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Commander Jane Shepard would fuck anything and anyone. She didn’t care if it came with a dick or a pussy, Commander Shepard simply liked to fuck. What she didn’t realise is that many of the women on her crew were just as deviant. And it all started thanks to a particular yeoman who had some rather deviant tastes indeed…

Themes listed will appear throughout the story.
Commander Jane Shepard looked into the mirror and wondered what would happen next. It was bad enough that she’d woken up and learned that she’d been handed over to Cerberus, but there was now a new enemy to fight, and she felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Illusive Man had done his best to convince her that they were in the fight together.

And now they were headed to Omega. She’d heard of the place though never visited. As she looked herself up and down, she had to admit that Cerberus had done good work. Miranda might have the appearance of a stuck-up bitch, but there was no missing her intelligence nor good looks. Shepard smirked to herself, wondering if Miranda liked pussy from time to time. As for Shepard, she fucked anything.

Hell, before her old ship had blown up, she’d fucked Liara often enough. Kaidan enjoyed more than one blowjob as Shepard loved giving head. Never had her pussy though. She gave turian a try and Garrus was fortunate enough to get his dick inside her. It didn’t feel as bad as first feared. She flirted constantly with Doctor Chakwas, and now that she was back on the ship, she wondered if the older woman would now give into temptation. And then there was Wrex… The big krogan definitely got his chance at sliding his enormous cock into her pussy. Stretched her out something fierce, but it was the fuck of a lifetime. The fact she learned that some asari came with a dick was a pleasant surprise, particularly after finding Shiala on Feros. The pair were immediately attracted, and Shepard had a thick asari girlcock buried inside her pussy by the end of that first night.

She was left wondering who she would end up fucking going forward. Kelly had proven very friendly, and Shepard knew they’d end up in bed rather quickly. She wasn’t sure if Miranda played for the same team. And Jacob being a black guy, she wondered if he would back up the stereotype about black guys and big dicks. She even wondered if Joker would be interested in fucking his CO.

Her green eyes sparkled with humour as she remembered all the fun that she’d enjoyed two years earlier. Fighting and fucking, that’s what it was. At least they’d returned her hair to it’s original red colour. Her tits were fantastic. Now quite clearly fake, but they were big and sat perfectly still on her chest. Her arse was a cracker as well. Miranda had curves for days and Shepard figured that Miranda made sure that she had some curves of her own.

“Commander, we’re approaching Omega,” EDI told her, the blue orb appearing nearby.

“Thanks, EDI. I’ll get ready in a second.”

She had no intention of heading onto Omega without being in her armour and being armed. She only slipped on a tight sleeveless vest and a pair of booty shorts that clung to her arse and pussy. She didn’t miss Jacob’s lingering eyes on her form as she grabbed her armour and started to get ready. Miranda walked in as she was halfway through being readied. The operative wore her white catsuit that highlighted every single curve.

“Commander,” she stated coolly. Shepard did wonder if the pair would ever become friends. To be honest, she wasn’t worried about friendship. She did want to fuck her though.

“What can we expect on Omega?” she asked.

“Some equivalent to the worst slums that existed back on Earth,” Miranda replied, “Given its position in the galaxy, you’ll find many more krogan, batarians, even vorcha around that elsewhere. It’s a hive of illegal activities.”

Arriving on Omega half an hour later, Joker docked the ship and the trio made their way off. They were met by a batarian who insisted that they go and pay their respects to Aria T’Loak, the Pirate Queen and ruler of Omega.

They approached a nightclub called Afterlife and they were allowed in without any real questions. Shepard took note of the nimble asari dancing up on the stage. She walked around to gain her bearings, noticing numerous batarians and krogan, a few turians and humans. And also a lot of vorcha and numerous varren were about. Most of them appeared docile, Shepard unsure if that word applied to the vorcha, the varren or both.

Aria T’Loak amused her. There was no missing the intensity and sex appeal. And Shepard guessed that she definitely came packing with a lovely, thick asari girlcock. Aria was curious as to why Shepard was on Omega. She explained that she was there for two recruits. Aria smirked and said that she’d be willing to do her a favour and give her information, but that the favour would need to be repaid.

“How?” she asked.

“I’m not interested in your male companion. But your female companion is delightful. I wonder what she’d look like naked?”

“I wonder the same thing.”

Aria’s smirk returned. “Ah, so you play both sides?”

“I’ll fuck anyone or anything.”

Aria’s eyes widened slightly. “Well, well. Now I am curious. I’m guessing that humans and some aliens…”

“What sort of favour do you want?”

“Well, I’m thinking that you would be happy to… entertain for me. What about your companion?”

“Oh, she’d hate every second of it.”

“Perfect. I give you this information, Shepard, you’d better be good for the return.”

