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The continuing story of Steve and his mom
Patti Mason awoke to a throbbing headache. She reached up to massage her forehead, only to feel fabric.

"God! I've had that mask on all night!"

She unsnapped the mask and threw it to the bedroom floor. She massaged the sides of her forehead. Patti could feel the lines left by the elastic in the mask. She sat up and slowly let her legs hang over the side of the bed. "Owwwww!" she moaned. Patti was terribly hung-over. She knew she shouldn't drink the way she did, but it help to mask her unhappy feelings about her marriage.

Patti had become pregnant at 18. She never was able to figure out why she had slept with Dick, her now husband. He wasn't really her kind of man. He was kind of nerdy, didn't like sports and had a rather small penis. All of her high school flings had been with better endowed boys. She had met Dick at a party where they both drank heavily. He'd fucked her in the back seat of his car and she'd ended up pregnant.

Patti hadn't wanted to marry Dick, but her mother had insisted. Several years later, her mom had told her she had been wrong to insist. None of her family had really taken to Dick, but here she was.

As she ran her hands over her face, she could feel the remains of the dried cum over her cheeks and neck. "Well" she though, "Dick must have had a good time" Patti didn't often let Dick fuck her because he was too small to really satisfy her. He preferred blow jobs anyway.

As she sat on the edge of the bed, she slowly realized she had an odd feeling in her ass. Reaching around her, she felt the end of the butt plug still lodged in her curvy ass. "The bastard hadn't even pulled it out after he finished!" she silent fumed. Slowly rising to stand, she walked out into the hall, turned and went into the bathroom. Turing on the lights, she admired herself in the mirror. "Still pretty hot for 36!"

She watched in the mirror as she slowly pulled the butt plug from her ass. Despite the slight discomfort, it gave Patti a thrill to watch the plug slide out. She wished it was a really nice cock. She dropped it into the sink, turned on the hot water and added liquid soap. As she washed the residue from her ass off the butt plug she recalled with a smile washing the cock of a high school stud back in her exploration days.

She let the water out of the sink and rinsed the plug and her hands, the washed her hands. Patti was a bit of a clean freak. As she dried her hands, she looked in the mirror at her pussy and noticed the dried cum that had stuck to her leg. Frowning, she turned and leaned on the sink. "Damn it! How many times had she told Dick if he wanted to fuck her, he had to wear a condom?" She didn't want to become pregnant again, not by him anyway. The idea of his cum in her pussy was a complete anathema to her.

She turned to the bathtub and began filling it with water, adding some scented oils. When it got the right level, she turned off the water and slid into the tub. She washed her face to remove the dried cum from her cheeks and neck, then turned to the rest of her body. As she washed her pussy, she realized it was slightly sore. It reminded her of her younger days after she had been fucked by a good sized cock. She giggled when she thought, "It certainly wasn't her Dick's dick!" Usually she couldn't feel it when she let him fuck her, which was rarely.

As she washed her pussy, she started thinking about that last large cock that had made her slightly sore like that. As she rubbed her clit, she lost herself in fantasy until she had a nice orgasm. Smiling, she placed a wet washcloth over her eyes and slid into a nice nap.

Awakening, she realized that the bathwater was getting cold. She hit the drain lever with her toes, and then stood up in the tub. She got the water going again and switched it to the shower, rinsing herself. She dried herself on a handy towel, stepped from the tub and slipped on a short robe, not even bothering to tie it. Stevie, her son, was gone to a meet.

She went down the stairs, opening the door at the bottom. She turned and went into the living room. Patti frowned at the empty bottles and the throw draped across the couch. Her husband wasn't there. She then remembered his saying that there was a problem at the plant and he had to go in on Saturday.

Patti picked up the throw and folded it neatly and placed it on the couch. She picked up the empty and walked to the kitchen. She made a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy it slowly. As she drank, she considered the empty vodka bottle. She knew she needed to cut back, but that was kind of hard to do with Dick annoying her all the time. He thought she was some kind of "nympho" because she liked sex, just not with him. The only was Dick could get hard these days was when she was tied up or handcuffed. That part was ok with Patti because she found it a turn on anyhow. She just wished there was a really nice dick to use her while she was restrained and helpless.

Patti liked sex in most all of the ways you could do it. She wouldn't even mind being with another woman, but she really preferred cock. Nice, thick, hard cock! She sighed as she wondered if she would ever get a nice one again. Patti considered herself nearing being past her prime.

"Thank god Stevie hadn't turned out like his father!" she thought. "He's a lot more like me!"

