Exploring the "well used" look on the face of a woman of class.
Told 5 times, themed from Consensual to hard Snuff, stop reading if you reach your limit!
Consensual - Subject a willing participant, goal is satisfaction of me or both I and subject(s).
Non-Consensual - Subject not a willing participant, but passive. There is little or no effort to resist. Includes subjects too scared to resist, unconscious subjects, and those too drunk/drugged to resist.
Rape - Subject not a willing participant, there is effort to resist. The goal is sexual violation, violence is a tool. Possibly some excess violence as a secondary goal.
Brutalize - Much more violence than is needed to overcome resistance. Inflicting pain is a goal, not just a method.
Snuff! - Death of the subject is the goal.
Mary's Face Full of Cum:
Exploring the "well used" look on the face of a woman of class.
NB: Stories “01 Face”, ”02 Ass”, and “03 Tits” were written during the years my wife Mary was too disabled for sex. Very slowly written while laying awake next to her while she slept, with a stylus on a Palm Pilot (Which serves to date how old these are).
Setup -
All versions of this story start with Mary having just finished applying a high end make-up job. I get a call that the host of the fancy party we are going to is ill, and the party has been canceled. I ask Mary if I can salvage some of her hard work getting ready by taking a picture of her face.
Consensual -
Mary agrees, and smiles for me as I frame the picture. As I'm looking at her through the camera she slowly licks her upper lip then opens her mouth and moves her tongue across her lower lip. I photograph her whole face and then take a closeup of just her lips, the bright red lipstick glistening with her saliva.
I put down the camera and stroke Mary's left cheek with the fingers of my right hand. When my thumb nears her mouth she licks it, and I push my hand forward to follow her tongue back into her mouth. She sucks my thumb, licking it inside her mouth. I suddenly feel a touch on my penis, and sigh as Mary strokes my rapidly hardening cock.
I pull my thumb out of Mary's mouth and slide it across her lips, leaving a smear of her fresh lipstick trailing from the side of her mouth. Mary frowns briefly, then smiles. She lets go of my cock and motions me aside, reaching for her purse. She pulls out the lipstick she had just put away and applies another, heavy layer. Mary puts away the lipstick, falls back from her sitting position, and looks up at me as she uses a finger to smear the other side of her mouth onto her cheek. Mary lays with her face turned a little towards me as I kneel on the bed next to her head. I jack off right-handed, rubbing the drooling tip of my cock against her face. My left hand tangles in her hair, guiding her to turn her head so my cock can reach all of her face, and messing up her very nice hairdo I rub Mary with the head of my cock, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans.
I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Mary's lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. Mary licks at the tip of my cock when it moves across her lips again. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. Mary licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and pre-cum.
I bend over Mary to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slides up along the side of her nose, bumps over her eyebrow, and crosses her forehead to drool into her hairline. I can feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasp as Mary licks it. I gently face-hump her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in Mary's hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that keep the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I hump up.
I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing Mary's sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, Mary's saliva, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm. I move back, again grabbing my shaft in my right hand.
I aim what has become my loaded weapon straight out and look down at Mary's face. It takes only a moment of seeing how Mary's appearance has changed for me to go over the edge. I gasp as my cock swells and throbs, jetting a large spurt of thick jizz at Mary's smiling, messy face. The first wad lands diagonally across Mary's lips and she parts them to lick the goo into her mouth. Seeing Mary take my ejaculate into her mouth makes my next gasping spurt stronger, the wad of sperm leaving a trail across her right cheek and her nose as it lands on her left eye and eyebrow.
Mary scrunches her eyes closed and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with three following spurts. I lean forward, pressing the head of my cock against Mary's lips as she parts them to suck the last of my sperm from the drooling tip. I pull back my drained, shrinking cock and use my fingertips to smear the goo and makeup across Mary's face, dragging more cum to her lips. Mary opens her mouth to my fingers, sucking and licking the sperm off them. I stop her from licking up the last of the goo, and closely examine her face, memorizing the look.
The "after" picture will show Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her pale lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum. There is a distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. Mary's left eye is shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The makeup around her right eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open. Above her right eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her eye. After I catch my breath I grab the camera and take the "After" picture. Mary tells me not to put down the camera and poses for me with her tongue out, in the act of licking the cum off her lip.
Mary looks annoyed, and says "If you feel you must..."
I quickly grab the camera and catch a shot of Mary almost glaring out of the picture, looking very snooty. This will contrast great with the "After" picture Mary does not know I'm planning.
I put down the camera and reach out to stroke Mary's cheek. She sits still for this, but when I put the tip of my thumb on her lips she shoves my hand aside, telling me "Knock that shit off, can't you tell I'm upset?"
Mary turns away from me and lies down on the bed on her back, face turned away from me. I kneel on the bed next to her head and start jacking off with my right hand. Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear. Mary huffs in annoyance and starts to move away from me.
I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull and twist the handful of hair, hearing a gasp as I force Mary to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding Mary where my cock can reach all of her face. Mary brings up her left hand towards my left wrist to relieve the pull on her hair, and I let go of my cock to grab her wrist. I keep Mary's hand away from her head and give her hair a firm yank, getting another gasp. I give Mary's no instructions, just push her arm down, relaxing the hair pull at the same time. Mary whimpers and sniffs, tears welling in her eyes, but does lie still when I let go of her arm.
I grab my cock again, and rub Mary with its head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans. I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Her lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. Mary tightens her lips to keep my cock out of her mouth so I raise it and slap the head against her lips while giving a slight warning tug on her hair. Mary flinches, clearly not wanting to comply, but relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth. I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. She licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue.
Mary shudders, grimacing and then clearly reluctantly licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I bent over Mary to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slides up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crosses her forehead to drool into her hairline. I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as Mary obediently licked it. I roughly face-humped Mary, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in Mary's hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing her sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, her saliva, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm.
I moved back, again grabbing my shaft in my right hand. I aimed my now throbbing cock straight out and looked down at Mary's face. It took only a moment of seeing how Mary's appearance had changed for me to go over the edge. I gasped as my cock swelled and throbbed, jetting a large spurt of thick goo at Mary's teary, messy face. The first wad lands diagonally across Mary's parted lips, some going into her mouth. Mary gags on the sperm in her mouth, but does not dare spit it out. Seeing Mary get my sperm into her mouth makes my next ejaculation stronger, the wad leaving a trail across her right cheek and nose as it lands on her left eye and eyebrow. Mary scrunches her eyes closed and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with three following spurts.
