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A continuation of the the Jennifer story
Part V

My wife Beth came into my home office to talk, “Jim, mom’s starting to fade fast, I don’t think she’s going to last much longer.”

I spun my chair around so I could face her, “I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve always liked your mom. I hope she isn’t in too much pain.”

“We keep her plied with morphine and some other things, but it’s getting to be where it’s not enough for her.”

I saw her tears were starting to well up, I got out of my chair and went over to her to give her a hug. Unlike her normal behaviors she didn’t pull back from my embrace, but she didn’t return it either, she was just letting me hold her.

“How are you doing with all of this?” I asked her.

“It’s uh, well, it’s a bit difficult. I mean, you think that you know it’s coming and that you can manage it, but when you start seeing the reality of it, it hits you kind of hard.”

I pulled her snug to me and ran the flat palm of my hand up and down her back.

“I’m sorry it’s that way for you.” I consoled her.

She stayed close to me as she tried to keep her composure, she had her head on my shoulder. “Jim, there’s another thing,” she spoke into my chest.

“What’s that?”

“After mom passes, I’m going to stay with Lisa.”

I froze from caressing her back, “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that after mom’s gone I’m going to live with my sister Lisa.”

That’s where Beth was going a few nights a week, to her sister’s house to share with the caring for their mother. Now she was saying she wanted to live there.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“After that night when you were abrupt with me, you pulled down my underwear and pushed me down so you could look at me, I knew I couldn’t manage this anymore. You really haven’t been happy with what I’ll give you, and neither have I been.”

We were both quiet, I wasn’t quite sure what to say at the moment.

“I’m sorry I slapped you.”

I hugged her again, but she felt rigid in my arms.

“Do you want to be together again before you go? One last close moment?”

“I’d rather not.”

I understood her thinking, she was preparing herself for a complete separation. It’s not like I lusted for her, but after so many years she was familiar to me. I had cum into her more than any other person that I’d ever known in my life, at least, for the infrequent amount of times that it could happen. The whole thing about letting me look at her was a big hang up for her, she didn’t even want me to watch our kids being born. The fact that I pressed her for seeing her pussy was an aggravation for both of us, it led to me having some dark feelings about being worthless and apparently she wasn’t happy about the situation either.

“What about the kids?” I went back to the matter at hand.

“I think they’re both old enough to make a decision about where they’ll live when the time comes. I think Jennifer is still at that point where she needs her father in her life to guide her and get her ready to go out on her own. Mark probably doesn’t know anything outside of his gun game at the moment, but I know he takes to his mom and there’s room for him if he wants to come over. He’ll like having his cousin Bobby around too.”

“And other things?”

“You should keep the house, you practically built it anyhow and I’ll have my place with my sister. If Mark does decide to come live with me then I think we can call it even on child support. I’ll be able to go back to work full time, but I’m still going to ask for alimony.”

“I understand, I’m not going to fight you on this. It seems like you’ve already put a lot of thought into it.”

“I have, ever since that one night.” She paused a moment, “Jim, I know you’re a good person. You’ve been a good husband to me and you’ve taken care of our family in a way that anyone else would find admirable. You’re caring and understanding and you have a lot to give. I know there’s someone out there that will do the things you want for you.”

“I love you Beth, I will always have some love for you. It’d be hard not to after all our time together and the things that we’ve shared. I will continue to be concerned for your wellbeing and you’ll always be able to contact me if you need something.”

She let me give her a light kiss.

“I love you too Jim, that’s why I’m leaving.”

She broke away from me, turned around, and left me alone in my office.

I was getting ready for bed when my daughter Jennifer came into my room. I was standing there naked so she closed the door behind her.

“Dad, I heard about mom, I’m sorry. Are you okay?

“I’m managing.” I didn’t bother to try to cover myself, we’d seen each other naked enough that it wasn’t uncomfortable but it did seem a little awkward being in my bedroom like this since pretty much all of our sex play had been downstairs.

She came over to give me a hug, “Come here, let me do this.” I felt her hands on me and I let her guide me to lay on the bed. She pulled her jeans and panties down and spread herself open to show me her pussy. “Look at me dad, I know you like this, you can look at me.”

I did like seeing her that way and in doing that my dick wanted to get hard. She pulled her pants back up and crawled over me to get on the other side of the bed, She laid down with her head on my stomach, facing away from me. She lightly touched and stoked my dick and I got hard for her. I felt her warmth when she told me to lay still and then put her mouth on me.

Jennifer was sucking my dick. It wasn’t erotic play or sensual exploration, she was acting in a loving and caring manner, gently drawing me into her and letting me feel her mouth. I felt her pull tight around me when she sucked, and when she flicked her tongue over the underside of my dick to touch me where I was most pleasurably sensitive.

I gave into her and let her give me this act of caring. I put my hand on the side of her head and pressed her into my stomach as came in her mouth, pushing myself in a little to feel more of her. When I stopped spurting into her she reached behind my balls and pulled up the last of the cum that was in me. She moved up to give me a brief, deep kiss and I could taste myself on her. Then she told me to sleep well and left.

