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A brother sells his sister to the gang he works for on the dark web. They gang rape her and take her away. There is implied incest there for a small moment but it never happens. The story focuses on the rape.
Brother Sells His Sister

(TW: rape, non con (she doesn't consent but at the end she sort of starts liking it a little bit), incest, forced incest, dyke coversion, choking, implied snuff, gangrape, physical violence)

I genuinely believe that my twin sister, Angel, is evil. She has been the bane of my life for a long time. Specifically, for a couple of years ever since I introduced my then girlfriend. All of a sudden, she started being extra bitchy and whiny. Yes, she was a right bitch before, but it escalated after I brought my girlfriend home for a night over. Something about my girlfriend really makes my sister angry and frustrated. Obviously my girlfriend did not know about any of this as my sister befriended her and then began to fill her ears behind my back. She acted all nice and friendly outwardly but inwardly, or even when she was alone with me, she wouldn't stop whining and complaining about my girlfriend. My sister is the one who infiltrated my relationship and put a crack between me and my girlfriend. My sister is toxic. She is jealous of me being the only male in the family, with my father divorced and my mother working in the entertainment industry and not being there when we really needed her guidance.

My mother stays out of the house for the majority of the time. So we siblings have the house to ourselves mostly. And my sister has to butt in every single little thing that I do. Why do I have the computer in the room? Why am I watching TV at a certain time? Who am I talking to late at night? The list just doesn't end there. Being the reason for the breakup of my relationship with my girlfriend is the most damaging and destructive thing she has done. But there was something else that she has done which led to everything that I am about to describe in this account.

She got into my computer one night and accessed some sensitive and compromising information. She began to blackmail me shortly after realizing what I was into. Basically, I worked sort of like a hacker for a local gang. It wasn't anything super bad. Just some low-key dark web shit. Angel found out about it. She was furious, angry, then threatened to tell all my friends about it. What she needed from me was for me to kneel down to her and kiss the ground in front of her. She wanted me to worship her like a fucking goddess. She went on these elaborate fantasies of her being the dictator or the queen of the kingdom and having so many male slaves at her feet. Talk about a goddess complex. Yup, that's my sister.

Angel is a lesbian. She had a couple of girlfriends before but none stayed for long after finding out how fucking toxic she was. Then she would cry all day in her room to seek attention. My mother was never in the house so she had no clue what was going on. When the crying stopped, Angel would divert her attention in finding ways to harm me. I mean she is a few minutes younger than me but she acts like she is my older sibling. That kind of shit is not flying here. The question was what was I going to do about the blackmailing? I couldn't hurt her physically. I absolutely was not willing to be her literal slave.

So I had no choice but to message one of the gang members that I worked for. Let’s call it mafia because the gang has a name, and I do not wish to reveal it here. The guy gave me an online address to message on the dark web. So I did. This contact was anonymous. He was to the point. Asked me details about my sister, her age, her looks, height, weight, everything. He wanted me to send a photo of her, which I refused because there was no chance I was putting my sister’s photo on the dark web. That was not happening. He said he would need my house address. I gave that to him. He gave me a specific time and told me that the house should be unlocked and my sister must be at home. I told him that all that was needed was for someone to come and threaten her, maybe be a bit strict with her. He said it’ll be handled. I just needed to do those things and give him the deposit. I deposited the asked amount of bitcoin in his wallet. And that was that.

The time he gave me was Sunday night around 9 PM. All I had to do was make sure Angel was at home and the doors were unlocked. My mother wasn't an issue. She wasn't home for a few days. And Angel didn't do anything except for being in her room or harassing me.

I somehow survived till Sunday evening. I put a movie on the big SCREEN in the living room and turned up the volume pretty loud. I knew for a fact that she would stomp her way downstairs and tell me to turn the movie off, or she would try to put on her own movie. The latter would be likely given her skill and ability to blackmail me. She really was one hell of a cunning creature. And that's exactly what happened.

