An hour after yet another round of one-sided sex I was no less sure there was no love left, just frustration and pain.
Read and heed the tags, or you won't be happy reading this story.
An hour after yet another round of one-sided sex I was no less sure there was no love left, just frustration and pain. I fetched my best knife from the display in my office and went to the bedroom where Penelope was asleep. I moved quietly to Penelope at the left side of the bed and gently pulled down the single sheet she was sleeping under. Despite all the past revenge fantasies I intended to waste no time taking sexual or sadistic enjoyment of Penelope’s pale fat bulk of a body, leaning over her with my right hand empty and the lethal knife held in a dagger grip in my left hand.
I slapped my right hand down over Penelope’s mouth, thumb under her chin to shove and tilt her head back across the neck roll she used instead of a pillow. The force exposed her thick throat as she startled and began to wake. She barely had time for the first sound of some hand-muffled exclamation before I used my full strength to drive the knife down into the center of her throat. The katana point of the knife easily cut into her soft neck and drove through her windpipe with a small crunching noise followed by the thud of the heel of my hand against her neck.
Penelope heaved on the bed when the killing thrust sunk home, her legs and arms thrashing but her head pinned down by the hand on her mouth and the knife. I twisted the knife back and forth before pulling it out, leaving a ragged wound in her neck.
Penelope’s scream was muffled by my palm, not even as loud as the audible hiss of air from the deep wound. In a moment the noise became a wet bubbling gurgle as torn vessels leaked into her windpipe. She tried to inhale and instead started to choke on the flow of her own blood, her eyes wide over my mouth covering hand. I could see the shock and fear in her look at me as she understood I was hurting her. The wet coughing gurgles got louder when I let go of her mouth. Penelope struggled frantically on the bed, her hands pawing at the gaping wound in her throat.
My thoughts reeled as the enormity of what I had done swept through me. I dropped the knife, my right hand dragging her left wrist aside and my now empty left hand knocking Penelope’s right hand aside to expose the ragged hole. A flow of dark blood pulsed from one side of the torn wound, flowing and ebbing rather than jetting. I realized I had torn a neck vein, not an artery, giving Penelope a slightly slower death.
I reached down with my right hand and grabbed at the ragged wound. I could feel her very hot blood flooding against my palm, each fresh pulse of wet heat flooding my senses with excitement, feeding an untapped depth of sadism I was just now discovering. My clenching thumb pushed into the wound, the tip partly in her severed trachea feeling the movement of her useless attempts to breathe air and cough up the drowning blood. I could feel my cock hardening rapidly but this was something different, more than just sexual, the life I was taking from Penelope feeding me pleasure.
Penelope thrashed on the bed hard enough her throat came out from under my hand, her rent windpipe flooded with the thick blood she coughed up, spattering her face and the already bloody sheet behind her head. Penelope was convulsing and I let go of her wrist while watching her thrash on the bed, bloody froth leaking from the wound. Penelope rolled away from me, ending up face down. The sounds from her mouth and neck wound were muffled, my own heavy breathing louder than the wet burbling sounds.
Penelope’s thrashing was weakening, and I got onto the bed to lean over her, gripping her hair with my bloody right hand to hold her in pace. I looked down across her shuddering pale body and I knew I was watching this woman I had once loved die by my hand, the emotional rush making me dizzy. My cock was in my view, very aroused and with the glans already purple-engored with a bit of pre-cum slicking the tip. I did not hesitate, throwing myself down onto Penelope with my knees going between her still-kicking legs.
Penelope heaved on the bed again under my weight, the shaft of my cock between her big soft ass cheeks. I let go of her head, both arms grabbing for her moving shoulders while I used my knees to move down a bit, dragging my cock down through her ass-crack. It had been years since we had done anal sex, the last time a well lubricated slow and gentle thrusting. This moment was nothing like that past time, the blunt head of my cock working down until it was against her anus before my hips bucked hard. My grip on Penelope’s shoulders pulled me forwards when I drove my cock into her ass brutally.
There was a moment of almost too painful pressure on my cock before the blunt tip rammed through Penelope’s tight, unlubricated ring of muscle, tearing its way into the heat of her gut. Her body heaved under me in reaction, briefly interrupting her convulsing struggles to breathe. I heard a louder wet cough from where her face was in an increasingly bloody pillow and neck roll. Her anus was very tight behind the flared rim of my cock, swelling it all the larger before I thrust again and again, each hard driven buck on her pushing my cock deeper into her gut. I was grunting, growling and almost frantically humping on Penelope, feeling more aroused than I ever was before.
Penelope’s gut quickly got slicker as I ass fucked her dying body, my pre-cum and blood from her fissureing sphincter letting me speed up. Her rippling hot colon felt like it was trying to fight my entry, adding to my thrill. My thighs started loudly smacking her fat ass, my full, hanging ball slapping her labia with each thrust. It only took me what was at most the last 2 minutes of Penelope’s life to reach the edge of release. The tension deep in my groin was building quickly but I wanted even more sensations from Penelope, my right hand shifting to her hair to yank her head back and twist to the side.
The side view of Penelope’s face, very bloody except for her wide eyes, and the frothing red blood spilling from her mouth and nose put me over the edge. Even as my ball clenched Penelope went into a terminal seizure, her eyes rolling back and her whole body shivering under me. Her torn asshole clenched down on the base of my cock and groaned at the sudden back pressure against my cum for a moment before she heaved under me. Penelope’s death spasm nearly bucked me off her rounded fat body, my first bolus of cum spurting into her rippling colon. I rode her heaving bulk for the 5 intense spurts of sperm it took to drain my ball, my hard bucking motions replacing her spasms as she died for my cum.
By the time I slumped on her back she was limp below me, her complete stillness driving home to me the end of her life. I lay on the corpse for long minutes, catching my breath while my hard worked muscles twitched a bit. I felt a hot wetness flood across my slack scrotum, Penelope's last pee leaking out of her corpse. As I recovered from the rush and started thinking again I felt I had granted Penelope a quicker death than she deserved, but at least I had been granted an intense if quick fuck like none other I had ever had. I realized I was crying, but it was a reaction to the intensity of what I had done, I felt no remorse at all.
Once I had recovered a bit I slowly moved back, going to my knees between Pamla’s sprawled thick legs. My softening cock pulled out of her still tight asshole, and I used my hands to spread her big soft ass cheeks to watch my shaft pull out streaked with smears of blood, cum, and shit. I had indeed fissured her anus, deep red tears through the red-smeared brown ring all around the now gaping entrance. I was smiling as I moved backwards to the edge of the bed and got up, my knees shaky. I backed up a couple of slow steps then turned away from what was now just a pathetic heap of dead fat flesh, a slowly cooling corpse on the bloody bed.