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Scientific answers are finally starting to come, but somehow they don't make him feel better.
"We've already got some interesting results," Mia said as she led him inside. "We'll go down to Cheon-Sa's obstetrics lab first, then my neuro lab next door after lunch. We have some time before the lunch delivery, maybe 30 minutes. We've had some subjects here all morning for observation, recording everything including hormone levels and high res ultrasounds. Looks like two of them ovulated soon after arrival. Their bodies seem to know somehow to get ready for you. Still not sure how things like that are communicated. We're guessing something with the eyes, given what you discovered about eye contact already, so we're going to do some slow motion video analysis. Anyway, we're pretty sure two of them ovulated. The actual egg is too small to see, but we can see evidence of its release on the ultrasound. One subject is a few days from her period and had already ovulated last week, but still was able to ovulate again this morning. That's not supposed to happen. Multiple eggs at the same time, yes. But days later, ovulating again? Never."

"So it's real," he said, instantly hearing how dumb that sounded. "I mean, you found something new happening to our bodies, it's not just in our heads, and not magic or a miracle."

She nodded. "My thoughts exactly. And that's not all. The post-ovulation muscular contractions of their fallopian tubes are far stronger and faster than usual. Those are what bring the egg to the uterus. Then they stop about an hour after ovulation instead of the thirty hours it normally takes for the egg to travel to the uterus."

"So that lets them go from ovulation to max fertility in an hour instead of thirty?"

"Yeah, sure looks that way. But again we can't see the actual egg, so it's guesswork. Cheon-Sa thought it was set to high-speed video playback when she first saw it. Said she's never seen a fallopian tube move like that."

"Wow," he said. This was what he wanted, wasn't it? Answers were starting to come. Real, scientific answers. Why wasn't it making him feel better? What was this feeling of rising dread? Just nerves, he told himself. Relax. Understanding all of this will help.

"Alright, here we are. Beyond one-way glass are two subjects who may or may not be the girls I've been talking about," she said as she led him into a darkened observation room. Cheon-Sa and Lanying were already there, greeting him with smiles. There was one-way glass on either side, with views of two different medical examination rooms, each with a beautiful college girl sitting on an examination table. Shihan and Ming-Yue, the doctoral students he had knocked up last night, were holding ultrasound devices to the new girls' sexy bare abdomens. They were wearing hospital gowns and underwear, with the gowns pulled up to their chests out of the way.

Cheon-Sa turned to Jim, asking, "Do you have a feeling about whether they're fertile, or will be soon?"

He took an extra few seconds to look them over, as if trying to sense their fertility, but he was really just ogling them. He had no idea if they were fertile. But he was sure they were gorgeous, lovely sweet-faced tight young things with incredibly sexy bodies, recruited to his tastes with ever-increasing skill and ***********iveness. Finally he shook his head.

"Alright, stand right here. Good. Now watch subject one," Cheon-Sa said, then pressed an intercom button. "Subject one, please read the first line from the eye chart."

The girl looked up, her eyes looking directly at Jim's, but she only saw the reflection of an eye chart from a monitor behind her. She read a series of letters out loud. God, what sexy lips, and what a sweet voice. "Still can't tell," he said.

"Ok, stand over here. A step right. Good. Watch subject two." She pressed another intercom button. "Subject two, read the first line on the eye chart please."

Same thing, perfectly lined up so that it was like she was looking into his eyes as she read, but he still had no feeling at all about whether she was fertile. "Still nothing."

"Ok, two-way eye contact seems to be needed, as we thought." Cheon-Sa said. "Shall we test that theory?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement, her whole being loving this combination of her two greatest passions: scientific sleuthing and delivering new pussies to Jim. She pressed both intercom buttons together. "Phase two, helmets on, lights at max."

The two girls stood up, the exam rooms got a lot brighter, and the two doctoral students put helmets on the subjects with cameras attached, pointing backwards at their faces. Cheon-Sa put one on him too, double-checking the straps and tightening knobs to make sure the awkward heavy contraption wouldn't fall and would stay in position recording his face. She led him out and to the hallway outside one of the exam room doors. "I want to hear from you as soon as you feel something. Say 'mine' when you know she's yours, and say 'yes' or 'no' when you know whether she's fertile." Then she called out "Roll cameras, max slow motion," reaching up to start his camera.

"Rolling," he heard from the intercom. Cheon-Sa opened the door and he saw subject one. Her eyes went wide and his whole being thrilled in response to that familiar gasp he could never get used to that meant she was his.

"Mine," he said instantly, confusing the poor girl even more as her brain struggled to process her sudden lust. Then a second later he added, "Yes."

Cheon-Sa led him to the other door. Subject one crept along behind, still very confused but just knowing she wanted to stay near him. Cheon-Sa opened the door and the other one was right in front of him. She too gasped and stared at him.

"Mine," he said again. And again, just a second or two later, "Yes."

They stopped the cameras. His new thralls were staring intently at him, breathing a little heavily. God, what a sight they were, fresh lovely faces full of lust, hot tight bodies squirming, wombs so ready for him.

"Did 'yes' mean right now, or sometime soon?" Cheon-Sa asked.

"Right now," he said. He gazed hungrily at them, soaking in and returning their lustful looks, fixing them in his gaze before continuing. "These two couldn't be any more fertile," he said. They gasped at his words, then they both nodded their agreement. They knew it too.

"Well then," Cheon-Sa said, "Would either of you like to volunteer for a study of impregnation?"

"What?" breathed subject one. "You can't be serious."

"Oh god," subject two gasped as Cheon-Sa nodded.

"We're studying human reproduction, and especially Jim's reproduction. There is something special about him. About his babies."

She paused and the two staring girls both gulped at these words. Special babies. They both felt how true it was, deep down, so very deep down, all the way in their wombs. Jim could make the most unbelievably special babies. He could do it for them. In them. Right now. And he wanted to. They knew he really, really wanted to. His tented pants and his eyes made that so very crystal clear.

"Whatever is going on with Jim, it's new to science, and we want to understand it. If you agree to participate, you and your babies will be very well taken care of. We have some generous donors providing trust funds to support Jim's babies and their mothers, all the way through the babies' college education."

"Right here? Right now? With him? In front of you?" subject two asked, at first trying to sound incredulous, but utterly failing, the words coming out instead sounding breathlessly excited, hungry, each syllable even more drenched with lust than the last.

"Yes, we're hoping you'll let us watch" said Cheon-Sa. They gasped, looking shocked. "I mean that as a scientist of course. I mean I hope to be able to watch it happen using our instruments, like the ultrasound and those face cameras. It is a very important thing for science to understand better."

"Oh… Oh my god. I can't believe this, but I…" The girl he only knew as subject two trailed off, clearly about to say yes, but having a hard time getting the words out. She was squirming in place, panting.

