The second of the Rose fantasy stories, a variety of ways a big gal dies very badly for my fun.
Really heed those tags or you will not enjoy this!
The day I chose to deal with Rose I gave her the usual wakeup call on the Google Home, then grabbed the heavy Maglite from my side of the bed and walked through the house nude to deal with her.
I gave the door the usual morning knock, heard Rose reply a bit groggily that she was waking up, then paused while listening to the pained noises of her sitting up. I burst into action when the noises seem to stop. My right hand lifted the light like a club, gripping the lamp housing end and raising it across my body. My left hand took the doorknob, pushed down and I slammed the lightweight door open. I rushed through the opening towards the near side of the bed, seeing a glimpse of Rose turning her head my way, startled and starting to open her mouth as I swung down and across my body with the light.
The swinging metal club caught Rose across her right cheekbone and the side of her nose with a crunching thud of impact, knocking her upper body back across the bed. Rose cried out, her hands coming up to cover her face while I stepped closer, turning the flared end of the light in my hand to hold the club in a dagger grip. I rammed the blunt heel end of the light into the center of Rose’s chest low enough to strike her just below the sternum, the impact to her solar plexus stunning her diaphragm.
Rose’s hands came off her bloody face, clutching at her chest as she struggled to breathe, shuddering on her back and rocking on the waterbed with her lower legs kicking where they hung off the bed. I moved between her legs, my knees against the bed edge padding and held the light as a club again. Rose thrashed on the bed, unable to cry out while struggling to breathe and I struck at her hands and wrists, hitting at least three times before she pulled them off her chest, arms flailing.
I leaned over Rose, grabbing and yanking down the zipper of her house-dress to the end well down from her neckline, then grabbed the opening with both hands to rip the fabric halfway to the hem. A second, lower grab let me tear the garment fully open to strip her naked. My eyes were down from watching the dress tear, giving me a view first of her lower belly and fat flap, my first live look at the slowly fading bruises from her past falls. I had watched the hidden camera recordings of her showering for months as those bruises started livid and slowly faded.
I looked up, gaze moving across Rose’s shaking fat belly to her soft, gravity spread sagging breasts, the livid mark of the hit below her sternum already swollen and darkening. Her bloody hands clutched her chest at the upper slopes of her tits, smearing the pale skin with blood from her broken cheek and nose. Rose shuddered on the bed and at least gasped in some air, eyes wide above her gaping bloody lipped mouth as she saw me lift the metal light high and strike down at her again.
Rose tried to scream but just gave a croak, still lacking the air for her full voice. She tried to block with her already bruising right hand but was too slow, the black metal shaft knocking past her fingertips to hit into the top of her right shoulder with a meaty thud. Rose’s waving right arm jerked aside, flopping on the bed and unable to stop the next three blows I swung against the same area. Even a 380# woman like Rose does not have that much padding at the shoulder blades, and her cries became shriller and louder with each impact, her outflung arm spasming on the bed as the blows did serious damage to her shoulder. The last hit was closer to her neck and I felt a crunch in the impact as I thought her collar bone broke.
Rose’s screams subsided to sobbing and whimpering while I paused to catch my breath. I surveyed her bloody face with the grossly swollen lump where my first hit had crushed her cheekbone. That eye was swollen shut and her left eye leaking tears as she stared at me one eyed. The livid marks on her shoulder were swelling and darkening, her right arm twitching and useless as she gasped for air before asking me why and begging me to stop. I was looking at the circular mark of the strike to her Solar Plexus when I saw her left arm lift to her battered face and swung down again. Rose cried out again as the metal struck the side of her left wrist, the crunch of impact giving no doubt I had just broken her wrist.
I gave Rose no mercy or delay as she held her broken wrist to her upper chest, striking down and aside to impact her bent left elbow with a jarring impact which fractured or broke that joint as well. Rose’s left arm jerked out onto the bed and I struck next at her left shoulder, given her half a dozen carefully aimed hits to destroy that joint also. By the time I stopped to catch my breath Rose was just grunting and whimpering with each impact, the last hit splitting the increasingly lumpy and mottling skin of her shoulder.
