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When Marcus finds out the police have no leads on who assaulted his daughter, he takes matters into his own hand. This story has no sex. No sucky no fucky, but it does have some gruesome torture scenes when he extracts his revenge. If that's not your type of story then please go read my other works. If you are into suspense, then this is one for you.
Marcus Brewer had just gotten home from his DOD security job. He had retired from the navy 6 months ago as an E-9 Master Chief. Being a former SEAL, he had no problem getting on with the government working security. His military training with the special forces had made him a valuable asset in evaluating possible security breeches and how to tighten the belt, so to speak. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and was about to put it on the counter when it began to vibrate. He looked down at the cller ID and noticed a strange number. He answered it.

“Hello, this is Brewer.” He barked.

“Mr. Brewer, this is Detective Simmons with the Norfolk PD. We need you to come to Norfolk General Hospital. There's been an incident involving your daughter.”

Marcus was stunned. “Is she okay? What happened.?”

The voice hessitated for a second. “I'll explain it all when you get her. She's okay, but you need to get here.”

Marcus rubbed his forehead. “Okay, I'm on my way.” He hung up the phone, grabbed his keys and headed back out the door. On his way to the car, he called his wife.

“Hey Babe. I'm on my way home now.” Nicole said as she answered his call.

“Nicole? Something has happened to Ashley. Meet me at Norfolk General.” He told her.

“What happened to our girl?” Nicole demanded.

“I don't know. They said she's okay, but meet me there. They'll explain when we arrive.”

A shaky voice replied “Okay. I'm on my way.”

Marcus ended the call and got in his car and drove as quickly as the law would allow to the hospital. He pulled in right behind his wife. They got out and walked into the ER together. As he they entered the lobby, a large framed African American man came walking up to them.

“Mr. & Mrs. Brewer?” He looked for confirmation. “I'm Detective Simmons. I hate to inform you, but your daughter has been sexually assaulted.”

Nicole turned and buried her head into her husband's chest. “Oh no.” she cried.”

Detective Simmons continued. “She was found down by Smuggler's Point. Her clothes were torn and she was unconscious. Some good Samaritan's saw her and called 911.” Marcus took in the information. His years of training put his mind into overdrive as he processed it.

Simmons continued. “The Doctor's examined her when she came in and determined that she had been assaulted. They are doing a Rape exam collecting any evidence left behind. At this time, we don't have any leads or suspects.”

Marcus nodded his understanding. He new how law enforcement worked. They'd do the customary investigation, but after a few days, if nothing turns up, it will get put on the back burner. No knock against the police, it's just how it is. Heavy case loads warranted this. If they did find something, then they would keep investigating

“When can we see her?” He asked.

Simmons turned to a nurse who nodded at him. “We can take you back now.” He turned and the Brewers followed him into the hallway leading to the Trauma rooms. He stopped outside of one and gestured to the doorway. Marcus and Nicole walked in. Their daughter Ashley was sitting on the bed in a hospital gown with her knees pulled up and her arms pulling them tightly into her. Nicole ran to her baby girl.

Ashley began to cry as her mother hugged her. “Oh Baby, are you okay?” Ashley hugged her Mom back. She nodded her head and kept crying.

Simmons stepped over beside them. “Ashley? I know this has been tough on you, but I need to ask you a few questions. Can we do that?” he said in a smooth and gentle tone. She wiped the tears off her cheeks. “Yeah.” she quietly muttered.

“Is there anything you can tell me about who did this to you? What they looked like? What kind of car they were driving? Anything at all can be helpful.”

Ashley looked at her Dad then back to Simmons. “I think there were two of them.” She sobbed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. ”After school, I had walked with my friend Denise over to her house. Around 4;30 I left to walk home. I stopped at the Jiffy Mart and got me a Coke. I came out and started heading home when someone hit me from behind knocking me down. They put a sack or a pillow case or something over my head and threw me into a car. One of them held me down in the backseat. I tried to fight them off but I couldn't.”