Before she could finish, subject one blurted out, "I'll do it!"

Subject two looked like she was about to cry, until Shihan leaned in and whispered something to her.

"He can? Like, right away? Two in a row?" she asked.

There was giggling and emphatic nodding all around.

They led Jim and subject one back to her exam room and closed the door. The two quickly shed their clothes. Their face cameras were turned back on. There was no way to kiss with those helmet-mounted contraptions sticking out in front of their faces, but he settled for holding both of her hands and gazing at her, then caressing her lovely but very nervous-looking face.

He stopped, feeling strange continuing without knowing her name, among other reasons. "I'm Jim," he said. "You don't have to tell me your name if you don't want to. But I'd hate to forget anything about this, and a name would help me remember you."

"I'm Zhao," she said, smiling sweetly. That really seemed to help. Lots of things still made it weird: the helmets, the medical setting, the others watching, but none of that mattered much anymore. No longer strangers, she finally relaxed, then gasped in pleasure as he began to caress his way down her now nude body, appreciating every inch of her and following his hunches about how to touch her just right. What a gorgeous slender feminine shape, tiny waist and wide hips, long shapely legs, large thigh gap, delicate, silky smooth everywhere, and that utterly angelic sweetheart face. Just amazing. An elite university was a pretty awesome recruiting pool, and they were fucking great at recruiting for him now.

He was spiraling in toward her pussy. She widened her stance to give him access. Even her pussy was beautiful, pink and perfect and glistening. He wanted to go down on her, but it wasn't possible with the helmet. He teased around it with light caresses, closer and closer until she was gasping and bucking out towards him. She was so wet when his fingers finally arrived, moaning with such urgent desire, and when he felt her tight entrance clenching on his fingertip, he couldn't wait either. So he didn't.

He stood up and laid her back onto the exam table, legs spread wide. He lined himself up, rubbing his tip along her slit and teasing her with it just a little before lodging it in her entrance. Oh my god that felt good. Just that tiny hint of the embrace of her pussy right at the very tip of his shaft, so incredibly pleasurable already, the sight of it so sexy, her body all stretched out below him on the exam table, yet another sexy fertile hottie offering herself up to him, dying to get him inside her. He paused, savoring the anticipation and desire, soaking it in, while Cheon-Sa noticed he was bending his knees slightly and pressed a button on the side of the table to raise it a couple inches.

He locked eyes with her again and began to slide into that gorgeous body, loving the reaction on her face, stunned, overwhelmed with the pleasure of it, eyes going unfocused at the delight of feeling him stretching her open, filling her, taking her. God, what a rush. It just never got old. That first moment of penetration. A new pussy spreading around him, embracing him. The pleasure of each new millimeter of it, the feeling of conquest, her incredibly sexy gasps and moans, her tight sexy body bucking and squirming, squeezing him, welcoming him, urging him on, needing him so badly deep inside where they both knew her fertile egg awaited.

Cheon-Sa turned the ultrasound screen so he couldn't see it. "Jim, stop and tell me when you get that feeling that you're at the most fertile spot."

He finally bottomed out, deep inside her, fully joined with her. He repositioned slightly, changing the angle, pressing around in there until he found that perfect spot that always gave him an extra jolt of pleasure. "There," he said, holding still.

"Yes, good. Hold on a sec," she said, clicking with the mouse at the ultrasound computer, taking measurements. "Another angle," she said to Shihan, who moved the ultrasound device around. More rapid mouse clicks. "Got it," Cheon-Sa said. "Ok Jim, you can move, then whenever you want to, try that again and tell me when you feel you're there."

He began to thrust, slowly, deeply, savoring the incredible sensations, gazing over her body, caressing her, playing with her lovely breasts, showing her with his eyes how gorgeous and special he thought she was, and soon they were both able to almost forget about the strangeness of the setting, the helmets, the ultrasound machine, the eyes and devices observing them. All of those distractions were nothing compared to the pleasure. They couldn't take away from this, make it less special. It was important to her, and to him. The fact that it still felt so right and so perfect despite all those distractions was just another amazing thing about it.

He pushed deep on the next thrust, quickly finding that perfect spot that felt so right and holding there. "I'm there," he said.

More mouse clicks from the ultrasound computer. Shihan changed the angle again. More clicks. Then Cheon-Sa turned the screen to show him. "Bullseye, again. Exactly centered on the cervical opening. Impressive. That's all we need on that. Proceed."

He resumed his thrusting, again quickly forgetting about the medical setting, and was soon stroking powerfully into her body as she squirmed and bucked in pleasure, his fingers strumming her clit just right, her moans growing higher, both of them feeling their orgasms approaching as their heads were filled with thoughts of the perfect baby they were about to make.

"Wait, what's that?" Cheon-Sa asked. "There, behind the cervix. Zoom in. Hold still a second, please." He groaned but complied. He was so close, just barely holding on. Zhao was close too, clenching on him, giving a high pitched whine of frustration when he stopped. The others were all gathered around the screen, looking close, so he couldn't see.

He was using all of his control to hold back his orgasm, but Zhao was already over the edge. She squirmed slightly on him as her orgasm broke with a sexy gasp and moan. He resumed strumming her clit as she rode it out, trying to keep still. God that was sexy, watching her come on him, feeling her orgasmic spasms, and it was also weirdly fun to see those spasms in the ultrasound. They had zoomed back out to wait for her orgasm since it was causing too much movement to see whatever they had wanted to zoom in on before.

He never knew the cervix could move so much. Neither did Mia. "Is her cervix pumping?" she asked.

"Yes, exactly," Cheon-Sa answered. "That's normal. The female orgasm makes the cervix pump semen into the uterus."

Oh god. That thought almost did it, almost broke his control. He could see his tip in the ultrasound, right there, right where her cervix was pumping, milking, sucking at him, so thirsty for his seed, working so hard trying to pull it inside where her egg awaited. But he held on somehow.

Finally her orgasmic spasms subsided and they were able to zoom in on something just inside her cervix. A speck, a little blob floating in there was all he saw before they crowded in close around the monitor again, blocking his view and talking in hushed, intense voices as they zoomed in farther.

"Still waiting," he reminded them through gritted teeth.

"One second," Cheon-Sa responded, her mouse busily clicking. "Ok Jim, proceed but if possible try to minimize movement."