Rose’s struggles were shaking and rippling her sagging apart fat soft breasts, which drew my attention next. I set the light down and went forwards onto Rose, my belly and chest arched across the rounded soft mound of her fat belly. My face was at her cleavage, hands coming up to each grip one side of her left breast. I gripped hard, encircling the fat breast with my fingers and thumbs just reaching, touching as I bore down, the pressure lifting and jutting up the front of the soft sack as if her breast were firm. The pink nipple was pointing up until I opened my mouth wide and sucked the teat between my lips. I bit down hard, my teeth sinking into the skin a bit within the edge of the gripped areola. The bite only bore down on the skin of the nipple, the underlying fat and glands squeezing away under the skin as I ground my teeth together, getting a small coppery taste of blood while Rose heaved under me in pain, almost rolling me off her round fat body.
I sucked hard while opening my mouth again, then bit down more slowly, this time capturing more of the meat under Rose’s nipple and drawing a shriller cry from her when I gnawed with all the strength of my jaw. The taste of blood was stronger as my teeth dug in, crushing and damaging the sensitive nipple and underlying glands. I lifted my head, releasing the grip of my hands and letting the weight of the breast pull the bitten teat out from between my teeth. The loose sack of fat slumped back against her chest with livid, blood seeping indentations of my teeth very visible.
I rolled off Rose, kneeling on the shifting waterbed next to her as I again grabbed the flashlight and began beating her again, striking down at the distorted and wounded flesh of her just chewed nipple. Each of the dozen or more blows that struck her breast was muffled by the fat in the quickly discoloring and increasingly lumpy tit. I put my left hand down, grabbing the abused breast for stability as I knelt there and leaned over her to beat her right breast as well. Rose’s damaged breast was hot and lumpy in my left hand, the hard grip digging my fingers into the oddly shifting, un-natural feeling depths of the boob.
There was something deeply satisfying about the feeling of beating Rose’s breasts to near destruction, the metal club thudding down into the shifting target again and again. Her cries of pain died down groans and grunts as the impacts continued, with an occasional pitiful beg for me to stop. The sounds of her pain if anything further impelled me and I lost track of time, striking dozens of times at the shifting breast until I missed a blow, the hard metal crunching low into the center of her cleavage and probably cracking her breastbone.
The crunch interrupted my zoned out state and I stopped, breathing and sweating hard, staring down at Rose. Her right breast was grossly swollen and discolored by the impacts, no part of it still the original smooth pink skin. Despite the cum pumped into Pam’s throat as she died last night my cock was stiffening as I stared down at bloody faced, beaten to barely whimpering Rose. I had clearly tapped some deep need in the harm I had caused her. The side of her face I had struck was grossly swollen, but most of the bleeding had stopped as the leakage from her spilt cheek and bloody nose crusted and darkened.
My cock was not yet fully erect as I looked Rose over, moving off the bed to stand between her sprawled legs, my knees between hers where her lower legs still hung off the bed. Rose’s lower belly pooch dangled between her thighs below the full fat curve of her swollen stomach. I could see the fading bruises from her last fall months ago still visible on the pale skin, making a natural target for the first strike of the club. Fat stretched skin shook and wobbled as I beat at her belly, the end of the club thudding into the yielding mass repeatedly, ripples jolting out from each impact. I struck down at her belly, then across into the harder fat of her sagging flap, at times leaving livid lines across the pale flesh when the length of the light slapped across the grossly obese curves.
Again I lost track of time, beating Rose across most of her fat double bellies until I had to stop, breathing hard and covered in sweat from the effort. Rose was nearly senseless, a badly battered lump of bruised and bloody flesh that just whimpered and twitched before me. The bedspread was dark between her spread legs, a growing stain spreading out from under her lower belly flap, showing Rose had lost bladder control at some point in the brutality I had inflicted on her. Added to the grossly visible injuries I had inflicted on Rose this small detail was the last straw in arousing me. Rose was very private about her body, and the lesser indignity was just the thing that drove home just how much I had inflicted on her. I was very aroused and ready to fuck Rose.
I paused for a moment, my mind spinning as I considered how I would get off on the battered and ruined swollen fat sack of meat I had transformed Rose into. Rose would be hard to fuck vaginally, sprawled there twitching with the distorted heavy mass of her lower belly flap hanging over her cunt. My gaze lifted over her wounded mound of belly to reach her all the more damaged breasts, the swollen, discolored and lumpy sacks shifting and wobbling as she breathed and sobbed. I had just destroyed and fucked Pamela’s breasts before I killed her and wanted something more and different from Rose. Further from me was Rose’s bloody impact distorted face, but I had killed Pamela with my cock down her throat. I wanted to get more and different thrills while I could.