Simmons wrote down the info on his note pad. “Is there anything else you can remember?”

Ashley looked at her Dad again. His eyes were stone cold as he listened to her details. “I think the car was red. One of the guys I think had long blond hair. That's about all that I saw.”

“Anything else?”

“No. We drove for about 10 minutes then stopped. They pulled me out of the car, threw me on the ground and ripped my clothes. One of them held me down and the other one raped me. Then they switched. At some point I passed out. Next thing I knew, I was in the ambulance.”

“Okay Ashley. That is a lot of detail you've given us.”

Ashley looked down on the bed, then suddenly lifted her head. “The car was loud. The exhaust. Like a hot rod or something.”

Simmons placed his hand on Nicole's shoulder as she sat next to Ashley. “That's good Ashley. If you think of anything else, give me a call.” Simmons turned to Marcus and handed him a business card. “If she thinks of anything else, give me a call. I'm sorry we had to meet this way.”

Marcus extended out his right hand. “Thank you Detective. We'll let you know if anything else comes to light.”

Detective Simmons walked out of the room. A few minutes later, a nurse came in with the discharge paperwork. She handed it to Nicole and went over the Doctor's instructions. Another nurse brought in a set of hospital scrubs. Ashley went into the attached restroom to change into them.

Nicole looked at Marcus. “Do you think they will find the guys who did this?”

“I doubt it” Marcus reluctantly replied. “She gave some good info, but nothing conclusive. If they don't turn anything up within a day or two, it will be put on the back burner.”

Nicole let out a defeated sigh. “So they get away with this?”

Marcus pulled his wife in for a hug. “I didn't say that.”

Nicole had a serious look on her face. “Marcus? When you caught me having an affair, the day you confronted me, you made John, our neighbor die from an allergic reaction. Make these guys pay for what they've done.”

Marcus started to protest and state his innocence. Nicole cut him off.

“I know it was you. I know you did it for us. I was wrong cheating on you and someone had to pay. Make these guys pay dearly.”

Marcus looked her in the eyes. “I will Honey. I will.”

The bathroom door opened and Ashley came back into the room. Marcus put his arm around her and walked her out to Nicole's car. He opened the passenger side door for her and she got in. Marcus went to his vehicle and followed them home.

Marcus took time off from work. The second day after the attack, he called Detective Simmons.

“Detective Simmons? This is Marcus Brewer.”

“Hello Marcus. How is Ashley doing?” He inquired.

“She's doing better. Still a little shook up over the events, but she's hanging in there.”

“Good, good. What can I do for you?”

Marcus got right to the point. “Any leads on her case?”

“No, I'm sorry to say. We checked the Jiffy Mart. They have cameras but only in the store. We canvassed the area and no one saw anything.” Simmons sounded dejected.

“So what happens now?”

“We'll keep the case open but unless we find something else, there's not much we can do.”

“I understand” Marcus said. “Well, thank you for your time.”

“Sure thing Mr. Brewer. And again, I'm sorry this had to happen.”

Marcus hung up the phone. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He hollered to Nicole and Ashley. “I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back.” He heard a muffled “Okay” from somewhere in the back of the house.

Marcus got into his car and drove to the Jiffy Mart. He went in and asked if the Manager was in. The young clerk hollered at a guy named Joe. Joe came walking up.

Marcus looked him over. At 5'9” tall, around 240 lbs, Joe looked like at one time, he might have been a force to be reckoned with. Now he was late 50's and time had taken it's toll on him.

“Can I help you sir?”

Marcus leaned forward a bit, putting his hands on the counter. “My daughter was in here two days ago and was abducted as she left to walk home.”

“The police have already been here and talked to us. Our cameras don't record anything outside. Just in the store.”

Marcus nodded his head. “I understand that. I was wondering if I could still look at your security tapes from around that time?”

