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The following is based on a personal experience recounted to me by a friend. While I have taken certain liberties in presentation, she insists the core narrative is true. Obviously I cannot 100% confirm that, but having seen her interact with her parents I find the story credible. I’m grateful for her permission to post this here. All individuals were 18+ when these events transpired.
“I think your father is cheating on me.”

I nearly spat my coffee across the table directly into my mother’s face. Pulling it together as quickly as I could, I coughed into my napkin before taking a swig of water. My mother and I were sitting at a downtown café, on one of our increasingly infrequent “girls’ outings”. We had never been especially close, and as I entered college and started my own life the distance between us had only grown. Even at the peak of our relationship I never would have expected her to bring something like this to me. Looking across the table I could see her elegantly lacquered nails toying with the edge of her cup. Her eyes were downcast, and she seemed genuinely dejected. Reaching across the table I put my hand on hers.

“Come on, Mom. I’m sure that’s not true. Dad loves you. What would make you say something like that?” I put on my best supportive friend face as I gave her room to speak. Honestly, I almost felt bad for her.

Mom let out a big sigh. “I don’t have anything concrete. Everything just feels off. It started a few months ago. Your father stopped paying as much attention to me. Then he started getting called off on all kinds of things at odd hours. Last minute business trips. Favors for friends. When he comes back from whatever he’s run off to do, he’ll bring me gifts, like he feels bad about something and wants to make it up to me. I did some digging online, and everyone says these are sure signs he’s having an affair. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t have any proof, so I don’t have the confidence to confront him about it, but it’s eating me up inside.”

My mother finally looked up at me with pleading eyes. “What should I do, Kelsey?”

I took Mom’s hands firmly in my own while making eye contact. “I think you’re getting yourself worried over nothing. Dad’s just been super busy lately. Hell, I’ve needed to call him out to my dorm a couple times at weird hours to give me a hand with things. There’s no point in getting yourself all worked up over a situation that might not even exist. If you really feel that concerned, just talk with him about it. You’re both adults, I’m sure he’ll understand where you’re coming from.”

I smiled warmly at Mom. She returned my smile and seemed genuinely relieved. “You’re right. I’m probably being silly.”

I leaned back and took another sip of coffee as I felt my heart rate slowly return to normal.


I was, of course, lying to my mother. She’d hit the nail on the head. My father had been cheating on her for close to a year now. He was slipping out at every opportunity to rail his much younger, submissive mistress. And I was helping cover for him. Why would I do such a thing, you ask? Simple: the other woman in this situation was me.

My father and I started having sex shortly after my high school graduation. I was working over the summer at his consulting firm. And before anyone gets it twisted, let me be 100% clear: he didn’t groom me, and he’s not taking advantage of me. I seduced him. I’m damn proud of it, too. It took a ton of really hard work on my part. Months of planning, delicate execution, impeccable timing. Despite what online smut might tell you, getting a man to view his daughter not just as a woman but also as a sexual prospect is no easy task. And I knew I had to do it perfectly. My father is a good, decent man. If he’d figured out what I was up to before it started working he’d have put the kibosh on it and sent me away to get my head examined for even thinking about initiating an incestuous relationship.

But I fucking did it. From “accidental” wardrobe malfunctions to getting him used to increased physical contact, I was one patient bitch as I slowly, slooooooowwwwly broke down the barriers that normally stand between father and daughter. Finally, two weeks after I graduated high school it all came together.

He had a business trip. I convinced him to let me come along as part of my internship. I sold him on the idea that we could share a hotel room to save money. I called the hotel behind his back and switched our room from two doubles to one queen bed, then made it look like an accident when we checked in. I talked him down from making a fuss when he found out the reservation had changed. I told him it would be no big deal for us to share the bed. I wore my sexiest negligee once we went to lie down, and laughed it off when he tried to bring it up. By the time I ground my ass into him after we turned out the lights he was already rock hard. In the end, 15 minutes of cuddling was all it took to get him so horny he couldn’t think straight.

We fucked that whole night. I was no blushing virgin, but my father’s cock filled me in a way I didn’t know was possible. He’s not the biggest man I’ve ever been with, but he has nothing to be embarrassed about and it was like his shape was specifically designed to hit all of my most sensitive spots. Our first time I had to ride him, he was still a little hesitant and so I took the lead. But after watching me cum on his fuckstick it was like a switch flipped in his brain. Suddenly, he had my face buried in the sheets as he completely dominated me. The ease with which he scooped me up and manipulated my body to increase his pleasure is honestly the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. It was so much better than my fantasies. As he blasted his first load into my raw pussy I knew I would be his fucktoy for the rest of my life.

I guess he felt the same way. We never even talked about what had happened, or the change in our relationship. I was a little worried the next day. The longer he went without bringing it up the more concerned I was it would be a one-time “mistake”. Then, during the long drive home, as we sped down the empty moonlit highway, all my worries evaporated. One second Dad was commenting on upcoming weather for the week, the next he’d whipped his already hard cock out of his pants. He didn’t even say anything to me or ask my permission as he grabbed the back of my head and guided my face into his lap. I’d never given road head before but I’d be damned if I was going to let Daddy down.

