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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapter 12

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental

THE BIG OUTSIDE lights were on to greet him as the limo pulled into the driveway. The house itself was dark though. By the time he had fussed with paying the driver and getting out his bags, the little light over the front door was on, and a light inside the door. It opened as he walked up the steps.

“Hi.” Jane was there, looking as if she had just come out of the shower, robe half open over breasts and groin that were still full of little drops of water. “Do you need ...?”

“Toys? No I got some.”

“Kids are asleep.” Which proved not to be quite true.

“Daddy, Daddy.” It was their daughter, in pajamas, running down the hall. Jane pulled her robe together.

“Here, let’s see what we have for you? The cactus? Or the cow?”

“I want the cactus. Love you.” She took it and ran off to bed.

“I guess her brother is getting the cow. I’ve got something for you, too.” Brad took out the tape.

“Anal Adventure? Figures. Okay. Get cleaned up and we’ll have one of those.”

“Okay. Anything you do to me I get to do to you.”

“And the other way around?”


He came out of the shower to find that she had shed the robe and put on a strap-on. A big one. “I thought you said you weren’t going any bigger that six inches.”

“That’s what is said on the package. Six inch insertable. See for yourself.”

“That’s an eight.”

“Is it?” Jane was squinting. “My eyes are really going. Whatever. You said as big as you are.”

“I’m not that big.”

“Come over here.” She stood so that the thing was poking into the very bottom of his belly. He was almost grazing her. “See? And you’re not even hard yet.” She pushed him back onto the bed. He rolled over on his stomach.

“No not that way. On your back. Pull your legs up. Is that the best you can do? Want to try something kinky?”

“What kind of question is that? More kinky than this?”

“Grab your legs with your hands. Now loop your elbows around your knees. Put your hands behind your head. Now for the fun part.” She took the belt off of her robe and wrapped it around his wrists. “Is that okay?”

“It hurts. I don’t really bend that way.”

“How about if I do this?” She wrapped the rest of the strap around the headboard.

“I’m not sure I like this.”

“Oh really? Did you ever realize how helpless I am once you get going? Like you’re going to fuck me as much as you want and hard as you want. Pulling out some and then slamming in bone on bone, knocking the breath out of me.”

“You never say anything.”

“What, you want me to scream or something? With the kids around?”

She went under her pillow, retrieved the whip.

“I bet you’d love to see me in the same position. Asshole totally exposed, just waiting to be fucked. I’ll be you wouldn’t do that right away, though. I’ll bet you’d do this first.” She gave him a swat that hit the back of his balls. “Shit. Roll back more.” She tried again, with the same result. “Shit. Angle’s wrong.” She crawled up beside him and took a swat, somewhat off balance, that more or less landed on target.

“Enough of that.” She went back to the bottom of the bed. “What about my breasts? I’ll bet you’d be going after those too.” She leaned up to swat his nipples, the huge dildo poking into his balls. “Or my clit?” A swat on his erection. “Oh, you like that? I’ll bet it would feel so much better if you were getting fucked at the same time.”

She pulled him down to the bottom of the bed so she could stand on the floor. “How does that feel?” She poked the huge tip of the huge thing at his pucker, but without any hint that it was going to go in. “Come on dear, don’t you want this in you?”

“Use your tongue. Loosen it up first.”

“My tongue? Fuck you. I am not doing that on credit. Tell you what. You stick your tongue up my ass and I’ll think about it.” She clambered up on the bed to sit on his face, but it wasn’t that simple to do the way she had bound up his arms and legs. In disgust she crawled past him and turned her back to him, trying to sit backwards on his head. But she had tied him too close to the headboard. There wasn’t room for her legs. So she tried squatting over him and lowering herself down. Her aim was still bad, he wound up way too far up on her, his tongue finding the base of her clit and then her urethra. He could feel the indentation, feel it yield a little as he pressed his tongue into it.

“I’m going to pee all over you if you keep doing that.” But he didn’t stop. She was peeing, as he licked, and he was taking it into his mouth. Savoring it. And she was coming, harder than she had come for a very long time. Then she shifted a bit, leaning forward some, so his tongue was further back on her, going into her. She was coming, for a second time. Maybe even harder. He was biting her. He had his tongue so far in his teeth had reached her and he was scraping them on the edges of her asshole.