Angel came banging and barging down the stairs in a light pinkish top and white pajama shorts. Her body stood out prominently in those clothes. Her breasts were full, but not overly big, and they were wanting to burst out of that shirt. I wasn't an expert in these types of things. I mean I am straight. I do like girls. I do like tits and vaginas, and everything to do with girls. Just not the girls like my sister. I'm glad she is my sister because I don't like her, and I don't have to like her. I just needed this thing to be over with so she knows who is the boss around here.

She stood in front of me, barefooted, naked legs, the shorts barely covering her hips. And those shorts were fucking tight. I don't think she was even wearing any panties underneath as I could see a little camel toe peeking. Her thighs were…something else. Nice and white. Fuck, what was I thinking?

I look at her as the movie blasts through the speakers. “What?”

“Would you turn this fucking movie down?”

Right at that moment, behind her to the left, the door slid open gently, and a figure in black emerged. Surely that was a man, a tall man of about 6 foot 4, all dressed in black, and wearing a mask. Angel couldn't hear or see because the movie was playing loud, and also her back was to the intruder. The masked man stood behind her, took a knife out of his pocket and pointed at the back of her. OK, that wasn't in the ***********. Or was it? I was beginning to feel a little frightened myself. The man had kicked Angel in the small of her back. She crashed on top of me with a loud shriek as the couch nearly toppled over backwards.

The man in black didn't give her a chance as he pulled her back by her hair and shoved her in the place right next to me. The movie continued to play quietly now, the loud action sequence over. Angel had an expression of horror on her face. She looked as if she was having a hard time believing what had just happened. The tall man just stood there with a knife in his hand, ready to take action.

“Who the fuck are you?” Angel shouted. Probably adrenaline was running through her veins right now. She was not afraid yet. The man wasn't really helping by just standing there with a knife in his hand like a statute.

The door opened, admitting a bulky man of about 50 years of age. He was Chinese or mixed race by the looks of it. He wore gray trousers and a suit. A farmer’s hat was placed on his head. He had a small stubble goatee and had a permanent smirk on his face. It felt like everything he thought was evil and malicious. Even looking in his eyes was a hard thing to do. I averted my eyes to look at the door behind him which was half open. I could hear footsteps rustling outside. How many of them were there outside? And did it take this many men to do a little task? All they needed to do was to scare her a little bit and that was that.

The fat Chinese man stood next to the masked man. His eyes were scanning Angel up and down, that evil smirk deepening.

Angel sat beside me with her legs closed and hands in her lap. I could hear her heart pounding. “Do you guys need money? What the hell do you guys want? Why are you after us? And who opened the door?” Her voice wasn't exactly meek. There was a hint of aggression in there, despite her defensive posture. But I could tell by her voice that she began to understand the situation.

The Chinese man spoke. In Chinese. Or Mandarin or whatever. Obviously I didn't know any and neither did my sister.

“We’ll answer your questions but you have to do something for us first.” That came from the masked man. I assumed he translated the Chinese man. His voice was low, thick and had an accent to it. Possibly African American. I could not tell anything because he was covered in black clothes top to bottom.

Angel looked at them both and slumped a little. “What is it you want us to do?”

The Chinese man spoke and the masked man continued, “only you, not your brother. Stand the fuck up.”

Angel didn't comply. In fact, her body posture became more confident and firm. Her back straightened and with that, her tits became more visible and prominent.

The masked man stepped forward and pulled her down by her hair. She could not compete with that grip and skidded down on the floor, but then her hands shot up clawing at his face. He was probably ready for this because he smacked her on the face pretty hard and released his grip. She fell down on the floor in front of the couch she was sitting on. She didn't get up, but the masked man pressed his boot on her head, and the fat Chinese man leaned down to grab her shorts. He yanked them off pretty quickly. Angel didn't realize this at first. By the time she reacted, with her legs thrashing and kicking, it was too late. Her pajama shorts were in the fat hands of the Chinese, and she was naked. I could not help but look at her private parts. They were smooth and shaven, her pussy lips equally proportioned and meaty. What the fuck was I doing and what the fuck were these guys doing? I didn't know who the Chinese man was. I could have guessed the masked man was the guy I arranged all of this with but…fuck…it was getting out of hand pretty fast.

