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Catching my third prey, even the strong willed ones can't overcome the symbiote.
Infecting and implanting Sini

I had chosen to have none of the subjugated women at home the day I knew Sini was due to visit and go through the last of the clothes she was taking. I did not want her to have a chance to understand something very abnormal was going on.

It was a typical summer, sunny hot day out, with Sini due to arrive around 4PM. At noon I turned the aircon thermostat up to 79, letting the house heat up. By the time she arrived the house was warm, and I knew the long, narrow master bedroom closet would be uncomfortably hot to work in.

I was looking forward to Sini’s arrival not just out of hunger to take her, but as an experiment to see how her well known Finnish toughness would stand up to the effects of the alien biochemistry. Running things warm so I would be sweating hard in the closet with her was adding an edge to the usual effects. I was hoping the messengers in my sweat would have their usual effects of weakening her thinking and will, slowing her enough that I could get in some kisses. The much stronger intoxicants and arousal pheromones in my drool would then have a chance. It would be a battle between my symbiotic chemistry and her weight and willpower.

I was still musing on the odds when the doorbell cam alerted me to Sini pulling into the driveway, and I went to the door to greet her. I opened the door when Sini came slowly up the steps. I greeted Sini as she reached the porch, stepping back against the wall while needlessly holding the door open for her. The narrow passage bounded by the long table leading from the door led Sini to pass close by me, giving her a starting dose of the cloud of hormones and chemicals evaporating in my sweat. In passing at close range I could see she was breathing heavily from the walk and step climbing, my smile to her as much pleasure at knowing she was already being drugged as it was in greeting.

I invited Sini to settle in the guest chair while closing the front door. “Have a sit and rest up Sini, it’s better in here even if the aircon is having trouble keeping up with the hot day. Would you like a cold drink?”

Sini agreed, slumping into the big chair as I went by to fetch her a cold soda from the fridge, and we made pointless talk about the hot weather and friends as she happily accepted the drink and relaxed for a few minutes. By the time Sini finished her drink she was not yet seeming to feel any effects of my presence yet, though she did wobble a little when she stood up again for the two of us to go look in the closet.

The closet of doom:

The closet was long and narrow, without ventilation. The door was at one end, and the last of the clothes Sini was there to look at were deliberately on a rod across the far end. I led the way into the closet, getting near the end, turning aside the clothes on the long rod along the length of the closet to make room for my back. I waved Sini forwards and indicated what she was there to look at and choose from. Though I was backed aside, Sini had to move past me at close range to reach, and as she stood there looking at things I was at her side, just a little behind her. It was very hot in the closet and we were both quickly sweating so I knew Sini was getting the full benefit of the pheromones and other effects of my alien altered sweat. When Sini pulled one hanger off the rod and held the blouse up to look at, I touched her left shoulder with my right hand, my left hand reaching point at a small hanging thread on the button line.. My thin shirt was soaked through, dosing Sini at close range while I asked her. “Do you think this one will be ok if the seam is mended?”

Sini stammered a bit, clearly feeling the effects of my proximity as she looked at the spot I indicated. “Umm, ahh I don’t see anything wrong, it'll be OK I think.”

I lowered my pointing hand to let Sini put the hanger back on the rod, her lifting hand then pawing a bit at the other clothes before she wiped the back of that hand across her forehead. Sini mumbled something so softly I could not make out the words. I squeezed lightly with my hand where it touched the bottom of her shoulder blade to draw her attention, asking her “Are you OK?”

Sini turned partly towards me, my hand slipping down across her back to be at her hip as she tried to face me, wobbling a little. Once she was looking me in the face I asked her again. “Sini, are you OK?”

Sini stammered, her eyes looking dazed as she tried to speak. Her eyes were wide, but her pupils had shrunk to pinpoints despite being in the dim closet. Her face was wet with sweat and she blinked several times to clear the dripping salty sweat from her eyes. “I’m, ahh, I think the heat is getting to me.”

I reached up to the shelf over Sini’s head, the one that ran the length of the closet across from the long rod of hanging clothes, pulling down a small towel. Sini startled a little as I touched her, using a corner of the cloth to wipe her forehead, and then down onto her cheek, my face very close to hers. There was at most an inch or two between her belly and mine, the shape of her breasts and her bra-cleavage visible through her partially sweat-soaked T-shirt. Sini startled a little at the touch, but did not try to move away or protest. “It’s not just the heat Sini, there is more to what you are feeling.”

