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Memories of the night, a very hot breakfast, a confession sabotaged by wifi problems, and some alarming news from home.
Author's note: This chapter jumps to the next morning and begins by summarizing the events of the previous night. As Jim's harem grows, that will be necessary from time to time if I'm ever going to be able to finish what I've planned for the plot. Anytime I skip ahead and summarize like this, you can check for bonus chapters covering some of those details (in this case chapters 8.1 and 8.2 which are posted already, and 8.3 and 8.4 planned). Chapter 8.1 is free and posted here already, but it's listed out of order. At least for now, other bonus chapters won't be here since they're not necessary for the main story. See for all chapters and for the AI face pics of each character.

If anyone is thinking I'm getting greedy trying to make money on this story, let me assure you there's no chance of that. I'm never going to make ten cents an hour for all the work I've put into this story, and I'm fine with that. But I do have costs that other authors don't have because of the AI face pics thing. If I don't get a few more people to chip in to at least cover those costs, eventually I'm going to have to take the DeviantArt page down. So if you like this story and want to support it being available to everyone for longer in its true form with the pics, please subscribe.


Jim woke to the delicious smell of breakfast, the sound of an espresso machine, and the feel of warm smooth skin pressed against him on both sides. He opened his eyes and saw it was Chan-Juan spooned in front of him. Lifting his head he saw she was still tangled with Caihong, both sleeping soundly, both still radiating joy in their sleep from the knowledge they were both pregnant with his twins. They were the last two he had knocked up in the middle of the night, soon after Dandan and Kyung, who seemed to have left.

He looked down at the hand clinging to his chest and knew the girl spooning him from behind was Soomin. He knew that skin so well. Every inch of it. How many times had he made her come, and how many ways? It was like her whole body was a clitoris. He could never get enough of pleasuring that lithe, smooth, impossibly sensitive little angel. And he still wasn't done with her. He hadn't even had to decide to save her. He hadn't finished because she just kept passing out from pleasure first.

She had passed out from a spectacular orgasm the first time he touched her clit with his tongue, before he even had a chance to get inside her, so the others had carried her to another bed to recover while he continued with the orgy. Then, late at night after almost everyone was gone, Soomin woke up when she heard him with Dandan, Kyung, Chan-Juan, and Caihong, his final group of favorites who he had saved for last. He had taken Soomin and Chan-Juan's cherries, played sperm roulette with all five of those delightful pussies each in several positions, holding back from coming and driving them wild with repeated orgasms. He had finished with Dandan and Kyung first, knocking them both up with twins. Then when he was almost ready to give in and knock Soomin up, she passed out again after three increasingly massive orgasms back to back as she rode his cock and the others all stroked her everywhere. Her trembling, quivering body had ended up clinging to his back, spooning him in her sleep as they lay on their sides.

The others soon gave up on trying to pry her loose, so Chan-Juan and Caihong had finished by lying down on the opposite side of him, their pussies close together so he could alternate between them until they all came together, falling asleep soon after in the beautiful afterglow and the incredibly intense joy of knowing they too were bearing his twins. It had been such a perfect ending, so insanely over the top. But the whole night was over the top. There were so many moments like that burned in his memory, unbelievably sexy and vivid.

He had fucked them all. He had really done it. Fucked every one of that whole crowd of gorgeous women. And he had knocked all but three of them up. Only Soomin and two of the after-party dancers were left. How many had it been? He tried to tally it up by walking through the night in his mind in chronological order.

The first twenty had been so wild, the urgency growing exponentially until it became terrifyingly out of control. Every conquest had driven his lust higher, made him want to breed more and faster. Quickly, selfishly taking them, even goddess models he wanted to savor, even virgins he wanted to be gentle with. Then the horrifying breakdown that followed. It had changed him. He seemed to transcend the desire, master it, own it. After that it was completely different. He was in control. He could always wait when he wanted to, or go fast when he wanted to.

He also seemed to have gained an uncanny ability to know exactly how best to pleasure each of them, which he used to full effect on the others throughout the rest of the night. It was so insanely hot how much pleasure he suddenly seemed to give them. He could just look at one and he'd just know what to do to her. It was different for each of them. How to start, where and how to touch or lick or kiss, small changes to the speed, angle, or depth of his thrusts, what to whisper in their ears, what positions to try next. He blew their minds with pleasure, making them come harder and more times than they had ever thought possible. Their pleasure was now almost the best part, rivaling their incredible beauty, the glorious feeling of conquest of new pussies, the knowledge he was knocking them all up, and the knowledge that they would each devote themselves to recruiting more for him.

But this new miracle made part of him uneasy. He didn't believe in magic or telepathy. Could there be a scientific explanation? How exactly did he know these things? How was it communicated? How could he possibly know to strum quickly side to side on Lanying's clit, but go in slow circles around Zhihao's? How had he known to stop and circle that one random spot on Soomin's inner thigh with his tongue, making her come before he even got to her pussy? Or a hundred other odd hunches like that, every one of them quickly proving to be completely right. Far too many to be luck. It was yet another unexplained, probably inexplicable part of this miracle. Whatever it was, it was undeniably real, an incredible sex god superpower, and he was fucking addicted as hell to it. It made him wonder again if he could he ever quit this. Would he really stop after one week of this?

