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Long time no post. Let's go!
Kyris lounged back into the many cushions that surrounded him. His large brown eyes kept a keen watch on the beaded curtain that separated the room from his private courtyard. Any moment now, his manservant would return with a new slave.

This woman was to be his concubine--a gift from his lord for excellent service in the military. An excellent gift for his retirement, and a perfect way to fill the remaining years of his life. He would have preferred to die in the field, but a life of leisure with a beautiful woman was the next best thing.

Kyris had been counting the days since his lord had taken him to the ancient city of the south to visit the slave market. The market was one of the largest in the entire empire, and Kyris had never seen anything like it. Slaves were brought in from all over the world to be sold to the highest bidder. And for a small fee, Kyris had been able to make his last payment on the perfect woman. Four months of waiting had nearly driven him mad. But he knew the result would be worth it.

He struggled to contain his excitement as he waited for the woman to arrive. The eagerness that built inside him resulted in long drags on the pipe he casually held between his fingers. Long tendrils of smoke curled around his decorated horns to gather in a haze along the ceiling. Never had he taken to the pipe so often as he did now. But it was the only thing he could do to prevent himself from pacing like a caged tiger.

He hoped she would be as eager for him as he was for her. Though, he knew slaves were often scared of their new masters. Kyris would have to be gentle and kind, yet firm in his demands for obedience and deference. He'd even made sure to look his best for her. Gold and colorful gems decorated his body; rings, necklaces, and bracelets inlaid with precious stones and etched with intricate designs. His kilt was pure white silk, embroidered with geometric patterns and fringed with gold. He'd taken time to comb his fur with fragrant oils, his horns were polished, and his human-like chest was bronzed with a layer of fine powder.

He hoped he looked like a god in her eyes, even with his battle scars. He hoped she would feel his presence and his power as she walked into the room, and that she would be awed and submissive to him. Kyris in turn would treat her like a goddess. Shower her in affection and luxury, and make her his queen.

His musings were cut short by the sound of footsteps approaching his chambers. The beaded curtain was drawn back, and Kyris's manservant entered the room. The black-furred minotaur was a hulking shadow in the rosy light of the room. He held the curtain open and motioned with his head for someone to enter.

Kyris sat up and watched as a beautiful human woman entered the room. She was tall, with long, glossy black hair that fell to her waist. Her eyes were a deep, rich emerald green, and her skin was carefully touched by the sun. She wore a simple white dress with a red sash around her waist. The dress was cut low in the front; it revealed the swell of her breasts and the gentle curve of her waist. More importantly, it revealed the roundness of her belly.

Kyris smiled to himself as he saw the woman's belly. He knew his request to have the woman impregnated had been a strange one to the slave master, but he was pleased to see the man honor his orders.

Four months along, her belly hung just over her sash. There was no stopping the physical reaction he had to the sight of her belly. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed his servant. The bull bowed deeply and left the room as silently as he had entered.

Kyris stared at the woman, who kept her eyes nervously on the floor. She was young, barely into her twenties, he guessed. She was small, but there was something about her that made him think she was strong. He certainly hoped so; he was not like others in his company who preferred women who were easily broken and pliable. Kyris liked a woman who could show a little backbone while still remembering who was in charge.

Kyris rose from his cushioned seat and crossed the room to stand directly before his woman. The dim light of the room gleamed off the polished surface of his horns and sent rainbows over his skin as it reflected off the gems and gold he wore. He stopped before her, his massive form towering over her. This close, he was nearly overwhelmed by the scent of her; perfumed mixed with a slight tang of sweat, and fear.

He reached out and tilted her chin up so their eyes met. "Would you deny me the beauty of your eyes?" he asked.

The breath caught in her chest. He spied flecks of blue in the recesses of her green eyes, the pupils dilated with fear. She blinked, then swallowed hard. "Forgive me, my lord," she whispered, her voice trembling.

A smile curled his bovine lips. "There is nothing to forgive, my beauty. I merely wished to see what captured my attention all those months ago. I am Kyris Rockhorn, your lord and master. Would you grace me with your name?"

He kept her chin raised and eyes fixed on his while his calloused thumb caressed the plump flesh of her bottom lip. A shiver ran through her, and a beautiful flush suffused her skin. "Amaris, my lord. I have no surname."

"You will have mine," he promised. The look in her eyes made him chuckle. "Don't be afraid, my beauty. I know I appear brutish with these scars and ancient with this grey seeping into my hide, but I am no beast. You are to be my most beloved concubine. A woman to dote on and cherish into the sunset of my life. I will grant you all your heart desires, and I will make you happy. I promise you that."