Joe looked and saw the trident tattoo on Marcus' bicep barely visible below the short sleeve of his t-shirt. “SEAL?”

Marcus looked down at his upper arm. “Yes sir.”

Joe rolled up his shirt sleeve revealing his own trident tattoo. “Come on back. I'll show you what we have.” Marcus followed him back to a small office behind the coolers.

“Our system is old. We still use VHS but at least it has decent quality.” He looked at some tapes that were on a shelf. He reached up and grabbed one of them. “Here. This is the one from the other day.” He handed it to the former SEAL. “I hope you catch the bastards.”

Marcus took the tape. “Thank you sir. I appreciate your help.” Marcus shook his hand and headed out of the store. When he got outside, he began to survey the area.

Ashley had said she had started walking home. He looked at the direction that seemed the logical route to take, which would have been to the South. He began walking that way. Next to the Jiffy Mart was a car wash. He walked over and started looking around. Bingo! In the center of the 6 bays was the office/equipment room. Mounted on the corner was a camera looking back towards the store. On the door, was the emergency number. He pulled out his phone and called. A man's voice answered the call.


“Good evening sir. My daughter was abducted from the Jiffy Mart on Tuesday afternoon. I noticed you have a security camera covering your office and the vending machined here at the front of your store.”

“Yeah, so what?”

“The police haven't been able to turn up any leads on the case and I was wondering if your cameras caught anything that might be useful?”

Listen buddy, I don't want to get involved. It didn't happen on my property so I'm staying out of it.”

“Sir?” Marcus interrupted him. “It may have happened on your property. She had started working home when someone knocked her down from behind. They threw her in a car, took her to Smuggler's Point and raped her. She's a 15 year old girl. I'm just trying to help find who did this.”

The line was silent for several seconds. “Are you there now?”

“Yes sir, I am.”

“I'll be there in a few minutes.” Marcus thanked him and hung up the phone. 6 minutes later, a van pulled up in front of the office. A chubby white haired man got out.

“You the guy I talked to?” he asked.

“Yes sir. Marcus Brewer.”

The guy shook Marcus' hand. “I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. Let's see what I've got for you.”

Marcus followed him in. “Thank you for your concern. I just hope we can catch the scumbags who did this.”

The guy led him to a small desk with a computer on it. The guy turned the computer on and when it booted up, he clicked on an icon. A screen came up showing the current view from the camera.

“About what time did this happen>”

“Approximately 4:30.”

The guy clicked on a couple of different links He then clicked on a double arrow at the bottom of the screen. The recording began to fast forward The two men watched the black and white surveillance footage. Suddenly, they saw a body fall to the ground in the upper left hand corner of the screen. The owner hit the play button. Marcus took note of what was happening. A dark haired individual put something over his daughters head. The pillow case. A car pulled up next to them. Another male with long, light colored hair got out and ran over to them. They picked her up and put her into the backseat of the vehicle. The dark haired boy climbed in with her. Marcus took note of the car. A 1972 Mustang with Crager mags. He watched as the car sped off. The camera didn't catch the license plate number.

“Man, I'm sorry you had to see that.” the guy said. Marcus put his hand on the man's shoulder.

“That's more than we've had to go on so far. Thank you for your time.” The guy put a CD in the computer and clicked a few buttons. The CD drive whirred. “Just a minute and I'll give you a copy for the police.” The CD drive quit spinning and he hit the eject button. He pulled the CD out and put it in a case. “I sure hope that helps you.”

Marcus took the case. “I'm sure it will. Thank you again for your help.”

“You're welcome. By way, what rank were you?”

“Master Chief. I originally was an AD but went into the SEALs as soon as I was eligible,”

The man rolled up his sleeve to show a faded Navy anchor with two stars. “Senior Chief Mess Specialist Turner. I hope you catch those sonsa bitches.”