The funeral was, well, typical. Sad faces and dark clothing, and shared stories of things that had gone on over the years. I went over to give my wife a consoling hug but she turned away from me and left with her sister.

Mark did in fact choose to live with his mother, we spent a day or two loading my truck with his things. The computer was the last thing to get disconnected and first thing to get reconnected, he was trying to keep up with his online activities in between moving.

Jennifer wanted to stay with me, going to her aunt’s house meant a different school and new friends, she wanted to stay where she was. Kaylee, all of her friends and favorite activities were around where she lived now. I’m pretty sure she wanted to stay near me for other reasons as well.

When the divorce papers came, my attorney assured me he could get the alimony request to be reduced, but I had him leave it as is. I told Beth I wasn’t going to fight her and I meant it.

Kaylee’s birthday came and went, her dad celebrated by going out to get drunk. On the way home he went through a red light and got hit broadside by a semi-truck and the result was a closed coffin funeral. She was taking it pretty hard, all of her unresolved issues with her emotionally absent, and mentally abusive father would now never find closure. She came over to find some consolation with me and I spent a full day of holding her, sitting near her, taking her out with me to run some errands and feeding her a couple of times. I made sure she knew she could come back at any time if she needed.


Jennifer and I were eating dinner, there was something on her mind.

“Can Kaylee come live with us? She’s eighteen now, but she can’t afford to move out. With her dad gone the money is pretty tight and her mom is having a difficult time keeping up. She can stay in my room.”



“She can stay in Mark’s room.”


“Jenn, this can happen but all three of us will need to have a very serious conversation.”

“I can understand that.”

“It’s more than you think honey. We’ll talk more when she’s with us. I want you to arrange for all of us to go out to dinner.”

We picked up Kaylee two nights later and I took them to a nice restaurant.

“You have to understand some things, both of you. One thing that may come as a shock to you is this: You can see each other every day but it’s nothing like spending all night and day with each other. You can more easily get aggravated with each other, you feel under pressure and you can start losing your sense of independence. We cannot allow that to happen, we’ll all end up living in a hostile atmosphere. If one of you wants to initiate some activity and the other doesn’t want to do it, you cannot allow yourself to become angry or feel rejected. We have to respect each other and our own individual interests. And consider this, what happens if the two of you break up and you want to see other people? Can you accept that possibility while we’re living together? It would change the situation to where you have to treat other like sisters instead of lovers. That’s not an easy thing to do.”

I could tell they were thinking about the concepts I described. I knew young love could be powerful, and the thoughts that went with that were of the idealistic ‘it’s going to last forever’ beliefs. Reality seldom made that true.

“Both of you are on the verge of coming out of your teens, things will change when you hit your twenties whether you like it or not, it’s nature to do so. You start having more realistic goals in mind, you want to try new things and do it entirely on your own. You want to make your own decisions and find your failures and learn from them. Your interests change. Those things alone may cause you to grow apart and not because of some emotional outburst or anything negative, it’s simply the way it is.

“As far as the three of us are concerned, Kaylee staying in our house doesn’t mean it’s going to be a free for all with the things we’ve been doing with each other. The things we have been sharing have been very special, I don’t want us to go overboard where it becomes something that’s going to make it ordinary or taken for granted. I like that we haven’t been able to do this all the time with each other, it makes those moments that much more special and valuable and it allows us to know that it’s coming and it builds the tension in anticipation. Oh, and just like with the two of you, you have to consider that what the three of us share won’t last forever either, and in the meantime I think maybe we need to plan things like a date night once or twice a month so we can play together.”

The girls smiled at that thought.

“We all feel that downstairs is our playroom, maybe now that we have a little more freedom we can make some changes to accommodate our interests or the things we want to do. The upstairs of the house is exactly that, our house, our home. Each of us will have our own room and those places will be considered private, well, expect for the occasional night when we may want to sneak up on each other while we’re sleeping.”

They giggled and looked forward to doing such things.

“If you two choose to sleep together, you do it downstairs.”

I looked them both straight in the eyes for the next part, “I will treat each of you like my daughters.” They nodded together. “I will expect you to be responsible to the house, You will help with cleaning, cooking, laundry and getting groceries and anything else that needs to be done. As a matter of personal safety, I want to know when you go out and expect to come home. Because the both of you are in your last year of school, I want to see good grades. If you have a problem with a course I will help you with it. Idiots do not do well in our society, I want to know that you will have the opportunity to succeed when you get out into the world on your own. I expect to see you working toward that, and that you want to improve yourself as a person as you grow, as you need it.

“There will be times when things could be difficult for any or all of us. We need to work together to support each other to get through the rough times. And that doesn’t mean there will always be an immediate solution to a problem, as you get older your problems become more difficult because you start working on a larger scale and with more complex things, it takes more to resolve those kinds of issues. Life isn’t fair and it isn’t easy, and being on your own doesn’t make it any easier. I hope that we can rely on each other for support.”

I handed my credit card to the waiter and waited for him to return with the check.