He groaned. He was close, but could he really come without moving much? He started doing very tiny, very gentle thrusts, just pulling out a few millimeters then pushing back in, holding tight on her hips to try to avoid moving her body. It was exquisite but slow, agonizingly slow, the pleasure building ever higher but not breaking. With every tiny thrust his tip came back to that perfect spot, each time jolting him again with pleasure. He thought of her spasming cervix, so hungry for his seed, right there in front of his tip, and the beautiful baby she would make for him, and then with one slightly harder thrust he felt his orgasm begin to break. It happened in slow motion, his cock swelling, that agonizing moment of peak pleasure drawing out forever, his breath stopping, his whole body shuddering, then finally, finally he released, spurting deep inside her fertile body, pulsing out his seed, breathing again in gasps, seeing stars, the slow-motion waves of pleasure going on and on, but still managing to hold mostly still as his cock continued to spasm in her.

"Is it moving? Hold really still, you two. Oh my god, it's moving."

"Propulsion! How? Are there cilia? They'd be too small to see."

He still couldn't see the screen. They were all crowded in, talking excitedly.

"It's in the cloud of semen now."

"It's pulsing."

"Like it's breathing, or drinking."

The scientists' voices were giddy, breathless. They were beyond excited. They all seemed to be having like the science version of an orgasm.

A gasp from Zhao. He looked up at her and knew.

"Now," he said. "We just got that feeling she's pregnant." The joy was welling up, beautiful perfect bliss, his eyes locked with Zhao, sharing this unbelievably special moment, only slightly distracted by the contagious excitement of the scientists.

"Pulsing has stopped. It's retreating. Follow it, don't lose it. Hold still you two. Shihan, I'll take over, get the hysteroscope."

Shihan moved out of the way and Jim finally saw the screen. He gasped. In the center was a pear-shaped blob with braided strands coming out of the fat end. Grainy and small in the picture, but clearly the same shape. Just exactly like that hard-won vision, exactly like the drawing in his wallet.

"I've seen that," he said. "Last night, in my head. I drew it. Look at the drawing in my wallet."

They all stared at him for a few seconds in shock. Then Mia bent down to retrieve his wallet from his pants on the floor and got out the drawing. She held it up right next to the monitor.

"What the?"

"Holy shit."

That rising dread again. Prophetic visions. Alien-looking pods. He had been so sure that getting scientific answers would help, would make this all feel less crazy, but instead he felt like he was in a horror movie.

"Scope ready," Shihan said, at his side.

"Excuse us Jim, we need to get in there."

He pulled out and staggered back out of the way. He was suddenly feeling cold. Shivering. He found his clothes and quickly dressed as he watched them. They were putting a thin tube with a light on the end into Zhao's vagina. He could see its camera output on another monitor, and soon he could see the tip of the camera on the ultrasound screen. They used the ultrasound to position it near the pear-shaped pod, which was now just a faint outline on the ultrasound, barely visible against the uterine wall. Finally they got the camera in position and there it was, in high-resolution detail on the other monitor, in full color, exactly like his vision, tiny hairs and all.

"That's it. That's exactly what I saw. I don't know what it is. I just know it's important."

"It is. Jim, this explains everything. Those tiny hair-like things are cilia. That's how it moves. Those braided strands in its tether, see how there are three of them, two thicker and one thinner? They connect to the uterine wall, like a tiny umbilical cord. We can see the blood flow in the bigger strands, red going in, blue going out. The other has to be nerves. That's the signal. That's how our bodies know so fast, before implantation. This little pod holds the egg, collects sperm, then sends nerve signals to the body when the egg inside is fertilized. It's the answer. No magic. Just biology."

"New biology," Lanying added. "I've never heard of anything quite like this, in any species."

"Did I put that pod in her?"

"No, it's part of her body. She grew it."

"I think I need to sit down," he said. There wasn't a spare chair in the room. Mia took his arm and led him out, back to the observation room, where he sat, taking deep breaths, avoiding looking through the glass into the exam room and glad he couldn't hear the conversation there.

Just biology. Why wasn't that reassuring? Maybe it still would be, but it wasn't yet, at all. They'd study it more, understand it better soon. Maybe that would help. And maybe it was just his initial visceral reaction to its appearance. Everything looks creepy on an ultrasound, he told himself. It shouldn't be a surprise to be grossed out by seeing what any body part looks like from the inside. Everything looks alien that way. This kind of thing was what he should have expected. He didn't believe in miracles or magic. It had to be something like this, something gross and wet and fleshy.

After a few minutes, he was feeling better. He looked up. In Zhao's room, they still had the camera thing inside Zhao although they weren't paying any attention to it. He looked quickly away from those screens, not wanting to be creeped out again. They were talking, standing over Shihan as she worked on her laptop. He looked in the other room and gasped. Ming-Yue was still in there with the other subject, who was now completely nude on the exam table, legs spread wide, arching her back and squirming as Ming-Yue pressed the ultrasound device against her clit, using the thing like a vibrator. Fuck, that looked hot.

Mia giggled, following his eyes and seeing his reaction. "Looks like you're needed in room two. Go ahead if you want. I'll let the others know."


Back in the other exam room, right after Jim left, Cheon-Sa said, "There's no way she just grew this pod since this morning. Human tissue doesn't grow that fast."

Lanying asked, "Can we check? We did scans this morning right?"

"Yeah, good call, I'll pull those up."

She flicked through images, finally finding one from this morning of the right place, in the center of Zhao's uterus where the pod currently rested. It was there. It wasn't at all surprising they had missed it before. It was very hard to make it out against the uterine wall, but now that they knew where to look and what to look for, it was unmistakeable, although partly obscured by the tangles of its own cord around it, in that same place halfway up her uterus. Cheon-Sa clicked on each end of it to measure its length.

"Yeah, exact same size this morning. So no magical rapid growth."

"But how would her body know to get ready? Jim didn't meet any of us until less than two days ago, and we only started planning to bring in these subjects last night." Lanying said. Then her eyes went wide. "Unless. Oh my god. Cheon-Sa, do you have any scans of other women recently?"

"Yes, one of my other doctoral students is running a study with ultrasounds. Let me pull some of those up."

She only had to pull up a few files before she found one with a good picture of the right place, zoomed in near the middle of another random woman's uterus, taken two weeks ago. It hadn't been noted by her student, but now that they knew what to look for it was easy to spot. They all gasped when they saw it. She had the pod too. The next two she pulled up had them too, both from different women last week.

"That's three out of three. Could it be that every woman has this now? Or maybe just every woman near Jim, or near where Jim is planning to travel? But still, that's so many. Wouldn't someone have noticed?"

"Maybe they have. Shihan, search for recent articles on uterine cysts."

It didn't take her long. Scientists had indeed noticed, recently, in the past couple weeks. It hadn't made the news yet because the research was all still in the preprint stage, and frankly the researchers weren't sure what to make of it yet, and hadn't found any reason for concern about health impacts. There were a few dozen preprint articles already, from all over the world. They were calling them novel benign uterine tethered cysts. There were pictures. Shihan pulled one of the pictures up. It matched. Same shape, same size, same cord, and in the same place in the middle of the uterus.

