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The conclusion of the Jennifer story
Part VI

I got to the kitchen table and the girls were sitting there grinning.

“What are you two up to?”

“Oh nothing.” Jennifer tried to sound nonchalant and Kaylee smirked.

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with tonight being date night would it.”

Both of them started laughing and nodded.

“A bit excited I see.”

“It’s your turn to fix breakfast dad, what are we having?”

“Not that. I want both of you to go change your clothes, form fitting tops, skirts to mid-thigh, no bras or panties. Brush your hair, and light makeup, meaning eye liner and mascara but no eyeshadow. Scamper you two.”

The girls giggled, they didn’t know what I had planned but they liked the things I did with them, they ran to their rooms to change.

When they returned they were both wearing black skirts, Kaylee had a pink tube top on and Jennifer had a blue cotton mid-riff top that showed of her tummy. Low rise tennis shoes and ankle high white socks protected their feet. On a second look over, I noticed that Kaylee had gained a little weight since her time of living with us, it looked good on her, she was on the verge of fitting into a 32C cup, she was going up one size.

I checked the both, I told them to raise their skirts and I saw two familiar pussies. I touched each of them, they weren’t wet, but they would be later. I played with their tits and teased their nipples some to make them stand out.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“What about breakfast?”

“We’ll get it. Hop in the truck.”

I drove to a park that was about 40 minutes away. The place was huge, besides the expected greenery there were baseball diamonds, some basketball courts, fields for football or soccer, artificial beaches for volleyball, plenty of barbeque grills with associated picnic tables, sizeable restrooms that looked like concrete bunkers, and a number of areas where curved benches swept around large bushes that could provide some shade during various times of the day and offer partial seclusion for blanket picnics. There were a number of people and families there, a few brought their dogs with them so they could run together.

I parked and led them to a food truck to get some breakfast burritos, when they were looking for what to drink I told them they could choose anything from the 24-ounce cans of tea that came in a variety of flavors.

I nodded over to an area where we could sit and eat, on the way there I gave them some instruction, “You’re walking like ladies, change your gait so your tits bounce a little with your steps. I want to see that now and for the rest of the day.”

Jenn blushed and Kaylee grinned. Kaylee was used to trying to draw attention to herself, Jennifer not so much. “Dad, everyone is going to see me,” she protested.

“Are they going to run up to point at you? Or is there someone here that you know that’s going to tell all your friends that you have tits?”

“Well no.”

“Then just let it happen honey, it’s part of what we’re doing today.”

“You’re doing it aren’t you?” she asked.

“What’s that?”

“That day that you played with me in the truck and I was afraid someone would see, you said you would do it in a park sometime with both of us.”

“Can you handle that?”

She didn’t say anything but I saw her nipples come up some. Kaylee was smiling, like her mother she was more direct, even blatant with her behaviors at times. She was anticipating having some fun.

The burritos were good, they were made of warm flour tortillas that were rolled up and stuffed with scrambled eggs and some grilled peppers and chorizo. Since we were late to have breakfast, they disappeared rather quickly.

“Let’s go,” I told them, “you’ve got about 10 minutes to finish your drinks.”

I led them along a marked, paved path that had signs along the side indicating different features of the park and arrows to show the way. I took them to the moderate sized lake where people could rent rowboats or sailboats to go out onto the water. When we got to the rental office we dropped our empty drink cans into the trash receptacle.

“You want some fishing poles too?” the rental guy looked the girls over, more than once, and suspected I was going to say no.

I used an oar to push us away from the dock, and get out into the water to turn us and get onto the lake proper. There were a couple of lines of buoys laid out like boundary lines, beyond the furthest one was where the sailboats could unfurl and chase the wind. I headed for the outer edge of the rowboat section.

They were both on the back bench seat, facing me on the center seat where I sat to row the boat.

“Knees apart girls.”

I could see their slits when they complied with my request.

“Kaylee, get your hand under Jennifer’s top and play with her tits, get her nipples hard.”

