Kim Possible gets captured by Dr. Drakken and blackmailed into losing her virginity and getting fucked stupid.
"Kim Possible, I'll fucking get you! You think you're all that, but you're not!" Dr Drakken bellowed at the hiding girl.
Dr. Drakken gestured for the minions to be quiet and spread out. "Your little friend is in the cage right here beside me," Drakken called out loudly, banging his hand on a sizable tarp-covered cube.
A crane had set the cube down, and a twenty-foot open space was around it. "Run, Kim," Ron Stoppable yelled inside the covered cube.
Dr. Drakken shoved a cattle probe inside the cube. There was a loud electric crackling buzz, and Ron screamed. "Stop hurting him; I'll come out," Kim cried, darting into the open from amongst the debris littering Dr. Drakken's warehouse lair.
Dr. Drakken smirked at Kim, "Strip naked right where you're standing! And I fucking mean everything, you smart-ass little bitch!" Drakken bellowed at her.
"What! No way, you dirty old perv!" Kim shot back, dropping into a combat stance.
Drakken cocked his head to one side and shoved the cattle prod into the cage, and activated it. The electrical sparks lit up the silhouette of a jerking, shrieking Ron. "OKAY, OKAY, YOU MONSTER, JUST STOP!" Kim sobbed quickly, unbuckling her gear belt and dropping it to the ground.
Drakken stopped, and a yellow liquid trickled out from under the tarp. "Naked now! bitch!" Drakken snapped at her, then gestured at someone to the left.
One of his minions left their hiding place and walked a full thirty feet from Kim. He backed away and set down a bar stool with an octagonal padded seat. Kim, blushing from her hairline to her breasts, pulled her tight armored blouse out of her khakis and then took it off, exposing her big 34Fs restrained by an armored deluxe sports bra. She hesitated, but a glance at the trickle of Ron's piss making its way toward a nearby drain bucked up her courage, and she yanked it off over her head. Her breasts were huge on her four foot eight frame thanks to that asshole Señor Senior, Junior trying to make her the perfect physical specimen with a chemical mutagen. Deciding to get it over with, she unlaced her boots and took them off, then shoved her khakis and panties off at the same time and kicked them all onto her pile of clothes.
"Even the socks, sneaky cunt!" The Doctor barked, gesturing off to the side again.
Kim snorted but said nothing as she added her socks to the pile. Another minion brought a small box to the stool, set it on the seat, and then backed away, just like the last one had. Once he was back where he had started, Dr. Drakken smiled at Kim. "Have you noticed the circles etched in the concrete floor of my lair, Miss Possible?" he asked.
Kim didn't look down but nodded. "Excellent. Stay inside the circular ring you're standing in and walk over to the stool, " he instructed. He was much calmer and more confident now.
He waited until she was beside the stool to continue. "In that little box is a capsule and a vial of liquid. First, drink the liquid, the whole vial," Drakken ordered.
Kim opened the box and found a vial of green liquid and a bright pink capsule the size of a chicken egg. She couldn't see how to avoid drinking the bright green liquid, so she opened the vial and swallowed it.
"Open your mouth and tilt your head down over those large beautiful tits of yours," Drakken ordered, and Kim once more did as instructed.
"Good girl. Now, stand with your feet right against the stool legs on each side," he ordered her.
Kim suddenly felt a familiar warmth in her kitty, and goosebumps ran up her spine in dread, but she did as she'd been told. As soon as her ankles touched the stool legs, metal bracelets wrapped around them. "Now pick up the capsule and toss the box by your clothes," he continued.
Kim did as ordered, fighting to hold back tears of humiliation, "Now reach back with your left hand, spread your ass cheeks open, then use your right and shove the capsule up your ass." Drakken ordered her with a gloating smirk on his face.
A little sob escaped Kim, "Pleas don't make me do this, Dr. I, I've never. I mean, I'm, I'm a virgin," she whimpered.
"I know! Now shove it up your ass!" Drakken ordered, lifting the cattle prod toward the tarped cage.