“All of that being said, Jennifer, do you still want Kaylee to come live with us?”


“Kaylee, do you want to come live with me and Jennifer?”


“Then when we get to your house I’m going to talk with your mom.”

Kaylee put her hand on my arm and Jennifer commented, “Dad, you’re amazing.”

Kaylee opened the door and held it for Jenn and I to enter. The place was a mess, it looked like a trash dump with furniture. Her mom came over to meet us, she was the same height as Kaylee and had a little weight on her but she wasn’t fat. Her hair was the same color as Kaylee’s but with some streaks of silver in it. She had a well-worn flannel type night gown on that hung down to her knees and could afford to be cleaner.

I held my hand out to her, “Hi, I’m Jennifer’s dad, Jim Roberts.”

She took my hand, “Emma Porski.”

“I’ll just say this, Jennifer and I want to invite Kaylee to come live at our house. We just wanted you to know that she’ll be in a safe place and be with friends.”

Emma looked over at Kaylee and saw she was nodding her head in way that expressed her interest and that she wanted her approval.

“I think that would be a good thing. I know that she and Jennifer are close, and she told me that you helped her out when she was feeling down.”

“So this is okay with you?”

“I think it would be good for her, it could be a better place for her.” She looked around at the room in disarray.

“I did tell her that I expect good grades in school and that she would help around the house.”

“That’s fair.” She looked at Kaylee, “Are you going tonight?”

Kaylee nodded her head in an excited manner and her mother gave her a hug, “Okay sweetie, you go.”

The girls disappeared into Kaylee’s room to get her things.

“Thank you for looking out for her.” she told me.

“She’s a good girl, she’s had some difficult times but she’ll be alright.”

She smiled at that comment and took a step closer to talk in a softer voice, “You know, if you wanted to come by sometime, maybe after 10 pm when the kids were in bed, I wouldn’t mind.”

Well, that was direct. I considered what Kaylee had been through with her father and suspected things were no better for her mother, given that she was married to him. The idea of fucking both a mother and a daughter was one of those taboo things that had some allure to it. I put my right hand directly on her left breast.

“I can see how we could do that once or twice.”

I let her know of my interest, and also that I had no expectations of a full relationship coming from it. Given what I knew about Kaylee’s father, and seeing the state of their house, I was pretty sure this woman fit the classical definition of ‘damaged goods’.

She pressed into my touch and brushed her hand over my crotch. She pulled back when she heard the girls coming out of Kaylee’s room. Jennifer and Kaylee returned, all smiles and beaming with excitement, they were ready to bolt out of there. Kaylee hugged her mom again and opened the door, Jennifer was right behind her. Emma caught me before I turned and told me, “Come soon.”

“I will.”

The girls went straight to what was now Kaylee’s room, Jennifer got fresh linens for the bed then they speculated on how the room could be decorated. When they got done organizing a few of Kaylee’s things, they came out to find me on the couch. They sat on either side of me and Kaylee gave me a hug, I let her share her gratitude then I had something to discuss.

“Does your mom drink?”

“She used to, but I think because my dad made her do it so he wouldn’t be drinking alone. I haven’t seen her drink since dad… left.”

“I’m going to help you get a car.”

Her face lit up at that announcement,

“It won’t be much, something like Jenn’s car, but you’ll be able to get around.”

She started bouncing on her seat.

“I want you to go to your mom’s house at least once a week and help her get that house cleaned up and organized. The state of a person’s house tells you the state of their mind, and right now that place is a disaster. I think she could use your help in recovering from how things were and get her to see things in a more positive light.”

Kaylee looked at me and a tear started to form in the corner of her eye, she leaned over to hug me and put her head on my chest.

“Thank you.”

She leaned back and I saw tears streaming.

“Thank you so much, I’m glad that you want to help her.”

“Besides just cleaning up, get rid of all your father’s stuff and dump out any alcohol and throw out the bottles, move his memory into the past. You’ve got what… brothers and sisters?”

“One brother and two sisters.”

“They need this too. I know there have been times when things were rough on you and I’m sure it has been for them as well. It won’t hurt them to be in a better place.”

Kaylee did a wet sniff and used her wrist to wipe across her cheek and catch an errant tear. She hugged me again.

“Thank you…” her words hung in the air, “what do I call you?”

“You can call me Jim, or ‘hey you’ for all that matters, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“Is it okay if I call you dad? I’d like that.”

“You can call me dad, honey.” I reached over and pulled her to me and put a kiss on her forehead. Jennifer was looking at me with admiration and she showed me a soft smile.

It was 9:45, the girls were in Kaylee’s room and I stuck my head in the door to tell them I was going out for a while, they were so busy with their girl stuff they barely noticed.

I pulled in the drive and saw the shifting lights on the window curtains that told me the tv was on in the living room. When I gently knocked on the door it was quick to open, she must have seen my headlights on the same curtains as I pulled in.

She didn’t waste any time, “Down here.” She led me to her bedroom at the end of the hall. There was a small lamp on a night stand that brought some light to the room but not much, it must have been a 25-watt bulb. The room was as stacked with various items and objects just as the living room was. The only thing that wasn’t bulging with stuff was the full-sized bed.