I lean forward, pressing the head of my cock against Mary's lips, forcing her to part them and receive the last of my ejaculate from the drooling tip. I pull back my drained, shrinking cock and use my fingertips to smear the goo and makeup across Mary's face, dragging more cum to her lips. Mary is so grossed out that I have to push my knuckles hard against her lips, before she opens her mouth to my fingers while whimpering in humiliation. With an expression of disgust on her messy face she sucks and licks the sperm off my fingers. I stop her from licking up the last of the goo.
The "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her pale lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum. There is a distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. Mary's left eye is shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The makeup around her right eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open, the white reddened by crying.. Both her eyes are leaking copious tears. Above her right eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her eye.
Mary glares at me and snaps "Fuck no, I'm too upset to deal with your sick fantasies right now!" Mary makes a point of looking away from me, so I quietly grab the camera, turn it on, and frame her in the viewfinder. Mary senses I'm up to something and turns to face me with an angry look on her face. I press the shutter release, catching Mary's "Anger on class" look.
Mary curses me and lashes out, knocking the camera out of my hands. I lash back at her immediately, my open right hand delivering a hard slap to her left cheek. Mary's left hand comes up to cover the handprint on her cheek and she starts to get up. Mary screams at me "Bastard! I'm going to UAAAHHH!", her movement and yelling interrupted by another blow to the face.
I had backhanded Mary, hitting the right side of her face with a return swing of my right hand. I had put a lot more force into this hit, the back of my hand thudding against the side of her head at eye level. The impact rocks Mary, making her drop heavily back to a sitting position. She hunches forwards, both hands on her face. I turn to the open closet, grab one of the scarfs hanging there, and tie one end to Mary's right wrist while she still sat whimpering and crying into her hands.
The final tug to tighten the knot on her right wrist got Mary's attention. She looked up slowly, letting me see the red handprint on her left cheek and the growing lump just outside and below her right eye. Mary screamed at me and lunged up, trying to punch me in the face with her right hand. I was still holding the scarf in my left hand and was able to yank her arm aside. I drive my right fist into her chest, low in her cleavage between her dangling breasts. Mary gasped out all her air, her solar plexus stunned by the hit. I threw myself against Mary, knocking her backward. Mary fell back onto the bed and I went with her. She writhed on the bed, struggling to breathe with me on top of her.
Mary tried to claw my face and I grabbed her wrists with my hands. My ass was on her upper belly and lower chest below her breasts. Mary was weakening from lack of air, and it only took a brief struggle for me to control her. I ended up straddling her waist on my knees, holding her wrists down on each side of her head. I was bent forward over her, looking straight down into her face as she tried in vain to breathe or escape. Mary's struggle grew more frantic as she grew increasingly air hungry. I stayed on Mary, watching her run out of Oxygen.
Mary grew rigid, her muscles quivering in tension, her mouth gaping as she kept trying to inhale. I saw the fear in her eyes as her struggles weakend, experiencing what she thought was her own death. Mary finally passed out, her eyes rolling back out of sight and her body slack. I wondered as I rolled off her if I had killed her, but before I was fully off she drew a deep shuddering breath and she began breathing heavily. ´I took advantage of Mary having passed out to secure her. I rolled her face down, pulled her arms together behind her back, and used the scarf to tightly tie her wrists together. I rolled Mary again, getting her face up.
To keep her from trying to get away I grabbed another scarf and tied her ankles together also. I noticed that her heavy breathing was slowing down, so I knelt by her head, studying her face before I fucked it. The two blows to Mary's face had left obvious marks. The slap to her left cheek showed rub marks in her makeup, and the reddened skin was obvious through the base coat and blush. The whole area of the handprint was swelling, looking like there would be some nice bruising visible later.
Mary started to come around as I examined the right side of her face. A large, darkening haematoma was spreading across Mary's right cheek, her right eye socket already dark, the eye swollen. The center of the bruising was swelling, the knot standing out prominently. Her eyelids fluttered and opened, the right one opening to just a slit in the swelling, the white of the eye red with broken blood vessels.
Mary started to say something but I interrupted by saying "Shut up, bitch!" and clenching my fist over her face, pulling my arm back as if to punch her. Mary flinched and turned her head aside, looking away from me. I could tell by the way she was moving her body that she was testing the bonds on her wrists and ankles, to no avail. I started jacking off with my right hand. Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear.
Mary whimpers and starts to move away from me. I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull hard and twist the handful of hair, hearing a yelp of pain as I force Mary to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding Mary where my cock can reach all of her face. Mary whimpers again and sniffs, tears spilling from her eyes, but does lie still. I rub Mary with my cock-head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans.
I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Mary's lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. She grimaces and tightens her lips to keep my cock out of her mouth so I raise it and slap the head against her lips while giving a slight warning tug on her hair. Slowly she relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth. I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. Mary licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips.
I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. Mary shudders, grimacing again and then licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I bent over her to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slid up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crossed her forehead to drool into her hairline. I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as Mary obediently licked it. I roughly face-humped her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in her hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo.
I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing her sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, her saliva, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm. I moved back, again grabbing my shaft in my right hand. I aimed my now very aroused and throbbing cock straight out and looked down at her face. It took only a moment of seeing how her appearance had changed for me to go over the edge. I gasped as my cock swelled and throbbed, jetting a large spurt of thick jizz at Mary's crying, messy face.
The first strand lands diagonally across Mary's parted lips, some going into her mouth. She gags on the sperm in her mouth, but does not dare spit it out. Seeing Mary get my goo into her mouth makes my next ejaculation stronger, the spurt leaving a trail across her left cheek and nose as it lands on her right eye and eyebrow. Mary scrunches her eyes closed and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with three following spurts. I lean forward, pressing the head of my cock against her lips, forcing her to part them and receive the last of my sperm from the drooling tip.
I pull back my drained, shrinking cock and use my fingertips to smear my ejaculate and her ruined makeup across Mary's face, dragging more cum to her lips. She is so grossed out that I have to yank her hair again quite hard, before she opens her mouth to my fingers while whimpering in pain and humiliation. With an expression of disgust on her messy face Mary sucks and licks the sperm off my fingers.
I stop her from licking up the last of the goo. “The "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her pale lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum.
There is a distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. The slap mark on her left cheek is barely visible under the smeared makeup. Mary's right eye is swollen shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The mess does not hide the blue-black color of the skin around her eye. The point of her right cheekbone has swollen up into a 2" diameter knot sticking up almost an inch. The makeup around her left eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open, the white reddened by crying.. Both her eyes are leaking copious tears. Above her left eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her eye.
