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The first of the Rose fantasy stories, a variety of ways a big gal dies very badly for my fun.
After waking around 9:00 AM with the usual hardon that for once pissing did not soften I knew I was ready for Rose in the guest bedroom. I gave her the usual wakeup call on the Google Home, then grabbed the heavy Maglite from my side of the bed and walked through the house nude to deal with her.

Rose was a big fat woman, very much one that would describe herself as a BBW. 5’6”, with thinning, graying red hair low on her shoulders she was, simply put, fat. Her thick heavy arms came from padded large shoulders, framing large heavy-hanging breasts and a big belly large and soft enough to cover her groin when naked. Her thighs were big and very soft with thick fat. As would be expected for someone that had been over 300 pounds all her adult life, at 47 Rose had a lot of health issues, including bad knees that greatly hampered her mobility. Today would be the last day of that life.

I gave the door the usual morning knock, heard Rose reply a bit groggily that she was waking up, then waited a moment listening to what sounded likely to be her sitting up. My right hand lifted the light like a club, gripping the lamp housing end and raising it across my body. My left hand took the door handle, pushed down and slammed the lightweight door open. I rushed through the opening and to the near side of the bed, seeing a glimpse of Rose turning her head my way, startled and starting to open her mouth as I swung down and across my body with the light.

The swinging metal club caught Rose across her right cheekbone and the side of her nose with a crunching thud of impact, knocking her upper body back across the bed. Rose cried out, her hands coming up to cover her face while I stepped closer, turning the flared end of the light in my hand to hold the club in a dagger grip. I rammed the blunt heel end of the light into the center of Rose’s chest low enough to strike her just below the sternum, the strike to her solar plexus stunning her diaphragm.

Rose’s hands came off her bloody face, clutching at her chest as she struggled to breathe, shuddering on her back and rocking on the waterbed with her lower legs kicking where they hung off the bed. I moved between her legs, my knees against the bed edge padding and held the light as a club again. Rose thrashed on the bed, unable to cry out, struggling to breathe while I struck at her hands and wrists, hitting at least three times before she pulled them off her chest, arms flailing.

I lean over Rose, grabbing and yanking down the zipper of her house-dress to the end well down from her neckline, then grab the opening with both hands, ripping the fabric halfway to the hem. A second, lower grab lets me tear the garment fully open to strip her naked. My eyes were down from watching the dress tear, giving me a view first of her lower belly and fat flap, my first live look at the slowly fading bruises from her past falls. I had watched the hidden camera recordings of her showering for months as those bruises started livid and slowly faded.

I looked up, gaze moving across Rose’s shaking fat belly to her fat, gravity spread sagging breasts, the livid mark of the hit below her sternum already swollen and darkening. Her bloody hands clutched her chest at the upper slopes of her tits, smearing the pale skin with blood from her broken cheek and nose. Rose shuddered on the bed and at least gasped in some air, eyes wide above her gaping bloody lipped mouth as she saw me lift the metal light high and strike down at her again.

Rose tried to scream but just gave a croak, still lacking the air for her full voice. She tried to block with her already bruising right hand but was too slow, the black metal shaft knocking past her fingertips to hit into the top of her right shoulder with a meaty thud. Rose’s waving right arm spasmed aside, flopping on the bed and unable to stop the next three blows I swung against the same area. Even a 380# woman like Rose does not have that much padding at the shoulder blades, and her cries became shriller and louder with each impact, her outflung arm spasming on the bed as the blows did serious damage to her shoulder. The last hit was closer to her neck and I felt a crunch in the impact as most likely her collar bone broke.

Rose’s screams subsided to sobbing and whimpering while I paused to catch my breath. Surveyed her bloody face with the grossly swollen lump where my first hit had crushed her cheekbone, that eye swollen shut and her left eye leaking tears as she stared at me one eyed. The livid marks on her shoulder were swelling and darkening, her right arm twitching and useless as she gasped for air before asking me why and begging me to stop. I was looking at the circular mark of the strike to her Solar Plexus when I saw her left arm lift to her battered face and swung down again. Rose cried out again as the metal struck the side of her left wrist, the crunch of impact giving no doubt I had just broken her wrist.