"Biopsy results show normal tissue, not cancerous. They stubbornly grow back in a week if removed," Shihan reported as she quickly scanned the abstracts. "No cases found in pregnant women, post-menopausal women, or minors. What, really? It says literally no cases in anyone before their eighteenth birthday." The others frowned at this. Eighteen? Human reproductive systems weren't known to give a damn about that exact number.

"Search for pregnancy or fertility in those preprints," Cheon-Sa suggested.

Shihan's fingers flew on the keyboard. "Nothing, except what I mentioned about no cases in pregnant women."

"What about propulsion? That thing was moving."

"No, no mention of propulsion either. If anyone had seen the movement we saw, I think that'd be their top finding in the title and abstract."

"And we'd have heard about it on the news," Lanying added.

"And they'd be famous," Shihan said, wistfully.

"Shihan," Cheon-Sa said, "I know you're publication-hungry, as you should be at this stage of your career. But you know we can't publish anything about this, right? Or tell anyone."

"Right, I know. I won't. But it's just fun to imagine writing the article, presenting the research, blowing everyone's minds."

"Yeah, it is. This is crazy. Too crazy though. You wouldn't even be famous, you'd be laughed at. Especially if they couldn't reproduce any of it without Jim around."

"I know."

"Oh wow," Shihan continued after a pause. "I must have skipped past the most recent article before. It's… everywhere. It's now in every woman they screen, globally. And they did a retrospective analysis of older scans from before the cysts were first noticed, and found that they all suddenly started appearing a month ago. Not a single one before that, going back years. The earliest cases were in Oregon. Isn't that where Jim is from? Then they get more and more common, and the spread has epidemic characteristics, hitting global travel hubs and big cities first and spreading from there. And as of one week ago they're finding it in literally every woman they screen everywhere in the world."

There was a hushed silence as this all sank in. Spreading like a disease. Billions of those pods, one lying in wait in every womb.

That was when Mia came back. "What did I miss? Is everything ok?"

There was a long silence.

"Is everything ok?" she asked again.

"Sorry," Shihan said, "That's a hard question. We're all still thinking about it."

"Ok then. While you're all thinking about that deep philosophical question I asked, Jim is with subject two already, in case you want to observe that. Replicate the same observations, or something different?"

They all got up and rushed to the other exam room.

"Um, hello? Forget something?" Zhao called out, the hysteroscope still dangling out of her pussy. Shihan rushed back in to help her.

They arrived just in time. Jim was pounding into Jinyu's beautiful body, driving her toward her second orgasm, getting ready to explode inside her and fill her with his seed.

"Slow down a sec Jim," Cheon-Sa said as she took over the ultrasound from Ming-Yue. She zoomed in just inside the cervix and there it was, just like with Zhao, that little pod hovering there at the end of its tether, just inside the cervix, like an eager puppy straining at its leash.

"Jim, after you finish, Ming-Yue is going to cover your eyes," Cheon-Sa said. Subject two, if you feel sure that you're pregnant, say so immediately. Jim, same for you, tell us right away when you know. Ok, proceed."

He resumed pounding. She loved it hard, and that was perfect for him right now, after the surprisingly stressful experience of seeing the pod on the ultrasound. He had turned the ultrasound monitor away before he began with Jinyu. He was glad to not be able to see it. Her lithe sexy body was bucking up against each powerful thrust, shaking and grunting higher and higher with each impact. She was close. He slowed, switching to slow sensuous deep strokes, holding her at the edge while swirling her clit. She groaned in frustration, bucking up at him, so close, agonizingly close to coming. God that was hot. What a sight, what fun to be in such control, to drive her so wild, this sweet-faced sexy hellcat of a stranger, this incredible conquest, this extremely fertile body who he would soon knock up. Those thoughts did it. He was at the brink.

"Jinyu, I'm ready," he said. "I'm going to knock you up so hard."

"Yes," she gasped. "Oh! Oh! Yes!" she shrieked as he began to pound her again and her orgasm peaked in a violent explosion of grunts and cries, stretching and writhing as he impaled her over and over, soon joining her in his own powerful orgasm, not stopping, just blasting his seed into her and pounding it home until their orgasms subsided. Ming-Yue put her hand over his eyes as he slowed and then stopped his thrusts.

"Ok, hold still now, both of you, and speak up right away if you know."

"Shoot, I lost it. Zooming back out. Damn Jim, what did you do to her poor cervix? Alright I found it again. Zooming in. There it is. It's in the semen, pulsing already. It stopped."

"Now," Jinyu said with a gasp.

"Jim, do you feel it?"

"No. I know because she said it, but I don't really know."

"Ok, hold on, I want those face cameras for this." He felt them fastening the helmet on him.

"Rolling max slow motion."


Ming-Yue removed her hand from his eyes. Jinyu was gazing at him, her face full of joy, happy tears on her cheeks. And he knew. "Now," he said, a huge smile spreading across his face. The joy filled him, so intense, so complete, leaving no room for worries, no room for thoughts of inexplicable prophetic visions or pulsating fleshy alien-looking pods. For a minute, everything was right with the world. Jinyu's baby, their baby, was a miracle. Pure happiness, pure bliss. He gazed at her, feeling so connected to her, wiping away her happy tears, wishing he could kiss her. They stopped the cameras and took off the helmets and he finally got to. A first kiss, tender, joyful, wonderful. She clung to him, clenching her pussy on his shaft still buried deep inside her. Zero horror movie vibe whatsoever, the moment so completely good, peaceful perfection, utter satisfaction.

"Got any more subjects?" he asked, sounding hopeful.

They all laughed, especially Jinyu. What a thing to say with his cock still deep in her pussy, still basking together in the joy of her impregnation. And what a thrill that there was no jealousy, as always. They wanted him to have more. They were so turned on by the thought of it, so eager to share him.

"Yes, we have two more across the hall who I know you'll love. You can meet them, one might be ready, the other won't be yet," Cheon-Sa said.

A minute later he was dressed again and in another observation room across the hall, feasting his eyes through the one-way glass on two more beautiful subjects in exam rooms three and four as Cheon-Sa read from a lab notebook and briefed them on their status. Subject three was on the pill, so it had taken a couple hours for her hormone levels to come back down before she could ovulate. She had ovulated almost an hour ago. Subject four had been set aside to test if she would ovulate without eye contact with any of them. She had only seen a lab tech who wasn't one of them. To check if there was some airborne signaling going on, they had blindfolded her and brought her into the room with everyone for a few minutes, but she still hadn't ovulated.

