shape of Texas. A little cactus plant with a battered road sign that said, you guessed it, Texas. A little orange ceramic long horn cow. “Those will work.”

“What about your wife?”

“I have the tape for her.”

“Oh. I forgot all about that. Think we’ll ever come out on tape?”

“Who knows. Okay. On to the yogurt.”

“Frozen yogurt? After all the ribs? The chicken fried steak? Brisket? Pulled pork? All the beer? Now you’re going to get fucking frozen yogurt?”


“Men.” Ann gave a little sigh. “Does your wife have any clue what makes you tick? ‘Cause I sure as hell don’t.”

“Me neither.”

“Oh. You don’t set goals for yourself? Oh, I know. Swim a certain distance. Eat ribs. Drink beer. Fuck.”

“Right up the Maslow pyramid. And no, I have no idea where the other stuff comes from. It just sort of flows.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“There’s always the basic stuff. I guess it’s getting to be time to board.”

“Pee first.” It wasn’t quite as urgent or as painful this time.

They wound up almost in the same place they had been on the first leg, on the other side of the aisle. They were almost the first on the plane, so they got see the other first class passengers boarding, Ann in the window seat leaning into Brad’s ear with whispered speculations. How many of them were really wealthy? How many of them were upgraded for one reason or another? “Look at that girl!” Ann whispered. “Is she an actress?”

“I know her.” Just to prove it, Brad waved at her as she passed. “Hi Sadie.”

“Brad? Really? That’s amazing. How are you?”

“I’m doing okay. Visiting your father again?”

“Yep. We had a great time. Your project still going?”

“Still going. Like the Energizer Bunny.”

“Nice to see you again.”

“You too.”

“What? Does your wife know about Sadie?”

“Oh yeah. Well I was flying one night from Atlanta to Austin. Which I was not really happy about. And I’d called home just before I left work to find out that our neighbor across the street had been rushed to the hospital with heart problems. So I was really down. And who comes in and sits next to me but Sadie. Of course I didn’t know her name then. She was trying to get from Europe to Austin to see her father, who actually was a pilot, so she got to fly for free, but only on standby. So she’d been sitting in airports for three days. Sweet girl.”

“Pretty girl.”

“That too.”

“And she just warmed right up to you?”

“So it seemed. I realized I was still dressed for work, dark pin striped suit. She probably thinks I’m some sort of big wig.”

“Where would she get that idea?” Ann paused. “Brad dear, do you ever wonder why all these women keep talking to you?”

“Actually I was having that discussion with Izzy. We went down to this tech conference a couple weeks ago in Orlando, and I was expecting it would be all old farts like us. But there were a lot of pretty girls there – why I’m not sure. And they kept talking to me. I was feeling very flattered. Then Izzy said it was because I was safe. Fatherly. Not going to hit on them.”

“I don’t think it’s that. What was Jane like? When you first met her.”

“Pretty. Sort of shy. Great figure. One of the first things I told her was that I had stayed at the same school for grad school because of a girl friend. So she knew I wasn’t hitting on her. We got to be really good friends. Pals.”

“I’ve met Jane. I think she was more than just pretty at that age.”

“You know the saying about trying to find the guy who’s smart enough to do the job and dumb enough to take it.”

“Yep. You’re like that dog with that one.”


“I guess. It was funny the first thousand times.”

“Anyway I had every reason to fall in love with Jane. Why she did with me was some sort of lapse in judgment.”

“You’ve got a lot going for you.”

“At the moment. Back then not so much so.”

“Really. Maybe that’s my problem with Evan. He was like the star athlete in high school. Quarterback, point guard, ace pitcher.”

“What about in college?”

“Not big enough for football or basketball. He stuck with baseball and did okay.”

“Oh. I started doing sports in high school to impress girls. Which it did, in high school. But after that none of my girl friends cared. I think they liked the jock body though.”

“Which sports?”

“Soccer and track.”

“Baseball players don’t have to be in that great a shape.”

“Yeah I remember seeing ours in the shower.”

“You looked at other guys in the shower?”

“Not to perv on them. What about you?”

“Girls don’t get naked like that. But I always had girl friends. Before I started doing stuff with Evan and I never stopped doing it with girls.”

“What about now?”