Jennifer showed a deep blush, she quickly looked around to see how exposed we may be as Kaylee got her hand up to her breast. She didn’t need Kaylee to touch her, her nipples came up on their own from the tension of potentially being seen.

“Kaylee, feel her to see if she’s wet.”

She slid her hand up Jennifer’s thigh and touched her, “Almost.”

“Lick her until she’s wet.”

Jennifer’s eyes got wide, but she didn’t resist. She had to move forward and pull her skirt up as Kaylee got between her knees. She kept a tight grip on the edge of the seat. She practically went stiff when she felt Kaylee’s mouth on her.

After a few moments, Kaylee started to back off, but Jennifer protested with an almost urgent sounding ‘no’.

“Are you going to cum?”

“Yes,” she just got that word out on a hard exhale.

“Kaylee, suck her.”

Jennifer tensed up and came in Kaylee's mouth. She was flushed and panting, I got around Kaylee and sat next to her to put my arms around her, Kaylee got up and squeezed in on her other side to do the same thing. We sat and held her as she came down from her intense high.

“Are you okay?” I checked.

“I came so deep, it really hit me hard.” She calmed her breathing, “Yeah, I’m okay, I just didn’t expect to feel that.”

We went into the rental office to turn in the plastic tag for the boat, I don’t think the rental guy ever looked at me once, he was staring at Jennifer’s rock-hard nipples pushing out against her thin cotton top. She saw him looking and blushed a little, then she pulled her shoulders back and drew her top to be tight over her tits. The girls were giggling about it as we left the building.

We headed back in the direction of the west entrance where we came in. On the way there I stopped at one of the vendor stalls to get three bottles of water.

“Ugh, I don’t think I need any water right now,” Jenn commented, “I really need to pee.”

‘Yeah, 24 ounces of tea will do that to you’ I thought to myself. I needed to pee so I was pretty sure the girls were in the same condition. I reached over and pressed on Jennifer’s bladder.

She was quick to comment on that and put extra emphasis on each word, “That is not helping.”

I laughed at her. I led them toward the restrooms then deliberately guided them past the structure.

“Hey, where are you going?”


On hearing me they knew I was up to something. I took them further until I saw one of the semi-secluded areas to picnic. The shrubbery was a little higher than my height, it wrapped around to leave an open space of about fifteen feet in diameter, there was a wooden picnic table off to one side. The area was largely closed off on almost three sides.

“Kaylee, sit over here with me. Jennifer, sit at the table facing us.”

When we were positioned I told Jennifer to pull up her skirt and pee. She blushed again and looked around to assess the risk of getting caught, she reached down to spread herself to get a clean stream to come out, then she let it flow. She moaned a little when she started, either from the relief of letting herself go or maybe from the charged sexual atmosphere. When she was done, I gave Kaylee a kiss and told her it was her turn. Jennifer came over to sit by me and watch.

Kaylee was quick to let herself pee, “Ohhh, that feels good.”

When she finished both of them had expectant looks for me.

“Over here,” I moved them closer to the shrubs,” both of you down on your hands and knees.” I got them positioned near each other, on angles out from me, then I got my dick out and started to pee directly in between them.

“Get some in your mouth.”

Jennifer pushed herself forward and got my stream into her mouth, she pulled back so Kaylee could do the same thing. I finished and told them to share a quick kiss, when they got up I handed them the bottles of water to rinse.

I turned to face the walking path and told Jennifer to stand in front of me, “Pull your top up and get your tits out.” When I could see breasts I got my hand under her skirt and finger fucked her until she came. Kaylee was eager to get her turn, I hadn’t done anything with her yet this morning and she was ready. She pulled her top down and I told Jennifer to suck one of her nipples while I jacked her off.

“Okay, we can go now.”

The girls got on either side of me and took my hands, as we walked toward the parking lot I reminded them, “Tits ladies.” They changed their stride to let their tits bounce for me.

