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Marcus, a Navy SEAL, finds out his wife has been unfaithful.. He puts his special skills to work to enact his revenge.
I walked into the house a little after 9”30. The house was dark. My wife had texted me to tell me she had gotten tied up at work and would be late. I had just completed a long day of training classes and had a long drive myself. You see, I am an E-7 Cheif petty Officer in the US Navy. I am also a Navy SEAL. I have done three tours in the middle East with the last one being in Afghanistan. While in country, we had ran into an ambush that was pretty intense. A few RPG rounds went off a little too close to me and has caused some head trauma. Because of that, I have been on administrative duty and evaluation for the past 10 months. I miss being in the field, but it has been a welcome relief getting to be home pretty much every night.

I put my keys on the rack by the door and headed to the bedroom. I put my wallet on the dresser and stripped out of my fatigues. I then proceeded to the head to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I then hit the rack and was out within minutes. I don't know how long I was asleep, but was suddenly awake as I heard the front door open. I slid my hand up under my pillow, grabbing the 1911 /45 caliber pistol I kept there. A few minutes later, I see a female figure enter the bedroom. I release my grip on the pistol and close my eyes. As I'm drifting back to sleep, my wife gets herself ready for bed then climbs under the covers with me. I feel her put her hands on my shoulder and chest as she begins affectionately rubbing me. I suddenly feel her lips on mine as she begins to kiss me. I could smell the faint scent of alcohol on her breath. Alcohol always made her horny. I figure I'm not going to get to sleep anytime soon, so I begin to kiss her back. I roll over onto my back and pull her on top of me. I feel her bald pussy rubbing on my abdomen. I reach up and grab her supple 38C breasts and began to massage them. She lets out a moan as we continue to kiss. She pulls away from me, sitting up. There wasn't much light in the room , but I could just barely make out a small dark spot on her chest, right below her collar bone. I wondered what it could be. Because of the military, we did not do hickeys. That was a big no-no to show up with love bites on yor body. I didn't give them to her and she damn sure didn't give them to me. I put the thought out of my mind and focused on her gorgeous tits. She leaned forward bringing her teats down to my mouth. I sucked and chewed on her stiff nipples as she moaned and purred at the pleasure I was giving her.

After several minutes, she inched her ass back towards my crotch. She reached behind her, pushing my boxers down in the front and freeing my now rigid cock. She grabbed hold of it and moved further back until it was pressed up against her wet cunt. She lined it up with her love hole then pushed herself onto me. I groaned at the immense pleasure I felt going into her wet, hot vagina. She began riding me hard like I was a wild stallion. Her hips gyrated up and down as my petrified pecker slid in and out of her. She got a little too excited at one point and I slipped out of her. I reached between us and guided myself back in. I felt the luices from her pussy on my cock that now wass on my fingers. I rubbed them together as she went back to grinding. The mixture was thick and gooey. Not the normal viscosity that she normally produced. My analytical mind put two and two together” She's having an affair!

I couldn't be certain, but the evidence pointed to that conclussion. I went back to rubbing her tits as she let out a scream and began to twitch her body in orgasm. I pulled her forward and began to thrust up into her spasming cunt. I felt a tingle in my balls as my sperm began to shut through my urethera deep inside of her womb. She colasped down onto my chest. After a few minutes, she turned and kissed me on the lips.

“I love you, Marcus.” She then rolled over onto her side of the bed. I snuggled up close to her and closed my eyes to go back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 0500 as usual. I took my shower, put on a clean uniform, made coffe then headed to work. We lived about 40 minutes north of Norfolk along the Atlantic coast. As I drove towards the base, I replayed last night events in my mind. Ididn't know for sure, but it did appear she was having an affair. I decided that I would investigate this further. When I got to base, I parked and went into the administrative building to my office. I had a few clsses scheduled for that day, but nothing pressing. As I was preparing for the first class, my CO came in. He knocked three times on the door.

