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Marie learns to suck and fuck like a dirty whore, since she smokes like one.

After dinner with friends and family, Marie and my mother Heidi brought in a cake from her car. It had more candles than I liked, and “Happy Birthday Cathie!” I was watching my weight, so I only had a small piece and skipped the ice cream.

Keith gave me an expensive necklace with rubies and diamonds. Mom gave me a card and a hug.

My daughter’s birthday gift to me would be a month of freedom from sex.

(Keith’s point of view)

My sexy blonde fiancée Cathie’s thirty-seventh birthday was a very exciting day. We had cake and ice cream, and fun playing a few party games with family and friends. After she opened the gifts and the guests went home, I walked to the living room.

She wondered aloud, “Where did Marie go?” I saved a mental picture of her excellent E-cup chest as she turned away. I knew very well her bra size was 40 E or ‘double-D’, because that was half the reason I began dating her. Most of the rest was her gorgeous face, which was slowly showing the signs of age. The last bit was the fact she smoked. I LOVE watching women suck on things, especially cigarettes.

A short time later, Cathie dragged her cute redheaded daughter by the hand and pushed her onto the sofa next to me. She shouted, “Marie was smoking in the back yard again! I told you before! If you wanna smoke like a whore, you’re gonna suck and fuck like a whore! You turned eighteen last month, so you’re old enough. Throw out all your cigarettes and lighters, or take out his cock and suck it! Right now!”

I was utterly astounded!

Marie loudly asked, “WHAT?” Her breasts were only moderate. From glancing at her laundry I knew her bra size was 34 B, but the rest of her was even sexier than her beautiful mother. There was also the kinky excitement of doing a girl who was barely legal.

Cathie pulled her hair a little and demanded, “I know you smoke and you’re not a virgin anymore, miss innocent! You heard me! Get rid of the cigarettes, or make him cum!” She objected, “But Mom! I don’t want to! And you smoke, too!”

“I already suck and fuck like a whore, because I AM his whore! Tell her about our deal, Keith.” I was embarrassed to admit, “I buy groceries and pay all the bills, and your mother lets me in her mouth, pussy, and butt once a week each.” I paused and swallowed, then added, “More would be better, though.” Marie asked, “But why? I thought you two were in love?”

“Notice there’s a big difference between us? Our looks?”, her mother queried. “Well, you’re a woman and he’s a man.” I explained, “She means how attractive she is and I’m not.” Cathie added, “My first job was being Miss Iowa! Keith makes a lot of money, and he’s usually a nice guy, but he’s just fugly.”

Marie asked, “So, because you’re a nine and he’s only a six?” Cathie said, “He’s a four before coffee and a shower.” She made a gagging motion.

At the same time, I smiled and asked Marie, “You think I’m a six?”

Cathie held a hand over my mouth and expounded, “He wants sex every day, even two or three times a day, but I only feel like it once a week. He pays your grandmother’s mortgage, too, and she gives him a sexy night once a week.” Marie’s face twisted with revulsion. “But Granny’s SO OLD! Ancient!”

I bashfully explained, “Not THAT old, fifty-five. Like they say, a hot wet hole is a hot wet hole, and everybody looks the same in the dark.”

Cathie added, “We hate doing it, but your gran and I give him a threesome once a month so he pays our car payments.”

I corrected her, “YOU hate doing it. Your mom likes women, too.” I started to harden at the memory of my pole penetrating Heidi from behind, while she kissed Cathie’s cooch.

Instead of disgusted, Marie was strangely curious. She mumbled, “Hmmmm. . . you screw Granny, Mom?”

“We ah … we don’t touch each other much, but we do it with him at the same time.”

Marie twirled some of her long red hair with a finger and mused aloud, “That could be . . .”

Her mother demanded, “If you want to smoke like a whore, you’re gonna do your part. You smoke like a whore, you suck and fuck him like a whore! Your gran and I will still do it when we’re in the mood, and you make him cum the rest of the time. Throw out all your lighters and cigarettes, or say you’ll be his whore.”

It was obvious Cathie was bluffing to make her daughter quit smoking.

“But ... but, Mom!” The beautiful barely-eighteen redhead glared at her mother defiantly and thought a moment. Cathie said, “And if Keith gets more sex, he should let us smoke in the house, right?” I nodded. “Okay.”

Marie decided and declared, “Fine! I’ll be Keith’s whore if he buys me cigs and lets me smoke in the house. I’ll be his dirty, nasty, cock- and cigarette-sucking whore!” She unzipped my trousers and slid my boxers down. “And beer! I wanna drink on the weekends, too!”

Cathie surprised me even more, with, “Fine! You can drink all you want if his dick is in you.”

