Our hero tries some bisexual experimentation and goes on a dangerous sea voyage.
I had my four girls and dog stay with the two toddlers, in a tent of their own. I figured Tyranus could kill and eat almost any problem they might have.
Mirna was only twenty-two, not nearly old enough to be the young women's mother. She was their older sister. Her only children were the toddler boy Dirk and the baby she had inside her. Erel, the three-year-old, was from a hero couple who used to live near them.
Mirna's abdomen was only slightly distended around halfway through her pregnancy. Occasionally I could feel her belly move as the baby kicked. I led her to my tent with the two older girls and got to know them a little. Her youngest sister Imma was eighteen and the other, Ana, was nineteen. The four of us cuddled for warmth as the evening cooled down. I had a hand resting on Mirna's belly and said, "I would like some love. Bottom love?" I slowly slid my hand down between her legs.
She looked very fearful. "No bottom love! No hurt baby!" She made a motion of a finger moving toward her belly, then poked my cheek. When my wife was pregnant she only refused me in the last month, when she entertained me with her mouth instead.
I sadly asked again, hoping she would change her mind; "No bottom love?"
She shook her head and said, "Bottom love Ana. Bottom love Imma." She was offering me her sisters! She rolled over and put my hand on her rear. "Top love? Use top?" I quickly stripped and lifted the bottom of her long tunic. There was no way I would pass up a chance to use the beauty's nicely rounded ass!
I put a little oil on my cock and between her butt cheeks. I slowly slid a finger in and out of her dirty hole, getting it nice and slippery. The other girls sat at the end of the bed, looking at my penis. Both put a hand between their legs and started rubbing themselves. I eased my rod into Mirna's asshole, gently and slowly. I was surprised when she smiled, "Mmm! Like!" I was nearly all the way in, when she asked; "Slow! BIG! BIG! Slow!"
I stopped a moment, letting her adjust. I slowly pulled back a little and continued. She moaned, "FULL! So big!"
"Do you want me to stop? Does it hurt a lot?"
"No. Do slow. Nice."
I put a little more oil on my shaft and continued. She got used to it and I sped up a little. It felt amazing! It was very tight and so naughty, fucking her butt! So dirty and nasty! And doing it in front of her sisters! I looked at the girls rubbing their pussies as I enjoyed the wet, slippery pressure on my cock. In and out, so hot, so tight and sexy!
I reached under her and felt her breasts, as I stuffed her ass, over and over. I could feel her reach underneath and manipulate her pussy. The baby inside her started kicking, and each time I felt a pressure on my cock! So nice! So kinky and wicked! I kept up the joyful stroking, in and out, until I shot off into her colon. "UNGH! YEAH! YES! SO GOOD!"
I stopped moving and enjoyed the feeling of being inside her, as she rubbed herself to climax. "Mmm! AH! AH! AAAIIIEEEE!" As the two of us panted and relaxed, I heard Ana orgasm; "UH! UH! YUH! EEEEEE!" She had been penetrated several times before but came for the first time watching me do her sister's butt. She laid next to me, breathing hard, and kissed my ear.
Imma kept going a little while, feeling good, but explained she was a virgin and couldn't get herself off. She hoped she could finally reach climax once she was with a man. We cleaned up and had a little wine, talking some more. I realized that if they were noble instead slaves, I'd happily marry any of the three. Redheads were so precious and rare in the empire, so beautiful!
At breakfast the next morning, I overheard a loud conversation between a miller and his new apprentice. I realized the older man was partly deaf from the constant noise of pounding grain. He explained, "You need to be careful which grains you use for which flour. Bread flour should be half and half, spelt and einkorn wheat. If you put in emmer wheat or too much einkorn, the bread doesn't rise well."
The much younger man complained, "Emmer is such a pain! The seeds are so hard you need to pound 'em three times as long!"
"Yes, but that's why it lasts a long time until it's pounded or ground. The legions use most of it, to take with them on long marches. They always take a portable mill and two or three millers, to make flour on site. They have a mobile bakery and some bakers, too.
