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Wayne is sleeping in the middle of the afternoon, alone at home, when a noise wakes him.
Wayne was half asleep, still in bed, when the sound of the front door slamming startled him. His mother was the type to scold anyone who slammed the door, so either she was really angry today, or someone else had just entered his house.

Wayne arrived downstairs still in his sleeping clothes, a white tank top and summer shorts. He also held a display katana he had bought at a convention years ago. It was not a real form of self defense, but it sure looked intimidating.

The sight that met him was a woman in her twenties going through his refrigerator. When she turned around, holding an apple in her mouth and Tupperware in her hands, she dropped everything in shock at the sight of Wayne. She even bit through the apple so it fell from her mouth.

“Who?” Wayne demanded.

“What? I’m Meghan. You’re Wayne, right? Didn’t you hear about us from your mother?”

“Us?” Wayne stepped over to the phone that was sitting on the corner of the kitchen counter and pressed the answering machine button. A message from his mother informing him that a woman named Meghan and her two younger sisters would be staying with him over the summer played back. “Get a cell phone,” Wayne grumbled.

“Can you put that down now?” Meghan asked cautiously.

While a single message from his mother was not proof she was someone trustworthy, the likelihood that a burglar would call his house and pretend to invite herself in was slim. “Us?” he repeated.

“Cassie, get in here!” Meghan shouted. A teenaged girl with dyed blonde pigtails entered the kitchen from the living room, running past Wayne and nearly causing him to slice at her with the sword. Her tennis shoes squeaked on the kitchen floor as she spun on her heels to face Wayne. He lowered the sword in his hands and stared at her in awe.

She lowered her gaze to his summer shorts and saw his morning wood and snickered. “Damn, I knew I looked good, but that’s the best compliment a boy’s ever given me.”

“God, you’re disgusting. He just woke up… right? That’s why, um…” Meghan averted her gaze.

“Right, I just woke up.” He leaned the sword against the counter and picked up a plate to hide his shame.

“It’s the middle of the afternoon,” Cassie did not believe him. “Then again, it’s summer and muggy as hell in here,” she changed her mind quickly. She walked past Wayne in search of the AC controls. He got a good look at her practically open blouse. She was wearing a bikini top which made her exposed cleavage less awkward or more so if he took into account how much less than a bra the bikini actually covered.

As she entered the living room again, Wayne craned his neck to get a view of her curved ass bouncing in her plaid skirt. She looked like she walked right out of a magazine for a prep school. He wasn’t sure if her outfit was her uniform or her cosplay preference but he didn’t care. If she dressed like this the whole summer, she could stay rent free.

“Just use a condom if you two get it on.” Meghan rolled her eyes.

Cassie poked her head back into the kitchen. She looked down at Wayne’s shorts again and seemed to make a decision. “He’s definitely got it where it counts, but I make it a habit not to consort with boys I’ve seen at their worst.” She gestured to his attire and bed hair. “Sorry, but no.”

“I wasn’t asking,” Wayne sputtered.

“Meghan might be interested though. Your mother was ever so desperate to try pimping you out to one of us. Only little Colleen seemed interested though.”

“Colleen?” Wayne glanced around for the 3rd sister he had yet to see.

“Colleen!” Meghan shouted again. Wayne shuddered. He was getting annoyed by her loud approach to managing her sisters.

A moment later, the front door opened and a young girl in a white sundress entered. She had on a straw hat which Meghan removed from her head and hung on a hook. “Introduce yourself.” Megan used Colleen’s shoulders to position her in front of Wayne.

“Hell-hello,” Colleen stuttered. Wayne immediately noticed her hair was black, unlike her two sisters who obviously dyed theirs. She looked meek and shy, but also eager to meet him.

“What… um… what did my mom tell you about me?”

“She showed us your picture. You do look cute when you clean up. It was a couple of years old though. Colleen thought you’d be closer to her age. I bet she’s disappointed.”

“Is that true?” Wayne learned forward to try getting a look at Colleen’s eyes.

“No,” she sputtered. “It’s nice to meet you, Wayne. I don’t care if you’re older than me. I’m glad to be here. I hope we can get along.”

“She’s cute.” Wayne ruffled her hair.

“Aw, he called you cute,” Meghan teased her sister.

“Can I ask why 3 women need to stay here for 4 months?” Wayne asked.

“You may ask, but the only answer you’ll get is that we needed to stay somewhere and your mother offered. She said she wouldn’t be home at all, so there would be enough space for all 4 of us.”

“She’s not coming home?” Wayne was caught off guard.