Tears running down her face, the fifteen-year-old savior of the world reached back with her left hand and spread her ass cheeks open, exposing her kitty to him and all his minions to see. Then she reached back with her right hand and pressed the egg-sized capsule against her anus, forcing it past the little brown pucker of her anus into her rectum with a grunt and a whimper of pain at the sudden penetration. Kim gasped as her rectum squeezed the cold metal egg.
"Good girl, I'm sure Ron will appreciate what you're going through for him. Now bend over the stool and grab the bottom rung across the legs on the other side from your legs," Drakken ordered.
Mortified and humiliated before Drakken and his minions, Kim sobbed in shame, wordlessly bent across the stool, and wrapped her hands around the bottom rung as ordered. As her weight settled onto the stool, one of the octagonal corners pressed against her pubic bone and rubbed her clit. Just as it had with her ankles, metal bracelets popped away from the rung and wrapped around her wrists. She was now cuffed by the hands and ankles to the stool, naked. Her ass was in the air, and her big breasts were swinging freely back and forth beneath her.
Drakken walked over to Kim and ran his hands over her ass before tracing a fingertip along her dripping slit. Moving in front of her, Draken smiled and cupped her breasts, playing with her perky nipples. "I must say Señor Senior, Junior did a great job on your fun bags, Kimmy. Now beg me to let you suck my cock," Drakken ordered.
Kim looked down at his ugly gray hands, fondling her beautiful breasts, "Pleas let Ron go; you have me; you win." Kim said, then looked up at him and asked diffidently through her lashes, "Pleas, Dr. Drakken may I suck your cock?"
Drakken gestured to his minions, "Gather around my loyal soldiers. Bring our entertainment her special glasses." He ordered his men as he opened his ugly blue-gray lab coat.
Kim felt the egg in her ass suddenly pop like a water balloon, "Ahhh, It 's cold," Kim gasped, Squirming on the stool as a sensation like douching with ice water rippled up her rectum.
It spread through the thin, sensitive walls separating her rectum and her vagina into her now dripping kitty. "Aaa, uh, what did you put in me," Kim cried as little pinpricks of pain rippled through her kitty and bowels.
Dr. Drakken ignored her. Taking the wraparound glasses one of his minions offered him, Drakken slid them onto Kim and hit the power button. Too late, Kim tried to jerk away from the glasses but failed. "Activate full vision mod," Drakken said.
Kim watched a holographic monitor pop into view. It had a black square in each corner. The monitor blinked once, and then she watching her mother shower. She was in her parents' bathroom at home. The picture moved around her mother like the person with the camera was in the shower with her.
"Your mother is a fucking milf, Kimmy,"
"Don't hurt my mom, don't hurt my family. You've won, Dr. Drakken! You've won. I'll go back to being an everyday high school girl. I won't interfere with your plans anymore. I'll do whatever you want," Kim sobbed.
"Muwahahaha, where's the fun in that little Kimmy Possible. No, you're going to keep doing what you always do. You may or may not beat me, Kimmy; you're going to fuck Ron Stoppable on your way to and from every mission you two do. My little nanite egg has many functions. For Ron, it's going to neutralize or remove any birth control you may be on or use. The pill, condoms, spermicide, etcetera." Drakken said.
" when the two of you fly home all alone on your borrowed plane, you're going to seduce Ron and fuck him until the plane lands. You treat that boy worse than you do us villains, and I feel that letting him knock you up is a privilege he has earned." Drakken said, letting his pants drop to his feet, freeing his fat nine-inch prick to bob in front of Kim's face.
"Okay, whatever you say. I've never done this before, Dr. and I'm going to need my hands, pleas," Kim asked, her tone free of snark and resistance.
Dr Drakken nodded to a minion, and Kim's hands were released. Drakken was standing right in front of her now, his cock pressed against her cheek. Kim actually knew how to give a blow job, sort of anyway; she was a cheerleader, after all. She just hadn't found a guy she wanted to, and she had a reputation to protect. Drakken suddenly yanked her head up and back, pressing his lips to hers. He ravished her mouth until they were breathless. "Okay, you little slut, now suck!" Drakken commanded.