“Does it involve me being fucked, sucking dick or eating pussy?”

Aria laughed out loud. “It certainly does. I’ll record it though I won’t release it just yet. Call it an insurance policy.”

“Lawson!” Shepard called, waving her over, “Got something to tell you.”

Miranda walked over and Shepard let her eyes linger. Aria’s gaze was pure lust and hunger. She wanted the Cerberus operative badly. Aria then explained the same thing that Shepard had heard. Aria would help them, but in return, they would owe her. Miranda looked ready to argue when Aria simply smirked.

“Shepard… Well, I’m sure that you won’t be surprised to hear that a lot of people want to fuck Commander Shepard. And a lot of those people are on Omega. Some of them in this nightclub. Krogan. Batarian. Vorcha. Turian. Hell, I reckon even a hanar would love to shove tentacles into her pussy and arse.”

“Reckon they’d choke me at the same time?” Shepard wondered.

Aria laughed. “Oh, I like you already, Shepard.” Her eyes turned back to Miranda. “Shepard will be getting fucked. It will be recorded. For a couple of hours, she is going to be a proper slut. As for you, Miss Lawson, you are going to be my slut.”

“I’ll do nothing…”

Aria grinned almost evilly as she lowered the zipper of her trousers and pulled out a thick, dark blue and very long girlcock. Shepard felt her mouth immediately start to drool. As for Miranda, she couldn’t hide her immediate interest. Shepard was left wondering if Miranda had ever been with a non-human.

“While Shepard is busy elsewhere, you will be serving my cock, bitch,” Aria stated, “You’ll suck me before I spend a couple of hours ensuring your pussy is left nice and stretch by my girlcock.” Miranda whimpered. Shepard felt her eyes widen as Miranda noticeably flushed. “Well, well, I should have known,” Aria added with a chuckle, “You’re going to be a good little bitch, aren’t you?”

“I’ll do whatever is necessary for the information,” Miranda finally stated.

Aria provided the information provided, the trio heading off almost immediately to recruit Archangel as he seemed to be in more trouble than the salarian scientists. Shepard wondered if they’d bitten off more than they could chew when she took in the number of mercenaries ready to try and kill Archangel. She did what she could before making their way across the bridge.

Discovering it was Garrus was a real surprise and immediately had her feeling better about her predicament. Somehow, the four of them managed to fight off wave after wave of mercenaries, but just before victory was assured, Garrus was injured. Shepard made sure that the last mercenary leader blew up with his airship before they managed to get the turian back to the med-bay.

Shepard waited for Garrus to recover, the turian proving to be one tough bastard as he was up and about two days later. Naturally, he was delighted to know she was alive though worried about her link with Cerberus. She explained it as best she could. Then she wondered if he’d be keen to blow off some steam.

“Nothing serious, Garrus,” she warned him, “You know how much I love to fuck a variety of people.”

The turian managed a chuckle. “I vaguely remember you trying to fuck everyone on the old ship and nearly anyone we met that interested you.”

“Nothing’s changed there. Still hoping to get in the pants of Chakwas, but she plays hard to get.”

Garrus fucked her though Shepard never invited any lover to stay the night. Even Liara had learned that. Shepard had affection for the young asari and still wondered where she was. The Illusive Man hadn’t told her. Seeing Tali again had been good for her mind. The rest of her old crew was spread across the galaxy. At least Garrus wasn’t going to get attached. There was mutual respect between the pair, but Shepard would admit that she exactly find turians physically attractive. But Garrus was also a soldier, and he had a nice dick. Shepard enjoyed their time fucking each other.

She was pleased the turian was ready to go when it came time to locate Mordin Solus. But when she was told that the quarantine was killing everyone except humans, she was prepared to send Garrus back to the ship. But he wouldn’t hear of it, and thinking that numbers might help, she led the four of them into the quarantine zone.

Bodies were being burned. Lots of people must have already died and the Blue Suns were cleaning house. They found humans had managed to survive, some of them not doing themselves any favours by looting the dead. The four of them dealt with whatever they faced, leaving a trail of dead bodies behind them.

They found Mordin Solus alive, and after a conversation where Shepard learned the salarian talked at a million miles a minute, the four were sent to disperse a vaccine. Vorcha and others attempted to stop them, but Shepard and her small squad couldn’t be stopped. They even found Mordin’s assistant being held hostage. Shepard talked them down and let them go, wondering if they might be some batarians fucking her later. She felt immediate dampness at the thought of just being passed around by a large group of them.

With Mordin back on the Normandy, Shepard returned to her quarters and changed, EDI reporting in that Miranda was doing the same. Standing naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she showered and shaved everywhere before ***********ing what to wear. No panties or bra. Just a simple black vest top and a short black skirt. Thigh high stockings and black heels. It all looked good against her pale skin. Light make-up on her face, the sort that simply enhanced her green eyes and red hair.