“Chief Brewer, you got a second?”

“Yes sir.” I responded.

“”VF-137 is having a safety stand down today.” Your lectures are rescheduled for next week.”

I was a bit perplexed. “And we just found out about this today, sir?”

“We were on their schedule but someone in Admin at the squadron didn't bother to verify. So, you can hang around and work on whatever, or you can pretend I never saw you and have a three day weekend.”

“Very well, sir. I was never here today.”

The Captain clicked his tongue while he winked and pointed his finger at me. “Haave a good weekend, Chief.” He turned and exited the office.

I gathered up the files on my desk and secured them in my filing cabinet. I double checked that they were locked away, then grabbed my cover and headed back out the door. I returned to my car and headed to my lake cabin.

Not far from our house, about 15 miles inland, was a small lake. When I had returned from my last tour in Afghanistan, I had purchased a small cabin. It took a lot of work (Probably why it was so cheap) but Nicole and I had gotten it fixed up really nice. It was my getaway. A safe haven, if you will. I would go there a lot of times to think, to fish and sometimes just to get away.

When I got to the cabin, I made my way in. I went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I looked and noticed that there was trash in the trash can. Someone has been here! I started to look around. I could see other tale-tell signs of someone being in here. I went into the bathroom. I looked into the trash can there and found a condom wrapper. Someone has been fucking in here. I went into the bedroom. The first think I noticed twas that the bed was made up, but not the way I had done it. Navy life has been drilled into me for the past 15 years. The bed was neat, but it didn't have the regulation hospital corners. The top sheet and blanket were on but it was catch edge up. I went around the cabin looking for signs of forced entru. There were no signs. Nicole was the only other person who had access. Would she bring someone out here to MY cabin and screw them? I went back to the kitchen, grabbed a travel mug and poured me a cup of coffee. I turned off the pot, then headed to my car. 30 minutes later, I was in town at the local electronics store. I purchased a wi-fi home security set up. The cameras were small, about 1 1/4” square. It had six of them in the kit. I drove back out to the cabin and began setting up for my reccon op. I put two cameras in the bedroom, one in the kitchen, the bathroom and at the front and back door. I went to the car and grabbed my laptop. I downloaded the app and checked my handywork. After some final adjustments, I was satisfied that I had good coverage. I made one more walk through. The cameras were so small tht they were not noticeable unless you really looked for them. Satisfied with my work, I secured the premises and headed home.

I got to my house and walked in. Nicole was in the kitchen preparing to start dinner. She was shocked to see me home this early.

“Hey Babe! I didn't think you'd be here for at least another hour.”

I walked over putting my hand on her back and leaning in, giving her a small kiss like I always do. No need tipping my hand if she was cheating on me.

“It was an easy day at work so I was able to take off early with the Captain's blessing.” She turned around to face me, smiling. The collar of her bouse was slightly open. I could see the light brown spot by her collar bone. I reached out pulling the fabric back a bit and asking her “What happened here?”

She pulled away quickly. “Oh, nothing. The other day I went to get a mug from the top shelf and it slipped out of my hand and het me on the shoulder. I guess it left that little bruise.”

I played it off indicating to her that I believed her story. In all realiy, if it had fallen and hit her like she said, the bruise would be higher and bigger. Remember...I'm a SEAL. We're trained to investigate and interrogate.

“You'll just have to be careful. Next time use the step stool.”

She nodded, still looking nervous. “I will do that.” She then went back to cooking dinner.

I let the subject drop and went about my usual routine. The next few days were pretty much normal. On the following Tuesday, I got and alert on my phone from the security camera system I had put in. It is motion activated and alerted me that one of the cameras had picked up movement. I pulled out my phone and opened the app. I was shocked to see our neighbor John in the kitchen of the lake house. A few minutes later, Nicole came pulling up out front. She got out of her car and entered through the front door. I watched as she walked into the kitchen, taking John in a lover's embrace. They began making out.