Stevie liked athletics, hiking and physical activities just like she did. He was certainly looking good and was putting on muscle with his wrestling. She secretly found it a thrill watching him wrestle, pinning his opponent against the mat!

Finishing her coffee, she got up and thought about what she would like for breakfast.

Upstairs, her son Steve was just waking up. He felt great! As he woke up more, he started to recall his great dream about his mom. Suddenly, he started to realize that it hadn't been a dream. He went over to his computer and turned it on. Sitting nude in his chair, he waited until the computer finished booting up then checked for the pictures he thought he remembered taking. Nothing was in his picture directory!

As he frowned at the monitor, he remembered something about putting the pictures somewhere other than where he usually put them. Checking his directory, he suddenly knew where he thought they might be. Switching to that folder, he found pictures. He discovered one and was treated to a photograph of his mother's ass and legs chained to the sawhorse! "Wow!" her thought, "I fucked her! That wasn't just a dream!" He quickly checked the rest of the pictures, and then he made sure the system shut down. He didn't want anyone seeing those for now, even accidentally.

Steve suddenly realized how hungry he was. "A good fuck will do that to a guy" he thought. He found some clean shorts and a t-shirt. He pulled them on, not bothering with his shorts. He went out of his room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

As he came to the doorway of the kitchen, he suddenly came up short. His mom was bent over, looking into the refrigerator. The short robe she was wearing had ridden up, and her ass and legs were completely exposed to his gaze. As she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, he got glimpses of her bare pussy as well. He could feel his cock twitch at the sight.

Realizing this was dangerous, he said, "Hey mom."

Startled, his mother straightened and whirled about. "Oh my god, Stevie, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" she said, "What are you doing home?"

"The meet was snowed out" he replied.

"Snow? When did it snow?" She hadn't looked outside the window this morning.

"I think it started about 5, but it started snowing earlier to the west of here and they decided it wasn't the best idea to leave town in a bus."

"Well, why didn't you call for a ride home?" she asked.

"I did call. Several time, but no one ever answered."

"Oh! I'm sorry Stevie! You had to walk back home through the snow too."

"Well, that was ok, I didn't mind the walk."

Patti was disappointed in herself that when her son needed her, she was already drunk.

"I'm sorry baby! I guess I and your dad had too much to drink again." Patti said softly, "I won't let that happen anymore!"

"It's ok; I guess I'm used to it by now."

Patti felt awful. This wasn't the first time she felt like she had let her Stevie down because of the booze.

Steve could tell his mom was disappointed in herself and said, "I love you, mom."

She was quiet for a minute and then looked at him and replied, "I love you, Stevie. You're the most important thing in my life."

"I know."

She smiled at that and then asked, "What would you like for breakfast? I'll fix whatever you want."

Steve was looking at his mom. He robe was about half open and he was thinking, "I'd like you for breakfast!"

He cleared his throat and said, "I don't care, mom. Eggs would be fine."

As she looked at her son, she realized he wasn't looking at her face, as he usually did when he talked with her. Following his gaze downward, she suddenly realized she hadn't bothered to tie her robe closed, and she was standing before him almost naked.

"Oops! Sorry baby! I didn't think anyone was at home!" Blushing, she pulled her robe closed and tied it shut.

He smiled and said, "That's ok, mom. I like looking at beautiful women."

She laughed and said, "I'm over 35, I don't think I'm supposed to be beautiful to a 18 year old!"

He laughed in return and said, "I disagree. I think you're hot mom!" With that he walked across the kitchen and stood close behind her, looking into the fridge. One of his muscular arms snaked past her and grabbed the orange juice. He put his other arm around her and kissed the back of her neck. "I love you, mom"

She smiled and kissed his arm. "I love you, Stevie." She turned and pushed him back, playfully. "Now, take your orange juice and sit down and I'll make you an omelette."

Steve followed her order and sat at the kitchen table, sipping his orange juice and watching her. Even with the short robe tied shut, plenty of sexy leg was still showing, with occasional glimpses of her ass.

They talked of the snow and how nothing would be happening for the rest of the day. He watched her and she knew he was watching. It thrilled her that her son thought she was sexy and beautiful, despite her drinking problem.

With the omelettes finished, Patti got them on plates and put one in front of him and the other on the opposite side of the table for her. She went back for the silverware and with an impish grin; she "accidentally" dropped a fork. Turning away from him, she bent over to pick the fork up, exposing her ass as she did. She heard his sharp intake of breath as she stared at her exposed ass, and then quickly straightened back up.

Turning back, to the table, she was secretly pleased at the slightly stunned look on his face. "It's nice to know I can still get a reaction from someone!" Placing the silverware on the table, she sat down and began to eat. He sat there and didn't pick up his fork. "Aren't you hungry?" she asked.

