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Hope you like my story.
Waking up, I looked at my alarm clock, it was 4am, decided I had time to stroke one out before dad would come in to wake me up for our first day of hunting season. Having grown up in a small farming community, population of 10,000, hunting was very popular. Dad would always take a week off from work to enjoy the first week of hunting, while mom would go visit her sister in California to get away from the coming cold. It was November, cold outside with a light dusting of the first season's snow. Although cold outside, it was warm in my room as I kicked the bedsheets and blanket off exposing my body to the warm air. I woke up from yet another wet dream, third this week. My libido at 17 was soaring and besides the dreams, I was masturbating 2-3 times daily. My ejaculation volumes were copious, no matter how many times I jacked off, the benefit of my youth. My shorts were wet from the dream as I reached for one of my cum towels that I kepted hidden under my bed, washing them when my mom was out of the house to avoid embarrassment. Also reached for the hard-core porn magazine which I had taken from my dad, showing guys fully penetrating their female counterparts, and cumming inside them, or on them, which I also hid under my bed.

I had only come across dad's stash in the shed where he worked on his motorcycles less than a week ago when trying to find some WD40 to apply to my bedsprings. At the time, mom and dad had gone to dinner with friends and I thought it would be a good time to fix the squeak in the mattress springs I could hear when jacking off to avoid any embarrassment if they heard me. His stash was in an old dusty trunk tucked away in a corner. When I opened the lid, I found a lot of porn magazines, DVDs, a bottle of lube and 3 items that looked like flashlights. This was my first introduction to porn as my parents, mainly my mom, insisted on parental permission locks for the internet and tv. So, unlike my fellow classmates I had to use my imagination about sex, getting only the occasional pic from a friend they had stolen from their dad's porno collection, and usually a pic of a woman's breast or vagina, nothing exciting for me. Flipping through one of the magazines, I saw for the first time a man penetrating a woman and I was in awe. I knew enough about sex to know that was how it worked, but I never saw it until now.

I learned about sex through the mating of farm animals, as my dad would occasionally help his friend with the mating of his mares. First time I saw a stallion mount a mare, my eyes were big with amazement, seeing how huge the stallion's penis was and how the stallion forcefully shoved it into the mare, who didn't seem to mind. I was ten years old at the time. I guess my dad saw the questions by my expressions and when we got in the car to go back home he asked if I had any questions about what I had observed. Of course I did, and my father answered all my inquiries. He explained the natural course of animals reproducing, the male's role and the female's. The last question I asked was did he do that to mom to create me? That involved a much more in depth conversation and he pulled off the road, taking his time to explain sex to a 10 year old boy in terms he could understand. He explained the techniques were the same, inserting a penis into a vagina, but told me, a man who loved his partner, the emotions and feelings accompanying the act, was totally different, not a basic primal urge to propagate. He told me as I got older, if I had further questions to be sure to come to him. He explained sex was a part of life and was totally natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Over the course of the next few years I would go to my dad a lot, seeking answers to locker room talk overheard from my friends and the jocks of the football team. I took the top cover off of one of the flashlights and discovered it was not a flashlight, maybe a masturbation toy for males? Wasn't quite sure. The inside looked like a slit opening, much like a vagina and I touched it, to my surprise it was soft and velvety, almost like skin. I put my finger in the slit opening and found it was slick and slippery. My heart raced, was my dad using this object to get off? I figured the wetness had to be lube because any cum inside of this object would surely dry fast, correct? I put two fingers in the slit and pulled them out finding both fingers to be very slippery, the wetness not drying out but lasting as I continued to rub them together. The magazines were all pretty much the same, explicit, showing various positions, fellatio, cunnilingus, and finally the end photoshoot where the handsome male would ejaculate on the female, either on the breasts, vagina, face, inside her mouth, or the male would part her pussy with his fingers and shoot inside her. I was hard and was thinking of shooting a load in the shed when I heard my parents drive up. I tossed everything back in as I found it, grabbed a magazine, thought about grabbing a few DVDs to watch, but thought better of it, then snuck in the back way, thinking how I would jack off that night to my first porn magazine.

