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A young man discovers the real mystery of Karodang House, an ancient ruin on his grandparents farm.
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright © 2024 by The Technician.

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The Karodang house has been on the side of the hill... forever. There are some old frontier pictures of great-great-great-grandma’s sod house from when they first settled their farm and the old stone house is in the background sticking our of “Granite Hill” as the locals call it. Some people from the state university came down and dug around a little both inside and outside of Karodang. There only conclusion was, “It’s old.” They also said, “Maybe it was used as a hunting shelter.” But they couldn’t find any evidence of anyone having actually lived there. There were no fire pits or pieces of pottery or arrowheads or anything like that to indicate it was used as a dwelling. “Maybe it was supposed to be a tomb,” one of them said as they gathered up their things to leave. He added just before he left, “That word carved into the stone above the door is Kerudung. It’s an Indonesian word for mirror or something like that, but it’s written in what appears to be a variation of an old Indonesian alphabet. I wonder how that language got way the hell over here. I wonder even more how people around here knew to call this... whatever it is... something so close to that.”

Karodang house is made entirely of granite and is built into the side of Granite Hill. To me, it always looked like they started to build, then hit solid rock and stopped. A geologist friend of mine from college who came out and looked at it says someone cut the stones for the house out of the granite dome and then assembled them against the cut face. He said that the cut face had been polished at one time, but was now covered in layers of dirt and grime. He also said that most of the house was initially buried in the side of the hill so that only the entry door and window were visible.

However it was built, and whoever built it, the inside of the house is only a little deeper than I can reach fingertip to fingertip and is about ten paces from one side to the other. There is a door in the center of the long exterior wall with a small window next to it. Those are the only openings. As kids, when I was visiting Grandma, I and some of the neighbor kids used to go in there to play, but Grandma would always come out and shoo us back into the front yard. “You might see something bad in there,” she would always say. I don’t know what she thought we would see. It got pretty dark as soon as you moved away from the door.

Grandma was very superstitious. Even while Grandpa was alive she would always come to stay with us at Halloween. She said it was because she liked handing out candies to the kids and no one came all the way out to the farm to trick or treat. What I remember most clearly, though, was that she always added, “Besides, the veil is very thin on Halloween.”

As I grew up, I spent more and more time out on the farm with Grandma, especially after Grandpa passed away. Dad was their only child and he died young. I was Dad’s only child, so I was the logical one to help Grandpa with things out on the farm. After he passed, I basically ran the farm even though I was still living in town with Mom. When Grandma passed away, I was the logical one to inherit the farm. It seemed strange living in that big old farmhouse by myself but it was going to be a lot more convenient during planting and harvest.

When that first Halloween came around, Mom asked if I wanted to come into town for trick or treat. When I said, “No,” Mom turned very pale and said very softly, “Then you be careful. The veil is very thin on Halloween.”

I sputtered, “What?!” but she just patted my hand and repeated, “You be very careful.”

I’m not currently serious with anyone, so I was all by myself for Halloween. I didn’t expect any trick or treaters, but I had some Halloween decorations up for people who might drive by. I had grown some giant pumpkins and had them carved and lit in the front yard. I also had big eyes staring out from the second story windows. I thought it looked pretty creepy, but that is what Halloween is supposed to be.

Just after dark, I heard several cars coming up the lane. They sounded really odd, like the old-timey engines in a Model T or something like that. I went to the front door, but whatever it was had already driven past the house and turned toward the old barn.

My first thought was to turn on all the outside lights, but just as I reached the switch, the power went out. I used my phone to find my high-intensity flashlight and my shotgun and stepped outside. I swept the area with the flashlight and sure enough, there were three shiny black, Model T Fords sitting at the entrance to the Karodang house. Several people got out of those cars and went into the house.

That surprised me, but I was really stunned by two other things. One, they totally ignored a rather high-powered light pointed directly at them, and two, they didn’t cast a shadow when I swept the light across them. I thought I was imagining that, but as I got closer, I shone my light on the Model Ts and none of them cast a shadow against the hillside.

I crept closer to the doorway. There was a blue flame burning in the small window next to the door. I looked closer and could see that the small bowl-shaped depression in the rock on the bottom side of the window was filled with a clear liquid. On top of the liquid floated a thin disk of wood that was almost as big as the bowl. A twisted wick of some sort stuck up from the center of the disk of wood. Since the flame was blue, I assumed that the liquid was alcohol.