I opened the app on my laptop and began to record what was happening. The pair was still kissing in the kitchen as they began to peel each others clothes off. When they got naked, John grabbed Nicole and put her up on the counter. The very spot where I had made my coffe a few days ago. He moved between her legs, inserting his cock inside her unfaithful pussy. He began moving his hips back and forth fucking my wife. This went on for several minutes. He then pulled out and she hopped down, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. They climbed onto the bed into a 69 position. They performed oral on each other for several more minutes. They then got into the missonary position and began to fuck again. For thirty minutes, they fucked changing positions from time to time. Finally, they laid down beside each otheer and appeared to be talking. It was then I realized, the camera had microphones. I hit the mute button on my laptop and heard their conversation.

“Damn, Nicole. You are fucki8ng hot. I love nailing your sweet ass.” John said.

Nicole reached over and grabbed his dick. It was quite a bit smaller than mine and not near as big around. “And I like this. Marcus has a nice cock, but it can be painful sometimes. Yours is just the right size to get me off without hurting me.”

So my cock is too big for her? I've always been the kind of person that doesn't get mad, I get even. I began to plot a way to get revenge on the cheating love birds. I muted the sound and just sat there. Eventually, John got up and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed the apple juice from the refrigerator. It hit me. Neither Nicole or I drink fruit juice. Way too much natural sugars. That was his juice. I began to formulate a plan. I closed the laptop and went back to my work. After finishing up the completion letters for my previous class, I reached into my desk and took out a leave request form. I filled it out and then took it to the CO's office. I knocked on the door three times.

“Come in” I heard the Captain say. He looked up from his desk. “Chief Brewer. What can I do for you?”

“Captain, I just found out my wife is cheating on me. I'd like to request three days leave to handle some personal matters.”

The Captain held out his hand as I handed him my request. He looked it over, then grabbed his pen and signed it. He then looked up at me. “I'm not gonna get a call from law enforcement to come bail you out, am I?”

I looked at him with a dead serious expression on my face. “Sir, the Navy has trained me better than that.”

He handed the paper back to me. “Give this to Petty Officer Olson. I'll see you next week.”

I snapped to attention. “Thank you, sir.”


I did an about face and headed to the Admin office. Time to put my plan in action.

After work, I dorove home and acted as if everything was normal. When I got there, Nicole was finishing up supper. I walked in, not letting on that I knew what she had been up to. I walked up behind her, put my arms around her and kissed her on her neck. I could smell the fresh strawberry scent of the shampoo she has at the cabin. The scent she has here is lavender. She nuzzled back against me.

“Hey Baby. Rough day at work?”

I continued to kiss her on her neck. “Oh, you know. Same shit, different day.” I sure did miss you today. I was thinking maybe we ought to sneak off to the lake house and have a romantic getawy.”

Nicole jerked her head around. “The lake house? Wha...why the lake house?”

I remaind cool and calm. “Well, it's a beautiful setting and it gives us time to be alone. Besides, I'm on call this weekend, so going anywhere else is out of the question.”

I could see the wheels turning as she processed the scenario. “I don't know. I mean, I've got a couple of clients that may be looking at houses this weekend.”

I smacked her lightly on her butt. “Well, if you can't make it, then I guess I will go ther by myself and do some fishing.”

I could here the quaking in her voice. “Marcus, you really ought to let me go out there and clean the place up first. It's been a while since we've been out therre and it's probably a mess.”

“Honey, I've slept in tents and on the ground in the Iraq and Afghan deserts. A few dust bunnies aren't gonna bother me.” I watched intently, to guage her reaction.

“Well, I'd feel better if I could go clean up and make sure everything is okay before you got there.”