When we got in the truck, Kaylee made a comment, “When we get home you better fuck us, I’m really hot, I need to cum hard.”

“Sounds good to me,” I told her.

“You did that for me didn’t you?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes. Are you okay?”

“It was scary, but exciting,” she confessed, “we could do something like that again.”

The girls talked about various things as we drove, at one point they noticed we weren’t headed home and asked about it.

“School starts again next week, both of you need some new clothes, and Kaylee has been outgrowing her bras.”

The girls sounded gleeful, shopping was favored interest, go figure.

We hit any number of stores to find, socks, underwear, camisoles, tees and tops, jeans, slacks and shoes. Somehow I got tagged to carry all the bags. In one of the larger department stores, Kaylee was looking at bras.

“What about this one?” she held it up to show me.

“Not that one.”

She looked perplexed, “Why not?”

“It’s padded. Unless you absolutely need to hide your nipples, I want you to wear sheer bras, with no extra padding for size. You’re beautiful exactly as you are, you should be proud of that.”

She smiled in appreciation at my comments. I let her pick out a couple and told her to get one more, just to have a spare as needed. I told Jennifer, “You too.”

On the way out we were passing one of the high-end lingerie stores where the girls that worked there ran around in matching bras and panties. Jennifer and Kaylee both looked in with wistful gazes.

“Okay, let’s go in.”

The girls were wide-eyed at what they were seeing, the displays were of sexy and alluring lacy fabrics that made up the bras, panties, sleepwear and some sheer gowns that would drape down and fall into gentle folds.

“Can we get something?”

“One set each, and these things are not for school.”

A girl came to offer her assistance, she was dressed in a black lace set made up of a demi-bra, and panties where the waistband came up over her hips to fall into a defining ‘Vee’ over her pubic mound.

She introduced herself as Victoria and asked the girls about their interests and showed them different items. They each collected a couple of things to try on and went into a changing room together.

“Dad, can you come see if these are okay?”

I shrugged my shoulders and let myself look surprised when I glanced at the attendant, “I guess they’re shy about stepping out into the open.” I looked at all the bags around me and Victoria said she’d watch them.

I went up and knocked on the frame of the dressing room door and got the invite to come in. I barely pulled the curtain back when I went in then drew it tight behind me. Jennifer was wearing a matching set of black bra and panties that had a satiny sheen to them, they really accentuated her figure and looked good on her. Kaylee was wearing an outfit in white made up of lacey material that fit snug to her and brought a lot of appeal to her look. I was already hard from seeing them.

“Get those panties off, both of you.”

I put my dick in Kaylee just long enough to fully penetrate her, then I did the same thing to Jennifer. I zipped myself up and told them they could definitely buy those clothes.

When I stepped out the attendant noticed the bulge at my crotch. I winced when I looked at her and when I got near her I told her, “They may be my daughters, but I never expected to see them that way. It caught me off guard. It’s a little embarrassing to have this reaction to tell you the truth.”

“It’s alright, it’s not the first time it’s happened, men seeing their girls turn into young women.”

I pointedly looked at the cotton panel that fit so well over her crotch and let her see me do it, “Maybe you could assist me with something?”

“You’re not the first to ask, but I play for the other team.”

“My loss.” I commented.

“But I might be willing to assist both of them further for say, two hundred dollars?”

I didn’t even hesitate, “Do it.”

Victoria slipped through the curtain and went into the dressing room. There was maybe a half inch gap below the curtain and I saw some knees, after a moment I heard Kaylee’s soft moan. A few minutes later I heard Jennifer.

When Victoria came out, I pressed three hundred dollars into her hand and gave her a light kiss, I could taste Jennifer on her mouth. She looked at the folded bills in her hand and suggested we all could come back at any time.

The girls came out of the dressing room wearing their street clothes again and looking dreamy eyed. They both shared grateful looks with Victoria and let her lightly touch their shoulders as they passed by.

