She was beautiful, and it was an experience I would never had thought would happen, because she was so much younger, so pretty and petite, but there was something pulling me toward her, and being able to have sex, i never would have expected it
It was weird, and at first, I thought it was a dream, but it wasn’t a dream at all, and if it was a dream, it was a dream come true.
I’m not sure how it all started, I had actually gone to talk with someone, a therapist, feeling I needed to discuss where my life was going, trying to look for a direction. I was in my early 40’s, recently divorced, without kids, and even though I was a relatively successful corporate professional, and had tried to stay in good shape for my age, always working out, I was finding it difficult to get back out there.
Yea, I’m sure it was probably the stigma of being divorced, or the gray hair that was starting to show up now that I was getting older, but I found myself needing to search for someone to talk to, wanting to reassess my life. Eventually, I did find a therapist online that was highly regarded, and after talking with him on the phone, I made an appointment to go see him.
He lived in a very ritzy historic part of town, in a huge, older two-story home, kind of a Victorian style, I think, and wanting to make a good first impression, I tried to dress nice but still casual in a button down polo shirt and some khakis. Going into this, I was nervous, but felt I needed to talk with someone, and when I went over to the address listed, I tried to go with an open mind. Parking out front, on the street, I wasn’t sure if it was actually his house, or if it was set up as different offices, in either case I remember that he had explained that his office was upstairs.
After going through the large wooden front door and stepping into the foyer, I looked up the winding wooden staircase and remarked to myself, “This is unbelievable.”
It was a beautiful restored mansion, and as I headed upstairs, I looked around in awe at all the woodwork. Reaching the top of the stairs, I looked to my left and seeing a long hallway with rooms on the left and the right, I nervously searched for his office as I headed down the hall.
I didn’t have to go far, and seeing a plaque with his name on it, and the door open, I stepped in. Seeing me, he smiled, pushed his chair back, and standing up he enthusiastically said, “Hi.”
It made me smile too, and as I moved over toward his desk, he said, “Welcome,” and then suggested, “Have a seat,” pointing to an old wooden leather arm chair.
Smiling, I sat down, and after some formalities, we got down to talking about why I was there. I had made sure to bring a notebook, just in case I needed to take notes, which I did and being I only met with him for an hour, time seemed to fly by. Anyway, I ended up leaving feeling very good about myself, and I felt I had a direction moving forward, but we did agree to meet again in a few weeks.
Leaving his office, I had a smile on my face, and as I headed down that long staircase, focusing on my steps, I was oblivious to what, or who was there. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I started toward the door, but suddenly I heard a voice say, “Hi,” which made me turn.
Looking over and seeing this young very attractive girl, I thought, “Oh my god,” and smiling stupidly, I said to myself, “She’s beautiful.”
She had a very pretty face, a great smile, very petite, and long wavy, spiral twisted strawberry blonde hair. She really had an allure about her, probably because she was so much younger, which left me to think, “Who is she?”
Stepping toward her cautiously, I smiled and said, “Hi,” and after shaking hands she asked, “Can you help me?”
Like I said, “I was really feeling good about myself after leaving my meeting,” and maybe feeling a little over confident, I enthusiastically replied, “Sure!”
“My god,” she was so attractive, and being she was so much younger than me; I couldn’t get enough of her.
She came across as a real free spirit, very captivating, which left me to wonder, “How old is she?”
Continuing to look at her, I tried to convince myself, “She must be 21,” but really, as we looked at each other, I felt she was much younger that that. She had me tongue tied, not knowing what to say, but smiling she boldly said, “Hi, I’m Allie.”
Smiling excitedly too, I continued to find myself dumbfounded, staring, thinking, “I’m sure Allie’s short for something else,” but as we shook hands, I introduced myself too.
Looking at each other smiling, and again not saying anything, I shyly looked down, trying to inconspicuously check her out. She was wearing some off white shorts with the legs rolled up, making them kind of short shorts, showing off her legs, and a light almost see through low cut top, which accentuated her small firm little boobs, and not that I was looking but it was cropped, showing off her flat stomach and a dangly belly button piercing.
Continuing to look at her, I couldn’t help think, “She’s kind of gypsy like,” or maybe it was hippyish, but either way I was left wondering, “Could this be my therapist daughter?”
I was torn as to what to think, but as I continued to look at her, I could see she had a little bit of a tan, and because she was relatively short, especially with me being more than six feet tall, I tended to have to look down. Continuing to check her out, trying to drink her in, I couldn’t help but stare occasionally at her small, basically flat chest, but “Man,” she really had a great little firm looking body.
Catching myself, I looked back up at her, and seeing her smiling, seemingly looking me up and down too, I too smiled. Yea, I knew I was a lot older than her, but I was definitely attracted, and actually felt, or hoped that she might be attracted to me too, but then thought, “That couldn’t be.”