“Does Wayne miss his mommy?” Cassie poked her head back into the kitchen to tease him. He was startled and ended up staring right at her open cleavage for a moment before reacting. “I think I'm gonna like it here,” she laughed rather than taking offence.


Over the next week, Wayne got used to living with his new roommates. It was what he imagined having siblings would be like. They were very open with him and acted like his house was theirs. Cassie was the rudest, constantly teasing him and after a while, walking around in her bikini to mock his obvious lust for her body.

Colleen was not exactly nicer, just shyer. She barely spoke to him, but had a habit of leaving the room she shared with Cassie to be in the same room with him constantly. They did not do anything together, but she just seemed to want to be in his presence. Whenever he was watching TV in the living room, she always brought a coloring book out to the coffee table to work on. She spent hours ignoring him but not letting him leave her behind.

Meghan was almost never home, choosing to go out often. She seemed to be frequenting parties or bars as she almost always returned drunk. She was not as rude as Cassie but when inebriated she used pretty explicit language. When she was not drunk or gone she was eating everything in the house without remorse. Wayne had to keep restocking everything.

As she did not own a cell phone, Wayne had no way of contacting his mother to ask if the girls were supposed to be paying some form of rent or at least contributing to the cost of house supplies. It was not like they couldn’t afford to put the girls up for free. Wayne and his mother were well off, which confused him as to why she thought they needed to rent out the house to strangers.

One of the few times Cassie actually stayed in the same room with Wayne was during meals. If he had not prepared anything for all of them, she simply ate something that required minimal preparation, but still in the kitchen at the same time as he was eating his meals. She did not dress properly for meals either though and he was left feeling flustered every time.

During the second week, Wayne had just started to cook dinner while Cassie was in the shower. She smelled smoke from the stove and immediately rushed out and down to the kitchen, refusing to miss mealtime even to finish her shower. She was wearing nothing but a towel, which caused Wayne to blush, but he was confident he could endure. She had been testing his resolve for 2 weeks at that point.

It was not until she bent down to get a plate from the dishwasher that his resolve dissolved. Cassie was a well shaped girl with an hourglass figure and a thigh gap as wide as her fist. When she bent over, she gave Wayne a full view between her legs. If not for the shadow of the towel, he would have sworn he could see up inside her.

When she stood up, he rushed back to the stove and faced away from her, trying to hide a bulge growing in his shorts. He managed to keep calm just enough to finish cooking and place the food on the kitchen table.

Meghan was missing as usual, but Colleen joined the pair for dinner. It had become her habit to sit next to Wayne. Cassie sat across from him and leaned over the table to blow on her hot food. Wayne could see her cleavage behind the towel and it partially caused him to perk up, but nothing could quite compare to what he’d seen earlier.

It was not clear if Cassie was acting loose and sensual on purpose, but Wayne felt she was. In his head he called her a slut as she swept her hair back behind her ears while leaning over the table. Her lips pursed as she blew on her food. He could barely tear his eyes away as she chewed and swallowed each bite. Wayne found himself trying to slide down in his chair to peek under the table, rather than eating his own food.

As a result, the meal ended before he realized it, Cassie and Colleen having eaten normally while he fidgeted the whole time. Wayne’s eyes followed Cassie as she put her plate back in the dishwasher. She did not notice until she was nearly out of the room. His gaze caught hers and she snickered. She wiggled her butt in the towel a little to tease him as she disappeared up the stairs again.

Knowing his afternoon routine, Colleen went straight to the coffee table to start coloring, leaving her plate on the kitchen table. Even though she was the rudest, Cassie at least knew how to clean up after herself. Wayne took the time to store the leftovers in Tupperware that he fully expected Meghan to steal, and then he put his and Colleen’s plates in the dishwasher before turning it on.

He had practically forgotten about Cassie flashing him and the bulge in his pants that had shrank while he was pacing the kitchen. When he sat down on the couch and looked over at Colleen hunched over the coffee table though, the memory flooded back to him. Her butt was obviously smaller than her older sister’s, but the form was quite discernable through her white sun dress. He could even see the lines of her panties as she wiggled her butt while humming and scribbling.

Normally Wayne would not even think of being attracted to such a young girl, but the image of Cassie’s bare cunt was fresh in his mind and the fact that little Colleen definitely had a cunt under that thin sundress was unmistakable.

Colleen was a little surprised when she felt Wayne lifting the hem of her dress, exposing her panty-clad butt to the summer air. She chose to maintain her routine of ignoring him though. He did not actually touch her, which made pretending not to notice easy enough.