“Don’t you fucking bite me. I’ll fucking shit on your face.” That only provoked an even more aggressive attempt. “Okay, you asked for it.” But she couldn’t get herself to do it. She got up to go back to what they had been doing, and realized his lips were stained brown.

“You are such a pervert.”

“I’m a pervert? What about you?’

“Never mind.” Back to the bottom of the bed then, to kneel this time, licking at his balls, then moving her tongue further back. She had a wonderful clear view of his asshole, of her tongue sliding around it. Of her fingers pulling it open a little so her tongue could work its way inside. Spicy. He’d been eating a lot of spicy food. Oh my God. She had been trying to make it messy for him. Did that mean he was going to do the same? Just because those were the rules? The ones she had just made up and maybe not thought through? Better to get it over with before he figured that one out. She pushed her tongue in further. It felt really, really wild, so tight, so hot, fighting her intrusion. He was writhing, gasping. She looked up to see that he was spurting a little with each thrust of the tongue. Okay, enough of that. Time to try it again with the dildo. This time it slid in with almost no resistance. She kept pushing until they were bone to bone. Then she kissed him, tongues taking turns. Somewhere in the midst of all that she was coming again. And so was he.

“That was different. So tell me, dear heart, how does that compare? To Ann or whoever?”


“I’ll bet you told her the same thing.”

“No. She asked me the same question, almost, and I told her it was very good with her.”


“I think next time we try this it should be in the bathtub?”

“Oh God, did we mess up the sheets?”


“I think I’ve had enough for the moment.”

“I never got my turn.”

“You’re right. Would you, like, take a rain check?”


“Okay, look, you know how you try to molest me doing the back rub and I won’t let you? Tonight I’ll let you. Deal?”

“Untie me and I’ll think about it.” It took him a while to get his arms and legs untangled. “Oh, I am really going to be stiff.” He picked up the whip.

“I thought we had a deal.”

“I said I’d think about it. I should at least get a couple of swats.”



“Okay maybe it was four.”

“One on your right nipple. Two on your pussy. One on your asshole. Unless you want more.”

“Why the hell would I want more? Are you going to tie me up too?”

“Not if you say not to.”

He started to truss her up the same way he had been. She had no problem getting her arms and legs into the right position. She wasn’t saying anything. He wrapped the strap around her wrists. She wasn’t saying anything. He wrapped the rest around the headboard. She wasn’t saying anything.

“Okay, I’ll stop when you tell me to.”

“One swat on the boobs, wasn’t that the deal?”

“Okay, tell me to stop after one then.”

He swatted her hard on her belly.

“What the fuck was that for?”

“Practice. Have to get calibrated.”

“You couldn’t practice on a pillow?”

“I supposed so.” Another swat, on her navel.

“That fucking hurt. You hit my scar.”

“Oh. Sorry. Okay, here goes.” The next one was one her right nipple. She didn’t say anything, so he tried the left one. Back to the right.

“You could do it a little harder.”

“Like this?” The next one left a little red mark on her breast. She whimpered a little. She didn’t say anything. “Time out.”

He stepped back, pulled her closer to the end of the bed, and pushed into her pussy, just for a while for lubrication, then into her asshole. He arched his back much as he could, trying to get the right angle for the whip, but it was awkward.

“Try choking up on the handle.” Those were the first words from her for a while. But even that didn’t help. He sighed and pulled away to get a better angle.

“Work on my pussy some.”

“Fuck it?”


“Pull your legs back more. Like that?” He gave her a swat right in the center of that target.

“That missed my clit.”

“Your clit is nowhere to be seen, dear.”

“Well how the hell am I supposed to do anything about it with my hands tied? Do something about it.”

“Like this?” He knelt down at the bottom of the bed. She was fully exposed, asshole still gaping a bit, pussy lips swollen. “Oh, nice.” He tasted one hole, then the other, then the secret little third one. She didn’t even warn him this time, just oozing out a third taste, not bitter like the one hole, or musky and sour like the other, tart, salty. Helpless, she was helpless, trapped by the bonds and her own arousal.

“Having fun?” That sardonic comment broke his fantasy.


“That’s okay. You were like going off somewhere. My clit? Remember?”

“Oh, yeah. Let’s see if we can find Waldo here.” Well where was it? Hiding in its hood. He could feel it, right where it was supposed to be, he could tease it up a little, see the very tip of it just peeking out. Tiny, it was tiny, but he took it in his mouth, as if it were a tiny little penis, and started to work it out of the hood. There it was at last, out in the open. “Ready?”