Naïvely, I ended up following her a little ways over to a different part of the foyer, and then turning, she asked, What’s that?”
She was looking down at the notebook I was carrying, obviously taking notice of the drawings on the cover, I held it out. Looking at the simple drawings on the cover, she remarked, “Those are good,” and then asked, “Can I see?”
Unconsciously smiling, I handed it to her, and as she continued to look at the simple little drawings she said, “You like Native American stuff huh.”
Opening it, she continued to look through the drawings, and when she happened to turn the pages some more, I nervously said, “That’s just some notes.”
Glancing at them, she looked up at me, and after a smile she closed the notebook, and then handing it back to me she said, “You must have been meeting with my dad.”
Standing there, looking at her, feeling maybe a little embarrassed, I smiled and questioningly asked, “That’s, your dad?”
Smiling, she nodded and then jokingly said, “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”
I could feel myself blushIng a little, and thought to myself, “Could she have been listening at the door?”
Pondering that, I’m sure she could see I was a little confused, and before I could say anything she smiled and said, “I’m into Native American stuff too.”
She was obviously trying to change the subject, which I was all for, and when Allie turned, facing away from me, my eyes immediately dropped to look at her little butt.
“Oh my god,” I thought, “she’s so pretty,” and when she turned back, and we looked at each other, I hoped she hadn’t caught me staring.
Looking at her, again feeling a little self-conscious , I smiled as she asked, “What do you think?”
I’m sure she knew I was looking at her butt, and even had a thought, “Maybe she’s psychic,” all the time hoping she could sense that I was attracted to her, but really, how could I not be.
Smiling naïvely, Allie handed me this beautiful, stained glass dream catcher, and as I looked down at it, I remarked, “Did you make this?”
Hearing my remark, Allie smiled and as I carefully took it from her, I said, “This is beautiful.”
I could see she was excited that I liked it, but looking at me she said, “Can you hang it up there?”
She had set up a ladder in front of this tall window, and smiling, I handed the piece back to her, saying, “Let me get up there.”
Climbing the ladder, I felt she was probably looking up at me, which made me smile, confidently thinking, “She must be checking me out.”
I tried to ignore it, and as I continued to the top, I saw the hook. It was way up in the window frame, and after I got up on the ladder, I looked down. Smiling and without thinking, my gaze lustfully dropped, looking down her top, hoping I might get a glimpse of her boobs. However, being she was so small breasted, I could only see her little cleavage, and again caught myself. I knew she had to see me looking, but she simply smiled and after looking down at her own chest, she looked up and handed the stained glass up to me again.
Quickly getting it hung, I looked down and seeing me smiling self consciously, she said, “That looks great, don’t you think.”
Coming down off the ladder, I smiled and then looking up at it hanging in the window, I briefly turned and as I looked at her for a moment I remarked, “Beautiful.”
I think I was trying to subconsciously send her a message, but I don’t think she understood at first, however as we looked at each other, she ended up smiling embarrassingly. Turning, Allie grabbed another smaller piece off this antique bureau, and then turning back, we both looked down at her hands.
She was holding what looked like a solid silver piece in a cloth, and after wiping it off, she handed it to me. It seemed she had either been cleaning or just finished it, and as I took it from her, I said, “Wow, did you make this too?”
It was a silver sculpture of an Indian, and as we looked at each other, there was suddenly something drawing me closer toward her. It was kind of weird but as we happened to move closer together, she smiled and reaching out, she put her hands on my waist. Looking at each other, almost seductively, I smiled at her too, and without thinking, I put my one hand on her hip.
“What was I doing,” I thought, and when I casually pulled her close, Allie nervously looked around.
Impulsively, I ended up pulling her closer, which made her look back at me, and seeing her unknowingly smile, I found myself leaning into her, carelessly trying to give her a kiss. I think she was feeling the same way, and in anticipation, Allie closed her eyes. However, as soon as she turned her head to the side, there was suddenly a noise coming up from downstairs.
Hearing this, she opened her eyes, and looking at each other, we stepped back away. I don’t know what had come over me, and in away I felt we were under some sort of a spell. Yea, I wanted to kiss her, but as this person came up the stairs, we looked to see who it was. Moving away from each other a little more, we smiled as we watched this guy come up the stairs, struggling with a couple boxes.
Seeing us, he too smiled, and unknowingly said, “Hi.”
I’m sure he sensed something was going on as we looked at him suspiciously, because he quickly headed up the stairs not saying anything. Eventually, he made his way to the top, and then looked back down, gave us a smile, and then turned, heading down the hall.
Looking at each other again, we both smiled embarrassingly, obviously relieved, and when Allie suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her, she leaned up, and gave me a quick little kiss on the cheek .
It surprised me, and looking at her, I impulsively grabbed her waist, but before I could pull her close, Allie said, “Come on,” and then continued by saying, “I wanta show you something.”