I shone my flashlight through the window into the interior of the house and to my amazement, it was empty. I stepped inside and suddenly I could faintly hear music and laughter. Then I noticed that the back wall of the house seemed to be shimmering. I leaned my shotgun against the outside wall and pushed the palm of my hand against the shimmering inside wall. I immediately lost my balance because I was pushing against nothing. I stumbled through a short distance of wavy darkness and came out of a doorway that led to a ... speakeasy.

There were no signs that said, “Speakeasy,” but it was obviously a nightclub. Everyone was wearing clothes that looked like they were out of the 1920s, and the band was playing a song I thought was from that era. A singer stood up to an old-fashioned looking microphone and began singing, “Valencia! In my dreams it always seems I hear you softly call to me.”

I turned and started to leave but a young woman in a very short, black-sequined dress that had long rows of shiny beads hanging from the hem stopped me. “You look lost,” she said and then gave me a pouty smile and added, “... like you don’t think you belong here.”

I stood there with my mouth open trying to think of what to say when she smiled, opened her eyes wide, and said, “Oh! You’ve never come through the veil before.”

She pointed back at the doorway through which I had just come and said, “It is very important that you remember which doorway you came through. I see you came through Kerudung. See, it is written above your doorway.”

I looked where she was pointing and could see the same strange writing that was above the doorway to Karodang house. I could also see orange and black crepe-paper streamers and orange cardboard cutout Jack o’Lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

“Is this a Halloween Party?” I stammered out.

She gave me a very big smile and said, “You mean a Mischief Night celebration.” She took my hand and pulled me toward the bar as she said, “Real mischief starts at midnight.”

“I don’t have any money on me,” I stammered as we stood in front of the mahogany bar. I had to get control of myself or I would look like a total fool.

“Don’t need it,” she replied. “Not on Mischief Night. While all those brats and punks are out there stealing iron gates, tipping over privies, and putting cows on top of the barn, we will be in here creating our own mischief.”

“Do I need a costume?” I asked, pointing to one of the cutout white cardboard skeletons hanging from the ceiling.

“We are not ashamed of what we do on Mischief Night,” she said firmly. Then she smiled and said lightly, “So, no masks are needed. No names are needed either, but you can call me Anna.”

“Whata ya havin’?” a gruff voice said and I turned to face the bartender. He was huge with a scarred puffy face and huge, flattened ears. He looked like he had once been a boxer but had lost way too many fights.

As I stared back at him the only thought going through my mind was that I wouldn’t stand a chance against him. Then somehow I pulled myself together. “Whatever’s most popular tonight,” I said brightly. My mind was finally working. I had no idea what drinks were popular in the 1920s, especially in a speakeasy, but at least I wouldn’t ask for the wrong thing.

“Gin and tonic it is,” he replied and almost immediately set the drink on the bar in front of me. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the drink was in a tall, clear glass with two small ice cubes and a twisted segment of lime. I took a sip and it was both sweet and bitter at the same time.

“Interesting,” I muttered under my breath and Anna held the palms of her hands up facing me and said in an exaggerated style, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

From an old movie I once saw, I recognized that as a the tag line of Al Jolson, a famous singer of the 1920s. As I was debating mentioning that, she once again grabbed my hand, said, “Let’s dance,” and started to pull me toward the center of the room. I held up my drink and she said, “Leave it on the bar, it’ll be there when we get back.”

I had no idea what everyone was doing, but Anna said, “Don’t worry, the Charleston is a new dance. Just watch everybody else and try to do what they are doing.”

Thankfully, the dance number was short. I think I moved around somewhat like the other people were moving as they danced. After the band paused, Anna pulled me back to the bar.

As I took a deep drink from the gin and tonic she said with a sly smile, “It’s after midnight. Are you ready for a little mischief?”

I answered, “I guess so,” but she immediately replied sternly, “The magic word is ‘Yes’,” so I said, “Yes, I’m ready for some mischief.”