When we got home the shopping bags and girls disappeared. I got into the house to find clothing spread out all over the couch as they tried things on. Jennifer donned a new top and Kaylee liked it.

“Can I wear that sometime?”

“Of course.”

Kaylee put on one of her new school bras and asked me how I liked it. I went over to cup her breasts, lift them, and push them closer together.

“This fits you much better, how does it feel?”

“It’s good, much more comfortable and the strap isn’t cutting into my back. Thank you.”

They were busy playing dress up and I really wanted to put my dick into someone, maybe two someone’s. Putting my dick into each of them in the dressing room was one thing, but when Victoria went in and licked them I wanted to pop in my pants. I still had that tension in me and I needed a release.

“I need to cum.” I said to no one in general but they both heard me.

“I’ll bet you do, do you want to go downstairs?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes, and I’ve got something to show you.”

The new sex chair was done. I couldn’t find anything like what I wanted in the online stores so I built it. I measured both of the girls for inseams, waist to shoulders, shoulder width, arm length and the like to set the dimensions, they were nearly identical in build.

I took materials from a camping tent to make the frame, the tubes were perfect for the work. I made use of a mandrel bender to put smooth curves in where needed and welded the ends to supports to make a rigid framework. The tent covering material wasn’t suitable at all, but it was because it was nylon – it would get all sweaty from whoever was in it. I found some cottony hammock material that worked out well. Instead of securing the material with nylon ropes I used elastic ropes to give a little as they pressed into each other and to provide some push back when they relaxed, I threaded it through grommets in the fabric and some detents in the frame to keep it secure. The material was fitted to create a pocket at the bottom, it would partially wrap their shoulders and support them as they laid in it with their legs in the air. They could fully relax and easily stay in position because it would hold them like a hammock. The upper end of the material would end at their hips, giving some room to move butts around.

Because I had the lower girl positioned to be a comfortable height for me to put me dick between them, I had to add some steps for the girl that would be above, giving her the height needed and the freedom of motion to raise herself or drop down a little as they pressed into each other. There were also some handholds for either of them to grip if they wanted to pull against each other tighter.

I tested the thing with my own weight and felt secure, the chair would be capable for anything they would ever do in it.

“I want to try it,” Kaylee offered.

Jenn and I took our clothes off as she got undressed. Kaylee got on the floor and tried to get her butt in to move herself up. It wasn’t working.

“How do you get into this thing?”

“You have to roll into it.”


“Get here, and scrunch over like you’re going to tumble, push yourself forward and you’ll roll in.”

She made the move and was instantly in the chair.

“Oh wow, this is comfortable.”

“Hold on.” I missed taking the one measurement from their hips to their calves. I wanted to put in some supports to they could rest their legs while in the lower position. I compensated by using some adjustable clamps to allow me to swing the supports into position and set the height the same way. I made the adjustment for her. “How’s that?”

“This is great, I bet I could sleep this way.”

I spread her pussy open and bent over to lick her, she immediately pressed into my mouth.

“That feels gooood.”

“I want to try that.” Jennifer spoke up.

Kaylee found rolling out was just as easy as rolling in, she was on her feet again.

I got Jennifer into position and got herself into the inverted chair.

“Hey, this is comfortable.”

I let her wiggle around a little to get a feel for it, and showed her the handholds so she could grip and pull. Then I spread her pussy open and licked her too.

“Uhnnn…” Jennifer expressed her pleasure.

“Kaylee come up here, put one foot there, step over her and put your other foot there. Good, now lower yourself onto her and hold still.”

I made some adjustments to the leg supports for Jennifer and asked if she was comfortable.

“What are you doing?” Kaylee asked.

“Angling her body slightly to compensate for how you are standing, I did that to bring your clits closer together.”

Jennifer pushed into Kaylee a little and told her to do it. Kaylee pressed down and also found she could move back and forth and rub together as well as pushing together. They were instantly enjoying the use of the sex chair.

The whole thing was built for me, the last time they were in this position I squatted down and got my dick in between them. All of us loved it. I designed the frame so I could comfortably stand and get between them. And I was about to do it again.