Twenty women before his breakdown, then twelve in the next group right after his dinner break. It would have been thirteen if Soomin hadn't passed out. The other twelve were all now pregnant, six of them with twins. He had knocked five of them up with twins together in one long multi-peaked orgasm. The three stylists, Abigail, and Zhihao. During that long orgasm he had avoided eye contact until the end so the certainty of impregnation of all five of them would hit him all at once. Ten babies. The joy had hit him so hard. That or the epic orgasm, or the combination of the two, had caused him to pass out. He had just barely managed to clear his vision long enough to see their faces as they crowded around looking down at him, overflowing with joy that spilled over and utterly filled him, and then he was out.

That memory was so powerfully sexy, the joy of it still reverberating even now, but it still felt strange, incomplete somehow. What had he forgotten when he passed out? And what was that nightmare he had?

The virus was so relieved that he didn't remember. It had been so lucky that he had passed out when he did last night, both times. Twice he had learned things he shouldn't, and twice his sleep had allowed the virus to fade the memory of the information he had gained like it had been a dream. In that moment when the virus was so overjoyed at Jim making ten babies, it had failed to hide its thoughts from him. Their minds were too intertwined, and those moments of joy made the virus weak. In its happiness it had let slip that all ten of those babies would be boys. Then Jim's mind had seized on this thread and pulled, hard, easily overwhelming its resistance, and learned that all of his babies would be boys. He had been instantly, utterly horrified at the implications. That was the first time he passed out, and it was what his mind was trying to reconstruct now. He might still remember if he dwelled on this topic, so the virus distracted him by sharpening his hunger.

God, breakfast smelled good. He was ravenously hungry, and he could really use some coffee. Jim carefully extricated himself, managing to get up without waking them, put on a bathrobe, and went to the bathroom before going downstairs, all the while still recalling the previous night and counting. The three masseuses. God, what fun they had been, with their oil and their powerful touch, taking control of his body as he luxuriated in relaxing while they moved him. What a weird thrill it had been to not even have to thrust, letting them do the work of moving his body as they fucked him into each other, then into other women. He had told them he needed more masseuses, and they had so eagerly agreed to find him more. God, what a wonderful thought. More sexy masseuses. He wanted so many more.

He had told Chenguang she could be his assistant, staying with him all week, and she had enthusiastically agreed. All three masseuses had helped him with the other women he fucked after them, but Chenguang in particular had loved that task, taking particular delight in using her tongue to get them ready for him. She seemed to especially get off on helping him pop cherries, including seven in a row that made her come so many times, seeming to activate something like the beast mode in her. It was so hot, such a thrill how much Chenguang got off on it, but it got a little frightening, a little too much like his breakdown earlier, so he had made her slow down for the last two of those seven virgins.

As long as they weren't virgins, and as long as he could at least make them each come, going fast was actually a huge thrill. Chenguang delighted in helping make that possible with her talented, tireless tongue preparing them for him. And there were a few other reasons he went fast with the remaining 27 women, only saving a few of his favorites for later. First, he was finally starting to feel tired. Second, if he knocked up several very quickly, the combined joy from realizing they were pregnant at the same time seemed to lead to that extreme sensitivity of his skin for the next few minutes that had made his time with Dandan and Kyung so unbelievably pleasurable.

Third and most importantly, it seemed he could gain information in those moments of extra-intense joy, as if he was ripping thoughts out of a dark hole in the center of his mind that only appeared in those moments. The joy made it weak. It. He was thinking of it as an it now, whatever was behind all this.

He remembered now what he had done when he figured out that joy made it weak. He had weaponized beast mode, gone fast on purpose, and ambushed it, using all of his willpower to command it to tell him something it didn't want him to know, tell him whatever it least wanted to tell him. And he remembered the feeling of triumph right before passing out the second time. He had won. It had let something important slip. What was it? Damnit, he was so hungry. But he forced himself to focus, trying with all his might to remember it, and he did. It was an image of a pear-shaped pink fleshy blob with braided strands connecting its fat end to a nearby surface. He had no idea what it meant, but he knew it was important. He stopped, despite his ravenous hunger, drew a sketch of it and put it in his wallet.

The second time he passed out he hadn't been out for long, and when he came to he had wanted to try going fast again, but there were only seven women left other than Soomin who was still asleep, Dandan and Kyung who were still not fully fertile, and Chan-Juan, the last virgin, who he had decided to save. So he had put on his bathrobe and gone downstairs to recruit more, meeting the remaining six women who had arrived late to the party.

As soon as he had met them and there were no more un-enthralled women in the room, Leizu began leading a meeting about recruiting tactics. He had stayed for a minute to listen. It was so surreal to hear as she detailed his preferences and called on several other women to share their recruiting ideas. She told them they all needed to raise their standards even higher since there would now be so many of them recruiting. And Kai-Ming was passing out flyers, telling them that if they had a recruiting prospect who they weren't sure had a good enough body, they could give her one of these model search flyers and she'd be evaluated at the agency.

He had brought the remaining women upstairs and luxuriated in his conquest of them all, amazed that he was actually going to finish knocking up that whole huge crowd, and that his desire was still so strong, but at that point starting to really feel the exhaustion. He relaxed on the bed as they each rode him in turn briefly, just to try them all before picking five to set aside for after he got that extra sensitivity back, and arranging the other eight in pairs on the edge of the bed, each with one girl on her back with a pillow under her butt to raise her up to the right height for him, and the other kneeling over her, pussies close together, so he could quickly go down the line and knock them all up together. He didn't try to ambush it this time, deciding he was just too exhausted and he'd pass out for the rest of the night if he tried. Instead, he just fell back on the bed and savored the last five conquests riding him through the incredible pleasure of those few minutes of extra sensitivity, knocking four of them up. He saved Caihong to ride him last, through two beautiful orgasms, and he could have finished but instead he just decided to cuddle up with her and sleep, adding her to the other four he was saving for later.