Not hearing my dad showering for the hunting trip, I turned the lamp located next to my bed on low so I could see my body and get turned on imagining I was one of those guys in my dad's magazine, but with another guy just as handsome. Also, I would think about my dad having sex and cumming.

A few months ago, I woke up around 2am and had to pee. While in the bathroom, I heard a very very faint creaking sound and wondered what it was. I tiptoed my way to the last bedroom and opened the door where I heard much clearer. My parent's bedroom was directly over this bedroom, I then realized my parents were having sex. No wonder they didn't want me to have this bedroom as my own and told me to keep the door shut because of heating costs. They knew they would be heard having sex. I now heard the creaking more plainly and realized it was their bed moving with my dad's thrusting and could hear my dad moaning, I was hard and wet, starting jacking, pulling my foreskin back to get my natural lube. I continued masturbating while listening. I was so turned on hearing my dad's moans, glad I was not hearing anything from my mother. I had to stop a few times as I was so close, letting my pending orgasm subside from exploding onto the floor, then would start stroking again. I wanted this to last, it was new and exciting. Their lovemaking continued another 15-20 mins, myself edging, my pleasure taking center stage, waiting till they were done. Then I heard their rhythm increasing in tempo, my dad's moans getting more frequent. Then it sounded like the bed was going to collapse and I heard my dad let out this low raspy, throated FUUUUUCCK and heard his very heavy breathing trying for normalcy. In that instant, I ejaculated hard and forceful, hitting the window and wall with my cum, knowing my dad had ejaculated, probably inside my mother. I now would have to clean up before falling to sleep again. That morning, I was too turned on to sleep and I got up to fix some toast. My dad came into the kitchen naked to start the coffee, not knowing I was already up. His hair was tousled, his pit hair matted down, and his pubes looked like cum had dried on them. I startled him, but he did not try to hide his nakedness, probably thought that would look suspicious, since I had seen him naked before. I had to go back to the bedroom and jack off again to this image, knowing I saw him before he cleaned up after sex.

My body at 17 was now well developed and I had already grown substantial body hair. My pits were bushy, pubes formed a full bush, had facial hair, even had a few chest hairs. I was proud of my body at this stage of my life, which wasn't always the case. I entered puberty around the age of 14 and during that summer break, my body made up for lost time. When I entered freshman class, everything had changed, my body, voice, my horniness and of course my penis size. Going from pretty much hairless to hairy and my penis having grown substantially, I of course, got teased about my body. I came home upset most every day having ended with gym as my last class and my classmates seeing me naked in the mandatory shower after class, teasing me about my developments over the summer. My father was very protective of me, being their only child and he noticed my mood change right away and asked me about it. I tried saying I was fine, but he persisted till he got the truth out of me. He told me that we would revisit this conversation the coming weekend when he had more time. Saturday mornings were my mom's, and she would meet her friends for yoga and then brunch afterwards, coming back around 2pm. That Saturday, dad was at the breakfast table when I came up from my bedroom. Mom had already left to join her friends. We talked briefly what was happening in gym class and I was truthful about what the guys were teasing me about. He told me that bullies were usually unsure about their selves and masked their insecurities by treating others badly. He told me that in time I would be happy about my body changes, particularly my penis size and also the fact that I was uncircumcised. My dad told me to follow him into the bathroom where he said it was about time he instructed me on the techniques of shaving. Although not anywhere near a full beard, I did have some facial hairs and I was proud that my dad thought I was old enough to start shaving, even though I think he was a just trying to lift my spirits. We did the process together, showing me how to soften the hairs with warm water and a towel, applying the shaving cream as I watched him many times before, wishing I was shaving, now I was. Next showing the different patterns for getting a close shave. After the shaving tutorial, he showed me how to trim my pit hair if guys were making fun of the amount I had. He told me it would be of less concern as I got older, but for now it might be worth trimming to avoid the harassment. Next was applying deodorant to my underarms, explaining how my hormones was making profound changes to my body and increasing smells my body would give off. He told me taking daily showers was most important to combat the odor. He told me to avoid deodorants that left white chunks in the pit hairs, instead use a brand that went on clear. I asked him what he used, he replied Old Spice with vanilla. I asked him if I could try his and he smiled and took it out of the cabinet. I applied it and it did go on clear. I smelled it in my pits, and I enjoyed the smell. I always remember that morning with my dad and I realize how much my dad loved me, wanted to protect me and wanted to provide the best experience in becoming a man. He ended our interaction by telling me that if ever I had questions about the changes my body was going through or anything else he would always be around for me.