After that Dad took me whenever he wanted. I was so fucking happy. That whole summer we were all over each other. Working together it was really easy for us to slip off for a quickie. He didn’t even need to say anything, he’d just give me a look and I knew I needed to head to his office and make my holes available. We slowed down after I went to college, but didn’t stop. I was less than an hour drive from where my parents lived, so Dad could get out to me pretty much whenever he wanted. A couple of times a week I’d get a text from him that he was outside, and I’d drop everything to go take care of him. Thank god I didn’t have a roommate.

Her situation was so much worse than my mother was imagining.


Now I know what you’re probably thinking, “What the hell is wrong with you, Kelsey!? Seducing your own father? Getting him to cheat on your mother? How could you do something like that?”

First of all, fuck you. Second, the answer should be fucking obvious: I did it because I love my father.

Sure, sure, everyone loves their father. But not like me. Ever since I can remember I’ve been in love with my father. I don’t think it’s that unusual for girls to have a phase where they have a crush on their dad. Hell, I watched a bunch of my friends go through it, too. I just never got over it. It’s not my fault, really. My dad is just too perfect. He’s kind but firm, supportive, determined, and unbelievably sexy. Do you know how hard it was living in the same house as him? Every time he walked out of the shower in nothing but a towel, flaunting his cumgutters and well-defined abs, I’d need to go back to my room and change my fucking panties. It was torture.

He was always so good to Mom, too, but she never treated him right. As I saw my friends’ parents interact, and even more so as I started dating for myself, I realized that. She’s not abusive or a huge bitch or anything. She’s just...not good enough. Not nearly good enough for him. She’s only average looking, makes way less money than he does, doesn’t really take care of the house, can’t keep a schedule to save her life. And I know she doesn’t put out the way he deserves.

Yes, I used to eavesdrop at their door. That’s how I know she’s a dead fish in bed. That’s how I know she rarely gives head, and when she does it’s mid. That’s how I know the dumb bitch won’t even do anal on his birthday. His fucking birthday! You’d think having a man way out of your league who underwrites your frivolous upper-middle-class lifestyle would leave a woman grateful enough to give up her backdoor on a special occasion. But no, Mom thinks that’s “degrading” and “gross”. Fucking prude. Honestly I think if it weren’t for me being born they would have divorced a long time ago.

So put yourself in my shoes. My father was the man of my fantasies. I wanted him so badly it fucking hurt. Mom wasn’t meeting his sexual needs. I knew I could do better for him, so I did do better for him.

Really, it’s Mom’s fault. If she’d been a better wife, I never would have been able to make it happen.


Obviously I warned Dad that Mom was onto his affair. We tried to be more circumspect in our liaisons. We established a hard rule that he would only come to visit me once a week, and only stay overnight once a month at most. This worked out pretty well. A couple of weeks later, Mom texted me to say that I should forget about the conversation we had. That it seemed like Dad had been having a busy period at work, but it was over now and she could see that she had been overreacting. Despite this, we tried to stay vigilant. We didn’t immediately bring our intimacy back up to the level it had been before Mom talked to me. We tried our best to play it safe.

Ironically enough, this would lead directly to Mom finding out about everything.

You see, while the amount of sex my father and I were actually having had gone down, the amount we wanted to be having hadn’t. We were holding ourselves back. I can’t speak directly for Dad, but I was horny pretty much 24/7. My body had gotten so used to him expertly taking care of it that it didn’t know what to do in his absence. My vibrators wouldn’t cut it anymore. I even had a few flings with guys at school (and lest anyone try and call me a slut, I got Dad’s permission beforehand; I wasn’t about to go running around behind his back). None of it worked.

When we did see each other the sexual tension was off the charts. We both tried to play it cool, but anytime I’d come home for dinner or to do my laundry or whatever I’d spend the whole time thinking about how much I wanted his cock. Dad would be visibly hard the entire time, too. Whenever Mom would scoot out to run an errand, Dad and I would immediately run up to my room to bang one out as fast as possible. It was the only thing keeping us sane. I think you can immediately see how this went wrong.

It happened on a Thursday. Mom was making shepherd’s pie, and since that was my favorite I decided to head over and join them. The meal itself went swimmingly. Besides the fact that I spent the whole time sopping wet for my father, it was an utterly mundane family meal. Then, within five minutes of it being done, Mom announced she needed to run out for something.

“The pharmacy closes in 15 minutes, and I need to pick up a pre***********ion.” She said suddenly, rising from the table and putting the dirty dishes in the sink. “Let me go grab that, then maybe we could watch a movie before you need to go back to school, Kelsey?”

I nodded absently at her, but as soon as she mentioned going out my father and I locked eyes like hungry animals. I sat at the table, foot tapping unrelentingly, as I waited for my mother to finally get out of the front door. No sooner had we heard the lock turn than my father and I were on our feet, colliding into each other with a desperate need. We stood making out in the dining room as we listened to Mom walk down the driveway, get in the car, turn on the ignition, and finally pull out. It felt like it took forever. The second the car was gone I pulled away from my father and said what we were both thinking.

