Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba.
C & C Photo Recruiting Services Part Two
by StackofBooks2023
(2700 words).
Tip: Read Part One first. These are not meant as standalone stories!!
A little bit about Clarice
Her mum and dad were born in this country (as was she) but the family were originally from Nigeria. They were the owners of the biggest estate agents (realtors) in the area, and both worked for it full-time, each being responsible for 50% of the geographical area the company covered.
To that end, the daughter was studying economics and business, and had offers at various places at colleges outside her town to continue in a year's time.
She was an only child but it never caused her any problems. During Clarice's birth, there were complications with the mother (they nearly lost her). A few months down the line she had to have a hysterectomy, meaning she couldn't conceive again. They considered adopting, but at the time the business was not doing so well and she needed to work and not look after another child. Now it was strong and profitable and they were hoping her daughter would take over at some point so they could retire. Clarice was looking forward to that as selling and renting property was right up her street (pun fully intended).
They were a very sexual family, and from about the time she went to school, they were very open about nudity. They made it clear to her however that what went on within their walls must stay there. Forever. She must not tell her schoolfriends, teachers, police or any other adults about what they did.
In the beginning, for the first 4-5 years, it was just very basic things: being nude around the house (unless visitors were coming); sharing the bathroom at the same time for bathing/showering/peeing/pooping/changing menstrual pads. Everything was explained to her, in simple language, inasmuch as a little girl could understand, but never too far ahead of her - always a bit more to learn.
Very often the guests were from Nigeria or other African countries. The door was opened to them wearing clothes, they arrived clothed (obviously), but their custom was for everyone to be naked inside the house as soon as the door closed.
From about the age of about 8 she was given the job of undressing everyone (guests first, then parents) as it was considered slightly impolite to remove your own clothes. She saw many kinds of adult breasts and penises, as well as children's genitals. In time, she developed a nice habit of kissing and caressing all the naughty bits as a kind of greeting. The girls, either older or younger than her, all had slits like hers - not much difference or anything to see, but she still sniffed and greeted them with her lips.
But Clarice's favourites were the boys. A whole variety of acorns, small noodles and bigger and thicker shafts. If circumcised, she kissed the heads, and put her tongue in the peehole. If uncut, she pulled the skin right back and did the same. A 16 year old boy (Michael) always had an erection as soon as he saw her. The next day her mum explained the reason and the meaning behind it.
During their visit, if anyone needed to use the bathroom, Clarice and anyone else who was interested watched them urinating. In certain cases, at the person's discretion, she was allowed to hold the man or boy and squeeze/shake at the end. In addition, her job was to wipe the women's pussy with TP and she took the opportunity to spread and peer deep inside their pinkness. One middle aged lady called Veronica, when it was just the two of them alone, turned round 180° and pooped out a 6" hard log into the water. Made a big splash. Clarice wiped her arse willingly.
Although they didn't have much spare time (long days and 6-7 days every week), the family trio liked going for walks in the huge amount of countryside roundabout from where they lived. Always with a roll of TP, as they all seemed to tank up with fluid beforehand and refrain from Number Twos in the 24 hours or so before.
In a secluded spot, knickerless Cherry (mum) would hitch up (or take off) her skirt, the little girl would take out her dad's (Kenneth/Ken) penis from his fly (or pull his shorts down) and aim the hot liquid onto her vulva and especially the clit. Clarice would strip her own bottom half and her mum would fire the rest of his stream from his smooth long black uncut penis onto her undeveloped pussy. Always the same procedure and order. It never changed, continuing throughout their lives (even while she was married and beyond) until the day the older couple passed away on the same day, a few hours apart, side by side, holding hands until the end.
(She didn't find out about this for many years afterwards, but her dad had to have a wank before leaving the house every time or his erection would have been uncontrollable! No pee possible!)
They almost always found a place behind a bush and watched each other poop. (Same procedure and order every time: Cherry, Clarice, Ken), all turds piled on top of each other.) Each person wiped another clean, and their soiled TP wasn't left to blow freely around the landscape but instead put into a plastic shopping bag and deposited into the nearest rubbish bin. Dad covered everything up with loose earth, leaves or foliage.