I really had beaten Rose’s front side pretty completely, from the groin up there was hardly a notable bit of all that heaping fat body that had not been beaten to a wide range of colors. I decided I would have to turn her over so I could rape her ass. I started with Rose’s right leg, bending to grab her ankle and lifting it from near the floor, grunting as I used both hands to lift her spread leg into the air. Once her leg was straight and her knee started to lift off the edge of the bed I squatted down, got her ankle on my shoulder and straightened up, lifting her whole leg as I leaned a bit over the bed. I pushed sideways, swinging her right leg over her left with a lot of effort, letting it down as I pushed to the side to roll her hips.
Rose whimpered and moaned as her shifting leg turned her pelvis, the tone going up as broken bones moved and becoming a high keening sound as the bulk of her rolling body shifted her onto her battered left arm. Something in Rose’s shoulder tented the skin above her left breast before a narrow piece of raggedly broken collarbone tore out into sight and was hidden as she went over onto her front side. The pitiful noises of pain were muffled as I finally got Rose fully over, her face in the bedcovers.
The hard work of rolling Rose over had calmed down my arousal, my cock now barely swollen. I caught my breath and moved onto the bed between her spread legs, leaning forwards to grab her very ample ass cheeks with both hands. Kneeling on the waterbed was kind to my knees and kept them from distracting me as I began Rose’s long overdue rape. I parted my hands, fingers digging deep into the soft fat of the big soft ass to spread them wide. The view earned a twitch in my groin and quick swelling from my cock.
The pale flesh of Rose's fat ass flesh bulging around my clenching fingers framed her brown shading asshole, the wrinkled ring of her anus seeming to beg the impending brutality. I wasted no time, dipping my head to drool as much spit as I could down across the pucker before I leaned forward across her ass, my chest settling to her well padded back.
Rose hardly reacted to my laying on her back, my upper thighs helping spread the flab of her ample thighs and the length of my now nearly fully hard cock settling into her deep ass-crack. Despite the changing angle as I moved onto Rose I kept my grip on her ass cheeks, shifting up on her to settle the hardening tip of my cock against her anus. The feel of her soft flesh against the sides of my cock and the firmer ring of her sphincter against the tip worked for me. The dose of Cialis was still helping, letting me get fully hard as I shifted and lifted with my legs to get my cock pointed nearly straight down. Rose was whimpering softly and shivering a little under me, rocking me a little on her ass and back in a motion that seemed to fully settle my blunt glans against her asshole.
I took my hands off Rose's ass, shifting them to hook over her shoulders to keep me in place. My grip on her battered and broken shoulders raised the pitch of her noises and she shuddered under me, a perfect move to increase the pressure on her anus. I felt my spit-slicked tip press down, her tight but elastic sphincter opening to accept the sensitive slitted tip into the warmth of her gut, the ring of muscle spreading to slip up and flatten the flared rim of my invading cock-head. I bucked my hips once to drive the whole knob through her anus and grunted in a mix of pleasure and discomfort when her breached sphincter clamped down on my shaft just behind the head. The ring of muscle gripped harder a few times as Rose shuddered under me, then slumped nearly limp.
I thrust with my groin, bucking on Rose's fat mounded form, my grunting louder as more and more of my shaft drove down into her very hot colon, answered by her keening whimpers, Rose began to shudder more with each thrust and I reflexively tightened my grip over her shoulders. I felt the contused lumps and hard spots under her skin shift, one part sharp enough to feel through her padding, likely a fractured bone end. I gripped harder deliberately and Rose screamed once, her heave under me trying in vain to buck me off, the sudden movement driving half my cock into her gut. This was the start of my seriously anally raping Rose. I rode her bucking mounded fat body, thrusting with my hips and using my weight to drive the rest of my cock into her colon.