"Seems like eye contact with one of us is required," Cheon-Sa said. "It's been long enough. Time to trigger it. Ming-Yue, please go introduce yourself to subject four, then monitor her for signs of ovulation. Jim and Shihan, come along with me."

Subject three gasped and stared when she saw Jim. Cheon-Sa introduced him as an "Expert visiting from the United States," and asked if it would be ok with her if he observed her next ultrasound.

She gulped, then nodded. She stared at Jim, her eyes wide, squirming and gripping the table as they got the ultrasound machine ready.

"Lift up your gown and lie back please."

Eyes now smoldering with lust and fixed on his, she slowly raised her gown, revealing her gorgeous shapely legs inch by inch, finally revealing her panties and then her tight flat belly. Lying back on the table, she spread her legs slightly, subtly pressing her crotch toward him, eyes still locked with his, just pouring out desire. He let her see him slowly gaze appreciatively over her sexy body, then returned to her eyes and gave her the same intense look of lust back. Holy shit they had gotten so good at recruiting. This girl was so fucking hot, and so ready for him.

Shihan began the ultrasound and announced that the fallopian tube was still rapidly spasming. Jim avoided looking at the monitor. He'd had enough of that. They'd tell him the important stuff, he didn't need to actually see it. And oh my god was it fun to look at her. The sexual tension was so delicious and still rising.

"Jim, status?" Cheon-Sa asked.

"Not quite there. Soon though," he said.

"Shihan, see if you can locate that, uh, anomaly we observed in the other subjects."

After a minute, Shihan announced, "It's not there in the middle, but I found its cord and I'm following it. The cord has no slack, so it must be as far up as it can reach." Another long silence. Cheon-Sa leaned in closer to the monitor to watch. Jim was glad her head blocked his view.

He stepped closer to subject three, wanting so badly to touch her and using the excuse of tucking her gown further out of the way of the ultrasound. She gasped, arched and quivered under just that slight touch. God damn she was wound up. He started to pull his hands away but she grabbed one, holding tight, and he let her, smiling down at her.

"There," Cheon-Sa whispered. "It's there. Right at the end of the fallopian tube. What's that around it?"

"Zooming in," Shihan said. "Hold on, let me try a different angle. There."

"Wow, it's like a spider web over the end of the fallopian tube."

Jesus, Jim thought, there are fucking spider webs involved now? Jim hated spiders. Just when he thought it couldn't get creepier. He focused on not looking, but it was already creepy enough in his imagination.

"Stay here. It's been almost an hour of those fallopian tube spasms, it's due soon."

Sure enough, a couple minutes later the spasms stopped. Shihan and Cheon-Sa leaned in again, watching closely.

"It's moving. It's doing something to the web. Those are pieces of the web drifting away. It's turning around, heading back down."

"Jim, status now? Feel any different?"

"Yes. It just changed. Feels very close now. A few minutes maybe."

"Until what?" subject three asked, still holding his hand, now with both of hers, caressing it.

"Until you become so fertile that a tiny drop of semen would knock you up."

"Fertile? Oh my god. How? I'm on the pill."

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Cheon-Sa said. "Jim seems to have this effect on women, even ones who are on the pill. By the way, Jim, I'm turning the screen away, let me know right when you feel she's at max fertility."

"He's… done this to other women?"

"Yes, many times."

"And then what happens next? When they all get so very fertile?" She was panting, almost drooling with lust, squirming, staring at Jim. She brought his hand up and guided it to cup her breast, pressing it there, making him squeeze it.

"Well, then they have to decide what they want," he said.

"Oh god. And then you, you would just, give it to me right now? I mean, to them, right then?"

"Yes. I would give you anything you want, you gorgeous angel."

She groaned and panted, staring at him.

"I… I think I want… Oh fuck how can I want it so much?"

"Because you already know it's perfect," Shihan said. "And it will be even better than you think it will be, far better. You won't regret it for a second, ever."

Shihan's voice sounded completely sincere, utterly certain, serene. But Jim noticed her eyes didn't match her voice. She looked worried, pale, tense.

"It's true. It feels so right. You won't regret it," Cheon-Sa added. "And your baby will be taken care of. We have trust funds to support his babies and their mothers through college."

Jim watched Cheon-Sa's face as she spoke, and saw the same thing. Worry in her eyes, nervousness, alarm even, a look totally unlike the calm confidence in her voice.

"Did he already… did he have both of you?" she asked, still not looking at them, her lust-filled eyes focusing only on Jim.

"Yes, he did," Shihan said.

"Are you both… pregnant?"

"Yes," said Cheon-sa.

"Now," Jim said. "She's at max fertility now."

"Yup, the pod just reached the cervix," Shihan confirmed.

"Jim, I want your baby. So much. Oh my god, yes. Jim, please do it! Take me!"

In moments he had her panties off and was between her legs, his pants falling around his ankles, her shapely smooth tight body spread out before him, her extremely wet warm slippery folds kissing his tip, her hips bucking and squirming, blinding seeking to drive herself onto him. He teased her for just a few seconds, running it along her slit, then pushed down and felt that incredible feeling of her entrance beginning to tightly embrace his tip, and stopped, holding her hips, preventing her from bucking her way onto him.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Shen. Oh! Yes! Oh that's so good!" As soon as she said her name he had begun to push inside her, and just the first few inches were already overwhelming her with pleasure. He stopped to let her adjust, just gazing at her beautiful face and caressing her until she managed to get control of her breathing and open her eyes.

"Shen," he whispered, eyes locked with hers, pushing again, loving the feeling, loving the look of penetration in her eyes as he pushed further into her delicious hyper-fertile body, the pleasure so exquisite, the conquest so satisfying, her body shape and her face a dream, her gasps and moans of pleasure so wildly erotic, so urgent. He pushed again, slowly, deliciously sliding fully into her, pressing hard against her as she squirmed against him, panting, just utterly stunned by the sensations. God what a moment. It just never got old. Shen was his. A stranger minutes ago. And now their bodies were fully joined, his tip pressed deep inside her, so close to where her fertile egg awaited.

He had only just begun to move in her when Mia's voice came over the intercom from the observation room, sounding a little breathless, telling them lunch had arrived.

"No, don't go! Can you finish? Please, please come in me!"

"Together," he said, spitting on his fingers and bringing them to her clit, his deep sensuous thrusts growing more urgent.

"Oh god, that's so good. Don't wait for me, just do it, I take forever to come."

"No you don't," he said, smiling. He changed the angle slightly and increased the pressure on her clit, swirling it slowly in time with his deep thrusts.

"Oh! What? How? Oh my god! How can it feel so good? Oh my god I'm getting close!"

"Me too. Come for me. I'm going to fill you, Shen!"