“Close enough!” she exclaimed and pulled me towards a rather massive door alongside the bar. She knocked on the door in a strange rhythm. It was sort of “tap,tap,tap,tap,tap... tap tap.” The first five taps were syncopated in a strange and yet familiar way. For some reason, “Shave and a haircut... two bits,” floated through my mind.

A trapdoor in the center of the door opened and a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes gazed out at us. A rather deep woman’s voice said simply, “Password?”

Anna looked over at me and gestured for me to speak. How was I supposed to know the password? Then it hit me. She had just told me the password.

“Yes,” I said firmly and the door swung open. There was a long, arched, hallway with divided wooden shelves on both sides that formed rows upon rows of small cubicles. Most of the cubicles seemed to be filled with cloth.

“Men to your left, women to your right,” the green-eyed lady said from behind us. Then she added with a slight laugh, “And remember your box number or you might go home naked.”

I almost said, “What!” but the shock of Anna taking off all of her clothes next to me left me speechless. Soon she was standing there totally naked and barefoot.

“I thought you said you were ready for mischief,” she said in a mocking, sing-song voice.

“I did... I am... I will...” I sputtered as I began to take off my shoes. I set them in cubicle M42 and soon pushed my pants, shirt, and the rest of my clothing in on top of them.

“Let’s go make some mischief,” Anna said brightly. She then stuck her arm through mine and pulled me toward the other end of the hallway.

When we walked through the door on the other end of the hallway, we were back in the speakeasy... except we weren’t. Everyone... except, thankfully, the bartender... was naked. A naked female singer was singing something that the band leader had introduced as, “The Undertaker’s Blues.”

Anna led me to an empty table and sat down. There were two drinks on the table. Mine was another gin and tonic. Hers was a bloody mary. As we sat there, a rather tall, well-built man wearing nothing but a black top hat and a male g-string walked into the center of the room and called out, “Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah. It’s midnight and that means it’s time to bob for some apples.”

Four large, very muscular yet very plump men who were wearing what appeared to be cloth diapers wound around their groins began very slowly pushing a large tub of water out to where the MC was standing. The tub was recessed into a round platform of some sort that had small wheeled casters all the way around it.

Once the tub was in place the MC called out, “Our hostesses will now pass among you with the ***********ion bowl. Each woman will take out a piece of candy. If the candy is wrapped in white, it is a mint. You can just eat that. If it is wrapped in orange, you are ***********ed.” He laughed and said, “And don’t think you can cheat by just eating the orange candy. The orange ones contain some special herbs from the high mountains of Tibet. If you eat that orange candy, you will end up giving us a special show that you really didn’t intend to give us tonight.”

Two nearly-naked hostesses in tight black corsets, black g-strings, and small, black, frilly hats came through one of the doorways. They were wearing very high, shiny black heels and smoky black stockings that were held up by garters attached to the corsets. Their heels clicked loudly in time with their wiggling asses as they quickly moved among the tables. They were holding a large black, glass Jack o’Lantern that was open on the top. They held it up so the woman choosing could not see inside as they ***********ed their piece of candy. Those who pulled out a white wrapped mint yelped in joy and quickly stuck the mint into their mouths. Those who pulled out an orange-wrapped piece looked much more sullen and sat there silently.

The MC loudly counted off the orange pieces. The count was at six when the last woman pulled the final piece of candy from the top of the black Jack o’Lantern. She had looked very upset as she put her hand into the bowl. It was obvious she was expecting her candy to be orange. Then she began yelling in surprise, “A mint! A mint! A mint!” and she quickly put the white candy into her mouth.

The MC raised his hand and began waggling his finger at the crowd. “Someone isn’t playing by the rules,” he said in a mocking tone. “I warned you what would happen, didn’t I?” He turned slowly so that his gaze fell on everyone in the room. He sounded like a teacher admonishing a class as he said, “There were seven orange candies.” He smiled broadly at the group and said gleefully, “Someone ate an orange candy. Someone ate an orange candy. Someone ate an orange candy.” Then he folded his arms in front of himself and said almost quietly, “Wait for it. ... Wait for it. ... Wait for it.”

Just as he repeated “Wait for it,” the third time a deep, almost guttural woman’s voice called out, “Oh, my God!” Then she began saying “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have eaten it, but I didn’t want to display myself in public like that.”