I moved the wiping small towel around under Sini’s chin, my fingertips grazing the front of her neck as I dried her there, stopping with my the cloth at the right side of her neck, my knuckles just below her chin, so close her chin brushed against them when she spoke. Sini wobbled a bit more noticeably on her legs, her belly briefly pressing against me. “I’m dizzy, what do you mean?”

I judged Sini was about as much dazed under the influence as she was going to get from my sweat, and escalated my attempt to take over her by leaning forwards, my mouth just an inch from hers as I spoke softly. “I mean your body is telling you something, Sini. Can’t you feel what being so close to me is doing to you? You want me Sini, you need my touch!”

First kiss:

Sini startled and protested as she slowly understood what I was saying, her small attempt to move back from me stopped by the wall behind her. I felt her hip move as she tried to turn from me, my grip holding harder for a moment. I dropped the towel, my thumb and first finger lightly gripping her chin to keep her in place as I pressed close and kissed her lips gently. I could feel her bra-bound breasts pressing my sweaty shirt against my pecs while my lips touched hers for a long few seconds before I moved my head back an inch to end the kiss. Sini’s arms came up, reaching slowly and fumbling at my sides in a weak attempt to push me away. “No, wait, that’s wrong, let go of mMpph!”

I cut off Sini’s protest by kissing her again, my lips harder on hers, taking advantage of her mouth open to speak by slipping my tongue along her parted soft lips, exposing her to the first touch of my wet, doped drool. Sini turned her face from mine as my tongue finished the one sweep, trying to push me away from her with fumbling hands. I leaned into her a little harder, my groin pushing against her lower belly to keep her in place against the wall. As her mouth left mine I told her in a firm but quiet tone: “You can’t lie, I know your body is telling you how horny this is getting you.”

Though still dazed Sini’s voice was stronger, her temper roused by the unwanted assault for all she was not really able to put up much physical resistance. “Let go of me! It’s just the heat making me feel wrong!”

I gripped Sini more firmly by the chin, not having to use much strength to turn her face back to mine. I kissed her again, much more firmly, keeping her body pinned against the wall. Sini’s physical struggle was barely felt, her body surrendering even though her will still fought me while I kissed much harder. Sini’s lips were soft and very warm against mine, my head tilting a little as the firm kiss parted her lips, some of my flowing saliva smearing across her mouth. Sini tensed against me, her lips parting a little for a moment before she again turned her head away, unconsciously licking her lips of my saliva before she protested again. “No, that’s not right, I should have you stop!”

“Not stopping, Sini. I don’t care what you want or say, your body is begging me to fuck you and you’re not even fighting me!” I pushed forwards against Sini very firmly, my groin pressing into her lower belly flap, left hand shifting to hold her more strongly by her chin, turning her head to bring her lips into place again. The firm grip did not need much force, she barely resisted the turn of her head. I lifted my right hand from her hip, reaching up to grab around the side of her left breast where it was pressed to my chest. Sini barely had time to open her mouth in protest before my lips covered hers for a very strong kiss, my tongue pushing into her open mouth, giving her a very wet taste of my drool to swallow. Sini stiffened in my grip for just a moment, making some small sound of protest into my covering mouth before she slumped back against the wall, fully passive except for her mouth. Sini sucked at my tongue for a moment before her own pushed into my mouth, mingled drool leaking across our lips and wetting chins.

I felt my cock stiffening in my pants, pressing against the soft mass of Sini’s lower belly flap as we kept kissing, her arms lifting after a moment to slip around my waist, gripping to hold me as the wet kiss went on. I kept Sini pushed back against the wall for the long kiss, my body shifting against her, my cock now fully hard in my pants so she was likely feeling it against her lower belly. I felt her swallow several times and knew she was getting a larger dose of my mind altering saliva. When I finally lifted my mouth from Sini’s she was breathing hard, her eyes wide when I looked into them and spoke, noticing that her pupils were pinpointed despite the poorly lit closet. “See, for all you don’t understand what’s wrong, you want, need me to fuck you. Your cunt is already leaking, I can smell your arousal.”

Sini blushed red, her eyes dropping before her anger took over, her face redder with upset and her eyes lifting to glare at me, even though she still clung to my waist, our bodies touching at chest and belly levels. “What the fuck did you do to me? I hate this, but I can’t stop! Don’t do this to me but, but uhh, why do I need more?”