As he drifted off he had heard their joyful cheering from downstairs, after the announcement that he had finished. That whole crowd left bearing his children. That whole fucking huge crowd. Unbelievable.

He had thought the party was over, that the only ones left were the final five he had saved. But in the middle of the night, hours before he woke up with the final five, he woke up and saw Citra and Dongmei hovering over him, smiling, beckoning to him to come. They helped him up, put a bathrobe on him, and led him downstairs. There were a dozen gorgeous women there in the darkened living room, all strangers recruited from dance clubs nearby, all dancing wearing headphones synced to the same music. Citra gave him a pair and he joined them. No names, no words even. Just movement. Increasingly erotic, flirtatious movement as each of them eventually made eye contact with him, gasped, and became his playthings. No names, no words even. Wildly responsive to his increasingly bold caresses. It was true: Citra's magic was a dancer thing. God damn, he couldn't get enough of dancers.

It was so fucking hot. The anticipation of it, the increasingly sexual dancing, but even more so the dancing that continued once the actual sex inevitably started. They all kept their headphones on as he took them all, including Citra and Dongmei, trying them all in many positions, first up against the windows looking out at the vast panorama of city lights thinking of the millions of sleeping pussies out there, knowing any of them could soon be his. Next they took turns riding him as he sat on an armless dining room chair in the middle of the dance floor, driving them wild with his new sex god powers, knowing exactly how to touch them, that impossibly intense feedback loop going higher and higher because he used his new superpower of control to not let himself come, and because there was always another dancer to switch to if one of them was overcome by the pleasure and needed a break. Citra was just as amazing as he remembered. Even more so, now that he could handle it with his new control. She and Dongmei were the only ones he kissed. Bizarrely, it would have felt weird to kiss the others, not even knowing their names.

They eventually were all a little unsteady on their feet so they moved to the couches for an all-out orgy. He made them all come so many times, just glorying in it, delighting in their writhing urgent responsiveness to his every touch and how beautifully their sexy bodies showed their overwhelming pleasure, all perfectly in time to the music. Oh my god, dancers. Fuck, he loved the fuck out of fucking dancers. What a memory, what an incredible mind-blowing scene.

The rest of his life, any time he heard dance club beats or saw a city skyline at night, vivid memories of that after-party would return, shapely silhouetted anonymous outlines sensuously riding him, constant wild gorgeous motion in the dark, absolutely exquisite perfection. It had been the ultimate test of his godlike powers of control to delay his orgasm, and he had more than passed. He had exulted in how unbelievably long he could hold out against the insane desire and pleasure, driving their frenzied lovemaking on endlessly until finally they were almost begging, exhausted, and he gave in and began to fill each of them with his seed. After he knocked each one up, she returned to dancing, doing so with such perfect beautiful joy. As he alternated between the last three pussies, preparing to fill them all, he was utterly blown away by the power and joy of watching the others dancing around them, knowing these sensuous gorgeous strangers would all bear his children.

Ten of the dancers left pregnant along with Citra and Dongmei, all of them in reverent silence even after the headphones came off as they dressed, radiating joy and gratitude, hugging him goodbye in the dark, still never having said a word to each other. He still didn't know their names, but they had all eagerly taken contact cards from Citra. He knew they were beyond eager to recruit for him, just dying to share this miraculous sex god with others and to spread his seed. The other two who weren't quite fertile yet he took by the hand and silently led to one of the other bedrooms to stay the night, then slipped back into bed and slept for a few hours between Caihong and Chan-Juan, until Dandan and Kyung woke them up by excitedly whispering that they were finally fertile, and the ensuing orgy awoke Soomin, who joined them for the final bout of lovemaking of the night.

Eighty-two, his accountant brain reported. He had knocked up eighty-two women last night. Completely bonkers. Was that his limit? He had felt pretty drained when he went to sleep, but then almost completely refreshed when he woke up a couple hours later and joined the dance party. No. With a few more strategic naps, he could do more. And he could have gone faster when he was awake, too. He had figured out how to do it with the last couple dozen women at the party. As long as he made each of them come hard first, he didn't feel like he was being selfish going fast. He knew that didn't really make sense; they were all overjoyed afterwards no matter what. But it made him feel better about going fast, made it actually a rush without any of those negative feelings that had added up to his breakdown earlier.

As he finished brushing his teeth and headed downstairs, he wondered how many they'd bring him next. This insane night had been the result of fewer than twenty actively recruiting for a day. Now he had a hundred and nine expectant mothers of a hundred twenty-nine of his babies out there obsessively dedicated to finding the most irresistibly sexy women they could and bringing them to him. And they would be even better at recruiting today. They were sharing tips, strategizing together, coordinating. Tonight might make last night look like nothing, the way that last night now made the previous night look. He laughed, thinking of Sunday night, and how he had thought fucking eleven women in a row and knocking them all up was so absurdly over the top. How ridiculously small and modest that orgy seemed now. Tonight there would be far more women, and somehow the beauty standards would be even higher. And it was only Tuesday. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

He ate at the kitchen counter with Dandan, Daiyu, and Chenguang. There was quite a spread already and Susu was still busily making more. Zhihao and Mei were in the kitchen helping Susu. Zhihao was slicing melons for a fruit platter. Mei had the espresso machine going continuously, and he gladly accepted the next cappuccino from her.