He drew her closer with a gentle tug on her chin. Their bodies pressed together, her growing belly against the hard planes of his. He inhaled her scent, the sweet fragrance of her hair blended with the pheromonic scent of a woman in her second trimester. The primal side of him directed his free hand to her belly, giving the taut skin a possessive squeeze.

"Are you frightened, Amaris?"

She hesitated. "A...a little, my lord. Though, I am, perhaps, more confused than frightened."

"How so?"

Amaris hesitated. Then, after a nervous swallow, she blurted out, "Why did you have them impregnate me? I have never heard of such a thing happening before--"

"Were you hurt in the process?" Kyris interrupted, worried now that she might have been mistreated for his request.

Amaris shook her head. "No, my lord. They were gentle with me. I simply do not understand why you asked them to do this. Why did you wish for me to be with a child that will not be yours?"

Kyris held up a hand to stop her. "The child will be mine regardless of who impregnated you, Amaris. I will be its father. Should you bear me a son, he will become my heir and inherit all I have. I hope this does not displease you."

"No, my lord. I am honored," Amaris replied. Her nerves were beginning to melt away now, and he felt her relax against him.

Kyris studied her face as if trying to read her thoughts. Desire warred against patience within him. He wanted to take her now, to have her, to make her his. He wanted to give way to his hunger, but in all things, he was a man of discipline.

With one hand on her back and the other holding her hand, he guided her to sit beside him on a silk divan. He leaned back and encouraged her to rest against his chest. Placing a hand on her belly, he caressed the round bump in slow, lazy circles. "Tell me of your life before coming here. I wish to know all I can about you."

Amaris relaxed slightly, her head resting against his shoulder. Haltingly at first, she told him of her simple life in a slave village, of her parents and her brother, of her time spent as a weaver. Kyris listened, continuing to caress her belly as she spoke. The touch soothed her, allowing her to open up more easily. Soon, she had them both laughing at her tales as he offered her wine to drink and food to eat.

What she hadn't noticed was Kyris easing her silk dress away from her breasts and belly. He ran his fingers lightly over her belly, marveling at how soft and warm her skin felt. Dark lines, barely perceptible, ran along her lower belly--beautiful external evidence of the life inside her. His fingers traced them lightly as he listened to her melodic voice. The very sound of it was like rich honey to his ears and stirred his blood to a fever pitch.

The idle hand that rested on her thigh slid up her body to cup one of her breasts. It wasn't difficult to understand the effect pregnancy had on her, especially when he could feel the swell and heaviness of the breast in his palm. More lovely stretch marks adorned the soft skin here, too. He stroked them gently, tracing the ridges of the marks with his fingertips.

She shivered in response, her voice fading to a whisper as she focused on his touch. Amaris gasped softly when his thick fingers found her sensitive nipple. He swirled them around the rosy tip until it hardened under his ministrations.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured against her ear. "I want to worship every inch of you."

With a gentle hand, he gave her breast an experimental squeeze. To his delight, milk squirted over his hand, and she shuddered with pleasure. An excited grin spread over his face. There was no hiding his arousal from her now; he could feel his hardness pressing against her backside with eagerness. His mouth was watering, desperate to taste what only mothers could give.

Amaris, who had long stopped telling her story, seemed to understand what he wanted. She eased out of his arms and settled on the opposite end of the divan. He gazed at her, taking in the delicate curves of her body, the softness of her skin, the way the light from the lanterns made her hair shimmer. He could not stop staring.

"Please, my lord," she said, a blush coloring her cheeks. She opened her arms to him and turned her gaze away. "If you continue to stare..."

Kyris smiled in response to her words. The gods had indeed blessed him with an insightful woman. He hesitated only long enough to search her face for any sign of reluctance, finding none, he crawled toward her and lowered his hips to her swollen breast. She moaned softly as he drank greedily from her. The sweet milk was like ambrosia straight from the heavens. He reached for her hand and placed it on his head, encouraging her to touch him.

She did so, her fingers threading through the thick curls that covered his crown. He closed his eyes, focusing on her touch and the taste of her skin. Her fingers massaged his scalp at the base of his horns, traced the outline of his ears, and then began to move to the back of his neck where fur met skin. They dug into the thick, corded muscles and pulled him closer causing him to moan.

Shifting his balance to one arm, Kyris caressed her belly before easing downward to find the entrance to her womanhood. He was gentle with her, his fingers soft as they parted the folds and explored the wet heat of her body. Amaris reacted as he hoped she would, arching her back and spreading her legs wider to give him better access.

His erection throbbed between his legs. Dangling hard and aching to plunge into her warm depths. He growled low in his throat but focused on the fingers that were now exploring her opening. She was so responsive to him, her body arching and moving with the rhythm of his hand. If this was what retirement had to offer him, he'd spend the rest of his days with this exquisite creature.

Her voice was strained when she spoke again, "Please, my lord. Please drink from the other."