I gave Rose no mercy or delay as she held her broken wrist to her upper chest, striking down and aside to impact her bent left elbow with a jarring impact which fractured or broke that joint as well. Rose’s left arm jerked out onto the bed and I struck next at her left shoulder, giving her half a dozen carefully aimed hits to destroy that joint also. By the time I stopped to catch my breath Rose was just grunting and whimpering with each impact, the last hit splitting the increasingly lumpy and mottling skin of her shoulder.

Rose’s struggles were shaking and rippling her sagging apart fat soft breasts, which drew my attention next. I set the light down and went forwards onto Rose, my belly and chest arched across the rounded soft mound of her fat belly. My face was at her cleavage, hands coming up to each grab one side of her left breast. I gripped hard, encircling the fat breast with my fingers and thumbs just reaching, touching as I bore down, the pressure lifting and jutting up the front of the soft sack as if her breast were firm, the pink nipple pointing up until I opened my mouth wide and sucked the nipple between my lips. I bit down hard, my teeth sinking into the skin a bit within the edge of the gripped areola. The bite only bore down on the skin of the nipple, the underlying fat and glands squeezing away under the skin as I ground my teeth together, getting a small coppery taste of blood while Rose heaved under me in pain, almost rolling me off her round fat body.

I sucked hard while opening my mouth again, then bit down more slowly, this time capturing more of the meat under Rose’s nipple and drawing a shriller cry from her as I gnawed with all the strength of my jaw. The taste of blood was stronger as my teeth dug in, crushing and damaging the sensitive nipple and underlying glands. I lifted my head, releasing the grip of my hands and letting the weight of the breast pull the bitten teat out from between my teeth, the loose sack of fat slumping back against her chest with the livid and blood seeping indentations of my teeth very visible.

I rolled off Rose, kneeling on the shifting waterbed next to her as I again grabbed the flashlight and began beating her again, striking down at the distorted and wounded flesh of her just chewed nipple. Each of the dozen or more blows I struck her breast with was muffled by the fat in the quickly discoloring and increasingly lumpy tit. I put my left hand down, grabbing the abused breast for stability as I knelt there and leaned over her to beat her right breast as well. Rose’s damaged breast was hot and lumpy in my left hand, the hard grip digging my fingers into the oddly shifting, un-natural feeling fat of the boob.

There was something deeply satisfying about the feeling of beating Rose’s breasts to near destruction, the metal club thudding down into the shifting target again and again. Her cries of pain died down groans and grunts as the impacts continued, with an occasional pitiful beg for me to stop. The sounds of her pain if anything further impelled me and I lost track of time, striking dozens of times at the shifting breast until I missed a blow, the hard metal crunching low into the center of her cleavage and probably cracking her breastbone.

The crunch interrupted my zoned out state and I stopped, breathing and sweating hard, staring down at Rose. Her right breast was grossly swollen and discolored by the impacts, no part of it still the original smooth pink skin. Despite the cum pumped into Pam’s throat as she died last night my cock was stiffening as I stared down at bloody faced, beaten to barely whimpering Rose. I had clearly tapped some deep need in the harm I had caused her. The side of her face I had struck was grossly swollen, but most of the bleeding had stopped as the leakage from her spilt cheek and bloody nose crusted and darkened.

My cock was nearly fully erect as I looked Rose over, moving off the bed to stand between her sprawled legs, my knees between hers where her lower legs still hung off the bed. Rose’s lower belly pooch dangled between her thighs below the full fat curve of her swollen stomach. I could see the fading bruises from her last fall months ago still visible on the pale skin, making a natural target for the first strike of the club. Fat stretched skin shook and wobbled as I beat at her belly, the end of the club thudding into the yielding mass repeatedly, ripples jolting out from each impact. I struck down at her belly, then across into the harder fat of her sagging flap, at times leaving livid lines across the pale flesh when the length of the light slapped across the grossly obese curves.