Until somebody mills it into flour, emmer can last four or five years! It's not great for bread, but makes a good breakfast porridge with berries, or better yet, cheese and butter. It also makes a decent dark bread if you mix it with rye.
Spelt is the most expensive grain, but pure spelt flour is the best. That's what's in expensive white bread, and spiras and enkythoi, the fancy pastries rich people eat."
They left, and a fruit merchant and a vintner took their seats. "Why do you want raisins, instead of fresh grapes like usual?"
"For passum wine. People love it for celebrations, since it's sweet and very strong. Can you get me three wagon loads of yellow raisins tomorrow?"
"Of course! Shall we say... hmmm... five denari a talent? That's about three aureus per wagon."
"Four per talent?"
"I could do dark raisins for four. How about four and a half, for an old friend?"
None of my new slaves had ever been more than a half-day walk from home. I'd take them two-thirds of the way across the empire, two thousand miles. We'd travel from the northern border of Caledonia, which would one day divide England and Scotland, to my hometown Balit on the island of Skiathos.
Skiathos was only twenty leagues east of Thermopylae, the "Hot Gates," where heroic Leonidas and his 300 Spartans held off the whole Persian Empire. Back then Rome was just a city-state you could walk across in two days, instead of months.
Mirna's late husband wasn't very good at planning or farming, and they rarely had any extra food to sell. Many times they went hungry, until Mirna started giving a neighbor sexual favors for food.
When Mirna's baby Dirk was born, they were desperate. They traded a basket of wheat and two chickens for Ana's "baby wall," her virginity. A week after that, they made a long-term deal. The neighbor got mouth love from Mirna, Ana and Imma once a week each, in exchange for a pitcher of milk and six eggs a day. Even after that very uneven deal, the family was close to starving half the time.
I explained the value of money a little. I put a sestertius on the table. "One chicken." I touched the coin again. "Ten eggs." Again... "One pitcher milk."
I added another bronze coin. "One basket wheat." I put four coins together and said, "Ana baby wall." They nodded.
I shook my head and added thirty-six more. "Baby wall." They looked quite angry, understanding they had been badly cheated.
Long ago a soldier who spent most of his pay on women told me a young girl's virginity was worth at least ten denari, even in the poorest areas. In Rome, a virgin's first time cost at least thirty, and a blowjob cost up to five, depending on the woman's attractiveness.
I removed half the 'pennies', leaving twenty. I put five silver denari on the table. I pointed to both stacks and said, "Same." All three of them nodded.
I further explained, one gold aureus is worth 25 denari, or a hundred sestertius. That's equal to five large pigs, a good horse, or two cows. Two aureus is the cost of a small house. Their farm was 35 acnua of land, five hectares or just over twelve acres, which would sell for about twenty aureus so far from Rome. A single acna in the capital was worth ten times that!
I planned to keep the redheads with me a long time, maybe for life. I could just make them do what I wanted, but they would try harder to make me happy if they were happy too. I figured I would make them a few special deals. It might teach them a little more about trade and money and give them a chance to get something for themselves in Belgica.
I put 4 sestertius on the table and said, "Ana baby wall." They nodded. I put an aureus there instead, kissed Imma's forehead, and asked; "Imma baby wall?" They eagerly nodded.
I slowly and romantically made love to Imma, gently taking her virginity. Her sparsely-furred baby hole was very tight, and wonderful. She squealed and squirmed with her first orgasm, but I kept going. Her red hair was so exotic and pretty! I did my best to resist climax, thrusting and kissing, as I played with her nice little tits. I got her over the edge a second time, as I sprayed my essence deep inside her.
Mirna stood, saying "Milk baby Dirk." That sounded very wrong, but I hadn't really grasped the grammar of their language yet. She took Imma and Ana to the other tent, and returned with little three-year-old Erel and the baby. Dirk latched onto her breast hungrily, and I enjoyed watching him suck on her sexy swollen nipple. Eren climbed on top of her and suckled the other, but for only a little while. She knew to save most of it for the tiny boy. I wrapped my arm around the three and smiled. I hadn't felt so comfortable and relaxed since I left home.