I stared in shock, as Marie leaned over and sucked my cockhead into her mouth. The warm wetness was wonderful! Before long, her teeth scraped along my shaft which was quite painful. I gently pushed her away and said, “Whoa, whoa! Don’t bite or scrape me with your teeth! That hurts!”

There was a naughty gleam in Cathie’s eye when she said, “She needs some sex education. Let’s go get some videos and a few dildos.”

Marie added, “And Camel menthols. I switched to those and I’m almost out. Some ashtrays for the house, too.”

Cathie shook her head. “Nope! Not Camels. He likes women smoking very long white ones, and he’s buying. Right, Keith?”

I could barely believe what was happening! I agreed, “Yeah. Long ones are sexier, more feminine. You should smoke menthol 120s, Mistys like your mom, or the Virginia Slims your gran likes.”

Marie sighed and agreed, “Okay.”

I was a little disappointed when Cathie added, “And condoms. I gotta get her on birth control soon. Let’s get going.” She picked up her keys and purse. In the garage she told us, “He didn’t cum yet, so sit in the back seat with him. Since you suck at sucking, lick it and let him play with your body. And when he pops, you damn well better swallow! I don’t want cum all over the car!”

“But Mom! In public!”

“It’s dark out, so nobody will see you.”

“Fine!” She rebelliously lit her last Camel, blew smoke in her mother’s face, then climbed into the back seat.

She slid her panties down as I sat beside her.


Since my birthday the month before, I had sex with three guys and a girl. I didn’t really have strong feelings for any of them, but intensely enjoyed having a cock, or better yet a tongue, in my pussy. The guys wanted their dicks in my slit as fast as possible, and I was sad they also finished as fast as possible. Only one gave me even a single mild orgasm. At least they used condoms, so I didn’t get a disease or a baby.

The three times we messed around at sleepovers, my friend Kimmy took a very, very long time to climax, but exploded like a volcano when she did. The third time, she yelled so loud her parents ran in and caught us. They thought she was dying!

I was the other kind of girl. My orgasms weren’t as intense, but the first might happen after only five minutes of sexy play. I could have ten or more little cums in a row! Once Kimmy’s pussy popped she was done for the night, which was also disappointing.

I got my first taste of cum in the back seat of Mom’s car on her birthday. I licked and played with Keith’s fat long cock while he fondled my butt and squeezed my boobs. It was fun, but not nearly as good as when he slid two fingers into my slit and rubbed my button with his thumb! I was so horny! So wet! My pussy muscles clenched and I felt a momentary burst of pleasure. “Eeeh! Eeeh! Yeah!”

Mom complained, “This is about HIM cumming. Get him off, girl.”

I circled the rim of his cock with my tongue, licked the shaft a lot, and fondled the big nuts in his hairy scrotum. They were twice the size of the ones the guys I’d been with before had. I squeezed the shaft and started stroking it, while I licked the tip. “Mmmm! Yeah, Marie! Nice!”

The fingers in my sodden snatch drove me to another small orgasm, and I squirmed around a little. “Ungh! Yuh!” When I calmed, I returned to pleasuring his big boner. It took a long time, and he grunted when he finally squirted into my mouth. “UHHH! So good! Yeah, Marie!” I had a third climax at the same time.

I don’t know why Mom complained about the taste. His semen is a little salty with a hint of sweetness. I like it. He hugged me to him tightly, once I swallowed his spunk. I couldn’t wait for him to finally fuck me! My kitty was so wet! It soaked my panties and made wet spots on my skirt!

Mom asked, “So Marie, are you disgusted enough to quit yet? Are blowjobs and cum horrible enough to make you quit smoking?”

That sounded crazy to me. “What the Hell are you talking about? Playing with cocks is fun, and cum is delicious. And I fucking LOVE to smoke!”

She snapped at me, “Language! Don’t you talk like that, young lady!”

“Whores talk like that all the time, and I’m his whore now. Right, Daddy?” I fluttered my eyelashes and sweetly kissed his cheek, like Mom said I should when we planned things out the day before.

He was flabbergasted. It was the first time I ever called him ‘Daddy’, and he’d blown a load in my mouth only minutes before. “Uh, ah, yeah. But uh, please try to be polite?”

The car stopped and I noticed where we were. It wasn’t part of the plan. I asked, “Why are we at Granny’s place?”

Mom shocked me with, “She used to be a porn star, and we need her advice.”


She turned back and passed me one of her cigarettes, then ordered; “Smoke like a whore when we walk in, and tell your gran what your new job is.”

“But! But uh…”

She lit a cig and pushed me toward the door. “Go on.”

(Granny Heidi)

They came over later than I expected, and my granddaughter Marie looked ready to die from shame. Her whole face was bright red, matching her hair. There was a wet spot in the front of her yellow skirt, and she tried to hide the smoldering cigarette in her hand. My daughter Cathie followed her in, taking a puff from hers.