When Kaylee saw my dick close to her she raised up and let me get in, when she settled onto me I felt that wonderful sensation of being pressed between two wet pussies. Jennifer started pushing up, Kaylee was pressing down and I was sliding in between them and fucking them both at the same time. Kaylee busted right away and I was ready to do the same thing. Jennifer told me to pull back a little and come in between both of them at the same time. I did, I felt like I was fully in a pussy while between them.

I pulled out and let them share my semen between themselves, Jennifer was about to cum.

“Kaylee, pee on her a little.”

Jennifer felt a new wet warmth and lost it, she pushed up as hard as she could into Kaylee and came hard.

We all got onto the couch and held each other.

“More, we have to do that more.” Jenn told us.

“I agree.”

We had a new way to play and we were certainly going to do it again.

“Dad? Did you tell that lady to come into the dressing room with us?”

“It was a mutual consideration.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I went back out, she saw I was hard and I hit on her. She told me she only likes girls and offered to visit you, so I told her to do it.”

“I came really hard when she licked me.” “Me too.”

“I almost came thinking about what was going on in there.”

“This has been a really good date night.”

“You think we’re done?” I asked. I had something else planned, for Kaylee at least.

“You’re ready to go again?” they asked me.

“No, not yet. I thought we could have dinner and I’m pretty sure you still want to play dress up in your new clothes first.”

They laughed and agreed.

When we got downstairs and were naked again they both looked at me, they were sure I had something in mind and it wasn’t a second visit to the new sex chair.

I went to the tv cabinet where I once hid the double ended dildo and brought out a condom and some water based, edible lube. I held the condom up, “Kaylee?”

She knew what the condom was for, she wanted to try anal sex. She laid down on her left side and brought her right knee up. I put my finger in her pussy and got it wet, then drew it out to lightly touch her and trace little circle around her puckered asshole, she adjusted herself some to get a better feel. I opened the condom package and got it ready to put on, Jennifer was watching with keen interest.

“You want to do this?” I held the condom out to her.

She took it in her hands and lined it up to put it on me.

“You need to leave some space at the end for the cum to go into, otherwise it’ll break, also, it kind of hurts when the cum is going out and wants to go back in at the same time. Once you have it in place it’ll easily roll down. You have to take it down as far as possible so it doesn’t come off while it’s inside.”

She got me fitted and I put some lube on my fingertips and began massaging it onto Kaylee. I got the head of my dick up against her.

“The only thing you need to do is relax yourself so I can get into you, once I’m in you it’ll be easier.”

She got herself ready and told me to start.

I gently pressed into her, pushing against the resistance of the muscular ring of her ass, then I was in her all at once.

She grunted a little and I asked if she was okay.

“Yes, do it.”

I started fucking her ass, it felt tighter on me and even through the condom I could tell it was warmer than her pussy. I let the skin on my dick and the condom around kind of stay in place and I moved myself within that sheath.

“Ohhh… oh, it feels good.”

Jennifer got close, just to see where I was penetrating Kaylee, then she moved up and gave her a kiss.

“You like it?” she asked her.

“Yeah, it’s different but it feels good.”

Jennifer reached down to play with Kaylee’s pussy, but she asked her to hold back.

“I want to feel just this first.”

Jenn held her face and kissed her again and then let her focus on what she was feeling from me.

Kaylee didn’t cum right away like she usually did, but she was certainly enjoying this new sensation. Her hand was on the blanket and she clutched her fingers and drew it up into her grasp and squeezed.

“Keep… going…”

She was going to cum, and I could already tell it was going to be deep and hard.

“Now, I’m going to cum now.”

She arched her back and pressed into me, I pushed in deeper to help. Her whole body tensed up.

“Ah… oh… unh… unh… unh…”

I couldn’t feel her contractions, but I did feel when she bore down on me again. Her ass had me clamped tight within her.