“It really doesn’t matter why, I just know you can’t stop it. Come on, let's get out of this hot closet.” I backed up from the close contact with Sini, turning to move towards the closet door, gripping her by one wrist to lead her out. Sini stumbled a little, then let me guide her out into the bedroom. Though not driven to obey my commands as she would be after I filled her with my toxic sperm, she had swallowed enough of my drool to be controllable in her doped up condition. There was a straight backed chair just past the closet door, and my pull turned Sini away from it before I gently pushed her back. “I think you need to sit for a cooling moment, Sini.”

I smiled, certain I was now in control as Sini complied and sat. I gave Sini no time to gather her thoughts, bending a little to take hold of the bottom hem of her thick but sweat-soaked T-Shirt and starting to lift. “Here, you’ll feel better with this wet, hot shirt off.”

Sini made a small protest, but did not impede my lifting of her shirt, pulling it up her belly and then over her breasts to expose her thick, tight bra struggling to contain and shape her large breasts. Sini was not entirely passive, lifting her arms at the right time to let me pull the clinging shirt full off over head. I tossed the sweaty shirt aside and crouched before her for a better look. Sini’s white bra was sturdy looking, her breasts tightly gripped and shaped. I wasted no time looking at them, instead reaching around her shoulders and fumbling at the back strap to find where it was secured.

Breasts on display:

Sini’s face was at my shoulder while I was bent over opening her bra, but she was dazed enough to offer no resistance, her voice barely audible in my ear. Sini’s protest was a whispered run of words, a desperate but futile panic and pleading. “No, stop, let go of me, why can’t I fight you, please, don’t do this to me...” The bra was strong and each successive hook took a harder pull until I got the last of the four unhooked and the bra opened. Sini’s heavy breasts sagged in the loose cups, all the more so as I pulled apart and then forwards, the still-held halves of the parted rear band tugging the upper straps off her shoulders and down her hanging arms. Sini’s arms lifted when I pulled the bra forwards, then slumped again when it cleared her hands, leaving her upper body bare. Sini’s lifted, well-domed breasts were very soft and fat when released, sagging half way down her belly with her cleavage wide between the hanging sacks.

See forum picture in

I stood, then bent forwards, my right hand behind Sini’s head tipping to angle her face up towards me for the next kiss. Sini was passive for a moment, her soft lips not moving against mine. I pressed my mouth harder to Sini’s and her body responded, her mouth opening a little to admit my tongue, her soft moan of pleasure muffled by the contact. My left hand found her right breast, my fingers dragging across her soft and barely prominent nipple, drawing a louder moan. Facing down as I was, my strongly flowing drool leaked into her mouth all the more, and I felt her swallowing several times. Sini’s mouth became active again, her tongue working against mine as the kiss extended. I let go of her head, now using both hands to play with her nipples, stroking and then starting to roll the teats between my thumb and fingers when nubs hardened to my touch.

Sini lifted her chest as much as she could sitting in the chair, moaning repeatedly into the kiss while pressing her breasts to my nipple-working hands. By the time a couple of minutes later that I had to straighten up from bending over Sini she was well aroused. Sini’s nipples had flushed dark and become quite more hard and prominent. My gaze lifted from her nipples to her face, taking in the wet drool leaking down her neck into her wide cleavage, her heavy breathing and flushed skin. Sini saw my eyes looking into hers and dropped her gaze, blushing all the more as she looked down over her own clearly aroused breasts. “You can’t deny it Sini, this is not feeling unwell from the heat, you’re an aroused fat slut that needs me to fuck her!”

Sini reacted angrily to the mocking tone and body shaming, head snapping up so she could glare at me. Her cursing was interrupted by my hand at her breast, thumb and one finger rubbing her left nipple. “You bastard Gary! I would never want to, Ahhmm dammit what did you do to me?”

“Feel that nipple get so hard? No matter how wrong it seems, you know your cunt is already wet and ready for a cock!”