In the morning we greeted the ninth legion, which was replacing us, and boarded the ships. The sea was a little rougher than usual, but the strong wind would make our journey much quicker, a bit over three days instead of the usual five or six. Moving horses by sea was difficult and dangerous, so we left them and the wagons with the arriving legion. We would get replacements when we reached Belgica.
A few of the soldiers felt poorly from seasickness, but at least they knew what to expect. They had been on ships before. Many of the orphans were very sick and worried that they were dying. I tried to comfort them. By the third day it wasn't so bad, and only a few were seriously ill.
Tyranus sat on deck near the bow most of the time. He liked staring at the waves, and barked when he saw birds or fish.
I got to know some more of the orphans on the way. Another family were Vire and her younger twin brothers, Rak and Dak. Vire had a large pregnancy belly, which is probably why she wasn't taken after the battle.
All three had light brown hair and pretty blue-green eyes. After lunch, we used the small captain's cabin for a little privacy. I talked with them about being my slaves. They understood. I would give them food and a home, and they would do anything I asked.
In the empire sticking your manhood in a willing male's holes was fine, but receiving was seen as feminine and weak. It was no big deal for male slaves or even poor freemen to suck or get fucked, but noblemen receiving were frowned on or even scorned.
I was quite curious and in an experimental mood. I explained to the three of them what I wanted to try. They weren't exactly happy, but went along with it. Generally speaking, male or female, a mouth is a mouth. It followed that a butt was a butt. I still wondered why some men liked getting penetrated, and why some liked doing oral on another male.
I sat between the two young men on the edge of the bed and slowly stroked their cocks. They got erect and I could tell they liked it. It wasn't anything special for me. I moved them around, and licked and sucked Rak's penis, until he squirted in my mouth. I didn't like the taste. It was oddly sweet and salty.
Vire laid on her back and motioned for me to make love to her. It felt very nice as I slid in and out of her hairy slit. She wasn't smiling, but I wasn't hurting her. If anything, she looked mildly annoyed. Her baby kicked and I felt it on both my cock and my belly at the same time.
One of the twins put some oil between my ass cheeks. Rak put oil in his hand and smeared it on his brother's dick. Dak looked at me, seeking permission. I nodded and he climbed on top of me. I felt his hard cock enter me, as my anal ring stretched open. I had the urge to clench, but forced myself to relax. I wasn't surprised much at the sensation, it felt almost like taking a big shit.
His penis slid in and out of me, as I fucked the baby-laden girl's butt. He popped out of me a few times and I had to stop for him to put it back in, until we got a rhythm going. The feeling in my ass was kind of nice. He got close to cumming and sped up. The tip of his cock bumped something inside of me, my prostate, and for a moment it felt great! I started cumming into his sister. With the pressure in my ass, it was better and much different than usual! I decided I'd like to do it again, if I could keep it a secret. Being the meat in an anal sandwich was strange, but very exciting!
I was quite happy when the captain told me we would be in Belgica the next morning, since the wind was blowing so strongly. After dinner in the evening, dark clouds appeared on the horizon, moving toward us. I decided we should appease Neptune.
Except the smallest children, I gave everyone aboard a sestertius, which they would throw in the sea when it was time. I climbed the ship's mast and loudly said a prayer to Neptune.
We had no cattle or horses to sacrifice, so we would make the sacrifice we could. I sent all the children below, then the men and I masturbated and sprayed our seed into the sea. When the last had finished, we all threw a coin to Neptune.
The dark clouds approached, then were over us. It rained and strong winds swirled, making it difficult to stand on the slick deck. The ship rocked in the tumultuous sea, and a few men lost their oars. The sailors furled and tried to tie it, but the mighty wind tore the topsail off the mast and carried it away. The mainsail below it was shredded.