Mary glares at me and snaps "Fuck no, I'm too upset to deal with your sick fantasies right now!"
Mary makes a point of looking away from me, so I quietly grab the camera, turn it on, and frame her in the viewfinder. Mary senses I'm up to something and turns to face me with an angry look on her face. I press the shutter release, catching Mary's "Anger on class" look. Mary curses me and lashes out, knocking the camera out of my hands. I lash back at Mary immediately, my open right hand delivering a hard slap to her left cheek. Mary's left hand comes up to cover the handprint on her cheek and a demented look of anger comes to her face. Mary screams at me "Bastard! I'm going to kill you!", grabs a nail file off the nightstand , and starts to lunge at me from her sitting position.
I have no idea why Mary is so aggressively over-reacting, but I instinctively react to what she is attempting. I punch my fist into the center of her face, my knuckles smashing against her nose and mouth. She falls back, sprawling on the bed with blood leaking from her nose. Mary covers her bloody nose and mouth with her left hand and starts to sit up again, still holding the nail file. I stepped between Mary's spread legs, driving my right fist down towards her groin at a 45° angle. My knuckles struck Mary in her soft lower belly, just clearing the pelvic bones behind her sparse patch of pubic hair.
Despite the padding of her belly fat, Mary is really hurt by the punch in the womb. She grunted and dropped the nail file, covering the spot I had hit with both hands. She pulled her legs up, rolling onto her side and curling up in a fetal position. She choked, gagged, and drooled, almost vomiting. I took advantage of the moment to grab a scarf from the open closet right behind me and used it to tightly tie Mary's ankles together. With Mary curled up, facing the wall at the head of the bed, all I could see was her back and ass. I looked around, spotted, and grabbed a hairbrush from the nightstand. I also grabbed a couple more scarves and neckties, throwing them on the bed behind Mary for future use.
I got onto the bed, kneeling behind Mary, and gave her a hard swat on the side of her right ass-cheek, which was facing up. Mary was still dealing with being punched in the womb, and barely twitched when the back of the brush slapped down on her ass with a nice loud noise. I started beating the same spot repeatedly, putting a lot of force into each swing. The pale skin of Mary's ass quickley pinked and then turned red as hit after hit overlapped on the same ass-cheek.
After a minute or so Mary was recovering from the punch, and feeling the hits to her ass. Mary started flinching with every hit, yelping and at first ordering me to stop. She started to struggle, her bound legs straightening out as she tried to get away. I used my left hand against her shoulder blade to keep pushing her against the wall, holding her in place as the hitting continued. I had been beating Mary's ass for at least 5 minutes, and my arm was getting tired. The area I was hitting was beginning to show some real damage. Most of the cheek shaded from pink to a 9 inch oval of bright red with a large center that mottled in shades of blue-black bruising.
Mary was struggling frantically now, thrashing her right arm behind her back trying to reach me. I grabbed her wrist with my left hand and pulled it behind her back, twisting hard to force it up between her shoulders. Mary screamed shrilly trying to hunch forward to relieve the pressure on her arm, her bound, kicking legs knocking over the nightstand.
I put down the brush and groped behind me for a necktie while turning and throwing my right leg over Mary's hips to hold her in place. I found and grabbed an old narrow tie, using my right hand to wrap it around her wrist and knot it. She had twisted as we struggled and when I had finished attaching the scarf she was face down, and I was kneeling over her, straddling her upper thighs. Her left arm came out from under her, and I grabbed that one too. In a couple of minutes struggling I got both wrists tied together, rendering her helpless. We were both breathing hard when I got her secured, so I let go of her wrists to catch my breath.
As I relaxed, looking down from Mary's tied wrists to her beaten ass cheek I realized my scrotum was wedged in the groove between her soft thighs, and the head of my cock was nuzzled into the point where her ass-crack met her thighs. It felt good. I let myself fall forward on top of my fat padded wife, my weight driving the air out of her with a gasp. The length of scarf between her wrists let them be far enough apart that they did not make me uncomfortable as I stretched my legs back, lying on Mary's back with my now swollen cock wedged along her crack. Her well beaten ass cheek was hot against my groin as I grabbed her shoulders and worked my stiff cock against her ass, humping her crack. Mary and I were both sweaty from the exercise of the struggle, so my cock slid smoothly along the soft groove.
I listened to Mary gasping for air, having trouble breathing under my weight. I humped her ass harder and faster as my glans leaked lube, slicking the the contact between us. After a minute of the ass-humping I happened to pull back a little further and my cock-head dropped to the back of Mary's thighs, then pushed between her butt-cheeks on the forward stroke. I felt my glans stop against the tight ring of her anus and responded by shoving forward as hard as I could. Mary had no warning, and barely started to say "NO" before the swollen head of my cock rammed through her asshole and she screamed shrilly. I felt her spasming anal sphincter clutching my cock tightly, right behind the glans. Her rectum was hot and very tight, the soft lining of her colon cushioning the strong rippling grip of the rings of muscle. I shoved forward and down again, drawing a longer scream from Mary as the front third of my under-lubricated cock sank into her ass, fissuring her anus and injuring the lining of her colon.
My hips flattened her ass, her bound legs preventing the rest of my cock from reaching her sphincter. I held still for a moment with half my cock gripped by Mary's rear passage and the other half held by her compressed ass crack. Mary sobbed, begging me frantically to stop. I ignored her pleas, pulling my cock back until the corona of my swollen glans locked against the inside of her sphincter, stopping there for a long moment to feel my knobbed tip swelling more in the tight grip. I started a steady fucking stroke of slow withdrawal and hard fast thrusts, Mary crying out every time I reamed her ass. The grip of both Mary's colon and ass grew slippery, less hard to push through, and I could feel my now slack, dangling scrotum peeling off a sticky wetness each time I pulled back. I pushed up from Mary's back and looked down between us on an out stroke, seeing some bright wet red and realizing that I had damaged her anus and colon to the point that she was bleeding well.
Knowing the anal rape was tearing Mary open was very exciting, and I dropped my body down onto her back again, now sodomizing her with hard, fast strokes both in and back out. Several times my cock-head popped out of her asshole, but with the lubrication of her blood and the damage done to her sphincter it was easy to ram my cock back into her heaving ass. I was very aroused, and felt my orgasm building. I reluctantly pulled back far enough to get my cock out of Mary's anus and sit up, kneeling again over her thighs. My goal was to cum on her face, not up her ass, and I was determined to make that mess. I settle shift off her legs to kneel next to her, my messy cock leaving a smear of red on the back of her fat thigh.