Marcus nodded his head and then walked back to his vehicle and then drove back home. When he got there, he went in to his study and put the disc in his computer. He pulled up the scene and studied it. He used a photo enhancement program to clear up the picture. He determined the dark haired guy to be about 21 years, about 5'10 or so in height and somewhere around 175 lbs. The long haired individual was about the same in age and height but was a thin person probably closer to 165. Marcus heard footsteps coming up behind him.

“Find anything?” Nicole asked.

“Nothing definite, but I got this.” he pointed towards the screen.

“Is that the guys?”

“Yes. It's not clear but I think I can find them from this video.”

“Did it show them taking her?”

Marcus pulled her down onto his lap. “Yes. They just barely come into the field of view, but it's on there.”

“I want to see.”

“Nicole, you don't want to do that.”

“Marcus! I want to see it. I want to see what happen. I know you are going to track them down and kill them. I'm fine with that. But I want to see what they did.”

Marcus resigned to the fact that he was not going to talk her out of it. He played the enhanced footage from the beginning. Nicole watched as Ashley came into view, dropping to the ground. She watched the one assailant hold her down as the vehicle pulled up. She watched them put her in the car and drive off. When the video stopped, Nicole got to her feet, turned to face her husband.

“Rip their throats out and let them bleed to death.” She turned around and walked out.

On Friday night, Marcus put on a pair of shorts, sandals, a Hawaiian shirt and a floppy straw hat. He grabbed his camera and headed to a part of the beach where a lot of the younger crowd liked to hang out. He parked his car and began walking around taking various pictures of different landmarks, playing the part of the geeky tourist. Every time he heard a souped up car, he checked it out. After about two hours, he spotted the mustang. They were parked in a lot along the beach with a bunch of other hot rods. Sitting on the hood was the blond haired fellow. Marcus took a couple of pictures. He made his way over and started admiring the classic cars. He walked around and inspected a 1967 GTO parked next to the Mustang. He listened intently for any information. After a few minutes, he turned his attention to the Mustang. As he looked at it, the blond haired guy spoke to him.

“Nice ride, isn't it?”

Marcus looked up at the kid. In a geeky voice he responded. “Yes, yes she is. I've got a 1968 fast back that I'm working on.”

Really? 6 or 8?” the kid asked him.

“Originally it was a 6 but I've got a 302 Boss I'm having rebuilt to go in it.”

The kid hoped down off of his car. “I'm Jimmy Davis. Where you from?”

Marcus shook the kids hand. “Hi Jimmy. I'm Brad Peters from Kansas.”

“You into old cars?”

“Oh yeah. I love them. When I was in high school, I had a '64 Falcon 2 door. Not a hot rod but a pretty nice vehicle.”

“Sweet” Jimmy said. He acted like he was about to say something else but was interrupted.

“Hey numb nuts” a voice said. Marcus turned to see the dark haired kid walking up. He could tell from the way this guy walked, he was a cocky one. “Let's go get some beer. I'm thirsty.”

Jimmy gave him a scowl look. “In a minute. I'm talking to Brad here about cars. He has a '68 Fast back he's working on.”

The kid turned toward Marcus. “David Watson” he said. “You got a '68? Bitchin.”

“Got a 302 , a Muncie 4 speed and a 9' rear end going into it. She ought to run when I'm done.”

Jimmy walked over to the driver's door. “Well Brad, we're gonna get out of here. Catch ya later, man.”

Marcus spoke up quickly. “Hey, do you mind if I get a picture of you guys and the car? I'd love to show it to the guys at the car club.” The two guys looked at each other, then moved to the front of the car. Marcus took a picture showing both suspects and a full side view of their vehicle. “Nice meeting you guys. Don't get caught drinking and driving.”