My fingers were digging into Rose's ruined shoulders, keeping her struggling under me, her spasmodically clenching asshole tight around the base of my cock, swelling it all the larger in her gut. I held on for a long minute with her colon muscles rippling on my invading shaft. Eventually I pulled up, dragging the tight ring of muscle towards the tip of my cock as my hips lifted before I drove in again. I picked up speed as the strangling grip of her sphincter loosened some, the overstressed muscles and sensitive skin of her pucker tearing further as the wide base of my cock spread the hole wider each time. I could feel a bit of slickness spreading around and along my cock that I knew had to be bleeding from her fissuring anus.
Drained as I was by last night’s over-intense orgasm it took me much longer than usual before I felt the pressure deep in my ball starting to build. I was sweating and panting as I kept raping Rose, her spasming gut and tight gripping anus made all the more arousing by her struggling, whimpering attempts to escape the abuse. For all she was both taller and larger than me even if she had not been so grossly fat, she was too badly injured and weak to do more than arouse me with her pain. Her fat ass kept trying to slip in front of my groin and I had to let go of her shoulders to again grip her soft ass cheeks and keep them spread as I kept humping on her shuddering bulk.
Rose and I both were getting tired and very sweaty by the time I was near cumming, with my knees by then worked up between her kicking legs until my thighs had spread her wide and I could let go of her ass and reach up again. I picked up the bloody scissors again with my right hand, then my left hand tangled in her long red hair. I pulled very hard, keeping myself forwards against her ass while her head was pulled back to bring out another loud, hoarse scream that got more shrill when I punched the tip of the scissors into the side of her thick neck.. Rose's fissuring sphincter clamped down again on my inward ramming shaft, adding enough thrill I felt the impending throb in my ball that signaled I was about to cum.
I hunched my groin back, pulling the flared rim of my glans back against the tight grip of Rose’s breached asshole, twisting the scissors hard chin before I pulled myself forwards with all my strength, A hot stream of blood ran across my scissors holding fingers, my ramming shaft driven deep into her writhing gut. My ball spasmed as I came, the first wad of cum stopped for a pained moment by the harder clench of her sphincter around the flared base of my cock before my ball spasmed again and the thick sperm jetted into her colon.
The scissors pulled free of the bloody hole in Rose’s neck and I reached further forwards before ramming them fully into her neck closer to the front side. I felt a crunch when the tip tore into her windpipe and I twisted again while my cock rammed forwards with the second spurt of cum.
I groaned loudly, the sensation of hard pulsing sperm pumping through my throbbing cock an undertone to the intense feel as the goo spurted from the incredibly sensitive opening at the tip of my hard swollen glands. I heard a wet gurgle from Rose before the large amount of blood flooded from her mouth. I kept twisting, further tearing open the neck artery that was drowning Rose with her own blood. The gushing flow of very hot fluid was foamy with her last breath.
Rose was clearly dying quickly as the fourth, diminishing spurt of cum squirted from the oversensitized tip of my cock. With each orgasmic thrust of my hips I had also yanked all the harder on her head, the intense thrill of release adding to the force twisting her head back and to the side showing me the mess flooding her mouth and nose.. The ragged hole around the scissors was also leaking heavily, and the realization Rose was dying adding to the intensity of the pleasure jolts exploding in me
Rose almost bucked me off her with the heave of all her muscles going rigid for a moment, then she slowly became fully slack under me as she ran out of blood and oxygen. That last strong spasm under me and clenching on my cock milked me of one last intense dribble of cum before I too slumped limp, though breathing hard and sky high on endorphins and the taking of another life.
It took my breathing a couple of minutes of laying on Rose to slow. I was dizzy, feeling the last diminishing twitches of her badly beaten, grossly fat body under me reminding me of what I had just taken from Pamela and now her best friend. I let Rose's slack head slip from my aching-handed grip and now, as I caught my breath I pushed up off her bulk. I looked down as I knelt between her spread fat thighs to watch my red and brown smeared cock pull from her now gaping asshole, the last drool of my cum leaking across her ass when I slumped forwards onto her again, suddenly exhausted.
I woke up an hour or so later, sprawled on the cooling mound of dead meat, lifting my head from Rose's back and immediately noticing the still embedded scissors. I got up, my flaccid cock peeling off her ass cheek where it was glued on by a crusting mess of cum, blood, and shit. As I turned away and moved out of the room on shaky knees to go clean up I knew I wanted more. I was now determined that for as long as possible I would need to get off like this again to any other women I could catch.