The Chinese man took a long deep whiff of her shorts. The masked man had transferred the knife to his left hand and stood attentively as ever. He lifted Angel up by her hair roughly so she sat on the floor on her ass. The Chinese man moved forward, stood in front of her face and opened his fly. His little cock came out, semi hard but small.

“Suck. Put it in your mouth,” he said in English which was pretty decent. The important thing was that he had mighty authority in his voice.

I couldn't catch Angel’s reactions because I was sitting a bit behind and on the side, and to be honest I was actually scared to move. I was confused and frightened and frankly a little bit turned on too.

A slap, heavier than before, followed. The small but heavy hand of the Chinese man connected well with left cheek. He grabbed her hair with lightning speed then pulled her face in his crotch. His soft cock buried itself on her face, then he tilted her head up and spat on her face.

He spoke in Chinese this time. A long monologue. The masked man stood beside him looking down at Angel. When the Chinese man finished, the masked man spoke, “This is happening because of your interference in your brother’s work. The work he does is of utmost value, and you are a thorn in its way so you must be removed. But we're not going to end you. We’re going to keep you for our entertainment. Make you our pet. Our slave. But first, the deed must be done. I am going to rape you in front of your brother, and my gang. I could already tell you're a virgin. You smell really nice. I love breaking young stubborn girls like you. And I know for a fact that I am not going to get bored of you easily.”

Ten men entered the room one after another and stood in a semicircle. They all looked of various ages, shapes and sizes. Ten civilians in normal everyday clothes but I knew they were part of the gang. The door was closed shut behind.

At this moment, Angel and I leapt up at once. Things were going to go ugly here, and we needed to do something. The Chinese man shoved me back on the sofa. The masked man took care of Angel, pinning her down with his hand and boots. The ten men closed the circle tightly, creating a protective barrier.

“Do not move!” The Chinese man shouted at me. I froze in my spot thinking there was no way for me to get out.

The masked man had twisted Angel’s wrists on her back, slapping handcuffs on them. He picked her up like a rag doll and threw her towards the Chinese man, who caught her with a smile then shoved her down on the couch. Her head landed on my lap. I could feel the heat of her body pressed against me. The Chinese man pushed her head further in my crotch, her face smashed against my semi hard but growing cock.

The Chinese man thrust his cock inside her pussy from behind as I watched this with horror. Fuck.

“Ahhhh. Virgin. Ahhhh.” He exhaled and moaned as he began to fuck her nice and slow. Angel, surprisingly, was calm. Her breathing was heavy but she was still. I could feel my own cock growing harder, but she didn't seem to notice. She was surprisingly still and motionless.

“Rape the virgin.” The Chinese man was in his own world as the eleven men stood watching in a circle. The Chinese man fucked her, raped her, increasing his pace. His grip never left her hair as he still pushed her face in my crotch. I was starting to feel a bit turned on, and my own cock was rock solid.

“Your brother is horny looking at your rape,” he snickered then lifted her head up. Now her face was in front of me. There was sweat on her face and it looked as if she was…a little turned on by this also. She moaned in my face which made the fat man laugh. The moan had resulted from a rough thrust by the Chinese man. He really was fucking her aggressively.

“Fuck. Look at this little slut. Her pussy is wet and she is horny too.” A chuckle ran through the group. The Chinese man lifted her shirt on top of her breasts, baring them titties. Her nipples were rock hard and I stared at them. Her face was slapped once. “Do you want your brother to suck on your tits? This is your chance to say it.”