She pulled her nightgown up over her head and was already nude. I glanced her over as I started getting my clothes off, 36 D breasts, a little pooch to her tummy, and it was the first time in a long time that I saw a full bush that was hiding her pussy. I looked around for some place to put my shirt and she told me to just leave it on the floor. I almost had to wonder if it was safe to do that. I went with the moment and piled my clothes on the floor at the foot of the bed.

She left the light on. Since she was quick to act on her interests, I just reached over and felt her pussy. She let me play with her and I could tell she was already wet, not soaked, but wet enough that I could fuck her.

Emma got down on her knees and started sucking me in a near greedy manner, taking me into her mouth and moving at a rapid pace as if her mouth was a pussy and we were in a porn movie. When I was hard, she got on the bed and spread her legs.

“I haven’t had a good fuck in a long time,” she shared.

Instead of getting onto her, I got between her legs and used both hands to spread her pussy and push her pubic hair back. I could see where she was wet and her clit standing out. I ran the full width of my tongue from her pussy hole to up and over her clit. She liked that right away and said so.

“You can do more of that anytime you want.”

I repeated tonguing her just because she liked it. I started licking and sucking her clit, she arched her back and only after a few moments she came. Now I knew where Kaylee got her short stamina. I gave her sloppy licks all over her pussy and back up to her clit until she was soaked, then I got onto her. She was ready, she spread her legs as far as she could so I could get into her. She started raising her hips on the first thrust and kept at it for every move I made. If I ever thought that Kaylee was being greedy to get my attention, her mom was ten times moreso, her motions were so dramatic and exaggerated that it didn’t even feel like fucking. I went through the motions with her until she came again and then I backed off. I stayed in her for a short while then I let myself fall out of her.

“That was good,” she told me in a husky and near sultry voice, “you should come back.”

“I think maybe I will, soon.”

I got up and started getting dressed, she threw her nightgown back on a so she could lead me to the door. We got into the living room and I mentioned that I could use something to drink, she changed directions and took me into the kitchen.

When she opened the fridge I saw bottles of beer lining one of the racks on the door and not much else other than a plastic gallon of milk that was two thirds empty, I hoped the beer was left over from Kaylee’s dad and not some continuing alcoholic dysfunction. I opened a couple of cabinets looking for a glass, I really only wanted some water. I didn’t see a lot of food on the shelves, just open boxes of cereal, a couple of cans of vegetables and some boxes of product that you mixed with a pound of hamburger. I found a glass and got some water.

I had some money on me, maybe a couple of hundred dollars, I pressed it into Emma’s hand and told her to get some food for her kids. She looked grateful, knowing that the money was a gift and not a payment for sex. When I left I only knew one thing for certain, Emma tasted exactly like her daughter.

I got home and took a quick shower. I put my robe on and went to look for the girls to tell them goodnight but neither of them was in their rooms. I knew where they were, I went down to the basement.

Jennifer and Kaylee were laying back on the pit couch, watching tv and snuggling each other under a blanket. They smiled as they saw me and partially sat up as I got near.

“You girls good?”

“Yes.” Shared smiles punctuated their positive response.

“I just came down to say goodnight.” I got onto the couch and leaned in to kiss Jennifer, then I kissed Kaylee. I started to pull back but they had a request for me.

“Will you be with us? It doesn’t have to be a lot, just fuck us. It’s our first night with all of us together, we want to make it special.”

Kind of a hard offer to refuse. Kaylee pulled the blanket back and I saw both of them were nude, I suspected they’d been playing with or touching each other some. I dropped my robe and held my hand out to Jennifer and got her to move down to where I could lay on her. She was already wet and it was easy to get into her.

I held her gently and talked to her, “You feel good honey, I’m glad we’re together again. With everyone moving, the funeral and all the other stuff I’ve missed being with you.”

“I’ve missed you too daddy, you feel good in me.”

I squeezed her as well as I could and moved in her until she came. I looked over and saw Kaylee watching with interest, she liked it when I fucked my daughter. I got off Jennifer and Kaylee immediately laid down for me. I got into her and she felt as good to me as Jennifer did.

“I’m glad you’re here, I’ve missed fucking you. Maybe now I can fuck you a little more, would you like that?”


I moved in her, working her up to cum and then I realized that less than an hour ago I was fucking her mother. That image in mind brought an extra amount of hard to my dick and it caused me to spasm and jab into her. She thought it was a deliberate action on my part and reacted with a slight moan.

Jennifer got close us, “Daddy, it’s okay to cum in Kaylee now. I want to watch you cum in her.”

Hearing that made both of us hotter, Kaylee began to orgasm and I let loose in her, holding myself deep in her pussy until I had everything out of me. I pulled out and turned to the side so Jennifer could suck out the last of my semen. She started to go down on Kaylee to get some of my cum and share it with a deep kiss but I had other plans.