They had no qualms about her sharing their bed either, although it started unintentionally and accidentally when she was about 10. All through her childhood she'd been petrified of thunderstorms, and one of the parents would go into her room and sit or lie with her (although the bed wasn't really big enough for the latter) and hold her hand or stroke her hair until God had finished moving the furniture. It seemed to be the lightning rather than the thunder that really scared her, but they put on a blindfold and fitted earplugs anyway. Clarice always woke up disorientated because she thought she'd gone deaf and blind in the night. Her expression of surprise and wonder as her mum took them off amused them greatly
They both teased her about it, and called her Helen (after Keller) for a while, and they explained who she was. That started a lifelong passion for Clarice about this remarkable lady, and she had read all her books by the age of 13 and fully supported her views on suffrage, labour rights and world peace. By 14, after going to extracurricular classes, she became proficient in American and British sign language, the first and only person in her school to do that.
There was a young girl at the gym called Theresia (8, also black, from CIV - Côte d'Ivoire) who was deaf, and although they didn't practise their activities together (different ages, different levels) sometimes she had to 'translate' to the staff on her behalf and vice versa. Their friendship lasted a long time, being chief bridesmaid for each other, many years apart, at the two weddings.
One night, neither parent came during the heavy driving rain and bad weather outside. They'd had a long busy day and were simply exhausted, out for the count. So Clarice went to them, jumping in fear as the thunder rolled while she was halfway across the landing, and climbed in. They realised she was between them and they all went to sleep, cuddling. In the early hours, mum and dad felt horny (they had very high sex drives), and he climbed onto her and mounted her.
The poor girl woke up thinking they were fighting or wrestling, as his grunts and her moans seemed to suggest. They stopped and explained. Her sex education lessons at school suddenly became crystal clear and real to her, and this was what really prompted her years later to be filmed and photographed at Phil's. Intercourse and other sexual activity was a beautiful thing, not be treated as taboo or disgusting, but to be embraced, whatever your kink or fetish or orientation. The underage thing was irrelevant. The law was bullshit. That experience was like a big thick heavy blanket had been lifted off of her.
She held her dad's hard dick as he re-entered her mum, now doggy style, wishing she herself had that same internal pinkness and juiciness. After a long while (amazing stamina!), he pulled out, his wife turned over, and the young one witnessed for the first time his massive ejaculation over her vulva, belly and big tits. Clarice felt many tingles between her own legs. The two parents had a quick conference and decided she was too young to be fertile. So she was allowed to clean and suck the last drops out of his tube, she marvelling at how cute and soft the flaccid member now was.
Then onto her mum's skin, hoovering up every drop of white jizz. (Lovely taste!) And fetching a warm damp flannel and dry towel to finish off and clean up properly. She antibac wiped herself, hands and pussy, to be sure. They were all in the land of nod soon after.
This happened fairly regularly, him sometimes coming inside, Clarice sucking it all out. The bidet became redundant!! But if they wanted to be alone, they told her gently, and she accepted it without issue or grumbling.
In this way, she learned a lot about fucking, but especially about how the man should treat his lady, and vice versa.
But three months after her first period, she got an IUD implanted (and hymen broken by the doctor) and was then safe to handle his sperm (or anyone else's for that matter, including Phil's).
After her lesbo session with Chinese Michelle aka Asian Lilly (meant to be private, but still photographed) at the 8-way orgy, they swapped numbers and saw each other very often, usually at Clarice's house.
(Phil sold 3 sets of the resulting photos: entitled "China meets Africa #1, #2, #3") and so far their phones had pinged with incoming bank transfers, a total to date of 400 each - and still more to come. They were amazed.)
When the 'S' girls handed over the reins, she and Celina held their own production meeting at the former's house. They'd just had the cards printed, and were in the process of negotiating with Phil for a date for Nadia & Dawn's first XXX session. Her dad asked what it was all about, and they explained they were recruiters for a local photographic studio for girls who wanted fashion industry portfolios, and they got a cut for each girl that was eventually signed by an agency.