Taking the silver piece from me, she sat it down on the cabinet and then pulling me by the hand, I followed her smiling, wondering, “Where are we going.”
Allie quickly led us up the stairs, and at the top she looked back at me briefly. She smiled at me and then pulling me, we continued down the hall. Seeing we were about to go past her dad’s office, I nervously tried to quicken our pace, and when we got past, I gave her hand a squeeze.
Eventually, just a little ways down the hall, we suddenly ducked into a room. Going through the door, it was obviously her bedroom, and after she closed the door and locked it behind us, I looked around. Her room had the dark wood trim of the house, but she had it decorated with blacklight posters of wizards and sexy witches.
Allie had made her way over to the window, and when she closed the curtains, the light was immediately muted, making it much darker. Turning, she faced me and as we looked at each other, she walked back over to where I was standing. There was an awkward moment, but smiling, she kicked off her sandals and then putting her hands on my waist, she leaned up again, obviously looking for a kiss.
Smiling too, wanting to kiss her, I put my hands on her hips, and leaning down toward her, I tried to give her a kiss. When I did this, it made Allie smile, and when she closed her eyes, and our lips touched, I closed my eyes too, pulling her close.
Our kiss only lasted a little while and when we stopped, and our lips parted I smiled at her and said, “This is really nice.”
Looking at each other with some degree of apprehension, we both smiled, and then without saying anything, Allie leaned up on her tip toes, and holding my hips, bracing herself, she again closed her eyes, suggesting she wanted another kiss.
Smiling obligingly, I kissed her, and as we held each other, I boldly tried to push my tongue into her mouth. Hesitantly, Allie pulled back, but eventually she opened her mouth just enough so our tongues could touch.
Continuing to kiss, letting our tongues dance in each other’s mouths now, I slid my hands up, wanting to feel on her boobs. I know it was a daring move, and with my hands on her chest, just under her boobs, she leaned away, and we stopped kissing.
Allie was now looking down at my hands as they cupped her tiny little boobs, and after a few seconds, I could see her smile. Yea, there was again a little bit of an awkward moment, but as we looked at each other, Allie happened to nervously blurt out, “Am I,” and then looking down, there was a slight pause.
Looking at her, I wondered what she was wanting to say, but suddenly she looked up and finished by asking, “Too young.”
Giving her a questioning smile, unsure, I jokingly asked, “For what?”
I could see she was way excited, and when I jokingly asked, “Am I, too old,” she smiled embarrassingly.
Giving her a reassuring smile, she leaned up, and after a kiss, she asked, “Um, how old, are you.”
Not wanting to tell her exactly how old I was, I instead asked, “How old do you think I am.”
Looking me up and down briefly, she questioningly remarked, “You’re 29, right?”
Smiling confidently, I told her, “Yea, that’s pretty close.”
Hearing this, she smiled, and yea, I wanted to ask her how old she was too, but knowing she was obviously so much younger, and not wanting to ruin what was happening, I let it go, and instead reached out, grabbing her waist.
Holding each other, I casually moved us over to the bed, and as I backed her up against the end, she giggled. Continuing to look at her, I immediately tried to lift her top up over her head, which made Allie instinctively bring her hands up stopping me. It was only briefly and after a shy little smile, she let me pull it up, and get it over her head. Tossing her top aside, I instinctively looked down at her little boobs.
She had on a sheer lacy light lavender bra, and seeing her looking down at her chest, I smiled and immediately brought my hands up again to cup her small little tits.
Feeling on them, and seeing Allie continuing to look down at my hands, I gave her boobs a light little squeeze, which made her look back up. Kissing her. I couldn’t believe what was happening, but as I continued to feel on her little boobs and kiss, I smiled thinking, “She really doesn’t need a bra at all.
Leaning away from each other again, she gave me a sly smile, and as we looked at one another, it seemed she too didn’t want to waste time, because she immediately unbuttoned my shirt and tried to take it off. Looking down, I smiled, but seeing her struggle to pull my shirt up, I knew I needed to help her.
Smiling, I grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and as she looked on intently, I casually peeled it up over my head. Dropping it to the floor, we looked at each other, but Allie’s gaze immediately dropped to look at my chest and stomach. Sucking in my stomach, trying to make it more flat, she smiled and cautiously reached out, putting her hands on my stomach.
She didn’t look up, and instead moved her hands up, running her fingers through the small amount of hair I had on my chest. Catching herself, she suddenly looked up, and smiling, she looked back down continuing to run her little hands up and down my chest. Smiling anxiously, I watched and when she moved her hands down to feel on my stomach again, I hoped she might actually try to reach in my pants.
Continuing to watch her, I could see she was still smiling, but it looked to be a nervous one, or maybe she was feeling a little apprehensive, I know I was, but as she continued to feel on my chest and stomach, she eventually looked and we kissed.
It still made me a little subconscious to watch her little fingers playing in the hair on my chest, but I smiled and maybe blushed too, and worrying that the gray hair might give me away, I pulled her close.