“Fuck, I need you so badly right now.”

We sprinted up the stairs to my old bedroom. Dad slammed the door behind him and pulled down his fly. I slipped my yoga pants and thong halfway down my thighs, then put my hands on my bed and arched my back, presenting myself to my father. We knew we didn’t have much time, so we skipped right past the foreplay and romanticism to get to the hard fucking. I bit my lower lip as Dad rubbed his tip against my vulva, becoming slick with my juices and lining himself up with my willing hole. Once I felt him nestled at my entrance I pushed back with my hips. He grunted in satisfaction as we joined, reaching around my front to cup my breasts through my t-shirt as we both began slamming into one another.

Dad’s balls bounced against my clitoris deliciously as I felt the white-hot iron bar of his cock impale me over and over again. I could only whimper in unbearable pleasure. Sneaking his hands under my shirt my father popped my perky tits out of their cups and began rubbing my nipples. It was incredible how he always knew exactly how much strength to use when playing my body. I shuddered in ecstasy and clamped down on his cock as hard as I could, gripping him with my tight young pussy. My reward was swift. Mere moments after we began, Dad let out a deep, visceral groan and slammed himself hard into my roiling guts. I could feel his balls pulsing against my sex as his hot, thick load shot from the depth of his testes through his throbbing cock and into my waiting body. I buried my face in a pillow and let out a scream as my brain was fried by the overwhelming pleasure of serving as my father’s cum-dump. I milked him through his entire orgasm, coaxing every last paternal sperm out of him.

Both our chests heaving as the last shot of semen sprayed my inner walls. I was starting to come down when my father grabbed hold of my waist and began fucking me again. Despite dropping a load of epic proportions, Dad hadn’t gotten even one bit softer than when he first entered me. I could only yelp in delight as he manhandled my hips, turning my insides into a creamy mess as his continued copulation frothed up the substantial juices with which I was filled.

Did we lose track of time? Did Mom come home earlier than expected? I’ll never know how it happened. My brain shut down as my father pushed me past the point of coherence into a floating world of multi-orgasmic bliss. He must have been experiencing similar tunnel vision. Neither of us heard the car pull into the driveway. The front door opening and closing went completely unnoticed. I bet Mom even called out for us, but we were so lost in our enjoyment of one another that it didn’t register. We only noticed she had returned home when my bedroom door flew open and suddenly my father and I were facing my horrified mother, standing in the doorway, catching us in flagrante delicto.

Mom’s eyes went wide the moment she saw us, and bringing her hand up to her mouth she let out a blood-curdling scream. My father and I froze. There was no hiding what we were doing. His cock was literally inside me, his hands around my waist, my breasts hanging out of my pushed-up shirt. I could only watch as realization washed over my mother. Pieces fell into place as this new datum forged linkages in her mind. I was staring into her eyes at the very moment the complete picture took shape in her mind. She had been made a cuckquean by her own daughter. There was hurt. There was betrayal. I watched the agony wash over her. Then her eyes went dead. I watched my mother’s spirit break in real time.

I came so fucking hard.

My torso slumped forward onto the bed as my legs started to shake. Juices sloshed out of my quivering cunt to soak my father’s hefty nuts. The grasping squeeze of my quim left the impression of my father’s rock hard cock pressed into my cunt. I could feel every curve, every vein, as I desperately pressed my ass back into him, squishing his fat balls against my puffy, wet vulva and throbbing, stiff clitoris. My eyes rolled back in my head and I screamed in satisfaction. Dad, sensing that I was about to collapse, reached forward to grab me. Holding my breasts in his hands he kept my torso up and back arched. Doing so slammed him even deeper inside me. He and I grunted in unison as our connection grew. My legs wobbled and grew weak, but his complete penetration kept my from falling.

Dad was caught in an awkward position, but he was only a man. Getting caught by his wife was surely a shock and a turn-off, but having tight, teenage pussy slam against him triggered his baser instincts. Grasping roughly at my tits his hips resumed pistoning in and out of my body. My head lolled as he took control of the tempo, fucking me through my orgasm and building us swiftly back to where we had been.

As my vision cleared I was able to focus on my mother’s face in front of me. She still had her hand to her mouth, and tears were streaming from the corners of her eyes down her face. Silent sobs wracked her body.

“Oh fuck, Mom. I came so hard on Daddy’s dick!” I stated the obvious. Mom squeezed her eyes shut as her chest heaved. “God, it’s such a good dick. I fucking love fucking the dick that made me! Why are you ever off of this thing? That’s how cock hungry sluts like me are able to steal your man! Does my pussy feel good for you, Daddy?”

I turned for a moment to look back and my father. He was sweating with exertion, a look of unmitigated lust on his face. As I looked at him he grunted and nodded.

“Tell me how good my pussy feels, Daddy!” I demanded.

“Your pussy feels fucking amazing, baby.” He said.

“Better than Mom’s?” I asked.

“So much fucking better than your mother’s.” He grunted as he pressed deeper into me.

“How? Tell me how my pussy is better, Daddy?” I used my sweetest daddy’s-girl voice to ask this question.