"Damn, Susu, everything is delicious," he said. "Why so much food? Expecting more company?"

All he got were giggles in response. Of course more were coming.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. He could hear an accented voice outside saying "What are we doing here? We should already be warming up for our game."

Dandan let them in. It was Setia, along with three gorgeous lithe Indonesian soccer girls. Eye contact and then those unbelievably sexy gasps and stares. Fuck, they were hot. Tight, smooth, caramel-skinned college athletes, gracefully swaying toward him, their movements hinting at how deliciously shapely their bodies were under those soccer uniforms, all staring at him with their dark eyes smoldering with lust as Setia led them to the kitchen counter to meet him, introducing them as Kirana, Gemi, and Aninda.

How was he so turned on so quickly, after everything last night? His balls felt full, like he hadn't had any release in a week. His growing erection was beginning to tent his bathrobe as he shook their hands, and they all definitely noticed, glancing back and forth between his face and his crotch.

But they were in a hurry, and he also needed to go down to the old hotel room to call his wife soon. He stood up, backing away from the counter where they had crowded close around him, saying "I need to change and go make a call, but I'll be right back."

"Can't you stay just a little longer?" Chenguang asked, smiling devilishly. "Get to know our new friends better while they eat?" She was stroking Kirana's back lightly as she spoke, the girl shivering in pleasure at her touch.

"I heard they have a game. Lovely to meet you girls, but I'd hate to make you late."

"Make us late…" Gemi repeated huskily, staring pure sex at him.

"He has been known to do that to a girl," Mei said, giggling.

"Oh god, Jim, please make them just a little late, right now," Chenguang breathed. As she had been last night, his favorite masseuse was so hot for it, so excited to join him in exploring and pleasuring new bodies. It drove her wild to see him conquer and breed new pussies, especially virgins, as many of the college soccer girls last night were. She now had a hand under Aninda's jersey, lightly stroking her back while her other hand was stroking its way down onto Kirana's ass. Kirana arched and pushed her ass back, gasping.

"Late? Oh my god, do you mean?" Gemi trailed off, seeing the other girls nod. Nobody was talking about the soccer game. Late for their periods. Pregnant. "Yes," she breathed. "Can he really? All of us?" She had a hand down the front of her shorts.

"Oh yeah, easily. He knocked up, what, fifty last night?"

"Fifteen women? That's crazy. Impossible," Aninda said. They all gaped at Jim as they all suddenly felt certain that this preposterous number wasn't just incorrect, it was low.

"Eighty-two, actually," he said.


"Oh my god!"


"Please, take us too! Do it!"

Their shorts and panties were down to mid thigh in seconds, standing leaning over the counter with their beautiful perky asses pushing backward toward him, whimpering with need, their sweet little pussies open and weeping for him, so ready, so tight, so delicious, and so fertile. Oh, alright, he thought. He still had a few minutes.

He opened his robe and stepped behind Gemi. He had a hunch she'd be able to come quickly. She was a firecracker like Mei, almost like Soomin. He couldn't wait to set her off. It would take so little. The others would need just a bit more work. Like Jim, Chenguang somehow knew these things too, which was why she had focused on the other two. She was now on her knees licking her way closer to Kirana's pussy as her fingers teased Aninda's inner thighs, making both girls moan and writhe in anticipation.

He teased his tip around Gemi's wet folds while he reached up under her jersey, pushing her sports bra up and cupping a perky little breast, pinching her nipple as he lodged his tip in her entrance, pausing to savor the anticipation and the beautiful sight of it, her tiny waist, wide hips, perky ass cheeks, and her beautiful pussy lips wrapped around his cock.

Gemi was so worked up already. She had been already before she met him. She had suspected from the change in Setia's behavior yesterday that there was something scandalous going on with the usually reserved, proper, conservative girl. Gemi had been indulging in naughty fantasizing, vicariously enjoying Setia's imagined misbehavior. On the way here to the mystery breakfast Setia had insisted they come to, she had squirmed her soaked panties against the train seat as her mind filled with sexy fantasies, never imagining they would directly involve herself.

That all changed the moment she saw him. Setia dropped out of the fantasy and suddenly it was her. She, not Setia, was the temptress, the seductress, the wild scandalous girl, and she fucking loved it. Liberation. Years of repressed sexual urges came pouring out, filling her, dizzying her with swirling lurid thoughts that all converged on him, on his lust-filled eyes, and on his crotch where she could see his erection growing, throbbing under the bathrobe, calling to her, giving her an all-consuming new purpose, finally crystallized by their conversation about him making them late.

And now, seconds after she had so lewdly pulled her pants and panties down and pressed her ass towards him, offering her wanton slut body to him, she could already feel his hard shaft prodding at her pussy. Oh my god, this was so wild, so scandalous, they were cutting right to the chase. A first kiss could wait. This was so right, so perfect, she just hadn't ever dared to dream of it. She was filled with a desperate need for him to ravage her, take her, possess her, and yes, give her his DNA. Even this few seconds of teasing was too much.

She couldn't wait, so she didn't. She pushed back onto him, driving him two inches into her. She was shocked by how insanely pleasurable each millimeter of movement on him felt. She let out a strangled gasp as her eyes closed involuntarily from the sensations. How could anything feel that good? Oh my god, it was heaven, so fucking amazing, absolutely mind-blowing, and he was only a couple inches in. She slightly rocked off and back onto him, her whole being rejoicing at the exquisite symphony of pleasure as he stretched parts of her open deep inside, parts of her she didn't know existed singing beautifully in bliss, the pleasure reverberating through her, filling her, body and soul.