I half-heatedly conceded. “If that's what you want to do, then okay.” I walked into the front room, going about my normal evening business. By telling her I was going there, I would ensure that she would make a trip out there and hopefully take the opportunity to meet up with that asshole “friend” of mine John

The rest of the night was business as usual. As e went to bed, I tried to initiate sex with her, but she claimed she was too tired and asked if we could do it tomorrow. I agreed and rolled over to go to sleep. The next morning, I got up like evverything was normal, except I put on my operation fatigues. I then drove to base, as I normally would. This time, however, I didn't go to the office. I made a stop at the base armory. I went in and talked to my good friend and fellow SEAL Matt Brady.

“Hey Matt, what's happening?” I greeted him.

“Chief Brewer. Same as usual. And you?”

I leaned on the counter in front of him. “I need a favor.”

“What do yo need?” Matt inquired.

“I need one of those wheel charges and a detonator.”

Matt nodded his head. “Off the books or official op?”

“Off the books.” I whispered.

Matt turns around and darts down an aisle of storage racks. He stops and grabs something off the shelf and heads back to the counter. He slides the small box across to his buddy.

I grab the small box and stick it in my pocket. “You're not gonna get in trouble for this, are you?”

“Chief, you know we send ten of these out and hardly ever get any back. I'll just add it to the next fulfillment sheet. They'll never know it was missing.”

I reach across the counter and shake his hand. “You're not gonna ask me why I need it?”

Matt looks at him and smiles coyly. “If you wanted me to know, you would have told me.” I nod at him and turn around to leave. I get back into my vehicle and stop at the Navy Exchange. There, I pick up a pup tent, a few MRE's and some water, some combat paint, a pair of binoculars and a jug of peanut oil. I then text my wife that one of the instructors has came down sick and I have to do some field work at Quantico for the next two days and won't be home. She texted me back saying “Okay, be safe.” I then head to the lake house.

When I got there, I did a walk through. Had I not had the cameras, I could still tell that someone had been there. Without them, I wouldn't have known who. I took the peanut oil and went to the fridge. I grabbed thte apple juice, opened the top and poured the peanut oil in. You see, my dear old neighbor has a peanut allergy. I sampled the juice, then poured a little bit more in. I was satisfied that he wouldn't be able to taste it and that would be enough to send him into aniphilactic shock. I retraced my steps, making sure I left no sign of my presence. I pulled my car further down the road to a neighboring house. This one had been vacant for a few years. An older couple owned it and they were no longer in good health, so it went unused. I grabbed my gear and trekked through the trees until I found a small area just down from my house. I set up the ten using fallen limbs to conceal my hideout. I used the combat makeup on my face and arms. Then I sat down and waited.

Nothing happened that day, but on Thursday, shortly after noon, I heard a car. I grabbed the binoculars and scanned my drive. It was John. A few seconds later, Nicole pulled in. I pulled out my phone and logged into the camera app. I watched as they went through there little routine. When they headed to the bedroom, I made my way through the trees, around the back of the house and to John's car. I pulled out the small explosive device. It was a small charge that mounted to a vehicles rim with a magnet. When the car reached a certain speed, centrifugal force would activate the detonator and a small explosion would occur. Not a big one, but enough to blow the sidewall out on a tire. I placed the device on the passengeer side tire of John's car. I then opened the passenger side door and opened the glove box. I reached in and removed the Epi-pen John kept in there. I closed the door quietly then retreated back to my position and waited. I grabbed an MRE and had lunch. I then took out my phone. The love birds had finished their little trist and were getting dressed. I saw Nicole making the bed as dumbass John went to the kitchen. He grabbed the apple juice and poured some in a glass. I couldn't help but grin.. He downed the juice, then washed out his glass and put it back in the cabinet. Nicole had finished making the bed and gathered the trash bags from the cans in the bedroom and bathroom. She put them in the kitchen can and pulled that bag. John grabbed new bags and put them in the two smaller cans while Nicole put a fresh bag in the kitchen trash can. John walked over, gave her a kiss and headed out to his car. I watched as he got in and drove off. I watched on the cameras as Nicole looked the place over, did a few straightening tasks , then headed out the door herself. I heard a faint pop in the distance. I knew it was the device on John's car. Nicole was oblivious to the sound. She got into her car with the trash bag and headed out. I noticed when she got to the road, she turned right. For a minute, I was worried she might see my car in the old couples driveway. I packed up my gear, hiked back to my car and concluded that she would only have seen my car if she had been looking for it. I was far enough back into the trees to conceal it from the casual driver on the main road. I loaded my gear into the caar and headed back to the Lake house. I ran in and grabbed the jug of apple juice, carrying it out with me. I locked up and headed home. I turned left and headed in the same direction John had gone. About three miles from the house, I saw a Sherrif's deputy and an ambulance. John's car was in the ditch and they had him laid out on the ground working on him. I could see as I slowly drove by that his face looked puffy and swollen. I smiled as I continued on my way.