“Fuuuuuuck.” Dad replied. I could feel his cock twitching inside me. I could feel his warm precum leak out inside of me. “You’ve got the best pussy ever baby. It’s so much wetter and tighter than your mother’s. She has a trash pussy compared to you. It’s like your pussy was built for my dick, for your Daddy’s dick. It feels so good inside you. Fuck, I can’t believe how much better it is than your mom’s loose, used-up, old cunt.”

I turned to look back at my mother with a wicked smile on my face. Now that we’d been outed I wanted her to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Daddy was mine. Completely mine. Mind, body, and soul. Mom was swaying slightly in a daze by this point, still crying silently like the sad old bitch she was. As I smirked at her she gulped down a round of tears and began turning to leave. Throwing myself forward I reached out and grabbed her by the wrist. Dad’s cock came almost all the way out of me, leaving just the tip inside. Mom stood there stupidly for a second before I gave her a solid yank, turning her to face me and bringing her deeper into the room.

“Did I fucking say you could anywhere?” I asked. Mom just stood there.

“Answer me, bitch!” I demanded, “Did I say you could go anywhere?”

“No.” Mom croaked.

“Then fucking stay put. Stay put and watch. Watch your husband drop a hot, thick load into me. You know he’s already cum once? When was the last time you were able to get him horny enough to go two rounds in one night?”

Mom shook her head slowly. It was clear this was a feat she had never achieved. Holding eye contact I slammed my hips back into my father so he was buried in me to the hilt. I pulled my mother along with me, leaving her sprawled out on the bed. She let out a small sniffle as my father and I moaned in the exquisite pleasure of sharing each other’s bodies. Mom just lay on the bed, her glassy eyes staring vacantly into space. With every wet slap of our union I could see her flinch a little.

I don’t know why I did it, but seeing her lie there so pathetically woke something in me. Leaning down I stuck out my tongue and licked my mother’s face from her forehead to her chin, my tongue catching every single one of her tears. My mother shuddered but said nothing. I could feel dad’s eyes on me as I did this. I guess he liked it, because he grasped my hips more firmly. Emboldened, I went further. As I mewled in pleasure at the hard dicking I was receiving, I leaned in over my mother’s mouth. I felt her breath quicken on my lips for a moment before I pressed them into hers. She didn’t resist as I began making out with her, first tentatively, but soon with a hunger I didn’t know I had. My tongue plunged into her mouth, which she opened slightly to welcome me. Though she remained still on the bed, I could feel the change in her breathing and soon her tongue was dancing with mine.

Pulling away from her I gazed once more into my mother’s eyes. They were still full of tears, but a new sharpness had entered them. Her breathing was elevated and a flush had overtaken her features. As I broke the kiss her head followed me for a moment, clearly hesitant to lose contact with my lips. She was aroused.

I cackled at her. “Check it out, Daddy! You’re wife is such a pervert she’s getting “I think your father is cheating on me.”

I nearly spat my coffee across the table directly into my mother’s face. Pulling it together as quickly as I could, I coughed into my napkin before taking a swig of water. My mother and I were sitting at a downtown café, on one of our increasingly infrequent “girls’ outings”. We had never been especially close, and as I entered college and started my own life the distance between us had only grown. Even at the peak of our relationship I never would have expected her to bring something like this to me. Looking across the table I could see her elegantly lacquered nails toying with the edge of her cup. Her eyes were downcast, and she seemed genuinely dejected. Reaching across the table I put my hand on hers.

“Come on, Mom. I’m sure that’s not true. Dad loves you. What would make you say something like that?” I put on my best supportive friend face as I gave her room to speak. Honestly, I almost felt bad for her.

Mom let out a big sigh. “I don’t have anything concrete. Everything just feels off. It started a few months ago. Your father stopped paying as much attention to me. Then he started getting called off on all kinds of things at odd hours. Last minute business trips. Favors for friends. When he comes back from whatever he’s run off to do, he’ll bring me gifts, like he feels bad about something and wants to make it up to me. I did some digging online, and everyone says these are sure signs he’s having an affair. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t have any proof, so I don’t have the confidence to confront him about it, but it’s eating me up inside.”

My mother finally looked up at me with pleading eyes. “What should I do, Kelsey?”

I took Mom’s hands firmly in my own while making eye contact. “I think you’re getting yourself worried over nothing. Dad’s just been super busy lately. Hell, I’ve needed to call him out to my dorm a couple times at weird hours to give me a hand with things. There’s no point in getting yourself all worked up over a situation that might not even exist. If you really feel that concerned, just talk with him about it. You’re both adults, I’m sure he’ll understand where you’re coming from.”

I smiled warmly at Mom. She returned my smile and seemed genuinely relieved. “You’re right. I’m probably being silly.”

I leaned back and took another sip of coffee as I felt my heart rate slowly return to normal.


I was, of course, lying to my mother. She’d hit the nail on the head. My father had been cheating on her for close to a year now. He was slipping out at every opportunity to rail his much younger, submissive mistress. And I was helping cover for him. Why would I do such a thing, you ask? Simple: the other woman in this situation was me.