Again I lost track of time, beating Rose across most of her fat double bellies until I had to stop, breathing hard and covered in sweat from the effort. Rose was nearly senseless, a badly battered mound of bruised and bloody flesh that just whimpered and twitched before me. The bedspread was dark between her spread legs, a growing stain spreading out from under her lower belly flap, showing Rose had lost bladder control at some point in the brutality I had inflicted on her. Added to the grossly visible injuries I had inflicted on Rose this small detail was the last straw in arousing me. Rose was very private about her body, and the lesser indignity was just the thing that drove home just how much I had inflicted on her. I was very aroused and ready to fuck Rose.

I froze for a moment, my mind spinning as I considered how I would get off on the battered ruined swollen fat sack of meat I had beaten Rose into. Rose would be hard to fuck vaginally, sprawled there twitching with the distorted heavy mass of her lower belly flap hanging over her cunt. I considered rolling her over to fuck her ass, but near 400 pounds of fat on the soft waterbed would be hard to move. My gaze lifted over her wounded mound of belly to reach her all the more damaged breasts, the swollen boobs shifting and wobbling as she breathed and sobbed. The fat, badly abused tits were temping, but I wanted my cock inside Rose. Further from me was her bloody impact distorted face, but dealing with her teeth around my cock would be a bit nerve-wracking.

My gaze dropped as I looked back down Rose’s body, stopping at the deep depression of her navel at the top of the gross mound of her belly. I knew Penelope's bellybutton had deep enough to hide a Q-tip, and Rose’s had the potential to be as deep, and could be deeper. I thought for a moment, and my searching eyes saw the pair of 4” scissors on the bedside table, my ball giving a throb as I reached for them in anticipation of what I was about to do to Rose.

I pulled off my glasses and bent forwards over Rose, kneeling as my mouth pressed to the center of her obesely distended belly. My lips could feel the varying lumpiness of warm, contused skin and underlying blubber, parting to let me lick at her sweat-salty flesh, tasting my way a few inches up to her navel and probing it with my tongue. The deep cavity funneled tight quickly, but with the lubrication of my drool I ran out of tongue length before the passage was too narrow for the pushing tip. I lifted my mouth enough to bring in my middle finger, probing into the slicked hole and finding the bottom by putting in the full length of my finger. The bottom inch of the passage was a tight fit for my fingertip and would be a problem for my cock, now matter how firmly erect I was.

My finger pulled out of Rose’s navel with a small “Pop” of broken suction, and a moment later I had the scissors in hand, settling the sharp point into the hole. The closed blades fit into the pocket up to the joining rivet, the hilts and orange plastic finger-holes supported above the mottled skin of her belly. I pulled the two loops apart an inch and slapped down on the handles with my palm. The sharp tipped scissors pierced down into Rose, puncturing her deeply pocketed navel and ramming into the muscles and guts below it. I grabbed the handles and pushed down hard, twisting to widen the wound path. I felt the handles jerked a little sideways as I drove them as deep as I could hoping this meant I was stabbing fully through her abdominal wall. There was quite a bit of blood painting the shiny steel tips of the now closed scissors when I yanked it back up, putting them to one side as I moved up onto the fat mounded bulk of her obese form

My cock was nearly fully hard as I lay over Rose, swollen but not erect enough to keep my glans from nosing down into her navel. My hands were palm down on her lumpy breasts, keeping me enough off her to look down between us, taking a push-up position over her and lowering my groin to let the head of my cock press into her belly. The blunt tip fit easily into the flared upper end of her deep navel, and I could feel the wet heat of her blood well up around the tip as I pushed down. The passage narrowed quickly, the funnel of skin pressing in on my cockhead’s flared rim, stalling the entry with just the first few inches in her, just the tip and two inches of shaft. I pushed down, cock stiffening in arousal as I saw her blood start to well up around the darkening shaft. My increasing stiffness let me push down harder, wedging my cock down into the bloody hole. I reached another stopping point, my blunt head wedged hard against tight stretched skin.

I used my weight to push down as hard as my cock could handle, feeling the tip compressed by the narrowing tube until suddenly the tip pushed through the tight obstruction and felt the hotter and shifting grip that I presumed was Rose’ guts. Most of my cock was now in her navel, the tight constriction of the scissors torn bottom of the funnel slipping up my cock as a tight band around the shaft. I could feel the tip of my cock swelling further before the drive inward stalled against a barrier of some internal organ. I kept the pressure up, feeling a stretching tear in the web of muscles around my shaft, the rounded tip of my cock forcing it to wedge between Rose’s guts and organs.