Mary has settled down with her back to me, sobbing and shivering. Mary flinched when she felt my hand on her shoulder, pulling to roll her face up. I moved onto Mary, now straddling her hips as she lay face up. I looked down at Mary's face. The bleeding from the punch has mostly stopped, leaving lots of smeared drying blood on her lower face. Mary's nose was both flattened and swollen, bruised almost black. She had two blackening eyes, both swollen half shut. The white of her right eye is bright red from ruptured blood vessels. Her lips were swollen and mis-shapen, more lumpy on the right than left. My gaze was pulled down by her large, loose breasts, which were sagged wide apart but jiggling in interesting ways as she struggled weakly under me.
Still reactively angered over Mary’s initial temper I grabbed a prominent teat in each hand, my fingers digging deep into the edges of her areolas. I pulled hard to stretch the breasts up and together, making her cry out weakly with a rough voice, her throat raw from all her screaming. I felt the different textures behind her nipples as I roughly yanked on her teats, twisting and abusing the sensitive areas. I suddenly needed to explore the insides of these breasts. I let go of her teats and spread the fingers of both hands wide. I put my palms down on her nipples and grabbed as much breast in each hand as I could, my fingers digging deep into the soft, fat tits to hurt as much as to explore. I used my full strength to repeatedly crush the differences of texture I felt. I tried to picture what each type of breast content might be as I continued to torture my wife. The small marble size soft, roundnesses I decided were the milk glands, so I thought I felt the groups of tiny sacks bursting as the delicate gland tissue was mutilated by the grinding pressure.
The larger, softer, irregular masses were tit-fat being smeared into bloodied yellowish grease. The firmer masses that ran through the boob were the flesh and connective tissue that were torn and damaged by the attack, blood leaking from the many broken little capillaries. Mary's struggling and cries of pain grew less frantic as the damage done to her breasts increased. The pitiful noises got quieter until she would just twitch and whimper with each new bit of damage to her boobs.
I suspected Mary was going into shock, and abusing her tits was becoming wasted torture. I let go of the abused funbags, noticing that they were swollen and lumpy, blotched with multi-colored bruising. I rolled off Mary's hips and moved to kneel by her head. Mary started to say something but I interrupted by saying "Shut up, bitch!" and clenching my fist over her face, pulling my arm back as if to punch her again. Mary flinched and turned her head aside, looking away from me. I started jacking off with my right hand, the blood and small smears of brown on my cock both slippery and tacky. Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear. Mary whimpers and weakly starts to move away from me. I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull hard and twist the handful of hair, hearing a yelp of pain as I force Mary to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding Mary where my cock can reach all of her face.
Mary whimpers again and sniffs, tears spilling from her swollen eyes, but does lie still. I rub Mary with my cock-head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans. I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her lips. Mary flinches when the tip moves across her swelling lips. Mary's split lips and broken nose are bleeding freely, supplying the red streaks my glans smears across her face. Mary shudders in disgust at the mess and smell, tightening her mouth to keep my cock out, so I raise it and slap the head against her hurt lips while giving a slight again pulling hard on her hair. Mary relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth.
I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. Despite gagging first she licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. Mary shudders, grimacing and then licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I bent over her to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slid up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crossed her forehead to drool into her hairline. I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as she obediently licked it. I roughly face-humped her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale.
I have both hands in Mary's hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing her messy mouth and chin, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, saliva, blood, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm.
Just before I orgasm I tighten my grip on Mary's throat, opening her mouth as she struggles for air. I gasped as my cock swelled and throbbed, jetting a large spurt of thick goo at Mary's crying, messy face. The first spurt lands across Mary's parted lips, some of the ejaculate getting into her mouth. I loosen my grip a little, letting Mary gag and cough, blood and cum leaking from the corners of her mouth. Watching Mary unwillingly take my sperm in her mouth makes my next ejaculation stronger, the wad leaving a trail across her cheek and nose as it lands on her right eye and eyebrow. Mary scrunches her eyes closed and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with three following spurts. I lean forward, pressing the head of my cock against her lips. I squeeze her neck again to re-open her mouth. Choking, she gasps for air and I push the head of my cock through her bloody lips and force the last of my sperm from the drooling tip onto her tongue.
I pull back my drained, shrinking cock and smear the jiz, blood, and makeup across Mary's face with my palm pushing more cum to her lips. The pressure of my palm makes Mary cry out as the cuts in her lips grind against her teeth. I move my hand up across her flattened nose so that Mary has to swallow my sperm and some blood to gasp for air.
The "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her bruised, swollen lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, shiny with cum and blood, which is dulling in spots where it is already clotting and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on her cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm, blood, and pre-cum.
There is a distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. The slap mark on her left cheek is barely visible under the smeared makeup. Mary's eyes are swollen nearly shut, her right eyelashes and eyebrow matted with blobs of cum. The mess does not hide the blue-black color of the skin around her eyes or the few brown smears of her own shit. The point of her right cheekbone has swollen up into a 2" diameter knot sticking up almost an inch. The makeup around her left eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open slightly, the white reddened by crying.. Both her eyes are leaking copious tears. Above her left eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her eye.
Snuff Setup -
Mary glares at me and snaps "Fuck no, I'm too upset to deal with your sick fantasies right now!" Mary makes a point of looking away from me, so I quietly grab the camera, turn it on, and frame her in the viewfinder. Mary senses I'm up to something and turns to face me with an angry look on her face. I press the shutter release, catching Mary's "Anger on class" look. Mary curses me and lashes out, knocking the camera out of my hands. I lash back at Mary immediately, my open right hand delivering a hard slap to her left cheek. Mary's left hand comes up to cover the handprint on her cheek and she starts to get up. Mary screams at me "Bastard! I'm going to UAAAHHH!", her movement and yelling interrupted by another blow to the face. I had backhanded Mary, hitting the right side of her face with a return swing of my right hand. I had put a lot more force into this hit, the back of my hand thudding against the side of Mary's head at eye level.
The impact rocks Mary, making her drop heavily back to a sitting position. She hunches forwards, both hands on her face. I turn to the open closet, grab one of the scarfs hanging there, and tie one end to her right wrist while she still sat whimpering and crying into her hands. The final tug to tighten the knot on her right wrist got Mary's attention. She looked up slowly, letting me see the red handprint on her left cheek and the growing lump just outside and below her right eye. She screamed at me and lunged up, trying to punch me in the face with her right hand. I was still holding the scarf in my left hand and was able to yank her arm aside. I drive my right fist into her chest, low in her cleavage between her dangling breasts. She gasped out all her air, her solar plexus stunned by the hit. I threw myself against her, knocking her backward. My wife fell back onto the bed and I went with her. She writhed on the bed, struggling to breathe with me on top of her. When she tries to claw my face I grab her wrists with my hands.