I was shocked when she nodded her head. This was absolutely unreal. She would never…

“Do it! Suck her little pointy nipples,” The Chinese man commanded. I was reluctant. I did not want to do it but the masked man stepped forward, flashing his knife. Swallowing dry spit, I leaned forward and took one of her nipples in my mouth. It was hard and soft at the same time. She inhaled and moaned. The Chinese man resumed fucking her as I sucked her nipple, rolling my tongue around it, wetting it more. My own cock, wanting to burst out of my pants, began to leak precum. I could feel it down there.

The Chinese man groaned loudly. He was having an orgasm. He stood up, yanking her back and throwing her towards the men behind him. I could see cum leaking out of her pussy down her thighs. I could still taste her nipple in my mouth. It was fucked up that this turned me on.

The Chinese man zipped himself up and sat next to me. “You don't need a sister. You are fine without her. I need you to keep doing what you do. You will have a good job in the future, I promise. You do not have a sister.”

He motioned his hand to the masked man. A laptop was brought to him. He turned it on. I glanced at my sister. She was being manhandled by the ten men. They were groping her and running their hands all over her body. The masked man was busy setting up a camera on a large tripod.

The Chinese man transferred a heavy sum of bitcoin to my wallet. “For your sister. We will take good care of her. She will always be there to destroy your potential, so you sell her to me.”

The idea of selling my sister to my boss was shocking, and I lost all capacity to think. I guess it was a good investment for the long run. I could always tell my mother that my sister has taken a hike across the country. It's not like my mother would give a fuck anyway. Besides, I couldn't really turn this offer down. I was working for the fucking mafia. Who knows what other shit they're into?

My sister let out a loud moan, loud enough to distract me. She was naked on the floor on her back, her legs spread, with a man on top of her hammering his dick way too violently. On the other side, another man had jammed his cock in her mouth. He was trying to force it down her throat. She wriggled and squirmed under the weight of these two men. I could barely see her skin. She was completely pressed under the man meat. I could only see her legs sticking out as the man pounded into her. The other men had their clothes off, and they were stroking their cocks looking at the action. Some were hard, some soft, some getting there.

The man between her legs withdrew and another took his position. He raped her for a good two minutes, thrusting inside her brutally. Meanwhile, the other man had managed to jam his cock almost all the way down her throat. She gagged loudly which earned her a mocking laugh from the guys.

The camera was rolling on the tripod, and the guys were aware of the angles. Obviously they had done something like this before. The Chinese man chuckled. “Good money on the web for this footage.”

I swallowed. My dick was hard, and I was watching my sister get raped by these men. Didn't I want this to happen? Well, no, it wasn't the original *********** at all. But something inside me was also glad. She had been a fucking pain in my backside for a few years. Breaking my relationship, filling my girlfriend with toxic lies, seeking attention and generally being a fucking bitch. I could not tell you how many times my sister had angered me and boiled my blood. And the worse part of everything was that she made herself into a victim afterwards. She was the reason my girlfriend left me.

Fuck her. She deserved to be raped. She probably was into it also. The way she looked at me when she was forced to face me earlier right before her rape. I could see in her defeated eyes that she had been waiting for this moment. She desperately wanted me to suck her nipples. It was as if she was waiting for me to put her in her place. What? Does this mean she was into me or some shit? Did she secretly have a crush on me and she was trying to grab my attention by doing all the crazy shit? That look in her eyes proved everything true. But it wasn't concrete proof. It was just a feeling. A mere hypothesis.

She was on her knees now, sucking the cocks of the men around her. Her face was red and swollen from crying. A cock deep throated her, making her heave and gag. A large amount of saliva drooled from her mouth covering her tits.

“Come here, pet,” the Chinese man ordered. The men around her took a step back, giving her space. Clearly they knew who was the boss here.

She looked at the Chinese man for a fraction of a second. There was nothing but defeat and obedience in her eyes as she crawled forward on her hands and knees. She stopped in front of the Chinese man. He smiled down at her. “You're my pet now. I bought you from your brother. And I know all about you. We hacked your computer, and we know everything you've done to harm him and also gain his attention. Do you want to tell him some of the fucked up things you have done?”