Thinking about being with her had already given me a hard on, and as our eyes again met I thought, “Is she going to let me …,” but before I could finish, I felt my cock involuntarily start bucking.
I so wanted her to know how hard I was, but more importantly, I wanted to fuck her, and when I pulled her close and we kissed, I reached both my hands down the back of her shorts. Sliding them past her lacy little panties, feeling on her ass, I smiled and as we continued to kiss, I gave her ass cheeks a gentle squeeze, immediately realizing, “My god, she really is small.”
It continued to surprise me just how petite she was, and it was a concern, but I pulled her close, and again pressed against her, which made Allie look back up. I was really hoping she could feel just how hard I was, but when Allie now pressed against me too, I felt, “Yea, she could feel it.”
However, being she was so much shorter, and even though I tried to crouch down, I was still basically pressing my cock more or less against her stomach. I still wasn’t sure if she could feel it or not, but when I felt her smiling as we kissed, I again thought, “Yea, she can.”
Looking at each other again, she smiled, but then curiously, she moved both her hands down to my crotch, obviously searching for my cock. Again, it made me smile and as I thrust my hips forward, she looked up at me.
Stepping back a little, I casually kicked off my shoes and trying to give her better access, I reached down, adjusting my cock as it bulged to get out. Allie, continuing to smile, looked down, but I wanted her to feel it. Taking her little hand, placing it on my cock through my pants, she took hold of it, and then leaning up smiling, she gave me a kiss.
Looking at each other for a little, she immediately glanced back down, and naïvely remarked, “You’re really hard.”
Smiling, I leaned down and after giving her yet another kiss, I hastily lifted her up on the bed, which made her again give a little giggle. Allie continued to look down, and then reaching out, she again groped to feel on my cock. I could see Allie smiling as she awkwardly felt on it, and when I thought, “Yea, we’re going to do it,” I found myself smiling anxiously.
Looking at each other, Allie now tried to get my pants undone, and when she got them unzipped, she looked down, obviously wanting to see. Helping her inch then down part way, she up at me now, she smiled and after giving her a kiss, I asked, “Are you okay with this?”
She seemed confused at first, and when she replied, “Okay with what,” I smiled embarrassingly.
Allie too knowingly smiled, and again looked down, feeling for my cock through my open pants. I was hoping, “Will she want to go down on me,” but being I wasn’t sure if she would, I didn’t say anything.
Not wanting to stop, and not wanting to wait, I sneakily reached behind her and with one hand, I got her bra unhooked with a simple little pinch. It surprised her I think, and almost immediately, her bra dropped down a little, which caused Allie to instinctively reach up and hold it against her chest.
We were both looking down, but me, I was looking down, wanting to see her tits. Allie continued to hold her bra against her chest, but looked up, and without saying anything, she gave me a sly little smile.
Smiling too, and seeing that the thin little straps had already slipped down off her shoulders, I gave her a kiss. Allie now wrapped her arms up under mine, and pulling me close, I could feel her smiling as we kissed.
Unfortunately for me, her hugging me, helped keep her bra from falling down more, but when I reached my one hand up, getting my fingers up under her bra, we stopped kissing.
Allie nervously looked at me, but feeling the coolness of her boobs, made me smile, and as we looked at each other, I tried to coax her to let me get her bra off. Allie obviously knew what I was wanting, and looking down, she obligingly dropped her arms, letting her bra slip down off her arms. Backing away a little, I watched, and as she let it fall to her hands, she looked up at me.
Looking at her perky little boobs, smiling, Allie casually dropped her little bra off the edge of the bed, and again looked down almost embarrassingly. It was obvious that her little boobs were underdeveloped, and seeing her hard little pink nipples, I thought, “My god,” and as I brought my other hand up to feel on them, I smiled and said, “You’re beautiful.”
Looking up at me again, smiling shyly, she leaned toward me, and as we hugged, we again kissed. Taking her hand, I moved it back down to my pants, and as I inched them down a little more. she awkwardly reached in, trying to search for my cock. Helping her, I pushed my pants down more, and after again adjusting my cock, I wiggled a little, hoping my pants would fall to the floor.
Eventually, they did drop to the floor, and after kicking them aside, I adjusted my boxers again. Allie nervously looked up briefly, but almost immediately looked back down as her little hand found my hard cock. Taking hold of it through my boxers, she looked up smiling. I think it made her a little anxious, because she looked up smiling, and then giving it a squeeze, she remarked, “You’re big.”
I really didn’t think my cock was all that big, more average, but being she was so small, I’m sure it must have felt big to her. Trying to smile reassuringly, I leaned toward her, and after giving her a kiss, I moved my hands down to the front of her shorts, fumbling to get them unbuttoned.