Mary was weakening from lack of air, and it only took a brief struggle for me to control her. I ended up straddling her waist on my knees, holding her wrists down on each side of her head. I was bent forward over her, looking straight down into her face as she tried in vain to breathe or escape. Mary's struggling grew more frantic as she grew increasingly air hungry. I stayed on Mary, watching her run out of Oxygen. Mary grew rigid, her muscles quivering in tension, her mouth gaping as she kept trying to inhale. I saw the fear in her eyes as her struggles weakend, experiencing what she thought was her own death.
Mary finally passed out, her eyes rolling back out of sight and her body slack. I rolled off her I wondering if I had killed her, but before I was fully off she drew a deep shuddering breath and she began breathing heavily. That was the moment I realized I did want her to die and my next moves were in the full knowledge that I was about to murder my no-longer loved wift. I took advantage of Mary having passed out to secure her. I rolled her face down, pulled her arms together behind her back, and used the scarf to tightly tie her wrists together. I rolled Mary again, pushing her ass to move her diagonally towards the edge of the bed. I let Mary's legs slip off the bed first, guiding her as she slid ass-first over the edge. It was hard work lining Mary up to land in the right position and I cheered as 400+ pounds of fat bitch landed in the right pose with a loud thud. Mary ended up sitting on the floor with her legs sprawled, leaning back only a little with her back propped up against the bed.
Cause of death; Knife
I left the bedroom for a moment to fetch my SwissTool brand of folding pliers, opening both knife blades as I returned to Mary. I noticed that her heavy breathing was slowing down, so I knelt between her thighs, studying her face before I fucked it and killed her. I put the tool on the bed behind her head where she cannot see it. The two blows to her face had left obvious marks. The slap to her left cheek showed rub marks in her makeup, and the reddened skin was obvious through the base coat and blush. The whole area of the handprint was swelling, looking like there would be some nice bruising visible later.
Mary started to come around as I examined the right side of her face. A large, darkening haematoma was spreading across Mary's right cheek, her right eye socket already flushing with bruising, the eye swollen. The center of the bruising was swelling, the knot standing out prominently. Her eyelids fluttered and opened, the right one opening to just a slit in the swelling, the white of the eye red with broken blood vessels. Mary started to say something but I interrupted by saying "Shut up, bitch!" and clenching my left fist over her face, pulling my arm back as if to punch her. Mary flinched and turned her head aside, looking away from me. I could tell by the way she was moving her body that she was testing the bonds on her wrists to no avail. I stood up and started jacking off with my right hand.
Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear. She whimpers and attempts to lean away from me. I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull hard and twist the handful of hair, hearing a yelp of pain as I force Mary to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding Mary where my cock can reach all of her face. Mary whimpers again and sniffs, tears spilling from her eyes, but does sit still. I rub her face with my cock-head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans.
I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Her fresh lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. Mary tightens her lips to keep my cock out of her mouth so I raise it and slap the head against her lips while giving a harsh pull on her hair. She yelps and relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth. I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. Her disgust shows as she licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. Mary shudders, grimaces, and then licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I moved against Mary to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slid up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crossed her forehead to drool into her hairline.
I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as Mary obediently licked at my balls. Ï roughly face-humped her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in Mary's hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing Mary's sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, her saliva, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm.
I kneel down, taking my right hand off Mary's hair to grab the tool I kneel naked in front of Mary, my knees between her thighs. Both the serrated and smooth blades of the SwissTool project from my right fist. I still have a left-handed grip on a handful of sweaty hair at the back of Mary's head, using it to force her to look up at me. I bend forward, covering her mouth with mine, pressing hard to force her soft lips apart. I suck her lower lip into my mouth and bite down hard . Mary shudders a little, and I hear her make a small whimpering sound as the taste of her blood leaks into my mouth. Holding Mary in place by her hair and lower lip I swing my right hand out and back. I clench my jaw, grinding my teeth together in Mary's lower lip. She shudders again, and her eyes scrunch shut, spilling fresh tears. I drive my right arm forward powerfully, bending my elbow to steer the twin blades into the left side of Mary's neck.
The razor sharp steel punched through her skin easily, the blades stabbing their full length into the narrowest part of her thick neck, just forward of the side midline. She went rigid in my grip, her eyes going wide as she felt her larynx, and windpipe torn open. Mary tried to scream into my mouth, the destruction of her vocal cords reducing the sound to a rasping gurgle as her windpipe was flooded with blood. I opened my mouth to let go of her lower lip as she began drowning in her own blood. My doomed wife made a strangled gurgling sound as bright red frothy blood bubbled from nose and spilled from her mouth. She coughed hard, spraying my lower face and open mouth with her hot lifesblood.
I was filled with an incredible feeling of power by the realization that I had just claimed her life, had murdered a human, killed for the thrill of it. I instantly started to orgasm, feeling a huge pressure building quickly in my groin. I let go of the SwissTool, leaving the handle sticking out of Mary's neck. I stood up, still holding the back of her head with my left hand and grabbing my cock with my right hand. I want to cum in Mary's mouth, so I tilt her head back. My cock is so rampant that I have to bend it down to point horizontally at her open mouth. She is coughing desperately in a futile attempt to clear her windpipe, spattering more blood on my cock as I shove it towards her mouth.
Despite my grip on her hair Mary 's head dipped forward as she jerked and shudderred, at least a cup of blood spilling from her mouth. My advancing glans hit her upper lip, skidded through the blood bubbling from her nose, and painted a red streak across her cheek. I cursed and pulled back, then gasped as the first wad of goo spurted from my throbbing cock. The glob of sperm stuck to Mary's forehead above her left eye, the trailing strand landing crookedly across her eyebrow and down across her cheek, intersecting the red streak smeared across her cheek. Seeing Mary take my wet ejaculate across her bloody face makes my next spurt stronger, the wad splatting into her swollen right eye and sliding down her cheek as she reflexively tried to blink the mess out of her eye. Mary scrunches her eyes closed and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with the next two following spurts. I lean forward, guiding the head of my cock through Mary's lips.