I needed to kill some time, so I drove around, just taking in the scenery. I'd been driving for about an hour when I got a text from Nicole informing me John had had an allergic reaction and wrecked his car. He died before he was able to get medical help. I waited a few minutes, then texted her back that I would be there shortly. I piddled around for another hour, before I headed to the house. When I got there, I went inside and Nicole ran into my arms, crying. I hugged my cheating wife.

Nicole buried her head in my shoulder. “I can't believe he had a reaction and died.”

“What kind of reaction?” I subtly asked.

“Some kind of food. He was allergic to nuts. He never ate them. When I would invite him and Suzy over, I'd have to make sure I didn't have any peanut butter or anything like that in the food so it wouldn't affect him.”

I just held her, trying to console her. “He must have not been paying attention and ate something he wasn't supposed to.” She just kept crying. I finally led her off to the bedroom. I helped her get into her night gown and laid her down on the bed. She curled up on her side. I then went to the dresser and opened the drawer of hers that had a few scarves in it. I walked back over to the bed, rolled her on her stomach and grabbed her right wrist. I tied a scarf around it and tied it to the headboard. As I grabbed the left one to do the same thing, she started fighting me.

“What are you doing.” I didn't answer her. I tied her left arm down and then grabbed her panties and pulled them off of her. She was lying on the bed, face down, with only her night gown on. She kept asking me “What are you doing? What's wrong?”

I leaned down on the bed, close to her ear. “Did you know someone has been to the lake house? I put in some security cameras last week.”

I could hear the fear in her voice. “Cameras? Wha...what did you see?”

I leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Everything.”

Nicole started crying. She tugged at the restraints on her wrists. “Marcus, you can't do this. Please don't kill me.”

I put my hand on her lower back. “Nicole, We've been married for almost 14 years. I'm not going to kill you. However, when we are done here, you'll never cheat on me again.”

Nicole began to sob. “What are you going to do with me?” I didn't say a word. I went to the closet and grabbed a leather dress belt. I walked back over to the bed, pulled her nightie up expsiong her bare ass cheeks. I doubled up the belt, reared back and struck her on the left buttock with it. She let out a scream. “Stop Marcus. That hurts.”

I looked at the red mark it left on her fair skin. “Did it hurt as much as when I saw you fucking our neighbor at the cabin?” I smacked her again, coming down across both cheeks. She let out another long cry.

“How many times did you screw around on me?” Wjack!

“Owwww! Just with John. Just him.” Whack!

“Nobody else?”

“Owww. No@ No! There wasn't anybody else.”

Whack! “Are you sure?”

Nicole's ass was bright red. She was crying quite hard by now. “No. I swear. There was no one else. Please Marcus? Stop please?”

I tossed the belt on the floor. I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my boots. I then took of my fatigues and boxers. I climbed on the bed naked and laid down over my wife's back. I put my mouth dodwn by her ear. “I tristed you Nicole. I loved you, trusted you and you have betrayed me.”