Steve came to with a start, realizing he had been thinking about how hot her ass looked. "Sorry," he said, "I guess I spaced out there for a minute"

He picked up a fork and began to devour the omelette.

Patti watched him as he ate. She took in his broad shoulders and muscular arms. "My son is growing into quite a hunk!" she thought proudly.

"Uh, mom, where's dad this morning?"

"Oh, he had to leave early. Something about a problem at the plant."

"Oh, I wondered why it was so quiet this morning" As he ate, he realized his dad must have been hung over when he left, so he wouldn't be surprised at waking up on the couch.

Patti said, "Stevie, what time did you get home?" She hoped he hadn't come in while Dick had her locked to the sawhorse or was blowing him.

"I dunno. I didn't look at the clock."

"Did you knock on my door?"

"Yep," he said. "You didn't answer and I could hear you snoring, so I thought I wouldn't bother you."

"You know letting me know you're home never bothers me."

"Yeah, I do know that, but..."

Patti realized he must have seen several empty bottles lying about. "You're right. I probably wouldn't have woken up anyway." Patti realized she had no idea of how many times Stevie might have come home to find her and Dick completely drunk. "I am sorry, Stevie."

"I know, mom. I love you no matter what."

"Thanks Stevie. That means more to me than you'll ever know. You're the most important thing in my life."

"What about dad?" he asked.

She thought silently before answering. "Stevie, I care about you dad, but I think you know that he and I aren't the world's greatest match. The best thing about being married to your dad is that I got you."

"I know what you mean, I think, and you know you're the most important thing to me too."

She smiled at that and said quietly, "Thanks baby."

Patti took the empty plates and put them in the sink to wash.

"I guess I'll shower, mom"

Suddenly, Patti remembered the butt plug she had left on the sink.

"Stevie, I left the bathroom in a mess. Please use the one in the guestroom!"

"Ok, mom."

As he headed down the hallway to the guestroom, Patti flew up the stairs, grabbed the butt plug and quickly checked for anything else that was intimate. Finding nothing else, she went back to her bedroom and put away all the sex toys and disassembled the sawhorse. The she pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, not bothering with a bra. She sat down in her chair and caught her breath. She could hear the shower running downstairs. She wondered what Stevie would have thought about if he had found her butt plug laying out. The thought of it gave her a perverse thrill.

As she thought about him, she also wondered what he looked like right now. Water streaming down his nude body. She hadn't seen him naked in a few years. The last time, he was a scrawny boy, not the muscular young man he was now. When he was with her in the kitchen, and had put his arm around her, she had felt great! Patti knew she shouldn't think of her own son this was, but he was really the only man in her life, even if he was her son.

Suddenly, the telephone rang, startling her out of her daydream. Picking it up, she answered and found it was Dave. Dave was her husband's shift mate at the plant.

"Hi, Dave. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Patti. Are you sitting down?" Dave inquired.

"Yes, I am." she answered, puzzled.

"I'm afraid I have some terrible news. There was an accident at the plant. There was a boiler explosion and Dick was killed."

"Oh my god!" she cried.

"I'm sorry, Patti. I know this is tough. Dick was standing right next to the boiler when it exploded, and I'm sure he died instantly. He never knew what happened."


Patti and Steve were sitting together on the couch. The funeral was over, and all of the family had left. She had talked to the lawyer and Dick's death was covered by a generous insurance policy the company had provided Dick. Finally, she and Stevie were left alone.

"It's just you and me now, Stevie." She said to him.

"I know mom, but it's ok as long as I have you."

She smiled at him, "I feel the same way. I know we'll be ok together." She looked at him silently and then said, "You'll have to be the man of the house now."

"I don't mind mom, I'll always take care of you and anything you want or need."

She laughed and said, "Well, that will take up a lot of your time then!"

He said seriously, "I mean it! I'm going to quit the wrestling team and I'll spend that time with you!"

Patti frowned and said sternly, "Oh, no you're not! You like to wrestle and I want you to do it!"

"I don't want to leave you alone here when I'm gone to meets all weekend."

Patti smiled and said, 'Well, that's not a problem. You're dad wasn't one for sports, but I am! When you go to a meet, I'll go along and watch you wrestle."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, when you go, so will I and I'll have a great time!"

Steve smiled at that and nearly crushed her with the hug he gave her.

Patti loved feeling his strong arms around him and his muscular chest up against her breasts.

Later that evening, Steve got ready for bed. Before he went, though, he wanted to check on his mom.