Allie continued to look down, and when I got the top button undone, I looked at her, and then smiling, I leaned her back on the bed. Smiling, Allie reached back above her head, and as I watched her, she grabbed the comforter and top sheet, pulling them both down.
Looking up at her, I smiled as I desperately worked to get her shorts unzipped, and after pulling them open, and seeing that her panties matched her bra, I nervously looked back up at her.
I had to try to continually look past just how young and petite she was, and as I reached both my hands to the sides of her shorts, I quickly tried to pull them down off her hips. Looking at her, I did sense some hesitation, even though she continued to smile.
“My god,” I thought, “she was so pretty,” I didn’t want to ruin anything, and not wanting to lose the chance, I stopped, and then leaning up, I gave her a kiss.
As we kissed, I casually reached my hand down the front of her shorts, which again made us look at each other. Her skin was so smooth, which made me think to myself, “She’s so soft.”
Again not wanting to stop, I reached in more, and when I could feel her plump mound, I slipped my fingers down between her legs. Unwittingly, Allie spread her legs, and as we kissed, I tried to run my one finger in her slit.
“Oh my god,” I thought, “she’s so tight,” and as I dipped my finger in her more, I remember feeling that she was already wet.
Wanting to see, I backed away, and after glancing down for a moment, I embarrassingly looked up, smiling. Looking at each other, Allie again awkwardly tried to reach for my cock, but being it was just out of reach, I leaned up, so she could take hold of it through my boxers. Watching her start to rub it, I became anxious, and not wanting to waste time, I quickly moved to get my boxers down the rest of the way.
Doing this, made Allie eventually have to let go, but she still watched intently, and when my cock suddenly flopped out, it surprised her a little. Allie continued to strain, wanting a better look, but seeing my cock, I think made her realize what we were about to do, because she nervously looked up.
Smiling at her, I took hold of it, and when Allie again looked down, she seemed to smile shyly as I started pulling, and rubbing it. Allie was looking intently, and I really hoped she’d be okay seeing it, and when she scooted closer to the end of the bed, and reached out again, trying to take hold of it, she looked up at me.
Allie smiled as she grabbed it, and with her toes now touching the floor, I tried to reassure her by putting my hands on her shoulders. Allie continued to look down, and as I took hold of my cock, helping her stroke it, Allie scooted down more.
It made me smile to watch her little hand feeling on my cock, but when she suddenly leaned forward more, I thought, “Oh my god, is she, going to take it in her mouth?”
Letting go of my cock, I put my hands on her shoulders again, and after she looked up at me briefly, Allie slid off the end of to bed. It did shock me a little as she went to her knees, but it was what I wanted, and then backing away slightly, I thought, “is this really happening?”
Allie, continuing to feel on my cock, looked up, and again naïvely remarked, “You’re really big.”
Again, I hoped she’d be okay, but it was immediately apparent she wanted to do more than I would have expected, and as I looked down at her, I smiled as we continued to look at each other. It was obvious that she was nervous, but continuing to stroke and rub my cock, she looked at me and asked, “What do you want me to do?”
Seeing her nervously smile, I smiled too, and not saying anything, I reached down, taking hold of my cock again. Doing this, again made her look down, and when I happened to pull the loose skin back, exposing the bulbous head of my cock, she again timidly looked up.
I knew she was still nervous, but after telling her, “It’s okay,” she looked down, swallowed hard, and after taking hold of my cock, pulling the loose skin down too, she took a deep breath, and without hesitation, she boldly took it in her mouth.
Allie had her eyes closed and when I let go, and again put my hands on her shoulders, I looked up to the ceiling, trying to just let it happen. Suddenly though, she stopped, and took my cock out of her mouth for a moment. It surprised me that she stop, but as we looked at each other, she smiled and then casually pulled what I suspected was a pubic hair out of her mouth.
It was embarrassing, but she did smile, and after stroking my cock a couple times, Allie again took it in her mouth. She again closed her eyes, but my cock in her mouth, looked so big, and I couldn’t believe it, I would never have expected that she would actually do it, but right now, I was glad she did.
Keeping my hands on her shoulders, I again closed my eyes, and leaning back, I tried to relish the moment. “Oh my god,” it felt so good, but all most immediately I thought, “I wanted more than just a blowjob.”
Looking down at her, watching, trying to enjoy the feeling, I continued to smile to myself, but immediately realized, “I need her to stop.”
Without saying anything, I leaned forward and then grabbing her under the arms, I pulled her back to her feet. Looking at each other, I couldn’t help but smile thinking, “Oh yea,” it felt good, but seeing she was somewhat confused, I kissed her and said, “That really felt good.”
The comment made Allie smile, and after giving her another kiss, I lifted her back on the bed. Again, she eagerly tried to grab for my cock, but when I pushed her up more on the bed, she looked at me smiling.
Smiling too, I quickly climbed up on top of her, and as I got between her legs, I gave her a kiss, and immediately reached down to reposition my cock. Leaning into her, again, she felt it, which made her squirm just a little, and after giving her another kiss, I casually moved down to suck and gently nibble on her neck.