"Yes! Yes! Knock me up! Ah!" she cried out as her pleasure peaked, her back arching, her head thrown back, clenching deliciously on him, the sight and sound and feeling of her orgasm just infinitely sexy, just utterly irresistibly contagious. He made his final plunge into her spasming body, quickly finding that perfect spot, gripping her hips tightly to hold her still there while his cock swelled, the pleasure peaking, and then he was spurting deep inside her, right into her cervix, then thrusting again and again, the pleasure so perfect, the feeling of conquest so powerful, wave after wave of pleasure washing over them. He slowed as their orgasms dwindled, then leaned in to kiss and caress her lovely face as they recovered and waited for it, for that beautiful joy he knew was coming.

"How? I've never… How could it feel so good?" she asked, her eyes full of wonder.

"Just wait," Shihan said, "it's about to be the best part."

"What? Oh! Oh my god, I feel it." She looked back at him, eyes wide with surprise and growing joy, and it hit him too. Shen was pregnant. This gorgeous sexy angel he had just met would make him such a beautiful, perfect baby. Pure bliss welling up, filling them both, no room for any other thoughts, just utter happiness together, profoundly connected, kissing and laughing and wiping away each other's tears of joy. They stayed together for just one more blissful, beautiful minute, then he pulled out and they got dressed. He gave the giddy, lovely, newly expectant mother of his baby a last hug and kiss before he left.

Shihan stayed behind talking to the three newly expectant mothers in the hallway. She gave them each pink contact cards and a few pages of details about his preferences, and told them about the party tonight. As Jim stepped onto the elevator with Mia, Cheon-Sa, and Lanying, he heard Zhao asking Shihan, "Is there a limit to how many we can bring tonight? I know so many girls he'd love."

As they rode the elevator up, Mia asked, "Feeling better? Looked like you might throw up there for a minute."

"Yeah, I guess I got a little squeamish seeing the ultrasounds and everything. I'm not used to seeing things like that." As he spoke he knew it was only half-true. It wasn't just squeamishness. He needed to process his feelings more, but it wasn't just that it was gross.

"Nobody's used to that," Lanying said. "Nobody has ever seen what we saw."

"I know, but maybe you're a little more prepared for it, looking at things like that for your work. It just caught me off guard, just grossed me out I guess. I'm ok now though. I still want to know, I still want the answers, but maybe not with all the gory details and pictures. Just give me the take-aways. I don't need to see any more fleshy pulsating pods, and definitely not any wombs full of fucking spider webs."

They laughed and nodded. "No problem, I understand," Mia said. "I hope it didn't spoil your appetite."

It hadn't. Delicious smells hit him as soon as the elevator doors opened. Across the hall they had lunch set up in a small seminar room.

"Wow, smells amazing. Is this your everyday lunch?"

"No," Mia said, laughing. "Susu sent it over. A special treat for you. And speaking of, let me introduce you to some colleagues we invited from all around campus. I'm sure they're dying to find out who the special guest is."

She led him into the room and introduced him to twelve gorgeous women. Two of them, Lilavati & Sejal, were Indian. Lilivati was a doctoral student and Sejal was a professor. There was a Malaysian doctoral student named Nur, an Indonesian postdoc named Bulan, a Vietnamese professor named Duyen, a Thai professor named Aranya, a Japanese professor named Akari, two Chinese lab techs named Guan and Ziyi, a Chinese doctoral student named Yang, a Chinese post doc named Ju Jing, and a Chinese professor named Min-Zhan.

He gazed at each stunningly beautiful, stunned face as each of them in turn became his, their beautiful intelligent eyes filling with lust while Jim marveled at how good they were getting at recruiting. Those gorgeous shapely bodies. Those lovely faces. And above all those eyes. All different, but all in their own way wise, soulful, piercingly intelligent, captivating him the way Mia's eyes had when he first saw her from the van and was unable to speak to even introduce himself. Same with Lanying, or Cheon-Sa. Experts in their fields, full of wisdom, confidence, competence. Intelligence just radiating from those eyes. What a huge thrill it was to think of combining his DNA with these amazing, accomplished women. They were brilliant, powerful, original, free-spirited, their minds capable of anything. They'd make him such incredibly perfect babies, and be such wonderful mothers.

Lunch was absolutely delicious, the smells, the tastes, and especially the sexual tension and anticipation. Twelve of them, twelve gorgeous new thralls, all brilliant, all getting wet for him as they ate and chatted together. He just knew their pussies were clenching with need for him, their bodies working as hard as they could to get fertile for him by tonight, when he knew he would have them all. Innuendo, lustful stares, whispers, unbuttoning the top few buttons of their shirts to entice him. Soon several of them couldn't keep their hands or feet off him, playing footsie under the table, naughty fingers and feet reaching out to covertly stroke him from all sides, the smell of their arousal rising, rivaling and adding a wonderful funk to the delicious smells from the food. It was so intense from the start, and just kept getting more so, the room soon teetering on the brink of breaking out into an all-out orgy.

Across from him, Akari, the Japanese professor, said, "Oops, I dropped my napkin." With a mischievous smile, she disappeared under the table, producing a chorus of gasps and squeals from the others. Soon he felt her hands at his crotch, unzipping his fly, hauling him out, and sliding him into her mouth. Her very, very talented mouth. Her mouth that delivered brilliant lectures to rooms full of students was now wrapped around his cock, sucking and swirling and driving him wild. He groaned with pleasure, echoed by another round of even more excited gasps and squeals from the audience. He glanced around at the gorgeous sight of all their eyes on him, all watching with such intense desire as Akari blew him under the table, the sensations exquisite. No jealousy. His face and his moans left no doubt about exactly what was happening under the table. They fucking loved seeing him pleasured by someone else. God that was hot.

Emboldened by Akari's brazen actions, Sejal, the Indian professor to his left had his hand and was guiding it slowly up her skirt. Nur, the Malaysian doctoral student to his right gasped as she saw this, then quickly captured his other hand and spread her legs to do the same. His fingers found and delighted in their slick pussies. He dipped a fingertip slightly inside each of them, reveling in their heavenly tightness, then strumming their clits, producing such sexy moans, echoed by a chorus of the others watching, all of them now touching themselves. Min-Zhan, the Chinese professor, was standing behind him holding a piece of sushi in her lips and leaned down to feed it to him with her mouth.

That was when Mia intervened to put a stop to it, concerned that things were about to get out of control, and aware of the window in the door through which anyone passing by might see. She passed out white cards, told them all she hoped they could all make it to Jim's party tonight and led him out, along with Cheon-Sa, Lanying, Mia, and the two lab techs Guan and Ziyi.