When Kaylee relaxed I started slowly pulling out of her, when the head of my dick was almost out, her ass got tight and pressed me out. I moved up and held her. She moved her leg down so Jennifer could get close to her on the other side.

“That felt good?” Jennifer asked her

“It was… oh… yes, it was good.”

“It didn’t hurt?”

“Not at all, I really came hard.”

Jennifer looked at me, I could tell she was rethinking the idea about anal sex.

“Do you want to?”

“I think so.”

She laid down and got herself ready.

“Let me change this.” I took the condom off and got a fresh one out of the box.

When it came time to start, I put my finger in her pussy, because I was behind her it was easy to press down in her and stimulate the inner part of her clit. She moved a little as she enjoyed my touch. I took my finger out and began touching her ass, then I spread her cheeks and got my tongue onto her. I took the time to lick her all over and press my tongue tip onto her tight hole. Sloppy wet licks to get her ready.

“Oh that feels good, almost like getting my toe sucked.”

I licked her some more because she was enjoying it.

“I think I’m ready, do it dad.”

I put some lube on her and moved up and pressed against her, “Just relax yourself.”

I felt her start to yield and I pressed in.

“Unh…” she felt it deep.

I started fucking her and she was already angling her hips back into me, I pushed a little harder than what I did with Kaylee and she was enjoying it. Kaylee raised Jennifer’s leg to see me going into her, then she set it back down and kissed Jenn once and started talking to her.

“It feels good doesn’t it?”

“God yes.”

“It’s different from your pussy, do you like it?”

“Uh huh…” she moaned.

I started pushing into her harder and faster, she drew up both of her legs to get me as deep as possible. She didn’t last long in that position. She grabbed her knees and pulled them tight to herself as she came with a quivering orgasm. I let her have her moment and started drawing back.

“No, keep it in me.”

I laid still for her and put my arms around her.

“You’re good?” I asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t think it could be like that, but after I saw Kaylee I wanted to try.”

Kaylee gave her deep kiss that they both wanted to share. I began drawing back and popped out of her. Jennifer rolled over to hold me and kiss me.

“What do you need,” she asked me.

“I think I need to fuck both of you and cum in one of you.”

They were up for that. I already knew Jennifer would be first, it was something we always did for Kaylee. I fucked her until she came then I got into her girlfriend. When I was in Kaylee she told me to cum in Jennifer. I had no problem with that request.

When I pushed into Jennifer, she was just letting me have her, she was ‘giving me some pussy’ to let me feel good. I told her I wanted to cum with her again.

“Make love to me honey.”

She tilted her hips and pushed down on me and I knew she wanted it too, We moved with each other, we kept drawing each other closer as we approached our moment. Kaylee was watching, she always wanted to see Jennifer and I together, and she knew something was different, we weren’t just fucking each other like we usually did. She kept herself quiet and got close.

When we came together Kaylee said one thing, “That was beautiful.”

School was underway. New friends came to visit and some of them stayed over on occasion with one or both of them. There were no more ‘catching’ anything happening. I didn’t know if there was anything going on but I suspected not. One girl came to see Kaylee, a black girl with smooth skin and a beautiful complexion and I told her that. Through her dark toned skin, I could see her blush.

Jennifer’s birthday was coming, I asked her if she wanted anything special.

“Yes, I want to sleep with you.”

“You want to go downstairs?”

“No, I want to sleep with you all night, in your bed.”

That would be a first. When we all talked about Kaylee moving in I told them the bedrooms were private and we kept it that way. Well, except for a couple of times when we snuck up on each other to make someone cum while sleeping. But no one had slept over with anyone else, the girls went downstairs when they wanted to sleep with each other. There were a couple of times after a date night when I stayed down there with them.

I let her have her request. We stayed close with each other and touched and talked in gentle ways. I got into her and pulled her to be on top of me as we slept. Either of us woke once or twice and we moved against each other to get me hard again and then went back to sleep. In the morning we made love again and came together.