“Not really. I mean, okay some with girls this week, but is that going to happen again? Probably not.”

“What about Katie?”

“When am I going to see her again? She’s not into girls. She’s pissed at me because of what happened at the lake. She might get engaged to Harry.”

“Other than that?”

“Other than that it would be perfect. You ever have any boyfriends?”

“No. As I look back now there was one guy who would have been perfect. But it never happened.”

“Oh. Do tell.”

“Well, when I graduated from college it looked like I was going to get drafted that summer. So much so that I didn’t look for a place to live. But then I didn’t get drafted after all so I was scrambling to find something. I wound up in what was more or less an SRO on Ninety Sixth Street and West End. They had quite a few students living there. There was this one guy I got really friendly with – a couple years younger than me, beautiful blond, lovely body. We were very close. And at one point my girl friend seduced him. He was even talking about how there was this older couple who wanted to date him as a couple, sort of have him in between them. And he was considering it.”

“Sounds like you were really attracted to him.”

“In retrospect. It was more vague at the time. And then I got married.”

“Do you think I should give up the girlfriends if I get married?”

“That would be up to you and Evan. Does he know about the ones you have had?”

“Not really. He knew the sorority was doing some sick shit. That was a long time ago.”

“Drinks?” It was the stewardess. Brad peered at her. She seemed familiar. “Do I know you?”

“You know Candy Gallo?”


“You ever out to the lake with her? In Austin?”

“Oh. Oh my. You’re Candy’s friend? I never would have guessed it.”

“Small world.”

“So it would seem”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I barely even remember you.” The stewardess leaned down to whisper something. “Oh. Okay. Anyway, I’ll have a whiskey sour. Rum and coke for you?” Ann nodded.

“What about for dinner? Chicken or fish.”

“No ribs?” That was from Ann.

“Sorry. The place in Austin has pretty good ones.”

“I’ll have the fish,” Brad said.

“What is this? First frozen yogurt? Now fish?”

“I’m coming back out of road mode.”

“No flirting either?”

“Not as much. Certainly not following through on it. Except Jane has us lined up for something tomorrow night. Not like her.”

They were both tired. A movie came on after dinner, and they watched it, or dozed through it, without talking. By the end of it Ann was curled up, snoring. Brad let his eyes close, listening to the dull roar of the jets. A lot to think about. What had Alice been like, anyway? Square face, strong jaw, big blue eyes, big breasts but very firm, with hard brown nipples. Stomach ridged like that Michelangelo sculpture, muscled like that too. A tough cookie. Tony seemed wimpy in comparison. Such a contrast to Katie’s classic beauty, the lush soft lines of her body. And Rachel, so exotic. Such different pussies too, Rachel dark and thick, Katie soft and round, delicate like the rest of her, Ann almost stringy with tiny little pussy lips and a big clit, Alice sturdy like the rest of her, no nonsense. They’ve all got two tits and a cunt – that was what his freshman roommate had said. But given that, how different they all were, as individual as a face, sometimes as expressive. Somewhere in the middle of that rumination he crossed over into sleep.

He was awakened by Ann nudging him. “Sorry. Need to pee before we get stuck in our seats.”

He followed her up to the lavatory door, stretching his legs out.

“Ever want to try the mile high club?” That from her as she came out. But there was already a line forming He peed as fast as he could and went back to his seat.

“Jane never had an interest in it.”

“Really. I’ve done it.”

“With Evan?”

“Of course with Evan. What, you think I’m going to do it at random?”

“Like at the Bayou?”

“Okay, I’m never going to live that down. Maybe it’s like the ribs and pulled pork. Road mode.”

“Well if you’re sitting on an airplane wouldn’t that be road mode? Big time?”

“Look, it was with Evan. We were still in high school. We were flying back from Disneyland. Our parents had thought it would be really nice to go down together and it was except of course we never had any time to ourselves. So we had seats together on the airplane, he was at the window, me in the middle. My mother was right next to me. I had a blanket over me, and I turned on my side with my butt facing Evan and pulled my shorts down. And he scrunched over and fucked me. Very slowly. Like what we were doing at night.”

“No one noticed?”

“No one stopped us. Want to try it?”

“Maybe next trip. We’re almost home.”

Sure enough, the seat belt light was on. They were starting to descend.
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