Kim reached out and wrapped her small hands around his girthy cock and started tentatively licking its fat head before she took it in her mouth and started sucking. Slowly bobbing her head up and down the top four inches and stroking his cock shaft, Kim ignored everything but Drakken's cock. Kim figured if she sucked his cock good enough, he'd keep his word, set Ron free, and leave her family alone. Yeeaahh right! She vaguely remembered one of the other cheerleaders describing it to her. As she sucked his cock, the black window in the left corner of her vision popped on. It showed an x-ray view of his cock in her mouth.
Kim groaned as her pussy quivered, and she could feel her juices running down her inner thighs. Drakken cupped her breasts again and began roughly massaging them as she bobbed her way down six inches of his cock before he felt his balls start to clench. Letting go of her tits, he fisted one hand in her hair, cupping her throat with the other he started fucking her face. She gagged and coughed repeatedly until he grunted and came pulling out as he did. With his cock head in her mouth, pumping it full. Kim choked and coughed cum bubbling out of her nose as she tried to swallow his load, knowing that's what the asshole wanted.
"Bring me some water and a chair to sit in," He barked at his minions as Kim gulped his load as fast as she could.
As Kim swallowed the last of his load. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and wiped it off on her face. "Clean my cock with that pretty mouth of your's Kimmy," Drakken ordered her.
Kim panted as she licked and sucked his still-hard cock and balls clean. "Well, that wasn't bad for your first BJ, but what are you willing to do to keep me from kidnapping that sexy milf mother of yours and making her my fucktoy," Drakken asked, looking Kim over from head to toe.
Kim shivered in revulsion but looked up at him, "Yu, you cuh, can Ff, fuck my pussy, sir," Kim suggested with a sob.
Drakken took the water offered by a minion and sat in the chair they'd brought him. "Let me think on that while you suck my loyal soldiers off. You need the practice." He said.
"You three come and stand around Kimmy in a half circle and teach her what to do, " he ordered, pointing out the three minions that had volunteered to risk their lives fetching for him while he faced off with her.
The minion that brought the stool out took center stage right in front of Kim while the other two stood at her shoulders. With a shudder and sob of resignation, Kim guided the six-inch prick of the man in front of her to her lips and sucked her way to the base. After Dr. Drakken's telephone pole of a cock Kim easily deep-throated the minion's hard, smelly fuck stick. The other two grabbed her hands and placed them on their cocks as they began roughly fondling her breasts.
Kim woke with a start and a feeling of Deja Vu as she looked around groggily. She was in the same bedroom Dr. Drakken had fucked her in; at least, it looked the same. But who was she kidding, His pounding cock and her multiple mind-blowing orgasms had been her focus. She groaned as moving caused her stiff, sore nipples to drag against the sheet that covered her. Carefully, Kim moved the sheet aside and checked out the damage as best she could.
Both her areolas had been pierced just above the nipples with a bar, attached to the bar by shiny gold studs were polished silver nipple rings. Cautiously, Kim reached up and wiggled one up and down several times. Kim gasped out a moan as her super-sensitive nipple puckered and hardened. Kim could see the small but easily reached locking clasps that secured the rings to the studs.
"Now, if only they were just gone," Kim huffed.
She felt a sharp stab of pain and watched as the piercing turned to silver liquid and retracted into her skin through the piercing holes, leaving only two tiny silver studs on each areola where the holes were. Kim lay back moaning and whimpering as her pussy started throbbing for cock again from the intense stimulation of both nipples at the same time.
Kim was shocked when she caught herself looking around, hoping to see Dr. Drakken. Kim bit her lower lip and pouted when she realized she was alone. Kim saw the door to the bathroom open and gingerly got up to pee. When her mother had explained sex to Kim after her first period, one of her pieces of wisdom was to piddle after you diddle. It helps prevent disease.
The bathroom was wall-to-wall, with expensive ceramic tiles and mirrors. The wall next to a makeup table was a floor-to-ceiling mirror. Kim took the opportunity to check out her new and unwanted tattoo and clit piercing. The tattoo was breathtakingly beautiful. A dozen roses nestled in a twisted bed of thorny vines. She remembered what Drakken had said about the cherry and tried to find it but couldn't. Her clit had a vertical piercing that nearly made Kim cum when she touched it. Jerking her fingers away from her clit as if she'd been bitten, Kim did her business. The bathroom had Japanese toilets and one of the floor things that squirted water for cleanup.