“I'm sorry Baby, I'm so sorry.” she pleaded.

“You think sorry is going to fix this? We basically have two options here. One, I give you the opportunity to prove yourself or two, you pack your shit and I never see you again. What's it going to be?

“I'm sorry Marcus. Please forgive me and let's work it out.”

I grabbed hold of my dick and rubbed it up and down her butt crack. “You say you want to work it out, huh?”

“Yes, yes please?”

I pushed the head of my cock up against her puckered butt hole. She trembled as she anticipated what I was about to do.

“Please? Don't do that. Not there.”

I pushed against her back door. My mushroom head forced it's way in. She let out a scream.

“Oh fuck, Marcus. I've never done anal. That hurts.”

I had planned on doing this without lube, but my body emmitted a fair amount of pre cum. It aided in letting my shaft slide into her rectum. Does it jurt as much as I did when I saw the footage from the cameras?” I pushed in a little further. About half of my cock was in her now.

“Oh fuck, Baby. It hurts. I'm sorry.”

I slammed my dick in the rest of the way. Nicoles body betrayed her as she screamed in pain, yet began to quive and shke as it brought her to climax. I began furiously pumping into her.

“I heard you tell John that my big dick sometimes hurt when I fucked your little pussy. Is this better?”

Nicole just whimpered as I drove into her, my balls slapping against her cunt.

I reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back. “I asked you a question. Is this better? Do you like it in your ass. Bitch?”

Nicole ket out a long sob. “Yes Marcus, I like it in my ass.”

“Do you want me to keep fucking you in your ass?”

“Yes, Baby. Keep fucking my ass.”

“Are you ever going to cheat on me again?”

Nicole violently shook her head. “No Baby, I'm sorry. I'll never cheat on yo again.”

Marcus pulled his dick out of her gaping ass hole and shoved it into her soaked cunt. Nicole let out a scream as he rammed into her hard.

“This ass and pussy are mine. Do you understand? You are not allowed to even mastrubate without my permission. Is that understood?”

Nicole sobbed as she nodded her head. All of a sudden, her body tensed up, and she began to quiver as waves of pleasure over took her. I pushed deep and hard into her as I let lose a flood of sperm into her womb. I held my cock in her for a few minutes, then pulled out. I reached up and untied the scarves from the headboard. I leaned down and kissed the back of her neck.

“Nicole, I love you. If I didn't, you'd be lying in a shallow grave somewhere. You have betrayed that love and my trust and you're going to have to earn it back.” She turned underneath me as I straddled her body. She looked up at me with swollen and puffy eyes.

“Baby, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?” she begged. She put her arms around my neck.

“I forgive you, but I don't trust you yet.” I told her. “You're going to be on thin ice for a while.”

She nodded her head and pulled me down close to her body and began crying again. I rolled off to the side, still wrapped in her arms. Before long, I could tell that she was asleep. I soon followed wwith my own slumber.

The next morning, my internal alarm clock went off and I was awake at 0500. I noticed Nicole wasn't in bed. Through the open door, I could see lights on in the main part of the house. I got up and walked towards the kitchen. When I got there, Nicole was busy fixing eggs and bacon.

As I stood there naked, I asked her “What are you doing?”

She turned around and pointed towards a chair at the kitchen table. “Sit down. I'm making you breakfast before you leave for work.” She then grabbed a mug and poured me a cup of coffee. She set it on the table, then turned back to the stove and fixed me a plate. When she set that on the table she then got down on her knees beside me. “You'd better hurry and eat, so you can get ready and not be late.”

I was shocked by her demeanor. “Nicole, I'm on leave until tomorrow morning. I'm on call this weekend, but you know we rarely have to go in unless there is an emergency.”

“You're off today?” she verified.

“Yes.” I confirmed. Nicole grabbed her phone and started texting. After a few minutes, she sat her phone on the counter. “

Now I'm off too.” she proudly stated.