The two got into the car, started it up, then backed out of the spot and left the lot. Marcus headed back down the beach to his vehicle. When he got in. he pulled up the photos from the camera memory. He had several clear shots and now he had names. He sat the camera down and started his car. He headed off in the direction they had taken. It didn't take long until he was able to catch up to them. As he was coming down the road, he saw them pulling out from a package store. He fell in behind them and trailed them for over an hour. Eventually, they turned into a residential area. Marcus turned off his lights and fell in behind them. After several blocks, they pulled into a driveway. Marcus stopped about a block away and watched them go into a house. He turned on his lights and slowly drove by, taking note of the de***********ion and address. He then headed back home for the evening.

Over the next several days, he spent a lot of time doing surveillance. The house he had followed them to the first night was Jimmy's. He later followed them to David's house. He discovered that David was a surfer. He quite frequently went to a spot down on the bay where they consistently got 5 foot waves . One afternoon, Marcus parked his car and took a walk on the beach making notes as to the layout. He was beginning to put together a plan of revenge on these worthless individuals. As he walked , he noticed an abandon government facility about 100 yards from where David liked to hang out. Marcus looked at the place. It was some kind of marine research facility. He noticed the gate was chained but there was a sizeable gap. He squeezed through and went exploring the facility. He found an open door and went inside. He tried the light switch on the wall. Nothing. He used the light on his phone. He saw a wall with electrical panels. He walked over and noticed the main switch was turned off. He flipped it. As soon as he did, he noticed the emergency exit signs light up. Good! They still have power to this place. That's the government for you. He flipped the main back off. He went from room to room . Most were abandon lab space or empty offices. Towards the back of the facility, he noticed a barometric chamber. He looked it over. It was in good shape. He went back to the electrical panel and found the breakers for the chamber. He flipped the main and the chamber breakers. He went back and started fiddling with the device. He hit a switch and it started working. Within minutes, the pressure inside had dropped to 19 feet. Then 20. Then 30. It kept going until it was over 100 feet. Marcus hit the switch and heard the pressure being released. The gauge went back to zero. Marcus looked around a little bit more, then headed out. He slipped back through the gate and headed back to his vehicle. He went home and began to map out his operation.

He made a list of supplies he would need. A little C4, swim gear, handcuffs, tape. That's just to start with. He'd need battery powered lanterns. A sedative. Marcus shut off the lamp on his desk and headed to bed.

For the next week, Marcus gathered his supplies and continued his surveillance. He had a pretty good map of when and where the two rapists hung out. To keep up appearances, every few days he would call Detective Simmons and inquire of the progress he had made. As expected, nothing new had turned up so it was just sitting dormant for now. It had been nearly four weeks since the assault, and Marcus was finally ready to put his plan in place. He loaded up the gear into his car. Nicole stood at the garage door watching him.

“Do you have everything you need?” she asked.

Marcus walked over and put his arms around her. “I think so. I've planned covert missions into hostile countries to extract bad guys, so I think I can effectively plan the demise of two little pecker woods.”

Nicole hugged her husband and kissed him on the cheek. “Those little bastards are going to rue the day they fucked with our daughter. Kill those fuckers.” Marcus pulled away and walked to his vehicle. He got into the car and drove to the beach. He parked just a little further south than the research facility and began to haul his gear into the building. There, he sat up hos base of operation. He found a large, oversized desk in one of the offices and put his sleeping bag on it. He meticulously unpacked all of the gear. He looked at his watch, noticing that it was about time that Jimmy and David would be hitting the surf. He put on his face paint, donned his wetsuit, grabbed his tank and fins, Lastly, he grabbed the quick injection syringe filled with the sedative. He stealthily made his way to the boat ram and entered the water. With his tank and fins on, he began swimming towards the unsuspecting surfers catching the last few waves of the evening. Marcus swam out further than he probably needed to, but wanted to make sure they could not see him. He spotted David and dove under the water to track him from below. It took several attempts, but he was finally in position. Marcus waited until the right opportunity reveal itself and he reached up catching the front edge of David's board, causing him to lose his balance a nd fall in the water. Marcus quickly grabbed the syringe and pressed it against David's thigh. He then grabbed his knife, cutting the safety cord attaching the board to David's ankle. He then secured the teen in his arms and swam several yards away from the spot they had been. He surfaced and began to drag the limp body of his victim towards the facility.. He got him onto the dock and began CPR to get the water out of his lung. David coughed as water came bubbling out of his mouth and nose. Seeing that he was still alive, Marcus picked him up throwing him over his shoulder and carried him into the facility. There, he handcuffed his feet and hands and put duct tape across his eyes and his mouth. Part one of the plan was complete.