Kim washed her hands, all the while taking in her disheveled hair and thoroughly fucked appearance. Out of curiosity, Kim bent over the makeup table with her ass in the air and pointed toward the mirror. She reached back and pulled her ass cheeks apart so she could see her kitty and her butt hole. Her asshole was red from having been fucked so rough and hard, and her kitty was an open sloppy mess.
Usually, her vulva was a tight little clam with her mahogany pussy lips peeking out along the middle. Now her clam was open for business and drooling her juices with an occasional glob of Drakken's spunk sliding out to run down the crack of her ass and inner thighs.
Kim moaned as watching Drakken's hot, thick cum run down her inner thigh sent a throb of lust through her puss, up to her aching nipples, and back down to her needy sex. Kim hurried back to bed, her finger finding her nipples along the way. She climbed up on the bed and lay on her back, knees up and spread wide. Using the fingers of one hand to find her new clit piercing as she raised the nipple she'd been pinching to her mouth with the other hand. Kim sucked her whole areola and nipple, flicking and swirling her tongue over the aching nub.
Her pussy quivered as she rubbed her clit with her fingers. She came with a disappointed moan. It was a nice orgasm, almost cut compared to those Drakken had given her, like a firecracker compared to Dr. Drakken's H-bombs. Just then, the door opened, and Kim looked over expecting, no hoping it was Dr. Drakken's; she wasn't disappointed.
Kim wanted his cock right now more than she'd wanted to be a cheerleader, and that thought scared Kim but didn't make it any less true.
Dr. Drakken was wearing a robe in the color of his usual uniform and carrying her things. Kim let her breast drop to bounce, sway, and jiggle. "Look what you've done to me, Dr. Drakken. Come here!" Kim said with her classic pout and a come hither gesture.
Dr. Drakken drank in the gorgeous redhead lying on his bed, masturbating, her legs spread. He leered at her and dropped his robe as he joined her on the bed. Kim rolled over, got on her hands and knees, and looked back at him over her shoulder.
"Fuck my horny kitty, Dr. Drakken!" Kim begged desperately.
"You call you pussy Kitty. That's cute and appropriate since you fuck like a cat in heat." Dr. Drakken said, slapping her ass hard before positioning himself behind her.
Drakken rubbed the head of his cock up and down Kim's sloppy slit, making her shake with need. "Grab the visor from under the pillows and put it on!" Drakken commanded Kim.
"What, oh okay," Kim purred as Drakken teased the entrance of her vagina.
Moaning in frustration and lust, Kim Dug around under the pillows and found the visor. Once Kim put the Visor on, Drakken slid the le meaty length of his cock along her dripping sex. Rubbing the head over her pierced clit he slapped her ass hard, making her yelp and moan.
"Visor on," Drakken said. "Side view frontal view, under view." He commanded.
The visor's holo screen popped on and projected four separate views of Kim and Drakken for her to see, as he'd ordered, though he hadn't said anything about the black fourth window. Drakken pressed the head of his cock into the opening of Kim's dripping vagina.
"If you want my cock in your kitty Kimmy, you're going to have to, Uhn," Drakken's instructions stopped as he grunted and groaned as Kim pushed her tight pussy down his hard cock.
"Oh Yeah, that's my little teen slut!" Dr. Drakken groaned, grabbing Kim's hips. He thrust his cock into her quivering snatch to the hilt.
"OH, OH YESSS!" Kim screamed, slamming her ass back to meet Drakken's thrusts as he started fucking her needy cunt.
The slap of flesh meeting flesh and their moans filled the room. Kim's vision was filled with Drakken pounding his cock into her from four angles. The fourth screen now showed an x-ray of Drakken's fat nine-inch monster cock plowing her cunt. Kim came shaking and squealing as she spurted pussy juice everywhere.
Drakken fucked her harder, shoving her face and big breasts into the mattress as he used his body weight to pound her pussy harder. "I'ma break my cock off in you, Kimmy Cum Dump!" Dr. Drakken bellowed, driving his cock head against the walls of her womb over and over.
Kim bucked, moaning and sobbing beneath Drakken's body as she splurted and squirted pussy juice all over the bed. The words Kimmy Cum Dump made Kim's already orgasm-befuddled brain stutter and go blank.