“Who did you text?”

She knelt down beside me and pushed back on my chair. She grabbed my exposed cock and started stroking it. “I just canceled my two appointments and told Mary I was not feeling well and asked her to cover for me. She put her mouth on my stiffening member. “I have some apologizing to do.”

She began to give me a morning blowjob. I put my hands on the back of her head as she licked and slurped on my rigid tool. It didn't take long until I felt that familiar tingle and shot my wad in the back of her throat. Noicoe took it all and swallowed, something she used to not do.

“I didn't think you liked to swallow.” I said.

She pulled her lips off my dick with a pop. “I'm going to do a lot of things that I used to not do. Just for you and you alone.”

Suddenly, I felt guilty about how I had treated her the night before. “Nicole, I'm sorry I got rough with you last night. I was just a bit angry and wanted to get even with you.”

She stood up, then straddled my legs, sitting on my lap. “Baby, you had every right to be. I can't say that I totally enhoyed you shoving your dick up my ass, but I deserved it. In the future, if you'll be a bit gentler, you can do it again.” I just looked her in her eyes. She continued. “Marcus, I didn't cheat on you because I didn't love you. John had a smaller dick. Sometimes, you would get carried away and it was painful and unpleasant for me. About 6 months ago, I happened to see him in their back yard naked.” She leaned back a bit and looked at me. “You did know that he and Suzy were nudists, didn't you?”

“No” I stammered. “I didn't”

Nicole resumed her confession. “I saw he had a smaller dick I made a lame excuse about needing help with the water heater and got him to come over. After a week or so of flirting, I finally hooked up with him. We then started meeting out at the lake house a few times a week.”

I looked at her. I could tell that what she told me was true and heart felt. She leaned down and kissed me.

“Believe me when I say, that I was getting ready to call it quits with him. I had to.”

I looked into her angelic face. “why did you have to? Afraid of getting caught?”

“No Baby.” she chuckled. “I found out that we are going to have a baby.”

I was floored by her revelation. “How do you know it was mine?” I challenged.

She leaned in closer to me, touching my nose with hers. “Because you're the only one who didn't wear a condom. I stopped birth control two months ago, hoping to start a family.”

“You did this without consulting me?” I said in a raised tone.

“I know I should have talked with you about it, but what would you have said?” She paused. “You're door bashing days are over. In a few months, you'll probably make Senior Chief. Then it will be training centers, and pencil pushing. If you do go to sea, it will be supervisory assignments over the SEAL teams. I'm 32 years old. You're almost 34. If we are going to have a family, we need to start now.”

I knew she was right. I sorted through what she had just said. “Okay, Nicole. I'm fine with us starting a family. But what I said last night is still true. You still need to earn back my trust and prove your loyalty. Not that I'm trying to blackmail you, but I do have the footage of your...indiscretions. If you ever try to divorce me, I will retire from active duty and get custody of any children we have.”

Nicole leaned in and kissed me. “Marcus, I made you a promise last night. I will not cheat on you again. I'm sorry I did it at all. I made a promise. Having a baby with you is all I ever wanted.”

I looked down at my lovely, repentant wife. Her robe was open and I noticed she was not wearing anything underneath. My cock began to get hard again. I slid her forward, lining up the tip with her pussy and worked my way into her love tunnel.. Nicole cooed as I entered her.

“Ooohhh Chief Brewer.” she chimed.

I slowly moved her back and forth on my shaft. “I just want to make sure that you're fully impregnated.” Suddenly a thought hit me.

“Wait. You said John always used a condom. The other night, I felt the fluid from you vagina and it was thicker than usual. It felt like you had cum in you.”

Nicole just chuckled as she began to grind on my shaft. “Spermicide suppository. I wanted to be sure it was your sperm and yours alone that was fertilizing my eggs.” I grinned in relief.

“Better safe, than sorry.” I retorted.

“You've got that right, Baby.”
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