When I opened my front door, my lover and oldest niece Stormi dropped a cigarette butt at the top of the painted wood steps. She crushed it out, then turned away from me and exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Mom said she would call you?"
I nodded and answered, "I just talked to her. She says I can't let you drink or smoke anymore." I was happy to see her, and even happier that she wore a short and sleeveless black leather top. It clung to her chest and left most of her abdomen exposed.
"She said I'd be healthier if I don't smoke, but nothing about me quitting soon. Can I get a beer? I noticed my period cramps aren't as bad when I drink."
"Stormi, I love you, but no. She'll pay your college tuition, but only if you quit smoking and drinking."
"That's not what she said! Don't you trust me? GAWD!"
"Sorry, but this is important." I took my cell from my pocket and tapped 'callback'. "Hey, Helen, Stormi and I were wondering..."
My niece loudly objected, "You don't trust me! You don't love me! Then FUCK YOU!" She stomped down the stairs. Her parents' house was southwest of mine, but she jogged north along the sidewalk.
I moved the phone away from my face and called out, "Wait! Whoa! Where are you going?"
It hurt intensely when she held up her middle finger and yelled, "I'll be at my friend Jackie's, if you decide you give a shit! Asshole!"
"Stormi, I'm sorry! Wait!" She turned right at the end of the block and ran out of sight. I felt tears welling up at the corners of my eyes and tried to stop them. On my phone, her mother repeatedly asked, "Hello? Hello?"
I moved it back to my ear. "Yeah, Helen?"
"If that's all it took to split you up, you two had no business being together."
I became suspicious and angry. I asked, "Did you tell her something different than you told me?"
"If a sentence or two from another person is all it takes to blow up your relationship, it's not real love, not even close."
I was suddenly furious. "You manipulative CUNT!" I hung up on her and tried calling Stormi.
I tried five more times over the next few hours, but she didn't answer me. I typed up a long text message apology, changed my mind, and deleted it. I immediately changed my mind again, wrote another, and deleted that too.
Eventually I sent her, "Stormi, I'm so very sorry. I love you! I love you more than words can say! Please come back, or at least call and let me know you're okay? If your mom won't help you pay for college, I will. It's okay if you drink here sometimes. I don't like smoking, but I'll keep buying you cigarettes and you can smoke here if you want. Please at least call me? I'm so sorry! I love you so very much, Sweetness."
At ten o'clock I decided I should go to bed, since I had to work in the morning. On the way I heard the microwave beeping. My TV dinner was room temperature and didn't look appealing at all. I tossed it out and ate a quick sandwich.
I walked upstairs and noticed Stormi's jacket on the chair in the guest room. Maybe it makes me a wimp, but I missed her intensely. I picked up the jacket and hugged it to my face. I fell asleep cuddling and sniffing it, remembering the love and happy times we shared.
I woke from a bad dream and heard glass breaking. I was too hot and suffocating! I rolled around and eventually got the jacket off my head. I took a few deep breaths, then looked around. Stormi's phone was lying on the floor next to my bed, and there was a big crack in the plastic. I flipped it over and cringed. The screen was badly broken, too. It had been in a jacket pocket. It must have broken when I rolled over on it, or when it fell to the floor.
I realized she would be even more pissed off at me, then noticed the time, 5:40am. I was supposed to be at work in only twenty minutes! I hurried to get dressed, then grabbed my phone and keys. I thought while I ran to my truck and unlocked the driver's door. I ran back in the house and grabbed the broken phone. Hopefully, I could get it repaired after work.
I didn't know her friend Jackie or where she lived. Calling Helen to find out was obviously a terrible idea. At the office my brother Frank, her father, said, "You better get a move on. They start pouring the foundation for the Jackson street house in half an hour." I was annoyed he felt the need to remind me.
I agreed, "Yeah. I'll get right over there. Listen. Stormi left her keys and phone at my place. She said she was going to stay with her friend Jackie. Any idea where she lives?"
"I dunno. I'll ask Helen. Just a minute." I sighed silently while he called his snobby bitch of a wife. After a short talk he told me, "1702 Pine street, by the corner of Pine and Seventeenth." That was obvious just from the address. I was getting sick of him treating me like a moron, but politely said, "Thanks. If you hear from Stormi, tell her I'll be there after work."
"Sure. The concrete trucks are on the way. You better get going."
I bit my tongue and clenched my fists as I walked to the parking lot. The sooner I could start my own company and get away from my brothers, the better!
At lunch time, my other brother Rodney called and added to my frustrations. "Hey Pete, could Wynter and Sunny stay with you tonight? I'm taking my wife to dinner and a hotel for our anniversary."
If it weren't for my situation with Stormi, I would have been happy to. Even if I got her to forgive me, there would be no way we could do anything romantic or intimate with her cousins in the house. I gave the excuse, "Stormi's been having some trouble lately, and I'm trying to help her out."
Rod said, "You know they like you and Stormi. They won't be any trouble. I'll owe you one."