She stood up and staggered toward the wooden tub in the center of the room. Her breathing was very ragged. As she walked one hand was mauling her breast while the other was between her legs rubbing her sex.

“Oh, no! Oh, no. Oh, no. This can’t be happening,” she said almost incoherently as she collapsed onto the floor and began rubbing herself furiously. Her cries and groans echoed through the room as she thrust her body up into the air. Her left hand was now buried in her cunt while her right hand moved rapidly back and forth from one breast to the other squeezing her breasts and violently pinching her nipples. When she finally climaxed with a deep groan, the MC walked over to the tub, reached in, and pulled out an apple.

“This may go on for a while,” he said to the crowd as he stood over the woman who continued to moan as she rubbed her cunt and twisted her nipples.

“This will keep you quiet,” he said as he shoved the apple into her open mouth.

“Don’t bite through it,” he warned, “or you will end up in the pillory so we can have some other fun with you.”

The woman just whimpered and continued rubbing her cunt and thrusting herself into the air.

“Now,” the MC said as he recentered his top hat on his slick, black hair, “it’s time to bob for some apples. The six ladies who picked out an orange candy... and are playing by the rules... come up and get ready. And remember to bring your orange candy with you.”

As the six women were walking forward the MC laughed and said, “If any of you would rather just eat your orange candy, you may.” He laughed again and said, “We will wait for you to finish just like Miss Elaine here.” He pointed to the woman still thrashing slightly on the floor.

One of the nearly-naked hostesses stood next to the MC with a black cloth bag in her hands. She was bent over more than slightly so that the bag hung down well in front of her. Bending over like that also meant that her naked ass was very much on display beneath the tight black corset. I couldn’t help but think that the hostess looked much more naked than Anna even though Anna was wearing nothing while the hostesses were wearing corsets, stockings, g-strings, high-heeled shoes ... and that weird black frilly hat.

Each of the six women made a show of holding the candy up for everyone to see before dropping it down into the bag. Then the six stood around the tub almost at attention.

The MC barked out, “Positions!” and they dropped down on their knees with their legs pushing against the side of the tub.

“Before you start,” the MC said in an almost melodious tone, “we need to pick the winner.”

That really confused me so I turned to Anna and said, “What?!”

She laughed and replied, “Bobbing for the apples picks the loser. The second round of candy picks the winner. Just watch and you will see.”

The nearly-naked hostesses hurried out once again with the black glass Jack o’Lantern. When one of them got to our table, she held it up to me rather than Anna. “You have to pick,” Anna whispered softly so I stuck my hand in the globe and pulled out a candy.

“It’s a mint!” I said almost joyously.

“You’re supposed to be unhappy,” Anna said, crossing her arms in front of herself. “A man is supposed to be happy to get the orange candy, not a mint.” She looked down at the table and said, “It has a slightly different effect on a man.”

“What do you mean?” I asked and she pointed to the six women at the tub and said, “You’ll see.”

A moment later there was a loud, joyous shout of “I’ve got it,” and one man ran forward to stand next to the MC.

“All right, ladies,” the MC almost shouted, “hands behind your backs.”

All six women at the tub crossed their arms behind their back with the right hand grabbing the left elbow and the left hand grabbing the right elbow. They knelt there quivering until the MC yelled out, “Begin!”

All six women bent over at the waist and plunged their heads into the water attempting to capture one of the floating apples in her teeth. One woman almost immediately brought her head up with an apple clamped firmly in her mouth. She stood up and walked over to the MC who said, “You may go back to your table,” and patted her lightly on her ass. She walked back to her table munching on the apple.

Soon another, and another, and another had reported to the MC, had their ass patted, and returned to their tables.

“There are only two left,” the MC said in imitation excitement. “Who will be the loser?”

One of the women was bouncing furiously trying to catch the apple that was floating just out of her reach. The other woman also began bouncing furiously, but it wasn’t straight up and down. She was burying her upper body in the water and then pushing almost violently to her left.

To most of the people watching, her actions seemed almost insane, but to those who could actually see inside the tub her actions made total sense. There were only two apples left and both were floating near the other woman, who was to the right of the woman pushing to the left. She was trying to cause the water in the tub to swirl slightly and bring the floating apples over to her.