Feeling her soft skin against mine, and feeling her little boobs brushing up against me, had me bring my hand up to feel on them, and as I let her hard little nipple ride between my fingers, I looked at her smiling.
Moving down more, holding her sides, I kissed her chest, and as I started tonguing and sucking her nipples, Allie moved her hands to my shoulders. Feeling her take a deep breath, made me stop, and as I looked up at her briefly I ask, “Are you okay?”
I could see it made her blush, and giving me a sly little smile, I continued to kiss my way down her stomach. Allie had now moved her hands to my head and when I leaned up, and tried to again tug at her shorts, she lifted up, letting me get them past her little shapely butt.
However, as I got her shorts part way down, she felt her panties start to come down too, which made Allie immediately reached down grabbing them, pulling them back up. Sliding of the bed, standing now, I looked up at her momentarily, and then as I quickly moved to pull her shorts down those firm little thighs, she lifted her legs, letting me get them over her feet.
Dropping them to the floor, I turned and when I saw her looking down at my cock, I immediately grabbed it, and started stroking it briefly. She smiled as she watched me, and when she too reach down to her pussy and tried to inconspicuously rub it, I climbed back on top of her.
I had to make sure I wasn’t putting all my weight on her, and holding myself up, we looked at each other, and smiling, I again asked, “Are you okay?”
I needed to make sure she was good, especially with where this was taking us, and when I saw her smile too and then hastily lean up on her elbows, we kissed. Continuing to press my cock against her, continuing to subtly grind against her, I couldn’t believe what was happening, but there was something pushing me to keep going.
Leaning up off her slightly, I again moved down to nibble and suck her neck. At first, Allie had her hands on my sides, but when I moved down more, kissing my way toward her pussy, her hand moved to my head.
Not wanting to stop, I didn’t look up at her and as I got down, positioning myself between her legs, I kissed her pussy through her panties. Allie had now laid back, and as she continued to reach down, touching my head, I mouthed her pussy.
Curling my arms up under her thighs, pulling her close, I moved my one hand up to her pussy and as I subtly ran my finger in her little slit, creasing her panties, I looked up. She was still laying back with her eyes closed, and smiling to myself, I looked down and then tried to deliberately plunge my tongue through her panties.
Allie was instantly wet, and wanting more, I hastily pulled her panties to the side. Doing this, made Allie immediately lean up, and after looking at each other for a moment, I smiled and then turned my gaze back to her tender young little pink pussy.
She really looked so tight and seeing that she kept her strawberry blonde pussy shaved, neatly trimmed, was itself a turn on, and when I smelled the mustiness of her wet little pussy, I smiled and gently pulled her panties more to the side. Seeing her fleshy pink little lips, I closed my eyes and again dove in, actually letting my tongue dip into her pussy.
Feeling my tongue as it pushed into her, Allie took a deep breath and again laid back. Feeling her tense up, I put my one hand on her stomach, and blurted out, “”Just relax.”
I’m sure she’d never had this done before, and when I started to lick at her pussy, she again took a deep breath, and halfheartedly tried to pull my head so I’d come back up.
Not stopping, I held her, and after looking up briefly, I moved my hands to the sides of her panties, and raising up on my elbows, I lifted up a little and quickly tried to pull them down. Allie had again leaned up on her elbows, and looking down, she smiled hesitantly, and after a little squirm she asked, “What are you doing?”
She obviously knew what I was trying to do, but it did make me smile and ask, “Do you want me to stop?”
Looking at each other, I could see her blushing, and not wanting to stop, I continued to gently pull her panties down. Laying back again, Allie lifted her ass off the bed, and after slipping her panties past her shapely little ass, getting them down her thighs the rest of the way, I looked up at her.
I couldn’t help but smile seeing she had her eyes closed, and after casting her panties to the floor, my eyes instinctively went to her pussy. Seeing her like this made me hesitant, but I wanted to be in her so bad, but I also felt I needed to go slow, and being I was down there already, I settled in again between her legs.
Allie again leaned up, and as our eyes met, I smiled and again went down, plunging my tongue into her pussy. Instinctively, she bent her legs, bringing her knees up, and when I wrapped my arms around them, and I pulled her close again, I tried to concentrate on licking and tonguing what I felt was her clit.
I wanted to get her off, and as I continued, Allie again reached down, straining to put both her hands on my head. Smiling to myself, and feeling her unknowingly start to gyrate her hips a little, I think she too subconsciously wanted to cum.
Feeling she was close, I desperately tried to tongue fuck her, and flick at her clit. I really wanted to get her off, and when she brought her hands down more, gently trying to pull my head up, and she asked me to stop, I knew she was going to cum.