He knocked on her bedroom door and entered when she answered. He found her sitting in a chair with a book propped up on the arm of the chair.

"I'm about ready to turn in, mom."

"Ok, baby, I'll look for you in the morning."

As Steve looked at her, he realized she looked awfully tired.

"Mom, are you ok?" he asked.

"Of course, why do you ask?"

Steve said, "You just look really tired and each night I come in here, you aren't in bed."

"Oh, well, I haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Is there anything I can do?"

She smiled and said, "Well, nothing really comes to mind. Do you think warm milk will help?"

He laughed. When he was small and couldn't sleep, that was what she always asked him. "I don't think so. Should I lay down with you?"

It was her turn to laugh because that was always her next question when he said no to the warm milk.

"Sure, you can lay down with me."

They laughed as they turned down the bed. They got in and she turned out the lights. Patti snuggled up close to her son and laid her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her shoulders. "Mmmm," she said, "I think this is exactly what I needed!"

"Mom, please don't wet the bed!"

They both erupted in laughter at this since it was what she always said just before he went to sleep by her side.

"Ok, I think I can manage that!"

Within a few minutes, they were both deeply asleep.

It was around 3:00 AM when Patti woke up and realized she needed to go to the bathroom. She made her way to the bathroom and back. She got back into bed, carefully, so as not to wake her son. As she slid back into bed, Steve turned onto his side, facing her. Patti couldn't see his face, just his sleeping form in the bed.

She snuggled back against him, turning to face the same way Steve was. The trip to the bathroom had left her cold and she enjoyed his warmth. She'd never felt that way about her late husband. She pushed back against him to be in full contact with his warm body.

"Boy!" she thought, "It sure is nice to feel someone I love so much in bed with me." She relaxed totally, feeling sleepy. As she dropped back towards sleep, she realized that her ass was pushed back into her own son's groin. "Mmmm, sure feels like something nice, there." She mused drowsily.

Three hours later, Patti awoke again. She smiled as she realized she's had the first full night's sleep in several weeks. She stretched her body and then relaxed back against the warm body of her son. Patti listed to his even, deep breathing as he slept soundly. As she stretched carefully again, she settled back again, her body resting against his. As she lay against her son, Patti suddenly realized that something hard was pressed against her ass.

"Oh my god! Stevie's got a hard-on!" Patti thought about getting up right away, but she felt so good and relaxed that she didn't want to get out of bed. She found herself conflicted between feeling like a mom, and feeling like a woman. Carefully and slowly pushing back against her son, she felt a really nice sized piece of cock. A nice hard, big cock.

Patti slowly drew away for her son and then carefully turned over onto her other side, facing him. Carefully and slowly, she eased the blanket and sheet down below her waist and that of her son's. In the dim light in her bedroom, she could see the outline of a large and erect cock under her son's pajama pants. Patti found herself breathing deeply with lust. She realized she wanted that cock. She wanted to slide it free of his pants, run her tongue over it, rub it over her face, suck it.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" she thought, "That's your son! You are his mother! It's so wrong to think of this!" Patti frowned, and knew it was wrong, but she realized she wanted it so bad. That was the kind of cock she had wanted ever since she had married Dick. As Patti stared and Steve's covered cock, she felt her pussy start to get wet. She licked her lips as the two sides of the argument went at it in her head.

Slowly, Steve awoke. He didn't open his eyes at first. He just enjoyed the slow awakening feeling. When he opened his eyes, he saw his mother. She was awake and facing him, but she wasn't looking at his face. He closed his eyes until they were almost closed. He finally realized she was looking at his waist. He could feel that his cock was partially erect and his mom was checking him out! The idea that his mom was staring at his cock shocked him.

It was one thing when he came home and had found her drunk, bound and blindfolded, but here she was doing it voluntarily. As he watched, his mom licked her lips while staring at his cock. Watching her looking at his cock like that really turned him on and he could feel his cock filling with blood and getting harder and larger. Closing his eyes, he stirred in his "sleep", slightly readjusting his position. It had the intended effect of pushing the head of his cock past the waistband of his loose fitting pajama pants.

Patti was startled when her son stirred. Her eyes went to his face, but his eyes were closed and he appeared to continue to sleep. Her face blushed as she feared her son might have caught her staring at his cock, but he seemed to still be fast asleep. When she looked back down at his groin, she gasped! His cock was now sticking out of the top of his pajamas!

She gazed at his hardening cock. She could see the circumcised head and several inches of the shaft. As she watched, another half inch of shaft poked out as Steve's erection continued to grow. Patti's hand slid down to cup one of her full breasts. They had a bit of sag, but they were still full with prominent nipples. Her nipples began to stiffen as she became aroused. She pinched her nipples while she stared at her son's lengthening cock.