I let go of my cock as most of my shaft entered Mary's mouth to grab the handle of the SwissTool. My cum spurted against the back of Mary's throat and was flushed back down the outside of my shaft by the flow of hot blood. I brutally twisted the tool and yanked it out of Mary's neck, leaving a large, ragged hole. Mary shuddered against me, and I had to drop the tool and hold her head with both hands. I pulled hard, grinding Mary's bloody face against my groin, the full length of my cock in her mouth and my swollen glans plugging the top of her throat.
Frothy blood gushed from the wound in Mary's neck, and a pencil-thick jet from the hole spattered the wall next to us. The spurting jet rose and fell in time with her racing heartbeat and for a couple of pulses my cock kept time with the jet, my cum spurting against the back of her throat. I neither knew or cared if Mary died of drowning, loss of blood, or both, but as my orgasm ended I saw the arterial jet falter, miss a beat, spurt weakly and then stop. Her struggles slowed, and I pushed her head away from my crotch, tilting it back so I could see her face.
My red-coated, softening cock slid out of her mouth, trailing a strand of white jizz across her lower lip. Her left eye opened wide, staring up at me, and I watched her gaze lose focus and dull. Mary relaxed to complete slackness in my grip, her open eye rolling to the outside until half the pupil was out of sight. The lids of both eyes went slack, the left eye half closing and the right eye sagging half open under the goo that coated it.The sight of my sperm sliding across her unblinking eye made a reality of my wife's death. I groaned again, dizzy as my groin throbbed one more time, with painful intensity, a final bolus of cum drooling from the tip of my softening cock and dripping onto Mary's bloody breast.
Exhausted, I sank to my knees in the bloody puddle in front of Mary and put my lips to her slack mouth, kissing her goodbye.
The very bloody "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her bloody lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum. Streaks and splashes of blackening blood do not hide the distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. The slap mark on her left cheek is barely visible under the smeared makeup. Mary's right eye is swollen shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The mess does not hide the blue-black color of the skin around her eye. The point of her right cheekbone has swollen up into a 2" diameter knot sticking up almost an inch. The makeup around her left eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open, the white reddened by crying.. Both her eyes have descending tracks from leaking copious tears. Above her left eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her unblinking eye.
Cause of death: Strangulation/u]
I turn to the closet to take down a wire hanger and untwist it while turning back to Mary. I noticed that her heavy breathing was slowing down, so I knelt between her thighs, studying her face before I fucked it and killed her. I put the opened hanger on the bed behind her head where she cannot see it. The two blows to Mary's face had left obvious marks. The slap to her left cheek showed rub marks in her makeup, and the reddened skin was obvious through the base coat and blush. The whole area of the handprint was swelling, looking like there would be some nice bruising visible later.
Mary started to come around as I examined the right side of her face. A large, darkening haematoma was spreading across Mary's right cheek, her right eye socket already flushing, the eye swollen. The center of the bruising was swelling, the knot standing out prominently. Her eyelids fluttered and opened, the right one opening to just a slit in the swelling, the white of the eye red with broken blood vessels. She started to say something but I interrupted by saying "Shut up, bitch!" and clenching my left fist over her face, pulling my arm back as if to punch her. Mary flinched and turned her head aside, looking away from me. I could tell by the way she was moving her body that she was testing the bonds on her wrists to no avail. I stood up and started jacking off with my right hand.
Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear. She whimpers and attempts to lean away from me. I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull hard and twist the handful of hair, hearing a yelp of pain as I force Mary to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding Mary where my cock can reach all of her face. Mary whimpers again and sniffs, tears spilling from her eyes, but does sit still. I rub my doomed wife’s face with my cock-head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans.
I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Her lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. Mary tightens her lips to keep my cock out of her mouth so I raise it and slap the head against her lips while giving a harsh pull on her hair. She yelps and relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth. I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. With an expression of disgust she licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. She shudders, grimaces, and then licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I moved against herto press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slid up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crossed her forehead to drool into her hairline.
I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as Mary obediently licked my balls. I roughly face-humped her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in Mary's hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing her fresh, sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, her saliva, and dissolving makeup. It takes only a couple of minutes for me to get very close to orgasm.
I kneel down, taking my hands off Mary's hair to grab the ends of the hanger. I kneel naked in front of Mary, my knees between her thighs. From behind her head I pull the ends of the wire towards me, wrapping it around her neck from the back. My hands cross in front of her and I quickly let go, uncross them, and grab the hanger again, my hands close together. I pull my hands apart firmly, tightening the wire around Mary's neck, lifting and using it to force her to look up at me. I bend forward, covering her mouth with mine, pressing hard to force her soft lips apart. I suck her lower lip into my mouth and bite down hard . She shudders a little, and I hear her make a small whimpering sound as the taste of her blood leaks into my mouth. I’m holding her in place by the wire around her throat and lower lip
I clench my jaw, grinding my teeth together in Mary's lower lip. She shudders again, making a higher pitched noise of pain, and her eyes scrunch shut, spilling fresh tears. I pull my hands apart powerfully, tightening the wire. The thin steel sinks into her skin easily, choking off her noises. Her eyes spring open again, growing large as she tries to breathe. She shudders desperately against me, her eyes going wider as she strangles. She is trying to scream into my mouth, the constriction reducing the sound to a rasping gurgle as her narrowing windpipe is closed. I opened my mouth to let go of her lower lip as she struggles desperately for air. I pulled as hard as I could, feeling more than hearing a crunching sound as her voice box was crushed. Her mouth gaped wide, her darkening tongue swelling. I was filled with an incredible feeling of power by the realization that I had just claimed her life, had murdered a human, killed for the thrill of it.
I instantly started to orgasm, feeling a huge pressure building quickly in my groin. I twist my hands, locking the wire in place. I stood up, grabbing again the back of her head with my left hand and grabbing my cock with my right hand. I want to cum in her mouth, so force her head back. My cock is so rampant that I have to bend it down to point horizontally at her open mouth. Her chest is heaving in a futile attempt to clear her windpipe, heavy drooping fat breasts shaking, drool spattering on my cock as I shove it towards her mouth. Despite my grip on her hair her head dipped forward as she jerked and shudderred. My advancing glans hits her upper lip, skidded through the blood leaking from her nose, and painted a red streak across her cheek. I cursed and pulled back, then gasped as the first wad of goo spurted from my throbbing cock. The glob of sperm stuck to her forehead above her left eye, the trailing strand landing crookedly across her eyebrow and down across her cheek, intersecting the red streak smeared across her cheek. Seeing my wife take my jism across her darkening face makes my next ejaculation stronger, the wad splatting directly into her swollen right eye and sliding down her cheek as she reflexively tried to blink the mess out of her eye.