Drakken slammed into her and pumped a massive load of baby gravy into her womb. Kim slumped bonelessly to the bed, her pussy burbling as a river of Drakken's thick spunk ran out of it. Dr. Drakken's slumped on top of Kim, panting, his cock head flexing against her cervix.
Drakken lay there on top of her until Kim's body stopped spasming, then pulled his cock out of Kim's thoroughly plundered pussy and moved over, reclining on top of pillows so his shoulder blades were against the headboard.
Kim let out a softly whimpered, "Oh," as his cock slid out of her with a lewd wet schlop. Kim stretched like a cat, shifting to her side facing Drakken, and looked at his shiny cum covered cock. Wordlessly she wrapped her delicate finger around his meaty fuck stick. With her body trembling, Kim moved, lying between his legs, and kissed Drakken's cock head.
Drakken tangled his fingers in her mop of sweaty, sex-disheveled ginger hair. "Clean my cock, Kimmy!" Drakken ordered.
"Lick it like your favorite Popsicle from the tip to my balls," He instructed her, his voice harsh and mean.
Kim looked up, locking eyes with Drakken, "Only because you did as I asked and fucked the shit out of my needy kitty!" Kim snarked at him, licking him from his cock head down to his balls. She licked and sucked his rigid member as he continued instructing her on how to suck cock like a pro.
Ten minutes later, with his hands mauling her breasts and nipples, Kim was bobbing her head up and down the entire length of his musky-tasting member. From the broad tip of his helmeted cock head to the base, her nose nestled in the pungent nest of his pubic hair. Then she felt it, his cock shaft flexed and expanded in her mouth, his thighs tensed, and his hands clenched, digging his bony finger into her tits painfully.
Kim took a deep breath and inhaled his monster fuck stick to the base, sucking. Hard and dragging her teeth along it as she did.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU COCK SUCKING WHORE!" Dr. Drakken bellowed at the top of his lungs as his cock exploded balls deep down Kim's throat.
Kim kept her face buried in Drakken's pubic hair sucking and tonguing his fuck stick until her lungs burned and her vision blurred. As she forced herself to slowly pull her mouth up along his cock, milking every last drop of his hot spunk as she did, Kim felt powerful again.
For her best friend and her family, she'd whored her virginity to Dr. Drakken all day, a slutty subservient fuck toy for his pleasure. But right now, right now Dr. Drakken was putty in her hands. Who'd have thought sucking a guy's cock could give you such a feeling of power.
Ending the blow job with a mouth full of his cum and trickles of it dripping out of the corners of her mouth. Kim opened her mouth enough to show him how full it was, locking eyes with him. Then Kim tilted her head back and made a show of swallowing the whole load.
Using her fingers to scoop his cum dribbles into her mouth before pouting and licking her lips. Her girl power side cheered as her nemesis, Dr. Drakken, sank bonelessly back onto the bed in surrender.
"You're goddamn good at that for never having done it before today." Drakken panted, wiping sweat from his brow.
"You're a pretty good teacher, and I'm a quick study," Kim said, licking and tongue kissing his cock head as his cock went limp.
"You can make your escape now Kimmy Possible. Shego will take you to where Ron thinks he's hiding. Keep the visor; It's set to your voice. Say options when wearing it, and a menu will open. And Kimmy you keep in mind that your an adult now, when any of us villains capture you we're going to rape and humiliate you. There are no more kid gloves, so keep that pretty kitty clean and safe. " Dr. Drakken said, holding Kim's attention by fisting a hand in her ginger hair.
"You should fuck Ron as I have instructed you, Kimmy, because my little gift says you're ovulating, and I've bred your kitty three times today, and my seed is very potent. Ask Shego how many of my babies she's given up for adoption over the years." Drakken told her.
Kim gave his flagging cock head one last sucking tongue kiss and bit down, making him groan and grimace. "After all these hickeys and bruises you've given me today, I owed you at least one." Sitting up tiredly, Kimmy said, "Am I free to go? No tricks?" Kim asked, getting off the bed to stand on shaky legs.
"Yes, now fuck off. Popping that sweet cherry of yours was exhausting." Dr. Drakken ordered.