Allie had started to squeeze my head between her legs, which did hurt a little, and not wanting to stop, I tried desperately to focus on eating her pussy. Bringing my hand up more, spreading her pussy, Allie suddenly said, Stop.”
I didn’t stop, I wanted to get her off, and when Allie let go of my head, and then dropped her legs, I tried to continue but when she again tried to pull me up and I felt her body shutter a little, I felt, “Yea, she’s cumming.”
Lifting off her, I wiped my mouth and then as I moved up on top of her, I could see she was smiling. Her breathing was labored, and she still had her eyes closed, but after giving her kiss, Allie wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me.
Not wanting to waste time, feeling I had a chance to fuck her, I quickly reached down grabbing my cock, and immediately moved to guide my cock up to her pussy. “Oh my god,” she so tight and when I tried to push into her, I could see it was hurting.
Immediately I stopped and looking at her, I paused and politely asked, “Maybe we should use protection?”
I really didn’t want to, but it did make her smile, and looking up at me, she gave me a hug saying, “Don’t worry, I’m on the pill.”
Giving her another kiss, I asked, “Are you sure?”
Allie continued to smile shyly, and after a nod, she blurted out, “Yea, my mom put me on the pill after she caught me and my cousin, well.”
She had stopped mid thought, which made me smiled, and then looking at me questioningly, she smiled and asked, “You’re safe, right?”
“Yea,” I felt I was safe, and I think she now understood why I’d ask, but after giving her a simple kiss, I of course smiled and confidently told her, “Of course.”
Hearing that she was on birth control was a relief, and after giving her another kiss, I realized, “I gotta go slow.“
I knew with her being so small that it was probably going to hurt, and as I again grabbed my cock, positioning the head into her little slit, I gently ran it up and down, pushing into her occasionally. I could see the anticipation of it hurting in her face, and when I tried to push harder, Allie hastily brought her hand up to my chest, saying, “Stop!”
Looking at her, I did stop, and when I lifted up off her, she took a deep breath, and then smiling she pushed me saying, “Go slow.”
I again moved my hands to feel on her tits, and said, “Try to relax.”
I didn’t want it to hurt, but I wanted to be in her and after giving me a nod, I again tried to slowly push into her. Kissing her, I could see her grimace, and knowing it was hurting, I again said, “Relax.”
Holding me, Allie closed her eyes, and gradually let my cock go in. “Oh yea,” I was in her, and even though it wasn’t all the way, the feel of how tight she was, I really hoped she’d be okay.
It really felt good to be inside her, but seeing it was still hurting, I pulled out. Immediately, Allie rose up and then looking at me, and seeing me smile she asked, “What’s wrong?”
Nothing was wrong, I wanted to fuck her, but I didn’t want it to hurt, and without hesitation, I smiled and then grabbing my cock, I again gently started moving it up and down her wet little slit. I was hoping she’d still be loose enough, and when I felt her body relax, I hastily tried to push into her.
I knew it was going to hurt, and the minute I forced my cock in, she rose up, saying, “Stop!”
Holding her, I gave her a kiss, and as I tucked my arms up under her shoulders, pulling her close, I blurted out, “Try to relax.”
The head of my cock was in her again, and when I pushed into her even more, I could feel her try to pull away. “Oh my god, I thought, “she’s so tight,” and stopping I asked, “Are you okay?”
Allie didn’t say anything, but then as we eventually looked at each other she said, “Don’t be mad.”
I figured we were done, however, Allie smiled and then pulling me close, she whispered, “Just go slow, okay?”
Smiling too, I kissed her, and as I again reached down, and held my cock, pushing into her pussy, Allie hastily laid back. She had again taken a deep breath, and as I slowly pushed into more, she tensed up.
Holding her, I remarked to myself, “She so tight,” and trying to find the right spot to push into her, the head of my cock suddenly went in even more.
It surprised me, but immediately, she rose up again saying, “Stop!”
I was in her, and not wanting to pull out again, I kissed her and said, “Relax.”
Holding her, I pushed into her more, and feeling her trying to pull away, I hastily told her, “Stop!”
It surprised her, but she did stop moving, and when I tried to start fucking her, knowing I needed to hurry, she again started to squirm.
I was going to cum, I could feel it, and even though she was wet, she was really tight, and when I kissed her, she moved her hands to my sides. Continuing to fuck her, wanting to cum before she stopped me, I tried to be as gentle as possible. The feel of being inside her was unimaginable, and I hoped she’d be okay, but I wanted to cum.
Fucking her a little faster, I hoped it wasn’t hurting, but feeling her continue to squirm, it was obviously uncomfortable. Feeling urgent, feeling I needed to hurry, I tried to concentrate my thrust, and when I felt I was going to cum, I leaned forward telling her, “I’m gonna cum.”
Allie’s hands now slid down, grabbing my ass, and feeling her trying to help, telling me with gritted teeth, “Go ahead,” I figured she just wanted me to finish.