Guan and Ziyi had been sitting too far away from him to touch him during lunch. Making up for lost time, they were instantly all over him in the elevator, kissing and groping and pressing their squirming bodies against him. They quickly composed themselves when the elevator opened at the ground floor, then they all walked together through the campus crowds to another building next door. There were gorgeous sexy bodies everywhere, but Jim managed to keep his eyes down.

On the way down the elevator to the basement MRI lab, Mia said, "I met with Guan and Ziyi first thing this morning in person to make sure they could be here to assist with your MRI scans. That means they're probably fertile by now, right?"

"Yes, very," he said, looking hungrily down at the two squirming, panting, gorgeous girls grinding against him from either side. The elevator doors opened and they stepped out, following Mia.

"Well, I need them to be able to focus on their work, so would you mind taking care of them quickly first before we start?"

He nodded eagerly. He was so fucking turned on from all that teasing at lunch. As soon as they were inside the MRI lab, he led Guan and Ziyi to a desk, guiding them to lean forward over it while Mia hurried to shut the door behind them.

He pushed Guan's skirt up and her panties down, and in seconds he was sliding inside her. Deep in another new pussy, another gorgeous fertile sweetheart, her eager inner muscles embracing him so tightly, her cries of pleasure so wild, so intense. How fast could he make her come? She was so worked up from lunch too, thrilled by how quickly and suddenly he had taken her, stunned by the overwhelming pleasure his penetration brought, and then utterly blown away by how perfect his fingers felt when he began to strum her clit. Hard, deep thrusts, exquisite pleasure, the thrill of conquest, both of them groaning higher already. Less than a minute and they were both close.

"Do it, do it! Knock me up! Ahh! I'm coming!" she cried, stretching and shaking, spasming with a powerful orgasm. He joined her a few strokes later, pressing deep into her tight fertile channel and blasting his seed into her womb. They savored a few more deep strokes as they rode out their orgasms.

Jim's attention was already on Ziyi, next to him. She had taken her pants and panties completely off, and she had one hand at her pussy, stroking furiously, watching them, panting and groaning with need. He pulled out, stepped behind Ziyi, and savored a long slow first stroke into her, not stopping until he was pressed all the way inside. So fucking great. Oh my god, it just never got old. The unbelievable pleasure and satisfaction of that first stroke into a new pussy. It didn't matter that he had felt the same way about his first stroke into a hundred and twenty-six other new pussies in the past day and a half. Ziyi had been a stranger less than an hour ago, and now he was balls deep in her, and she was gasping and moaning like she had never felt anything half as pleasurable in her life, and she was about to bear his children, and she was just so beautiful and sexy, and it was just all so fucking mind-blowing, like it was all completely new.

He grabbed her tiny waist and began to thrust, just loving her sexy body shape, the sight of her little pink pussy lips wrapped around his cock, and the sounds of her approaching orgasm. She was doing a great job coming quickly. She clearly knew what she was doing with her own clit; no need to assist her there. He sped up, thinking about the baby she'd make for him, trying to come with her. He was almost there when she blasted off, clenching and pushing back against him and crying out, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" with each wave of pleasure. She was coming so fucking hard, just loving it, just wild with passion. It was so hot, so intense, so beautiful. It quickly brought him right to the edge.

She was still in the throes of it and he was almost at his own peak when he heard Guan gasp next to him. He glanced at her and knew she was pregnant. Joy welling up, he made a final deep plunge into Ziyi, his pleasure peaking impossibly, two kinds of bliss mixing, a dizzying combined peak of orgasmic pleasure and the joy of Guan's impregnation as he blasted his seed into Ziyi, continuing in waves as Guan kissed him and he rode out the rest of his orgasm deep inside of Ziyi, knowing his seed was seeping into her womb too, knowing the joy would soon double, but feeling like it couldn't possibly get any better. Pure bliss, ultimate satisfaction. And then Ziyi gasped and looked back at him and it did double, it did get better. So fucking incredible. Kissing and crying and clinging to each other, so connected to them, so full of pure happiness together. God that was good. So fucking good.

And so efficient. Two minutes. Two mind-blowing orgasms. A drop of semen in each one, plenty to knock her hyper-fertile body up. He felt weirdly proud of what a well-oiled breeding machine he had become. No, he thought, slight correction: I'm a cog in a well-oiled breeding machine that's much bigger than myself. But a damn good cog. A fucking sex god of a cog.

The two lab techs got dressed and got to work, still radiating joy. Soon the MRI machine was sliding him into position to scan his head. He was still awash in bliss, still unable to think of anything else. Those two gorgeous creatures were pregnant with his babies. The machine stopped whirring and slid him back out. He waited. He could hear their voices in the control room, hushed, unintelligible, intense. It was taking a long time. He looked over. Through the glass he could see Mia with her phone to her ear. Her face was pale, full of worry. Cheon-Sa glanced at him. Same. They looked like they'd seen a ghost. Oh, shit. What was it?

He started to get up but Guan and Ziyi made him lie back down.

"Just wait, stay right there. It's ok."

He wasn't so sure it was ok. Mia's face did not look ok as she talked on the phone. After a minute she stepped back into the room, phone still at her ear. "Guan and Ziyi, we're going to scan him again, full body this time." Then she retreated back into the control room, resuming her phone conversation.

The machine soon slid him back in, continuing all the way through this time as it slowly scanned his full body.

After it was done, Ziyi sat holding his hand while they waited. The hushed voices continued in the other room for a few long, agonizing minutes. Then Mia came back in, followed by the others.

"Jim, we need to send you to Xiang's hospital for more tests, and to meet some more doctors."

"What is it?"

"I don't know. I don't want to alarm you by guessing. We need to do more tests."

"I'm alarmed already. You look pretty freaked out, all of you. What is it?"

"You didn't want to hear the gory details right? Just the takeaways. I don't have a diagnosis yet."

"Fuck that, I'm changing my mind. Spill it. What the fuck did you see that made you turn white?"

"Ok. Again, I don't know what it is. But whatever it is, it's everywhere in your body. Nodules connected by networks. Intertwined with every vital organ. It looks like very late-stage metastatic cancer to me, but it can't be."

"Why not?"

"Because you'd be dead months ago before it ever got half this far, and before that you'd have been in excruciating pain and dead tired all the time for months."

"Jesus. Well, yeah, I've been feeling fine. I guess that's kind of reassuring?"

"Yeah, kinda, right? We don't know. None of us are oncologists. But I do have one take-away for you. You can't see any doctors who aren't one of us, and you definitely can't let outsiders see any medical scans of you. Not even dental X-Rays. Don't let anyone else scan you, no matter what. Even if you're in a car accident and break half the bones in your body, you refuse emergency care, call us, wait for us to come get you. You need to see only our own doctors, nurses, and lab techs. Xiang is going to introduce you to some today, and you'll need to work on that on your own back home. Build yourself your own clinic. We'll fund it."