I let go of the hard bud of Sini’s nipple to quickly open my sweaty, clinging shirt and peel it off, baring my upper body and adding to the smell of my symbiote boosted, pheromone laced sweat pressing at Sini’s senses. I took Sini by the side of her head in both hands and drew her forwards, pressing her face to my sweaty man-cleavage, her chin pressing against my upper belly. Sini did not resist the pull, her mumbled protest wetly muffled as I held her relatively gently in place. I felt her shiver against me, then her lips opened and she began licking the salty hot wetness from my chest. I leaned forwards slowly, shifting Sini’s licking mouth up between my pecs, then guided her lips to my right nipple, feeling her lick and then suck at the small teat.

After a couple minutes with Sini licking and sucking the sweat from my chest she slowed to a stop, and I moved back a little, tilting her head back to look at her face. Sini’s eyes were half closed and simply looking straight ahead, unreactive. I realized she was as doped up as she would get on my sweat and the alien pheromones. I slid my hands down over Sini’s bare shoulders and down her arms, taking her by the wrists. I stepped back, lifting her arms and spoke softly but firmly. “Get up Sini, stand up and walk with me.”

Sini’s eyes opened a bit, looking up at me with a few tears leaking down her face already wet with my sweat, her mouth working wordlessly for a moment until she spoke a quiet, plaintive “Nooo.”

Despite the voiced refusal she was too dazed to resist and pulled her feet back to get ready, then slowly stood as I helped her up by her arms. I turned and backed up, leading Sini slowly towards the bed, her steps a bit wobbly. We slowly moved through the room from the closet to the bed, my grip on Sini’s wrists steadying her and guiding pulling her along. She wobbled and stumbled a little but did not trip.

Time to see it all:

When I had backed against the side of the bed I lowered Sini’s arms before letting go, worried she was woozy enough to fall easily. Her heavy-hanging breasts were swaying slightly from her breathing once the walking was done, but I left them alone for the moment. Feeling a bit rushed as wobbly as Sini was, I quickly knelt between her and the bed, reaching out to hook my thumbs into the waistband of the pants and pull down, stripping the elastic fabric off towards her knees and then to around her ankles. I let go of the pants and reached up again, hooking my thumbs now into the waistband of her panties. I could see a dark patch growing at the center of the fabric where her labia were leaking and grinned, pausing to comment. “Yeah, you’re already leaking and ready to fuck!”

Sini protested weakly “No wait, I don’t want...” , her fingers fumbling at my knuckles in a vain attempt to stop me as I worked her panties down over her ample ass, pulling the elastic down to join her pants around her ankles. I stood again, moving aside from between Sini and the bed to get behind her again. I pushed at her big soft hips, gently urging her forwards while telling her “Move against the bed Sini, all the way forwards.”

Sini took a stumbling step forwards, her knees against the bed as she lost her balance, tipping forwards and landing face forwards on the bed. Her knees just missed the edge of the mattress, and she ended up on her elbows, tits, and fat belly, her feet on the floor not carrying more than the weight of her thick legs. Her soft ass was still wobbling from the landing as I shoved my pants down, stepping out of them and taking the step to bend over her, jutting exposed cock going towards the deep split of her ass-crack.

Fully between Sini’s spread legs I pressed my groin forwards, settling the underside of my cock along the deep groove of her padded, jiggling ass cheeks. I humped at her ass, leaning forwards to settle my fully hard shaft deeper between the soft fat shapes, hands grabbing at her very padded hips to keep her in place on her elbows and knees. Too doped by my drool she could not keep her arousal from shifting her ass back against me, even as she tried to deny the forced sexual drive. “Get away from me, No! I don’t want this! Ahhh...” Sini’s protest ended in a moan of pleasure and need.

Aroused and confused by the alien pheromones in my sweat Sini simply could not put up a struggle against her rape, for all she was not compelled to take my orders as she later would be. I slow humped her moving ass, my grip on her hips keeping her from moving away as my cock settled deeper into place, shaft rubbing across her taint and anus as my very full balls pressed the front of my scrotum against her heated, slickly oozing labia. Sini felt the pressure and sobbed, her voice a little louder in futile desperation as I knelt a little lower, dragging the underside of my glans down across her sphincter to settle the blunt tip against her vulva. “Gary no! Don’t do this! Help, he’s raping me! HELP!”

The first penetration:

I paused for a moment, Sini’s useless pleading drawing a small throb from my lower belly before I pushed forwards slowly, tip and then flared rim of my glans parting her swollen labia on the way in to start the proper fucking. Sini’s weak, uncoordinated struggle did little more than wriggle her spreading entrance onto my cock, easing the penetration as I pushed repeatedly without pulling back, working my cock deeper into the very heated, slick, and twitching grip of her cunt. “Yeah fat bitch, not only am I raping you, your wet needy cunt is pulling me in!”