Steve continued to watch his mom touch herself through mostly-closed eyes. He watched as she played with her breasts through her nightgown. "Fuck, she's so hot!" thought Steve. When she pinched her nipple, he wished it was him doing the pinching. When she had been tied to the sawhorse, he really hadn't had the kind of access to her breasts that he would have liked. He really wanted to fasten his lips on one of those nipples!

As Patti watched, a drop of pre-cum began to form on the head of Steve's cock. She could almost taste it! Patti looked at Steve's face again. She was sure he was sleeping. Moving slowly, Patti reached over and used the middle finger of her right hand to gently coat her fingertip and his cock with his now steadily flowing pre-cum.

Patti withdrew her finger and slid it under her panties. She could feel her pussy getting hot and also getting steadily wetter. She slid her finger between her lips and gently started to slowly masturbate. Gently, she moved her finger, wet with her own son's pre-cum, and stroked her clit. As she continued to work on her clit, her eyes watched the steady stream of pre-cum. A wet spot was starting to form on the sheet in front of Steve.

Patti closed her eyes and continued to work her finger on her clit. She moaned softly, and then stopped. She didn't want to wake her son. She felt so wicked masturbating herself next to her sleeping son. She knew it was wrong, but she had no intention of stopping now. Once Patti became aroused, her lust had always overridden everything else. She did resist the urge to reach over to her sleeping son, pull his hard cock out of his pajama pants and to masturbate him to an orgasm. Patti thought about it shooting onto her face and breasts.

Steve now had his eyes open, watching his mom masturbate next to him. He could feel his cock leaking like a faucet, dripping pre-cum. As her hand worked under her panties, he could smell her aroused pussy oozing her juices. It was like a sexy dream-come-true! Her finger worked steadily on her clit, her stiff nipples poking trough the thin material of her nightgown.

He listened as his mother breathed deeper and deeper as his mom masturbated right next to him. Her finger moved faster now, the pace becoming ever more urgent. She rolled onto her back and her left hand cupped her left tit, squeezing it firmly.

By now, Patti's mind was firmly focused on her fantasy. She was kneeling in front of her naked son, sucking his cock and gently massaged his balls. Her other hand worked her clit as she sucked him in her fantasy. She wanted to get off so badly!

As the pace of Patti's finger sped up on her clit, Steve had finally reached down quietly and pulled his cock free of his pajama pants. He couldn't ever remember being this turned on, or his cock being this hard. As his mom fingered herself with urgency, he reached down with his left hand and began to stroke his cock. Although he started slowly, he picked up his pace as his mother's finger had and he gripped his cock firmly. He reached up and coated his hand with his pre-cum and used it to lube his cock, then continued to fist it as he watched his mom.

In Patti's fantasy, she had one hand on Steve's hard ass, and his cock down her throat as she sucked deeply on it. Her other hand worked her clit as it was for real. In her mind, her head bobbed back and forth, her lips tight around his stiff rod, She was his slut, and he her master. This thought pushed her over the edge, and her orgasm hit her hard. She moaned with the release of her pent up lust, thinking of his cock spurting hot, white cum down her throat. It was a nice, long orgasm and it felt great!

When she opened her eyes, she looked down to her son's big cock and was shocked to see his hand masturbating it, hard and fast. She looked up to his face and was shocked again to see his eyes locked on hers. Her hand was still between her legs, cupping her pussy. Before she could withdraw her hand from between her legs, or speak a word, Steve groaned loudly and came! His cum shot out, as if from a squirt gun. The first jet landed on her nightgown, bunched above her waist. His second shot landed on the front of her panties. The third onto her exposed thigh. The remained landed onto the sheet between him and her. Finally, a single drop hung from his shrinking cock.

Patti had never been as shocked as she was right now. She quickly realized she had passed by some unseen line in the sand, and her life would never be the same. She blushed bright red. "Stevie! Oh, god! I didn't mean for this to happen!" she cried, then began to sob deeply.


2024-09-13 10:33:05
Love the story and the story line. To really have a young guy get hot over an old broad like me would give me thrills beyond imagination. I felt like I was Patti reading and could only imagine how good but also how inappropriate having my son take such a teenage romantic interest in me. Having that satisfying feeling in my pussy from being freshly fucked by a larger dick and not knowing who it was and knowing my husband could never have made me feel that good. Never would have suspected my son, but what a joy to know someone thought me sexy enough that they would do what went on in this story. Good job donb.....xo

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