As I looked at the porn magazine, I started getting hard. I did feel guilty about taking dad's magazine without telling him, but was also a little embarrassed about wanting to look at them, especially the men, and having discovered his stash, which undoubtedly, he had wanted to keep private. I wondered if my dad jacked off to these pics also. My dad was 35, being only 19 when he had me. He was in great shape and my body now mirrored his, except he had more chest hair. I had stopped trimming my pits as I realized guys were actually envious of my body, especially my penis which hung 7" flaccid and 10.5" hard. I had actually measured my dick after I heard guys boast how big they were. I was thinking because my dad was of Columbian/Spanish decent that is where the size came from. I wanted to ask, but was too shy. I had seen my dad naked after showering and he was hugh, bigger than me, one day I hoped to get to his size. I pulled my shorts off, tossing them to the floor. The cum from my wet dream was still wet and had coated my balls. I pulled back my foreskin and with my stroking hand caught the precum that had built up in the hood. My foreskin acted as a reservoir, dam if you would, and it took the place of a lubricant, which I had never tried, thinking back to his stash and the bottle of lube inside it... I started getting a rhythm, going up and down on my shaft, getting more precum with every stroke up, getting wetter and slicker, feeling that tingling building between my legs. Turned to smell my pits, Old Spice aroma reminding me of when I was 14 and my dad teaching me about deodorants. I would bring myself to the point of cumming, then stop, gaining composure before starting again.. I did this about 3 times, then decided I had better unload before dad came to wake me up. I started the final stroking session. My shaft was very wet, not just wet but slimy wet, making my strokes enjoyable and with ease. I felt the now familiar pending orgasm, the feeling that the head of my penis would literally pop off from my shaft, the feeling was so intense. Looking at the photos, I felt my sperm travel up from my balls through my shaft, the first dribble of semen exited my slit, then the first ejaculation shot out, hearing it hit the headboard and the wall behind as I saw it fly over my head. With my left hand behind the back of my head, the second rope flew directly into my armpit, coating the hairs. My eyes were rolling towards the back of my socket. Then my third rope hit my face and shot in my open mouth as I heard the door open. I turned and saw my dad; thought I heard him telling me it was time to get up as my ejaculations continued for another six to eight more ropes. I tried to stop cumming but the ropes were on autopilot, my dad closed the door as he exited. After finishing my orgasm, a burst of anxiety, shame and embarrassment came over me. My dad had just caught me masturbating and saw me orgasming. Why couldn't I control my urges? Was I a sex addict? That seem to be all I thought about. I was sure my dad would be so disappointed and ashamed of me, also I'm sure he noticed that I had his porn magazine. I took my cum towel and wiped the wall and headboard of the cum dripping down them. Jumped in the shower and washed all my cum down the drain, tried to wash my shame down the drain, but to no avail. Got dressed and went upstairs to find that dad was already waiting in the truck. I jumped in, red with embarrassment. We drove for about 20 minutes, not talking. He pulled into a truck stop, stating it was still dark so we might as well get something warm in our bodies to start the day off right. I said OK and silently followed him inside the diner. In was empty except for us, we ordered, got coffee, and waited for our food. Still the awkward silence between us. Dad broke the silence and said we needed to talk about what he walked in on earlier this morning. He asked if I wanted to start, all I could say is that I was sorry for doing what I did. I told him he was probably disappointed in me and ashamed that I was looking at porn, I told him again I was so sorry for my actions but begged him not to tell mom. He interrupted and told me to stop talking. He paused for about a minute, the waitress poured us some more coffee, left to talk on her phone, then dad started the conversation. He told me I had done nothing wrong, and he certainly wasn't disappointed or ashamed of me. What he saw, while embarrassing for me and him, was totally natural and he would never tell my mom, ever, what happened this morning. He said he realized that sometimes men, including himself, just needed a release, again emphasizing it was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of. He did ask me where I had gotten the magazine, and I told him I found his trunk in the shed. He smiled and was silent for a few seconds. So, you saw everything that was in the trunk, he asked me, including the fleshlights? I replied, "is that what they're called" He laughed and said yes, I asked them what they were for, I had a pretty good idea but wanted to make sure. He confirmed they were for masturbating, and I asked him why he would have them. He told me for times like now, while mom was away and said his libido was very strong, much like mine he was guessing and he needed extra relief every once in awhile. He told me that it didn't mean he loved his wife any less, it was just to relieve his urges when they got too strong and mom wasn't in the mood. It was a little embarrassing to hear but I was ok with it. I asked if the fleshlight acted as a receptacle, he smiled and nodded yes. So you've never really seen one before he asked. I said never. I asked how they felt, and he said pretty close to the real thing. He then told me he thought it was better if he put a lock on my bedroom door so I would have privacy. While on the subject he asked if I was using the condoms he had given me on my birthday and red faced, I told him no need, I was still a virgin. I did admit to practicing one time at putting one on and told him they were actually hard to roll on as they were so tight and uncomfortable. He smiled and said he would get me a package of bigger condoms just in case the circumstance arose. He said he wanted me to be safe and smart to prevent a pregnancy. He must have noticed my facial expression, and added whether it was a female or male for my first time, safe and smart still applied. I was so surprised and amazed that my dad was so with it. He asked if I wanted to talk about anything else related. I asked him if I could borrow more magazines and also DVDs to watch. Yes to the magazines, no to the dvds. He wanted to respect mom's wishes about the parental restrictions on what I watched. He told me to keep the magazines well hid though as my mom would probably not approve of them either, it would be between us forever. We received our breakfast, ate and had a great rest of the day. It was dark when we got home, and I, very tired, took a hot shower and crashed in bed.