Sini’s last protest was faint, a whispered “Nooo..” before she moaned loudly, her vulva twitching, her vagina clenching and rippling around my advancing glans. Her forced arousal responded to my cock, feeling all the hotter on my intruding shaft, a small gush of fluids leaking along the shaft to wet my balls. Half my unlubricated cock pushed into Sini before the entry became too difficult, her tight, stretching labia clinging to my shaft and pulled inward, stalling the thrust. I pulled back an inch and pushed again, the spreading slickness of her juices accepting more and more of my veined shaft. I could feel the ridged walls of her cunt twitching and spreading open around my glans, the constricting grip not stopping the advance. “I can feel you juicing on my cock slut, your cunt wants more!”

My next three short back, hard forwards thrusts put my cock all the way into Sini’s increasingly wet cunt, her tight labia now sliding up the base of my shaft to open all the further across my flared and furred root. Each push drew a short, gasped response from Sini, her will finally completely overcome by arousal. “No! Ahhh! More!”

Sini’s big soft ass was hard against my hips, jolting forwards and slapping back at me when I started a steady, long set of thrusts, pulling nearly out to drive in again. Now that Sini was working up and increasingly fucking back I let go of her wide hips to grab her ass hard, fingers sinking in to spread the heavy cheeks wide. My cock was getting balls deep, her juices leaking over my sack and down my thighs. I slowed a little to put more shove into each thrust as I jolted against the heavy ass. My very swollen glans was so sensitized I could feel the leaking tip ram her cervix a few times, drawing a louder gasp and moan from Sini each time it happened.

Fully in the grip of her forced arousal Sini began begging between gasps, breathing hard and groaning out “Fuck me, Ahh, Harder Gary, Harder!”

Sini was gasping for air, her protests transformed by need as she moaned in pleasure, her arms pushing at the covers to press her back against my thrusts. I could feel her whole soft body jolt each time I rammed in, her fat ass jolting away and slapping back at my thighs with each thrust despite my gripping fingers. The pressure in my groin was building quickly, and I knew I was about to go over the edge. My fingers dug into Sini’s soft shoulders hard enough she would have bruises, my voice loud between groans of pleasure. “Cum you squealing fat bitch, CUM now!”

Sini was likely not coherent enough to understand the words, but she did lose control just after the shout, crying out wordlessy in a shrill scream, her strong cunt muscles clenching hard and her whole body shuddering. I felt hot juices flood across my balls, demonstrating how much of a “gusher” she was.

Sini’s release triggered my full balls. I felt a growing pressure in the symbiote, a fullness in my scrotum I realized was the alien ball swelling larger. On the verge of cumming time seemed to stretch out, my cock throbbing all the larger in the grip of Sini’s rippling tight cunt. I felt my glans hugely swollen at the tip of my cock and Sini’s cry of pleasure changed, gaining a shriller edge of pain when her clenching cunt muscles were over-stretched. My muscles all tensed, I was locked behind, over, and inside Sini for a long moment,my alien ball producing the strange but pain-pleasure tearing feeling. I knew that I was about to inject a spawn into Sini, starting the clock on the last week of her life. Knowing I was implanting and dooming her was the last push it took for me to cum.

Seconds later the tension broke, my balls wedged against her clit clenching hard, jolts of pleasure flooding me while the thick more-than-sperm throbbed my shaft larger in the grip of her convulsing, milking cunt muscles. I felt the thick, heated goo jetting against her hard-rammed cervix, flooding around my flared glans and leaking back along the length of my shaft. Again I had never cum like this before hosting the symbiote, the jolts of pleasure flooding my nerves while I could still feel each pumping clench as if in slow motion.

I could feel each bolus of cum move through my urethra as separate pleasurable sensations, my shaft throbbing larger to pump the goo onward and the incredible sensations of each spurting jet from the tip of my glans. Then it was my turn to cry out loudly. I felt a pressure in my urethra followed by a shifting pain as something too large for the sperm-slicked passage was pumped up my cock. Pain and intense pleasure mixed, keeping me unable to move until the swelling pressure seemed to force my slit wider and push against the entrance to Sini’s womb.