Marcus quickly changed our of his swim gear and put on jogging shorts and a tshirt. He proceeded out to the beach and began jogging towards the area where the surfers were looking for their friend. He saw Jimmy frantically looking out into the water. Marcus stopped jogging and walked up to him.

“Everything okay, man?”

Jimmy turned to look at him. “Aw, dude. My buddy wiped out and never came back up.”

“Oh, shit. That's not good. I'm a former SEAL and I can tell you, the tide and currents would take him north of here. About a hundred yards that way, there is a rip tide before the jetties. If he drifted up there, he could be a quarter mile off shore by now.”

Jimmy shook his head. “Dude. That's not good.” I could tell that he was visibly upset.

“Do you have a car?” Marcus asked.

“Yeah, why?”

Marcus looked sincerely at him. “I'll ride with you and we can drive up to the jetties and I'll help you look to see if we can find him.”

“Man, that would be awesome. Thanks.” Jimmy turned and headed towards the parking area. Marcus followed him. They got to the parking lot and climbed into the hot rod Mustang.

“Nice car.” Marcus admired.

“Thanks. It belongs to my buddy David. It's his pride and joy.” Jimmy said as he pulled out onto the highway.

“Turn into the second lot. That's the closest one to the rip tide.” Marcus suggested.

Jimmy nodded his head and did as he was told. He pulled into a parking spot. Marcus looked around. As he had hoped, there wasn't anyone around at that time of the evening. The sun had just disappeared over the western horizon with only a faint glow of red still peeking through signaling the end of the day. Marcus and Jimmy got out of the car and walked around to the front.

“Man, it's getting to dark. We're never going to find....”

Marcus stepped up behind Jimmy and put him in a choke hold, cutting of his breathing and causing him to pass out. He then drug the boy to the passenger side and put him in the car. He removed the handcuffs from the pocket of his shorts and secured his second victim. He then took the drivers seat and began driving north of town.

Northeast of the city was an abandoned Army air field from the 1950's. It had a concrete runway that was still in decent shape. Kids would take their cars out their and drag race. Since it was away from the public and basically out of sight, the cops let them have their fun and said little as long as there were no problems. Marcus took advantage of that fact. Upon arrival, he pulled over to an area of the tarmac that had a large concrete bunker that they used to store ammunition in. Marcus revved the motor and floored the accelerator leaving a long pair of black tire marks. He did this several times in order to set the scene for what came next. He then pulled the car around and parked it about a hundred yards from the bunker facing right at the the thick concrete walls. He got out and proceeded to move his prey over into the drivers seat. He pulled the lever on the side, laying the it all the way back.. He then walked over to one of the abandon buildings and grabbed a bag he had stashed there along with a 5 gallon can of gasoline. He walked back to the car, setting the bag on the hood and began pulling items out. He neatly lined everything up. He ***********ed the small amount of C4 and a micro detonator. He walked to the back of the car, opening the gas gap and dropping the explosive into the tank. He then grabbed the roll of duct tape and put several wraps over the mouth of his victim. He then put a few wraps around his chest, arms and seat back of the Mustang. He grabbed the bag and the last item, a zip tie and set them on the ground. He then pulled the hood release and opened the hood, exposing the massive custom engine of the muscle car. Now it was time to wait. He pulled out an MRE from the bag and began to eat his dinner. As he finished the cold meal, he heard Jimmy begin to moan. He threw the wrapper into his bag and stood up. Jimmy struggled against the restraints holding him down. His eyes wide with terror.