“Jennifer lay down. Now get yourself up like you’re doing that inverted bicycle exercise. Kaylee, get up and step over her then put your pussy up against hers so whatever comes out of you goes into her.”

They liked that idea a lot. Jennifer held herself steady with legs apart in the air as Kaylee got over her.

I told Kaylee, “Now rub your pussy against hers.”

“Ohhh… this feels better than when we’re laying down. I want to do this more.”

Kaylee kept pushing herself against Jennifer’s pussy, I could hear something that sounded like wet kisses as they rubbed against each other. Jenn was getting into it, she told Kaylee not to stop. I got myself into a position to where I could see both of them, soaking wet and sharing my cum. Jennifer started to orgasm and it set Kaylee off to do the same thing. They laid down together, giggling a little about this new thing they did.

“We will definitely do that again, and I liked when his cum got into me.”

I started gather my robe to go to bed and Jennifer reminded me that I could stay down here tonight and sleep with them. She was right, I no longer had the need to keep up appearances any more. I laid down between them and they snuggled up to me on either side. I gave Jennifer a deep and long kiss then did the same thing with Kaylee. They got together over me and share their own kisses before we went to sleep.

I woke to being jostled. Kaylee was near my face and she began kissing me, I returned her kiss and reached down to play with her pussy, she was still slick from our earlier activities.

I whispered to her, “Do you want to?”

“Yes,” she answered me softly, “but Jennifer is asleep, I want to watch you fuck her in her sleep.”

“Okay, but I’m going to put it in you first.”


I fucked her, I knew she had a tendency to cum quickly the first time so I made sure it happened, I talked to her quietly, “I love it when you cum on me, like the day in the motel, you came on me a lot.”

“Ohhh…” she tried to keep her voice hushed.

“I want to do that again, just you and me together so I can fuck you a long time and you and cum on me a lot. Will you let me fuck you for a long time again?”


She pressed up into me and came again. She wanted the same thing. I kissed her again and moved over to Jennifer. I motioned her over and told her to lick Jennifer to get her wet for me. Kaylee sucked on her clit and Jenn stirred a little. I pulled her back and told her to stay close enough to Jennifer to kiss her when she woke up.

Getting into Jennifer was easy, once my dick was lined up with her pussy it went right in. I started sliding in and out of her. It felt like she was giving me pussy, just laying still and letting me fuck her. That alone already made me want to cum, I distracted my thoughts to I keep at her until she woke up and came on me.

It didn’t take too long, Kaylee got her started by sucking her clit, when she felt my dick in her she realized what was going on at the moment and gave in to it, She pulled me to her and opened her eyes, she saw Kaylee next to her she turned her head and offered her mouth to her. They kissed, Jennifer came and then I came in her as well.

“Will you fuck Kaylee now?”

“I already did honey, and I just came in you.”

She wiggled a little bit beneath me and let out a long, relaxed sigh. “Please do that to me again sometime, it felt really good.”

“I knew you would like it,” Kaylee told her, “I did.”

We laid back together and went to sleep again.

Kaylee came into my office, I could tell something was on her mind.

“What’s up?”

“Did you fuck my mom?”

“Yes.” I wasn’t going to lie to her, “Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah, I just wish…”


“That I could have seen it.”

“Uh, I don’t know about that one.”

“She wouldn’t mind.”

“You so sure about that?

“Yes. When I lived there, my bedroom was closest to theirs, I could hear them when they had sex. One night I could hear it better and I realized their door was open and I went to look. My dad was laying on my mom and he was fucking her. She saw me looking and didn’t say anything so I kept watching. When he got done, she rolled him to the side and started sucking his dick and she looked at me while she did it. She even took her mouth off him and them put him back in her mouth and made sure I saw her do it.

“And another time when he was drunk he peed in the bed, she was kind of drunk too and told me to come help clean up. She had the sheets off and he was laying on his back, she gave me a wet washcloth and told me to wipe him down and make sure I got it all. I was avoiding touching him but she said I had to do it and then he started getting hard and I didn’t know what to do. She said it was natural and to keep going. He got really hard and she checked him and told me to do it all again, just to be sure.”

I got close to her and gave her a hug, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It was okay, she didn’t make me do anything else, and I didn’t want to. It was the first time I saw a hard dick, so I was curious. I did touch him a little, just to feel it.”

I wondered if that had something to do with why she was so set on seeing my dick, or why she liked watching me and Jennifer. To me, that meant the dysfunction in the family went beyond her drunken father and I pondered what else she may have been exposed to.

I renewed my embrace on her, “Alright, as long as you’re okay, I’m always here if you ever want to talk about it. But as far as sharing anything like that with me and her? I don’t think I want to go there, okay?”

“Yeah, that’s okay.”

I found Jennifer in the kitchen, “Where’s Kaylee?”

“She took my car and just left to go to her mom’s house.”

I put my arms around her and held her, “I need to be with you.”

She tightened her hug on me, “Do you want me to give you some pussy?”

“No, I want to be with you. Let’s go downstairs.”

In our ‘playroom’ she began to pull off her shirt, but I stopped her, “Let me do that.”