Sini screamed, passed out, and went limp under me, but that did not stop what was happening. I was so oversensitive I could feel Sini’s cervix forced open across the tip of my cock, the spawn pumped from me pushing into her womb. The restriction was open enough that the very tip of my glans was in her womb, implanting her with a spawn of the symbiote despite the constriction trying to keep my slit closed. I groaned, incredible jolts of pleasure drawing one last clench of my balls that flooded Sini’s actual womb with goo that I knew was more than sperm. I slumped forwards, breathing hard on the soft, padded back of Sini’s limp shape under me.

I laid on passed out Sini for several minutes, my breathing and heart rate slowing, my cheek resting on her limp soft shoulder, my drool wetting her warm skin below my mouth. I started to push up to get off Sini, gasping softly in further pleasure when I felt my cock shift in her very slicked cunt. Again my cock had only softened a little, barely shrinking at all thanks to the changes caused by the symbiote. I pushed myself up off her back, hands shifting to her soft ass while getting my feet under me. I pushed the soft buttocks apart, watching my cock pull from between her clinging, now visibly gaping labia with a small gush of juices and wads of cum.

The sight of Sini’s leaking, freshly used cunt and the light brown knot of her asshole above the mess drew a small throb from my cock. I realized I was not yet done with her. The changes in my body had apparently made me multi-orgasmic and cumming once was not enough. If anything, implanting Sini had only built my need to cum more, and quickly.

Open up, Anus!

I reached down and dragged the tip of my thumb up through the slimy mess leaking from between Sini’s slowly closing vulva, smearing the goo up across her asshole.

I grabbed Sini’s very soft ass harder with both hands, my thumbs pressing between the shifting cheeks and my fingers to the outside, digging in roughly to pull her lower cheeks very wide, fully exposing the brown pucker of her asshole and her goo smeared taint.

Despite just filling Sini’s womb I was still at a high level of arousal, my slimed cock jutting up close to my belly, the purple-engorged flared tip already again leaking fresh glistening pre-cum and traces of sperm. Sini’s left ass cheek sagged in when my hand let go of her ass to push my cock down against the tension of the arousal, putting my blunt glans against her sphincter and bucking my hips even as my hand lifted to grab the intruding soft cheek and haul it out of the way. That first push firmly seated the rounded tip in place before my hard driving legs rammed my groin forwards with serious intent. Sini roused suddenly, with a loud scream. “No stoAAHHHH!”

Despite the nearly fully hard-swollen arousal of my shaft the force of the thrust was almost painful, trying to bend my cock before Sini’s sphincter gave way. The slickness of my smeared ejaculate and oozing pre-cum let the purpled tip start to force open the tight muscle before the broad flared rim of my glans drove in, the speed of the lunge fissuring the assaulted muscle before it could relax and stretch open enough. The front half of my cock came to a stop in the very tight grip of Sini’s forced open sphincter and the bottom end of her gut. With her ass cheeks pulled forcefully apart I could see several deep red fissures in the stretched brown ring of muscle. Amazed that the pressure to cum was already building so quickly in my groin I did not pause to look closer, bucking forwards and down again.

I was leaning forwards over Sini’s ass, fingers clawed into the soft meat of her cheeks to keep them hard apart, my feet slipping a little on the carpet with each thrust. My second thrust put most of my shaft through Sini’s tearing sphincter, but the next few pushes did not get my cock any deeper, forcing me to pull back instead of just push forwards. Her spread ass cheeks gave me a fine view of my very rampant shaft pulling out until I felt the flared rim of my glans pulled back against the tight grip of her asshole. Her sphincter was stretched red and tight, the usual ridges and folds just faint marks on the stressed sensitive skin. I could see several small wetter red lines where the rim was fissuring as my glans swelled up all the more with blood trapped by the tight grip. Sini cried out again in pain as my words also assaulted her. “You need it! Scream and cum with a cock up your filthy ass, fat bitch!”