“Hello Jimmy.” Marcus said. “Let me introduce myself. I'm the father of the girl you and David raped a few weeks ago.”

Jimmy began to fight and struggle hard to get loose. Marcus kept up his calm and cold demeanor.

“Now, now! You needn't worry. It's all going to be over with real soon Jimmy” Jimmy calmed down just a bit. Marcus pulled out his dagger and a pair of latex gloves putting them on. Marcus leaned over and cut the side of his jeans from mid thigh to the waist. He reached across to the other side and did the same. He pulled the cut material back revealing Jimmy's boxers. Marcus then proceeded to do the same to the boxers, leaving Jimmy's genitals exposed. Jimmy began whimpering and crying. Marcus grabbed his scrotum lifting it up and then made a small incision at the bottom of his sack. Jimmy squealed as he felt the stinging in his nut sack. Marcus stuck his fingers into the cut and pulled out one of the testicles.

“You see Jimmy, my daughter was only 15 and was a virgin. He placed the blade of the knife against the vas deferens and pulled up, severing the testicle from the body. Jimmy cried out, his screams muffled by the duct tape. Marcus reached in and grabbed the other one..

“Because of you, my baby is having nightmares and is having to go through counseling.” He placed the knife against the other duct and cut it loose also. Jimmy tried to close his legs as he continued to scream but Marcus used his elbows to prevent it from happening. He dropped the severed nuts on the floorboard, then reached up and grabbed Jimmy's flaccid penis. Jimmy tried to scream no, but it was just a muffled grunt. Marcus stretched the limp dick out as far as he could.

“I can't believe you fucked my daughter with this tiny thing. No wonder you had to rape a girl to get you some pussy. No girl in her right mind would fuck this little dick.”

Jimmy was crying uncontrollably. Marcus placed the sharp edge of the knife at the base of the penis.

“Say goodbye to your little friend Jimmy.” With that, He pulled the knife up, detaching the limp member from it's owner. Blood began to shoot out of the severed stump as Jimmy lost consciousness. Marcus dropped the penis on the floor with the testicles. He reached up, turned the ignition key and started the engine. He retrieved the zip tie off the ground and tied the throttle open on the car. The tachometer read 3200 rpm. Marcus closed the hood and walked over to the can of gas. He pulled off the cap on the spout and began dumping the gas all over Jimmy and the inside of the car. He threw the empty jug in the backseat and shut the drivers door. He walked around and opened the passenger door. He reached in, grabbed the shift lever and slammed it into Drive, jumping back out of the way. As he sat up and watched the car speeding towards the wall, he pulled the small handheld detonator from his pocket. AS the car slammed into the concrete wall, Marcus pushed the button. The C4 he dropped into the tank exploded and the car burst into a ball of flames. Satisfied with his work, Marcus picked up His gear and headed to towards the west boundary of the old field. Here in the bushes, he had stashed a small, but efficient Yamaha 125 enduro bike. He mounted the bike and rode back to the research facility.

He looked around before entering and made sure no one was looking. He hid the bike and made his way inside. David was beginning to come out of the sedation he had been under. Marcus picked the boy up and carried him over to the barometric chamber. He placed him on the tray and slid it in, then closed the door. He took his time and walked to the main electric panel and flipped the breakers for the chamber. Returning, he began to operate the buttons and valves, simulating David taking a dive deep into the ocean waters. When the gage showed the equivalent of 150 feet, Marcus stopped the decent. He pressed the speaker button on the chamber.

“David? Can you hear me?”

David turned his head towards the sound and let out a muffled shriek.