I yelled as I felt the rim of my cock move through two parting firm shapes, the flared rim spreading harder surfaces, my ball throbbing in arousal. I could feel my pre-cum leaking from the hard-swollen tip, further slicking the rounded shapes it pushed against. I dropped fully onto Rose, my chest feeling her oddly shifting lumpy breasts flatten against me, my mouth at Rose’s neck. I humped up, trying to fuck the torn passage, fat and guts shifting around my cock, but the grip of her fissured belly muscles and her stretched skin partway up my cock did not move much. The increasing tension in my groin was as much from how I was violating Rose as from the feeling of fucking my cock through her navel.

I knew I would cum soon or lose the erection, but I wanted it more intense, not too soon. I did not want a release with less enjoyment than the most intense ones I had felt at rare times in the past. I raised my head to look Rose in the eye, her left one not closed by massive swelling like her right eye. I let go of her right breast to pick up the scissors again and bring the tip up over her face. Rose and I both saw the last thing she ever would. Her eye went wide at the sight of the blood marked sharp steel tip over her eye and I could see a reflection of her view on her cornea before the tip drove down. I felt a squelch in my scissors hand as the tip pierced her eye, clear fluid welling up as the force of the blow rammed the metal through her eye and into her retina and visual nerves.

Rose was in shock, weakly shifting under me until the scissors rammed home through her left retina, her sudden convulsion almost bucking me off her round slick body, just my left handed grip on her ruined right breast and my navel impaling cock helping me stay on her. I fought to stay on her heaving body as my groin moved, shifting my cock in her belly in a way that took it deeper, my over-sensitized ball wedging into the flared hole. I felt the tight grips on my cock shift further up my shaft as Rose’s spasm stopped, her bulk settling nearly fully limp under me. My left hand came off her breast as I yanked the scissors out in a small swell of vitreous fluid from her destroyed eyeball. My left palm shoved her chin back to stretch her thick soft neck and the scissors punched down dead center, just about perfectly in the spot a tracheotomy would aim for. There was a crunchy feel as the scissors pierced her trachea front and back. I bucked on Rose, trying to fuck my cock deeper into her belly, fighting the pressure to cum. I yanked the scissors up and stabbed again, punching multiple slits in her throat.

Rose was struggling again, weakly coughing as some blood leaked into her windpipe, and then the stabbing scissors tore through her neck artery, A spurt of hot blood jetted just past my face as the scissors pulled out of the fifth or sixth hole in her neck, her struggle again more energetic under me. I was about to lose control, struggling to delay cumming as I fucked her belly, the loudest sound the wet gurgles from Rose’s gaping mouth and then she coughed up blood, spattering the left side of my face, the reflexive closing of my eye sparing me getting her hot blood in it. The dark, air frothed blood welling and again coughing from Rose’s mouth was more than I could take. I was killing again, taking a woman's life for the thrill and I could not hold back any longer.

My balls spasmed incredibly hard, forcing what felt like a huge bolus of cum down through the restrictions gripping my cock, jetting sperm into Rose’s abdomen. Despite just having emptied myself down Penelope’s throat a few hours ago there were a few spurts, but they were very intense. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, each surge of sperm into Rose seeming to take seconds, My one open eye could see the hard jetting blood from her artery pulsing, jetting harder and less, drops and globs of air frothed blood leaking and being coughed from her mouth.

Rose’s convulsing under me slowed almost as quickly as my cumming did, her dying body reduced to weakening twitches under me. The jet of blood from her neck slowed to a pulsing stream that seemed to be in time with the spasms in my ball, the last few jolts of pleasure almost painful in intensity with no feeling of anything pumping through into Rose’s belly.

Rose burbled one last long gurgle of air from her blood drowned lungs, a bit more mess leaking from both sides of her mouth before she went fully slack under me, her life used up for my pleasure. I slumped on the rounded mass of Rose’s corpse, breathing hard and shaking a bit in aftershocks of the orgasm.
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