She was successful. Both apples floated in range and she blocked one of them with her body and then maneuvered it up to her head. She had to almost totally submerge her head in order to clamp down on the apple, but she did. The crowd roared its approval when she stood up and walked over to the MC.

After telling her she could go back to her table and patting her wet ass, the MC said dramatically, “We have a winner... and a loser.” He pointed down to the single woman still left at the apple bobbing tub. “And what does a winner do to a loser?” he asked cheerily.

“Fuck her!” the crowd roared.

The MC walked over to the woman still kneeling at the tub. “Do you want an orange candy?” he asked. She didn’t reply, but did shake her head no. She remained kneeling against the tub with her hands locked firmly behind her back as the MC grabbed the last apple and pushed it firmly into her mouth. “Remember,” he said, “don’t bite through the apple or you end up in the stocks.”

The MC then turned to the young man and asked, “Do you need the orange candy?”

The man also shook his head no. The MC already knew the answer to that because the young man’s prick was sticking almost straight up in front of him.

The young man knelt behind the woman at the tub and began rubbing his prick up and down her ass while at the same time playing with the breasts and nipples. The woman shuddered slightly and began moaning.

The man leaned her over the tub so that her face was almost in the water and suddenly pushed his massive prick inside of her. She gave a loud gasp around her apple as he slid into her love canal. The man paused for a moment to let her get used to his size then he slowly began sliding in and out of her. After a few moments he established a pattern. He would pull himself out very slowly until he was almost out of her cunt, then he would ram himself back in almost violently causing a loud smack as his stomach slammed into her ass.

She would gasp, grunt, and groan with each thrust as her cunt was filled to capacity and her clit was driven against the side of the tub. As he continued she began to moan and thrust her body back against his. She was very close to orgasm when the man pushed hard on her back and forced her head under the water. Then he began thrusting in and out of her like a pile driver. That continued for at least a minute and then he suddenly lifted himself... and the woman... back up into a kneeling position. He groaned loudly while she screamed even louder as a tremendous orgasm racked her body. The apple which she had bit through in her moment of passion was now once again bobbing in the water.

“Well, well, well,” the MC said jovially, “it looks like we just might have a double loser.”

While he was talking, the four large, very muscular, very plump men in some sort of diaper, reappeared and began slowly pushing the apple bobbing tub back to wherever it had come from. As they strained to keep from sloshing water out of the tub I couldn’t help but wonder if they were wearing very good costumes or if they were perhaps actually eunuchs from Arabia.

The MC motioned for the young man to return to his seat but held the trembling young woman next to him. A few moments later, the eunuchs returned with a large platform with a large T-shaped piece of wood mounted on it. The cross bar of the T had a large hole in the middle and two smaller sized holes near the outer ends. This was evidently the stocks the MC was talking about though technically it was a pillory.

Two of the eunuchs grabbed the woman and lifted her up onto the platform. They bent her over at the waist and held her while the other two eunuchs opened the cross-bar and guided the woman’s head and hands into the openings.

The MC came back with a long, thin, leather paddle that was split in two at the tip. He said to the woman, “You like to scream so much we will give you a chance to scream. Actually, we will give you ten chances to scream.”

He then stood off to the right side and swung the whip with his right hand. Five times the whip whistled through the air. Five times it made a loud “Crack!” as it hit assflesh. Five times the woman screamed. Five time Anna flinched and turned pale.

The MC then stepped over to the left side and swung the whip with his left hand. The whistle and crack and scream were just as loud, but he swung only four times. Then he stood in front of the pillory and spoke to the woman. “I think you intentionally bit through that apple knowing what would happen. I think you wanted to be put in these stocks. I think you wanted me to whip you. I think you wanted all of these people to see how depraved a slut you actually are.”

He moved closer and spoke a little more softly. “This last stroke is not going to be on your ass. It is going to be upward between your legs. If I am wrong you will scream and pass out from the pain. But if I am right, you will scream your way into an orgasm many times greater than what supposedly caused you to bite through the apple.”

The MC then moved back behind the woman and began slowly swinging the long whip. He was gaining speed with each swing, but the whip swung just short of the trembling woman’s cunt. Then on the sixth swing, the MC snapped his wrist and caused the whip to curl upward so that it struck the woman’s cuntlips with a smack almost as loud as every one of the nine strokes on her ass.