Kyris did not hesitate to comply. Giving the one in his mouth a final lick, he let it pop free and then quickly moved to the other. The milk from this breast was just as rich as the other and Kyris drank deeply. He removed the hand from between her legs to steady himself above her. The whine she gave in reply to the loss of his mouth sent a shiver through him.

His whip-like tail snapped in the air. He drank from her with a hunger he'd never known. Amaris writhed beneath him, her hands gripping his horns as she arched her back into his mouth. He swallowed the sweet liquid in great gulps before he allowed himself to lift his head and look down at her.

She was beautiful, her face painted with a rosy hue and glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. Her half-lidded eyes were fixed on him, her full lips parted as she panted for breath. His heart hammered in his chest and his nostrils flared. He could smell her desire, her need for him.

He pulled away and knelt between her legs. His eyes were dark, his face a mask of pure desire as he reached down toward his kilt.

"My lord?" Amaris asked, her voice husky.

"Tell me you would like to continue," he said. The hand on his kilt gripped his thick shaft through the fabric. While she wouldn't see the full size of him, there was no denying Kyris was one blessed.

Her brilliant green eyes widened at the sight of his manhood. Kyris watched her reaction with a satisfied smile and prayed she would not push him away. Of course beyond the initial surprise lay hesitation and fear. Her youthful face blanched, and it didn't take a mind reader to know she was thinking of how he would fit.

She must have thought her hesitation an insult to him because she quickly shook her head and nodded. "Y- yes, my lord. I do."

Kyris frowned for the first time since her arrival. "Do not say yes unless you mean it. I will not take offense if you say no. I will not force you. Tell your master if you do not wish to continue, Amaris."

Amaris turned her eyes up to meet his. This time there was no demure or shyness to her expression. She openly searched his face, as if attempting to find some hint of a trick. Finding none, she seemed to soften. She sat up and leaned forward, her eyes locked on his as she slid one of her hands under his to hold his shaft.

"I do wish it," she said, and her voice held a confidence he hadn't heard before. "I am only afraid. You're... much larger than any man I've known." Their gazes fell to where her hand barely wrapped around his member. Kyris grunted and straightened his back as her other hand settled on his hip and pulled him closer. "You have shown me great kindness and hospitality since my arrival. I know that you would be gentle with me. So know that it truly is my wish to have your company tonight."

The great minotaur watched ​​stoically as Amaris slid her slender fingers into the sash around his waist. She tugged gently, pulling the sash free of the knot, followed by the pin that held his kilt closed. The fabric fell open, pooling around his knees, revealing the seam where human skin met bull hide.

After a moment's consideration, Kyris leaned back on the divan and laid an arm along the back. He draped one muscular leg over the side, spreading his thighs wide. A pair of large testicles hung low and heavy, bobbing gently with his movements. His thick cock rested in the crease between hip and left thigh. Truly a monument to his masculinity; his strength, virility, and a symbol of the passion he would offer Amaris.

Kyris rested his cheek against his fist as he watched his new woman. Fear melted from her eyes as she stared at the beast between his legs. He watched as she took in a deep breath, no doubt filling her lungs with the heady scent of musk and arousal. Her hand slid along the length of his shaft, the heat of her palm making him quiver with need.

Her small chuckle caught him off guard. His ears flicked forward, as she lifted her eyes to meet his. "You tremble, my lord. Surely I'm not your first."

Ah, that teasing smile would do him in. He shook his head, his lips curling in a half grin. "No, my lady, you are not my first. I have been with many women, but none have aroused me to such a state with a simple touch. I would have you straddle my hips when you're ready."

"You would have me on top of you?"

"I would not place my weight on your body while you are with child," Kyris replied. It was his turn to offer a teasing smile, one large brow raised as he studied her. "I also wish to see your beautiful body on full display. Watch your face as ecstasy courses through your body."

Amaris blushed, her mouth twisting into a coy smile. She took his offered hand and moved to straddle his hips. Shrugging out of her robe, she grasped his thick shaft and guided him to her entrance. Both gritted their teeth as the broad head slowly stretched her open until it popped inside. Kyris's muscles grew taut with the strain of maintaining his control as her tight heat welcomed him.

Better than any virgin he'd bedded, her heat was a pleasure he longed to drown in. "Go slowly, beloved," he rasped. He placed one steady hand on her hip, his thumb stroking small circles over the soft flesh.

Her brilliant eyes shimmered with arousal as she nodded. Holding the back of the divan with one hand, and bracing herself on his broad chest with the other, Amaris steadily lowered herself down, gasping with every inch. Kyris could feel the tremors of her arousal as she pressed closer. Words of encouragement were falling from his lips until she was fully seated.