I took my time with her, when the shirt came off I bent over to kiss her shoulders and neck. As I got down and worked on her pants, I kissed her tummy and her thighs. When her bra fell to the floor, I told her that I loved her tits and I kissed them and sucked her nipples. When her panties came down I parted her and kissed her clit. Jennifer could tell something was different, she stood still for me and enjoyed the attention.

It didn’t take much time to get my clothes off. She was surprised when I picked her up and held her, she put her arms around my neck and back.

“This is for you,” I told her. “There’s been a couple of times that you’ve asked me to spend time with Kaylee alone, and I did, but you and I haven’t been able to do it with each other like that.”

I got onto the couch and laid her down. She kept her arms around me as I kissed and touched her, I talked to her softly, “All this started because of what you were willing to share with me, and you were giving yourself to me in ways that I really needed. That made me want to share with you as well, I wanted to give you the things you were missing and needed, and we got to do that. And while maybe our play has expanded to take in other things, I want you to know just how special you are to me and how much I need you.”

I continued running my hands over her, stroking her, touching her face lightly, gently cupping her breast when my hand was near her, and occasionally pressing softly onto her clit.

“I told you that I wanted to be with you, but it’s more than that. I want to make love to you Jennifer.”

“Ohhh…” she melted from my words and intentions.

When I touched her again, she parted her legs for me. And when I got into her we were together, loving, caring and sharing each other with each other. I continued my soft talk and touches with her as I moved in her.

“I want you to cum with me,” I told her, “I want us to cum together, with each other. I love you deeply and in many ways, I want us to share that when we cum together.”

“Uhhh…” She found that appealing and desirable, the deepest form of sharing our bodies together.

I kept in her for a while, just feeling her and enjoying being with her that way, she was enjoying it as well, just taking me into her and feeling us being close. I started moving in her in a way that would raise her excitement and bring her to where she would cum. She started moving with me and with more energy. I could tell she was close.

“Not yet honey, let me cum with you.”

I started fucking her, pressing in deep and pushing down on her, she began catching her breath and taking in air in short, sharp gulps. I thought about where I was and who I was with, the whole taboo thing came to mind and I knew I was fucking my own daughter.

“Now honey.”

We came together, both of us with powerful orgasms as we held each other tight then fell to smile and giggle from the intensity of cumming with each other. We stayed together and enjoyed the warmth of being close. Jennifer held me near and gave me thanks for what we just shared.

When I fell to the side, she smirked.

“What’s up?” I asked her.

“That one night when you and Kaylee and I were all together for the first time..?”


“We set you up. I knew Kaylee liked you, and that she really wanted to see your dick. I told her that if we could get caught together we could make it happen.”

“I suspected something like that since she already knew you were going to ask to see me.”

She giggled a little at my observation.

“I think I might need to fuck the two of you like the little sluts that you are.

Jennifer laughed outright, “I hope you do.”

We remained close to each other and she asked another question.

“Dad, do you like fucking Kaylee?”

“That’s a dangerous question to ask honey. Do I like being with her? Well yes, it’s sex and it feels good, we all play together the way we do and we like it. But if you start asking questions like ‘do you like her more’ or ‘is she better than me’ and things like that then it can lead to insecurity, jealousy, resentment and even remorse. We cannot compare ourselves to one another. We are who we are when we are with another person. There are things that only Kaylee and I can share with each other, she’s different from you and I even talk with her in a different way because of who she is and what she needs. There are things that only you and I can share with each other. We have love for each other on many levels and it’s something that’s only between us and there’s no one else that will ever know those things with me that way. There are things I know that you can only share with Kaylee and they don’t involve me at all. I don’t stress on that, I’m only happy to know that you are finding some satisfaction and fulfillment in your life

“Think about this, someday you’re going to move out to go have your own life. I could very well find another woman and form a relationship with her, would you be jealous about that?”

“No, I think I’d be happy for you.”

“Exactly. You asked me to get Kaylee alone so I could fuck her because you knew she needed some special attention and without you around, it was a deep and personal need of hers and you recognized it for what it was and asked me to do that for her. It wasn’t like I was lusting to get her alone, but that I agreed to your request. The first time I fucked her that way I didn’t even cum, I made it all about her and you saw the result.”

“Yeah, it was really good for her.”

“And that was the whole point. I’ll admit though that now that she’s here and we have extended privacy, there may come a time when I do just fuck her, just to get my dick wet and feel good. Are you okay with that?”

“I guess I never really thought about that, but yeah, it’s okay for you to do that.”

“I can’t say that I’ve been thinking about it but I know it could happen. The way it’s been with Kaylee is it’s more like an extension of what you and I have been sharing. She got involved when you wanted to feel a girl lick you and I wanted to be with two women, but if you think about it, it was still something that was between you and me that we wanted to share with each other.

“I love you Jennifer, in many ways. For all we have known, and done, thought about, talked about and shared, you are the most important person in my life right now and I never want to lose that.”

“Ohhh…” she moaned and was deeply moved, she got her arms around me and couldn’t hold me tight enough. When she pulled back and looked at me I could see the tears in her eyes. “I love you dad.”