The woman screamed very loudly and stomped her feet and pulled back as if trying to pull her head and hands out of the pillory. She continued to scream and stomp but the scream was changing. And the feet were beginning to stomp and then hold against the pillory platform. The screams continued to turn deeper and throatier until a deep groan burst forth from the woman’s mouth and her body convulsed in an intense orgasm.

The MC motioned to the eunuchs and they quickly pushed the pillory platform back into the darkness. “I’m never wrong,” the MC said with a smirk. Then he added, “And right now I think it is time for the ring toss.”

He returned to the center of the floor and said loudly, “For our ring toss we will have seven young women, but there will also be seven young men. All of them could be winners.” He paused and lifted one hand into the air with his pointer finger straight up and then continued, “Or all of them could be losers. Our hostesses will now distribute the candies to our ladies. The seven young misses and the one young man from our apple bobbing are exempt. If you are back at a table, you don’t have to *********** a candy.”

The two scantily-clad hostesses began moving among the tables. I noted that at some tables the hostess pulled one of the white wrapped mints out of her cleavage and handed it to one of the women sitting at that table. Anna leaned in close to me and said, “Everyone gets a candy, but they make sure that you don’t get ***********ed twice.”

All I could say was, “Oh.”

When one of the hostesses came to our table she gave a mint to the red-headed miss who had been part of the apple bobbing. Then she held the black, glass Jack o’Lantern to Anna. Anna reached in and pulled out a candy. She was still holding it tight in her fist when she said softly to me, “It’s an orange.” When I looked confused she said, “The orange candies are a half-ounce heavier than the mints.”

“You can tell the difference?!” I sputtered, and she replied, “Can you tell the difference between eight or twelve kernels of corn?”

I answered, “I think so,” and she said firmly, “You’d better be able to because I don’t want to be up their with someone else.”

She then showed the orange candy to the MC and he loudly counted, “Five!”

After all of the candies had been distributed and the MC had shouted out the final “Seven!” he said, “Come up here ladies and get your hoops. Remember, you have to keep the orange candy... but don’t eat it yet.”

Anna and six other young women walked up and stood in a line next to the MC. “OK, fellas,” he said almost leering as he spoke, “it’s time to *********** the pumpkins.”

I had heard my grandpa talk about pumpkin ring toss games when he was young. A large hoop of stiff rope was thrown with the idea of landing it around the pumpkin. I had no idea how the men were going to be the pumpkins, though. Maybe we were going to kneel and the hoop would be tossed around our heads.

I was still thinking about that when the hostess came by with the black Jack o’Lantern. I reached in and rummaged through the small pile of candies. There was one that seemed to be slightly heavier, so I chose it. I held it in my fist and slowly opened my hand so I could see what it was. It was wrapped in orange paper rather than the white of the mints. I held it up and the MC shouted, “Two!”

As soon as the MC shouted, “Seven!” Anna began gesturing me to hurry. I almost ran up to her and stood next to her. “No,” she said firmly, “stand over there.” She pointed to a line that had been drawn on the floor several feet away with some sort of black tape. I walked over and stood at the line facing her.

Once all seven men and all seven young women were standing in lines facing each other, the MC began to explain. “This is a ring toss... plus a little. When I say start, both the men and the women will eat their orange candy.” He paused to laugh and then said, “You’ve already seen what that candy can do. Men, as soon as you eat the candy you lie down with your feet pointed toward your lady. Ladies, you will have seven rings to toss toward your man. If you encircle his manhood, he is yours for the rest of the night.”

The MC paused once again to laugh and then said, “And yes, that orange candy will last for the rest of the night.” After another laugh, the MC continued, “But if you don’t circle the prize with any of your seven rings, then I guess you are on your own for the rest of the night... both the lady and the man. Again, you saw what this candy can do and what a woman... or man... will do to try to relieve the torment caused by this little orange Halloween candy.”

He then walked up and down the two lines making sure that the men were directly in front of the proper women. “Unwrap your candies,” he said, and then after allowing a moment for anticipation to build he said, “And Start!” He quickly added, “Eat those candies!” and all the contestants threw the orange candy into their mouths. Many of the people still at the tables had waited for this command to also throw their mints into their mouths.