There was one night when I went out to a bar, I met a woman there and we flirted, we ended up staying together at my house. I woke early in the morning from the girls shaking me awake, they motioned me to step out into the hall but I told them she was passed out and asked what they wanted.

“Will you let us watch you fuck her?”

I smirked a little and pulled the blanket back, her legs were dead weight when I moved them apart.

“I’ll fuck her some, but I’m not going to cum.”

They were happy enough with that.

“Kaylee, put me in her.”

It was a little awkward but she got to where she could hold me so I could push into her pussy. I leaned to the side so Jennifer could see me in her. Then I fucked her for them to see. In the morning, Kaylee came into the dining room wearing a tee shirt and panties and saw us drinking coffee and orange juice, she called back over her shoulder, “Jenn, dad has company.” She left and came back wearing some shorts.

I came home to find Jennifer in the kitchen, she was wearing a bra and her jeans, it was a really hot look for her and I told her so, “You can dress just like that more often if you like.” She smiled and kissed me as I got near to her.

Kaylee’s birthday was coming soon. I took her to get her picture taken then we went to city hall and filed the papers to get her a passport. I took them to a lesser-known Caribbean isle that wouldn’t have too many tourists. We found a secluded beach and fucked each other senseless then ran into the ocean to rinse the sand off before we put our swimsuits on again.

On the day of Kaylee’s birthday we had a party for her with her friends, and that night I took the girls to an expensive restaurant and Kaylee had a wonderful time. But the next morning when I saw her she was in tears, I immediately went and held her, “What do you need?”

“Can you fuck me for a long time?”

It was the one-year anniversary of her fathers death, she was haunted by her past and it was wearing on her heavily.

“Do you want me to take you to a shitty motel or should we go downstairs?”

She blubbered a laugh through her tears and asked to go downstairs, she didn’t want to wait.

It was like before, I stayed in her a couple of hours and let her cum on me a number of times. Jennifer came home and found us on the couch, she knew something was up and she turned around and left quietly. When we got upstairs she asked Kaylee if she was okay. Kaylee ran to her and wrapped her arms around her and broke into tears. She told us how much she needed us and how happy she was that we could all share each other. She asked Jennifer to fuck her and they both wanted me to come watch.

High school graduation came and went, Jennifer got straight A’s through the year and Kaylee ended up with all A’s and one B. They each qualified for college scholarships. Jennifer chose to go to a university that was far enough away that she would have to spend her nights there, but she could come home on the weekends. We had a few more date nights than usual when she came home. The first time she left, Kaylee and I watched her pull out of the drive.

“I’m going to miss her,” Kaylee said in a sad voice.

“I already do,” I told her.

Kaylee and I started having sex more often, sometimes just to have fun with it, and other times to console each other over the house feeling a little empty without Jennifer.

I met her in the hall one morning and I reached out to her. I held her and told her what was on my mind.

“You know how sometimes I fuck you for a long time and you cum on me a lot?”


“Would you do that with me right now?”

She put her arms around me and let me pick her up and I carried her to my bed. We didn’t get up again until early afternoon.

Jennifer came home very early one morning and came into my room. She took off her clothes and crawled into bed with me. She snuggled up close and put a leg over my thigh.

“What’s going on honey?”

“Dad, I met a guy. I really like him.”

“Is he good for you?”

“Yes. He’s a lot like you, he cares, and he’s patient. He makes me laugh a lot, we have fun together.”

“Sounds like love.”

“It is, I want to be with him.”

“I’m happy for you honey.”



“Would you make love to me?”

“Any time honey.”

We came together and I held her close.

“Have you talked to Kaylee?”

“Not yet, but I will.”

Kaylee woke and was happy to see Jenn, they sat on the couch in the living room and talked and then shared some mixed tears, some happy and some sad. They wanted to go downstairs and asked me to come with them. We played together and laughed as we shared what was likely to be our last time together.