The next day after a got home from school I opened my bedroom door and discovered dad had put a lock on my door. Also there were items on my bed. More magazines, one of the fleshlights accompanied by a bottle of water based lube. Also there was a DVD titled "Encyclopedia of Sexual Intercourse Positions" labeled "educational" Found out that evening it was intercourse positions demonstrated by a married couple with the husband creampieing in his wife at the end of the tape, demonstrating how to get your wife pregnant via missionary position. Also dad left me two cartons of condoms, Magnum XL and Mega Big Boy, I was smiling over his choices for me. There was a note from dad telling me to enjoy and thought it was probably time I fully understood sex and not just hear about it. He said I was close to being 18 and judging by my questions that I still had, this video would make things clearer. He wrote he understood that I was still a little embarrassed about my curiosity and my feelings, and although there was nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, this would always be between father and son. He thanked me for trusting him with my questions and curiosity while growing up and becoming a young man he was so proud of. I went to find my dad. He was in the kitchen cooking dinner, he turned around and I hugged him. He asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing, I was just glad to have him as my dad and I thanked him for the items on the bed. Dad smiled, told me I was welcomed and then told me if I had questions about the video, be sure to ask him.

In my talks with my dad, he emphasized the difference between sleeping with someone to satisfy my urges and sleeping with someone who I had feelings for. He said both circumstances had their place, but the lesson he wanted to instill in me was to be kind and considerate of others, even when it was to get a badly wanted nut. He told me to never let my horniness get in the way of being a good person. Make sure the other person was seeking the same and on the same page as me.

Before diving into watching the educational video, I lubed up and tried both sets of condoms to see how they would fit. Both were about the same in how they felt on me and most important they didn't feel like a vice grip on my penis. I would be more happy with these if the situation ever arose.