My father and I started having sex shortly after my high school graduation. I was working over the summer at his consulting firm. And before anyone gets it twisted, let me be 100% clear: he didn’t groom me, and he’s not taking advantage of me. I seduced him. I’m damn proud of it, too. It took a ton of really hard work on my part. Months of planning, delicate execution, impeccable timing. Despite what online smut might tell you, getting a man to view his daughter not just as a woman but also as a sexual prospect is no easy task. And I knew I had to do it perfectly. My father is a good, decent man. If he’d figured out what I was up to before it started working he’d have put the kibosh on it and sent me away to get my head examined for even thinking about initiating an incestuous relationship.

But I fucking did it. From “accidental” wardrobe malfunctions to getting him used to increased physical contact, I was one patient bitch as I slowly, slooooooowwwwly broke down the barriers that normally stand between father and daughter. Finally, two weeks after I graduated high school it all came together.

He had a business trip. I convinced him to let me come along as part of my internship. I sold him on the idea that we could share a hotel room to save money. I called the hotel behind his back and switched our room from two doubles to one queen bed, then made it look like an accident when we checked in. I talked him down from making a fuss when he found out the reservation had changed. I told him it would be no big deal for us to share the bed. I wore my sexiest negligee once we went to lie down, and laughed it off when he tried to bring it up. By the time I ground my ass into him after we turned out the lights he was already rock hard. In the end, 15 minutes of cuddling was all it took to get him so horny he couldn’t think straight.

We fucked that whole night. I was no blushing virgin, but my father’s cock filled me in a way I didn’t know was possible. He’s not the biggest man I’ve ever been with, but he has nothing to be embarrassed about and it was like his shape was specifically designed to hit all of my most sensitive spots. Our first time I had to ride him, he was still a little hesitant and so I took the lead. But after watching me cum on his fuckstick it was like a switch flipped in his brain. Suddenly, he had my face buried in the sheets as he completely dominated me. The ease with which he scooped me up and manipulated my body to increase his pleasure is honestly the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. It was so much better than my fantasies. As he blasted his first load into my raw pussy I knew I would be his fucktoy for the rest of my life.

I guess he felt the same way. We never even talked about what had happened, or the change in our relationship. I was a little worried the next day. The longer he went without bringing it up the more concerned I was it would be a one-time “mistake”. Then, during the long drive home, as we sped down the empty moonlit highway, all my worries evaporated. One second Dad was commenting on upcoming weather for the week, the next he’d whipped his already hard cock out of his pants. He didn’t even say anything to me or ask my permission as he grabbed the back of my head and guided my face into his lap. I’d never given road head before but I’d be damned if I was going to let Daddy down.

After that Dad took me whenever he wanted. I was so fucking happy. That whole summer we were all over each other. Working together it was really easy for us to slip off for a quickie. He didn’t even need to say anything, he’d just give me a look and I knew I needed to head to his office and make my holes available. We slowed down after I went to college, but didn’t stop. I was less than an hour drive from where my parents lived, so Dad could get out to me pretty much whenever he wanted. A couple of times a week I’d get a text from him that he was outside, and I’d drop everything to go take care of him. Thank god I didn’t have a roommate.

Her situation was so much worse than my mother was imagining.


Now I know what you’re probably thinking, “What the hell is wrong with you, Kelsey!? Seducing your own father? Getting him to cheat on your mother? How could you do something like that?”

First of all, fuck you. Second, the answer should be fucking obvious: I did it because I love my father.

Sure, sure, everyone loves their father. But not like me. Ever since I can remember I’ve been in love with my father. I don’t think it’s that unusual for girls to have a phase where they have a crush on their dad. Hell, I watched a bunch of my friends go through it, too. I just never got over it. It’s not my fault, really. My dad is just too perfect. He’s kind but firm, supportive, determined, and unbelievably sexy. Do you know how hard it was living in the same house as him? Every time he walked out of the shower in nothing but a towel, flaunting his cumgutters and well-defined abs, I’d need to go back to my room and change my fucking panties. It was torture.

He was always so good to Mom, too, but she never treated him right. As I saw my friends’ parents interact, and even more so as I started dating for myself, I realized that. She’s not abusive or a huge bitch or anything. She’s just...not good enough. Not nearly good enough for him. She’s only average looking, makes way less money than he does, doesn’t really take care of the house, can’t keep a schedule to save her life. And I know she doesn’t put out the way he deserves.

Yes, I used to eavesdrop at their door. That’s how I know she’s a dead fish in bed. That’s how I know she rarely gives head, and when she does it’s mid. That’s how I know the dumb bitch won’t even do anal on his birthday. His fucking birthday! You’d think having a man way out of your league who underwrites your frivolous upper-middle-class lifestyle would leave a woman grateful enough to give up her backdoor on a special occasion. But no, Mom thinks that’s “degrading” and “gross”. Fucking prude. Honestly I think if it weren’t for me being born they would have divorced a long time ago.

So put yourself in my shoes. My father was the man of my fantasies. I wanted him so badly it fucking hurt. Mom wasn’t meeting his sexual needs. I knew I could do better for him, so I did do better for him.

Really, it’s Mom’s fault. If she’d been a better wife, I never would have been able to make it happen.