A huge wave lifted the front of the ship. I held on for dear life as the bow rose up crazily. We were at such an angle I could see the waves behind us by looking straight up! A few of the men lost their grip and started falling toward the angry maelstrom. The bow righted itself, lowering toward a more normal pitch. The men who had fallen lay on the deck. Several nearly went overboard! The bow kept tilting down, and the ship fell toward a wall of ocean. Several of the sailors slid forward, nearly spilling over the rail into the water.
There was a tremendous SPLASH, and a torrent flew toward us. I choked and gagged, as saltwater went in my mouth and up my nose. We hit a few more large waves, but nothing like that monster. As quickly as it appeared, the storm faded and moved away.
I looked around and saw that at least most of the men were still aboard! Thank the gods! The captain reported, "There were a dozen or so injuries, but we only lost two men, sir." I was very relieved. Some of the children below might be hurt, but at least down there they couldn't be washed into the sea.
I shouted, "Thank you for your mercy, mighty Neptune!" I threw another Aureus into the water.
I heard a quiet bark and turned to look. Tyranus was in the water, a few hundred paces behind the ship! A wave rose up and he tried to bite it as it struck him. He disappeared, as the last of the daylight faded to darkness. A tear rolled down my face. He was a fierce and difficult mongrel, but I would dearly miss him.
My girls were despondent, holding each other and crying when I told them.
Not much after dawn, a sailor spotted land to the east. We made it to Belgica!
The men rowed down the coast to a large town, Ostend. I sent five men with Krato to buy us wagons and horses, for our long journey to Rome. Patrician Letreus offered me a room in his palatial home, which I gladly accepted.
I had three of his servants help three of mine feed and watch the children, as I dined with our gracious host. He told me of the projects that had been built and improvements made to the city in the two years since I'd been there on the way to Caledonia. Three of the main roads were paved with cobblestone, and six public latrines and a sewer had been constructed. A public bath was built across the road from the Patrician's home, for reasons of elevation and water supply, of course. He assured me it had nothing to do with his convenience. I smiled. If I was in his place, I might have done the same.
He invited me to the bath along with the town's apothecary and a few other men of the upper class. After months of dirt and half a week being pelted with salt spray, it sounded wonderful. He told a servant, "Luccia, bring Inge and Ely to the bath, you have guests to entertain." I brought along my new Tribune, Narvus, along with my slaves Mirna and Dana.
The young women rubbed us with soap and rinsed us before we stepped into the warm water of the bath. It was quite invigorating. We admired the attractive nude ladies and discussed local affairs. The city was doing very well. The tribe far to the north hadn't been a problem for a few years, and the last harvest was plentiful. The women brought us roast duck, bread with cheese, and sliced pears. Letreus had the youngest of his servant girls, Inge, feed me a few small honeyed apple cakes with her fingers as dessert. She was a slender brunette, with small firm bosoms and a pretty face. She'd obviously been a woman less than a year. Dana fed the Patrician and Mirna waited on the apothecary.
We followed an unwritten rule and traded slave girls for the night. Letreus gossiped that Inge was small, but wild in the sheets. Legatus Pullo had shouted many times during his night with her, but was smiling for half a day after. I'd never seen Pullo smile longer than it takes to piss! He also suggested, "Maybe you can teach her to use a belt more enthusiastically. The Legate said he had to encourage her several times."
I told him that Mirna couldn't do anything with her lower parts, due to the baby in her, but her mouth was excellent. He smiled and stared at her, while she shyly turned a light shade of red, nearly matching her pretty hair. He taught her a trick and the next time she sucked me, she slid a finger in my ass. SO naughty, but pleasant.
He wasn't kidding about Inge. When I retired for the night, she had my belt in her hand and was about to swing it, before I even finished undressing. I took it away and put it down, then guided her to bed for some more conventional joy. After two sessions in five or six positions, she fell asleep.
I missed my menacing mutt Tyranus, but was more than happy to stare at her lovely nude form while I contemplated the future. I hoped Pullo got a good price for my slaves that travelled with the legion, and that the rest of our journey would go well.