Our day was very comfortable and relaxed, Jennifer and I were at peace and we shared casual, soft touches as we passed by each other as we took care of some chores in the house. We had lunch and went out to get groceries. We were just starting to prepare dinner when Kaylee got home, she kicked off her shoes at the door and came into the kitchen with us.

“Hey you guys, what’s up?”

I grabbed her by the hips and pushed her back against the counter, “You better be wet.” I got her pants open and yanked them down and then stripped her panties off, it only took a short moment to get my dick out and into her pussy. She was soaked, the unexpected, abrupt actions excited her a great deal.

Jennifer watched as I started fucking her, then she came near to me and put her hands on my shoulder and lower back and rested her head between my shoulder blades, kind of a half hug embrace.

“Do it dad, fuck her. Fuck her for you.” she encouraged me.

Kaylee didn’t know what was going on but she got swept up in the intensity of it, she started breathing hard and pressing back into me, she started to cum with a quick shuddering shake and I released myself into her.

I pulled back, gave her a light kiss and asked, “So how was your day?”

Kaylee was stunned, all she could answer was, “What was that all about?”

“Just a conversation we had earlier, I’ll tell you later,” Jenn told her.

As we were finishing dinner I asked Kaylee again about her day.

“It was good, I think mom likes seeing the change in the house, it looked like she was being happier. We cleaned up a lot of stuff, it was going pretty well until the vacuum fell apart, the belt broke and the brush thingy came off it, it’s pretty old and noisy.”

“Let’s go.” I told her.

“Do what?”

“We’ll get another vacuum and go finish the job.”

She smiled about the plan.

“Jenn, you want to go with?”

“No, I’m going to do the dishes and get some laundry going.”

“Good enough.” I gave her a peck I led Kaylee into the garage to my truck.

We pulled up to Kaylee’s house and I saw bags of trash piled up by the curb, it looked like they did a lot of work already. Emma, Kaylee’s mom, was surprised to see us, especially when I brought in the box with the new vacuum. I pulled all the parts out and used the disposable tool kit that came with it to attach the handle and hoses. Once it was plugged in to see that the light came on and the brush was turning Kaylee immediately went to work.

“Come look.” Emma coaxed me to see the rest of the house. Though I never saw the kids rooms or the bathroom before, I could tell they were neat and organized, toys were put away and towels hung neatly on their racks. She took me into her bedroom and I could tell a big dent had been put into the piles of stuff that were stacked against the walls, it wasn’t completely done, still clearly a work in progress.

She pushed the door shut but it didn’t catch. Emma pressed me to the wall and quickly went to work to get my pants open and my boxers down far enough to see my dick.

“Let me give you something.” She got down on her knees and began to suck my dick.

This time she so wasn’t so zealous in her motions. When she put her mouth over me she kept her lips puckered tight and it felt like I was pushing into a pussy, it felt pretty good that way. She took me in slowly, sucking me and using her tongue, She wasn’t moving far or deep, but it was certainly enough to make me feel something.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the door budge, it opened a few inches and I spotted Kaylee looking in to watch her mom suck me off. I held a finger up to my lips to make sure she’d stay quiet, then I lifted my shirt so she could see me better. Emma had her eyes closed and didn’t know what was going on. Kaylee was being pretty sneaky with her actions, she left the vacuum cleaner running in the other room to make it sound like she was working.

Emma was good with her mouth, she was going to get me to cum soon. Plus, she was holding me to have me angled down, that added some pressure to my cock and got me ready to let loose. I looked at Kaylee and mouthed the word ‘now’ and she stared at my dick as I shot into her mom’s mouth. Emma stayed on me a moment longer just to make sure she got it all. When I looked at the door it was closed again and I could hear the sound of the vacuum being moved around.

“That was really good,” I told her, “thank you.”

“Well thank you for helping us, it’s appreciated.”

I got my clothing back in order and Emma made another comment, “You know, Kaylee really likes you. I’ll bet if you asked she’d do it with you.”

“Uhhh…” I was at a loss for words, despite the fact that I was already in a deep and intimate sexual relationship with her daughter, I was almost put off of the idea of her mom suggesting I get with her, especially since she and I had done sex a couple of times. What an incongruous thing to be feeling.

“Yeah, I don’t know about that. It could make things awkward in the house.”

“Then you have more reasons to come here if you want.”

“There is that.” And I actually thought about it, the first time I had sex with Kaylee’s mom, it was less than fulfilling. But after what she just did and how she felt I was having additional thoughts about coming back. It was the best blowjob that I’d had in a long time.

Back in the living room we found Kaylee drawing up the power cord onto the automatic retracting reel. She went and put the vacuum in the living room closet. I pulled on the cords for the curtains to see if they worked.

“I want these curtains opened in the day time, to get more light in here. And open all the windows for a couple of days and air the house out.”

Emma agreed to do that, after years of being in an abusive relationship it was easier to just agree with what she was told to do instead of resisting. She was submissive to any demands.