Her fiancée Keith waved briefly and said, “Hi again, Heidi.” He was quite sweaty, and I could smell his lust from two steps away. Marie’s was even more obvious. She STUNK of wet horny pussy.

I knew the situation but casually asked, “Hi, how is everybody?”

Cathie poked her daughter’s arm as she said, “Marie has something to tell you.”

I figured the poor girl had gone through enough stress and embarrassment, so I said, “Oh, she’s smoking! I wondered when you would start. I’ll get you a holder, sweetie.”

She was quite surprised and asked, “You, ah, you’re okay with me smoking?”

I handed her a pink foot-long cigarette holder and replied, “Why shouldn’t I be? The first time I smoked, I was younger than you. Cigarettes are great, right?” I lit the cigarette in my long black holder and blew some smoke toward Keith. He loved watching women suck on things, especially cigarettes in holders. He stared at my mouth intently.

Marie nervously answered, “I, ah, yeah.”

“And what did you need to tell me, sweetie?”

“I, I, Mom and me, we made a deal. I ah. . .“

Cathie impatiently explained, “Since she’s smoking like a dirty whore, she’s gonna suck and fuck Keith like a dirty whore.”

Marie looked very nervous, and about to cry. I smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder. I asked her, “Great! When do you plan to have kids? Great-grandchildren would be so nice! Do you have any questions about sex? Would you like me to help?”

She was nearly frozen in shock, staring at me. “KIDS!?!?”

Cathie said, “I have a question. How long will it take to get her ready for anal?”

Marie exclaimed, “WHAT?”

Her mother smirked and told her, “Dirty whores take it everywhere, mouth, pussy, ass, boobs, even in the face.”

I nodded and turned toward Marie. “Of course, we do. I like it in my mouth and my butt. Then I can just crap it out and I don’t need to wash. Your father was good at anal, and Keith’s even better. Let me show you a video.” I pressed a couple buttons on the remote control and the porn movie began. Cathie’s late husband was tongue-fucking me.

“You and MY DAD!”

“Keith’s great at sex, too. In the next scene, they gave me DP and took turns cumming in my butt.” Marie’s jaw dropped open, and the size of her eyes doubled. I took a final puff from my cig and blew it toward Keith. There was a bulge forming in his pants, as we remembered that night. Cathie complained, “This is the last thing I want to see. Ugh!”

I told her, “Grab us three towels from the bathroom, then you can go if you want.” Marie asked, “Towels?” Her mother handed her one as I said, “Take off your clothes and sit on a towel. There’s nothing wrong with masturbating, especially with people you love.”

“I uh … but Gran!”

“Or if you want the real thing, strip and lean over the table. I’m sure Keith will be happy to do us from behind while we smoke.” Marie asked in surprise, “US? US!” Cathie shut the door as she left.

I told my granddaughter, “Actually, I need to pee first. Let me show you how oral sex is done. Follow me to the bathroom.” Keith was only half a step behind me, but Marie lagged a little. I slid my panties down and explained, "I need to pee, but I can still make him happy with my mouth. Spray a little air freshener, Marie. It covers the smell of whatever happens in the toilet, and it won't matter so much if his crotch is sweaty and smelly." I lifted my skirt, sat, and spread my knees; letting Keith watch me piddle.

I unzipped him and extricated his nice long tool, while I continued the oral sex lesson. "The biggest thing about blowjobs is never, ever, touch his penis with your teeth. If you follow that rule, guys think almost anything else you do with your mouth is good or great. If you have a hard time keeping your teeth away from it, move your lips in a little and cover your teeth with them, like this. Try to squeeze his rod with your lips, and lick the bottom, too." I demonstrated as Marie stared in fascination. I moved my mouth off his pecker with a wet POP! "And when it moves out of your mouth, suck as hard as you can. It makes him feel great. Hold your hand around the shaft, so you can control how far in it goes. I can swallow part of it, but most girls gag if it touches the back of their throat."

Keith lustily commented, "Deep throat is amazing!"

After a couple minutes of slow fellatio, I said, "You do almost the same for girls. The biggest thing is don't touch anything sensitive with your teeth." I reached and rested a hand on one of Marie's nice little boobs. "Want to know what it feels like, sweetie? I like girls, too." I licked my lips and winked at her.

With three of us crowded into the small bathroom, Keith practically shouted, "PLEASE! And please let me watch?"

She timidly said, "I uh ... I tried it with a girl once, but I don't know. We're family."

Keith quickly offered, "Do it with her once a month and let me watch, and I'll buy you a car?” When she didn't agree immediately, he added, "A nice new car. Maybe a convertible?"

Her eyes lit up in surprise. "Really?"

He held his hands together in mock prayer. "Please?"

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