The effect was almost instantaneous. My prick bobbed up to well above straight out. As I quickly lay down on the floor I realized the absolute evil of this game. The candy, whatever it was, had my prick pointing almost at my head, and my feet were pointed toward Anna. It would take an exceptional toss of the ring to actually put one on my erect prick.

Anna’s first toss hit my prick, but it couldn’t go over the shaft and fell to my side. Four more exact tosses also ended up next to my hip. Anna had excellent aim, and would have encircled any peg, but she couldn’t put one of those rings over my prick.

I lifted my head and watched her carefully lining up for another shot. “Stay perfectly still,” she said softly just before she threw it. This time it didn’t even hit my prick. Instead it landed directly on my stomach just below my belly button.

Anna licked her lips as she prepared for her seventh, and last, toss. Her body was quivering slightly from the effects of the orange candy she had eaten. I was having trouble staying still. The intense feelings of lust rushing through me were screaming for satisfaction.

She tossed the ring and I could see that it was not going to hit my prick. It was too high and it was going to miss. It did. It landed on my stomach just above the tip of my prick. In fact, it hit almost dead center into the ring she had tossed sixth.

“Hold still,” she said once again. She sounded almost desperate. The ring had come down almost vertically into the other ring. It seemed to balance there for just a moment and then it fell back over the tip of my prick. I was so turned on by the candy that the sensation of the ring touching my prick caused it to bob and twitch. That was just enough for the ring to fall further down my shaft.

“We have a winner?!” the MC shouted. Actually there were two winners. One of the men had popped a true ninety degree boner that stood up straight and tall like a peg driven into the ground. The young miss tossing toward him scored a victory on the first toss.

The MC shouted out, “All rings have been tossed. The two winners may claim their prizes,” and Anna lunged forward. She pulled the ring from my cock, straddled my hips, and immediately impaled herself on my manhood.

I’ve had a woman go cowgirl on me before, but this was different. Anna was riding me like I was a bucking bronco. I was thrusting up a bit, but most of the action was hers. She bounced... and bounced... and bounced... and bounced. Somehow she never slipped off my cock no matter how high she pushed herself. Maybe I was bucking more than I thought.

Suddenly she slammed herself down on me, grabbed her nipples tightly, and called out, “Now!”

I erupted into her. It felt like I emptied everything in my balls. She collapsed onto my chest and said, “God, I needed that.”

She lay there for several minutes and then she said, “Why don’t we find someplace dark and comfortable and bunny hug the night away.”

I knew that “bunny hug” was a euphemism for having sex, but I was never sure if it was the same as “doggie style.” By the end of the evening I had learned that “bunny hug” just meant sex. “Bunny hug like real bunnies” meant doggie style. I forget the term she used for doing it standing up with her back against the wall. I think she said, “Wanna try prossie,” but I wasn’t sure. She was very surprised when I suggested a 69. When I got us into position she said, “If you were a woman this would be the kiss of Saphos.” She didn’t say much after that except scream very loudly in passion when she peaked.

I was about to suggest anal when she suddenly perked up and looked around. “Sunrise is coming,” she said, almost in a panic. She ran toward the entryway calling out to me, “Get your clothes.”

She... and I... dressed very quickly and then she nearly dragged me back to the Kerudung doorway that I had originally entered. She pulled me into her arms and gave me a long, deep kiss. Then she said something and pushed me back through the doorway.

I awoke to the sun shining on my face. I was just inside the doorway to the Karodang house. I looked and the model Ts were gone. So was the alcohol lamp. I looked at the window. I had seen that kind of bowl-shaped depression in it many times and never really saw what it was. I stood up and ran my hand across the back wall of the Karodang house. It was solid granite. Maybe at one time it had been cut and polished like the archeologist from the university had said. Now it was just a dirty, grimy, solid rock wall. It no longer shimmered like it had last night.

I shook my head trying to get a grasp of what had happened and then picked up my shotgun and my flashlight. I said aloud, “Was it all just a dream?” I tried to remember what exactly had happened. Dreams fade away, but my memory of last night seemed very real. I startled and stopped as I realized what it was that Anna had said to me just as she pushed me back through the veil. She said, “See you next year.”

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