“I’ve been ready for some time dear.”

“Okay. You asked for it.” He landed a swat right on that tiny little target.

“Oh God! Gag me!”

“Gag you? How?”

“Stuff one of your socks in it. Preferably a clean one.”


“I wanted to scream. It was very hard not to. But that’s going to get the kids upset.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t do it?”

“No I want you to do it.”

“Well how will I know when to stop?”

“After each one I’ll either nod or shake my head.”

“You’ve been watching too many porn flicks.”

“You’re the one who buys them.”

Brad got a nice clean white sock out of the dresser. He was ready to stuff in into her mouth when he had a better idea. At least a different one. He pushed back into her asshole, trying to get as deep as possible, working on her clit at the same time to keep it from hiding back in its hood.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She started to complain, but it was too much for her. Just as she was really starting to come though, he stopped, withdrew. He had gone in deep enough that the tip of his cock was frosted. He picked up the whip, and crawled up the bed, then swung one leg around her so he was turned to her feet.

“Open wide.”


“This is going to be your gag.” He didn’t give her time to object. Not that she resisted. Perhaps she didn’t realize how messy he was, what he was shoving down her throat. He started to whip then, and she was screaming. Or trying to. Finally, she started to bite, and he decided it was time to stop. Before he released her he kissed her, plunging his tongue to taste what he had thrust into her, her shit, his cum, and she was forcing her tongue into him. Finally, he set her free.

“That was over the top.”


“Love you.”

“Love you.”

“You know, that’s the first time you’ve ever told me that when we were having sex. Why is that?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Oh. Are we on for tomorrow?”

“With Mary and her boyfriend? Sure.”

“Okay, I’ll let her know.”

“In the morning.”

“No. She said to call as soon as I could. Even if it was late.”

“This late?”

“Who knows?” Jane was dialing. “Yeah it’s me. Yeah, we’re on. Seven? Okay we’ll meet you at the lake this afternoon and get directions.”

“What about the kids?”

“Oh, I already have the babysitter lined up. Figured if this fell through we could go out for dinner.”


“Brad, dear, I like gave you a free pass all week. This means a lot to me.”


“I don’t know. It just does. I want to see you with another guy. I’ve always had that fantasy.”


“Well, for a while.”

“What if it doesn’t happen?”

“Oh, Mary promised me. Don’t worry. I need the bathroom. What?” Brad was trailing in after her.

“I figured I could rinse off while you use the pot.”

“Oh. Okay. Turn on the fan at least.”


“You could close the curtain.”

“Yeah, I could.” But he didn’t.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I’m peeing.”

“In the shower?” She had watched him pee out in the woods, pretending not to look but sneaking a glance. This time she made no pretense.

“You’re on the pot. I need to pee. What’s the big deal?”

“It’s not a big deal. You could close the fucking curtain though.”

“You don’t like watching me pee?”

“That’s not the point. Are you going to be watching me now?”

“I really can’t see anything “

“Does that bother you? Here.” She stood up a little, squatting over the toilet. “Satisfied?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry about what?” She stood up, flushed the toilet, came to join him in the shower.

“You didn’t wipe.”

“My butt is really sore. For some reason. Like someone was scraping their teeth on it? I can just rinse off in the shower. Or you can clean it up for me.”


She turned off the water, leaned against the back of the tub.

“You want me to like, get a wash cloth?”


“You are really in a strange mood.”

“I’m in a strange mood? Oh my God. You’re not actually going to do it. Stop it! Oh my God.”

“Want a taste?”

“You already gave me a nice taste dear heart. Right down my throat. Enough of this?”


They rinsed off, dried off, brushed their teeth for a very long time, and crawled into bed. To sleep. It was so late it was early, the sky already brightening, birds awakening. Too warm for a nightgown, too warm for a sheet. Jane was rolled away from him, waiting for her back rub. He moved down on the bed to snuggle. She fell asleep almost immediately. But he couldn’t sleep. He was staring at her butt gleaming in the pre dawn light. Looking at his prick in between those lovely cheeks. Hadn’t she given him permission? Well that was part of a rain check which he hadn’t taken. But hadn’t she had as much fun as he had? Maybe more? She was making little sleepy sounds, little snores. Rub, so nicely, and maybe poke just a little. She stirred at that, moved away. Okay, enough fun and games for one night gone into morning. He rolled on his other side and let himself go to sleep.
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