Obviously I warned Dad that Mom was onto his affair. We tried to be more circumspect in our liaisons. We established a hard rule that he would only come to visit me once a week, and only stay overnight once a month at most. This worked out pretty well. A couple of weeks later, Mom texted me to say that I should forget about the conversation we had. That it seemed like Dad had been having a busy period at work, but it was over now and she could see that she had been overreacting. Despite this, we tried to stay vigilant. We didn’t immediately bring our intimacy back up to the level it had been before Mom talked to me. We tried our best to play it safe.

Ironically enough, this would lead directly to Mom finding out about everything.

You see, while the amount of sex my father and I were actually having had gone down, the amount we wanted to be having hadn’t. We were holding ourselves back. I can’t speak directly for Dad, but I was horny pretty much 24/7. My body had gotten so used to him expertly taking care of it that it didn’t know what to do in his absence. My vibrators wouldn’t cut it anymore. I even had a few flings with guys at school (and lest anyone try and call me a slut, I got Dad’s permission beforehand; I wasn’t about to go running around behind his back). None of it worked.

When we did see each other the sexual tension was off the charts. We both tried to play it cool, but anytime I’d come home for dinner or to do my laundry or whatever I’d spend the whole time thinking about how much I wanted his cock. Dad would be visibly hard the entire time, too. Whenever Mom would scoot out to run an errand, Dad and I would immediately run up to my room to bang one out as fast as possible. It was the only thing keeping us sane. I think you can immediately see how this went wrong.

It happened on a Thursday. Mom was making shepherd’s pie, and since that was my favorite I decided to head over and join them. The meal itself went swimmingly. Besides the fact that I spent the whole time sopping wet for my father, it was an utterly mundane family meal. Then, within five minutes of it being done, Mom announced she needed to run out for something.

“The pharmacy closes in 15 minutes, and I need to pick up a pre***********ion.” She said suddenly, rising from the table and putting the dirty dishes in the sink. “Let me go grab that, then maybe we could watch a movie before you need to go back to school, Kelsey?”

I nodded absently at her, but as soon as she mentioned going out my father and I locked eyes like hungry animals. I sat at the table, foot tapping unrelentingly, as I waited for my mother to finally get out of the front door. No sooner had we heard the lock turn than my father and I were on our feet, colliding into each other with a desperate need. We stood making out in the dining room as we listened to Mom walk down the driveway, get in the car, turn on the ignition, and finally pull out. It felt like it took forever. The second the car was gone I pulled away from my father and said what we were both thinking.

“Fuck, I need you so badly right now.”

We sprinted up the stairs to my old bedroom. Dad slammed the door behind him and pulled down his fly. I slipped my yoga pants and thong halfway down my thighs, then put my hands on my bed and arched my back, presenting myself to my father. We knew we didn’t have much time, so we skipped right past the foreplay and romanticism to get to the hard fucking. I bit my lower lip as Dad rubbed his tip against my vulva, becoming slick with my juices and lining himself up with my willing hole. Once I felt him nestled at my entrance I pushed back with my hips. He grunted in satisfaction as we joined, reaching around my front to cup my breasts through my t-shirt as we both began slamming into one another.

Dad’s balls bounced against my clitoris deliciously as I felt the white-hot iron bar of his cock impale me over and over again. I could only whimper in unbearable pleasure. Sneaking his hands under my shirt my father popped my perky tits out of their cups and began rubbing my nipples. It was incredible how he always knew exactly how much strength to use when playing my body. I shuddered in ecstasy and clamped down on his cock as hard as I could, gripping him with my tight young pussy. My reward was swift. Mere moments after we began, Dad let out a deep, visceral groan and slammed himself hard into my roiling guts. I could feel his balls pulsing against my sex as his hot, thick load shot from the depth of his testes through his throbbing cock and into my waiting body. I buried my face in a pillow and let out a scream as my brain was fried by the overwhelming pleasure of serving as my father’s cum-dump. I milked him through his entire orgasm, coaxing every last paternal sperm out of him.

Both our chests heaving as the last shot of semen sprayed my inner walls. I was starting to come down when my father grabbed hold of my waist and began fucking me again. Despite dropping a load of epic proportions, Dad hadn’t gotten even one bit softer than when he first entered me. I could only yelp in delight as he manhandled my hips, turning my insides into a creamy mess as his continued copulation frothed up the substantial juices with which I was filled.

Did we lose track of time? Did Mom come home earlier than expected? I’ll never know how it happened. My brain shut down as my father pushed me past the point of coherence into a floating world of multi-orgasmic bliss. He must have been experiencing similar tunnel vision. Neither of us heard the car pull into the driveway. The front door opening and closing went completely unnoticed. I bet Mom even called out for us, but we were so lost in our enjoyment of one another that it didn’t register. We only noticed she had returned home when my bedroom door flew open and suddenly my father and I were facing my horrified mother, standing in the doorway, catching us in flagrante delicto.