Mary’s wide eyes do not close and I spatter her face from chin to hairline with the next two following spurts. she loses bladder control, her hot piss wetting the carpet and my knees as I lean forward, my aim shoving the head of my cock through her lips. I let go of my cock as most of my shaft entered Mary's mouth, riding over her hugely swollen tongue. My cum spurted against the back of Mary's sealed throat and leaked back down the outside of my shaft. I brutally twisted my hands into her head and pulled hard, grinding Mary's face aginst my groin, the full length of my cock in her mouth and my swollen glans spurting against the top of her plugged throat.
Mary heaved in convulsions as her brain cells died from lack of oxygen, the spasms in her throat milking my cock. For a couple of pulses my cock kept time with the squeezes, my cum spurting against the mass of jizm and drool filling the top of her throat. She began a diminishing whole body shiver, I knew she died as my orgasm ended. I felt her struggles weaken, twitch weakly and then stop.
I pushed her head away from my crotch, tilting it back so I could see her face. My cum-coated, softening cock slid out of her mouth, trailing a strand of white jizz across her lower lip. Mary's eyes were wide open, staring up at me, and I watched her gaze lose focus and dull. Mary relaxed to complete slackness in my grip, her open eyes rolling to the side until half the pupils were out of sight. The lids of both eyes went slack, half closing under the goo that coated then. The sight of my sperm sliding across her unblinking eyes made a reality of Mary's death. I groaned again, dizzy as my groin throbbed one more time, with painful intensity, a final bolus of cum drooling from the tip of my softening cock and dripping onto Mary's breast.
Exhausted, I sank to my knees in the hot puddle of piss in front of Mary and put my lips to her slack mouth, kissing her goodbye.
The very dramatic "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her blue-black lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum. Streaks and splashes of makeup and cum do not hide the the distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. The slap mark on her left cheek is barely visible under the smeared makeup.
Mary's right eye is swollen shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The mess does not hide the blue-black color of the skin around her eye. The point of her right cheekbone has swollen up into a 2" diameter knot sticking up almost an inch. The makeup around her left eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open, the white reddened by crying.. Both her eyes have descending tracks from leaking copious tears. Above her left eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her unblinking eye.
Cause of death: [u]Suffocation
Mary glares at me and snaps "Fuck no, I'm too upset to deal with your sick fantasies right now!" Mary makes a point of looking away from me, so I quietly grab the camera, turn it on, and frame her in the viewfinder. Mary senses I'm up to something and turns to face me with an angry look on her face. I press the shutter release, catching Mary's "Anger on class" look.
Mary curses me and lashes out, knocking the camera out of my hands. I lash back at Mary immediately, my open right hand delivering a hard slap to her left cheek. Mary's left hand comes up to cover the handprint on her cheek and she starts to get up. Mary screams at me "Bastard! I'm going to UAAAHHH!", her movement and yelling interrupted by another blow to the face.
I had backhanded Mary, hitting the right side of her face with a return swing of my right hand. I had put a lot more force into this hit, the back of my hand thudding against the side of her head at eye level. The impact rocks her, making her drop heavily back to a sitting position. She hunches forwards, both hands on her face. I turn to the open closet, grab one of the scarfs hanging there, and tie one end to Mary's right wrist while she still sat whimpering and crying into her hands.
The final tug to tighten the knot on her right wrist got Mary's attention. She looked up slowly, letting me see the red handprint on her left cheek and the growing lump just outside and below her right eye. Mary screamed at me and lunged up, trying to punch me in the face with her right hand. I was still holding the scarf in my left hand and was able to yank her arm aside. I drive my right fist into her chest, low in her cleavage between her dangling fat breasts. Mary gasped out all her air, her solar plexus stunned by the hit. I threw myself against Mary, knocking her backward. Mary fell back onto the bed and I went with her. She writhed on the bed, struggling to breathe with me on top of her.
Mary tried to claw my face and I grabbed her wrists with my hands. She was weakening for lack of air, and it only took a brief struggle for me to control her. I ended up straddling her waist on my knees, holding her wrists down on each side of her head. I was bent forward over her, looking straight down into her face as she tried in vain to breathe or escape. Mary's struggle grew more frantic as she grew increasingly air hungry. I stayed on Mary, watching her run out of Oxygen.
Mary grew rigid, her muscles quivering in tension, her mouth gaping as she kept trying to inhale. I saw the fear in her eyes as her struggles weakend, experiencing what she thought was her own death. Mary finally passed out, her eyes rolling back out of sight and her body slack. I wondered as I rolled off her if I had killed her, but before I was fully off she drew a deep shuddering breath and she began breathing heavily. Felt a growing warmth in my groin and realized that I had wanted her dead. I took advantage of Mary having passed out to secure her. I rolled her face down, pulled her arms together behind her back, and used the scarf to tightly tie her wrists together. I rolled Mary again, getting her face up.
To keep her from trying to get away I grabbed another scarf and tied her ankles together also. I noticed that her heavy breathing was slowing down, so I knelt by her head, studying her face before I fucked it. The two blows to Mary's face had left obvious marks. The slap to her left cheek showed rub marks in her makeup, and the reddened skin was obvious through the base coat and blush. The whole area of the handprint was swelling, looking like there would be some nice bruising visible later.
I turn to the bedside table and pick up the heavy emergency flashlight kept there, turning back to Mary. I noticed that her heavy breathing was slowing down, so I knelt between her thighs, studying her face before I fucked it and killed her. I put the black cylinder of the flashlight beside Mary to free my hands. The two blows to Mary's face had left obvious marks. The slap to her left cheek showed rub marks in her makeup, and the reddened skin was obvious through the base coat and blush. The whole area of the handprint was swelling, looking like there would be some nice bruising visible later.
Mary started to come around as I examined the right side of her face. A large, darkening haematoma was spreading across her right cheek, her right eye socket already dark, the eye swollen. The center of the bruising was swelling, the knot standing out prominently. Her eyelids fluttered and opened, the right one opening to just a slit in the swelling, the white of the eye red with broken blood vessels. Mary started to say something but I interrupted by saying "Shut up, bitch!" and clenching my left fist over her face, pulling my arm back as if to punch her. Mary flinched and turned her head aside, looking away from me. I could tell by the way she was moving her body that she was testing the bonds on her wrists to no avail. I stood up and started jacking off with my right hand.