Blood drained from her face as she heard those words. She froze in that animal stance and forgot to even blink.

“NOOOOO!!!!! NO! I don't want…” Her shrieks were met with a heavy slap across her face.

The Chinese man had that evil smirk on his lips. “Let me tell then. You have always had a crush on your brother. You wanted his attention for a long time but then he went ahead and bought a girlfriend home. You actually secretly filmed them having sex. Then you recorded yourself masturbating to that footage. And you also recorded how much you wanted to harm her. You wanted him all to yourself.”

She began to weep then she looked at me, her eyes watering, with a pleading expression. “I am sorry I hurt you so much. I want you. I need you so bad in my life.”

I was numb all around. Something was breaking inside me, and I have had enough of this shit. I slapped her cheek as hard as I could.

“Please rape me, brother. Please rape me. I want you to destroy me and then I'll be gone forever being someone’s pet. I want to….”

I didn't let her finish her sentence. My foot connected with her face pushing her back violently. She collapsed on the floor and began to sob.

“I have nothing to do with you. I have sold you.” I could feel the cold ice hardness in my voice. It was true. I admit I'm not a good person morally but I did not deserve the things she had done to me. And all for what? Her own selfish incestous reasons? Fuck her. I have no sympathy for her now whatsoever.

The masked man stepped forward for the first time since the camera started rolling. He had taken his gloves off, and I was correct in my assumption. He was a black man. He was lean but large, probably muscle underneath all those clothes. He picked Angel up by her hair and delivered several rough slaps on her face. Then he began to slap her tits over and over again. Angel let out a painful shriek after each slap. Her face cheeks had gone red, and now her tits were beginning to glow. He forced her face towards the camera, standing behind her, putting an arm around her throat, squeezing it tightly. Her tongue came out, eyes watering. Her face began to drain of oxygen as the seconds ticked by.

The Chinese man tapped on my leg with his finger. “A lot of people would pay a huge amount to see her wink out. But I'm not going to let that happen. She is going to be a good pet for me.”

The masked man released her at the last moment. She collapsed on the floor, motionless. The masked man kicked her with his boot, then dragged her by the hair to dump her at the feet of his boss.

The Chinese man picked up her limp body, moved her hair away and turned her face towards me. He slapped her face a few times. She coughed into motion and immediately pushed her arms up in a panicked effort. The Chinese man smacked her face to calm her down. “Look at your sister one last time. You might see her again. Might not. You never know. She is going to be my personal pet. Chained and collared. I will order a nice cage for her to live in.”

I spat on my sister’s face with contempt. “You deserve this. For ruining my life.”

Angel looked dejected. She put her head down on the floor between my feet, then looked up. “I’m willing to do anything for you to take me as your pet. Please.”

The Chinese man stood up, and with that, the whole crew began to put clothes on.

“Please,” She said with a pleading voice.

The Chinese man walked to the door and looked back. “Pet.”

Angel kept looking at me with hope. “Please.”

The masked man kicked her in the ribs and she fell over with a loud scream. “Crawl to your new Master. NOW!”

My sister looked towards me one last time, and I spotted something insane in her eyes. Like her eyes were full of vengeance, hurt, betrayal and revenge. Everything mixed in that one expression. Like she was about to fucking kill me right here and now. Then she turned and crawled towards her new Master, who greeted her with that sleazy fat smirk of a smile. He accepted her like a dog owner would welcome their beloved pet. A head scratch and a smile.

“If you're extra good, I will let you get raped by your brother one day. I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking his anger out on you that way. Let's go.”

And just like that, they left, leaving me alone.

My sister is gone from my life and I am still employed by the same employer. And my mother didn't have a single fucking clue what had happened. I guess all I need to do now is to shut everything off and go to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll go shopping or something, spending the money I got from selling my sister.
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