Mom’s eyes went wide the moment she saw us, and bringing her hand up to her mouth she let out a blood-curdling scream. My father and I froze. There was no hiding what we were doing. His cock was literally inside me, his hands around my waist, my breasts hanging out of my pushed-up shirt. I could only watch as realization washed over my mother. Pieces fell into place as this new datum forged linkages in her mind. I was staring into her eyes at the very moment the complete picture took shape in her mind. She had been made a cuckquean by her own daughter. There was hurt. There was betrayal. I watched the agony wash over her. Then her eyes went dead. I watched my mother’s spirit break in real time.

I came so fucking hard.

My torso slumped forward onto the bed as my legs started to shake. Juices sloshed out of my quivering cunt to soak my father’s hefty nuts. The grasping squeeze of my quim left the impression of my father’s rock hard cock pressed into my cunt. I could feel every curve, every vein, as I desperately pressed my ass back into him, squishing his fat balls against my puffy, wet vulva and throbbing, stiff clitoris. My eyes rolled back in my head and I screamed in satisfaction. Dad, sensing that I was about to collapse, reached forward to grab me. Holding my breasts in his hands he kept my torso up and back arched. Doing so slammed him even deeper inside me. He and I grunted in unison as our connection grew. My legs wobbled and grew weak, but his complete penetration kept my from falling.

Dad was caught in an awkward position, but he was only a man. Getting caught by his wife was surely a shock and a turn-off, but having tight, teenage pussy slam against him triggered his baser instincts. Grasping roughly at my tits his hips resumed pistoning in and out of my body. My head lolled as he took control of the tempo, fucking me through my orgasm and building us swiftly back to where we had been.

As my vision cleared I was able to focus on my mother’s face in front of me. She still had her hand to her mouth, and tears were streaming from the corners of her eyes down her face. Silent sobs wracked her body.

“Oh fuck, Mom. I came so hard on Daddy’s dick!” I stated the obvious. Mom squeezed her eyes shut as her chest heaved. “God, it’s such a good dick. I fucking love fucking the dick that made me! Why are you ever off of this thing? That’s how cock hungry sluts like me are able to steal your man! Does my pussy feel good for you, Daddy?”

I turned for a moment to look back and my father. He was sweating with exertion, a look of unmitigated lust on his face. As I looked at him he grunted and nodded.

“Tell me how good my pussy feels, Daddy!” I demanded.

“Your pussy feels fucking amazing, baby.” He said.

“Better than Mom’s?” I asked.

“So much fucking better than your mother’s.” He grunted as he pressed deeper into me.

“How? Tell me how my pussy is better, Daddy?” I used my sweetest daddy’s-girl voice to ask this question.

“Fuuuuuuck.” Dad replied. I could feel his cock twitching inside me. I could feel his warm precum leak out inside of me. “You’ve got the best pussy ever baby. It’s so much wetter and tighter than your mother’s. She has a trash pussy compared to you. It’s like your pussy was built for my dick, for your Daddy’s dick. It feels so good inside you. Fuck, I can’t believe how much better it is than your mom’s loose, used-up, old cunt.”

I turned to look back at my mother with a wicked smile on my face. Now that we’d been outed I wanted her to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Daddy was mine. Completely mine. Mind, body, and soul. Mom was swaying slightly in a daze by this point, still crying silently like the sad old bitch she was. As I smirked at her she gulped down a round of tears and began turning to leave. Throwing myself forward I reached out and grabbed her by the wrist. Dad’s cock came almost all the way out of me, leaving just the tip inside. Mom stood there stupidly for a second before I gave her a solid yank, turning her to face me and bringing her deeper into the room.

“Did I fucking say you could anywhere?” I asked. Mom just stood there.

“Answer me, bitch!” I demanded, “Did I say you could go anywhere?”

“No.” Mom croaked.

“Then fucking stay put. Stay put and watch. Watch your husband drop a hot, thick load into me. You know he’s already cum once? When was the last time you were able to get him horny enough to go two rounds in one night?”

Mom shook her head slowly. It was clear this was a feat she had never achieved. Holding eye contact I slammed my hips back into my father so he was buried in me to the hilt. I pulled my mother along with me, leaving her sprawled out on the bed. She let out a small sniffle as my father and I moaned in the exquisite pleasure of sharing each other’s bodies. Mom just lay on the bed, her glassy eyes staring vacantly into space. With every wet slap of our union I could see her flinch a little.

I don’t know why I did it, but seeing her lie there so pathetically woke something in me. Leaning down I stuck out my tongue and licked my mother’s face from her forehead to her chin, my tongue catching every single one of her tears. My mother shuddered but said nothing. I could feel dad’s eyes on me as I did this. I guess he liked it, because he grasped my hips more firmly. Emboldened, I went further. As I mewled in pleasure at the hard dicking I was receiving, I leaned in over my mother’s mouth. I felt her breath quicken on my lips for a moment before I pressed them into hers. She didn’t resist as I began making out with her, first tentatively, but soon with a hunger I didn’t know I had. My tongue plunged into her mouth, which she opened slightly to welcome me. Though she remained still on the bed, I could feel the change in her breathing and soon her tongue was dancing with mine.