David? Do you know who I am?” Another muffled sound. “I'm the father of the girl you and Jimmy raped.” David began trying to scream. Marcus hit the relief valve on the chamber. The pressure decreased as if David had rapidly ascended from 50 to 40 feet. He let out a scream as nitrogen bubbles formed in his bloodstream. Marcus het the valve again, releasing all of the pressure. He then opened the chamber, pulled the tray out and removed the tape, and not gently by any means, from David's eyes. David's muffled screams rang out as he blinked rapidly. Marcus could not tell if it was from the pain of the tape or the sudden brightness of the lights. He pushed the tray back in and secured the door once again. He once again started the decent and paused again at 150 feet. He pressed the speaker button again.

“That didn't hurt , did it David?” He paused. “I wonder if it hurt as much as my daughter's pain when you forced yourself inside of her and took her virginity?” David was crying hard now. Marcus hit the relief valve shooting David from the pressure of 150 feet down to the surface. More nitrogen was forming in his blood and David felt the pain and discomfort of the bends. Once again, Marcus began the decent stopping again at 150 feet.

“You're lucky David.” Marcus said. I removed Jimmys dick and balls before I killed him. Even if I had let him live, there was no way he was ever going to rape anyone again.” David cried out in pain and agony. “Maybe I should go ahead and decompress you properly and then cut off your dick and balls. Would you rather have that, David?” David whimpered and shook his head. “No? Okay then.” He hit the relief valve. David cried out again. The pain was intense and he began to wretch as he vomited. Laying on his back and his mouth taped, there was no where to expel the fowl fluid and he began to choke. Marcus began the decent but this time took it all the way to the max, 400 feet.; He could tell that David was asphyxiating on his own vomit and Marcus decided to put him out of his misery. He hit the relief valve holding it as all the pressure escaped the chamber. David convulsed three times, then went limp, Marcus waited 15 minutes before opening the chamber and checking for a pulse. There was nothing. The little scum bag was now meeting his maker.

Marcus got out the small inflatable mission craft and aired it up. He secured it at the boat dock. He retrieved the lifeless body of his daughter's rapist and carried it to the boat. The small two cycle motor on the boat was not powerful but was quiet and efficient enough to get Marcus a couple of miles off shore. IT was here that he took out his knife, rolled the body over the edge into the water and began to cut near the major arteries on the body. Blood spilled out into the water. It didn't take long until Marcus saw shark fins gliding through the water, lit up by the backdrop of the moonlight. Within a few minutes, the first shark took a bite. Second later, another shark made a bite. Marcus watched as 4 sharks feasted on the fresh meat he had provided them. Satisfied that they had done their part, Marcus fired up the motor and returned to the facility. He secured the boat and begin to clean up the operation area.. Three hours later, he carried his gear to his car, took a final walk around and exited the facility, leaving no trace he was even there.

When Marcus arrived at his house, it was already 0400, He carried his gear into the garage, then went into the house. Nicole was standing in the kitchen pouring him a cup of coffee. As he entered, she turned and handed him the cup


“Is it over?” she asked, hopeful of his answer.

Marcus simply nodded, as he took a sip of the black elixer.

“Did they suffer?”

Marcus let out a sigh. “Baby, they will never hurt any one ever again.”

“Tell me about it.” She demanded.

Marcus began to replay the night through his mind as he relayed the events. Nicole listened intently as he listed each detail. When he had finished the story. She looked at him with a smirk on her face.

:You are one maniacally son of a bitch, Marcus. Too bad Ashley will never know what you did for her.”

“I know, Momma! I heard every word of what Daddy did to them.” Marcus and Nicole turn and look in shock as their daughter Ashley stood in the doorway.

“Ashley!” Nicole gasped. Ashley ran to her dad, throwing her arms around him and climbing onto his lap.

“Daddy, thank you. I love you and I will never, ever repeat a word of what I heard.” Ashley said as she hugged Marcus tightly.

“I know honey, I know. And you are welcome.” Marcus told her.

“Honey, I'll do anything for you. I love you and I will always protect you.” Marcus cradled her in his arms and carried her to her bedroom, putting her back to bed. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “They will never hurt anybody ever again. I promise you that.”


2024-10-16 08:56:38
Is retribution the same thing as justice?

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