"Oh my god that looks so hot," Aninda said. "How does it feel, Gemi?"

"Oh shit it's so good!" she said as she pushed another inch back onto him. "I didn't know. I never knew anything in life could feel this good!"

This produced more moans of anticipation from the other two girls, which then turned to gasps of pleasure as Chenguang finally arrived at both of their pussies, gently, expertly licking Kirana as she put a fingertip inside Aninda's tight pussy while gently strumming her clit with her thumb.

Jim groaned with pleasure as Gemi finally bottomed out. What a moment, what incredible pleasure, what a conquest, balls deep inside this stranger, this gorgeous lithe wild young athlete who he had just met, her sweet tiny pussy clenching on him, her smooth tight shapely caramel body stretching and writhing in pleasure, her strangled moans broadcasting impending orgasm already.

He grabbed her tiny waist and began to thrust slowly and deeply. He could come with her if he wanted to. Did he? Oh god, maybe he did. It felt fucking amazing. How was this still so good, so new, so powerful, after over a hundred other conquests? More time with her would be so much fun. But there were always more where she came from. So many more. And letting go quickly was such a rush too. He was going to do it. Send her, send all three of them, off to their soccer game on time with his babies in their wombs and their hearts full of joy.

They were so close. Her tight pussy clamped down harder on him and he slowed briefly, his fingers replacing hers at her clit and pressing, holding her right on the brink of orgasm while he leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Here it comes, Gemi, our beautiful baby!"

"Yes, do it, yes!" she gasped the words as she felt him swell deep inside her, the thought of it sending her flying over the edge into a beautiful orgasm. Their lips met for a wildly passionate first kiss as he made his final plunge, found that perfect extra-pleasurable spot deep inside her, and came with her, spurting his seed into her fertile womb as they kissed and ground against each other.

Their pleasure seemed to be contagious. The moans from Aninda, Kirana, and Chenguang had all increased in pitch. Mei too: both of her hands were busy under her skirt as she watched raptly.

"Kirana's close," Chenguang said as she pulled her face away from Kirana's pussy and moved over to Aninda's, making room for him, both of her hands now going to her own crotch.

He pulled out of Gemi's still-spasming pussy and quickly moved behind Kirana's gorgeous tight caramel body, stretched open for him, back arched, trembling, hovering on the brink of orgasm. He pushed in. Conquest, glorious unbelievably pleasurable sensations of those first few inches of penetration, the sound of her orgasm breaking, the feeling of her spasming and shaking on him, her impossibly sexy sounds as she was blown away by how pleasurable it was when he finally bottomed out in her and began to thrust, the knowledge that he would soon knock this stranger up, all of it was more than enough to bring his fading orgasm right back. After just a few deep thrusts he was coming again, pressing deep in her fertile body, spurting his life-giving seed right where she needed it. So fucking fast, and so fucking perfect.

Heavenly, sensuous deep strokes as they rode out their orgasms and he leaned in for a first kiss and to just gaze at her, stroking her face and savoring her incredible beauty up close. God, what an angel. What a lovely creature. His seed was even now seeping into her womb, his eager swimmers seeking out her fertile egg. She would make him such an amazing baby.

He heard a gasp from Gemi. He looked over at her and it hit him too. Gemi was pregnant. The joy welled up, so powerful as it always was, but always so new, so special. His cock still spasming deep inside of Kirana, he kissed Gemi tenderly and brushed the tears of joy from her cheeks. Fucking incredible. Perfection. Utter bliss. How could he ever get enough of this?

Chenguang stood up from behind Aninda. "She's ready," she said. He gave Gemi and Karina each a tender last kiss then pulled out.

As he positioned himself behind Aninda's gorgeously shapely, lithe, tight, squirming body, Chenguang pressed her body close behind him, her arms around him, holding Aninda's hips while she whispered in his ear, "let me do it."

"Oh god," he gasped, knowing what this meant. Chenguang loved to pop cherries.

His tip was nestled in her tight, slippery, heavenly entrance, the sight and the sensations already so insanely hot. He relaxed and watched as Chenguang slowly started to push him slightly into Aninda, stopping when she felt him hit resistance.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Chenguang asked.

"Oh god, yes, do it!" Aninda gasped. She was still close to orgasm from Chenguang's magic tongue and on fire with lust from seeing and hearing what he did to her teammates.

Chenguang's gasping breath in his ear as she slowly increased the pressure told him she was close too. She fucking loved this part. He knew she could come from it, even without any stimulation of her pussy, but he could make her come harder. He reached behind his back and got his hand between them, delighting in her wet pussy and strumming her clit.

Finally Aninda's hymen gave way and he slid a couple inches into her heavenly slick tightness. As always, there was no pain, just unbelievably intense pleasure, perfectly expressed by her stunned strangled moan.

"Oh my god how, how can it feel so good?" Aninda gasped, clenching on him and tensing up as her orgasm approached.

He could tell Chenguang and Mei were close too. He'd make them all come together. All he had to do was say the magic words they all longed to hear, that he was about to knock Aninda up.

"Here it comes Aninda!"

Just then he heard a knock at the door.

"Should I get it?" Susu whispered.

He shook his head. Too late to stop. They were all at the brink.