That night I experienced quite a few sexual firsts for me. The first was witnessing humans have sexual intercourse explicitly on tape. I was mesmerized by the penetration of the husband into his wife's vagina and how wet he made her and also how wet it made the penis for gliding in and out. I thought it must be the same for my dad penetrating my mom. Also watching the husband creampieing his wife, again thinking of my dad and how his body must tense up when he started his orgasm. Second was the new and amazing sensation of penetrating my first orifice, even though it was a fleshlight. The lube was amazing in its ability to not dry out as I pumped the fleshlight up and down on my shaft while laying on my back. Soon I was creampieing inside the fleshlight, my whole-body trembling from the second most powerful orgasms I had ever experienced, then deciding to do it all over again with my cum acting as a more efficient lubrication, making the experience even better. I decided this time though to actually mount the fleshlight, as though I was actually fucking, if only in my imagination. I positioned the fleshlight between several pillows to secure it in place and made sure it didn't move while I started thrusting in and out of it, making my first ever fucking motions with my body. I repeatedly thrust my penis into the fleshlight, so much that I started to churn my cum from my previous climax in the fleshlight into a white egg frothy consistency that started to leak out on to my bush and down my balls. My eyes were wide with astonishment, watching my thrusting motions, not really knowing what was happening with this froth being built up. My previous cum still in the fleshlight was transforming into another matter, much like rain to snow. My thrusting made my breathing more shallow and labored, my heart beat faster, my entire body in sweat, enabling me to smell Old Spice in the room from my very wet pits. I felt the sweat from my ass going into my hairy crack each time my ass checks would tense providing the inward thrusting into the fleshlight's opening, my "first pussy" if you would. The fleshlight was getting wetter and wetter, much like in the video of the husband's penis repeated assault on his wife's vagina, getting both him and his wife wet with excitement. I decided to pause my thrusting motions and looked sideways to the leaning six-foot baroque mirror that my mom had found at a garage sale and decided it would look good in my room as a dressing mirror, I am glad she made that decision. My image in the mirror was sexy, my body toned, the sweat accentuating the muscles. I studied my hardon as I slowly pulled it out of the fleshlight, wet, slick looking, pulsing up and down from the engorged blood flow, the veins, red, popping out, my bush and happy trail white from the froth. There was a thread of precum going from the slit of my penis head to the flashlight, so fucking hot. I directed my penis into the fleshlight's opening, thinking that is how dad probably did it and started the thrusting action once again. My thrusting was coming from a primal instinct deep within me. I wanted to fuck the shit out of this fleshlight and satisfy a most primitive urge to cum and satisfy my sexual urges. Then it happened. I experienced the most amazing, intense orgasm I ever had. This amazing spectacle I was producing, I saw through my peripheral vision, reflected in the mirror, adding an even greater excitement and high to what I was already experiencing. My whole body convulsed, I arched my head back, eyes rolling to the back of my sockets. I thrusted into the fleshlight one last time, impregnating the orfice with my virile seminal fluids. My whole body was an electric current, every nerve blowing their fuse, absolute ecstasy. My body's motherboard was sending messages to every sub station located in my body, producing an overwhelming feeling of joy and transcendence and indescribable pleasure, especially in my loins. I'm guessing I had a dozen major ropes ejaculate out of my shaft, probably a full minute in orgasming, twitching, again smelling my musky pits. Smiling, laughing, still breathing heavy, I laid there, my dick still in the fleshlight, throbbing, the fleshlight so full, cum was now leaking out of the slit, going onto my pubes and balls. Curious, I lifted myself off the fleshlight, my dick still rock hard and unscrewed the top, wondering how big a load I had ejaculated into this device.. I turned it upside down and about 1/2 cup of my seminal fluids spilled onto the bedsheets, creating more of a mess. I was so thankful my dad had given me this experience to enjoy, just by being a good dad. Should I go thank him or would that be weird? My mind went back and forth, yes-no, don't be crazy. Finally I decided against telling him, thinking it would be too awkward. I would share this experience years later with him in a heartfelt conversation, relating what a great father he had been to me. I turned over, clutching my pillow, still wet and sticky from my masturbation, and had a great night's sleep, cumming once again in a wet dream of this night's experience.

That morning I gathered my bedsheets and asked my dad if he could show me how to do a load of wash. I told him I wanted to be considerate of mom by not having a large load of laundry waiting for her. He looked at me with a smile on his face and said "Oh really" sarcastically. I knew he knew the real reason and I was a little embarrassed, but also a little proud of the advancement of my sexual awakening. I was becoming a sexual being, a masculine man, but one that I could be proud of thanks to the teachings of my dad.

Now 10 years later at 27, I hope one day if my partner and I ever have a boy, that I too will be able to help him become a young man who will be confident in his sexuality and overall a good person like my dad helped me
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