“It’s looking good in here mom.” Kaylee commented. She gave her mom a hug and we left.

Kaylee closed her door and immediately exclaimed, “I can’t believe how wet I am.”

“Really? Pull your pants down.”

Her pants and panties were at her ankles in a flash. I reached over and played with her pussy. I’d played with her before when she was soaked and even fucked her that way but this was something more. Her pussy was near swollen and it was hot. I fingered her to make her cum.

“That was so hot to see your dick in my mom’s mouth, And you let me watch, you pulled your shirt up so I could see more.”

I pressed on her g spot and she came. I was about to pull out of her, but she latched onto my forearm and pleaded with me to do it again.

“Please, one more time, please. I need it.”

I kept fingering her, I ended up having to drive past our house to keep going until she came again. She was so wet I wondered if my passenger seat was going to smell like pussy.

I turned around to go back home and she was still panting, “I need more, right now.”

I’d never seen her this hot before, even when I introduced her and Jennifer to some new things. She was close to being this hot the night she held me and got pee into Jennifer’s mouth. Seeing her this way was making me hard again. I saw a darkened parking lot and stopped in a corner space.

“Get in the back.”

The bench seat in the back of the pickup was wide enough for her to lay down and let me get on her. I put my dick deep into her and held myself there, I just kept pressing in on her.

She came, and it was like it wasn’t going to stop, She was heaving beneath me as her orgasm hit her again, and again, and again. I’d never seen her cum this hard or for this long. I kept myself deep into her until she finally relaxed.

“Ohhh shit!” an exclamation of deep pleasure.

When I knew she was done I pulled out. I had to position my dick to lay against my stomach so I could zip my pants.

The cabin light came back on when we opened the front doors and I could see she was still flushed. When we got home she rushed into the house and called Jennifer.

“I’m really hot, I need you to fuck me right now.”

Jenn’s eyes went wide but she was up to play, they ran downstairs. I followed, mostly out of curiosity but also to watch them.

Kaylee got herself into the inverted bicycle position, Jennifer immediately liked that idea, she got over Kaylee and started rubbing her pussy against her. It was really something to see, the two of them pushing against each other like that and feeling the pleasure that came with it.

I was still hard from fucking Kaylee in the parking lot, I got an idea and took my clothes off. I got over Kaylee and was facing Jennifer, I had to squat down a little but I got my dick close to them and told Jennifer to let me in. She raised up and I slid my dick between them and she pressed back down. Oh my god what a feeling, sandwiched in between two wet pussies and they were pressing into me. I started to push in and pull back like I was fucking and they both moaned as I rubbed across their clits.

“Grrr…” Kaylee was letting out a deep grunt from all l that she was feeling, her stomach muscles tightened and she exploded into another deep and powerful orgasm, she kept moaning as each contraction hit her. Jennifer lost it, she bore down on me and came extra hard. I was still fucking both of them at the same time and the only thing that I knew was that my dick felt good.

Kaylee collapsed and Jennifer fell next to her, I got onto Kaylee and started slam fucking her, just banging into her again, and again, and again.

“Jennifer, sit on her face.”

I had to twist myself to the side so Jennifer could get onto Kaylee’s mouth. It was awkward, I couldn’t get the motions I wanted that way.

“Wait.” I moved Kaylee, raising one of her legs to get my body under it then I wrapped my legs around her other leg so I ended up in a position that was perpendicular to her. My dick went straight into her pussy and I started banging into her again.

Kaylee arched her back and Jennifer bore down into her mouth. I slammed in deep with a groan and all three of us came together.

We fell apart, panting, sweating, and softly chuckling about the whole thing. We reached for each other and got ourselves close over Kaylee.

I asked Kaylee, “Are you okay?”

“Oh my god.”


“I want more of that.”

“I can’t believe how it felt to fuck both of you at the same time, I want more of that.”

“What the hell happened to you guys?” Jennifer asked.

“Kaylee accidentally saw her mom sucking my dick and it set her off. I had to finger her twice and fuck her before we got home, and you saw how she was when we got here, she needed you right away.”

“Can we accidentally do that again?” Jennifer smirked.

Kaylee reached out to us and pulled us in to share kisses, “Both of you took care of me again, thank you.”

We all just flopped down and laid together, touching each other and occasionally kissing.

“That felt so good when you were between us, I mean I like fucking Jennifer that way but when you had your dick there it was really good.”

“I do want to do that again,” Jennifer added.

“So do I, I mean, damn that was hot to feel both of you like that. I liked that all three of us were fucking together.”

The girls agreed about all of us being together that way.

“We have to do that again. I mean HAVE to, I like that we could all be that close together. Maybe I can find one of those sex chairs that lets you get into different positions, that way the person on the bottom doesn’t have to work so hard to stay up, and I wouldn’t have to squat to get between you two.”

“They have things like that?”

“Close, if I can’t find one, I can build one. You’re both about the same height, it should be able to work no matter who’s on the bottom or the top.”

“Dad, you’re making me wet again.”

I laughed and kissed Kaylee for her comment.
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