Just before Jennifer got married, Kaylee went to school as well. She chose to get a certificate as a Mental Health Associate on the way to working up to be a counselor, she wanted to help girls that came from broken homes and I thought it was a good thing for her. She eventually moved out and got a place with her girlfriend, that beautiful black girl with the nice complexion.

She came by to visit on occasion and we shared with each other. It was always the day after her birthday that she wanted me to fuck her for a long time. I saw her pain lessening over the years and I was happy to see that she could move on with her life.

She came by one time and brought her girlfriend with her. Shayna had never been with a guy and they both agreed that I should be the one to do that with her for what would be her first and probably only time with a man. I made sure she felt everything she could from being with a man and she let herself enjoy it. Shayna was a vocal girl, you knew when she was feeling good. After she came from me, Kaylee wanted to get the sex chair out of the closet. Shayna looked at us like we were crazy when she saw that contraption and when Kaylee rolled into it she looked even more perplexed.

“Just wait, you’ll see.”

When Kaylee was ready I showed Shayna where to step and how to get over Kaylee and get close to her and start rubbing against her.

“Oh wow.”

“Just wait, it gets better,” Kaylee told her.

When Shayna was getting hot Kaylee told me to get between them. Shayna again didn’t know what was going on, but when she got down on me and I started fucking them both she let out a long moan that sounded like a cat in heat. When she finally came she screamed so loud I thought the neighbors would hear her. I didn’t let myself cum with Shayna either time I was that close to her. When Kaylee got up she had a quiet conversation with Shayna, then she took me by the hand and got me on the couch. She gave me some pussy and I came in her. Shayna watched with some fascination as I came in her girlfriend.

I came home one time to find Kaylee’s car in the drive. She still had a key to the house and I didn’t mind if she let herself in, but when I got inside I didn’t see her. I was just a short while before I heard Shayna scream, I laughed when I realized what was going on. They came upstairs and Shayna saw me, she looked at Kaylee and got a nod. We went downstairs and I fucked them both while in the sex chair, this time I let myself cum between them, Shayna liked the extra slick feeling of that and rubbed herself against Kaylee until she came again.

Jennifer and Brad got married and had a couple of kids. Both of them excelled in their careers and they did well for themselves. They brought the kids over often to play with Grampa Jim, we cooked and shared meals, and played three handed card games.

Jennifer stopped by one day just after lunch. I looked around, and didn’t hear any small voices.

“No kids?”

She shook her head. She raised her skirt and pulled her panties to the side as she spread herself open and showed me her pussy. I got hard for her right away. At thirty two she was a beautiful woman. She had moved the part in her hair off to the side, and she took up on a suggestion I gave her one time about wearing dark blue eyeliner and mascara and it really added to her appeal.

“Do you need me?”

She nodded her head in a quick manner. We went into my bedroom and I don’t even remember our clothes coming off. She asked me to fuck her and then make love to her.

I got into her and started talking to her about all the things we had done that I knew would make her hot, she came so hard that when she pulled me to her I didn’t think she was going to let me go.

“I’ve missed you so much dad.”

“There has never been, nor will ever be anyone that means as much to me as you do Jennifer.”

We settled down and got soft with each other. We talked quietly and shared gentle touches. We kissed and held each other close and stayed that way for hours.

We smiled and giggled and laughed. And we cried. We shared from the depths of ourselves and we knew that was what it was all about. It wasn’t sex, it never was. Sex was the vehicle that allowed us to express ourselves and release our energy in ways that couldn’t be done with anyone else. We discovered and explored and shared like no others could.

It was the absolute freedom to be ourselves with each other. Never once did we fear judgement, or regret, or remorse, those things didn’t exist when you were sharing a pure love – we were completely free to be who we were and we cried because we knew it couldn’t last forever, but we also smiled because we knew we were lucky to have ever found it in the first place. Giving to each other, meeting our needs together. Always being there for each other when it was needed.

When we finally came with each other we gazed into each other’s eyes and without any words we told each other of how deep our love was for each other.
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