"Just a minute," Susu called out.

He tried to be quiet, but an orgasmic grunt still escaped his lips as he exploded deep inside Aninda, sending her over the edge with a series of almost-suppressed squeaking moans. A second later Chenguang joined in, gasping and shuddering out her climax in his ear, managing to keep mostly quiet. Jim was just thinking maybe we did a pretty good job being quiet enough, but then Mei went off like a rocket, losing all control, loudly crying out her pleasure. There was no doubt that whoever was outside the door would have heard her incredibly sexy orgasmic cries.

He heard gasps and whispered voices from outside, then clearly heard "let's go" in Mandarin.

Susu rushed to the door as they made themselves presentable, Jim sitting back at the counter and leaning over to give Aninda a quick hug.

They heard Susu's laughing voice in the hallway, telling someone what they had heard was a stupid comedy video and urging them to come in for breakfast. They heard footsteps approaching. Then Karina gasped next to him and Jim turned to her to share that beautiful moment of realization she was pregnant.

Jim and Karina were hugging and crying tears of joy when the two China Airlines flight attendants entered, a vision straight out of his fantasies, immaculate and spectacularly beautiful in their crew uniforms, their hair and makeup perfect, their slender bodies highlighted by their tailored jackets and long tight skirts. He glanced up at them and caught their eyes for a moment and their suspicious expressions turned quickly to that familiar, wonderful, stunning lust. Holy shit what a combination, enthralling two gorgeous new women, literal walking fantasies, right in that moment of joy from learning Karina was pregnant.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt. We're friends of Guanyu's. She invited us for breakfast. Are we in the right place? Is she here?"

"She's not here, but yes, you're in the right place," Dandan said, smiling and shaking their hands. They barely looked at her. Their eyes kept going to Jim and to the three Indonesian soccer players, all blushing and breathing heavily, their faces broadcasting something even more than post-coital bliss, an infectious joy far deeper than that, happy tears still spilling down their cheeks despite their best efforts to compose themselves.

"Sorry, it's ok, please join us, don't mind me, I'm just so happy," Karina said.

"Did he just… propose?"

Giggles all around. "No, god no. He did something so much better than that."


"Come here, I'll whisper it to you," said Chenguang, hugging Jim from behind and resting her head on his shoulder.

As they hesitated, staring at Jim and Chenguang, Aninda gasped too. She looked at him and he knew she too was bearing his child. "Yes, oh thank you Jim, yes!" He reached out to caress her face, then pulled her in for a kiss. A tender, sweet first kiss as the joy again doubled. Life was so fucking good, so perfect, so right, absolutely heavenly bliss.

The two stunned flight attendants were breathing heavily now, their eyes wide with confusion and rapidly growing lust. They stepped slowly toward them. Deep down, they already knew. They could feel it, a deep craving in their clenching sodden pussies. No, deeper than that. In their wombs. Their breathing quickened. They both glanced at his cock tenting the bathrobe. They both leaned in close, inhaling, the sweet smell of sex wafting off of Jim confirming what they already knew had just happened.

"He just gave these three a great gift, one he has given to all of us," Chenguang whispered, pausing deliciously, savoring the tension. "His seed."

Gasps and moans from the two stunned flight attendants. One seemed about to swoon, clutching the other.

Chenguang came to her other side. "Oh, you poor dear. I know how you feel. We will take care of you. You need to sit. Please, here, on Jim's lap."

She guided the gorgeous flight attendant to sit sideways on Jim's lap, her outer thigh pressing against his straining erection. She gasped and ground against it, her beautiful eyes out of focus, staring in wonder at him, inches away.

"I'm Jim," he whispered, gently taking her soft little trembling hands in his. "I am so happy to meet you."

"Oh fuck, me too," she said each word haltingly, so it wasn't quite clear where the comma should go, as her lips drew slowly closer. "I'm Dai-Lu." A tender first kiss, then mad passion, hands groping everywhere, grinding, gasping, writhing, clinging to each other. Chenguang helped loosen and remove her tight skirt and panties, then stood up and took the other flight attendant in her arms, drawing her in for a passionate kiss while her hands went to work on her skirt. Soon Dai-Lu was straddling him and grinding urgently against him through the bathrobe as his hands roamed under her shirt, delighting in her smooth shapely body, unclasping her bra and playing with her sweet firm handful-sized tits.

She didn't waste any more time. She pulled the bathrobe out of the way and seized his shaft, lifting up over him to line him up. And then she was sinking onto him, sweet tight slickness enveloping him, that amazing feeling of conquest even more powerful than usual, maybe because it had been just seconds since they met, probably because of the overwhelming joy still filling him from knocking up the three soccer girls, and definitely because of years of fantasizing about Asian airline flight attendants in this exact kind of uniform, with this exact kind of impossible beauty. Wet, tight, eager, gorgeous, writhing on him, a stranger seconds ago, and hyper fertile, driven wild by the prospect of getting his seed in her womb. Delicious thrust after delicious thrust into this living fantasy, this otherworldly beauty. God what a body. He lifted her shirt up to see her tiny waist better as she rose and fell, her moans growing more urgent, her pace speeding up.