Aroused, angry, and desperate to get my cock into Sini I lunged forwards and down, again ramming my cock into her guts, her second scream loud in my ears even as my hips slapped against her ass. Sini’s mass of soft ass surged forwards and then rebounded against my thighs, accelerating my pull back. I could see my cock pulling back, Sini's anus stretched outward some as the tight grip tried to evert her gut. The tears in the sphincter were larger, narrow streaks of blood drawn along my shaft. I stopped again with just my glans in Sini’s grip, feeling the building tension in both natural and alien balls. It hardly seemed possible that so soon after the first release I was already fighting to postpone my next orgasm. Sini did not help, rushed words following her post-scream gasping breathing, words rushing out with each short breath. “Noo, thats wrong!” [Gasp] “Dirty! I don’t do this!” [Gasp] “Stop, not in my shit!” [Gasp] “I can’t let this, Ahh, I need...” [Gasp] “I’m going too, Ahhh” [Gasp] “Fuck me, Fuck MY ASS!”

Sini gasped deeply twice in a row, grunting and moaning as she shuddered in pleasure. “Noo, It’s... AhhCumming!”

The second full depth thrust drove my balls against Sini’s squirting cunt and I was already in orgasm by the time my whole cock was in her tight, hot gut. I groaned, shuddering against her ass, alien goo pushed ahead by my cum instead of following a few spurts. Sini’s next scream was underlaid by my own, deeper cry of mixed pleasure and pain. The sensations from my recently overstretched urethra, and then the slit at tip of my cock was even rougher than usual. The pain ended as soon as the first thick slime left my cock to jet up into Sini’s gut. The intense sensations of release jolted my senses, my view of the room and Sini’s back graying a little as all my attention focused on the electric jolts of each hard pumped spurt.

All of my releases had been incredibly more than I had ever felt before infesting myself, but this orgasm seemed powered by the energy I had gained implanting Sini, all the more intense than those before while boosted by the symbiote. Sini’s colon muscles writhed on my throbbing cock as if milking it of the flooding goo that jetted from my very over-sensitsed slit. The sensation seemed to stretch time yet again, the world stopping as the pleasure went on and on. Some small corner of my brain was counting, a never-experienced 12 spurts of cum forced into Sini’s gut before the clenching in my groin stopped and I slumped forwards on her soft, fat back.

Sini lay under me, nearly quiescent except for the sobbing that shook her a little under me for the few minutes it took me to catch my breath and focus again. I groaned and pushed up, moving back and gasping a little in pleasure at the feel of my drained, but unbelievably still soft-swollen cock pulling back through the ridges and grip of Sini’s now very slick colon. I looked down to watch my shaft pull out, veins still standing out a bit. Inch by inch my shaft pulled out through her fissured anus, the tears raw but no longer bleeding. The still tight grip of her violated muscle mostly squeegeed much the mess off my cock, just smears of cum, blood, and shit lightly streaking the length. I paused when the rim of my glans pulled against the elastic grip, then moved back to pull the tip out of her ass. Sini’s abused sphincter gaped redly, a trickle of blood-tinged cum leaking out to drool down towards her cunt.

I moved aside and slumped, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Sini’s slightly twitching fat bulk. As I caught my breath, sat with my head down, I was watching my cock finally soften, the various kinds of goo smearing it congealing. As I recovered I laid back on the bed, rolling to face Sini and realizing she was sobbing, her head turning to look at my face. I spoke before she could, talking over whatever words she was about to say. “Damn Sini, you’re sure one horny dirty slut, I had no idea how much you’d lose control! Don’t bother denying anything, not the way you came with my cum spurting in your tight dirty asshole.”

Sini shuddered, sobbed,and protested. “Sick bastard! Why did you do that to me? No fucking way I wanted to raped and hurt like that! As soon as I find my phone you’re going to jail forever!”

I snorted, my words powering into her brain driven by the massive dose of alien biochemistry flooding her from my cum and the implanted egg. “Wrong, you’re not going to tell anyone what happened here. Not only do you want to cum again and again, you’ll come back here next week for more, even worse! Every night you’ll spend an hour trying to fall asleep with your fat cunt leaking, desperate to cum, playing with yourself, and unable to release the tension until you see me again. Admit it, you’re juicing and needing more right now with my sperm still leaking out of your cunt and asshole.”

Sini gasped, stammering before she shivered, her reply shaky and distracted. “No, that’s not true, it can't be!”

I stretched, then pushed up to stand, slapping her ass while turning to walk past her towards the bathroom. “Yeah it’s true, I can smell your pussy leaking right now! I’m going to shower. Go home, spend your hour every night failing to get off, and by the end of the week you’ll be desperate to come to me for release. Go on, keep your filthy secrets and come back to be fucked properly. Go!”
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