After another minute or so of scribbling, Colleen’s surprise and shock grew when she felt something wet splashing over her back. She nearly turned her head, but stopped herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Wayne holding something at his waist. She knew practically nothing about sex or she might have realized he had just ejaculated over her back. She still blushed as having him stare at her butt, panties or not, was embarrassing.

Wayne waited for Colleen to complain about what he just did but she maintained her game of ignoring him. For the first time since she had moved in, he was grateful. He took up the TV remote and pretended to flip stations for twenty minutes, all the while glancing back at the young girl kneeling at the coffee table.

Instead of dying down, Wayne’s lust flared up the longer he stared at her. When his cock was fully erect again, he decided he did not care what happened next. Colleen gasped when she felt her dress lifting again. Before she could even complain, she felt something hot and hard pushing between her legs. It got caught on the opening of her cunt for a moment before pushing past her thighs.

Without lifting the front of her dress Colleen could not see what was protruding between her legs, but she had a slight idea. Her mind raced as she tried to decide if screaming for her sister was the right course of action, or politely speaking to Wayne. Before she made her decision, she felt his hand on the back of her head, pushing it down toward her coloring book. At the same time her butt rose and his cock slid back between her legs until the tip was touching her crotch.

“Wait!” she barely managed to speak before she felt the sharp pain of something entering her. It winded her and cut the words from her lips. She gasped and moaned, feeling utterly stuffed, as if someone had stabbed her in the stomach. “Please,” she groaned while trying to turn her head. Wayne shoved her face into the coffee table at the same time he thrust forward, tearing her hymen in one motion.

Colleen felt like screaming but could not open her mouth. Wayne was smashing her face into the table. She managed to push her tongue past her teeth, but all she could do was lick the table and her notebook.

“Oh my god,” Wayne groaned as he wound his fingers in her hair and lifted her face off the table. Drool ran down her chin from her exposed tongue. He pulled on her hair so that she had to turn her head. When they were face to face he leaned forward to kiss her. The act caused his cock to sink into her virgin cunt. When she moaned into his mouth while her eyes fluttered, he laughed. “You’re such a slut,” he said when he pulled his mouth away.

“A what,” she gasped and panted.

“You like getting fucked,” he continued to berate her.

“I don’t know. Is this fucking? It hurts. I don’t like it at all.”

“That’s too bad. If you tell me you like it, I might stop for you.”

Her eyes lit up. “I like it,” she sputtered. He pushed forward into her, making her eyes flutter again as she grunted, trying to complete the task put to her. “I really like getting fucked,” she moaned. “It feels so good when you shove into me. It makes my pussy tremble so much I can’t take it. I'm gonna piss myself if you don’t stop. Please.”

Wayne put his hands on her waist and stood up, lifting her off the floor. He then sat back down on the couch, slamming her tiny body down and forcing his cock up into her even further. When she shrieked, he had to cover her mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head for a moment and she appeared to pass out.

When she regained consciousness, she found liquid running down her legs from her crotch. She was either squirting or had lost control of her bladder. As she didn’t know what squirting was, she assumed the latter. “No, you promised,” she whined.

“Well, since it’s already too late, let’s just continue.” Wayne lifted her by the waist and then dropped her. Colleen felt his entire hard member sliding up inside her and it made her want to throw up.

“You jerk, I said I liked it,” she sputtered.

“I know, so I’m giving you what you like,” he mocked her.

“That’s not what I meant. You said you’d stop if I said I liked it.”

“I will stop, after I make sure you completely enjoy yourself.”

“I swear I'm enjoying it,” Colleen lied. “It feels so good when you fuck my insides. I love how it hits and scrapes my belly. Please stop before I go crazy.”

Wayne grabbed her waist again and lifted her off his cock completely. She just let out a sigh of relief when he dropped her again. This time his cock slid all the way to the mouth of her cervix. As Cassie had noted on the first day, his cock was slightly bigger than average and Colleen’s tiny body could practically be completely impaled on it.

Colleen tried to cover her mouth but still puked up the food she had earlier. Wayne whacked her on the back of the head. “What a waste,” he scolded her.

“I'm sorry,” she sputtered. “You’re fucking my guts out.”

“I’m not even in your guts yet.” Wayne pushed his thumbs into her asshole and began to pry it apart.

“No!” Colleen screamed. “I love it, I swear I love it in my pussy. Don’t fuck my butt. It’s too tight, it’ll bleed. Fuck my pussy again. Make me puke again, just don’t fuck my butt,” she pleaded.

Wayne grinned as he pulled out of her butt and instead pried her mouth apart with his index fingers. She lapped at them with her tongue and moaned as he used her head to push and pull her on and off his cock. “I knew you were a slut. I can’t believe I was day dreaming of fucking Cassie all this time.”