Amaris paused to catch her breath. The delicate hand on his chest moved to hold her belly; a sight that sent a ripple of desire through him. With a last deep breath, she began to move, rolling her hips in a slow, deliberate rhythm. Then with more vigor as pleasure began to build.

Kyris's hands soon left their places of support to explore her body as she rode him.

Her swollen mounds were his first targets. His hands caressed the plump flesh, his fingers stroking her until her head fell back in ecstasy. Then to her belly, her hips, her thighs, the tender flesh of her exposed neck. Her lips parted when his thumb pressed against her mouth, allowing him to slide it along her tongue.

Unable to take any more, Kyris released a deep groan as he sat up. One strong arm wrapped around her waist to hold her close while the other firmly gripped her thigh. Amaris gasped in surprise as he lifted her with ease and pounded into her with fervor. Her arms wrapped around his broad neck for support as he drove into her.

He felt her round belly pressed against the hard plane of his stomach. Even with the life growing within her, Amaris was light in his arms. Deliciously helpless as she clung to him and carved burning lines along the taut muscles of his shoulders.

Kyris pressed his wet nose into the curve of her neck and inhaled deeply. He licked and nipped at the tender flesh, tasting the salt of her sweat as rivulets trickled down her throat. A low moan of pleasure vibrated the cords of that beautiful throat, one he responded to with a low growl of his own.

"Beautiful, Amaris," he whispered against her ear. "Sing for me, beloved."

"Please- my lord!" she begged. "It- It's too much! I can't- I can't--"

"Let go, Amaris, I'm here." His voice was ragged in her ear.

No further persuasion was needed. With a cry, she lost herself in the pleasure of his possession. Her legs wrapped loosely around his waist as her inner walls clenched around him. The pain of her nails in his shoulders combined with the delicious squeeze of her inner walls, pushed him over the edge.

Thick ropes of his seed poured into her. Each stroke of her inner walls milked him for every last drop. Kyris captured her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue darting into her mouth to dance with hers as he pushed into her a last few times.

Their hearts pounded together as they fought for breath. With each gasp, their orgasms subsided to a gentle throbbing. With careful steps, he carried her toward the round, cushioned bed at the far side of the room. After gently placing her on the bed, Kyris slowly withdrew from her slick heat, his softening cock leaving a trail of cum as he pulled away.

Kyris brushed a strand of dark hair from her sweat-slick forehead before caressing her cheek with his knuckles. He was completely enraptured by her flushed, rosy skin and the way her breasts rose and fell with each breath. He leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead before trailing more along her neck. He followed the valley of her breasts to the curve of her pregnant belly, where he kissed her again before returning to capture her lips once more.

"Beautiful," he whispered against her lips.

She smiled. "You offer too much flattery, my lord."

Kyris smiled at her modesty. "Perhaps," he said with a heavy sigh as he fell to the side. "But I do not throw compliments around carelessly. I mean every word of it; you are beautiful beyond compare."

Amaris watched as he lay on the bed, her expression shifting from lingering desire to curiosity. She rolled onto her side to face him, and with a boldness she hadn't possessed mere moments ago, asked, "Why are you so kind to me, my lord?" The addition of 'my lord' was added with haste.

Kyris paused partway as he pulled the blankets to cover them. He was still for a moment, pondering her question. As a slave, she should know better than to question her master in such a way. But he saw no reason to punish her curiosity.

"I am an old soldier, Amaris" he began. "Decorated and wealthy as I am, one would think I would be flooded with women willing to take me as their husband. But I am not. I have never been married. And in my old age, I do not have the patience to endure the tedium of courtship. At least, not in the proper way. I... suppose I chose this route to bypass all the nonsense."

"You chose me at random," she said. Her head rested on his shoulder as he settled onto his back.

Kyris stroked the smooth skin of her shoulder. His eyes stared at the painted ceiling above them. "Not entirely. But, that is a story for a different time. Hush now, Amaris, do not trouble yourself over things to be discussed at a later time. Rest."

Curiosity burned in her eyes--he could see it. However, sleep was her master now, and it ordered her eyes to close. Kyris smiled as she nestled into the crook of his arm, first with her cheek on his chest, then turning away from him so her belly rested in his palm. He would need to get a pillow for her soon. One to cradle the growing child inside her.

Kyris rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on top of her head and released a content sigh. It wasn't long before Amaris relaxed in his embrace, her breath slowing to a light snore. He held her close, enjoying the feel of her body against his. Long had it been since he had been blessed with such a peaceful night.


2024-09-07 16:46:28
You write well and with a respect for your story. I enjoyed tiyr use if de***********ion and the care with which you built your prose. Most here write with all the technique of see spit run, but you actually have a skill for it. The title doesn't do this work justice as its a very well-detailed narrative. Thank you for your effort.

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