Mary ignores me until I rub the drooling tip of my cock against her upper neck, leaving a shiny mark below her right ear. She whimpers and attempts to lean away from me. I use my left hand to grab the top of her head, tangling it in her hair to stop her. I pull hard and twist the handful of hair, hearing a yelp of pain as I force her to turn her head. My grip is pulling apart and messing up her fancy hairdo, holding my wife where my cock can reach all of her face. Mary whimpers again and sniffs, tears spilling from her eyes, but does sit still. I rub her with my cock-head, firmly probing her cheeks, eyes, and forehead to smear her makeup. I'm leaking pre-cum, leaving shiny smears in the wake of my glans.
I concentrate my aim on Mary's mouth, working a vertical zig-zag pattern across her soft lips. Her fresh lipstick paints my cock-tip red as the color spreads from her lips. She grimaces and tightens her lips to keep my cock out of her mouth so I raise it and slap the head against her lips while giving a harsh pull on her hair. She yelps and despite a disgusted expression relaxes her lips, letting my glans part them to slide against her hard teeth. I say "lick" and do not have to pull her hair again. She licks at the tip of my cock as it moves across her lips. I pump my fist to milk it, squeezing a gooey glob of my lube onto her tongue. She shudders, grimaces, and then licks her lips, leaving them shiny with spit and lube. I moved against her to press the full length of my cock against her face. My glans slid up along the side of her nose, bumped over her eyebrow, and crossed her forehead to drool into her hairline.
I could feel my tight scrotum pressing against her soft lips, then gasped as Mary obediently licked it. I roughly face-humped her, the pressure in my groin building towards the big finale. I have both hands in her hair, groping to pull the bobby pins that kept the hair piled up in her fancy hairdo. I push a thick handful of blonde hair down onto Mary's forehead, to let my glans nose into the furry mass each time I humped up. I can feel my ooze matting the hair, making a soft, slippery pocket for my tip to slide into on each thrust. At first I can feel my tight scrotum smearing her sticky lipstick across her lower face, but she keeps licking at me. After a couple of minutes my cock is sliding on a mix of my own juice, her saliva, and dissolving makeup. It’s time to get serious.
Mary has her eyes tightly shut and is unaware of me reaching down with my right hand to pick up the big flashlight. She whimpers when my left hand twists very hard in her hair and tips her head back and to her left. Her eyes open wide and she has just time to see the flashlight in the air above her before I swing it down with brutal force. The impact of the heavy metal into her left temple jolted both her head and my hand.
Mary’s gasp of denial ended with impact and I had to drop the light as she slumped limp, again holding the back of her head by her hair with both hands. “NoAh!...”
The impact left a two inch long bleeding pressure cut high on Mary’s forehead just below her hairline, the area around it rapidly reddening and swelling. She was not quite fully out of it, resisting slightly when I pushed her parted lips to my purple-engorged glans and pulled her head to me roughly. Her jaw was slack, lower teeth barely scraping along my shaft as I used my strength to drive my whole cock into and through her mouth. Mary choked reflexively when the rounded tip of my cock pushed over the back of her tongue and into her throat, the clench not stopping the hard push.
My pull had tipped Mary forwards, straightening her neck enough my inflexibly aroused cock pushed past her soft palate and into her larynx when her forehead pushed against my tense belly muscles. Her soft lower lip was against my tight scrotum. All of her struggling was in her neck, her tongue and muscles gripping and rippling at deep-thrust cock. I ground Mary’s face against my groin while trying not to cum for as long as I could. She was still mostly stunned by the blow, her limbs not moving at all for the long minute or more I kept her throat blocked. I finally pulled back a little, her gagging and choking coughing up thick strands of spit and drool even as I pulled her face to me again, my glans plugging the back of her mouth just as she began vomiting. Hot, acidic juices flooded the tip of my cock and Mary’s frantic, muffled noises became more intense as the puke went into her lungs.
I tried to hold on, but knowing Mary was about to die with my cock in her throat pushed me over the edge. I instantly started to orgasm, feeling a huge pressure building release in my groin. My shaft throbbed all the larger in her filled mouth, and I could feel the wad of thick cum pump the length of my shaft before the almost electric jolt of feeling it spurt from the over-sensitised meatus at the point of my glans. Mary involuntarily heaved in convulsions as her brain cells died from lack of oxygen, the spasms in her throat milking my cock. For a couple of pulses my cock kept time with the milking squeezes, adding the drool and puke over-filling her larynx.
For all time stretched for me, my own heartbeat thudding in my ears while the clenches of my balls pushed sperm into Mary. She did not last long, her convulsions quickly fading to a diminishing whole body shiver. I knew when she died as my orgasm ended, the wet heat of her suddenly emptying bladder against my knees. I felt her struggles weaken, twitch weakly and then stop.
I pushed Mary’s head away from my crotch, tilting it back so I could see her face. My cum-coated, softening cock slid out of her mouth, trailing a strand of white jizz across her lower lip. Her eyes were wide open, staring up at me, and I watched her gaze lose focus and dull. Mary relaxed to complete slackness in my grip, her open eyes rolling to the side until half the pupils were out of sight. The lids of both eyes went slack, half open under the mess that coated them. The sight of my sperm leaking from her slack mouth and seeing her unblinking eyes made a reality of Mary's death. I groaned again, dizzy as my groin throbbed one more time, with painful intensity, a final bolus of cum drooling from the tip of my softening cock and dripping onto Mary's breast.
Exhausted, I sank to my knees in the hot puddle of piss in front of Mary and put my lips to her slack mouth, kissing her goodbye.
The very dramatic "after" picture shows Mary's bright red lipstick well smeared onto her cheeks, chin, and up under and onto her nose. Her blue-black lips are mottled with patches of the lipstick, and shiny with cum, which is dulling in spots where it is already drying and crusting. A glob of the goo has just slid off her lower lip and is leaving a fresh shiny track as it moves down across the side of her chin. The makeup and blush on Mary's cheeks has been smeared around in glans sized streaks. Like her lips, her cheeks are well covered with a mix of wet and crusting sperm and pre-cum. Streaks and splashes of makeup and cum do not hide the the distinct line that shows where my shaft was rubbing, a wide vertical streak of muddled colors. The slap mark on her left cheek is barely visible under the smeared makeup.
Mary's right eye is swollen shut, the eyelashes and eyebrow matted with a blob of cum. The mess does not hide the blue-black color of the skin around her eye. The point of her right cheekbone has swollen up into a 2" diameter knot sticking up almost an inch. The makeup around her left eye has been smeared around, but is cumless, so that eye is open, the white reddened by crying and petechiae. Both her eyes have descending tracks of mascara from leaking copious tears. Above her left eye is a mess of matted hair from her mussed hairdo, which is keeping another sperm glob from leaking down into her unblinking eye.