“Yes!” Colleen screamed. “Fuck Cassie. Shove it in her butt. Make her scream and cry. Cassie loves it in the butt. Meghan’s ex-boyfriend used to fuck her all the time. That’s why we had to move out so suddenly.”

“Are you sure?” Wayne was shocked. “You only just learned how to fuck.”

“Yes, you taught me and I recognized it. Josh used to drag Cassie into his room and spend hours in there. She always came out looking scared and tired. I peeked inside once and saw him doing what you’re doing to me.”

“What am I doing to you?” Wayne continued to tease her.

“You’re fucking me. You’re shoving you penis into my pussy and making me scream from the feeling.”

“That’s a good girl.” He gripped her arms and pulled her back into his lap so she was leaning against his chest as he slowly bounced her. “It’s okay, we can be like Josh and Cassie. I’ll fuck you every day from now on. Whenever I drag you into my room, you’ll know it’s time to show me your pussy and bend over for your owner.”

“Wait, you can just fuck Cassie,” she sputtered, as tears poured from her eyes. “You don’t need to fuck me anymore.”

“But I want to. She’s used goods. You’re so tiny and tight. I love how you writhe and squeal. I want to fuck you every day. You want that too, right? You said you loved it.”

Colleen bit her lip. She was not sure what he would do if she said no but she was still in his grip and he was still inside her. He might start fucking her senseless right then and there if he did not like her reaction. “Yes,” she muttered meekly. “I love it when you fuck me. Please do it every day. Fuck me so hard I piss and throw up again. Losing control of my body feels amazing. Fuck my guts out over and over again.”

Colleen lost track of what she was saying. She did not really know or care. She just wanted to please him so he would perhaps stop hurting her. She knew she had been tricked, that she was trading a gentle fucking today for permission to fuck her forever after, but she was in too much pain to care at the moment. She had to make it stop soon or she would go crazy.

Wayne wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him, even biting her shoulder as he began to cum. His cock was pressed to the opening of her cervix and his cum squirted inside her womb directly. She felt it pelting her insides as if he was peeing inside her. Again her eyes fluttered and became cross as she reveled in the feeling of having her insides messed up by another person.

When he finally stopped cumming, Wayne stood up, letting Colleen fall off his lap. She moaned as she felt his hard cock slipping out of her, but then landed on the floor with a thud. She stood up and puffed out her cheeks in a pout, a little annoyed that he could not treat her gentler after she just let him use her guts as a urinal, at least that’s what she thought he had done.

She rubbed her sore knees and looked down at the vomit covering her front. She noticed the cum leaking out of her cunt when she pulled her panties back up from around her ankles. “Go take a shower,” Wayne instructed her. “I’ll be there shortly to join you.”

“We’re going to shower together?” she was confused.

“You’re my sex puppet now. I get to enjoy you whenever I want. I want to fuck all of your holes all over this house. The shower will be the perfect place to practice.”

“Practice what?” she was still confused. He reached out to her face. She closed her eyes, expecting him to stroke her cheek or similar. Instead he pushed two fingers into her mouth until she gagged on them. “I understand,” she sputtered while spitting his fingers out. “I will satisfy you with my mouth next. You’re right, the bath will be the perfect place to throw up without making a mess.”

Wayne swore he saw Colleen touching her clit through her dress as she ran off. Perhaps she was actually looking forward to getting her throat fucked. She did not appear to mind throwing up. Perhaps it was less painful than actual sex. Wayne giggled with glee as he counted his luck for finding a girl willing to suck and perhaps swallow. At the very least, he was more interested in her consuming his cum than puking it up. Of course, he somewhat hoped he had to train her. It was amazing how obedient his new pet had become so quickly, but he wanted the fun of making her submit to him.

Part of Wayne knew he was being a coward. Despite Cassie flaunting her naked body in his face daily, he was too timid to try forcing himself on her. Instead he raped her younger sister because he knew she’d be an easier target. While he was disappointed in himself, He had gotten over the disappointment of having to settle for the younger less sexy sister. He could not believe he had not found Colleen attractive before. Her tiny body and obedient behavior turned him on to no end. He loved feeling like he was raping someone with no sexual experience.

Perhaps one day when he built the courage he would rape Cassie too and smear her pretty makeup as she choked on his cock. But for now, it was more interesting to keep forcing Colleen to pretend to like it as he slowly drove her insane. He hoped that by the time her sisters found out what he had done, she would be obedient enough for him to claim it was all consensual.


2024-10-10 09:02:15
Auch my cunt is on fire. Fg.

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