Miranda met her downstairs and Shepard couldn’t help whistle. Miranda wore such tight clothing that her tits looked ready to pop out and the camel toe was extraordinary. The pair walked towards Omega and Shepard felt nearly every set of eyes watching their progress. There were plenty of whistles and catcalls once they were in Afterlife, and Aria’s eyes positively lit up upon seeing them.

“Bray!” Aria called, a batarian quickly appearing at their side, “Take Shepard to the private room where they are waiting. How many are you expecting, Shepard?”

“I don’t care. The more, the merrier!”

Aria laughed. “I like you already, Shepard. How do you feel about batarians?”

“Eh, we have our past but they’re like everyone else. Plus, I know they come packing some heart in their pants.”

It was an established fact that the elcor had the biggest cocks in the galaxy though fucking them was almost impossible for everyone except other elcor. Krogan were next up, a species that Shepard had already savoured more than once. She still remembered the occasional few hours spent in the company of Wrex. And being fucked by a krogan had proven to be an endurance event. Her poor pussy had taken quite the hammering.

Surprisingly to many, batarians were next. Nearly all of them came with long, thick cocks. On average, longer than humans and turians. Asari with girlcocks were not usually listed simply because they were not considered males. In every other way, they were females… Except for having a big cock and balls.

As Miranda made her way over to sit next to Aria, Bray led Shepard towards the private room. Walking into it to be faced by ten batarians, she felt her pussy grow moist almost immediately. She knew that she was going to be in for one hell of a night.

To her surprise, they wanted her to dance and strip first. That made her happy as it meant she could show off her new body. She knew her tits were fantastic. But the batarians couldn’t keep their eyes off her smooth pussy and almost perfect arse. Feelings hands all over her body simply aroused her even further. She wasn’t surprised by some of the comments about her being a slut and a whore. Those only aroused her further. She wore such words with pride.

“Okay, boys, I think it’s time we had some fun,” she stated once she was lying back, legs spread wide, her pussy glistening with excitement.

Ten batarians were quickly naked as Shepard ended up on her knees in between all of them. Ten thick cocks to suck and she knew that her pussy and arse was going to be filled for a couple of hours. She was surprised that they didn’t try and fuck her face, probably because she showed off her fellatio skills, and what had her nearly smiling were the compliments. There were still taunts about the human woman on her knees sucking superior batarian cock, but she shut them up by deepthroating any cock that ended up in her mouth.

“Where do you want it, boys?” she asked once she had all of them ready to cum. She smiled as the consensus was to leave their cum on her face.

She fondled her pussy as massive loads of cum soon landed on her face. Not only did they have big cocks, but their balls were also huge and were always full of potent cum. Each batarian cock seemed to throb over half a dozen times, leaving an absolutely torrent of cum trickling down her face and onto her breasts, down her torso to her legs.

They gave her time to clean her face though insisted she swallow most of what they’d left on it. Helped to her feet, she felt fingers on her pussy and there were numerous comments about how wet she was. And then she moaned when feeling that first big batarian cocks sliding inside her. For the next hour, the ten batarians ran a train on her pussy, and each of them took their turn in filling her pussy with cum. She was kept in the same position as they appeared to enjoy taking her from behind. Her cheeks felt red raw from them slapping her arse. And they did enjoy pulling her hair back, lifting her head so a cock ended up in her mouth occasionally.

“Wanna make me airtight?” she asked after the tenth batarian filled her pussy, “I’m up for some anal if you want to really make it a good night.”

“Aria said only two hours…”

“You get the extra hour for three if you’re all up for fucking my arse.”

Bray returned ten minutes after time was over to see Shepard being made airtight. One cock in her mouth. One in her pussy. One in her arse. He laughed as the cock in her mouth was removed, telling him to inform Aria that she’d be done in around fifty minutes. She wanted some loads in her arse before she’d leave.

The batarians really pounded her pussy and arse, thankfully smart enough not to go from her arse to her pussy though happy to go the other way. They didn’t all get to cum in her arse, not that she was particularly worried. She just loved the complete debauchery and sensing that she seemed to get off on the verbal abuse, the batarians really laid into her when making her airtight. Hell, when they suggested that they just take her as a sex slave, she was so aroused that she almost agreed to the idea.

She was left surprised at the end that the batarians actually thanked her. Her face was covered in cum. Her mouth was sore from swallowing so much batarian cock. Her pussy was red raw and she knew her arse was going to be sore all the next day. As the batarians wandered out, she laid back on one of the lounges and chuckled to herself.

Commander Jane Shepard really was a wanton slut and that’s exactly how she’d live her life going forward.
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