I tried to focus, wanting to let it go, and as I held her, my cock suddenly started to convulse, bucking inside her. Pushing into her more, holding her, letting cum pump deep inside her, she tried to pull away, again telling me, “Stop!”
Stopping, I kissed her and in an out of breath voice I said, “Don’t move.”
Hearing this, Allie moved her hands to hug me, and when I again started to slowly move my cock in and out, fucking her, she naïvely asked, “Did you cum?”
Smiling, I looked at her and half jokingly said, “Oh yea,” and when she again hugged me, I finished by saying, “there was no stopping it.”
I was done, but as we continued to hold each other, I asked, “Are you okay?”
Giving me a subtle nod, I smiled and desperately tried to hold her close, as my cock started to go limp inside her. It felt so good to have cum, but eventually, my cock did sloppily slip out of her, which caused me to slide down and kiss her chest. Smiling, I looked up at her and remarked, “That was…,” but before I could finish, she kissed me.
Smiling, I leaned up off her, and being curious, wanting to see, I looked down at her pussy. It was a little red, and maybe a little swollen too, but seeing a trickle of cum draining out, I looked up, worried.
Allie had now leaned up on her elbows, obviously wanting to see too and when she said, “I’m okay,” I leaned up and gave her a kiss.
She was smiling, but it was more of a concerned look, and when she leaned up more, and happened to push a little, I heard some simple little bubbling, which made me again look down.
“Oh my god,” I thought, as I saw that more cum had oozed out of her.
I knew it was probably a lot, because it had been a while since I had last cum, and as I nervously looked up at her, Allie asked, “What?”
Smiling cautiously, I didn’t saying anything, and when she reached down to her crotch and she felt the cum that had oozed out, she looked up at me again. Seeing she was concerned, I tried to give her a reassuring smile, and then leaning up more, I knelt in front of her, and put my hands on her thighs.
Suddenly, I remembered, “Hey, there is a bathroom attached at the back,” and then after looking around, I looked up at her smiling and as I got off the bed, I suggested, “Maybe we should go use the bathroom.”
She was hesitant, but seeing me heading that way, she got off the bed too and followed me back to the bathroom. Stopping, I looked at her and said, “You go first.”
Allie was covering her little boobs with her one arm across her chest, and with her other hand down, covering her crotch, she seemed to be looking down at my cock. Stepping back, I let her go first, and smiling I thought, “She’s really got a cute little body.”
She wasn’t in there very long and after hearing her flush, she eventually came out. Smiling at her, I touched her waist and after looking at each other briefly, I quickly ducked in.
I was only in there long enough to pee, and when I went back to the bedroom, there she was. Allie smiled as I came out, and seeing she was continuing to glance down at my cock, I smiled too. Sitting next to her on the edge of the bed, we eventually hugged, and wanting to know, I naively asked, “How old are you?”
She was hesitant to answer, but then smiling she asked, much like I did, “How old do you think I am?”
Looking at her questioningly, I asked, “You’re, 21 or 20?”
I knew she was probably much younger than that, and when she smiled and remarked, “No, not quite,” I smiled, worried, thinking, “Just how young are you?”
Smiling at her nervously, thinking the worst, thinking she might be, … I really didn’t want to think about it, and thinking the worst, I told myself, “She’s gotta be at least 18, right.”
Looking at her, I smiled anxiously and hearing some commotion outside her room, I suggested, “Maybe I should get going.”
It was getting kind of late in the afternoon by now, and after reluctantly agreeing, I gave her a parting side hug, and a kiss on the head. Standing up, I gathered up my clothes, and as Allie climbed into bed, I quickly got dressed.
She was under the covers, but leaned over to one side, resting her head on her one hand to watch. She was still smiling, and when I finished getting my clothes on, I looked at her, and smiling said, “Hey, I do. have another appointment to meet with your dad next week,” and then asked, “Think I can see you again?”
It was mainly to let her know I was very interested in her, but hearing this, Allie laid back. She was smiling, and seemed to be glowing as she laid there. I really hoped we would, and after giving her leg a couple little pats, I started to leave.
Opening the bedroom door, I looked around and seeing no one there I turned, and smiling I questioningly said, “See you later?”
Allie of course smiled, and after I closed the bedroom door, I hurried toward the stairs, trying to quietly leave.
The next week, I of course showed up for my appointment, and after looking around for Allie, I went upstairs to meet with my therapist. I was nervous the whole time; I’m sure he knew, but after our session, I requested, “Can we meet again?”
Leaving, I hoped I’d see her, and as I headed down the stairs, I again desperately scanned around, looking for her. Not seeing her, I felt a little puzzled, wondering, “Where is she.”
Looking around one last time, I hoped she’d pop up suddenly, but she didn’t, which left me feeling dejected. There really was no way to contact her, except to show up for my appointments, and not wanting to lose the chance to see her again, and hoping to be with her, I have continued to meet with my therapist.