He could see it in her eyes, feel it on his cock, and above all hear it in her sexy moans, she was going to come soon, just from the penetration. But he knew he could make it better for her, make that orgasm absolutely earth-shattering for her. He slowed her down, then turned the stool they were on toward the counter, guiding her to lean back with her elbows on the counter so she could arch her back on him, changing the angle, then went to work on her clit as she rocked on him in this new position, crying out a near-orgasmic sounding "oh!" with each thrust, perfectly communicating her shock at how insanely good it felt, how it hit her so perfectly deep inside, and how her climax kept rising and rising so far beyond the point where she had thought it would break. Her pleasure was so fucking beautiful, so wildly contagious.

There was no reason to wait. He let himself get close with her, then brought them both up expertly to a stop teetering on the brink, a higher brink than she had ever thought possible, holding still deep inside her, his tip pressing against her cervix, so ready to blow, so close to where her fertile egg awaited, both of them fighting to keep their eyes open as they stared into each other's souls, both thinking of the beautiful perfection of their combined DNA. "Ah!" they both cried out exactly together as their orgasms broke, perfectly synchronized, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over them, glorious perfection, his fantasy realized, a hundred times better than he had ever dreamed it, his seed spurting deep inside her, kissing and laughing and clinging tightly to each other, still slowly thrusting together as they came down.

"So fucking good. How? How can anything be that good? Xuesong, oh my god you have to try — oh!" Dai-Lu stopped mid-sentence, her eyes going wide with his as they both felt the certainty and joy of her impregnation. "Oh my god, it just got even better, so fucking much better." She clenched tightly on his cock, still buried deep inside her, hugged him tightly, smothering him with kisses, and thanked him over and over as the joy welled up higher and higher.

Xuesong, the other flight attendant, was sitting on the stool next to him, leaning back on the counter, her long shapely legs spread wide, Chenguang's tongue and fingers busy at her crotch, moaning with increasing urgency, her eyes fixed on him, pleading, desperate, wild with need. Holy fucking shit. As always, his lust only seemed to grow higher with every conquest. He had taken the three soccer girls so fast, and Dai-Lu even faster, but it wasn't too fast, it wasn't a waste. It was perfect. Their spectacular orgasms made it such a rush. Maybe this would be his new normal. Fucking each one to the greatest orgasm of her life and then knocking her up in less than a minute. Chenguang was a huge help, getting them ready. He thought of how fast he could go if he had two or three like her, getting a line of girls ready for him.

Dai-Lu saw his hungry look at Xuesong and giggled happily, quickly climbing off him. Chenguang quickly stepped out of his way as soon as he stood up, saying "she's close."

"Thanks, Chenguang. I think I need more like you."

She laughed, then said, "I know. That's what Leizu said last night. They already found at least one who they think is perfect for the job. You'll meet her soon. She's giving you a ride to work."

He stepped between Xuesong's legs, lined up at her spasming pussy, and teased slightly around the entrance before lodging his tip inside, groaning the incredible feeling of her slick tightness clutching him. Her reaction made it clear that Chenguang had outdone herself again. Xuesong wasn't just close, she was right on the brink. God, she was wound up tight, so ready to blow. He wanted to set her off, see what happened. And of course he knew exactly how best to do that.

He strummed her clit just right and she immediately cried out, bucking off the stool up onto him, impaling herself fully onto his cock as her orgasm began. He kept it up, strumming her clit as he pounded deep into her gorgeous fertile body, keeping her orgasm going on and on as his own approached, then finally pressed deep and blasted off against her cervix, setting off yet another even higher peak of pleasure for her. They clung together, gasping, kissing, shuddering through the aftershocks of their orgasms, and then he held her face and just watched for it, just gazed at her beauty, feeling their connection, waiting, knowing his seed was seeping toward her egg. There was a reverent hush, everyone waiting for it.

"Oh!" she gasped, her eyes going wide as it hit them both. "Yes! Oh, thank you, thank you! It's so perfect!" It was. So much joy, another greatest moment of his life. Five new women, all strangers minutes ago, all so gorgeous and sexy, and all now bearing his children. It had all happened so quickly, so efficiently. It was perfect. And he wasn't even late yet.

He pulled out, tied his robe, grabbed his plate of food and his cappuccino and rushed out the door, saying he'd be back soon.

He took a big sip as he waited for the elevator down to his old room, still not thinking about what he'd say to her, still too full of joy to face those thoughts. God, how delicious, how perfect. What a way to wake up.

The elevator doors opened and he immediately had two more thralls. Flight attendants again, again gorgeous in their tailored uniforms. Japanese this time, both adorable and sweet-faced, their huge eyes full of stunned wonder as they stared at him.

"Hi, if you're Guanyu's friends here for breakfast, it's that door." They nodded but didn't move. He held the elevator door with his foot so it wouldn't close. "Go ahead, I'll be right back in a few minutes. I'm Jim."

"I'm Emi," the shorter one said, reaching for his hand which was holding his coffee, then instead holding his arm with both of her hands, not letting it go, and not budging from the elevator.

"I'm Asami," said the other, doing the same with his other arm.

"Oh, alright, I'll bring you there, but then I have to go, and I promise I'll be back soon," he said, leading them out of the elevator and toward the penthouse. They clung tightly to his arms, pressing close against him as they walked. He somehow managed not to spill anything, walking slowly. They wouldn't let go when he got to the door, so he had to knock with his foot. Dandan opened it and laughed. He delivered the two girls to the breakfast counter and the others helped extricate them from him over their cute squeals of protest so he could escape.

On his way down to his old room, he finally faced the conversation to come. What would he tell his wife? He needed to tell her, but when, and how? It wouldn't get any easier. Delaying it felt like more lying. What if she asked how his night was last night? He didn't have a lie ready for that, and felt sick just thinking about it, his mind rebelling at any effort to make a plan to lie to her any more. Whatever the consequences, he had to come clean.