Pulling away from her I gazed once more into my mother’s eyes. They were still full of tears, but a new sharpness had entered them. Her breathing was elevated and a flush had overtaken her features. As I broke the kiss her head followed me for a moment, clearly hesitant to lose contact with my lips. She was aroused.

I cackled at her. “Check it out, Daddy! You’re wife is such a pervert she’s getting turned on by getting cucked by her own daughter. Aren’t you Mom?”

Dad groaned in pleasure. Mom bit her lower lip and slowly nodded her head.

“Touch yourself.” I commanded, “Touch yourself while your husband fucks your daughter.”

Mom didn’t need to be told twice. Reaching down she unbuttoned her jeans and stuffed her hand inside. I could see the way her pants stretched to accommodate it as she let out a soft moan and very obviously began fingering herself.

“Good girl,” I said, leaning down and giving her another kiss. Breaking this one much more quickly than the first, I leaned forward and yanked her shirt up over her breasts. They were large and heaving, and I noted with glee that her bra hooked at the front. Mom moved her left arm to cover her chest with a weak objection, but her right hand remained firmly between her legs. Swatting the offending arm aside, I unclasped her bra and let it fall to the side. With her breasts exposed, I could see that Mom’s nipples were fully hard.

My mother groaned as I reached out and began roughly playing with her breasts. Her legs twisted around the hand moving frantically inside her pants. From behind me I heard my father’s breath catch, then the pace of his pounding further increased. Our lovemaking had become downright frantic. Pleasure coursed through me as I lay my head on my mother’s chest and began pinching, twisting, and stretching her nipples. All the while, I told her as best I could how good it felt to have my father inside me, how I could please him in ways she never could, and how from now on he was my man. My father grunted his approval behind me. I could feel Mom’s tear-stained face press against me, but this degradation merely increased the rate of her masturbation.

Suddenly, I felt Mom’s head twist below me. I gargled out in unspeakable pleasure as she latched onto my nipple and began sucking fervently on my breast. “She’s sucking my tits, Daddy!” I informed my father. With a long low moan he pressed himself as deeply inside me as he could.

It all came together in an instant. I felt my father’s cock twitch once and suddenly my orgasm, nurtured by the complete humiliation and cuckolding of my mother I had achieved, blasted forth. I grit my teeth and howled in pleasure as my entire consciousness became solely focused on the sensation of cumming. With the second twitch of his cock my father started once more unloading his seed into me. The feeling of it’s hot thick wetness coating my already cum-drenched vaginal walls merely enhanced my pleasure.

“Daddy and I are cumming at the same time, Mommy!” I exclaimed, wanting so desperately for my mother to know how compatible her husband and daughter were sexually. Mom groaned into my breast and suddenly her lower half began the irregular twitching that told me she was experiencing her own orgasm. Her hand’s pace within her pants grew frenzied, and soon I could see a large wet spot forming in the crotch of her jeans.

The orgasms seemed to last forever. Climax complete, we all slumped over. I don’t know how long we lay there. My father’s weight pressed down on me, pinning my mother and I to the bed. I enjoyed the warm feeling of him against me as his dick deflated, and smiled happily. Presently, he got up and moved to a chair in the corner of my room. I glanced over at him. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, still breathing heavily, his flaccid member gleaning with our combined juice. I smiled and blew him a kiss before rolling myself off of my mother and onto the bed. I took several deep rejuvenating breaths. I could feel my father’s spend leaking out of me.

Mom slumped to the floor. She lay there her body wracked with a combination of sobbing and orgasmic aftershock. Finally she rose from the floor. Zipping up her pants, eyes red and puffy from crying, she began walking to the door. Once I again I snapped at her.

“I still didn’t say you were done, bitch!” Mom’s weeping visage slowly turned to look at me. I thrust forward my hips and spread my legs as wide as I could. My creampied pussy was totally exposed to my mother. I watched the fresh pain in her eyes as she saw a dollop of my father’s cum ooze out of me onto the sheets. I could also see how hard her nipples were.

“Clean me up!” I commanded, “Suck your husband’s cum out of your daughter’s pussy!”

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Dad sit upright in his chair, his cock improbably starting to harden once again. Mom swallowed a lump in her throat. Her face displayed pure emotional agony, but that didn’t stop her from crawling into my bed and burying her face between my thighs. As her tongue touched my clit for the first time I closed my legs around her head and looked at my father. We both smiled from ear to ear, then I let out a gasp as my mother’s tongue penetrated my folds.


Things changed after that. The next day Mom moved all of her stuff into my room and my stuff into what had been her and my father’s room. We didn’t ask her to, I think she just accepted that she’d been relegated. I still let my father fuck her whenever he wanted, but it was clear that now she was his side piece and I was his partner. After I graduated college I moved back in and made good on that, devoting myself to my father and becoming the woman of the house.

To this day, whenever we make love my father and I bring in my mother to watch. If she’s been very good I let her get him ready before he fucks me. All these years later the emotional agony in her face as she watches us hasn’t decreased, but her skill at eating Dad’s creampie out of me has improved a whole lot. When we get bored of her Dad says he’ll divorce her and kick her out so it can just be the two of us, but in the meantime cucking and humiliating my own mother is just so much fun!
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