"What if I'm in an accident and I'm unconscious?"

"Then hopefully your wife is conscious and she tells them. Sorry to bring up your wife. But you're going to need her to know what to do in case she's making medical decisions for you. Or at least you can carry a card in your wallet saying do not scan me. Some people do that, like if they've had too much lifetime radiation exposure already. But ER docs still might ignore that card, assuming the risk of radiation doesn't matter compared to a traumatic injury."

"What would happen if an outsider saw my scans?"

"Well, if it was here in China you'd be quarantined immediately. You'd lose your freedom. The only people you'd see would be in full-body bio-hazard suits. They'd keep you in there until they figured out what was wrong with you, which might be never. And they'd try extreme treatments that might kill you, since they'd assume you were about to die anyway. In the United States, probably the same eventually, but with more of a delay. More layers of bureaucratic approval, repeated tests, court authorization. You'd have time, probably at least a few weeks. And if that happens, you get in touch with us and we help you escape."

A little voice in the back of his head pointed out that maybe they'd be right to lock him up. Maybe he should be quarantined for the rest of his life, or killed. Jesus, what a dark fucking thought that was. Where the hell did that come from? He most definitely did not want that.

Then for a while he was in shock, just stunned, unable to process any of it. After he got up he watched as Lanying laid down where he had been. He stared a moment, briefly wondering why they were scanning her too, but his mind just wouldn't process anything more. Shihan led him out and back to the rooftop helipad while the others stayed behind in the MRI room.

It wasn't until he was halfway to Xiang's hospital, in the helicopter high above the city, that his mind cleared enough to think about what this meant for his future. He might still have a future. He might as well assume he wasn't going to die any day from cancer. Quarantine. Loss of freedom. Becoming a guinea pig for dangerous experiments. It was a pretty terrifying scenario. He of course couldn't risk that. He'd have to have his own doctors, keeping anyone else from seeing what was going on inside his body, and he'd have to somehow explain that to his wife.

It felt like checkmate again; this made him dependent on them for life. For a minute he entertained paranoid thoughts that they were lying about the scans. He had never looked at the scans. Not that he would have known what he was looking at anyway. Could they have been lying? If so, they were all fantastic actors. They had looked really horrified. He'd have to assume it was true, but maybe he could find a way to safely get a second opinion. Maybe if he could get a copy of those scans he could somehow anonymously run them by someone.

Xiang greeted him at the hospital helipad, her kind eyes full of concern. If they were lying, she was a damn good actor too. She took him to a lab for some tests. They took blood and urine and did a fine needle biopsy of two of the nodules that were close to the skin, one in his thigh and the other in his back.

"I'll be in touch as soon as I get results," Xiang said. "The blood and urine work should be back in a day, but the biopsy will take at least two days. Try not to think too much about it. We're just trying to rule things out. I think you're going to be fine."

Then she led him through the halls of the hospital, introducing him to eight beautiful doctors. There was a Chinese oncologist named Liao, a Chinese radiologist named Hong, and Indian radiologist named Saanvi, a Chinese general practice doc named Sun, an Indian general practice doc named Charvi, and for some reason three pediatricians. He didn't give that much thought, assuming the pediatricians were chosen because of their beauty and their gorgeous sexy bodies. That would make sense. They were gorgeous, and there was something special about medical professionals, maybe their eyes, so wise and caring. That was even more true for the three pediatricians, two Chinese (Fenghua and Xiaoyu) and one Iranian (Soraya). Brilliant, kind, good souls, devoted to caring for others. They would all be fantastic mothers. He had also enthralled the gorgeous Chinese lab technician named Yu who took his blood, as well as two lovely Chinese nurses along the way named Lu and Xun. Xiang gave all eleven new thralls white cards and told them to get in touch about the party tonight.

Jim barely spoke through all of this. He appreciated the beauty of the women he met, felt that powerful attraction to them, that anticipation, that wonderful sexual tension. But it was like he was far away, watching himself. Dazed. Sleepwalking through it. There was so much he needed to process. He longed for comfort, safety, peace, normalcy. To just be, at home with his wife. But now he felt even farther away from her. There was now even more he'd have to figure out how to explain to her. Anyway there could be no comfort at home with his wife, certainly not anytime soon, and maybe never again. Not until he came clean, not until she somehow forgave him, if she ever could, and not until he forgave himself.

Xiang brought him back to the helipad and soon he was flying over the city again, drinking a smoothie Chao-Xing had brought him. The breathtaking views of the city brought the big picture back to his mind. The scale of what was happening to him, the efficiency and the exponential growth of the breeding machine he was part of, thoughts of what it meant for the world, and that creeping horror from the sight of the fleshy pods, grown by these women somehow, just to make them more fertile for him and so they'd know when they were knocked up.

It was still weird that he was so squeamish about the pods. They didn't do anything new, did they? They just gave an explanation for things he had already known were happening. They just did it an excessively creepy-looking pulsating way, even including spider webs for fuck's sake. Actually, come to think of it, why was the image of those pods even a secret it wanted to hide from him? Had it somehow known he'd be so squeamish? If its most important secret was only a secret in order to avoid making him feel a little grossed out, that would be pretty reassuring. Or maybe it was the opposite. Maybe there was more to the pods. What else might they do? He shuddered. Or maybe he was just being paranoid again, indulging in those thoughts of horror-movie worst case scenarios.

He sighed, giving up trying to make sense of anything for the moment. He had all those brilliant scientists working on it now. And it was all just too overwhelming. Maybe he'd die before he really understood. And then who fucking cares. What difference would it make if he died understanding it or not. He could die tomorrow, today, or ten minutes from now. They had said it looked like cancer. Terminal cancer. Cancer that had spread so much that he should be dead already.

Thoughts of looming death did to Jim what they do to anyone, making him want to seek sexual comfort and a last chance to spread his DNA before the end. Or in his case, maybe a few dozen chances. That was the only comfort he could hope for, now, the only thing that could possibly distract him from the worries swirling in his head.

They had landed on a familiar-looking rooftop. Another pilot was there to take over so Chao-Xing could come with Jim. She held his arm, leading him to the elevator. She kept watching him, her face full of concern, not realizing where his thoughts had just turned, how his dark mood had suddenly been replaced with urgent lust.

He smiled at her, then said, "I hope you're bringing me to a whole lot of pussies."

She laughed out loud, looking relieved, then nodded. "Of course, where else would I bring you?" Then she got something out of her purse and put it on her head, then turned to look at him. It was a hairband with tiger ears. Her eyes shone with predatory excitement, completing the look. "Lots of sweet little pussies, and many cuddly slutty mice too. Will you share them with me this time?"
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