He began to think about how he'd start, how he'd explain this insane experience, and he realized the explanation he was preparing was another lie. He had been thinking he would tell her it was all somehow out of his control, that he had no choice in it, that it was impossible to resist. That was bullshit. It was a comforting lie he had been telling himself, to avoid taking responsibility for his choices. He had chosen, over and over again, to give in to the desire.

He was in control of his actions. No matter how strong the desire was, he was still the one who had decided to act on it. Even before the new self-control he had gained last night, he could have tried harder to resist. He could have said no. Called their bluff when they threatened to tell his wife. Or a hundred times after that. With all of those women, at any point he could have said no, and didn't. How fucking hard would it have been to just utter the word no, just once in all of that? He never said no to any of them. He hadn't even thought it. Because his choice had been yes, every time.

And his actions after he had gained that self-control super-power were even less excusable. Last night, dozens of times, he could have easily stopped it all, and he hadn't. No, this wasn't something out of control that had just happened to him. He had chosen to go along with it. The hard truth was that deep down he fucking loved this. Making gorgeous strangers his playthings, exploring their bodies, pleasuring them, and yes, breeding with them. He wanted this. Deep down, he wanted to spread his DNA. He had to face up to the fact that he had chosen to cheat on his wife with over a hundred women. How the fuck would he explain that to her? Not by lying. Not by pretending he hadn't chosen it. No excuses. No bullshit about magically irresistible desire. He alone was responsible for his actions.

But then what? After he confessed, would he promise to stop? He wasn't sure if that would be a lie too. He hadn't decided to stop yet. Fuck. Did he want to stop? He fucking could, he knew it now, he had finally admitted it to himself. But would he?

His head was spinning and his face was haggard when the video call started. She immediately asked how he was feeling, saying he still looked sick and should see a doctor.

"I think you're right, honey, there is something really wrong," he said.

"What, you froze up, say that again?"

"Honey, I cheated on you with over a hundred women," he said.

"What? I can't hear you well, and what I thought I heard can't be right," she said, laughing.

The video froze again, then the call dropped. A few minutes later they reconnected and it seemed to be working better.

"Jim, I can't talk long. I have to meet some people for dinner. But I need to share some super exciting news first! You ready?"


"I'm on my way to a meeting with a Chinese company that wants to buy my bakery and turn it into a chain! They seem legit. The one weird thing is they mostly seem to do media and tech startups, nothing in food service that I could find. But they said my savory croissants made a big impression on their CEO when she was in town a few weeks ago. They're flying in a chef to meet me who will stop by the bakery tomorrow morning. She specifically requested I make sure to have those same croissants available when she arrives. It's crazy, right? Don't worry, I won't say yes or sign anything or give away any recipes. I'll send you the info and any documents her people share tonight at dinner."

Media and tech startups? Where had he heard that phrase recently? "Wow, honey, that's so great! Send me anything you have about them now if you can, I'm sure I'll have some time to look into it during work."

"Great! Gotta run. Go see a damn doctor! Love you, bye!"

And that was it. At least he did it. He had said the words. He'd have to fucking do it again of course. Damn hotel internet. But it was a start. He felt a tiny bit better. Almost kind of proud of himself. But also super fucking ashamed and guilty. He sat there alone finishing his delicious breakfast in peace, finishing calming down from the stress of the call.

Then he remembered something he had wanted to look up on his phone. A phrase he had heard Cheon-Sa whisper to Lanying last night, in a hushed conversation they had stopped when they noticed him passing in the hallway, on his way downstairs to meet the last few new recruits at the party. He had clearly heard her say "implantation failure." He looked it up. He was stunned to learn that seventy-five percent of the time, a fertilized egg failed to implant in the uterus. What did this mean? Why were they worrying about this now? Were his babies not yet at that stage? Then he remembered Mia talking about implantation happening five or six days after fertilization.

Oh, shit. Maybe their feeling of impregnation was just awareness of a fertilized egg. That would mean three out of four of the women he already thought he'd knocked up might turn out soon to not be pregnant. They'd get their periods, no longer feel pregnant, and then what? The answer was obvious. They'd need him again the next month. He swore out loud. So much for Leizu's plan for this to end cleanly in one week, with an empty to-do list and no fear of desperate rogues coming after him.

Somehow, though, he felt like he had it wrong, they really all would be pregnant. He felt like all those eggs somehow would successfully implant. But what did he know, what did anyone know about any of this, really. None of it was normal. He'd talk to Mia about it at lunch tomorrow, make sure she was studying that part of it too.

He was about to head back up to the penthouse when he saw his wife's email with the link to the company and another link to a restaurant review story featuring the chef who was coming to meet her. He clicked through the company website to the executive team page and there she was. Fei Fei was their CEO. Those same arrogant, brilliant eyes, that same sexy mouth that had called him a peasant bastard to goad him into pounding a baby into her.

He opened the restaurant review and saw Chun-Hua's smiling face, bringing back vivid memories of the mind-blowing experience with her last night, the way she lit up all five of his senses with the tastes and smells of her food, the gorgeous sight of her beautiful body, the incredible feeling of her tight wet pussy on his cock, and her orgasmic cries as she rode him. Chun-Hua was flying to meet his wife, right now. And Fei Fei wanted to buy their little hobby project of a bakery that barely covered its own costs. What were they up to?
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