Being a wise and worldly man, his first and only question was how old the girls were, and they honestly and confidently told him 16-plus. (Of course, they never said anything about the XXX dark web shoots or the porn portfolios, although they were above the age of consent now. Nor did they say that they had been involved in underage sessions.) He seemed satisfied, and left them to it, and never intruded again.
Celina never knew or found out that it was actually Clarice who had put Dawn onto her for the lifts to the bionic hand clinic. Clarice was overjoyed to learn about the two jobs Dawn Chorus had got (one porn, one normal). Clarice's own mum was plump but not obese (big-boned is the polite way to put it, I believe), so that sort of body shape never grossed her out or bothered her - it was still beautiful. She herself was thin as a rake - the type that had to run around under the rose in the shower to get wet!!. But her mum had been like that in her teens (old photos proved it), so Clarice had a feeling she might fill out in her later years.
It was late, and they were only 2/3 of the way through discussing everything All the talk about the shoots had made them feel sexy. (Clarice had given her details about her time with long blonde-haired Samantha; Clarice reciprocated about her photo session with Tina.)
So the black girl invited her to sleep over and they showered and climbed into bed together. This was when the record for left handed fistfucking was set. The licking one happened on another occasion, probably at Celina's place, but no-one was available to confirm this.
Nadia also got work as a result of her one-to-one session for the porn modelling portfolio 3-4 months later.
An afternoon with a well hung black guy for a famous known naughty pics site available on the normal internet. They cavorted about in a big hotel honeymoon suite, she sucking, he eating her, she gaping front and back (hence why Phil had trained her like this in the standard shots section at the beginning), and them both pissing on each other.
There was no actual penetration, just soft porn (although her contract said the opposite). However, she was disappointed that the cum shots were faked. The producer had some sort of wide mouthed syringe that was filled with a cloudy white creamy fluid. She thought it was probably a cornflour slurry. She knew what ropes of semen looked like and it wasn't this - Nadia wondered how they got away with it. She agreed to gape with her mouth full of it - she'd been right!! Not salty in any way, just bland and tasteless. What a swizz! Still, the site was free so it was unlikely anyone ever complained.
Amadeus was very kind, courteous and gentle with her, and when he learned it was her 'first time' constantly asked her if she was OK. The photographer got a bit pissed off with him and said: For fuck's sake, Ama, just get on with it, but the black man just ignored him.
To compensate, he took out her for dinner. After checking she didn't feel coerced in any way, they went to his hotel room. Eaten out properly, arse fucked (both positions), pussy fucked (both positions). She said she had an IUD, but nevertheless wanted to finish him by hand over belly and tits to taste him. She took a photo and it looked nothing like what she'd seen a few hours ago.
He recupereated quickly and came inside right up to her cervix. On the way drive home, she put a towel on the seat, and felt the gallons leak through her knickers. A very pleasurable feeling.
Anyway, 3k plus expenses for a few hours enjoyable 'work'.
Her second one normal one a month after was for a fashion house who said her body and faced matched exactly their vision for their collection. It was similar to the gladrags session at Phil's (but these were the real thing, pro labels!) and the chief designer was a lovely lady. Alice put her at her ease immediately, and praised her again and again for her natural poses and excellent bone structure.
Sometimes a seamstress came in to make a few alterations: let out here or pull in here the garment a bit.
All she had to do was stand in front of a backdrop and pose, or walk down a short catwalk. Alice only occasionally called out a suggestion or stepped onto the stage to move her head, arm or leg slightly. Then change costume, usually without bra or panties on. Repeat many times with about 9-10 outfits, mix and match them.
The photographer gave her his card and took quite a few extra peekaboo shots of boobs, cunt or arse hanging out, but the chief designer assured her the fashion house would never use them (was in the contract anyway when she looked). Dave sent them to her by Email the next day, explicitly stating that she owned the copyright, not him. They would certainly get her more work, without needing to pay Phil.